1940 U.S. Federal Census of Phillips, Garland, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Garland County > 1940 Census of Phillips

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAnnie born about 1908
AllenCharles born about 1926
AllenDaniel born about 1933
AllenHarry born about 1937
AllenJames born about 1928
AllenJulia Maeborn about 1927
AllenOscar Dborn about 1939
AllenSidine Lborn about 1932
AllenSidney Dborn about 1884

B Surnames

BallardMary born about 1922
BarrettAsbury born about 1893
BarrettFlora born about 1918
BarrettHerschel born about 1920
BarrettKenneth born about 1936
BarrettLester born about 1916
BarrettMadge born about 1922
BarrettMary born about 1895
BarrettMyrtle born about 1917
BarrettNorma born about 1930
BarrettOdele born about 1928
BarrettVan born about 1934
BarrettVester born about 1924
BeatyLottie born about 1904
BeatyPowell Bborn about 1897
BeckwithArchie Leeborn about 1936
BeckwithEllis Gborn about 1911
BeckwithEugene born about 1938
BeckwithJames born about 1937
BeckwithMatilda born about 1916
BeckwithMolly born about 1876
BeukaJ Aborn about 1871
BeukaOrvill born about 1919
BeukaVirgie born about 1924
BeukaVirgil born about 1927
BurksCora Leeborn about 1914
BurksDoyle Wayneborn about 1934
BurksLonny Royborn about 1938
BurksTom born about 1908
BurksVivian born about 1933
ButlerWalter Eborn about 1879

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C Surnames

CaldwellJames born about 1914
CaldwellRuth born about 1917
CaldwellWaldo born about 1939
CaldwellWalter born about 1915
CarpenterC Hborn about 1906
CarpenterEarnest born about 1912
CarpenterGeorge born about 1880
CarpenterGladys born about 1923
CarpenterIzara born about 1881
CarpenterLeonard born about 1895
CarpenterLudie born about 1893
CarpenterMary Eborn about 1914
CarpenterWillie Deanborn about 1925
CashDonald Joeborn about 1935
CashIda Leeborn about 1914
CashW Mborn about 1901
ChennaultBonnie Leeborn about 1911
ChennaultEmma Sueborn about 1939
ChennaultNatalie born about 1936
ChennaultTenny Cborn about 1878
ChennaultTruman Aborn about 1900
CollinsA Lborn about 1883
CollinsDora born about 1890
ConwayA Jborn about 1916
CookMarcella born about 1925
CoxBerry born about 1927
CoxBessie Maeborn about 1925
CoxBobby born about 1935
CoxElgie born about 1893
CoxRuby born about 1896
CrooksAline born about 1927

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D Surnames

DethregreLeo born about 1928
DethregreThomia born about 1926
DrewryVivian born about 1901

E Surnames

EddsBell Jeanborn about 1937
EddsErma Gborn about 1916
EddsJames Tborn about 1935
EddsJewell born about 1926
EddsJoe born about 1924
EddsLeona born about 1884
EddsLily born about 1922
EddsLunn Eborn about 1909
EddsOyle Eborn about 1939
EddsRachael Annborn about 1869
EddsWilliam born about 1861
ElliottFreda born about 1892
ElliottReb born about 1891
EwingAddie born about 1878
EwingJ Mborn about 1879
EwingMinnie born about 1879
EwingW Hborn about 1880

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F Surnames

FaulknerCalvin born about 1933
FaulknerEdgar born about 1900
FaulknerEdith born about 1912
FaulknerOliver born about 1912
FrazierCall born about 1861
FrazierMary Elizabethborn about 1873
FrazierThell born about 1905

G Surnames

GarnerAlbert born about 1890
GarnerBetty born about 1926
GarnerBilly born about 1921
GarnerMildred born about 1935
GarnerNellie born about 1895
GarnerRaymond born about 1924
GarnerSamuil born about 1919
GarnerTennce born about 1915
GrantAlbert born about 1932
GrantJoyce born about 1922
GrantLelly Maeborn about 1915
GrantTobe born about 1886
GriffinCurtis born about 1910
GriffinHallis born about 1939
GriffinJohn born about 1935
GriffinNorah born about 1902
GriffinOdis born about 1937
GriffinWanda born about 1932
GuinnEdward born about 1929
GuinnEthel born about 1909
GuinnGeneva born about 1936
GuinnGeraldine born about 1934
GuinnJ Cborn about 1927
GuinnJoyce Leeborn about 1933
GuinnMildred born about 1939
GuinnVanisa born about 1906

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H Surnames

HankeFrancis born about 1892
HankeHenry Lborn about 1885
HankeHerny Jr born about 1932
HankeRuth Oborn about 1922
HauptFaye born about 1904
HendersonAlice born about 1908
HendersonMonroe born about 1894
HiltonAlbert born about 1911
HiltonAnnie born about 1914
HiltonBeatrice born about 1935
HiltonBettie Janeborn about 1932
HiltonHazel Lborn about 1937
HiltonLeonard born about 1938
HiltonOpal Lborn about 1940
HouptAbe born about 1900
HouptAlbert born about 1890
HouptAlbert Lloydborn about 1935
HouptBilly Donborn about 1930
HouptCal born about 1866
HouptEmma born about 1872
HouptFloyde born about 1933
HouptGertrude born about 1885
HouptHarold born about 1939
HouptLona born about 1908
HouptLouise born about 1937
HouptW Henryborn about 1885
HouserElizabeth born about 1875
HoytBebe born about 1895
HoytEarl born about 1924
HoytEgbert born about 1895
HoytEmma Deeborn about 1919
HoytJames born about 1936
HoytKatherine born about 1922
HughesMazelle born about 1920
HughesOneal born about 1904

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J Surnames

JohnsonDaniel Leeborn about 1939
JohnsonDovie Hborn about 1886
JohnsonGracie Mborn about 1912
JohnsonJudie Maeborn about 1932
JohnsonRichard Jborn about 1912
JohnsonRichard Mborn about 1884
JonesChas born about 1891
JonesLectia Gborn about 1894

K Surnames

KeaVirginia born about 1867
KeadelVera born about 1874
KeetonDonald born about 1923
KeetonElla born about 1866
KeetonElois born about 1921
KeetonJake born about 1864
KeetonNed born about 1895
KeetonR Jborn about 1920

L Surnames

LeeroyJohn born about 1882
LinglebackEllian born about 1910
LinglebackRuth born about 1915
LonsdaleJohn Gjrborn about 1915

M Surnames

MarshallRudolph born about 1885
MartinDewey born about 1900
MartinEwell born about 1909
MartinIda born about 1880
MasonEraline born about 1921
MasonJames born about 1922
MasonOrville born about 1925
MasonSusie born about 1899
MasonYott born about 1895
McDougalEarle Vborn about 1936
McDougalJ Dborn about 1925
McDougalJames Fborn about 1918
McDougalJohn Tborn about 1894
McDougalMarie born about 1928
McDougalRoy Tborn about 1932
McDougalVenna born about 1906
McKeonJames born about 1914
McKeonLillyn born about 1912
McKeonMinnie born about 1880
McKeonR Eborn about 1907
MillsAmy born about 1913
MillsCassie born about 1881
MillsDoyle born about 1934
MillsElmer born about 1908
MillsMargaret born about 1938
MillsVerner born about 1880
MillsVernon born about 1932
MillsZelda born about 1931
MurdersDorothy born about 1939
MurdersMellie born about 1886
MurdersOnde born about 1923
MurdersOran born about 1916
MurdersRalph born about 1910
MurdersRuby born about 1913
MurdersTillman born about 1889
MurdersWilburn born about 1926
MurphreeArthur born about 1880

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N Surnames

NarsworthyJanie born about 1882
NealAda born about 1911
NealEdward born about 1885
NealEverett born about 1891
NelsonErma born about 1898
NelsonGeorge Lborn about 1895

O Surnames

OvertonGertrude born about 1908

P Surnames

PatrickC Bborn about 1896
PierceBernice born about 1926
PierceCarl born about 1923
PierceDon born about 1893
PierceLilly born about 1896
PooleCaroline born about 1935
PooleDoris born about 1926
PooleIda Katherineborn about 1931
PooleMary Pearlborn about 1929
PooleMattie Lenaborn about 1922
PooleOla born about 1901
PooleRoy born about 1898
PooleRuby born about 1924
PoundCharity born about 1873
PoundW Hborn about 1876
PrichardJ Hborn about 1867

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R Surnames

RandellElvin born about 1930
RandellLaura born about 1908
RandellLola born about 1902
RatliffAmanda born about 1880
RatliffJames Cborn about 1877
ReggsAlva born about 1924
ReggsLetha born about 1902
ReggsMichael Eborn about 1890
ReggsOllie born about 1925
ReggsTed born about 1920
RichardsC Wborn about 1915
RichardsVirginia born about 1915
RileyBilly born about 1868
RileyBilly Louborn about 1936
RileyDoris born about 1929
RileyEdd born about 1890
RileyFredia born about 1911
RipleyAnnie born about 1905
RipleyBetty born about 1938
RipleyCarl born about 1920
RipleyDonnie born about 1938
RipleyEldon born about 1932
RipleyFaye born about 1928
RipleyFloyd Kborn about 1936
RipleyGeorgia born about 1901
RipleyHarold born about 1930
RipleyHerbert born about 1915
RipleyJessie born about 1921
RipleyLois born about 1936
RipleyMarjorie born about 1920
RipleyMary Leeborn about 1922
RipleyNellie born about 1916
RipleyR Aborn about 1926
RipleyR Forneyborn about 1893
RipleyRachael born about 1927
RipleyRobert Fjrborn about 1931
RipleyRupert born about 1912
RipleyThelma born about 1916
RipleyWilliam born about 1891
RobinsonJoe Rborn about 1910
RobinsonJoe Rjrborn about 1937
RobinsonMary born about 1913
RowanCharles born about 1870
RowanEma born about 1882

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S Surnames

SartinBob born about 1880
ShepherdElbert born about 1917
SteelyOctavia born about 1890
SteelyS Wborn about 1891

T Surnames

TarvinClaud born about 1885
TarvinCora born about 1888
TarvinJimmy Dallborn about 1935
TarvinJohnny Louborn about 1939
TarvinLouis born about 1906
TarvinValerie born about 1906
TrammellBonny Jeanborn about 1936
TrammellDavid born about 1914
TrammellLucille born about 1918
TrammellRichard Leeborn about 1937
TrammellVirginia Marinborn about 1939
TylerOdis born about 1913
TylerOdis Earlborn about 1935
TylerVivian born about 1919

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W Surnames

WallaceAfton born about 1922
WallaceAllene born about 1925
WallaceMary born about 1884
WallaceWilliam born about 1883
WallaceWilliam Jr born about 1912
WalterhouseBertha born about 1887
WalterhouseRaymond Aborn about 1926
WalterhouseWilliam Hborn about 1876
WilbanksArkie born about 1885
WilbanksEffie born about 1919
WilbanksJean born about 1920
WilbanksJoyce born about 1925
WilbanksM Cborn about 1885
WilbanksMickey born about 1927
WilliamsBobbie Rborn about 1939
WilliamsDavid born about 1905
WilliamsHelen Tborn about 1918
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1868
WilliamsVeney Leeborn about 1910
WilmerClarence born about 1933
WilmerEugenia Maeborn about 1929
WilmerHelen born about 1926
WilmerRobert born about 1901
WilmerRuby born about 1908

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