1940 U.S. Federal Census of Morris, Arkansas, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Arkansas County > 1940 Census of Morris

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbelAmelia born about 1902
AbelDolores born about 1931
AbelDorothy Mborn about 1926
AbelEdward Wborn about 1897
AbelLaura born about 1928
AbelNorma born about 1929
AbelWilliam born about 1899
AdcocksIda born about 1895
AdcocksR Cborn about 1925
AdcocksTom born about 1892
AdcoxBetty Janeborn about 1937
AdcoxFred Lborn about 1939
AdcoxMalvel born about 1912
AdcoxSusan born about 1915
AllenBernestean born about 1912
AllenEssie Jborn about 1933
AllenGeathoner born about 1939
AllenGeneva born about 1928
AllenHazel born about 1905
AllenSam born about 1911
AllenSherman born about 1902
ArmstrongHarry born about 1906
ArmstrongHazel born about 1908
ArmstrongJ Normanborn about 1930
ArmstrongJohn Lborn about 1870
ArmstrongMinnie born about 1871
ArmstrongYvonne Vborn about 1935
ArnettClara born about 1916
ArnettDelbert born about 1896
ArnettDoris born about 1937
ArnettHelen born about 1933
ArnettRussell born about 1932
AskewSarah born about 1887
AskewStephen born about 1870
AyersCharles born about 1935
AyersClarence born about 1899
AyersClarence Jr born about 1931
AyersMae born about 1910

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B Surnames

BarnesAlva Daleborn about 1938
BarnesMancel born about 1916
BarnesVelma born about 1920
BarnettMadison born about 1888
BattletaArchie born about 1924
BattletaRosalie born about 1912
BeckerArthur Hborn about 1905
BeckerFred born about 1880
BeckerHarvey born about 1909
BeckerIda born about 1876
BeckerJohn born about 1877
BeckerThelma Oborn about 1902
BeckerVida Iborn about 1880
BemroseJames born about 1900
BemrosePatricia F*born about 1939
BemroseViolet born about 1917
BergBernard Jborn about 1871
BergBernard Jborn about 1912
BergCaroline born about 1873
BergJohnna born about 1897
BergThelma born about 1917
BiggsJames Wborn about 1923
BiggsJewel born about 1926
BiggsLenzie born about 1894
BiggsNora Leeborn about 1907
BlackJames born about 1872
BohannerAnnie born about 1878
BohannerCharles born about 1878
BoydBetty Loisborn about 1930
Brewer??? born about 1905
BrewerEarl born about 1926
BrewerMiles born about 1910
BrewerNellie Ma Eborn about 1923
BriertonBerti born about 1892
BriertonBlossom born about 1883
BriertonJoseph Eborn about 1875
BullockBenny born about 1895
BullockBenny Fborn about 1938
BullockBilly born about 1923
BullockEldean born about 1936
BullockVergie born about 1915
BurksEugene born about 1936
BurksJ Wborn about 1933
BurtonFlorence born about 1928
BurtonG Jborn about 1930
BurtonWillie Maeborn about 1927

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C Surnames

CalahanKress born about 1894
CampGarland born about 1904
CarlinJohn Wesleyborn about 1936
CarlinMamie Eborn about 1911
CarlinMary Helenborn about 1930
CarlinPerry Deanborn about 1938
CarlinWilliam Nborn about 1901
CarterJohn born about 1891
CashLarry born about 1937
CashSarilda born about 1904
CashThomas born about 1935
ChambersIra born about 1892
ChambersJohn Davidborn about 1919
ChambersMary Aborn about 1892
ChambersMaxie Leeborn about 1922
ClemonsBurnell born about 1926
ClemonsDora born about 1895
ClemonsErmadell born about 1923
ClemonsGrace Nborn about 1887
ClemonsHubert born about 1921
ClouseAlbert born about 1870
ClowAda born about 1887
ClowGail Fborn about 1937
ClowHazel born about 1916
ClowJohn Wborn about 1938
ClowPearl born about 1887
ClowWayne born about 1911
CoffieldCharles born about 1939
CoffieldInez born about 1917
CoffieldRobert born about 1896
CohrtClara born about 1900
CohrtClaus Jr born about 1925
CohrtLaura born about 1905
CohrtMargaret born about 1931
CombsDene born about 1883
CoxBeatrice born about 1926
CoxCharles born about 1906
CoxCharles born about 1930
CoxCharles Eborn about 1884
CoxEdward Gborn about 1935
CoxIda Maeborn about 1906
CoxMaude born about 1889
CoxRena Maeborn about 1928
CrawfordCharles born about 1921
CrawfordJ Harryborn about 1897
CrawfordLois born about 1898
CrinerEveline born about 1933
CrinerJoe born about 1870
CrinerJoseph Carolborn about 1929
CrinerLester Eugeneborn about 1939
CrinerLillie Ma Eborn about 1900
CrinerNellie Vborn about 1935
CrinerTilda Maeborn about 1921
CurtisLela born about 1922
CurtisLillian born about 1892
CurtisMaurice born about 1916
CurtisMildred born about 1918
CurtisMyrtle born about 1918
CurtisOpal born about 1913
CurtisRalph Cborn about 1886
CurtisRuby born about 1926

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D Surnames

DeleoAnnie born about 1900
DeleoBetty Jeanborn about 1939
DeleoDom born about 1914
DelineAda born about 1894
DelineClarence Cborn about 1894
DelineClarence Jr born about 1921
DelineMartha Joborn about 1936
DicksonAlton born about 1921
DicksonBetty Jeanborn about 1925
DicksonCharles Lborn about 1938
DicksonEdith born about 1921
DicksonEvelyn born about 1921
DicksonLawrence born about 1915
DicksonMabel Vborn about 1891
DicksonRichard Aborn about 1939
DicksonT Hborn about 1872
DicksonThomas born about 1913
DobbinsAnna Morisborn about 1924
DobbinsClaude Alvinborn about 1927
DobbinsLeona born about 1901
DobbinsMartha Jeanborn about 1932
DobbinsMary Paulineborn about 1926
DobbinsMaudie Leonaborn about 1939
DobbinsWilliam born about 1890
DudrickHenry born about 1903

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E Surnames

EagleAlma Tborn about 1940
EagleBarbara Annborn about 1935
EagleBilly Geneborn about 1937
EagleBobbie born about 1913
EagleJames Rborn about 1940
EagleJames Wborn about 1918
EagleNina Lborn about 1923
EaglePat Henryborn about 1914
EarhartRichard born about 1915
EngelkesEthel born about 1929
EngelkesHarry born about 1890
EngelkesJaunetta born about 1927
EngelkesKenneth born about 1932
EngelkesLloyd born about 1915
EngelkesMaragret born about 1916
EngelkesMartha born about 1897
EngelkesThelma born about 1920
EngelkesWilbur born about 1926

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F Surnames

FinchJames born about 1914
FinchLee born about 1875
FinchNora born about 1887

G Surnames

GarrisonBobby born about 1932
GarrisonCharles born about 1939
GarrisonH Mborn about 1902
GarrisonHarold born about 1939
GarrisonJames born about 1930
GarrisonJewel born about 1912
GarrisonJohn Hborn about 1935
GarrisonMary Kborn about 1931
GarrisonNina Lborn about 1937
GarrisonRudolph born about 1911
GarrisonVirginia born about 1912
GibbsBud born about 1935
GibbsMary Nellborn about 1937
GibbsRuth born about 1919

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H Surnames

HallerAnnie Kborn about 1938
HallerBobby Rayborn about 1936
HallerJohn Jacobborn about 1873
HallerRaymond born about 1907
HallerRuth Lurindaborn about 1883
HallerThelma born about 1909
HallerVelma Jeanborn about 1934
HamiltonOrelia born about 1918
HamiltonPearl Marieborn about 1938
HamiltonSadie Maeborn about 1939
HamiltonTommy born about 1914
HansonWilliam Rynborn about 1922
HarperEdward Wborn about 1910
HarperMarilee born about 1933
HarperSam Eborn about 1870
HarperVera born about 1910
HarringtonAndrew born about 1912
HarringtonLeavinia born about 1935
HarringtonLorrie born about 1920
HarringtonWoodrow born about 1919
HatfieldFrances born about 1919
HayerBeulah born about 1906
HayerClaude born about 1938
HayerRonald born about 1932
HayerRussell born about 1903
HayerRussell born about 1934
HederichAmelia born about 1888
HederichCarl born about 1923
HederichFred born about 1875
HeienAlvin born about 1913
HeienThees born about 1875
HendersonAlan born about 1874
HendersonAlonzo Jborn about 1880
HendersonCora born about 1892
HendersonEdward born about 1922
HendersonEllie born about 1935
HendersonFelton born about 1920
HendersonFlora Maeborn about 1928
HendersonLucille born about 1924
HendersonLynda Rayborn about 1940
HendersonMarvin born about 1921
HendersonMary born about 1881
HendersonRuth born about 1922
HendersonSam born about 1885
HenleyJames Eborn about 1899
HenleyNellie born about 1908
HildebrandAlfred born about 1907
HildebrandClada born about 1918
HildebrandErnest born about 1917
HildebrandEsther born about 1908
HildebrandH born about 1872
HildebrandRaymond born about 1925
HildebrandWanda born about 1938
HinesL Dborn about 1921
HolmanEdward born about 1894
HolmanHerman Rborn about 1877
HolmesE Hollisborn about 1916
HolmesErnestine born about 1939
HolmesLeslie born about 1875
HolmesLucenia born about 1920
HouseAlan born about 1918
HouseBobby born about 1936
HouseEthel born about 1920
HouseMarilyn born about 1938
HowanietzMargaret born about 1930
HowenOdell born about 1939
HuntJohn Aborn about 1937
HuntMargaret born about 1905
HuntMargaret Aborn about 1927
HuntWilliam born about 1901
HuntWilliam Jr born about 1929
HuntsmanHarold born about 1915
HuntsmanHoward Yvonneborn about 1940
HuntsmanMaudie Mborn about 1916

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I Surnames

IvesBetty Janeborn about 1933
IvesHarry born about 1899
IvesNelda born about 1904
IvesPauline born about 1926

J Surnames

JensenEric born about 1899
JensenMarjorie born about 1907
JetmoreRussel born about 1935
JohnsonRay born about 1894
JonesGoldine born about 1924
JonesJames born about 1901
JonesLaura born about 1910
JonesSavannah born about 1901

K Surnames

KauffmanElmer born about 1890
KauffmanElmer born about 1928
KauffmanErnest born about 1921
KauffmanKatie born about 1891
KreimeierBertha born about 1895
KreimeierConrad born about 1888
KreimeierMarvin born about 1937
KreimeierViola born about 1918

L Surnames

LargueC Wborn about 1921
LawrenceAnna Maeborn about 1923
LawrenceGilbert Cborn about 1919
LewisAngeline born about 1861
LoganJesse born about 1902
LoganMartha Leeborn about 1928
LoganMinnie born about 1931
LoganOrelia born about 1893
LoganOscar born about 1918
LuebkeHarold Wborn about 1924
LuebkeSadie Nborn about 1898
LuebkeWilliam born about 1897
LuebkeWillie Ma Eborn about 1922

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M Surnames

MaierFrancis born about 1911
MaierHallie Maeborn about 1928
MaierRonald Leeborn about 1937
MaierSam born about 1897
ManloveLewis born about 1903
ManloveNora born about 1903
ManloveVirgie Leeborn about 1937
McCarterAlberta born about 1914
McCarterBilly born about 1936
McCarterDavid born about 1904
McCarterEassie born about 1914
McCarterElmyra born about 1927
McCarterGeorge born about 1910
McCarterLee Wesleyborn about 1928
McCarterLloyd born about 1932
McCarterMartha Jeanborn about 1939
McCarterRosalie born about 1929
McCarterWillie born about 1931
McCauleyAgnes born about 1883
McCauleyLee born about 1875
McCauleyMary Lborn about 1921
McCauleyRosie Aborn about 1879
McCauleyTheodore born about 1883
McCollumBerchie Mborn about 1928
McCollumCalvin Fborn about 1938
McCollumCharles Lborn about 1931
McCollumErnestine Lborn about 1932
McCollumGertie born about 1907
McCollumIsabel born about 1905
McCollumLester born about 1904
McCoyArnes born about 1937
McCoyHenry born about 1902
McCoyLottie Jeanborn about 1939
McCoyMary born about 1914
McCoyMary Lborn about 1936
McDanielRussell born about 1938
McDanielSally born about 1896
MilesBilly Howardborn about 1931
MilesBobby Geneborn about 1932
MilesElizabeth born about 1910
MilesHoward born about 1906
MilesJefferson Grantborn about 1865
MilesLeona born about 1874
MilesLeona Fayborn about 1934
MilesPeggy Annborn about 1937
MillerJoe Rayborn about 1931
MillerJosephine born about 1900
MillerLee Jr born about 1925
MillerLeo born about 1892
MobleyKilpatrick born about 1871
MobleyLillie Maeborn about 1876
MobleyWalter born about 1896
MurphyCharles born about 1939
MurphyDorothy born about 1930
MurphyGladys born about 1934
MurphyLois Vborn about 1936
MurphyNora born about 1911
MurphyWalter born about 1903

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N Surnames

NowlenBetty Sueborn about 1936
NowlenDora born about 1900
NowlenDora Fborn about 1932
NowlenJames born about 1893
NowlenJames born about 1926
NowlenSally Joyceborn about 1934

O Surnames

OneilSilas born about 1898

P Surnames

PowellHazel born about 1929
PowellJames Hborn about 1932
PowellRaymond born about 1925

R Surnames

RaabBeulah born about 1895
RaabCarol Sueborn about 1936
RaabIla born about 1924
RaabJohn born about 1889
RaabJohnnie born about 1918
RaabQuill born about 1921
RandolphGeorgie born about 1917
RandolphHelen Marieborn about 1937
RandolphJoyce Fernborn about 1934
RandolphMary Louiseborn about 1939
RandolphVelma Dborn about 1936
RandolphWoxie born about 1908
ReedBlanche born about 1907
ReedWilliam Cborn about 1907
RheinBertie born about 1911
RheinFreida Maeborn about 1935
RheinJoyce born about 1934
RheinLois Fayborn about 1938
RheinRalph born about 1910
RheinShirley Aborn about 1932
RhinhartHerman Rborn about 1928
RhinhartMacel born about 1932
RhinhartMargie born about 1926
RhinhartOla Fayborn about 1935
RhinhartPearl born about 1893
RhinhartRuth born about 1930
RhinhartSam born about 1887
RiceBilly Rayborn about 1938
RiceDaisey born about 1923
RiceGlayds Jeanborn about 1940
RiceMorris born about 1918
RichC Sborn about 1890
RichClarence Dborn about 1912
RichDonald Fayborn about 1932
RichDorothy born about 1928
RichMyrtle born about 1891
RichRollie born about 1915
RieveAlvira born about 1912
RieveFrancis born about 1932
RieveFred born about 1901
RieveShirley Aborn about 1938
RieveVera born about 1935
RieveVerna born about 1935
RogersBell born about 1894
RogersFred born about 1921
RogersGeorge born about 1889
RogersHoward born about 1923
RogersMelbern born about 1919
RogersNeel born about 1924
RogersWilliam born about 1936
RosencrantzFlorence born about 1883
RosencrantzGary Leeborn about 1938
RosencrantzGertrude born about 1919
RosencrantzJoe Lborn about 1879
RosencrantzJoe L Iiiborn about 1934
RosencrantzJoe L Jrborn about 1904
RosencrantzKathryn born about 1900
RosencrantzM Rborn about 1913
RosencrantzRay born about 1937
RosencrantzRonald Clarkborn about 1939
RothBarbara born about 1914
RothCharles Nborn about 1938
RothDaniel born about 1887
RothDave born about 1888
RothDorothy born about 1912
RothFlora Jeanborn about 1914
RothIsobel born about 1914
RothJames Dborn about 1933
RothJohn Davidborn about 1918
RothKathryn born about 1907
RothMarvin born about 1937
RothMary Kborn about 1923
RothNora born about 1887
RothRalph born about 1912
RothRalph Clarkborn about 1940
RothRay born about 1909
RothRussell born about 1904
RothWendall born about 1932
RothWilda born about 1895
RuffAnna born about 1867
RuffRobert born about 1868
RushDoc born about 1884

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S Surnames

SamuelBilly born about 1927
SamuelEthel born about 1908
SamuelHarvey born about 1932
SamuelJoan born about 1935
SamuelMoses born about 1909
SandersClara born about 1873
SeemanClara born about 1882
SeemanHarold born about 1902
SeemanHarold born about 1934
SeemanJanet born about 1926
SeemanMargaret born about 1927
SeemanMarion born about 1929
SeemanO Eborn about 1878
SeemanO E Jrborn about 1919
SeemanRuby born about 1906
SettleJohn born about 1905
ShannonCharlotte born about 1916
ShannonColeen born about 1926
ShannonEva born about 1906
ShannonJ Royborn about 1901
ShannonJohn Wborn about 1900
ShipleyFrank born about 1923
ShipleyLillie born about 1880
SmithClyde born about 1911
SmithEdna Cborn about 1888
SmithGeorge born about 1883
SmithJames Lborn about 1937
SmithLeslie born about 1909
SmithLois born about 1917
SmithVivian born about 1916
SpellmeyerHarley born about 1896
SpellmeyerSigrid born about 1897
StenderCharles Henryborn about 1935
StenderGeorge born about 1914
StenderPaul Georgeborn about 1937
StenderPauline born about 1915
StenderShirley Jenetborn about 1936
StewartHazel born about 1925
StewartHoward Leeborn about 1888
StewartJulia born about 1889
StiggerFoster born about 1912
StiggerJimmy born about 1935
StiggerMary Aborn about 1933
StiggerMary Dborn about 1913
StiggerNora Bellborn about 1937
StipskyFrank born about 1887
StipskyMary born about 1896
StoneCristina born about 1896
StoneLeonard born about 1919
StoneMary born about 1926
StoneRobert born about 1922
StoneRoy born about 1918
StoneWalter born about 1885
StrohGeorgia born about 1899
StrohHerbert born about 1918
StrohWebster born about 1894
SyncoBetty Rborn about 1938
SyncoClimmons born about 1905
SyncoGlen Aborn about 1937
SyncoGloria Jeanborn about 1935
SyncoHarold Bborn about 1931
SyncoJohn Cborn about 1935
SyncoKenneth Bborn about 1899
SyncoKenneth Lborn about 1934
SyncoMarie Kborn about 1906
SyncoMarilee born about 1930
SyncoPatricia born about 1928
SyncoPeggy Aborn about 1932
SyncoRobert Eborn about 1939
SyncoRose Mborn about 1930
SyncoS Cborn about 1932
SyncoViola born about 1906

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T Surnames

TeassW Hborn about 1865
ThompsonFannie Maeborn about 1918
ThompsonJ Wborn about 1910

V Surnames

VickersAnna born about 1895
VickersArch born about 1892
VickersRalph born about 1918
VoseKatie born about 1871

W Surnames

WaltonMinnie born about 1875
WaltonViola born about 1913
WaltonW Jborn about 1868
WaltonWalter born about 1901
WaltonWilliam born about 1906
WarnerEdward born about 1932
WarnerFrances born about 1935
WarnerHershel born about 1908
WarnerSusie born about 1911
WarnerViola born about 1930
WeberFannie born about 1865
WeberJake Wborn about 1859
WeberJoe born about 1902
WestropeBertie born about 1903
WestropeCharles born about 1926
WestropeCharles Dborn about 1900
WestropeHarold born about 1931
WestropeJewel born about 1927
WestropeLester born about 1924
WestropeMargaret born about 1923
WestropePauline born about 1929
WhatleyVirginia born about 1879
WhatleyW Mborn about 1870
WhiteMyrtle born about 1881
WhiteW Custerborn about 1881
WhitlingBetty born about 1922
WiesmanDelbert born about 1932
WiesmanHenry born about 1899
WiesmanJames born about 1937
WiesmanOlie born about 1916
WilliamsAlbert born about 1921
WilliamsAlice born about 1894
WilliamsFreddie Lborn about 1927
WilliamsJ Dborn about 1914
WilliamsOrie Lborn about 1927
WilliamsStella born about 1913
WilliamsWillie Mborn about 1930
WoodsAnnie born about 1879
WoodsS Hborn about 1871
WrightAlfred born about 1902
WrightBetty Leeborn about 1940
WrightEstelle born about 1921
WrightMinie born about 1904
WrightOran born about 1919
WyleyAlice born about 1881
WyleyDelancey born about 1928
WyleyOra born about 1915
WyleyViolet born about 1925
WyleyWellie Jr born about 1927
WyleyWillie born about 1904

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Y Surnames

YountAnnie Maeborn about 1909
YountCecil born about 1900
YountD Lborn about 1928

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