1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mountain Valley, Garland, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Garland County > 1940 Census of Mountain Valley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AikenClimmy born about 1902
AikenEdward born about 1924
AikenEdward Eborn about 1889
AikenHelen born about 1935
AikenPreston born about 1920
AndersonAmazan born about 1890
AndersonGeorge born about 1923
AndersonLouis born about 1937
AndersonLucile born about 1928
AndersonMary Fborn about 1939
AndersonMitchell born about 1924
AndersonNellie born about 1898
AndersonOtis born about 1926
AndersonPauline born about 1935

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B Surnames

BaileyBettie Maeborn about 1939
BaileyClaude Bborn about 1933
BaileyDaisy born about 1908
BaileyHubert born about 1927
BaileyNellie born about 1936
BaileyRiley born about 1901
BaileyRuth born about 1929
BairDelia Mborn about 1939
BairElvina born about 1913
BairHugh Sborn about 1916
BairMax born about 1939
BatnettMyrtle born about 1917
BeanElmore born about 1911
BeanFranklin Lborn about 1936
BlackBertha born about 1893
BlackDavid born about 1932
BlackElvine born about 1922
BlackFloyd born about 1915
BlackIvan Dborn about 1918
BlackJames born about 1925
BlackLeona born about 1927
BlackManual born about 1882
BlackMary Kborn about 1917
BlackMaydelle born about 1929
BlackShirley Aborn about 1936
BledsoeJames Cborn about 1881
BlockerAlton born about 1939
BlockerAlvin born about 1929
BlockerCora born about 1911
BlockerDeloris born about 1934
BlockerElva born about 1932
BlockerGrover born about 1908
BlockerHarrison born about 1910
BlockerJenelle born about 1931
BlockerJohn Wborn about 1936
BlockerLanny Vborn about 1939
BlockerMayleene born about 1939
BlockerMyrtle born about 1912
BlockerSarris born about 1936
BlockerVanez born about 1934
BreshersAudie born about 1915
BreshersEllen born about 1896
BreshersErnest born about 1923
BreshersFrank born about 1916
BreshersFred born about 1921
BreshersGeneva born about 1938
BreshersGeorge born about 1914
BreshersHettie born about 1924
BreshersJohn born about 1876
BreshersJoyce Bborn about 1940
BreshersLonnie born about 1932
BreshersLucile born about 1918
BreshersMamie born about 1926
BreshersMarion born about 1881
BreshersMonroe born about 1938
BreshersOlin born about 1939
BreshersOtis born about 1918
BreshersRuby born about 1926
BreshersThurston born about 1935
BreshersVernon born about 1930
BridgesArthur born about 1879
BridgesSusie born about 1880
BrownAndy Aborn about 1899
BrownCarlton Dborn about 1931
BrownDonald Aborn about 1927
BrownHoward born about 1934
BrownJack Jborn about 1921
BrownJames born about 1923
BrownJanice Jborn about 1904
BrownJerald Mborn about 1926
BrownJohn Wborn about 1896
BrownKenneth Bborn about 1935
BrownPearl Cborn about 1900
BurkesBarbara Aborn about 1939
BurkesBilly born about 1932
BurkesBuddy Mborn about 1936
BurkesDaisy born about 1926
BurkesDelray born about 1937
BurkesDorthy born about 1934
BurkesEugene born about 1924
BurkesFrances born about 1930
BurkesHazle born about 1902
BurkesJossie born about 1918
BurkesLeon born about 1920
BurkesMary Leeborn about 1928
BurkesOllie born about 1895

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C Surnames

CaldwellDave Jborn about 1891
CaldwellEdith born about 1928
CaldwellEmerson Eborn about 1901
CaldwellHelen Hborn about 1893
CaldwellMartha Eborn about 1902
CaldwellNellie Jeanborn about 1930
CaldwellVance Vborn about 1927
CallumEarlene born about 1928
CallumIda born about 1873
CallumWilliam born about 1867
CampbellJean born about 1932
CockmanCharles born about 1931
CockmanGeorge Wborn about 1901
CockmanOpal born about 1910
CockmanPaul Cborn about 1912
CockmanRayburn born about 1929
CockmanSamantha born about 1872
CockrillGlen born about 1917
ColemanFred Hborn about 1872
ColemanMary Fborn about 1882
CulterMartha born about 1886
CulterPrentiss born about 1883
CulterWilliam born about 1927

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D Surnames

DeadwileyCharles Cborn about 1880
DeadwileyEvelyna born about 1880
DeadwileyGeorge born about 1910
DeanEdward born about 1934
DeanJessie born about 1929
DeanLizza born about 1901
DeanLoretta born about 1932
DeanMargaret born about 1926
DeanTillman Wborn about 1922
DicksonClarence born about 1923
DicksonClifford born about 1926
DicksonClyde born about 1928
DicksonEmogene born about 1925
DicksonFlossie born about 1901
DicksonJohn Eborn about 1873
DunnavantAlfred Eborn about 1929
DunnavantBobby Louiseborn about 1935
DunnavantCally born about 1918
DunnavantElza born about 1900
DunnavantFount born about 1914
DunnavantGeorge Hborn about 1888
DunnavantGerry born about 1915
DunnavantHerbert Jr born about 1922
DunnavantThomas born about 1921

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F Surnames

FrazierJerldine born about 1924
FrazierJohn Wborn about 1878
FrazierLena born about 1900
FullerCharles Sborn about 1916

G Surnames

GarrettCharleene born about 1932
GarrettEdward born about 1902
GarrettElva born about 1921
GarrettGarland born about 1921
GarrettGlen Doraborn about 1925
GarrettLizzie born about 1874
GarrettLyod born about 1939
GarrettMary born about 1928
GarrettPauline born about 1935
GarrettSusie born about 1902
GassMolly born about 1866
GatesThomas born about 1891
GravesBert born about 1916
GravesLenita born about 1938
GravesSylvania born about 1921
GreenEvelyn born about 1894
GreenFloretta born about 1933
GreenVirginia born about 1930
GrishamArnold born about 1929
GrishamBessie born about 1924
GrishamJack born about 1889
GrishamJohn born about 1886
GrishamLonnie born about 1892
GrishamMaudine born about 1927
GrishamMildred born about 1933
GuerinRoie born about 1875

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H Surnames

HamiltonAnola born about 1889
HamiltonEleene born about 1863
HamiltonJohn Wborn about 1887
HamiltonSam born about 1895
HardageJodie born about 1895
HarperBeulah born about 1898
HarperBonnie born about 1933
HarperEdward born about 1896
HarperEdward born about 1937
HarperElva Jborn about 1930
HarperErvins born about 1926
HarperSylvia born about 1928
HarrisonCharles Mborn about 1874
HarrisonLottie born about 1886
HarrisonWillie Hborn about 1909
HeltonJames Hborn about 1890
HeltonLucy born about 1892
HeltonMark born about 1936
HeltonMary born about 1926
HeltonWilliam born about 1928
HendrixGeorge Wborn about 1924
HendrixJames Bborn about 1927
HendrixJames Jborn about 1875
HendrixJosephine born about 1929
HendrixLillian born about 1907
HendrixRobert born about 1902
HerronAlva Lborn about 1934
HerronLonnie born about 1914
HerronViola born about 1913
HoodBerlin born about 1930
HoodElla Maeborn about 1939
HoodJuanita born about 1932
HoodMaudie born about 1909
HubbardHenry Hborn about 1877

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J Surnames

JohnsonDowie born about 1907
JohnsonHobert born about 1917
JohnsonJoe born about 1925
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1878
JohnsonLawrence born about 1911
JohnsonLucile born about 1923
JohnsonMarvin born about 1888
JohnsonVarnelle born about 1927

K Surnames

KeenomClaude born about 1939
KeenomClayton born about 1928
KeenomCorine born about 1924
KeenomEulean born about 1931
KeenomNettie born about 1904
KeenomRoy born about 1926
KeenomRuby born about 1935
KeenomRuth born about 1938
KeenomWalter born about 1901
KeenomWalter Jr born about 1933

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L Surnames

LloydJames Wborn about 1874
LloydMary Aliceborn about 1875

M Surnames

MartinRaymond born about 1922
McAllisterWilliam born about 1913
McNeelyAnnie born about 1877
McNeelyDorthey born about 1934
McNeelyFrank born about 1895
McNeelyIda born about 1904
McNeelyJames Bborn about 1928
McNeelyJoe born about 1874
McNeelyJoe Thomasborn about 1921
McNeelyLee Lborn about 1926
McNeelyOdelle born about 1936
McNeelyThelma Sborn about 1939
McNeelyVirgil born about 1908
McNeelyWilla Maeborn about 1915
MillerAlta Rheaborn about 1924
MillerClaude Fborn about 1895
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1931
MillerGrace born about 1906
MillerWanda Fayborn about 1934
MilliardClifford born about 1930
MilliardClyde born about 1904
MilliardClyde Jr born about 1925
MilliardLeola born about 1906
MilliardMajorie born about 1935
MilliardVera born about 1927
MyersCassimir Kborn about 1888
MyersMary born about 1871

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N Surnames

NeighborsBill born about 1904
NeighborsGeorge born about 1918
NeighborsWilliam born about 1910

O Surnames

OutlerArtless born about 1917
OutlerHerbert born about 1911
OutlerJames Rborn about 1927
OutlerJoe born about 1939
OutlerLucile born about 1923
OutlerMildred born about 1921
OutlerVirgie born about 1885
OvertonCalvin born about 1926
OvertonDouglass born about 1924
OvertonJohnny born about 1920
OvertonOwen born about 1889
OvertonOwen Jr born about 1932
OvertonReva born about 1928
OvertonViolet born about 1901

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P Surnames

ParkerArdie Lborn about 1878
ParkerCharlie born about 1917
ParkerEdison born about 1922
ParkerJeff born about 1862
ParkerWoodrow born about 1914
PartainAileene born about 1929
PartainArville born about 1926
PartainAsa Leeborn about 1922
PartainBurl born about 1927
PartainCora born about 1900
PartainElmer Hborn about 1898
PartainFloyd born about 1906
PartainLuda Bellborn about 1932
PartainMartha Sborn about 1937
PartainSylvia born about 1930
PartainVerda born about 1908
PartainVernon born about 1923
PhilipsAmy Bborn about 1916
PhilipsKatherine born about 1934
PhilipsMarcus born about 1915
PragerGrace born about 1879

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R Surnames

RagsdaleAlfred Lborn about 1937
RagsdaleBessie Mborn about 1929
RagsdaleBettie Jborn about 1934
RagsdaleBobbie born about 1932
RagsdaleCharles Mborn about 1933
RagsdaleCharlie born about 1888
RagsdaleGeorge Wborn about 1888
RagsdaleGrace born about 1904
RagsdaleHazle born about 1930
RagsdaleJames Hborn about 1897
RagsdaleJimmie Sborn about 1939
RagsdaleJoyce Hborn about 1935
RagsdaleLance born about 1913
RagsdaleLerlene born about 1939
RagsdaleLois born about 1919
RagsdaleLouis born about 1902
RagsdaleMary Aborn about 1926
RagsdaleMaude born about 1903
RagsdaleMinnie born about 1890
RagsdaleMinnie born about 1892
RagsdaleRoberta born about 1927
RagsdaleVince born about 1915
RagsdaleWalter Eborn about 1920
RatliffBilly born about 1939
RatliffJane born about 1888
RatliffMarion Cborn about 1916
RatliffMinnie born about 1914
RatliffWilliam born about 1881
RichardsonElza born about 1914
RichardsonEvlyn born about 1937
RichardsonJessie born about 1932
RichardsonWillie born about 1908
RitterLouie born about 1908
RitterWoodrow born about 1914

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S Surnames

ScottBabara Sborn about 1936
ScottGrace born about 1914
ScottJame Gborn about 1913
ShortDavid Eborn about 1912
ShortDelmer born about 1926
ShortJessie born about 1921
ShortNora born about 1902
ShortThelma born about 1926
ShortViolet born about 1925
SimpsonArville born about 1875
SmithFlora born about 1876
SmithHenry Sborn about 1871

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T Surnames

TerryBarbara born about 1939
TerryGertrude born about 1929
TerryGracie born about 1916
TerryHarry Cborn about 1916
TerryInez born about 1935
TerryJessie born about 1888
TerryLeonard born about 1904
TerryLevi born about 1912
TerryLouise born about 1931
TerryLuther born about 1918
TerryMaggie born about 1914
TerryMarie born about 1937
TerryNan born about 1874
TerryNellie Bborn about 1919
TerryOthur born about 1916
TerryPhilip Jborn about 1934
TerrySusie born about 1891
TerryThelma born about 1922
TerryWarren born about 1937
TilleryEster born about 1918
TilleryGilbert born about 1939
TilleryGilbert Eborn about 1922
TilleryHugh born about 1885
TilleryLonzo born about 1919
TilleryMyrtle born about 1921
TurnerPerry born about 1872
TurnerRosa born about 1868

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V Surnames

VarneyFrances Mborn about 1897

W Surnames

WallaceLillie born about 1882
WallaceWilliam born about 1874
WardBurlin born about 1932
WardCarl born about 1924
WardElbert born about 1917
WardErvin born about 1922
WardEstelle born about 1928
WatsonDavid born about 1906
WatsonEdison born about 1914
WatsonKatherine born about 1923
WatsonLeonard born about 1939
WatsonSara Eborn about 1878
WatsonStanley born about 1936
WatsonWarren born about 1910
WatsonWayne born about 1934
WatsonWilma born about 1912
WellsJuanita born about 1931
WellsOra born about 1895
WilsonCalvin Wborn about 1882
WrightGeorgia Lborn about 1897
WrightReece Dborn about 1881
WrightRobert Dborn about 1935
WrightWinfield born about 1926

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