1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mason Valley, Benton, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Benton County > 1940 Census of Mason Valley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsGlenn born about 1922
AdamsO Wborn about 1860
AdamsOwal born about 1919
AldrichBilly born about 1934
AldrichGertrude born about 1909
AldrichHarriet born about 1930
AldrichW Wborn about 1907
ApplingDora born about 1897
ApplingEarnest born about 1923
ApplingEverett born about 1923
ApplingGeorgia born about 1926
ApplingJosie Macborn about 1928
ApplingLem born about 1867
ApplingLemuel Jr born about 1920
ArmstrongBertha born about 1894
ArmstrongEugene born about 1925
ArmstrongHenry born about 1873
ArmstrongRobert born about 1934
ArmstrongSandra born about 1938
ArmstrongThomas born about 1930
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1922
ArmstrongWillie born about 1890

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B Surnames

BaggettAmanda born about 1878
BaggettEphriam born about 1872
BaggettGeneva born about 1929
BakerCecil born about 1921
BakerMary born about 1880
BakerWill Cborn about 1877
BatesAnna born about 1931
BatesBerry Sborn about 1897
BatesTennie born about 1900
BatesWanda born about 1933
BatesWilton born about 1927
BeamanMaude Aborn about 1867
BeamanSterling born about 1898
BennettAnna Jborn about 1907
BennettDalph born about 1870
BennettEmma born about 1869
BennettEunice born about 1901
BennettFrank born about 1891
BennettFred born about 1865
BennettHarold born about 1901
BennettJesse born about 1867
BennettLafe Eborn about 1918
BennettNoel Dborn about 1903
BennettSarah born about 1893
BoltonEarl born about 1922
BoltonJ Royborn about 1895
BoltonOrd born about 1897
BoothBobby born about 1929
BoothC Aborn about 1893
BoothCleo born about 1926
BoothJuanita born about 1924
BoothLeo born about 1926
BoothPearl born about 1896
BoydstonEverett born about 1920
BoydstonK Bborn about 1891
BoydstonMinnie born about 1891
BrandonCharles born about 1923
BrandonClint born about 1904
BrandonClyde born about 1927
BrandonHazel born about 1927
BrandonJames born about 1915
BrandonLeonard born about 1936
BrandonLessie born about 1905
BrandonMarcelle born about 1924
BrandonMary born about 1931
BrandonMyrtle born about 1893
BrandonNoel born about 1924
BrandonPaul born about 1933
BrandonRichard born about 1918
BrandonW Jborn about 1892
BranumEleanor born about 1911
BranumGracie born about 1931
BranumRoy Rborn about 1910
BrownEdna born about 1886
BrownFlava born about 1897
BrownFred Eborn about 1883
BrownHugh born about 1923
BrownJames born about 1873
BrownLemma born about 1919
BrownLouise born about 1920
BrownMac born about 1898
BrownMaud Aborn about 1893
BrownMaxine born about 1922
BrownMrs R Nborn about 1864
BrownTelia born about 1884
BurginEdna born about 1911
BurginJess Wborn about 1884
BurginLila born about 1887
BurginZona born about 1881
BurresBertha born about 1894
ByersClara Joborn about 1927
ByersEsta born about 1906
ByersGlen born about 1932
ByersJo Jborn about 1929
ByersOlen born about 1897
ByersPaul born about 1939
ByersPowell born about 1934
ByersVeva Annborn about 1936

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C Surnames

CallisPearl born about 1906
CallisTroy born about 1904
CampbellA Cborn about 1874
CherryBonnie born about 1925
CherryCharles born about 1919
CherryDean born about 1932
CherryElla born about 1922
CherryMac born about 1891
CherryNorman Eborn about 1881
CherryNorman Jr born about 1927
ClarkEthel born about 1865
ClarkEugene born about 1925
ClaypoolL Sborn about 1878
ClaypoolLizzie born about 1881
ClintonMaurice born about 1880
ClintonNettie born about 1879
CoffeltAnna born about 1911
CoffeltBilly Louiseborn about 1932
CoffeltCora Joborn about 1921
CoffeltEarlma born about 1912
CoffeltGertrude born about 1899
CoffeltHugh born about 1905
CoffeltHugh Jr born about 1932
CoffeltJoan born about 1935
CoffeltJulian Bborn about 1891
CoffeltLouis born about 1930
CoffeltMarvin born about 1934
CoffeltMelvin born about 1909
CoffeltNancy Joborn about 1934
CoffeltNorma born about 1897
CoffeltRebrcca born about 1934
CoffeltRobert born about 1920
CoffeltSallie born about 1868
CoffeltWalter born about 1894
CoffeltWalter B Jrborn about 1938
CoffeltWillard born about 1918
CoffeltWilliam Leeborn about 1939
CombsGeorgeann born about 1883
CombsW Clayborn about 1873
CookA Jborn about 1873
CoonfieldAlice born about 1939
CoonfieldFlorence born about 1919
CoonfieldPerry born about 1937
CoonfieldWayne born about 1915
CrewsMary born about 1862
CrewsThomas Bborn about 1851
CrewsWayman born about 1888
CroneBeorge born about 1915
CronePauline born about 1919
CummingsArvin born about 1936
CummingsBertie born about 1895
CummingsDonald born about 1929
CummingsGeorgia born about 1924
CummingsMerle born about 1927
CummingsRobert born about 1931
CummingsSylvia born about 1903

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D Surnames

DalrympleArchie born about 1909
DalrympleJake born about 1900
DalrympleLizzie born about 1901
DalrympleRosa born about 1903
DalrympleRosa Leeborn about 1936
DalrympleVerl born about 1928
DenverHerbert born about 1901
DenverLucille born about 1906
DeweiseSusanna born about 1894
DeweiseWilliam born about 1890
DowneyThomas Bborn about 1874
DuncanArlene born about 1927
DuncanLily born about 1901
DuncanTruman born about 1932
DuncanWalter born about 1883

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E Surnames

EdwardsWallace born about 1917
EllisLiza born about 1851
ElzeyCharles born about 1939
ElzeyJimmie born about 1933
ElzeyRoy born about 1908
ElzeyRoy Jr born about 1930
ElzeyRuth born about 1911
EppersonAnna born about 1908
EppersonL Rborn about 1912
EppersonLeverett Jr born about 1935
EppersonMary Eborn about 1938
EppersonSue born about 1933
EvansBeulah born about 1936
EvansBilly born about 1939
EvansCarl born about 1915
EvansCynthia born about 1922
EvansEtta born about 1896
EvansFranklin born about 1919
EvansG Wborn about 1862
EvansGeorge born about 1933
EvansGeorgia born about 1918
EvansIsabel born about 1862
EvansJessie born about 1893
EvansJohn born about 1882
EvansLee born about 1889
EvansLyle born about 1917
EvansMax born about 1926
EvansReuben born about 1922
EvansRichard born about 1928
EvansRoy born about 1892
EvansW Mborn about 1894
EvansWilliam born about 1939

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F Surnames

FranksBuddy born about 1925
FranksEdith born about 1923
FranksGene born about 1906
FranksH Lborn about 1896
FranksHelen born about 1934
FranksJackie born about 1926
FranksJoe born about 1930
FranksMartin born about 1933
FranksMary born about 1906
FranksShirley born about 1936
FranksSusie born about 1905
FrookHelen born about 1923
FrookHershel born about 1920
FrookJ Eborn about 1891
FrookJessie born about 1894

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G Surnames

GearhartAlice born about 1872
GearhartGeorge born about 1868
GholsonAda born about 1908
GholsonBetty Jeanborn about 1927
GholsonCharles Leeborn about 1937
GholsonErnest born about 1904
GholsonHelen born about 1925
GholsonJessie born about 1880
GholsonJohn Lborn about 1875
GholsonLaura born about 1875
GholsonWilliam born about 1877
GriggAnna born about 1885
GriggEffie born about 1907
GriggEstella born about 1917
GriggJonnie born about 1938
GriggLonnie born about 1909
GriggPaul born about 1924
GriggThomas born about 1886

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H Surnames

HalleyC Sborn about 1886
HalleyFaye born about 1922
HalleyLulu born about 1895
HalleyMay born about 1927
HalleyMerle born about 1925
HalleyPearl born about 1925
HansonMrs Georgia born about 1885
HarrisAnna born about 1879
HarrisDorcas born about 1854
HarrisJohn Dborn about 1879
HartArthur Lborn about 1898
HartDella Maeborn about 1920
HartLillian born about 1935
HartMiriam born about 1925
HartPearl born about 1898
HartrickDana Dborn about 1894
HartrickJohn born about 1940
HartrickRasalka born about 1904
HaskellAloha born about 1933
HaskellBeulah born about 1911
HaskellDarloyn born about 1936
HaskellDeluryn born about 1935
HaskellVeleda born about 1932
HaskellWilliam born about 1906
HaskellWilliam born about 1929
HathawayLaura born about 1871
HayworthJohn born about 1888
HayworthStella born about 1885
HedrickAlma born about 1902
HedrickGrace Lborn about 1927
HellyerCecil born about 1939
HellyerEsther born about 1934
HellyerFaye born about 1933
HellyerHelen born about 1920
HellyerMelvin born about 1911
HendersonDee born about 1922
HendersonEolin born about 1872
HendersonHoward born about 1909
HendersonLavon born about 1910
HendricksonEdward born about 1922
HendricksonEthel born about 1918
HendricksonGrant born about 1924
HendricksonJames born about 1920
HendricksonLena born about 1885
HendricksonPaul born about 1926
HendricksonW Hborn about 1879
HollandDorothy born about 1922
HollandHershel born about 1914
HoodDonald born about 1926
HoodElvin born about 1937
HoodEvelyn born about 1928
HoodGerald born about 1934
HoodHugh Cborn about 1897
HoodStella born about 1902
HopkinsAustin born about 1928
HopkinsCharles born about 1936
HopkinsFlorence born about 1926
HopkinsGene born about 1934
HopkinsGwendolyn born about 1924
HopkinsJ Dborn about 1898
HopkinsJoff born about 1928
HopkinsJohnnie born about 1932
HopkinsJulia born about 1898
HopkinsLewis born about 1922
HopkinsMorris born about 1938
HopkinsOrville born about 1924
HopkinsRena born about 1925
HopkinsRichard born about 1933
HopkinsRose Adaborn about 1939
HopkinsViola born about 1902
HopkinsViola born about 1937
HopkinsW Mborn about 1895
HuntLeon born about 1932
HuntLeon Sborn about 1932
HutchensC Dborn about 1909
HutchensDilford born about 1912
HutchensEmma born about 1912
HutchensGlunda born about 1934
HutchensLela born about 1879

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J Surnames

JacksonBarbara born about 1935
JacksonHurley born about 1908
JacksonIva born about 1913
JansonChester Gborn about 1892
JansonHazel Deeborn about 1935
JansonIla Macborn about 1904
JansonRoyce born about 1932
JohnsonLester born about 1939
JohnsonMarcella born about 1877
JohnsonO Sborn about 1877
JohnsonPearl born about 1891
JohnsonRoy Tborn about 1891
JohnsonTell Rborn about 1918
JohnsonViolet born about 1919
JonesBertie born about 1901
JonesBessie born about 1913
JonesByron born about 1922
JonesE Jborn about 1899
JonesEdna born about 1917
JonesGuy born about 1928
JonesJohn Sborn about 1908
JonesJohn S Jrborn about 1935
JonesKenneth born about 1919
JonesMelba born about 1931
JonesOlen born about 1923
JonesOpal born about 1920
JonesPaul Aborn about 1898
JonesPaul Jr born about 1936
JonesRowena born about 1909
JonesRussell Denborn about 1939
JonesT Fborn about 1866
JonesTean born about 1878
JonesViola Fryeborn about 1938

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K Surnames

KellerBelle born about 1871
KelleyEtta born about 1893
KelleyJ Bborn about 1883
KelleyJames born about 1931
KersDavid born about 1901
KersDavid Jr born about 1927
KersEuphemia born about 1881
KersJulianna born about 1931
KersLeland born about 1928
KersOlga born about 1907
KersRichard born about 1930
KeserLeslie born about 1926
KeserMartha born about 1896
KetchumEtta born about 1870
KetchumJames Mborn about 1865
KingAlbert born about 1893
KingClifford born about 1927
KingPeggy born about 1932
KingSylvia born about 1907
KiserBurl born about 1935
KiserEdith born about 1925
KiserEverett born about 1930
KiserGarold born about 1919
KiserGlen born about 1922
KiserJohn born about 1897
KiserTilda born about 1897
KoonsMary born about 1890

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L Surnames

LearyJessie born about 1920
LearyMallsse born about 1888
LearyMinnie born about 1922
LedbetterA Eborn about 1875

M Surnames

MadduxAlice born about 1905
MadduxEverett born about 1900
MadduxJoy born about 1930
MadduxRoy born about 1934
MasonHenderson born about 1900
MasonJames Lborn about 1882
MasonJames R Jrborn about 1913
MasonMargery Annborn about 1935
MasonMarshall born about 1874
MasonOpal born about 1902
McRenzieLeta born about 1912
McRenzieMarshall born about 1908
MeredithBobby born about 1929
MeredithC Wayneborn about 1938
MeredithDavid born about 1939
MeredithDonna born about 1939
MeredithEarl born about 1927
MeredithErnest Cborn about 1895
MeredithFrances born about 1900
MeredithInes born about 1924
MeredithJohn born about 1922
MeredithLeila born about 1921
MeredithLeota born about 1921
MeredithMary born about 1920
MontgomeryJ Tborn about 1874
MorganLucretia born about 1872
MorganThomas born about 1858
MossPauline born about 1907
MossThomas born about 1936
MossThomas Jborn about 1908
MotleyCarol Janeborn about 1938
MotleyHoward born about 1912
MotleyIona born about 1906
MotleyLee Royborn about 1928
MotleyPauline born about 1911
MotleyRalph born about 1934
MotleyRay born about 1905
MotleyThelma born about 1938
MuncyDavid born about 1897
MuncyHoward born about 1927
MuncyJohn born about 1862
MuncyLeo born about 1923
MuncyMaud born about 1901
MuncyRosa born about 1873
MuncyStanley born about 1926
MuncyW Hborn about 1899
MuncyWilla Macborn about 1935
MurrayMay born about 1882
MurrayR Dborn about 1878
MyersJ Kalvinborn about 1876

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N Surnames

NealAlbert born about 1883
NealEunice born about 1893
NealHubert born about 1923
NealLetha born about 1929
NobbittFrances Leborn about 1933
NobbittLeonard born about 1901
NobbittLizzie born about 1901

O Surnames

OsbornGeorge Wborn about 1889
OsbornMyrtle born about 1892
OsbournCarl born about 1931
OsbournEdna born about 1909
OsbournElla born about 1870
OsbournJohn Bborn about 1906

P Surnames

ParkerEarl born about 1908
ParkerErma born about 1912
ParkertAngie born about 1878
ParkertT Hborn about 1875
ParrD Jborn about 1873
PattmanJason born about 1886
PaulsRaymond born about 1910
PetersAnna Mayborn about 1927
PetersBertina born about 1929
PetersDorothy born about 1908
PetersHoward born about 1925
PetersNadine born about 1938
PetersPearlina born about 1934
PetersSamuel born about 1895
PetersSamuel Jr born about 1932
PhillipsDavid born about 1931
PhillipsGeorge Wborn about 1911
PhillipsHarold born about 1935
PhillipsJo Annborn about 1933
PhillipsJohnnie born about 1938
PhillipsLillian born about 1871
PhillipsMamie born about 1912
PhillpsAda born about 1920
PhillpsBene Fborn about 1886
PhillpsCora born about 1882
PhilpottDonald born about 1931
PhilpottGilda born about 1940
PhilpottGoldie born about 1911
PhilpottJackie born about 1935
PhilpottKenneth born about 1930
PhilpottRonnie born about 1938
PhilpottW Bborn about 1908
PridemoreG Rborn about 1915
PridemoreMamie born about 1914
PuryearDavid born about 1925
PuryearHarry born about 1898
PuryearHelen born about 1922
PuryearMildred born about 1904

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R Surnames

RobinsonAlice born about 1865
RollerA Cborn about 1875
RollerVienna Eborn about 1889
RoneBetty Joborn about 1938
RoneEvelyn born about 1917
RoneMyrtle born about 1887
RoneRebecca born about 1926
RoneW Sborn about 1869
RoneWoodrow born about 1917
RothrockBethel born about 1927
RothrockDonald born about 1925
RothrockGordon Rborn about 1887
RothrockLottie born about 1910
RothrockLouise born about 1931
RothrockOlive born about 1936
RothrockRichard born about 1939
RothrockRoy born about 1929
RothrockRuby born about 1934
RothrockVera born about 1933

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S Surnames

SchreierMolly born about 1887
SchreierRoy born about 1884
ScogginsEffie born about 1860
ScogginsJoas born about 1862
ShackelfordClayton born about 1871
ShackelfordFloyd born about 1901
SimpsonFannie born about 1875
SimpsonW Dborn about 1870
SimsLula born about 1888
SimsWilliam Lborn about 1878
SingletonA Sborn about 1869
SingletonClaude born about 1908
SingletonDixie born about 1938
SingletonElda born about 1913
SingletonEvelyn born about 1924
SingletonFloyd born about 1937
SingletonGerry born about 1939
SingletonIda born about 1872
SingletonLeonard born about 1903
SingletonLindsey born about 1912
SingletonLois born about 1936
SingletonMargaret born about 1919
SingletonMyrtle born about 1898
SingletonReba born about 1940
SkilmoreAlfred Jborn about 1874
SkilmoreOpha born about 1885
SlateDora born about 1880
SlateOra Wborn about 1883
SmithDeward born about 1918
SmithLon born about 1925
SmithLucille born about 1899
SmithTheda born about 1923
SmithWilson Cborn about 1895
SmithsonDarlene born about 1936
SoardIra Leeborn about 1937
SoardMay born about 1916
SoardRose Ellaborn about 1939
SoardThomas born about 1903
SoardThomas Jr born about 1935
SoardVirginia born about 1932
SpencerHazel born about 1901
SpencerPerry Cborn about 1893
SpikerS Wborn about 1858
StaggersClara born about 1889
StaggersFrederick born about 1922
StaggersJean born about 1920
StaggersW Hborn about 1876
StantonElsie Aborn about 1869
StantonMarguerite born about 1897
StantonRoy born about 1894
StatonDora born about 1904
StatonDorothy born about 1930
StatonFlora Bborn about 1928
StatonGeorge Wborn about 1900
StatonGeorgia born about 1932
StatonJosie born about 1871
StatonVerna Macborn about 1927
StatonWilliam born about 1936
StephensonDixie born about 1904
StephensonRaymond born about 1936
StephensonW Rborn about 1901

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T Surnames

TateW Eborn about 1875
TaylorEdna born about 1929
TaylorFrances born about 1927
TaylorGracia born about 1934
TaylorMarvin born about 1940
TaylorMelvin born about 1933
TaylorRosa Leeborn about 1925
TaylorRuth born about 1901
TaylorV Lborn about 1894
TaylorVirdie Jr born about 1921
ThomasCarter born about 1922
ThomasFannie born about 1890
ThomasRex born about 1926
ThomasRobert born about 1920
ThomasRoss born about 1888
ThompsonDelor Cborn about 1879
ThompsonGilbert Eborn about 1874
ThompsonJames born about 1912
TrieeEd born about 1910
TrieeJack born about 1938
TrieeMaxion born about 1918
TrookGeorge born about 1888
TrookLeonard born about 1915
TrookReba born about 1915
TrueBernice born about 1922
TrueBeverly born about 1935
TrueC Gborn about 1908
TrueCharles born about 1938
TrueDonald born about 1933
TrueEffie born about 1882
TrueGerry born about 1939
TrueJessie Bborn about 1914
TrueJosephine born about 1916
TrueMrs T Gborn about 1877
TrueRoss born about 1878
TrwA Linkborn about 1865
TrwBertha born about 1873
TrwGlen born about 1919

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V Surnames

VaughnDorothy born about 1924
VaughnJohn born about 1921
VaughnMinnie born about 1888
VaughnOtho born about 1930
VaughnW Fborn about 1887

W Surnames

WardAubrey born about 1887
WardPearl born about 1882
WeatherlyDora born about 1872
WeatherlyF Mborn about 1870
WeatherlyThomas born about 1923
WebbAlvin born about 1938
WebbBetty born about 1931
WebbEdith born about 1912
WebbEffie born about 1898
WebbElzey born about 1904
WebbHarlan born about 1925
WebbHershel born about 1922
WebbIda born about 1917
WebbJennie born about 1872
WebbJohn born about 1906
WebbJohn Leeborn about 1936
WebbJohn Wborn about 1940
WebbKendall born about 1934
WebbLeon born about 1928
WebbNannie born about 1881
WebbVirginia born about 1938
WebbWill Hborn about 1899
WebbWilma born about 1936
WheatonBobby Juneborn about 1930
WheatonF Hborn about 1885
WheatonGrace born about 1885
WheatonJ Eborn about 1923
WheatonPauline born about 1920
WilcoxC Eborn about 1881
WilcoxCeleste Hborn about 1882
WilkinsonDaisy born about 1904
WilkinsonMargaret born about 1935
WilkinsonU Gborn about 1890
WilliamsElvira Sborn about 1857
WiseMyrtle born about 1884
WootenIda born about 1895
WootenJohn born about 1894
WootenNola Mborn about 1931
WrightDella Macborn about 1932
WrightEdna born about 1890
WrightGlen born about 1924
WrightHarry born about 1925
WrightJohn born about 1930
WrightJoseah born about 1922
WrightM Eborn about 1887
WrightMargaret born about 1928
WrightPearl born about 1893
WrightRobert born about 1886
WrightRobert Jr born about 1923
WrightVirginia born about 1935

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