1940 U.S. Federal Census of Middle, Franklin, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Franklin County > 1940 Census of Middle

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AcardErick Zborn about 1921
AcardHadley Eborn about 1923
AcardHester born about 1899
AcardPaul Fborn about 1933
AcardSidney Bborn about 1896
AcardVurl Hborn about 1927
AdamsElla born about 1883
AdamsHamod Wborn about 1914
AdamsKathleen born about 1920
AdamsTavis Gborn about 1889
AlmanHerman born about 1932
AlmondAma born about 1928
AlmondArlin Jborn about 1905
AlmondMay born about 1910
AmadonIva born about 1935
AmadonJulien born about 1901
AmadonWillie born about 1902
AndrewsAlfard born about 1920
AndrewsDora born about 1894
AndrewsEugene born about 1927
AndrewsMaggie born about 1916
AndrewsShirley born about 1936
AndrewsWillie born about 1911
ArchitasAgnes born about 1902
ArchitasCecil Hborn about 1908
ArchitasJuanita Tborn about 1922
ArchitasNelda Dborn about 1930
ArchitasVelda Jborn about 1930

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B Surnames

BakerFlossie born about 1936
BandAaron Kborn about 1914
BandEdith Mborn about 1916
BandHascue Eborn about 1921
BandJoe Eborn about 1940
BandMildred Mborn about 1922
BarenAmalie born about 1905
BarenAna Mborn about 1939
BarenBillie Rborn about 1940
BarenDella born about 1906
BarenEdmond born about 1902
BarenEvalea born about 1936
BarenFredia Mborn about 1930
BarenHarley born about 1904
BarenHarold Gborn about 1928
BarenIda born about 1918
BarenJames Eborn about 1932
BarenLeon born about 1937
BarenManuel born about 1916
BarenMarie born about 1925
BarenMollie born about 1884
BarenThomas Eborn about 1878
BarenVelma born about 1932
BarenWilliam Tborn about 1920
BarhamBessie Fborn about 1904
BarhamBettie Rborn about 1935
BarhamJohn Sborn about 1901
BarhamSamuel Jborn about 1928
BarmannFred Rborn about 1896
BarmannHazel born about 1906
BarmannMary Lborn about 1934
BarnesAnna Mborn about 1924
BarnesArthur born about 1932
BarnesDorthy born about 1921
BarnesEulahn Fborn about 1934
BarnesJay Dborn about 1927
BarnesSallie born about 1891
BarnesTom born about 1887
BarnettEdna Mborn about 1924
BarnettLamanda Fborn about 1940
BarnettLuther born about 1886
BarnettNona Fborn about 1924
BarnettRuth born about 1914
BarnettTes Rborn about 1938
BarnettTom Jborn about 1886
BarnettWilliam Dborn about 1936
BarnettWillie born about 1914
BeardenAlbert Aborn about 1895
BeardenAnna Fborn about 1925
BeardenAquilla Bborn about 1885
BeardenBeatrice born about 1918
BeardenBillie Wborn about 1940
BeardenEliza born about 1895
BeardenFreeda Mborn about 1936
BeardenGarden Rborn about 1935
BeardenGene Iborn about 1927
BeardenGrady born about 1921
BeardenGraydon Kborn about 1930
BeardenJackunell born about 1930
BeardenJewell born about 1908
BeardenKenith Hborn about 1939
BeardenLorene born about 1916
BeardenLuther born about 1909
BeardenMargret born about 1937
BeardenMary born about 1867
BeardenNeoma born about 1917
BeardenNorma born about 1923
BeardenOllen born about 1922
BeardenOllen Rborn about 1914
BeardenOrvilla born about 1916
BeardenPatricia born about 1937
BeardenSilas born about 1899
BeardenVerna born about 1904
BeardenVincen born about 1931
BeardenWalter Tborn about 1905
BeardenWilma born about 1933
BeardenWilsey born about 1904
BeelChas Fborn about 1886
BeelGracie born about 1893
BeelMyrtle Mborn about 1912
BeelRaymond born about 1910
BeelShirley Dborn about 1934
BeelTroy born about 1915
BeelVelma born about 1908
BeelWilma Gborn about 1936
BlancettJewell born about 1924
BlancettLizzie born about 1893
BlancettRaymond born about 1933
BobMargret born about 1938
BondBabbie Fborn about 1931
BondBetty Jborn about 1930
BondGary born about 1936
BondHinter born about 1909
BondJohn Pborn about 1910
BondLeta Mborn about 1913
BondRobert Aborn about 1940
BondRobert Hborn about 1906
BondVincent born about 1933
BowenEarest born about 1934
BowenJerry Rborn about 1938
BowenJuanina born about 1929
BowenKatie born about 1906
BowenMelvin born about 1932
BowenWilliam Jr born about 1926
BrownInogem born about 1922
BuchamMennie Aborn about 1892
BuchamTom born about 1889
BuchananAda Bborn about 1880
BuchananBettie Sborn about 1934
BuchananCharles born about 1938
BuchananJay Dborn about 1929
BuchananJohn born about 1905
BuchananMinnie born about 1910
BuchananOrvel Tborn about 1939
BuchananWilliam Fborn about 1905
BuchananWillie born about 1914
BucknerCara born about 1898
BucknerCharley Fborn about 1887
BucknerDennar born about 1929
BucknerEra Fayeborn about 1926
BucknerFarrie born about 1919
BucknerGuy born about 1923
BucknerInez born about 1914
BucknerMary Eborn about 1931
BurchamArthur Bborn about 1894
BurchamEvelyn born about 1864
BurchumClyde born about 1917
BurchumGrady born about 1919
BurchumJay Dborn about 1924
BurchumKate born about 1892

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C Surnames

CampbellHarvy born about 1921
CarleyIrene Oborn about 1913
CarleyIsa Eborn about 1898
CarlileBettie Mborn about 1939
CarlileDwain born about 1932
CarlileHugh born about 1908
CarlileMary Jborn about 1934
CarlileRuby born about 1911
CarlsileAnnie born about 1871
CarlsileElhart born about 1939
CarlsileFrank Vborn about 1911
CarlsileJo Aborn about 1914
CarlsileVernon Cborn about 1938
CarterBessie born about 1932
CarterChan Dborn about 1858
CarterDouglas born about 1904
CarterElla born about 1904
CarterEma Gborn about 1929
CarterFlorence born about 1935
CarterGloria born about 1938
CarterHerman born about 1925
CarterJessie born about 1902
CarterKatie born about 1927
CarterLoise born about 1923
CarterMable born about 1930
CarterMary born about 1939
CarterMildred born about 1934
CarterThomas Cborn about 1886
CarterVagenria born about 1940
CarterW Sueborn about 1932
CarterWilliam born about 1926
ChancyArvilee born about 1928
ChancyCharley Eborn about 1931
ChancyConrad Rborn about 1931
ChancyDan Jborn about 1896
ChancyDarrell Cborn about 1914
ChancyEnna born about 1911
ChancyGladys Uborn about 1905
ChancyKinsey Wborn about 1939
ChancyLoyd Mborn about 1903
ChancySelva born about 1921
ChancySharman Rborn about 1937
ChancyT Deeborn about 1925
ChildersBittie Rborn about 1938
ChildersElizabeth born about 1909
ChildersGeneva Jborn about 1934
ChildersHaren Jborn about 1908
ChildersJames born about 1928
ChildersJohn Jr born about 1937
ChildersReha born about 1939
ChildersRuby Jborn about 1908
ChildersSam Eborn about 1909
ComerEdward Aborn about 1915
ComerJaice Bborn about 1920
ConleyAlbert Eborn about 1880
ConleyEnna born about 1883
ConleyGranvel Bborn about 1939
ConleyGuy Wborn about 1937
ConleyMilhern Aborn about 1911
ConleyRachel born about 1916
ConleyWarren Gborn about 1922

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D Surnames

DewettAddie born about 1874
DewettEra born about 1918
DewettLouis born about 1936
DewettSam Tborn about 1914
DewettSamuel born about 1875
DicksHeartsill born about 1929
DicksLena born about 1924
DicksLendel born about 1924
DicksManuel born about 1926
DicksPearle born about 1901
DicksRuth born about 1933
DicksSim born about 1873
DicksThula born about 1896
DicksTonnie Pborn about 1903
DoddPearlee born about 1866
DryensBlandine born about 1903
DryensFrank Wborn about 1895
DryensJerry born about 1928
DryensLouise born about 1922
DryensWillma Fborn about 1926

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F Surnames

FarhushBill Pborn about 1885
FarhushEva born about 1897
FarhushGladys born about 1922
FarhushJean born about 1933
FarhushWillie born about 1938
FaubleFannie Mborn about 1881
FaubleMerdith born about 1899
FielderFaine born about 1938
FielderHazel born about 1918
FielderJesse Oborn about 1911
FloydLenard born about 1923
FranklinEarly born about 1925
FranklinEugene born about 1936
FranklinFern born about 1910
FranklinGay Vborn about 1927
FranklinGussie Eborn about 1893
FranklinMatie born about 1933
FranklinO Cborn about 1914
FranklinOwen Wborn about 1918
FranklinReba Jborn about 1938
FranklinViolet Gborn about 1923
FranklinWayne born about 1930
FranklinWilliam born about 1912
FranklinWilliam Hborn about 1885

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G Surnames

GageDale born about 1916
GageFlorence born about 1893
GageGarner Cborn about 1892
GageHester born about 1938
GageTravis born about 1924
GalterBettie Eborn about 1856
GatesCarol Jborn about 1937
GatesClaudia Eborn about 1914
GatesCora born about 1918
GatesDennie Wborn about 1935
GatesElmer Fborn about 1895
GatesIrene born about 1923
GatesJames Dborn about 1885
GatesLevena born about 1923
GatesLucy born about 1919
GatesMary born about 1897
GatesOpal born about 1914
GatesRaymond born about 1914
GatesSidney Cborn about 1912
GilbreathAmur born about 1911
GilbreathBessie born about 1898
GilbreathBonnie born about 1907
GilbreathCathrine born about 1928
GilbreathClarence born about 1903
GilbreathEffie born about 1926
GilbreathEmit Fborn about 1906
GilbreathHenry born about 1905
GilbreathImogene born about 1925
GilbreathJay Wborn about 1924
GilbreathJohn Mborn about 1877
GilbreathJohn Wborn about 1897
GilbreathKenneth born about 1930
GilbreathLizzie born about 1877
GilbreathLorene born about 1924
GilbreathMontie born about 1911
GilbreathNora born about 1880
GilbreathOthel born about 1930
GilbreathPerry Pborn about 1873
GilbreathVelm Mborn about 1929
GilbreathVelma Mborn about 1907
GilbreathWard born about 1934
GilbreathWynn born about 1934
GilbrethAgnes born about 1878
GilbrethAgnes Jr born about 1921
GilbrethBellie Gborn about 1936
GilbrethCharles Eborn about 1935
GilbrethEdith born about 1904
GilbrethHarold born about 1926
GilbrethHazel born about 1912
GilbrethHeartsill born about 1924
GilbrethHoyt born about 1909
GilbrethLee Juniorborn about 1939
GilbrethLemka born about 1909
GilbrethMelvin Aborn about 1901
GilbrethMildred born about 1912
GilbrethPearl born about 1893
GilbrethRay born about 1903
GilbrethRoy Bborn about 1901
GilbrethTomie born about 1934
GilbrethVean Cborn about 1875
GilbrethWilliam Lborn about 1902
GilbrethWilliam Rborn about 1927
GoodinDink born about 1893

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H Surnames

HallBarber Aborn about 1939
HallElijh Dborn about 1877
HallEmma born about 1882
HallMary Cborn about 1920
HamblinBennie born about 1933
HamblinBessie born about 1904
HamblinBillie Jborn about 1928
HamblinDallas born about 1906
HamblinFannie Bborn about 1880
HamblinJoe Aborn about 1936
HamblinLester Jborn about 1908
HamblinM Opalborn about 1912
HamblinMargret born about 1930
HamblinPhillis born about 1939
HamblinWilliam born about 1875
HarneClemie Eborn about 1903
HarneHarold Dborn about 1938
HarneHoyt Mborn about 1936
HarneMearl Aborn about 1917
HarrisAlice Mborn about 1916
HarrisAlmeda born about 1882
HarrisAnnie Sborn about 1932
HarrisBascom Lborn about 1917
HarrisC Jborn about 1921
HarrisCalvin Eborn about 1930
HarrisDale born about 1923
HarrisEdward Bborn about 1884
HarrisEula Gborn about 1889
HarrisHarrlie born about 1931
HarrisHattie born about 1888
HarrisIdus Tborn about 1891
HarrisIna Joeborn about 1929
HarrisJean Eborn about 1888
HarrisJohn Jr born about 1915
HarrisLinn Aborn about 1901
HarrisLouisa born about 1924
HarrisLouise born about 1927
HarrisMallie born about 1914
HarrisMarie born about 1923
HarrisOma born about 1911
HarrisPhyllis Gborn about 1940
HarrisRuby born about 1918
HarrisTommie Cborn about 1891
HarrisVan born about 1929
HarrisVina Mborn about 1888
HarrisWallace Eborn about 1889
HarrisWillie Rayborn about 1926
HayesBeaver Tborn about 1892
HayesBilly Sborn about 1929
HayesSarrah born about 1897
HayesWynn Rborn about 1931
HaysDonald born about 1938
HaysEdmund born about 1914
HaysVivian born about 1914
HollodayBertha born about 1886
HollodayHerbert Wborn about 1922
HollodayJohn Dborn about 1885
HollodayVivian born about 1919
HurstLouie born about 1896
HutchisonLizzie born about 1876

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I Surnames

InmanAda Cborn about 1880
InmanConnie born about 1908
InmanElijh Fborn about 1918
InmanGlendon born about 1928
InmanHarold Tborn about 1931
InmanJimmie born about 1926
InmanJohn Wborn about 1876
InmanJohn Jr born about 1916
InmanLoyd born about 1902
InmanMary Eborn about 1921
InmanVallie born about 1907
InmanVerna Pborn about 1920
InmanWilliam Hborn about 1878

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K Surnames

KeithBillie Jborn about 1933
KeithCleo born about 1923
KeithDaisy born about 1914
KeithFay Cborn about 1919
KeithJimmie born about 1931
KeithJohn Cborn about 1920
KeithLena born about 1891
KeithMary Gborn about 1907
KeithRaymond born about 1900
KeithTom born about 1888
KeithWard born about 1926
KeithWayne born about 1936
KeithWilliam born about 1927
KewBena Mborn about 1909
KewEliza Eborn about 1866
KewJames Mborn about 1862
KewKendall Williamborn about 1903
KickDona born about 1873
KickWilliam Jborn about 1876
KirkpatrickBillie Wborn about 1937
KirkpatrickLouise born about 1920
KizziarBarbara Kborn about 1939
KizziarFleeta born about 1915
KizziarHarley born about 1912
KockErnest Eborn about 1916
KockJames Eborn about 1937
KockJinnie Tborn about 1938
KockVera born about 1918
KockW Joyborn about 1939

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L Surnames

LauBillie Dborn about 1939
LauJohn Oborn about 1917
LauVeria Aborn about 1920
LawJohn Fborn about 1877
LawLaura Eborn about 1878
LawOlen born about 1905

M Surnames

MannAllena born about 1882
MannSilvester Hborn about 1878
MannVerdun born about 1918
MatenJames Tborn about 1930
MatenJim born about 1906
MatenLua Jborn about 1936
MatenMary Aborn about 1927
MatenSarrah Eborn about 1908
MatenViginia Rborn about 1933
MattinJohn Mborn about 1874
MaxwellArthur Tborn about 1932
MaxwellBertha Mborn about 1902
MaxwellHarkel Rborn about 1925
MaxwellHarley Wborn about 1930
MaxwellJames Eborn about 1937
MaxwellMary born about 1871
MaxwellMary Fborn about 1935
MaxwellRobert Tborn about 1893
MaxwellTennie Oborn about 1926
MaxwellWiley Aborn about 1881
MaxwellWilliam Dborn about 1932
McClainAudrey born about 1922
McClainJackie Lborn about 1939
McClainJackson Lborn about 1918
McElhaneyArgust Fborn about 1938
McElhaneyBillie Mborn about 1939
McElhaneyChester born about 1904
McElhaneyConard born about 1934
McElhaneyEaleard born about 1927
McElhaneyEnna born about 1898
McElhaneyErma Jborn about 1920
McElhaneyEverett Aborn about 1912
McElhaneyIlatune born about 1926
McElhaneyImogene born about 1928
McElhaneyLouise Lborn about 1935
McElhaneyMargret Aborn about 1938
McElhaneyOlliver born about 1894
McElhaneyOlliver Jr born about 1932
McElhaneyOttie born about 1909
McElhaneyRudene born about 1922
McElhaneyValeta born about 1930
McElroyCarrie born about 1910
McElroyJames Bborn about 1938
McElroyMatha Eborn about 1939
McElroyRussel born about 1917
McGeeRudolph born about 1923
McKinneyJesse Eborn about 1907
McKinneyLeta Mborn about 1929
McKinneyLula Hborn about 1870
McKinneyShirley Sborn about 1937
McKinneySussie born about 1911
McKinneyWanda Fborn about 1933
McLhaneyAnnie born about 1884
McLhaneyLouis Mborn about 1879
McLhaneyLuther born about 1929
McLhaneyMartha born about 1867
MillerLaura Lborn about 1888
MillerRobert Eborn about 1885
MingClarence born about 1937
MingClifford born about 1927
MingEvelyn born about 1934
MingFlora Mborn about 1900
MingGarland born about 1923
MingPatsy Gborn about 1939
MingVirgle born about 1897
MingVirgle Jr born about 1931

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N Surnames

NesseGeorge Wborn about 1907
NesseOma born about 1908
NicholsDelbert born about 1911
NicholsEverett Jborn about 1938
NicholsHarold Sborn about 1931
NicholsHerman Kborn about 1933
NicholsIma born about 1913
NicholsNorman Wborn about 1935

O Surnames

OnealBendale born about 1923
OnealBillie Gborn about 1939
OnealEvelyn born about 1928
OnealFlodia born about 1897
OnealGenina born about 1926
OnealGeorgia born about 1896
OnealIvan Wborn about 1919
OnealLillian Rborn about 1920
OnealLuie Aborn about 1913
OnealMable born about 1917
OnealReba Mborn about 1922
OnealWilliam Aborn about 1920
OnealWilliam Hborn about 1886
OstendorfBettie born about 1879
OstendorfJoe born about 1882

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P Surnames

PamplinAlfard Jborn about 1929
PamplinNorma Jborn about 1935
PamplinOrska born about 1906
PamplinTamm Tborn about 1931
PamplinThelma Tborn about 1911
PippinArvel born about 1908
PippinArvelee born about 1938
PippinCleo born about 1917
PippinEddie Wborn about 1871
PippinGlenda Sborn about 1932
PippinGoldie born about 1902
PippinHarley born about 1900
PippinHarold Gborn about 1925
PippinKenneth born about 1936
PippinPatsy Tborn about 1934
PippinSarrah Jborn about 1875
PriceTom Tborn about 1867

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R Surnames

RaikArtie Bborn about 1923
RaikClifton born about 1928
RaikDona born about 1896
RaikHarold Fborn about 1919
RaikJunior S Cborn about 1925
RaikLavande born about 1935
RaikSteve Cborn about 1893
RathLecida born about 1857
ReedCarrol born about 1940
ReedFannie born about 1938
ReedMary Jborn about 1919
ReedVirgle born about 1919
RichBrown Tborn about 1893
RichEdna born about 1926
RichJames Fborn about 1884
RichLeah Tborn about 1894
RichTaka Jborn about 1902
RichTeata born about 1924
RichisonLeon born about 1916
RichisonLilian born about 1918
RichisonLouis born about 1939
RickBittie Lborn about 1929
RickBoyd born about 1899
RickHallie born about 1938
RickMagie born about 1900
RodfordAlhyt Tborn about 1935
RodfordDortha Mborn about 1933
RodfordMildred Lborn about 1937
RodfordNora born about 1913
RuchisonLouis Hborn about 1885
RuchisonViola born about 1876

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S Surnames

SchultzWilliam born about 1888
SeaverAudie Eborn about 1931
SeaverBettie Sborn about 1927
SeaverBillie Fborn about 1940
SeaverCristine born about 1922
SeaverNardine born about 1927
SeaverNina Fborn about 1921
SeaverSam Eborn about 1898
SeaverSam Jr born about 1925
SeaverVelma born about 1901
SheltonJames Aborn about 1907
SheltonLillian Dborn about 1913
SheltonRuby Nborn about 1932
SheltonWitha Jborn about 1935
SmithDoll born about 1937
SmithFloyd born about 1900
SmithGinn born about 1921
SmithVelma born about 1912
StaatzBill Wborn about 1880
SurrellJhon Hborn about 1856
SwaffardDaniel Wborn about 1866
SwaffardMenervy born about 1873

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T Surnames

TalbertAmanda born about 1876
TalbertBillie Fborn about 1930
TalbertChris Cborn about 1882
TalbertEulie born about 1938
TalbertJames Hborn about 1869
TalbertLorene born about 1924
TalbertMaudine born about 1927
TalbertNina Jborn about 1936
TalbertRuth born about 1902
TalbertSherman Aborn about 1911
TalbertVera born about 1918
TerryAllena born about 1936
TerryEdgar Lborn about 1913
TerryJackie born about 1935
TerryJay Cborn about 1938
TerryLilian born about 1913
TerryMallie born about 1916
TerrySue born about 1872
TowAutry Hborn about 1903
TowMarilyn Bborn about 1938
TowWilroy Dborn about 1907
TrippChris Cborn about 1867
TrippElsie Eborn about 1875

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V Surnames

VestAlva born about 1896
VestGeorge Wborn about 1889
VestGeorgie Mborn about 1932
VestRichard Aborn about 1919
VestWard Lborn about 1923

W Surnames

WaldenArkell born about 1922
WaldenCora born about 1910
WaldenCurtis Dborn about 1909
WaldenEarl Cborn about 1916
WaldenElija Sborn about 1920
WaldenElvia Rborn about 1936
WaldenInez Aborn about 1918
WaldenLarry born about 1936
WaldenLouise born about 1930
WaldenWilburn Wborn about 1939
WalkFate born about 1914
WalkFrank Wborn about 1912
WalkTonnie Sborn about 1939
WalkerAnnie born about 1889
WalkerBert born about 1914
WalkerCharlie born about 1935
WalkerElvin born about 1888
WalkerElvin Jr born about 1925
WalkerErfie born about 1925
WalkerEthel Mborn about 1894
WalkerEugene born about 1918
WalkerFair born about 1922
WalkerHarry Mborn about 1894
WalkerHilda born about 1916
WalkerJanice born about 1937
WalkerPatsy born about 1939
WalkerPauline born about 1920
WalkerShirley born about 1935
WallsEula born about 1938
WallsFarrie born about 1921
WallsPaul Cborn about 1918
WallsVanita born about 1940
WatsonMinnie Eborn about 1894
WatsonPayton born about 1898
WatsonTaren born about 1921
WestVelm Gborn about 1927
WilliamsAmos Rborn about 1894
WilliamsAndrew Lborn about 1880
WilliamsCarl born about 1927
WilliamsChristine born about 1924
WilliamsIda born about 1896
WilliamsLee Jeanborn about 1920
WilliamsLenard Aborn about 1916
WilliamsLulah born about 1922
WilliamsLuther Dborn about 1920
WilliamsRussell Aborn about 1919
WilliamsSarrah Nborn about 1886
WillinghamRay born about 1921
WisdomCliffton born about 1934
WisdomDorris born about 1936
WisdomErma Gborn about 1922
WisdomHugo Hborn about 1893
WisdomKarman Hborn about 1925
WisdomLuetta born about 1898
WisdomVelma born about 1931
WouldenEugene born about 1923
WouldenFlora born about 1889
WouldenJim Eborn about 1882
WouldenKenneth Wborn about 1935
WouldenWanda Fborn about 1930
WouldenWilliam Tborn about 1926

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