1940 U.S. Federal Census of Quitman, Cleburne, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Cleburne County > 1940 Census of Quitman

A SurnamesI SurnamesN Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesP Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
H SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderEarl born about 1917
AlexanderGeneva born about 1917

C Surnames

CAnita born about 1933
CBillie born about 1930
CCharles born about 1925
CE Gborn about 1933
CFern born about 1924
CG Gunnborn about 1897
CIda born about 1898
CMaxine born about 1936
CO Dborn about 1922
CantrellBell born about 1879
CantrellD Hborn about 1880
CastellawBenona born about 1925
CastellawCole born about 1920
CastellawEdwin born about 1922
CastellawEmla born about 1892
CastellawJ Eborn about 1878
CopelandDee born about 1895
CopelandEdna Deeborn about 1921
CopelandFlorence born about 1898
CopelandTurman born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DebuskIrma Deanborn about 1929
DebuskMax born about 1926
DebuskMrs Oco Aborn about 1909

E Surnames

EdwardsEugene Wborn about 1913
EdwardsGene Terryborn about 1935
EdwardsLilyan born about 1916

H Surnames

HamesBessie born about 1909
HamesHettie born about 1887
HamesJ Hborn about 1887
HarttonCalisto born about 1867
HendersonDayce Rayborn about 1935
HendersonJae born about 1908
HendersonLala born about 1914
HendersonOnedia born about 1930
HendonElna born about 1891
HendonJ Wborn about 1891
HillDora born about 1875
HillJames born about 1926
HillJoe Lborn about 1923
HillJohn Dborn about 1897
HillMax born about 1921
HughesLena born about 1914
HughesRay born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IveyBettie Joeborn about 1930
IveyHattie born about 1905
IveyRoscoe born about 1933
IveyW Eborn about 1898
IveyWilfred born about 1926

J Surnames

JenkinsBobby Geneborn about 1933
JenkinsFlora Aborn about 1905
JenkinsH Hborn about 1914
JenkinsHarro Thomasborn about 1938
JenkinsWanda Leeborn about 1929

K Surnames

KessingerDean born about 1930
KessingerForest born about 1897
KessingerZulo born about 1902
KingHenry born about 1872
KingJennie born about 1881

L Surnames

LynnHazel born about 1915
LynnV born about 1911

M Surnames

MartinJ Rborn about 1866
MartinLillie born about 1878
MartinMary Eborn about 1905
MiddetonAdele born about 1916
MiddetonRobert born about 1897
MiddletonCharles Eborn about 1939
MiddletonE Gborn about 1900
MiddletonE Sborn about 1885
MiddletonLillie born about 1891
MiddletonMary Hassellborn about 1933
MiddletonRachel born about 1914
MiddletonSallie born about 1910
MidletonAnn Johnborn about 1859
MorgonAda Dborn about 1890
MorgonEdna Mayborn about 1923
MorgonElmer born about 1913
MorgonGarland born about 1918
MorgonMary Ruthborn about 1930
MorgonRubby Dellborn about 1925
MorgonSamuel born about 1928
MorgonW Aborn about 1886
MorgonW A Jrborn about 1921
MowellIda born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NordNewell born about 1917
NordPauline born about 1921

P Surnames

PenningtonJora born about 1896
PenningtonK Mborn about 1890

S Surnames

SimmonsClora Annetteborn about 1932
SimmonsEva born about 1920
SimmonsJ Wborn about 1873
SimmonsKenneth born about 1896
SimmonsMollie born about 1879
SimsJoe Allenborn about 1938
SimsOpil born about 1910
SimsVernlle born about 1916

T Surnames

TarnerVirginia born about 1869
ThompsonBillie born about 1927
ThompsonClara born about 1903
ThompsonTammy born about 1925
ThompsonWayne born about 1929

W Surnames

WardJona born about 1907
WardMrs Ida born about 1880
WardW Cborn about 1900
Webb???ngline born about 1894
WebbCarl Cborn about 1923
WebbVirginia Eborn about 1926
WhittersGeo Wborn about 1910
WhittersKatharyn born about 1915
WilliamsAlma born about 1898
WilliamsJess Mborn about 1896
WittAnnie born about 1888
WittCarl born about 1873
WittJessie born about 1884
WittMattie born about 1873
WittMay born about 1878
WittSallie born about 1875
WoolleyJ Oborn about 1892
WoolleyMildrid born about 1895

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