1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ouachita in Hot Spring County, Hot Spring, Arkansas
Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com
USA > Arkansas > Hot Spring County > 1940 Census of Ouachita in Hot Spring County
A Surnames
Adalin | Mary | born about 1879 |
B Surnames
Bailey | Dottie B | born about 1938 |
Bailey | Etta J | born about 1936 |
Bailey | J B | born about 1912 |
Bailey | Ruth | born about 1905 |
Bailey | Sherley L | born about 1939 |
Bailey | T C | born about 1934 |
Bands | Dorthy F | born about 1936 |
Bands | Elvie | born about 1930 |
Bands | Ima Fay | born about 1932 |
Bands | Mollie | born about 1896 |
Benson | Belle | born about 1894 |
Benson | Calvin | born about 1922 |
Benson | J H | born about 1880 |
Benson | Janes L | born about 1919 |
Benson | L V | born about 1905 |
Benson | William E | born about 1890 |
Berry | C F | born about 1870 |
Berry | D A | born about 1873 |
Berry | R T Mrs | born about 1879 |
Bettie | A | born about 1860 |
Blesoe | Janes | born about 1916 |
Bonda | Q H | born about 1921 |
Bonds | Cora | born about 1907 |
Bonds | Dock | born about 1909 |
Bonds | J B | born about 1927 |
Bonds | Laura B | born about 1918 |
Bonds | Leailan | born about 1938 |
Bonds | Tom | born about 1903 |
Boyett | Addie | born about 1902 |
Boyett | Andy | born about 1888 |
Boyett | Arutin | born about 1912 |
Bray | Sar Francis | born about 1883 |
Bray | W W | born about 1883 |
Brown | Caylarn | born about 1931 |
Brown | Emma G | born about 1896 |
Brown | Henry Glenn | born about 1928 |
Brown | Kenneth | born about 1930 |
Brown | Levi | born about 1891 |
Brown | Luvena | born about 1922 |
Brown | May | born about 1907 |
Brown | P M | born about 1872 |
Brown | Rubye | born about 1921 |
Bryan | Laura | born about 1877 |
Buch | Agatha | born about 1927 |
Buch | C R | born about 1895 |
Buch | John F | born about 1922 |
Buch | Junnie | born about 1902 |
Buck | Addie | born about 1878 |
Buck | Frank | born about 1872 |
Burnett | Allice | born about 1914 |
Burnett | Barbara | born about 1937 |
Burnett | Ellen | born about 1879 |
Burnett | Henry C | born about 1873 |
Burnett | L C | born about 1910 |
Burnett | Larry | born about 1935 |
Burnett | M D | born about 1939 |
Burnett | Thomas | born about 1933 |
Burris | Fora Bell | born about 1921 |
Burris | Margarett | born about 1938 |
Burris | Mary E | born about 1939 |
Burris | Neal | born about 1914 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
C Surnames
Catlett | Agnes | born about 1904 |
Catlett | Annie | born about 1928 |
Catlett | Eugene | born about 1930 |
Catlett | Francies | born about 1932 |
Catlett | J D | born about 1915 |
Catlett | Jones | born about 1929 |
Catlett | Katie May | born about 1923 |
Catlett | Lucile | born about 1936 |
Catlett | Manro | born about 1928 |
Catlett | Marry A | born about 1938 |
Catlett | R L | born about 1906 |
Catlett | Vinnie | born about 1912 |
Catlett | Walter | born about 1884 |
Cencibaugh | A D | born about 1864 |
Cencibaugh | Allie B | born about 1922 |
Cencibaugh | Bernice | born about 1924 |
Cencibaugh | Billie J | born about 1938 |
Cencibaugh | C A | born about 1886 |
Cencibaugh | Emma | born about 1900 |
Cencibaugh | Ira | born about 1897 |
Cencibaugh | Jauqueline | born about 1929 |
Cencibaugh | John H | born about 1934 |
Cencibaugh | Katherine | born about 1926 |
Clayton | Johnie Lee | born about 1939 |
Clayton | Le Roy | born about 1937 |
Clayton | Qcyefine | born about 1916 |
Clayton | W L | born about 1913 |
Clayton | Willie Lee | born about 1935 |
Clifton | Nettie | born about 1879 |
Coldwell | Ada A | born about 1871 |
Coldwell | James M | born about 1865 |
Combs | D D | born about 1879 |
Cox | Aurie | born about 1882 |
Cox | Carl | born about 1910 |
Cox | Virginia | born about 1922 |
Cox | W Earl | born about 1908 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
D Surnames
David | Hester | born about 1912 |
David | J F | born about 1906 |
David | Jackie | born about 1929 |
David | Janie Beth | born about 1932 |
Davis | Clinton E | born about 1937 |
Davis | Esther J | born about 1897 |
Davis | Frank E | born about 1922 |
Davis | John H | born about 1911 |
Davis | Robert E | born about 1889 |
Davis | Rubye | born about 1916 |
Davis | Rubye J | born about 1935 |
Dawne | Burnice | born about 1911 |
Dawne | Frank | born about 1908 |
Day | J W Mrs | born about 1900 |
Day | Linda Lou | born about 1938 |
Dechart | Earnest | born about 1912 |
Dechart | Peral | born about 1920 |
Dergler | Ellot | born about 1921 |
Dergler | L B | born about 1926 |
Dergler | Patty J | born about 1932 |
Dergler | Rosa | born about 1896 |
Dergler | Royce | born about 1915 |
Dergler | W I | born about 1892 |
Dutherage | Charles A | born about 1859 |
Dutherage | Evelyn | born about 1931 |
Dutherage | Guss | born about 1898 |
Dutherage | Melva | born about 1935 |
Dutherage | Mildred | born about 1908 |
Dutherage | Samuel | born about 1928 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
E Surnames
Egbert | Davis | born about 1916 |
Ellis | D L | born about 1871 |
Ellis | Jane L | born about 1888 |
F Surnames
Fisher | Rosa | born about 1892 |
Foster | J B | born about 1871 |
Foster | Mina | born about 1876 |
Fuller | Eula C | born about 1901 |
Fuller | H G | born about 1897 |
Fuller | J M | born about 1867 |
Fuller | Mary A | born about 1870 |
Futch | Cathern | born about 1938 |
Futch | Clerence Jr | born about 1931 |
Futch | Clerene | born about 1907 |
Futch | Clesta | born about 1935 |
Futch | Francis | born about 1930 |
Futch | Rachel | born about 1912 |
Futch | Rebecca S | born about 1939 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
G Surnames
Gibbs | E B | born about 1899 |
Gibbs | Mrs Janet | born about 1900 |
Gibbs | Rosa | born about 1878 |
Gill | Irene | born about 1925 |
Gill | Martha | born about 1870 |
Grant | Delila | born about 1893 |
Grant | Harold | born about 1922 |
Grant | W L | born about 1884 |
Gray | Albert | born about 1918 |
Gray | Bell | born about 1886 |
Gray | Janes | born about 1925 |
Gray | John D | born about 1923 |
Gray | John H | born about 1891 |
Gray | Lula Maye | born about 1923 |
Gray | Mary | born about 1888 |
Gray | Obie | born about 1915 |
Gray | S Pearl | born about 1882 |
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H Surnames
Hamond | Janes F Jr | born about 1939 |
Hamond | Jess T | born about 1884 |
Hamond | Leona | born about 1912 |
Harkins | Elizabeth | born about 1898 |
Harkins | Ruby | born about 1920 |
Harkins | W A | born about 1895 |
Harkins | Willard | born about 1917 |
Henson | Maude | born about 1894 |
Henson | W R | born about 1893 |
Henson | Wilburn | born about 1926 |
Herdson | Ada | born about 1891 |
Herdson | W M | born about 1879 |
Hickson | Edris | born about 1913 |
Hickson | Howard | born about 1935 |
Hickson | Jimie P | born about 1938 |
Hickson | Nelson | born about 1908 |
Hickson | Wayne E | born about 1931 |
Holland | Truman | born about 1939 |
Holland | Virgie | born about 1919 |
Holland | Wila | born about 1921 |
Hoose | Ida | born about 1911 |
Hoose | J C | born about 1888 |
Hoose | Junita | born about 1927 |
Hoose | Mary | born about 1931 |
Hoose | Vera F | born about 1887 |
Hudson | C E | born about 1925 |
Huffman | Alton | born about 1918 |
Huffman | Dewie | born about 1915 |
Huffman | Dlton | born about 1920 |
Huffman | J B | born about 1890 |
Huffman | Ollan | born about 1893 |
Huffman | Ortie M | born about 1914 |
Huffman | Reha J | born about 1930 |
Huffman | Vera O | born about 1922 |
Hughes | Edres Mae | born about 1932 |
Hughes | Julian R | born about 1935 |
Hughes | Ladella | born about 1939 |
Hughes | Mamie | born about 1902 |
Hunbee | Glenda B | born about 1937 |
Hunbee | Mary | born about 1927 |
Hunbee | R V | born about 1889 |
Hunbee | Willia | born about 1900 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
J Surnames
Johnson | A G | born about 1922 |
Johnson | A J | born about 1891 |
Johnson | A L | born about 1933 |
Johnson | Alberta | born about 1902 |
Johnson | Allen | born about 1886 |
Johnson | Annie Beth | born about 1932 |
Johnson | Bemie Ann | born about 1936 |
Johnson | Billie | born about 1934 |
Johnson | Coye | born about 1916 |
Johnson | Devan | born about 1927 |
Johnson | Dewey C | born about 1912 |
Johnson | Edgar | born about 1916 |
Johnson | Elma | born about 1918 |
Johnson | Erma Sue | born about 1938 |
Johnson | L | born about 1895 |
Johnson | Mae | born about 1925 |
Johnson | R A | born about 1925 |
Johnson | Ruthie | born about 1884 |
Johnson | Virginia | born about 1924 |
Jones | Evelyn | born about 1922 |
Jones | Juanita | born about 1924 |
Jones | Leana | born about 1896 |
Jones | Starlin | born about 1893 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
K Surnames
Kaddage | Cloytin | born about 1918 |
Kaddage | Dayton | born about 1928 |
Kaddage | Ella | born about 1885 |
Kaddage | L | born about 1917 |
Kirby | Hamer | born about 1926 |
Kirby | Josephine | born about 1932 |
Kirby | Loria | born about 1892 |
Kirby | Mary | born about 1923 |
Kirby | Ruth | born about 1929 |
Kirby | William A | born about 1887 |
Krevger | Dall | born about 1925 |
Krevger | Edmond | born about 1924 |
Krevger | Edwin | born about 1921 |
Krevger | H O | born about 1895 |
Krevger | Iva | born about 1893 |
Krevger | Vera | born about 1904 |
Krevger | Victor | born about 1930 |
Krueger | O R | born about 1890 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
L Surnames
Lea | Emma | born about 1883 |
Lea | Janeretu | born about 1921 |
Lea | Tom | born about 1877 |
Lee | Harley Ray | born about 1928 |
Lee | Lillian | born about 1893 |
Lee | Reubin E | born about 1925 |
Lee | Vergie M | born about 1922 |
Lee | W H | born about 1887 |
Lemans | Amaie G | born about 1932 |
Lemans | Betty Lou | born about 1936 |
Lemans | Bobby Lee | born about 1936 |
Lemans | Charlie | born about 1890 |
Lemans | Henry | born about 1928 |
Lemans | Homer | born about 1913 |
Lemans | J C | born about 1926 |
Lemans | Myrle Jean | born about 1933 |
Lemans | Rosa | born about 1892 |
Lemons | Dorthy J | born about 1936 |
Lemons | Magnusue | born about 1938 |
Lemons | Otis F | born about 1915 |
Lemons | Vivian | born about 1916 |
Lumsford | Clent | born about 1922 |
Lumsford | James E | born about 1936 |
Lumsford | Louise | born about 1933 |
Lumsford | Merry L | born about 1938 |
Lumsford | Roy L | born about 1934 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
M Surnames
Mantganery | Anelia | born about 1896 |
Mantganery | Billie | born about 1922 |
Mantganery | C T | born about 1896 |
Mantganery | Dick | born about 1925 |
Mantganery | Donal | born about 1929 |
Marow | Arthur | born about 1879 |
Marow | Dora | born about 1880 |
Marow | Fay | born about 1907 |
Marsh | Ann | born about 1881 |
Marsh | Devie | born about 1892 |
Marsh | E H | born about 1879 |
Marsh | Garland C | born about 1875 |
Marsh | Gladys | born about 1913 |
Marsh | Lillie | born about 1879 |
Marsh | Mildred | born about 1924 |
Marsh | Will | born about 1882 |
Mathews | C G | born about 1897 |
Mathews | C G | born about 1919 |
Mathews | Catherine | born about 1921 |
Mathews | Granville | born about 1924 |
Mathews | Horace | born about 1929 |
Mathews | Patsy J | born about 1938 |
Mathews | Ressie | born about 1903 |
Mathews | W J | born about 1862 |
McCade | Clyde D | born about 1908 |
McCade | Helen | born about 1907 |
McCade | Normon C | born about 1929 |
McCarter | Skelt | born about 1903 |
McCorbel | C P | born about 1868 |
McCorbel | Mittie | born about 1877 |
McDermott | Carlon | born about 1939 |
McDermott | Gene | born about 1930 |
McDermott | Hollice | born about 1937 |
McDermott | Keneth | born about 1928 |
McDermott | Lill | born about 1934 |
McDermott | Melvina | born about 1906 |
McDermott | Qua Mae | born about 1931 |
McDermott | T A | born about 1907 |
McDode | Alta Mae | born about 1936 |
McDode | Cecil | born about 1913 |
McDode | Elsie | born about 1910 |
McDode | John Thomas | born about 1937 |
McDode | Martha Gene | born about 1933 |
McDode | Mary L | born about 1939 |
McMallen | Ada | born about 1896 |
McMallen | Z F | born about 1894 |
McMullen | Avalene | born about 1922 |
McMullen | Elliott | born about 1924 |
McMullen | Erda Mae | born about 1902 |
McMullen | Harvy | born about 1897 |
Miller | Jasie | born about 1859 |
Miller | Mildred | born about 1917 |
Morris | J W | born about 1867 |
Morris | Pernama | born about 1887 |
Morris | R J | born about 1887 |
Murphy | Lena | born about 1880 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
N Surnames
Nabors | Bessie | born about 1899 |
Nabors | William L | born about 1896 |
Nabors | William L Jr | born about 1932 |
Narwood | Amanda | born about 1894 |
Narwood | Cannie | born about 1897 |
Narwood | Christine | born about 1923 |
Narwood | Grae | born about 1900 |
Narwood | Grae | born about 1902 |
Narwood | Harld Deene | born about 1933 |
Narwood | Howard | born about 1925 |
Narwood | Lil | born about 1904 |
Narwood | N C | born about 1868 |
Newboyn | Cellss | born about 1906 |
Newboyn | Timath Jr | born about 1934 |
Newboyn | Tinathy | born about 1905 |
Newboyn | Vera Lee | born about 1932 |
Nix | Collie Jane | born about 1888 |
Nix | Frances Sue | born about 1868 |
Nix | John D Jr | born about 1901 |
Nix | John W Jr 3 | born about 1930 |
Nix | John W Sr | born about 1863 |
Nix | L W Mrs | born about 1888 |
Nix | Lauella | born about 1920 |
Nix | Phillip | born about 1939 |
Nix | Phyllis | born about 1904 |
Nix | Ruie P | born about 1904 |
Nix | Thomas E Jr | born about 1929 |
Nix | Thomas E Sr | born about 1896 |
Norton | Anna | born about 1889 |
Nutalian | Hope Louisa | born about 1914 |
Nutalian | Jean L | born about 1908 |
Nutalian | Lizzie | born about 1887 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
O Surnames
Odmond | Carlie | born about 1909 |
Odmond | Lora May | born about 1939 |
P Surnames
Page | Anna | born about 1879 |
Page | Cay | born about 1919 |
Page | Earl | born about 1907 |
Page | Perlie | born about 1906 |
Parker | Bettie L | born about 1931 |
Parker | Boyce | born about 1900 |
Parker | Clerence C | born about 1897 |
Parker | Clois | born about 1921 |
Parker | Donald | born about 1929 |
Parker | Earl | born about 1914 |
Parker | John F | born about 1924 |
Parker | Josie | born about 1906 |
Parker | Lillie | born about 1900 |
Parker | Marie | born about 1919 |
Parker | Nina | born about 1921 |
Parker | O H | born about 1879 |
Parker | Patricia | born about 1936 |
Parker | W L | born about 1897 |
Parker | Wally | born about 1928 |
Pasey | A J | born about 1911 |
Pasey | Gurendolyn | born about 1917 |
Pasey | J S | born about 1918 |
Patterson | Charles D | born about 1935 |
Patterson | Geraldine | born about 1929 |
Patterson | H O | born about 1904 |
Patterson | Hubert | born about 1927 |
Patterson | Randolph | born about 1939 |
Patterson | Zettie R | born about 1905 |
Perrish | Leata | born about 1916 |
Perrish | Myrna L | born about 1939 |
Perrish | Tannie | born about 1913 |
Pettie | Anna | born about 1902 |
Pettie | Baruse | born about 1926 |
Pettie | Doyce | born about 1933 |
Pettie | Infant | born about 1940 |
Pettie | Jess | born about 1898 |
Pettie | Julia | born about 1924 |
Pettie | L J | born about 1922 |
Pettie | Margaret | born about 1929 |
Pettie | Wayne | born about 1924 |
Pettis | C Nat | born about 1888 |
Pettis | Helen L | born about 1904 |
Price | Frabor | born about 1928 |
Price | Mapor | born about 1932 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
Q Surnames
Quattlebaum | Eulas | born about 1918 |
Quattlebaum | Lucy | born about 1875 |
Quattlebaum | T P | born about 1861 |
R Surnames
Ragan | Rachel | born about 1885 |
Ragan | W N | born about 1875 |
Ray | Elvis D | born about 1936 |
Ray | Floyd J | born about 1900 |
Ray | Freddia Ann | born about 1940 |
Ray | Geneva | born about 1927 |
Ray | Lenord L | born about 1923 |
Ray | Onie | born about 1901 |
Ray | Robert E | born about 1925 |
Rhodes | Bellie R | born about 1930 |
Rhodes | Dewey | born about 1903 |
Rhodes | Dora | born about 1910 |
Rhodes | Josephine | born about 1873 |
Rhodes | Mary A | born about 1938 |
Rhodes | W S | born about 1869 |
Robertson | K | born about 1886 |
Rodge | Arthur | born about 1895 |
Rodge | Cavia | born about 1894 |
Rodge | Edwin | born about 1921 |
Rogan | A J | born about 1923 |
Rogan | Clarence M | born about 1899 |
Rogan | Loura B | born about 1898 |
Roholes | Amanda B | born about 1931 |
Roholes | Baucell | born about 1896 |
Roholes | Hester | born about 1929 |
Roholes | Jake | born about 1924 |
Roholes | Kathleen | born about 1933 |
Roholes | Mary | born about 1905 |
Rowland | Dennis | born about 1920 |
Rowland | Doyle | born about 1922 |
Rowland | Joyce | born about 1935 |
Rowland | Kelly | born about 1925 |
Rowland | Max | born about 1930 |
Rowland | Ola | born about 1900 |
Russell | Herbert | born about 1930 |
Russell | Iney | born about 1911 |
Russell | Ray | born about 1906 |
Russell | Roye | born about 1931 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
S Surnames
Sandage | A F | born about 1889 |
Sandage | Allie | born about 1889 |
Sandage | Bettie J | born about 1938 |
Sandage | Charles B | born about 1922 |
Sandage | Dayle M | born about 1917 |
Sandage | Irene | born about 1918 |
Sandage | J S | born about 1897 |
Sandage | James E | born about 1940 |
Sandage | L J | born about 1899 |
Sandage | Leona | born about 1911 |
Sandage | Nancy C | born about 1938 |
Sandage | Ornald D | born about 1924 |
Sandage | Ralph F | born about 1926 |
Sandage | Ray | born about 1928 |
Sandoge | Bobie | born about 1934 |
Sandoge | Iva | born about 1909 |
Sandoge | Judith M | born about 1938 |
Sandoge | Luster | born about 1902 |
Sandoge | Morene | born about 1930 |
Sandoge | Norma | born about 1929 |
Sandoge | Ruby | born about 1908 |
Sankson | Lee Mrs | born about 1873 |
Sankson | Robert | born about 1916 |
Schaler | Bertha | born about 1904 |
Schaler | E J | born about 1939 |
Schaler | Henry | born about 1927 |
Schaler | Janita | born about 1934 |
Schaler | Nellie | born about 1925 |
Schaler | Otis | born about 1897 |
Schaler | Ray | born about 1937 |
Schaler | Ruby P | born about 1930 |
Scherltz | Carl | born about 1890 |
Scherltz | Frederich | born about 1919 |
Scherltz | June | born about 1923 |
Scherltz | Kiermit | born about 1916 |
Scherltz | Ruth | born about 1893 |
Scholes | Fred W | born about 1865 |
Scholes | Jospeh T | born about 1908 |
Schultz | M L | born about 1926 |
Schuster | Gevenn A | born about 1939 |
Schuster | Gilbert | born about 1916 |
Schuster | Imogene | born about 1921 |
Selph | Chesta | born about 1877 |
Selph | Maxine | born about 1926 |
Selph | Minnie | born about 1899 |
Selph | Q J | born about 1867 |
Selph | R E | born about 1896 |
Selph | Robert E Jr | born about 1934 |
Shipp | Lelah G | born about 1915 |
Shipp | Mattie | born about 1890 |
Shorter | A F | born about |
Shultz | Lenard | born about 1908 |
Smith | Allene | born about 1920 |
Smith | Christine | born about 1923 |
Smith | Danald | born about 1938 |
Smith | Evelyn | born about 1927 |
Smith | Pearl | born about 1890 |
Smith | Ray | born about 1934 |
Spencer | A | born about 1871 |
Spencer | M E | born about 1870 |
Stafford | Arvil | born about 1913 |
Stafford | Dollas | born about 1919 |
Stafford | Henry | born about 1915 |
Stafford | Malindie | born about 1884 |
Stafford | R K | born about 1876 |
Sullivan | Dale | born about 1896 |
Sullivan | Genevieve | born about 1920 |
Sullivan | Ira | born about 1881 |
Sullivan | Jacqulyn | born about 1934 |
Sullivan | Nancy C | born about 1937 |
Sullivan | Robert | born about 1931 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
T Surnames
Tarkington | Bertie | born about 1896 |
Tarkington | Charles | born about 1939 |
Tarkington | Dalton | born about 1937 |
Tarkington | Dass | born about 1937 |
Tarkington | Eddie | born about 1894 |
Tarkington | Frank | born about 1929 |
Tarkington | Harold | born about 1924 |
Tarkington | Lucile | born about 1916 |
Tarkington | Marjorie | born about 1933 |
Tarkington | Ottis | born about 1917 |
Taylor | Attrice | born about 1876 |
Taylor | Bertha | born about 1917 |
Taylor | Billie Jr | born about 1939 |
Taylor | James | born about 1867 |
Taylor | James | born about 1924 |
Taylor | Maude S | born about 1881 |
Taylor | Minnie | born about 1891 |
Taylor | Robert | born about 1890 |
Taylor | Verna Mae | born about 1937 |
Taylor | William B | born about 1913 |
Thankean | Fancy Q | born about 1873 |
Thankean | Wallis J | born about 1914 |
Thomas | Effie | born about 1896 |
Thomas | Esther | born about 1906 |
Thomas | Floyd | born about 1925 |
Thomas | Franklin | born about 1933 |
Thomas | Geraldine | born about 1928 |
Thomas | Juanita | born about 1930 |
Thomas | W H | born about 1900 |
Thompson | Cleo | born about 1912 |
Thompson | Junita | born about 1912 |
Thompson | Lewis | born about 1932 |
Thompson | Lianel | born about 1910 |
Thompson | Randolph | born about 1933 |
Thompson | Walter | born about 1907 |
Thrach | Allie | born about 1888 |
Thrach | J M | born about 1885 |
Thrach | Lenia | born about 1923 |
Tidewell | L A | born about 1875 |
Tidewell | Mollie | born about 1883 |
Tobington | Alice | born about 1924 |
Tobington | Aloes | born about 1928 |
Tobington | Arbell | born about 1890 |
Tobington | Bessie Mae | born about 1931 |
Tobington | Claud | born about 1914 |
Tobington | Garner | born about 1919 |
Tobington | Thomas C | born about 1886 |
Tobington | Thomas P Jr | born about 1926 |
Tobington | Warner | born about 1919 |
Torkington | Bertha Mae | born about 1904 |
Torkington | Delores | born about 1925 |
Torkington | Doyle | born about 1915 |
Torkington | Earnest | born about 1908 |
Torkington | Jason J | born about 1935 |
Torkington | Mazelle | born about 1917 |
Torkington | Shirley | born about 1939 |
Torkington | Wilson J | born about 1933 |
Tretera | E D | born about 1906 |
Tretera | Era | born about 1911 |
Tretera | Margarette | born about 1933 |
Tretera | Nettie C | born about 1934 |
Tretera | Zella M | born about 1936 |
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U Surnames
Uanderslice | Eva Bell | born about 1912 |
Uanderslice | Eva Carolyn | born about 1937 |
Uanderslice | H K | born about 1901 |
Uanderslice | Kenneth G | born about 1939 |
W Surnames
Walker | Calvin | born about 1912 |
Walker | Carrall | born about 1936 |
Walker | Daphene | born about 1929 |
Walker | Emigene | born about 1921 |
Walker | Ethil Mae | born about 1922 |
Walker | J W | born about 1919 |
Walker | John W | born about 1887 |
Walker | Johnie Mae | born about 1922 |
Walker | Joseph Edmondson | born about 1924 |
Walker | Jospeh | born about 1923 |
Walker | Lucile | born about 1888 |
Walker | Nell J | born about 1928 |
Walker | Ruby | born about 1912 |
Walker | Steve Augustin | born about 1929 |
Walker | Veniece | born about 1926 |
Ward | Alice | born about 1915 |
Ward | Billie | born about 1932 |
Ward | Carl F | born about 1933 |
Ward | Emily | born about 1890 |
Ward | J M | born about 1884 |
Ward | Ruby Mae | born about 1933 |
Ward | Thema | born about 1922 |
Watson | Charlene | born about 1930 |
Watson | Charles W | born about 1894 |
Watson | Charles W Jr | born about 1932 |
Watson | Doris J | born about 1928 |
Watson | Effie C | born about 1900 |
Wetherington | Ellen | born about 1925 |
Wetherington | J B | born about 1884 |
Wetherington | Janes L | born about 1933 |
Wetherington | Manard | born about 1922 |
Wetherington | Martha L | born about 1928 |
Wetherington | Mary C | born about 1886 |
Wetherington | Ressie | born about 1920 |
Wetherington | Rubye | born about 1923 |
Whisenhurt | H L | born about 1873 |
Williams | Addie | born about 1882 |
Williams | Agel | born about 1926 |
Williams | Ava | born about 1898 |
Williams | Eugene | born about 1920 |
Williams | J Acie | born about 1869 |
Williams | John R | born about 1916 |
Williams | Martha | born about 1923 |
Williams | Mary Nell | born about 1932 |
Williams | May | born about 1890 |
Williams | Rebbel | born about 1922 |
Williams | Velma | born about 1928 |
Willigham | Audrey | born about 1929 |
Willigham | Evis | born about 1909 |
Willigham | Floyd | born about 1925 |
Willigham | Loyd | born about 1904 |
Willigham | Lula | born about 1868 |
Willigham | Wendell | born about 1934 |
Witherson | Faye D | born about 1922 |
Witherson | Ina | born about 1895 |
Witherson | Jeff A | born about 1892 |
Word | Ada | born about 1896 |
Word | Lucille | born about 1925 |
Word | Nutt Jr | born about 1931 |
Word | W N | born about 1887 |
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Y Surnames
Yates | Amanda | born about 1889 |
Yates | Betty Lou | born about 1925 |
Yates | Evelyn | born about 1922 |
Yates | Harry | born about 1930 |
Yates | Jerold | born about 1926 |
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