1940 U.S. Federal Census of Olvey, Boone, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Boone County > 1940 Census of Olvey

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbleMary Eborn about 1880
AbleWilliam Mborn about 1874

B Surnames

BartonAlva Lborn about 1903
BaughmanElbert born about 1874
BlackwoodAnna Maeborn about 1932
BlackwoodFlora Belleborn about 1935
BlackwoodHazel born about 1906
BlackwoodIke born about 1896
BlackwoodMary Ellenborn about 1925
BlackwoodVirginia Leeborn about 1930
BlackwoodWilliam Aborn about 1927
BruceEugene born about 1939
BruceJaunita born about 1919
BruceLeland born about 1912

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C Surnames

CantrellAllen born about 1907
CantrellAlta born about 1916
CantrellAnn born about 1886
CantrellEula born about 1906
CantrellFrankie Louiseborn about 1937
CantrellHershel born about 1912
CantrellJames Leroyborn about 1938
CantrellJoanna born about 1935
CantrellMartha Elaineborn about 1938
CantrellNettie born about 1907
CantrellSteve Rborn about 1883
CantrellVirginia born about 1918
CantrellWilliam born about 1914
CaststeelMaggie born about 1888
CaststeelRiley born about 1886
CaststeelWilliam Howardborn about 1921
CecilErnest born about 1907
CecilKirby born about 1913
CecilThelma born about 1911
CecilTravis born about 1937
CecilViva born about 1909
CoryElmer born about 1888
CrowfordArthur born about 1874
CrowfordBertie born about 1877

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D Surnames

DavidsonC Dborn about 1885
DavidsonLois born about 1919
DavidsonMinnie born about 1892
DavidsonOscar born about 1915
DavisGeorge Johnborn about 1939
DavisGeorge Wborn about 1877
DavisMartha born about 1877
DavisMary Jeanborn about 1931
DavisSterling born about 1906
DavisThelma born about 1903

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E Surnames

EoffJake born about 1879
EoffLula born about 1878

F Surnames

FillinghamCharles Fborn about 1896
FillinghamEdward born about 1940
FillinghamEvelyn born about 1931
FillinghamGuthrie born about 1923
FillinghamJessie born about 1903
FillinghamJune born about 1933
FillinghamMirian born about 1925
FillinghamRussel born about 1929
FleshmanJohn born about 1910
FleshmanLorene born about 1918

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H Surnames

HardingBert born about 1919
HardingBertha born about 1889
HardingG Jborn about 1922
HardingHelen Marieborn about 1925
HardingMary born about 1918
HardingRuth born about 1921
HarmonJulia born about 1909
HarmonLeonard born about 1909
HarrisBert born about 1914
HarrisDoris Ellenborn about 1934
HarrisEarl born about 1911
HarrisEzra born about 1870
HarrisGrace born about 1888
HarrisGrover born about 1887
HarrisHearldean born about 1930
HarrisHerbert born about 1906
HarrisKathleen Jborn about 1929
HarrisMary born about 1882
HarrisMay born about 1912
HarrisModean born about 1933
HarrisNova born about 1910
HarrisSilvy born about 1908
HarrisTrixie born about 1907
HarrisVelma born about 1916
HassAlbert Rborn about 1929
HassAnna Bellborn about 1927
HassRoy born about 1893
HassViolet born about 1908
HathcoatBirtie born about 1904
HathcoatFrank born about 1878
HathcoatJames Haroildborn about 1929
HathcoatJim born about 1873
HathcoatLeslie born about 1883
HathcoatLeslie Frankborn about 1927
HathcoatMattie born about 1874
HathcoatShirlie Louborn about 1938
HathcoatWanda Leeborn about 1932
HealeaAgnes born about 1927
HealeaDonald Leeborn about 1937
HealeaFloyd born about 1897
HealeaHelen Annborn about 1931
HealeaMary born about 1929
HealeaRichard born about 1933
HealeaRuth born about 1903
HolderFreda born about 1929
HolderHenry born about 1884
HolderKirby born about 1925
HolderLaura born about 1891
HollandDonald born about 1919
HollandMary born about 1898
HollandRaymond born about 1897

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J Surnames

JamesChristfer born about 1911
JamesGladys Jborn about 1922
JohnsonCarl born about 1878
JohnsonElla born about 1911
JohnsonEugene born about 1918
JohnsonGeorgia born about 1917
JohnsonHomer born about 1910
JohnsonLinnie born about 1885
JohnsonLouella born about 1925
JohnsonMauda Aborn about 1886
JohnsonRonald Guyborn about 1939
JohnsonTom born about 1881
JonesMalinda born about 1871

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K Surnames

KeelingBenita Cleveborn about 1915
KeelingBernice born about 1922
KeelingBetty Juneborn about 1933
KeelingBurla Vborn about 1895
KeelingCharleen born about 1924
KeelingEffa born about 1895
KeelingFama born about 1917
KeelingFloyd born about 1882
KeelingInez born about 1920
KeelingJames Franklinborn about 1919
KeelingJoe born about 1912
KeelingJohnnie born about 1927
KeelingKeydron born about 1932
KeelingMary Emmaborn about 1937
KeelingVinnie born about 1885
KillebrewAudrey born about 1912
KillebrewBonnie Geneborn about 1935
KillebrewJunita Leeborn about 1933
KillebrewPink born about 1880
KillebrewPink Jr born about 1931
KirbyFlorence born about 1886
KirbyFrank born about 1875

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L Surnames

LaffoonBirdie born about 1883
LaffoonFelton born about 1901
LaffoonMartin born about 1859
LaffoonNina born about 1914
LuellenAlmeda born about 1891
LuellenHenry born about 1869
LuellenIrene born about 1923
LuellenLanzo born about 1927
LuellenRilla born about 1924

M Surnames

MarshallAlbert born about 1927
MarshallArlie born about 1928
MarshallEthel born about 1903
MarshallLucile born about 1926
McCutchenAnna Lavaraneborn about 1931
McCutchenByrom born about 1908
McCutchenGrace born about 1911
McCutchenNorma Fayeborn about 1933
McDonaldEsther born about 1910
McDonaldJohn Rayborn about 1931
McDonaldMelvina born about 1879
McDonaldRobert born about 1873
McDonaldWalter born about 1911
McDonaldWilma Kathrynborn about 1934
McMillanEarl born about 1904
McMillanWyatte born about 1895
McMillonCalvin born about 1902
McMillonEuna Loisborn about 1936
McMillonEunice born about 1902
MillsKate Tborn about 1879
MillsMalloy born about 1903
MillsMattie born about 1910
MillsRoberta Sueborn about 1938
MillsVelna born about 1914
MorrisAlfred born about 1906
MorrisDellah born about 1909
MorrisLenardean born about 1930
MurphyAmelia Louiseborn about 1936
MurphyFreddie Deanborn about 1939
MurphyRalph born about 1914
MurphyVelma born about 1914
MyersClemie born about 1881
MyersJohn Wborn about 1877
MyersMable born about 1905

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N Surnames

NevilsEdna born about 1887
NevilsJohn Hborn about 1881

P Surnames

PadenHattie born about 1884
PadenWalter Wborn about 1877
PhiferClara Bborn about 1916
PhiferRussell born about 1914
PhiferSmith born about 1871
PowersArvil born about 1909
PowersKenneth born about 1935
PowersTennie born about 1913
PowersWilliam Franklinborn about 1937

R Surnames

RamseyBert born about 1894
RamseyGlenda Fayborn about 1928
RamseyHelen born about 1922
RamseyLea born about 1904
RamseyMary Louiseborn about 1934
RobertsBetty Louborn about 1939
RobertsCarl born about 1917
RobertsFay born about 1919

S Surnames

SchwarzChristin born about 1926
SchwarzEthelyn born about 1908
SchwarzInez born about 1928
SchwarzPauline born about 1930
SchwarzWalter born about 1933
SchwarzWillie Wborn about 1898
ScoginBilly Wayneborn about 1933
ScoginCarlgan Ruthborn about 1936
ScoginErnest born about 1908
ScoginJ Danborn about 1877
ScoginJ Paulborn about 1909
ScoginJewell born about 1911
ScoginMaudie Mborn about 1883
ScoginRuby born about 1913
SelvidgeAdline born about 1871
SmithAlex born about 1879
SmithH Onisborn about 1912
SmithLee born about 1882
SmithOtie born about 1909
SmithViolet Iborn about 1914
StarkeyAda born about 1903
StarkeyAddie born about 1895
StarkeyBernard born about 1907
StarkeyCharley Vborn about 1901
StarkeyEileen born about 1925
StarkeyGarland born about 1900
StarkeyGordon born about 1913
StarkeyJ Dborn about 1921
StarkeyJames Wborn about 1923
StarkeyLuther born about 1903
StarkeyMary Ruthborn about 1939
StarkeyNancy Fborn about 1875
StarkeyPhillis born about 1935
StarkeyRuby born about 1917
StarkeyRufus born about 1927
StarkeySamuel Fborn about 1867
StarkeyWalsie Eborn about 1902
StarkeyWillie Mborn about 1905
StarkeyWoodrow born about 1923
StoneE Tborn about 1933
StoneFredy born about 1925
StoneMyrtle born about 1894
StoneNaome born about 1930
StonePaul born about 1927
StoneRute born about 1928
StrattonAshton Eborn about 1881
StrattonIrvin Wborn about 1915
StrattonLilly Maryborn about 1884
StrattonMary Ruthborn about 1909
StyrsRay born about 1873
SwopeClara born about 1910
SwopeJanis Rayborn about 1936

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T Surnames

ThorntonEarl born about 1916
ThorntonImogene born about 1927
ThorntonJohn Pborn about 1919
ThorntonLou born about 1885
ThorntonModean born about 1922
ThorntonTreva born about 1924

U Surnames

UnderwoodHazel born about 1910
UnderwoodHilbert born about 1908
UnderwoodPauldeen born about 1930

W Surnames

WadsackGeorge born about 1893
WadsackGeorge Jr born about 1920
WadsackOddell born about 1894
WadsackRuth born about 1925
WadsackYoung Sisborn about 1857
WagnerAlta born about 1903
WagnerGarland born about 1900
WagnerJ Hborn about 1934
WagnerNorman Jeanborn about 1936
WalekCharles born about 1898
WalekCharles Eborn about 1921
WalekCharlotte born about 1939
WalekGeraldine born about 1923
WalekMajorie born about 1930
WalekMary born about 1902
WebbErving born about 1881
WebbMamie born about 1886
WilliamJohn Pborn about 1919
WilliamJohn Rborn about 1939
WilliamMozell born about 1919
WilliamsChester born about 1900
WilliamsGertie born about 1900
WilliamsImogene born about 1935
WilliamsJc born about 1923
WilliamsMable born about 1926
WillisEd born about 1893
WillisFannie born about 1882
WillisMay born about 1897
WillisWilly born about 1862

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Y Surnames

YoungB born about 1899
YoungBernice Mborn about 1919
YoungHurley Rborn about 1938
YoungJudith born about 1919
YoungPaul born about 1918
YoungR Aborn about 1914
YoungSarah born about 1902

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