1940 U.S. Federal Census of McFall, Arkansas, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Arkansas County > 1940 Census of McFall

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndresBeulah born about 1906
AndresBillie Louborn about 1932
AndresFred born about 1903
AndresRoland born about 1933
AustinJohn born about 1938
AustinJohn Wesleyborn about 1919
AustinMary born about 1920
AustinNed born about 1910
AyersMark born about 1903
AyersRalph born about 1917
AyresErnestine born about 1921
AyresEsther born about 1915
AyresGertie Mayborn about 1939
AyresIrene born about 1931
AyresLeroy born about 1939
AyresRoy born about 1901

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B Surnames

BagleyFred born about 1888
BarnettAnne born about 1881
BarnettHenry born about 1874
BlahmDemola born about 1916
BlahmIda born about 1880
BlahmLouis born about 1905
BlahmR Jborn about 1869
BlairA Hborn about 1882
BlumhorstEd born about 1887
BlumhorstEdna born about 1924
BlumhorstLillye born about 1889
BrewerCharles born about 1871
BrunkhorstJohn born about 1898
BrunkhorstLillye born about 1901
BurtonDorothy Mayborn about 1937
BurtonElla Mayborn about 1929
BurtonEmma born about 1926
BurtonEvelyn born about 1910
BurtonO Dborn about 1934
BurtonSamuel born about 1904
BurtonTyre born about 1926
ByrnesMarie born about 1890

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C Surnames

CarterCharles born about 1917
CarterR Cborn about 1920
ColonEugene born about 1884
ColonHelen born about 1922
ColonLillian born about 1926
CraigEdrodean born about 1925
CraigElza born about 1895
CraigIris born about 1920
CraigJames born about 1926
CraigMary born about 1898
CraigMary Evelynborn about 1922
CraigThomas Geraldborn about 1918
CrandallOpal born about 1918
CrandallOrson born about 1914
CrandallRegina born about 1939
CruthisHarvey born about 1935
CruthisJewel born about 1905
CruthisJohn born about 1938
CruthisJoseph born about 1932
CruthisLouisa born about 1866
CruthisLucille born about 1927
CruthisMildred born about 1939
CruthisOren born about 1904
CruthisVernon born about 1930
CruthisVirginia born about 1924

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D Surnames

DaughertyEarl born about 1912
DaughertyHazel born about 1890
DaughertyJames born about 1881
DaughertyMary Ednaborn about 1915
DelanceyCharles born about 1929
DelanceyDonna born about 1917
DelanceyJohn born about 1906
DoepelAnna born about 1898
DoepelEdwin born about 1930
DoepelFrances born about 1937
DoepelFrieda born about 1926
DoepelHenry born about 1889
DoepelHerman born about 1923
DoepelIrene born about 1932
DoepelLorene born about 1928
DoepelMartin born about 1934
DoepelWilliam born about 1922
DumondCurtis born about 1928
DumondLorene born about 1926
DumondLucille born about 1922
DumondNona born about 1905
DumondRuth Annborn about 1932
DumondWalter born about 1894

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E Surnames

EarlywineAnn born about 1917
EarlywineRoy born about 1910
EdwardsBen born about 1875
EllisAnne born about 1935
EllisFlorence born about 1928
EllisLloyd born about 1932
EllisMary born about 1930
EllisPearl born about 1895
EllisRay born about 1897
EngelkesCharles born about 1928
EngelkesErnest born about 1921
EngelkesHiram born about 1892
EngelkesLena born about 1893
EngelkesRuby Leeborn about 1926
EvansLiza Janeborn about 1908
EvansMabel born about 1939
EvansWilliam born about 1912

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F Surnames

FrendenbergFrank born about 1894
FrendenbergLulu born about 1894

G Surnames

GeorgeAmanda born about 1900
GeorgeBetty Joborn about 1934
GeorgeCharles born about 1898
GeorgeCharles Eborn about 1938
GeorgeEarl born about 1940
GeorgeFannie born about 1934
GeorgeGertrude born about 1901
GeorgeHenry born about 1893
GeorgeJoseph born about 1926
GeorgeLouis born about 1937
GeorgeMaybelle born about 1910
GeorgeW Aborn about 1887
GeorgeWilliam born about 1933
GeorgeWoodrow born about 1939
GreenBlann born about 1916
GreenCharles born about 1935
GreenChristine born about 1922
GreenHerbert born about 1915
GreenInez born about 1917
GreenWayne born about 1937
GrimmBertran born about 1919
GrimmCarl born about 1940
GrimmGeorge born about 1937
GrimmLouis born about 1936
GrimmMarie born about 1917
GrimmMarshal born about 1911
GrimmMary Francisborn about 1933
GrimmRobert born about 1938
GrimmWenonah born about 1917

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H Surnames

HaggsmanMary born about 1903
HallFrozell born about 1937
HallLena born about 1890
HallLucien born about 1908
HallLucien born about 1931
HallLucille born about 1934
HallPearl born about 1918
HallerCharles born about 1910
HallerDonald born about 1935
HallerLinda born about 1940
HallerMamie born about 1910
HallerWayne born about 1936
HandcockLouis born about 1915
HeinzelmanEula Maeborn about 1918
HeinzelmanEva born about 1936
HeinzelmanEvelyn born about 1938
HeinzelmanJohn born about 1884
HeinzelmanRay born about 1913
HenrichAlbert born about 1923
HenrichAnna born about 1892
HenrichChris born about 1887
HenrichChris born about 1932
HenrichClara born about 1917
HenrichEdgar born about 1921
HenrichErwin born about 1920
HenrichHerbert born about 1924
HenrichRobert born about 1927
HesseMinnie born about 1866
HicksAttie born about 1900
HicksDave born about 1898
HicksS Wborn about 1874
HicksWilliam born about 1931
HighsmithJoseph born about 1895
HighsmithNellie born about 1900
HighsmithOpal born about 1922
HollingerElmer born about 1921
HubbsKelly born about 1919
HubbsOdell born about 1921

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I Surnames

IceFloyd born about 1931
IceMary Louborn about 1902
IdekerA Cborn about 1881
IdekerMalinda born about 1892
IdekerMyrtle born about 1913
IdekerRuby born about 1924
IdekerShirley born about 1932

J Surnames

JacksonFlossie born about 1928
JohnsonFrankie born about 1915
JohnsonGeorge Ellaborn about 1929
JohnsonJacob born about 1909
JohnsonLucille born about 1934
JohnsonRosetta born about 1916
JohnsonSamuel born about 1912
JohnsonSue born about 1860
JohnsonThurman born about 1890
JohnsonWilliam born about 1917
JonesJames born about 1914
JonesJames born about 1939
JonesOphelia born about 1922

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K Surnames

KanadyMattie born about 1890
KathmanFritz born about 1891
KathmanOrvilla born about 1904
KeatonEmma born about 1932
KeatonGeorge born about 1929
KeatonIsabelle born about 1926
KeatonJames born about 1891
KeatonJennie born about 1899
KeatonJohn born about 1922
KeatonNorma born about 1934
KingAlfred born about 1900
KingGeneva born about 1933
KingLula born about 1914
KornbaumHenry born about 1861
KornbaumWilliam born about 1892

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L Surnames

LederAmelia born about 1863
LederEverett born about 1914
LederJ Fborn about 1861
LedesAlbert born about 1887
LedesAmelia born about 1887
LedesBernice born about 1917
LedesFrancis born about 1924
LedesHarry born about 1919
LedesHoward born about 1922
LedesJohn born about 1926
LedesJune born about 1932
LedesLester born about 1928
LeeA Hborn about 1879
LongneckerElline born about 1923
LongneckerFloyd born about 1921
LongneckerHoward born about 1938
LongneckerJohn born about 1927
LongneckerOlga born about 1901
LongneckerRay born about 1925
LongneckerWilliam born about 1900
LuebkemanFred born about 1887
LuebkemanImogene born about 1914
LuebkemanJames born about 1921
LuebkemanLouis born about 1913
LuebkemanNannie born about 1891
LuebkemanPauline born about 1924
LuebkemanRobert Leeborn about 1939
LuebkemanWilliam born about 1915
LuebkemannDorothy born about 1930
LuebkemannFred Cborn about 1859
LuebkemannHenry Hborn about 1898
LuebkemannMildred born about 1933

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M Surnames

MaierEldon born about 1914
MaierGladys born about 1918
MaierJohn born about 1908
MaierJohn born about 1936
MaierLeland born about 1917
MaierLizzie born about 1900
MaierMutrtie born about 1931
MaierRobert born about 1922
MaierRose born about 1920
MaierShirley born about 1939
MaierWilliam born about 1896
MarkhamAxie Annborn about 1875
MatthewLouis born about 1902
MatthewNina born about 1910
MatthewRose born about 1937
McCauleyDenzle born about 1904
McCauleyJewel born about 1903
McPhersonAudrey Nellborn about 1937
McPhersonBetty Janeborn about 1930
McPhersonC Fborn about 1905
McPhersonFloy born about 1926
McPhersonHelen born about 1916
McPhersonMary born about 1908
McPhersonW Eborn about 1902
McPhersonWilliam born about 1938
MeinsBetty Geneborn about 1926
MeinsNellie born about 1922
MeinsRaymond born about 1924
MeinsT Hborn about 1895
MeinsWilbur born about 1929
MobleEmily born about 1918
MobleHorace born about 1915
MobleVerbel born about 1936
MoritzElsie born about 1924
MoritzFlora born about 1891
MoritzHarold born about 1923
MoritzHerbert born about 1921
MoritzLucille born about 1922
MoritzVerne born about 1868
MoritzWilliam born about 1889
MullinFlora Leeborn about 1921

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O Surnames

OltmanA Eborn about 1896
OltmanAdolph born about 1924
OltmanCharles born about 1932
OltmanEdward born about 1930
OltmanMarie born about 1902
OltmanWilliam born about 1927
OwenFannie born about 1876

P Surnames

PackabushCaroline born about 1860
PackabushCharles born about 1882
PoorRobert born about 1921
PriceJeff born about 1917
PriceMattie born about 1921
PricePearl born about 1939
ProprAnne born about 1922
ProprEthel born about 1920
PruittAnne born about 1912
PruittJennings born about 1909

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R Surnames

RabeneckLouis born about 1888
RabeneckMary born about 1891
RabeneckRay born about 1929
ReinhartAlois born about 1903
ReinhartJames born about 1935
ReinhartLenora born about 1863
ReinhartMary Janeborn about 1938
RobeneckDonald born about 1933
RobeneckE Hborn about 1899
RobeneckGlenn born about 1925
RobeneckLucille born about 1903
RobeneckRalph born about 1927
RobeneckRuth born about 1924
RobeneckWanda born about 1936
RobinsonElva Maeborn about 1937
RobinsonGuy Wborn about 1891
RobinsonNorma born about 1908
RobinsonVeta Yvonneborn about 1940
RobnettAlva born about 1919
RobnettBluford born about 1889
RobnettCharles born about 1939
RobnettDolly born about 1894
RobnettGladys born about 1920
RobnettGlenn born about 1915
RobnettIrene born about 1917
RobnettRalph born about 1921
RubachEsther born about 1902
RubachH Fborn about 1893
RubackBetty Juneborn about 1933
RubackHomer born about 1938
RubackOtto born about 1902
RubackStella born about 1906
RutherfordEdward born about 1935
RutherfordJames born about 1936
RutherfordJesse born about 1913
RutherfordLillian born about 1934
RutherfordMildred born about 1915

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S Surnames

ScheidererEmil born about 1901
ScheidererJoyce born about 1907
ScheidererMatilda born about 1873
ScheutteClara born about 1918
ScheutteHanna born about 1883
ScheutteRobert born about 1914
SchmidKarl born about 1891
SchmidLila born about 1901
SchmidWilliam born about 1935
ScrogginsCharlotte born about 1926
ScrogginsClarence born about 1891
ScrogginsEsther born about 1914
ScrogginsHarold born about 1915
ScrogginsHoward born about 1919
ScrogginsJulia born about 1899
SettleMary born about 1879
SettleThomas born about 1874
ShumardEdna Marieborn about 1938
ShumardElizabeth born about 1930
ShumardEthel born about 1898
ShumardLeonard born about 1920
ShumardLloyd born about 1922
ShumardMarie born about 1921
ShumardRalph born about 1897
SimsPorter born about 1905
SpiesCharles born about 1880
SpiesMary born about 1878
StahleyJess born about 1886
StahleyMary born about 1872
StahleyWilliam born about 1929
StovesandClarence born about 1920
StovesandEarl born about 1925
StovesandFlorence born about 1921
StovesandHenry born about 1892
StovesandIda born about 1895
StovesandRaymond born about 1923
StromeyerHenry born about 1894
StromeyerMillie born about 1895

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T Surnames

TimmonsAda born about 1921
TimmonsEmma born about 1939
TimmonsWilson born about 1919
TredeEmily born about 1902
TredeFlorence born about 1928
TredeLaverne born about 1926
TredeNeoma born about 1923
TredeSigmund born about 1900

V Surnames

VeorsterEmanuel born about 1896
VeorsterMartha born about 1903
VeorsterPaul born about 1905

W Surnames

WalkerGrace born about 1925
WalkerHattie born about 1885
WalkerIda Maeborn about 1922
WalkerJoseph born about 1879
WalkerLevi born about 1919
WalkerMary born about 1931
WalkerMay born about 1927
WallworthCora born about 1910
WallworthJames born about 1928
WallworthJean Anneborn about 1931
WallworthJohn born about 1883
WallworthJohn Jr born about 1939
WarrenCarrie born about 1913
WarrenDavid born about 1913
WarrenRuth Mayborn about 1931
WilliamMack born about 1927
WillisDorothy born about 1915
WillisDorothy Maeborn about 1933
WillisHarlan born about 1931
WillisImogene born about 1940
WillisMildred born about 1938
WillisMorris born about 1909
WillisS Lborn about 1876

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