1940 U.S. Federal Census of Red Hill, Ouachita, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ouachita County > 1940 Census of Red Hill

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AarantEbbie Eborn about 1877
AarantH Aborn about 1914
AarantW Nborn about 1878
AbelsCharles Wborn about 1895
AbelsJohn Wborn about 1892
AbnerBerbon born about 1922
AbnerColman born about 1884
AbnerJay Cborn about 1933
AbnerJoe Wborn about 1930
AbnerJonathan born about 1923
AbnerMattie born about 1897
AdamsArtemis born about 1900
AdamsArthur Jr born about 1925
AdamsEbenezer born about 1881
AdamsGeorge Hborn about 1870
AdamsHenry Sborn about 1914
AdamsJames Tborn about 1907
AdamsKatie born about 1886
AdamsNaome born about 1926
AdamsNora Cborn about 1884
AdamsRuth Maeborn about 1907
AdamsSusie born about 1908
AdamsWilliam Rborn about 1935
AhlbornAugust born about 1865
AhlbornAugustine born about 1905
AikinsCora Fborn about 1874
AikinsJoel Wborn about 1912
AikinsLeon Aborn about 1871
AlexanderCarl born about 1902
AlexanderEtter born about 1909
AlexanderLadora born about 1923
AndersonBuck born about 1884
AndrewsBeatrice born about 1904
AndrewsOtis born about 1898
AtkinsHattie Maeborn about 1908
AtkinsNathaniel born about 1906
AtkinsOliver Bryanborn about 1932
AtkinsR Bborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyDuncan Bborn about 1859
BaileyEdmond Jamesborn about 1930
BaileyEliza Annborn about 1886
BaileyLeonard born about 1923
BaileyLouester born about 1921
BakerBilly Rayborn about 1926
BakerMable Aborn about 1901
BakerMarion Hughborn about 1927
BarfieldAaron born about 1925
BarnesBessie Sueborn about 1890
BarnesJames Hborn about 1885
BarrettChester born about 1921
BarrettClure born about 1883
BarrettDortha Janeborn about 1934
BarrettEliza born about 1900
BarrettLorene born about 1924
BartonFread born about 1884
BartonFreddie Joeborn about 1936
BartonIrvan born about 1884
BartonJames born about 1916
BartonJimmie born about 1888
BartonJohnnie born about 1918
BartonMary Joeborn about 1939
BartonMattie Maeborn about 1923
BartonRufus born about 1888
BartonVelma born about 1911
BattenfieldBillie Joanborn about 1935
BattenfieldDolores born about 1932
BattenfieldGrace born about 1910
BaxtonRobert born about 1926
BeardBirdie Maeborn about 1930
BeardClaude born about 1908
BeardClesther Vborn about 1927
BeardClyde Leonardborn about 1937
BeardCornelius born about 1905
BeardDorothy born about 1909
BeardEll Bborn about 1918
BeardElmer born about 1937
BeardElmer Leeborn about 1938
BeardElmer Leeborn about 1940
BeardFrancis born about 1917
BeardGeorgia born about 1908
BeardGeorgia Maeborn about 1920
BeardIberville born about 1935
BeardJ Wborn about 1926
BeardJames born about 1903
BeardJames Allenborn about 1933
BeardJimmie born about 1874
BeardLuther born about 1901
BeardLuther Jr born about 1939
BeardMaggie born about 1906
BeardMarbleline born about 1935
BeardMinnie Bborn about 1924
BeardPauline born about 1931
BeardSelmore born about 1933
BeardTorbett born about 1927
BeardVerline born about 1939
BeardenCharles born about 1936
BeardenEdna born about 1916
BeardenHomer Rborn about 1937
BeardenJeters born about 1913
BeardenMary Louiseborn about 1939
BeardenRobert born about 1934
BeaverAmos Sborn about 1920
BeaverBennie born about 1911
BeaverBobbie born about 1938
BeaverEdwin born about 1890
BeaverErastur Oborn about 1881
BeaverEulah born about 1895
BeaverGarland born about 1914
BeaverGereldine born about 1920
BeaverHelen Jeanetteborn about
BeaverJoe Algieborn about 1921
BeaverJohn Kborn about 1915
BeaverJohn Jr born about 1934
BeaverJohnnie born about 1932
BeaverJosie born about 1890
BeaverLouise born about 1919
BeaverMarion born about 1927
BeaverMary born about 1916
BeaverNancy Carolborn about 1940
BeaverOllie born about 1910
BeaverPauline born about 1902
BeaverPerry Joeborn about 1935
BeaverRalph born about 1909
BeaverRosie Leeborn about 1898
BeaverRuby Carolborn about 1932
BeaverRuby Hborn about 1904
BeaverStanton born about 1930
BeaverTed born about 1924
BeaverThurman born about 1917
BeaverW Albertborn about 1931
BeaverW Cborn about 1867
BeaverW Otisborn about 1898
BeaverWilliam born about 1925
BeaversDell Wandaborn about 1939
BeaversErastus Jborn about 1909
BeaversHazel Lborn about 1908
BensonAbner Vborn about 1882
BensonLawrence born about 1892
BensonMollie born about 1865
BensonRichie Lborn about 1918
BentonAlice born about 1878
BentonEdward born about 1929
BentonEmily born about 1924
BentonF Edwardborn about 1884
BentonHellen born about 1916
BentonJ Wborn about 1886
BentonJames born about 1912
BentonJames Lborn about 1895
BentonJay born about 1873
BentonJeneen born about 1935
BentonLee Royborn about 1922
BentonLenore born about 1937
BentonMargaret born about 1931
BentonMarlene born about 1937
BentonMartha Fayeborn about 1917
BentonMattie born about 1901
BentonMaud Eborn about 1892
BentonMrs Leona born about 1883
BentonMyrtie Mborn about 1898
BentonNaomi born about 1922
BentonPaul born about 1933
BentonRich born about 1926
BentonRosie born about 1885
BentonRoy born about 1904
BentonThomas Jr born about 1913
BentonThos Hborn about 1888
BentonTillie Mborn about 1888
BentonWalter Fborn about 1911
BertonBessie born about 1937
BertonKatie born about 1905
BertonMrs Emma born about 1867
BilberryA Dborn about 1878
BilberryAdell born about 1936
BilberryAnnie born about 1879
BilberryBen Abeonborn about 1939
BilberryDoyle born about 1938
BilberryElizabeth born about 1923
BilberryEllen born about 1900
BilberryEllena born about 1918
BilberryEverline born about 1937
BilberryHenry born about 1909
BilberryHenry Juniusborn about 1935
BilberryJ Eborn about 1917
BilberryJosie born about 1908
BilberryLivaree born about 1914
BilberryMadolph born about 1912
BilberryRutha Maeborn about 1940
BillberryAdie born about 1926
BillurryDorthy Maeborn about 1924
BillurrySam born about 1914
BlagraveCleo born about 1925
BlagraveHelen born about 1900
BlagraveJ Eborn about 1901
BlagraveJames born about 1923
BlakeEssa Bellborn about 1935
BlakeLinnie born about 1915
BlakeWilliam Dborn about 1914
BowensAudrey Nellborn about 1939
BowensClemon born about 1924
BowensCliffers born about 1926
BowensElla Louborn about 1935
BowensElmer Leeborn about 1937
BowensOlevia Maeborn about 1929
BowensStella born about 1894
BowensWillie born about 1890
BoxBennie born about 1921
BoxForence born about 1913
BoxG Lborn about 1940
BoxGrady born about 1915
BoxHenry Leeborn about 1929
BoxHollis Leeborn about 1936
BoxLeslie born about 1932
BoxLura Leeborn about 1932
BoxSterling born about 1910
BradfordG Hborn about 1894
BradfordHubert born about 1919
BradfordSyble born about 1899
BradleyJesse born about 1892
BradleyLula born about 1894
BradleyWilliam Rufusborn about 1924
BraggClemie born about 1913
BraggMaybelle born about 1909
BraggPearlene born about 1930
BrattonAngeline born about 1935
BrattonBascom Wborn about 1890
BrattonKleadia born about 1906
BrattonMaie Leeborn about 1932
BrattonRobert born about 1938
BrayGrace born about 1900
BrayGracie born about 1925
BrayLeo born about 1928
BrayRobert E Jrborn about 1923
BrayRobert E Srborn about 1893
BridgesCurtis born about 1926
BridgesHoyt Eborn about 1915
BridgesJoyce Hborn about 1919
BrownArch born about 1893
BrownBettie Janeborn about 1935
BrownBeulah born about 1894
BrownBobbie Jamesborn about 1937
BrownClarence born about 1922
BrownDollie Dborn about 1928
BrownDorein born about 1920
BrownEl Cborn about 1937
BrownErvie Mayborn about 1917
BrownEster Pearlborn about 1916
BrownFlorency Maeborn about 1935
BrownGracie born about 1904
BrownH Bborn about 1914
BrownHouston born about 1913
BrownHouston Jr born about 1939
BrownJames born about 1884
BrownJewell Mrs born about 1930
BrownJohn Edwinborn about 1938
BrownJohn Henryborn about 1919
BrownJohn Henryborn about 1924
BrownLena born about 1932
BrownLois born about 1918
BrownLonnie Maeborn about 1936
BrownLoyce Ednaborn about 1935
BrownMalvyn born about 1939
BrownMary Ruthborn about 1938
BrownMeer Dborn about 1935
BrownMissie born about 1934
BrownNancy born about 1911
BrownOscar born about 1909
BrownPath Ruthborn about 1936
BrownPaul born about 1900
BrownRobert born about 1926
BrownSadie Leeborn about 1907
BrownTommie Dborn about 1939
BrownVerna Cborn about 1925
BrownWill born about 1910
BrownWillie born about 1929
BrownWillie Cborn about 1933
BrowningErnest born about 1887
BrowningErnie Maeborn about 1927
BrowningHattie Maeborn about 1897
BryantChristene born about 1927
BryantGenie born about 1903
BryantJ Wborn about 1934
BryantJohnnie born about 1932
BryantLela Pearlborn about 1929
BryantMary Leeborn about 1930
BryantVinie born about 1911
BryantWillie Rayborn about 1935
BurdineClyde born about 1916
BurdineMolie born about 1924
BurlesonJ Rborn about 1854
BurnettDorothy Ellaborn about 1937
BurnettJohn Tborn about 1916
BurnettMargie born about 1923
BurnsAnnie Gradyborn about 1912
BurnsJerry born about 1936
BurnsRobert Cborn about 1906
BurtcherEmmett born about 1907
BurtcherEtta born about 1916
BurtcherMary Ettaborn about 1937
BurtonAlbert born about 1911
BurtonHellice born about 1911
BurtonJerry born about 1934
BurtonMartha Jeanborn about 1937
BusselEdgar born about 1911
BusselHasseltine born about 1921
BusselMitcheel born about 1939
BussellArbelle born about 1923
BussellClyde born about 1909
BussellEzra born about 1918
BussellJacke Leeborn about
BussellJohn Kborn about
BussellLillie Maeborn about 1925
BussellMattie born about 1917
BussellMaudie born about 1886
BussellNoel born about 1921
BussellNolen born about 1921
BussellRufus born about 1923
BussellWilliam Dborn about 1881
BussellWoodroe born about 1913
ButlerGenerisa Jborn about 1926
ButlerLaura Maeborn about 1908
ButlerLoue born about 1904
ButlerMarvin born about 1905
ButlerPrentice born about 1907
ButlerRosa Leeborn about 1897
ButlerVada Franasborn about 1880
ButlerWiley born about 1878
ByrdMarjorie born about 1914
ByrdMarjorie Annborn about 1939
ByrdStewart Cborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CagleGeorge Lborn about 1888
CagleGordon Leeborn about 1925
CagleNellie Fborn about 1890
CagleWinnifred born about 1917
CarltonJames Mborn about 1891
CarltonJames Nayseborn about 1940
CarltonLora born about 1895
CarltonMyrtle born about 1920
CarltonNelson born about 1924
CarltonOdie born about 1917
CarsonEmma born about 1898
CarsonThedore born about 1893
CarterAlvin born about 1934
CarterBerta born about 1916
CarterEarl born about 1899
CarterFannie born about 1900
CarterJeff born about 1907
CarterNancie born about 1865
CarterShirlie Annborn about 1937
CarterTheo born about 1920
CaufieldMrs Blanche born about 1876
CavenahEula born about 1903
CavenahThomas born about 1904
ClarkAlice born about 1878
ClarkBertha born about 1897
ClarkClabourn born about 1920
ClarkCora born about 1886
ClarkEleven born about 1923
ClarkEmbra born about 1910
ClarkJohn born about 1873
ClarkLucinda born about 1855
ClarkNina Maeborn about 1928
ClarkSidney born about 1874
ClinganC Bborn about 1900
ClinganElizabeth born about 1907
ClinganJohn Chesterborn about 1928
ClinganMargie Louiseborn about 1936
ClinganMary Lulaborn about 1935
ClinganMrs Carrie born about 1894
ClinganMyrtis born about 1913
ClinganRoy Bborn about 1906
ClinganW Jborn about 1875
ClinganWilliam Rborn about 1930
ColemanMaccie Milvinborn about 1931
ColemanMerllar born about 1927
ColemanSarah Francisborn about 1925
ColemanVerllar born about 1923
CookFern born about 1914
CookRoy born about 1914
CoonHollis born about 1938
CoonMilburn born about 1915
CoonOsmytine born about 1920
CoonPatrichia Leeborn about 1939
CouchAlice born about 1860
CoxArlie Bborn about 1906
CoxBertie born about 1887
CoxBetty born about 1876
CoxGaylon born about 1939
CoxJaunita born about 1923
CoxJessie born about 1895
CoxL Jborn about 1872
CoxM Jborn about 1894
CoxMartha born about 1932
CoxMary Eborn about 1913
CoxMorris Jborn about 1930
CoxNancy born about 1937
CoxWaubella born about 1923
CoxWilliam Sborn about 1889
CreechHorace Millerborn about 1923
CreechLuther born about 1902
CreechMargie Maeborn about 1933
CreechMary Eborn about 1882
CreechMary Fayeborn about 1935
CreechMelba Ruthborn about 1931
CreechPaul Sborn about 1910
CreechR Jborn about 1875
CreechRuth born about 1911
CreechVan Buren born about 1921
CruchBonnie Faeborn about 1920
CruchEd Eborn about 1883
CruchElgin Maeborn about 1923
CruchLydia born about 1885
CruchWilma born about 1925
CubangBeulah born about 1892
CubangElizabeth born about 1927
CubangHellen born about 1921
CubangJerreld Deanborn about 1925
CubangJerry Cborn about 1890
CummingsAddie born about 1889
CummingsAgee born about 1918
CummingsBonnie Jeanborn about 1937
CummingsJames Gilbertborn about 1940
CummingsL Rborn about 1884
CummingsMargie born about 1923
CummingsWilliam born about 1914
CurryAbbie born about 1892
CurryEddie Leeborn about 1939
CurryElecta born about 1909
CurryElsie Maeborn about 1930
CurryJoe born about 1867
CurryMoses born about 1906

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D Surnames

DaileyArlie born about 1933
DaileyBettye born about 1934
DaileyBeulah born about 1930
DaileyC??? born about 1921
DaileyCelean born about 1893
DaileyColumbus born about 1923
DaileyElizabeth born about 1928
DaileyJohn born about 1919
DaileyJohn Sborn about 1894
DaileyJohn S Jrborn about 1936
DaileyJosie Sborn about 1898
DaileyLuther born about 1892
DaileyMargrete born about 1923
DaileyMyrtie Rborn about 1926
DaileyMytis Leeborn about 1926
DaileyNelda born about 1930
DaileyRobert born about 1926
DaileySherley born about 1938
DavisAlbert born about 1901
DavisBetty born about 1939
DavisBonnie Louborn about 1932
DavisDora Leeborn about 1924
DavisEathbert born about 1936
DavisEmma born about 1914
DavisFloyd born about 1906
DavisFloyd Jr born about 1933
DavisGertrude born about 1913
DavisGracie born about 1903
DavisHomer born about 1927
DavisJessie Maeborn about 1933
DavisLaura born about 1889
DavisMamie born about 1925
DavisRuth Paulineborn about 1936
DavisThelma Marieborn about 1937
DavisTopsie Feniceborn about 1933
DavisWilliam Frankborn about 1930
DelaughterG Mborn about 1862
DelaughterMartha born about 1867
DesmukeEstella born about 1911
DesmukeFloyd born about 1909
DesmukeFloyd Jr born about 1938
DesmukeMamie born about 1935
DickersonElbert Leeborn about 1919
DickettCarrie born about 1900
DickettClaude Cborn about 1897
DickettJewell Leeborn about 1925
DickinsonCharlie born about 1875
DickinsonTennie born about 1885
DixonNovella born about 1912
DixonRobert born about 1907
DuffieClifton born about 1927
DuffieDonnie born about 1889
DuffieJonathon Rborn about 1874
DuffieRoland born about 1922
DuncanFlossie Lborn about 1906
DuncanJ Eborn about 1905
DuncanJuanita born about 1925
DuncanMargie Louiseborn about 1935
DuncanMary Lborn about 1909
DuncanPatricia born about 1925
DunnJessie born about 1910
DunnLeasetta born about 1908
DunnMary Annborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EmertHenry born about 1898
EmertMollie born about 1893
EmertW Lborn about 1890
EmertWanda Leeborn about 1931
EppersonAlace Fborn about 1889
EppersonCross born about 1886
EppersonHenry Leeborn about 1922
EppersonJames Calvinborn about 1927
EppersonJereldine born about 1924
EppersonJoe Lborn about 1879
EppersonLillie Mborn about 1886
EppersonMamie born about 1917
EppersonMattie Mborn about 1897
EppersonMorris born about 1930
EubanksW Sborn about 1851
EvansAlice born about 1870
EvansJoe Eborn about 1866
EvansJohn Hborn about 1875
EvansLeona Fborn about 1881
EvansMary Wborn about 1876

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F Surnames

FarrCharles born about 1927
FeightAnnie Maeborn about 1914
FeightHugh Fborn about 1912
FeightJoseph Fborn about 1938
FieldsLeroy born about 1922
FisherCassie born about 1921
FloreceAlice Lucileborn about 1914
FloreceArchie Gborn about 1909
FloreceKathryn Lucileborn about 1938
FlorecePeggy Jeanborn about 1934
FogleAlton born about 1927
FogleEliza born about 1889
FogleJames born about 1909
FogleJohn Bborn about 1903
FogleJosie born about 1880
FogleLillie Maeborn about 1920
FogleMaggie Leeborn about 1922
FogleMary born about 1909
FogleMildred born about 1925
FogleNaomi born about 1918
FogleSterling born about 1918
FogleZanie born about 1898
FogleZetta Maeborn about 1932
ForemanBirder Maeborn about 1924
ForemanDella born about 1874
ForemanEleven born about 1922
ForemanEvestes born about 1916
ForemanHesley born about 1927
ForemanJoel born about 1917
ForemanJohn born about 1874
ForemanJohn H Jrborn about 1919
ForemanSamer born about 1908
FortAlforngia born about 1937
FortBennie Leeborn about 1929
FortCharles Jr born about 1938
FortDaisy born about 1912
FortDenver born about 1929
FortElla Maeborn about 1934
FortEvester born about 1925
FortFred Juniusborn about 1928
FortHamerean born about 1925
FortHenry born about 1895
FortHerbert Hooverborn about 1932
FortJobo born about 1922
FortJohn born about 1877
FortJohn born about 1930
FortLonnie born about 1902
FortLonnie Jr born about 1926
FortMaudie Reeborn about 1934
FortOney born about 1885
FortRuth Ellaborn about 1906
FortWillis born about 1907
FosterAmelia born about 1917
FosterBen born about 1909
FosterDarrell born about 1939
FrazierCarrie born about 1885
FrazierE Hborn about 1890
FrazierSylvia Lborn about 1904
FrazierWill born about 1880
FricksArline born about 1922
FricksArtie Maeborn about 1925
FricksBessie born about 1900
FricksBettie Louborn about 1939
FricksBobbie Joeborn about 1939
FricksCatherine born about 1931
FricksCleveland born about 1895
FricksEarly Leeborn about 1921
FricksEloise born about 1936
FricksEulas born about 1923
FricksHattie Maeborn about 1929
FricksJames Royborn about 1924
FricksJewel born about 1898
FricksJimmie born about 1897
FricksLee Edwardborn about 1928
FricksLeonard born about 1932
FricksLessie Bborn about 1918
FricksLineree born about 1917
FricksNazarene born about 1924
FricksOra Daleborn about 1935
FricksVersie Maeborn about 1934
FrizzellBettie Rborn about 1933
FrizzellCalvin Hborn about 1901
FrizzellDavid Pborn about 1903
FrizzellEffie Leeborn about 1904
FrizzellErma Cborn about 1897
FrizzellHoyt Oborn about 1929
FrizzellHurlson born about 1895
FrizzellMabildia born about 1864
FrizzellPeggie Jimborn about 1931
FrizzellWilliam Tborn about 1865

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G Surnames

GastonAndrew Tborn about 1920
GastonRosa born about 1887
GiggsCannon born about 1926
GilbertLena born about 1894
GillAgee born about 1931
GillEffie Maeborn about 1922
GillIda born about 1890
GillIda Belleborn about 1930
GillIde born about 1915
GillIra born about 1911
GillJustine born about 1934
GillL Gborn about 1925
GillLavell born about 1906
GillLizzie born about 1919
GillMary born about 1907
GillMary born about 1938
GillMoreian born about 1923
GillPirta Maeborn about 1928
GillRebecca born about 1933
GillRobert Leeborn about 1918
GillWillis born about 1869
GillWillis Juneborn about 1929
GillespieAnn born about 1866
GillespieDelilah born about 1911
GillespieElbert Oborn about 1910
GillespieHarold born about 1929
GillespieIdell born about 1890
GillespieJohnny Elbertborn about 1936
GillespiePeggy Deeborn about 1938
GillespieW R Jrborn about 1920
GillespieW R Srborn about 1890
GloverA Cborn about 1927
GloverElizabeth born about 1871
GloverLeonard born about 1924
GloverPhilip born about 1883
GloverRuth Ellaborn about 1923
GloverSarah born about 1911
GloverViola born about 1887
GoldsmithHenry Lborn about 1937
GoldsmithJeredline born about 1931
GoldsmithJoe Reeborn about 1935
GoldsmithJohn born about 1874
GoldsmithJohn Hborn about 1909
GoldsmithMandy born about 1883
GosennosMilas born about 1904
GosennosRuth born about 1909
GoshenClara born about 1923
GoshenClaudie Bborn about 1939
GoshenEarven born about 1923
GoshenEdker born about 1925
GoshenGent born about 1916
GoshenIra born about 1905
GoshenIrene born about 1906
GoshenJames born about 1932
GoshenJim born about 1870
GoshenLinwood born about 1928
GoshenMarguerite born about 1931
GoshenMartha born about 1910
GoshenMonroe born about 1935
GoshenNancy born about 1882
GoshenRick born about 1880
GoshenRodie born about 1928
GossemorAllen Aborn about 1923
GossemorClaudie born about 1926
GossemorJohn Tborn about 1894
GossemorLindbergh born about 1932
GossemorOra born about 1891
GossemorZelma born about 1916
GosvenorBelton born about 1925
GosvenorBettie Louborn about 1940
GosvenorGeorge Wborn about 1928
GosvenorHellen born about 1924
GosvenorHerman born about 1920
GosvenorJereld born about 1921
GosvenorJewel Vborn about 1938
GosvenorLaura Lborn about 1934
GosvenorMary Aborn about 1932
GosvenorMyrtle born about 1909
GosvenorNancy Joeborn about 1930
GosvenorWillard born about 1899
GozeAlbert born about 1885
GozeFannie born about 1885
GrahamArgin born about 1882
GrahamBilly Marionborn about 1937
GrahamBlanch born about 1898
GrahamJ Cborn about 1891
GrahamVenita born about 1923
GrahamWaymon born about 1933
GrantDellie born about 1914
GraysonAlbert Sborn about 1880
GraysonClara Mborn about 1896
GraysonHazel born about 1916
GraysonIra L Jrborn about 1919
GraysonIra L Srborn about 1881
GraysonJohn Kennethborn about 1924
GraysonLorena born about 1883
GraysonPearl born about 1884
GraysonSam born about 1920
GreenAlbert Bborn about 1929
GreenAllen born about 1889
GreenDanie born about 1903
GreenHellen born about 1931
GreerClarkie born about 1913
GreerEarl Rayborn about 1931
GreerHelen born about 1924
GreerHomer born about 1908
GreerLena born about 1905
GreerNell born about 1928
GreerOllie born about 1901
GuffeyCarrie born about 1891
GuffeyM Eborn about 1881
GuffeyVirginia born about 1919
GulleyBennie born about 1937
GulleyBessie born about 1928
GulleyBessie Bborn about 1905
GulleyBirdie born about 1921
GulleyCarl born about 1922
GulleyDennis born about 1939
GulleyEdgar born about 1924
GulleyEugene born about 1911
GulleyFrancis Marieborn about 1933
GulleyImogene born about 1935
GulleyJohnie born about 1928
GulleyL Aborn about 1926
GulleyLillie born about 1899
GulleyLyda born about 1912
GulleyOdessie born about 1922
GulleyRobby Bborn about 1883
GulleyTommie born about 1898

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H Surnames

HackneyHugh born about 1917
HaireBernice born about 1924
HaireMrs Claude born about 1900
HaireRuth born about 1921
HallemonChristine born about 1929
HallemonJake born about 1926
HallemonLizzie born about 1908
HallemonMetza Hborn about 1902
HallemonPauline born about 1924
HamiltonCallie born about 1893
HamiltonDaisy Leeborn about 1926
HamiltonDavid born about 1925
HamiltonEdward born about 1934
HamiltonErvin born about 1906
HamiltonHazel born about 1915
HamiltonHoward Fborn about 1938
HamiltonJim Romyborn about 1940
HamiltonLizzie born about 1917
HamiltonLoys born about 1912
HamiltonMary Oliveborn about 1936
HamiltonWilliam born about 1860
HansonDelias born about 1906
HansonHenry born about 1901
HarborJesse born about 1924
HarborWillie Leeborn about 1922
HardinDaisy Leeborn about 1924
HardinField born about 1927
HardinFineas born about 1893
HardinGeorge born about 1923
HardinLela Maeborn about 1926
HardinMarie born about 1920
HardinOla Maeborn about 1937
HardinPearl born about 1908
HardnettAlfred born about 1937
HardnettAnnie Belleborn about 1905
HardnettHarvey Leeborn about 1931
HardnettJestene born about 1926
HardnettJoe born about 1933
HardnettWinston born about 1892
HarperHerbert Leeborn about 1934
HarperLee Royborn about 1908
HarperMargrette Gborn about 1936
HarperRuby born about 1913
HarperSallie born about 1867
HarveyA Gborn about 1922
HarveyDean born about 1890
HarveyDoyle Bborn about 1915
HarveyGuy Rolandborn about 1933
HarveyHenry born about 1887
HarveyHenry Jr born about 1925
HarveyMary Annborn about 1940
HarveySarah Louiseborn about 1910
HawkinsJohn born about 1858
HayesEmma Leeborn about 1903
HayesHenry born about 1875
HayesHenry Jr born about 1937
HayesLaura Leeborn about 1932
HayesMary Ellenborn about 1929
HayesMollie born about 1939
HayesOssie Maeborn about 1933
HayesWilmon Thayborn about 1935
HaysMontroy born about 1926
HelmsJim born about 1885
HempsteadCleophas born about 1936
HempsteadDedy born about 1891
HempsteadElmore born about 1890
HempsteadIzetta born about 1915
HempsteadJoe born about 1895
HempsteadL Cborn about 1927
HempsteadMacie Leeborn about 1933
HempsteadMamie Leeborn about 1939
HempsteadRoy born about 1912
HenleyHelen born about 1920
HenleyJames Bborn about 1922
HenleyMary Mborn about 1897
HenryBeacih born about 1897
HenryEdgar born about 1912
HenryEthel Bborn about 1917
HenryInez born about 1909
HenryJames born about 1922
HenryJohn Dborn about 1909
HenryLueller born about 1929
HenryLula born about 1870
HenryVester Leeborn about 1920
HenryWreatha Maeborn about 1932
HerringtonAlfred Lamanborn about 1938
HerringtonGloria Darleneborn about 1939
HerringtonJimmie born about 1919
HerringtonLoren born about 1907
HesterleyEtta Aborn about 1879
HesterleyJesse Wborn about 1883
HesterleyJunious Hborn about 1880
HesterleyMartha Eborn about 1890
HesterlyCarl born about 1913
HesterlyDonald Hughborn about 1939
HesterlyHarold born about 1915
HesterlyJames Carltonborn about 1938
HesterlyMargie born about 1919
HesterlyNettie born about 1913
HesterlyS Tborn about 1889
HildebrandBeen born about 1904
HildebrandBobby born about 1936
HildebrandDorothy born about 1927
HildebrandFrancis born about 1929
HildebrandHarvey born about 1933
HildebrandMinnie Maeborn about 1910
HillLincoln born about 1933
HindmanAlbertus born about 1930
HindmanEdward born about 1919
HindmanEmma born about 1890
HindmanEmma Janeborn about 1922
HindmanFannie Eborn about 1890
HindmanFrancies born about 1926
HindmanRobert Hborn about 1886
HindmanSilas Hborn about 1926
HindmanWilliam Jborn about 1880
HinesAnnie Belleborn about 1936
HinesArtiemore born about 1902
HinesBetty Annborn about 1934
HinesEdward born about 1923
HinesEllis born about 1924
HinesFrancis born about 1926
HinesHaywood born about 1893
HinesLee Davisborn about 1935
HinesMaple born about 1922
HinesOttie Maeborn about 1920
HinesRoy Leeborn about 1930
HinesT Sborn about 1915
HintonAlthia Maeborn about 1912
HintonBelton born about 1922
HintonCelestine born about 1940
HintonCharlie born about 1908
HintonChristene born about 1924
HintonEarmie Leanborn about 1939
HintonEmma Louiseborn about 1920
HintonGrady Lawnborn about 1924
HintonJanie born about 1890
HintonJulius born about 1886
HintonMary Leeborn about 1912
HintonMinnie Maeborn about 1925
HintonRufus born about 1927
HintonSarah born about 1889
HintonVirtis Leeborn about 1929
HintonWilma Jborn about 1927
HollemanAnnie born about 1870
HollemanB Hborn about 1887
HollemanBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
HollemanBennie born about 1915
HollemanBeulah born about 1899
HollemanBud born about 1877
HollemanCharlie Leeborn about 1935
HollemanChester Leeborn about 1939
HollemanClaud Erionborn about 1936
HollemanDwade born about 1906
HollemanGalvesta born about 1920
HollemanIda Bellborn about 1919
HollemanJames Dborn about 1933
HollemanLee Otisborn about 1934
HollemanM Ellenborn about 1888
HollemanMarian born about 1930
HollemanMarvin Rborn about 1925
HollemanMary Hborn about 1878
HollemanNina born about 1908
HollemanRobert Wborn about 1874
HollemanRoy Eborn about 1910
HollemanThurman born about 1904
HollemanWillie born about 1915
HollemanWillie Rayborn about 1920
HollimanA Dborn about 1925
HollimanAndrew born about 1901
HollimanBeling born about 1924
HollimanBernice born about 1937
HollimanBethena born about 1939
HollimanCharles Lindberghborn about 1929
HollimanChester Leeborn about 1932
HollimanClaudia Leeborn about 1935
HollimanCleosie born about 1928
HollimanClyde born about 1931
HollimanDallas born about 1907
HollimanErnestine born about 1921
HollimanEva Dellborn about 1933
HollimanFloyd Jr born about 1938
HollimanGeneva born about 1935
HollimanGeorge born about 1867
HollimanGeorge Earlborn about 1915
HollimanInisice born about 1937
HollimanJohnnie Leeborn about 1925
HollimanJosephine born about 1908
HollimanLee Dociaborn about 1932
HollimanLesse Dborn about 1921
HollimanLona Maeborn about 1934
HollimanLona Pearlborn about 1923
HollimanLouis Jr born about 1939
HollimanLucy Leeborn about 1918
HollimanMary Louiseborn about 1925
HollimanMiles born about 1907
HollimanMinnie born about 1894
HollimanOcie Maeborn about 1927
HollimanRachel born about 1915
HollimanRoberta born about 1905
HollimanRochester born about 1931
HollimanRufus born about 1933
HollimanViola born about 1902
HollimanVira Maeborn about 1934
HollimanWeling born about 1926
HollimanWill born about 1920
HollimanWillie born about 1880
HollimanWillie Leeborn about 1923
HortonClaudia born about 1908
HortonDouglas Edgarborn about 1940
HortonFay born about 1905
HortonFay Jr born about 1934
HortonNorma Carolynborn about 1937
HouseL Wborn about 1859
HowardJerry Dborn about 1937
HowellBertha Maeborn about 1933
HowellDaily Jborn about 1936
HowellEmma born about 1873
HowellEulah born about 1900
HowellHarry born about 1910
HowellRosa Leeborn about 1926
HowellVennessee born about 1913
HughesDanice Daveyborn about 1908
HughesEdward Leonborn about 1936
HughesF Leeborn about 1926
HughesJerry Donaldborn about 1932
HughesMary Eborn about 1934
HughesMinnie born about 1911
HughesNathan born about 1924
HughesNeal born about 1905
HughesO Leeborn about 1928
HughesRosie born about 1901
HughsEstella born about 1904
HughsJohn Wborn about 1895
HughsMary Aborn about 1938
HunterEmma Leeborn about 1926
HunterGeorge Lborn about 1920
HunterJesse born about 1916
HunterJosie Bellborn about 1901
HunterLenzie born about 1921
HunterWillie Beeborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramBennis born about 1936
IngramBobbie Daleborn about 1939
IngramBrodie born about 1919
IngramD Willieborn about 1918
IngramDonnie born about 1918
IngramJoy born about 1918
IngramThomas born about 1938

J Surnames

JacksonBoss born about 1895
JacksonCotton born about 1910
JacksonEllen born about 1880
JacksonFrancis born about 1927
JacksonJames born about 1921
JacksonJimmie born about 1910
JacksonLeola born about 1910
JacksonLizzie born about 1901
JacksonNovella born about 1931
JeffersonMollie born about 1876
JeffersonSam born about 1875
JohnsonAlfred born about 1919
JohnsonHenry Leeborn about 1900
JohnsonRita Pearlborn about 1937
JohnsonWilliam born about 1909
JohnsonZenobia born about 1939
JonesAdell born about 1927
JonesArtee born about 1898
JonesArthur born about 1886
JonesCharles Edwardborn about 1920
JonesCora Leeborn about 1900
JonesEartha born about 1934
JonesElisha born about 1924
JonesEliza born about 1924
JonesFrancis born about 1904
JonesHenry born about 1891
JonesHenry born about 1932
JonesHopie born about 1916
JonesIndia born about 1932
JonesJ Dborn about 1924
JonesJo born about 1926
JonesJohn Williamborn about 1881
JonesJohnnie Leeborn about 1939
JonesLeonard born about 1925
JonesMartha Lillaborn about 1885
JonesPaul born about 1912
JonesPinkie born about 1886
JonesR Lborn about 1937
JonesRoy born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KingAlabama born about 1894
KingClyde born about 1914
KingElbert born about 1921
KingHayzel born about 1926
KingIda born about 1913
KingIra born about 1896
KingJoe born about 1884
KingLee born about 1911
KingLetsel born about 1922
KingLillie born about 1884
KingMartha Annborn about 1872
KingNancy born about 1880
KirbyH Eborn about 1874
KirbyVirgie Lborn about 1879
KnightBeulah Leeborn about 1932
KnightDixie Tborn about 1939
KnightHenritta born about 1914
KnightJames Hborn about 1929
KnightJames Oborn about 1908
KnightJohn Rborn about 1938
KnightLaura Aborn about 1873
KoonClois born about 1934
KoonConrad born about 1936
KoonConway born about 1911
KoonEffie born about 1909
KoonJel born about 1939
KoonJoyce born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacroixBlanch born about 1921
LacroixFrank Rborn about 1874
LambertGeneva born about 1882
LambertLeon Wborn about 1917
LambertMary Alenaborn about 1937
LambertVeda born about 1918
LamkinMrs Nancy Oborn about 1862
LannHarry Sborn about 1876
LasterCharlie born about 1937
LasterDorothy born about 1930
LasterElsie born about 1935
LasterGeorgia Maeborn about 1938
LasterLee Ernestborn about 1940
LasterLeroy born about 1935
LasterLouisa born about 1933
LasterLouretta born about 1938
LasterLucy born about 1911
LasterRobert born about 1906
LasterRoxie born about 1909
LasterRuth born about 1933
LasterVan Buren born about 1911
LasterWillie born about 1931
LaunceAmos born about 1883
LaunceFlora born about 1889
LaunceTim born about 1915
LecklerSamuel born about 1874
LedbetterJinnie Lawrenceborn about 1933
LedbetterL Rborn about 1909
LedbetterMary Jborn about 1913
LeeBobby born about 1934
LeeCarrie born about 1886
LeeEarnie born about 1912
LeeEmmett Eborn about 1885
LeeGeorge Aborn about 1880
LeeJack born about 1895
LeeJesse Bborn about 1905
LeeJunius born about 1884
LeeLouise born about 1932
LeeLula born about 1890
LeeOpal born about 1918
LeePatsy born about 1937
LeePaul born about 1911
LeePearl born about 1906
LeeRuby Pearlborn about 1909
LeeWalter born about 1906
LesterMrs W Aborn about 1877
LesterNell born about 1909
LillyElijah born about 1870
LillyOllie Leeborn about 1922
LindleyAlice born about 1922
LindleyBeryl born about 1904
LindleyDoris born about 1927
LindleyF Lborn about 1900
LindleyKenneth born about 1926
LittlesClara Bellborn about 1908
LittlesEarl born about 1908
LittlesJay Wborn about 1930
LittlesJim Earlborn about 1936
LittlesKatie Fayborn about 1938
LittlesOlie Maeborn about 1934
LivingstonHarvey born about 1893
LivingstonMarguerite born about 1896
LockwoodRobert born about 1908
LockwoodRoberta born about 1911
LoweAnna Belleborn about 1926
LoweBetty Sueborn about 1933
LoweBlanche born about 1910
LoweCarl Lborn about 1936
LoweChester Cborn about 1911
LoweJesse born about 1905
LoweJohn Wborn about 1934
LoweKatie Maeborn about 1934
LoweNina Mborn about 1912
LoweNora Leonaborn about 1910
LoweWiley Forrestborn about 1931
LoweWiley Gborn about 1880
LoweWiley G Jrborn about 1932
LumonsElsie born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadisonAlbert born about 1921
MadisonBillie Janeborn about 1937
MadisonClinton born about 1935
MadisonCorine born about 1908
MadisonDan born about 1875
MadisonDollis born about 1910
MadisonEllis Lborn about 1937
MadisonElnoria born about 1923
MadisonJoy Bborn about 1929
MadisonLeonard born about 1933
MadisonLessie born about 1916
MadisonMattie Maeborn about 1900
MadisonShirley born about 1936
MadisonTom born about 1940
MadisonWillie born about 1913
MarksAnnie Leeborn about 1930
MarksCaroline born about 1877
MarksDecell born about 1931
MarksEvelee born about 1930
MarksJames born about 1911
MarksJames Jr born about 1936
MarksLena born about 1931
MarksMinnie Maeborn about 1920
MarksNaby born about 1897
MarksPearl born about 1909
MarksWallace born about 1927
MarksWillie born about 1921
MarlandEmlee born about 1916
MarlandHenry born about 1931
MarlandJames Edwardborn about 1938
MarlandJohnie Bborn about 1930
MarshallA Jborn about 1903
MarshallGeorge born about 1872
MarshallLeathie born about 1877
MartinE Pborn about 1878
MartinNannie Lborn about 1891
MatisonAlbert born about 1930
MatthewsJim born about 1890
MatthewsJulius born about 1915
MatthewsMervin born about 1936
MatthewsOrde born about 1917
MatthewsPearl born about 1880
MatthewsTerece born about 1938
McCainHalene born about 1933
McCainHubert born about 1925
McCainMrs Blovie born about 1905
McCoyDora Willieborn about 1926
McCoyWill G Jrborn about 1937
McCreeAnter Leeborn about 1926
McCreeDorothy Mayborn about 1932
McCreeJohnnie born about 1923
McCreeMargrett born about 1926
McCreeMattie Bborn about 1924
McCreeRuby Leeborn about 1929
McCreeSamuel born about 1927
McCroskeyJewell born about 1915
McCroskeyOtis Autherborn about 1938
McCroskeyOtto born about 1912
McDonaldAcie born about 1895
McDonaldAcie Jr born about 1933
McDonaldCaroline born about 1926
McDonaldCurtis H Bborn about 1935
McDonaldEddie Leeborn about 1928
McDonaldEquilla born about 1898
McDonaldLena born about 1924
McDonaldRosa born about 1930
McDonaldSevia born about 1920
McDonaldWalter Leeborn about 1922
McGeeAsberry born about 1888
McGeeBerlain born about 1935
McGeeEarline born about 1939
McGeeEarly Leeborn about 1919
McGeeHessley born about 1928
McGeeIra Dellborn about 1923
McGeeJunior born about 1931
McGeeL Gborn about 1920
McGeeLacey born about 1934
McGeeLaroy Dellborn about 1925
McGeeLeotis born about 1928
McGeeLottie born about 1926
McGeeMabel born about 1922
McGeeMarshall born about 1890
McGeeMary born about 1891
McGeeMary Dellborn about 1920
McGeeNathaniel born about 1932
McGeeNorman Sborn about 1892
McGeePeter born about 1924
McGeePlumer born about 1895
McGeeVada Belleborn about 1920
McGeheeEugene born about
McGoughMarguerite born about 1919
McIntorshBernice Fborn about 1923
McIntorshClaudee Maeborn about 1925
McIntorshMildred born about 1937
McIntorshRobert born about 1884
McIntorshSeweller born about 1906
McMichaelEmma Jeanborn about 1915
McMichaelJ Aborn about 1899
McMichaelPatricia Eborn about 1939
McNealIrene born about 1906
McNealMell Tborn about 1928
MeadorEmma Lueborn about 1921
MeadorGertrude born about 1890
MeadorJohn Fborn about 1914
MeadorNettie Jewellborn about 1922
MilerJoe born about 1891
MilerMary born about 1893
MitchellAlice born about 1908
MitchellChristine born about 1932
MitchellIcy Leeborn about 1914
MitchellJohn Lewisborn about 1910
MitchellLewis Jr born about 1939
MitchellLorenza born about 1901
MitchellLuebertha born about 1906
MitchellMargret born about 1933
MitchellMervine born about 1934
MitchellQueenester born about 1930
MitchellRosetta born about 1936
MitchellVernecel born about 1936
MooreCharles born about 1923
MooreClemon born about 1904
MooreElsie born about 1904
MooreFranklin Leeborn about 1926
MooreWealie Leeborn about 1930
MorelandCleveland born about 1917
MorelandOdessa born about 1919
MorganArvey born about 1900
MorganGeorge born about 1927
MorganGuss born about 1885
MorganJohn Henryborn about 1933
MorganRaymond born about 1935
MorganRuth Leeborn about 1929
MorrisDorothy Leanborn about 1939
MorrisDoyle born about 1930
MorrisDud born about 1884
MorrisEddie born about 1926
MorrisEllis born about 1928
MorrisFloyd born about 1936
MorrisGarland born about 1905
MorrisJames born about 1931
MorrisLenon born about 1935
MorrisLouester born about 1938
MorrisMinnie Maeborn about 1933
MorrisMinnie Maeborn about 1934
MorrisNancy born about 1929
MorrisRosie Leeborn about 1923
MorrisSarah Janeborn about 1904
MorrisSula born about 1902
MoseleyCeddo born about 1894
MoseleyHarriet born about 1890
MoseleyJoe born about 1886
MoseleyL Bborn about 1925
MoseleySallie Oborn about 1902
MosleyA Jborn about 1885
MosleyC Lborn about 1903
MosleyJulia Bborn about 1886
MosleyMary Estellaborn about 1912
MosleyWilliam Calvinborn about 1939
MotenRosie Leeborn about 1924
MotenWillie born about 1927
MullinsG Cborn about 1873
MullinsH Josephineborn about 1891
MunnSarah born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaborsH Rborn about 1896
NaborsRosa Lborn about 1899
NealBillie Bobborn about 1938
NealBobbie Nellborn about 1935
NealClara born about 1888
NealCora born about 1894
NealFaye born about 1931
NealJohn Rborn about 1885
NealMargie Deanborn about 1929
NealRobert Gborn about 1902
NealVedie born about 1913
NelsonFay Leeborn about 1914
NelsonGladys born about 1916
NicholsBeulah born about 1884
NicholsGarland born about 1879
NicholsPatsy Ruthborn about 1934
NicholsVirgie born about 1918
NixBettie born about 1884
NixTony born about 1881
NortonHenry Bborn about 1884
NortonOzie born about 1920
NortonPearl born about 1905
NorwoodKatie born about 1878
NorwoodVan Douglas born about 1921
NorwoodW J Jrborn about 1915
NorwoodW J Srborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OkeefeElegie born about 1888
OkeefeHarland born about 1928
OkeefeHelen born about 1921
OkeefeIla born about 1923
OkeefeRoxie born about 1900
OliverAlbert born about 1902
OliverBrown born about 1936
OliverC Wborn about 1925
OliverDelta born about 1919
OliverDorothy born about 1938
OliverJames born about 1935
OliverJewell born about 1933
OliverLillian born about 1903
OliverMona Jeanborn about 1929
OliverRaymond born about 1897
OliverViva born about 1900
OliverWilliam Jborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParishAbbie born about 1868
ParishW Hborn about 1883
ParksElnora born about 1921
ParksOllie born about 1908
PascalLeneree born about 1927
PascalMabelle born about 1930
PatilloJosephine born about 1915
PatilloJulia Annborn about 1939
PennyDeanie born about 1901
PennyFannie born about 1884
PennyJessie born about 1900
PennyJim born about 1921
PennyMalvern born about 1895
PennyTishie born about 1890
PetersenBillie born about 1930
PetersenEllen born about 1869
PetersenHobert Hborn about 1908
PetersenJesse born about 1901
PfeiferAnnie Loreneborn about 1913
PfeiferFrank born about 1904
PfeiferSarah Annborn about 1939
PickettBlanche born about 1910
PickettEdgar Sborn about 1935
PickettJerry Dborn about 1938
PickettJessie Clineborn about 1930
PickettNettie born about 1890
PickettThuston born about 1907
PickettWilliam Wborn about 1894
PickettWindfred born about 1923
PinkstonAlbertha born about 1923
PinkstonFrank born about 1907
PinkstonLou Ivaborn about 1939
PostAlice born about 1896
PostErnie Maeborn about 1936
PostGarland born about 1891
PrattBillie Rayborn about 1934
PrattEarbett born about 1896
PrattHarrold born about 1924
PrattMerlelee born about 1923
PrattMyrtle born about 1900
PrattPauline born about 1922
PrattWilma Jeanborn about 1928
PrewettFrances Sborn about 1877
PrewettT Jborn about 1878
PrimmAllen born about 1892
PrimmMollie born about 1896
PrinceLola born about 1898
PurifoyAaron born about 1928
PurifoyBetty Loysborn about 1936
PurifoyBilly Dborn about 1930
PurifoyCarl born about 1905
PurifoyCora Lavarneborn about 1940
PurifoyDella Marieborn about 1933
PurifoyEdmonia born about 1896
PurifoyEdwin Lewisborn about 1926
PurifoyGrace born about 1909
PurifoyHugh Lborn about 1900
PurifoyJoe born about 1884
PurifoyJohn born about 1910
PurifoyKatie Lborn about 1875
PurifoyLewis Wborn about 1897
PurifoyMary Anborn about 1936
PurifoyMary Eborn about 1905
PurifoyMollie Eborn about 1874
PurifoyMrs Susie born about 1875
PurifoyMrs Vera born about 1903
PurifoyOlen born about 1916
PurifoyPolk born about 1923
PurifoyRobert born about 1936
PurifoySallie born about 1938
PurifoyTheodore born about 1902
PurifoyVada Billeborn about 1909
PurofoyJoe Sborn about 1911
PurofoyJohn Gulleyborn about 1929
PurofoyL Lborn about 1908
PurofoyLottie born about 1909
PurofoyNannie Eborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuearyBeoba Maeborn about 1919
QuearyBeulah Leeborn about 1925
QuearyGeorgia Maeborn about 1934
QuearyGertie born about 1895
QuearyJames Eborn about 1923
QuearyJoe born about 1892
QuearyJoe Jr born about 1928
QuearyWillie Leeborn about 1930
QuinnCharles Percyborn about 1926
QuinnE Bborn about 1923
QuinnLilly Maeborn about 1901
QuinnRubye Maeborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReinhardtElbie born about 1874
ReinhardtGeorge born about 1873
RhodesJinnie born about 1859
RhodesThomas Mborn about 1898
RiffeBilly Bobborn about 1933
RiffeChristopher Cborn about 1864
RiffeClifton born about 1920
RiffeG Rborn about 1858
RiffeJohnnie Leeborn about 1926
RiffeTuma born about 1896
RigsbyAlvia born about 1912
RigsbyBernice born about 1925
RigsbyBetty Janeborn about 1937
RigsbyDincie born about 1922
RigsbyElizabeth born about 1910
RigsbyElnora born about 1880
RigsbyElzie Janeborn about 1937
RigsbyErnestine born about 1930
RigsbyEthel born about 1907
RigsbyEtta Maeborn about 1928
RigsbyFrank born about 1897
RigsbyGracie Leeborn about 1938
RigsbyHudson born about 1903
RigsbyHurtis born about 1934
RigsbyIda Maeborn about 1938
RigsbyJ Dborn about 1925
RigsbyJoseph born about 1905
RigsbyJoseph Jr born about 1939
RigsbyJune born about 1873
RigsbyJune Jr born about 1917
RigsbyLapoleum born about 1936
RigsbyLinwood born about 1932
RigsbyMaggie Leanborn about 1937
RigsbyMamie Leeborn about 1935
RigsbySam born about 1855
RigsbyVurnell born about 1927
RingtoulMay born about 1889
RingtoulThomas Sborn about 1889
RiversAbraham born about 1914
RiversAllean born about 1932
RiversAmanda born about 1919
RiversBertha born about 1921
RiversDarcey born about 1919
RiversElizabeth born about 1911
RiversGeneva born about 1937
RiversHike born about 1898
RiversMargaret born about 1880
RiversMoses born about 1912
RiversNorman born about 1917
RiversOpal Deanborn about 1939
RiversRepolien born about 1935
RiversTony born about 1907
RobersonCarrie born about 1912
RobersonEloise born about 1932
RobersonGarland born about 1907
RobersonJames Eborn about 1934
RobersonLacie Mayborn about 1930
RobersonLucy born about 1892
RobersonRaymond born about 1925
RobersonTim born about 1880
RobersonVictrine born about 1927
RobersonWilson born about 1922
RobinsonBen born about 1919
RobinsonLouise born about 1939
RobinsonMary born about 1918
RobinsonRobert Louisborn about 1939
RollMrs Lizzie Cborn about 1872
RollWatson Mborn about 1912
RoundtreeCelia born about 1908
RoundtreeCharlie born about 1901
RoundtreeDelois born about 1936
RoundtreeJohn Hborn about 1924
RoundtreeL Cborn about 1934
RoundtreeL Gborn about 1937
RoundtreeL Vborn about 1932
RoundtreeMary Ettaborn about 1939
RoundtreeMattie born about 1938
RoundtreeWillie Leeborn about 1928
RoweAddie Maeborn about 1934
RoweAlice born about 1908
RoweBobby born about 1934
RoweDale born about 1932
RoweDavid born about 1883
RoweDoyle born about 1908
RoweEaster born about 1915
RoweEmma born about 1882
RoweEucie Leeborn about 1906
RoweEula Maeborn about 1891
RoweGeorge Wborn about 1881
RoweHay born about 1918
RoweHoy Jr born about 1939
RoweIda born about 1889
RoweIra Edselborn about 1925
RoweJ Eborn about 1906
RoweJames Lborn about 1893
RoweJames Vesterborn about 1920
RoweJohn born about 1906
RoweMary Leeborn about 1911
RoweMaude born about 1885
RoweShererll born about 1916
RoweT Nborn about 1879
RoweWilliam Edwardborn about 1923
RushingIda Lborn about 1878
RushingJ Lborn about 1880
RushingJosie Hborn about 1873
RushingMary Garlandborn about 1915
RushingNora Gborn about 1880
RushingSallie Louborn about 1894
RushingW Eborn about 1874
RushingW Gborn about 1875
RusseyBennie born about 1913
RusseyBennie Jr born about 1933
RusseyBlanche born about 1938
RusseyCharlean born about 1935
RusseyCorene born about 1913
RusseyGordie born about 1883
RusseyWarner Belleborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamAlmer born about 1929
SamBillie born about 1932
SamGeneria born about 1931
SamMinnie born about 1909
SamOlyion born about 1926
SandersBelle born about 1873
SappKizzie born about 1924
SaretteJames Bborn about 1936
SarrettMinnie born about 1916
ScottViolat born about 1893
SevierTexana born about 1888
ShawGrace born about 1909
ShawGreen born about 1918
ShawMavis born about 1937
SheltonIda born about 1902
SheltonRichard born about 1891
SidersCollie born about 1867
SidersLorn Wborn about 1873
SimpsonNancy Hborn about 1887
SimsAnnie born about 1911
SimsAnnie Maeborn about 1935
SimsCharlie born about 1908
SimsCharlie Leeborn about 1930
SimsDorsey Maeborn about 1932
SimsEula Maeborn about 1928
SimsFlossie Maeborn about 1939
SimsGarland born about 1912
SimsJ Tborn about 1931
SimsMary Helenborn about 1933
SimsR Lborn about 1937
SimsWedie born about 1919
SimsWillie Juniusborn about 1936
SingletonHarvey Wborn about 1893
SingletonVelor Hborn about 1896
SmedleyEllis born about 1903
SmedleyEvola born about 1937
SmedleyHelen born about 1934
SmedleyMay Graceborn about 1933
SmedleyRuth born about 1915
SmithAgnes born about 1898
SmithAlfred Aborn about 1930
SmithAlfred Cborn about 1875
SmithBedie born about 1919
SmithBennie Jborn about 1928
SmithBess born about 1898
SmithBettie born about 1936
SmithBlake born about 1901
SmithBlanchie Leeborn about 1924
SmithC Jborn about 1886
SmithCharlie born about 1897
SmithClarence Jborn about 1895
SmithDavid born about 1929
SmithEthel born about 1898
SmithEula born about 1897
SmithGladys born about 1921
SmithGrayham Mborn about 1937
SmithJane born about 1888
SmithLaddy born about 1934
SmithLala Maeborn about 1917
SmithLee born about 1882
SmithMildred born about 1931
SmithNellie born about 1925
SmithRhea born about 1924
SmithRoyce born about 1928
SmithSid born about 1922
SmithVernie born about 1925
SmithVernon born about 1924
SmithVictoria born about 1859
SmithVincent born about 1932
SmithWillie born about 1895
SmithWillis Sborn about 1896
SpurlockMildred born about 1920
SpurlockMillard Eborn about 1918
SpurlockMinnie born about 1887
SpurlockSam Sborn about 1884
StanfieldSuzanna born about 1868
StarnesJack Cborn about 1923
StarnesJimmie Nborn about 1926
StarnesJohn Dborn about 1891
StarnesMary Pearlborn about 1903
SteedMary Mborn about 1929
StevensAlbert born about 1899
StevensBillie Joeborn about 1930
StevensCarmae born about 1911
StevensJessie Leeborn about 1928
StevensMargaret born about 1859
StewartDora born about 1886
StewartEd born about 1888
StinnettAlfred born about 1916
StinnettAlpha born about 1927
StinnettBelton Sborn about 1910
StinnettBenjamin Fborn about 1921
StinnettBillie Joeborn about 1930
StinnettBilly Horaceborn about 1925
StinnettCharles Fborn about 1939
StinnettClarence Lborn about 1919
StinnettCora born about 1893
StinnettDonald born about 1934
StinnettF Bborn about 1894
StinnettHarold born about 1923
StinnettHenderson Fborn about 1900
StinnettJ Kborn about 1858
StinnettJames Eborn about 1907
StinnettJames Rborn about 1884
StinnettJeter born about 1916
StinnettJoe born about 1888
StinnettJohnson born about 1930
StinnettJudy Le born about 1935
StinnettKattie born about 1922
StinnettLaura born about 1871
StinnettLouis born about 1911
StinnettM Inezborn about 1921
StinnettMary born about 1917
StinnettMeca born about 1916
StinnettNettie born about 1890
StinnettS Wborn about 1912
StinnettValree born about 1927
StinnettW Cborn about 1883
StinnettWilliam Lborn about 1932
StinnettWilliam Jr born about 1940
StinnettZaidee born about 1899
StoneWarner born about 1898
StoryCaroline born about 1861
StoryHenry Leeborn about 1915
StoryIola born about 1924
StoryMary Willieborn about 1897
StottCarl Eltonborn about 1933
StottCowella born about 1923
StottD Wborn about 1878
StottEarldon born about 1921
StottMaude Gborn about 1890
StroudErnestine born about 1923
StroudLela Oborn about 1892
StroudMildred born about 1921
SweatmanBobbie Joeborn about 1931
SweatmanConnie Sborn about 1905
SweatmanD Eleseborn about 1923
SweatmanEdna born about 1900
SweatmanElsie born about 1910
SweatmanHarold born about 1927
SweatmanJohnnie born about 1929
SweatmanLamar born about 1933
SweatmanM Aborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateHenry born about 1869
TateMattie born about 1876
TateMattie Pearlborn about 1908
TatumAlma Lborn about 1895
TatumEddie Leeborn about 1924
TatumEuna Bborn about 1923
TatumFloyd Welbinborn about 1931
TatumFred born about 1886
TatumHouston born about 1925
TatumJosephine born about 1899
TatumLeonard born about 1918
TatumMabel born about 1921
TatumMadis Deanborn about 1926
TatumMattie Pearlborn about 1928
TatumOpal Leeborn about 1921
TatumOphelia born about 1897
TatumPeter born about 1868
TatumWest born about 1919
TaylorAnn born about 1938
TaylorBeulah Rborn about 1901
TaylorBilly born about 1931
TaylorCharles Hborn about 1879
TaylorEliza Jborn about 1884
TaylorJess Wborn about 1916
TaylorJettie Maeborn about 1918
TaylorMamie Joeborn about 1927
TaylorMargarette born about 1924
TaylorYvanne born about
ThomasAgmas born about 1919
ThomasBeatrice born about 1910
ThomasBessie Beeborn about 1929
ThomasBillie Cborn about 1940
ThomasLewis born about 1891
ThomasLloyd born about 1918
ThompsonGuy Eborn about 1936
ThompsonGuy Wborn about 1910
ThompsonJay Cborn about 1932
ThompsonJesse Jr born about 1938
ThompsonOple born about 1915
ThompsonWillie Juneborn about 1933
ThreadgillAllen born about 1874
ThreadgillFannie born about 1880
TrammelErnest born about 1882
TrammelErnest born about 1913
TrammelL Cborn about 1939
TrammelL Gborn about 1932
TrammelLemmies born about 1908
TrammelLilly born about 1890
TrammelLonnie born about 1911
TrammelOstellar born about 1910
TrammelRoxie born about 1915
TrammelRubye born about 1921
TuberivlleAlton born about 1937
TuberivlleCarmen born about 1910
TuberivlleMamie Janeborn about 1939
TuberivlleWarner born about 1904
TubervilleAdlays born about 1860
TubervilleBrice born about 1880
TubervilleCharles Stanleyborn about 1936
TubervilleConnie born about 1913
TubervilleDavid Rborn about 1930
TubervilleDonnie born about 1912
TubervilleEmma Leeborn about 1933
TubervilleEssie Maeborn about 1922
TubervilleGarland born about 1934
TubervilleHattie born about 1890
TubervilleJinnie born about 1901
TubervilleJohn Tborn about 1892
TubervilleJoseph Lborn about 1871
TubervilleJoseph Leonborn about 1939
TubervilleJoy Dborn about 1936
TubervilleLeonard born about 1908
TubervilleLonnie born about 1913
TubervilleLucille born about 1920
TubervilleMisouria Eborn about 1878
TubervilleNancie Jborn about 1879
TubervilleOple Jborn about 1939
TubervilleStanley born about 1916
TubervilleTelman born about 1918
TubervilleThelma born about 1910
TubervilleVirginia born about 1931
TunnellSallie Maudborn about 1887
TunnellWalter Cborn about 1892
TurnerCharlie born about 1910
TurnerChristine born about 1932
TurnerExevelle born about 1911
TurnerJuanita born about 1922
TurnerLela born about 1913
TurnerLouise born about 1938
TurnerLuke born about 1896
TurnerMable Layneborn about 1925
TurnerMinnie Jewellborn about 1934
TurnerRilla born about 1887
TurnerW Wborn about 1879
TurnerWanda Fayneborn about 1925
TurnerWilliam born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandiverA Sborn about 1896
VandiverAllene born about 1926
VandiverDaisy born about 1898
VandiverMartha born about 1931
VandiverRobert born about 1933
VanhookDoris Jeanborn about 1936
VanhookEartha Bellborn about 1914
VanhookOra born about 1905
VanhookOra Mborn about 1934

W Surnames

WalkerBertie born about 1899
WalkerIvia born about 1911
WalkerLeodis born about 1934
WalkerMary Francisborn about 1919
WalkerPansy born about 1923
WalkerRuby Leeborn about 1925
WalkerVernie born about 1897
WalthallCelia born about 1890
WalthallDale born about 1905
WalthallFlossie born about 1917
WalthallLealus H Jrborn about 1926
WalthallLeolus Hborn about 1891
WareAlberta born about 1905
WareBirdie Leeborn about 1915
WareFrank born about 1914
WareJohn born about 1912
WareSelma born about 1934
WashingtonEmily born about 1892
WashingtonHerman Leeborn about 1924
WatchallBennie born about 1925
WatchallBillie Joeborn about 1928
WatchallBlanchie born about 1901
WatchallClayton born about 1893
WatchallDonald born about 1935
WatchallMabelle born about 1920
WatchallWoodie born about 1918
WatsonFrances born about 1924
WatsonMrs Maude born about 1884
WatsonW S Srborn about 1879
WatsonWalter Sborn about 1919
WebbAnnie Maeborn about 1932
WebbBeverly Louiseborn about 1939
WebbBillie Rayborn about 1930
WebbCharles Leeborn about 1938
WebbChrlyne born about 1926
WebbEdward born about 1928
WebbEsther born about 1913
WebbJanelle born about 1932
WebbJohnie born about 1910
WebbLorence born about 1905
WebbMamie Joborn about 1933
WebbMra Mary Eborn about 1863
WebbO Wborn about 1900
WebbOpal born about 1903
WebbWillie Aborn about 1908
WestBettie Aborn about 1925
WestBobby Jeanborn about 1939
WestLou Irmaborn about 1920
WestOdies born about 1920
WestPeel born about 1908
WhatleyKatalee Aborn about 1903
WheelengtonCharliy born about
WheelengtonJonell born about 1934
WheelengtonMarshell Nealborn about 1937
WheelengtonThelma born about 1914
WheelingtonConnie born about 1927
WheelingtonEffie Joeborn about 1929
WheelingtonGeorge born about 1931
WheelingtonJohn born about 1918
WheelingtonLettie born about 1934
WheelingtonMeral born about 1922
WheelingtonNamon Jr born about 1920
WheelingtonNorman Eborn about 1878
WheelingtonRoy born about 1925
WheelingtonSherman born about 1907
WheelingtonViola born about 1895
WhitneyE Oborn about 1889
WhitneyMary born about 1871
WiliamsAltha born about 1907
WiliamsGeorge born about 1912
WiliamsIrene born about 1931
WiliamsMay Evaborn about 1933
WiliamsQueen Esterborn about 1939
WiliamsVerla born about 1937
WilkieC Rborn about 1913
WilkieMary Mborn about 1919
WilliamsBarbara Dborn about 1912
WilliamsBeulah Faeborn about 1924
WilliamsElla Mayborn about 1913
WilliamsFlossie Maeborn about 1922
WilliamsFranklin Dborn about 1936
WilliamsJessie born about 1913
WilliamsJohnnie Dborn about 1939
WilliamsL Rborn about 1909
WilliamsLee Iraborn about 1938
WilliamsLillie born about 1892
WilliamsMollie born about 1910
WilliamsMonroe born about 1920
WilliamsPerry born about 1912
WilliamsReece born about 1917
WilliamsRosie born about 1910
WilliamsSimon born about 1922
WilliamsTerry Cborn about 1934
WilliamsThomas Jborn about 1889
WillsBernice born about 1912
WillsHomer Cborn about 1904
WillsNelda Jeneborn about 1928
WilsonAnna born about 1875
WilsonBirdie Bborn about 1880
WilsonCarl born about 1921
WilsonChester born about 1925
WilsonElmer Aborn about 1879
WilsonJesse born about 1919
WilsonRobert born about 1871
WilsonRuby Rborn about 1903
WilsonThelmer Leeborn about 1927
WilsonVictor born about 1917
WilsonWarner Rushingborn about 1936
WilsonWilliam Enoch Jrborn about 1933
WindersA Rborn about 1884
WoodArsie born about 1908
WoodBessie born about 1906
WoodCoydell born about 1935
WoodEmma born about 1915
WoodFred born about 1886
WoodJesse Charlesborn about 1931
WoodJeters born about 1918
WoodRay born about 1911
WoodTadoma born about 1897
WoodVirginia born about 1935
WoodWillem born about 1930
WoodWilliam Aborn about 1895
WoodellAmos Aborn about 1883
WoodellIda born about 1886
WoodellIda Maeborn about 1940
WoodellJesse born about 1916
WoodellMilton Tborn about 1915
WoodellOllie Francisborn about 1935
WoodellShirley Jeanborn about 1938
WoodellTrudy born about 1912
WoodellWarner Lborn about 1906
WoodellWarner Rayborn about 1939
WoodsAllie born about 1875
WorthingtonHarrell born about 1917
WorthingtonJames Gborn about 1895
WorthingtonMamie Leeborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YacumDennis born about 1900
YacumLula Maeborn about 1907
YacumMary Leeborn about 1927
YarbroughFannie born about 1882
YarbroughHugh Bborn about 1890
YarbroughHugh B Jrborn about 1923
YarbroughJames Mborn about 1927
YarbroughJohn born about 1879
YarbroughJohnnie born about 1910
YarbroughLula Jborn about 1925
YarbroughLusendia born about 1912
YarbroughMary Sborn about 1889
YarbroughMay Helenborn about 1921
YarbroughOrlien born about 1922
YarbroughTheller born about 1924
YoungBessie born about 1909
YoungDonald born about 1937
YoungIra born about 1887
YoungJames born about 1908
YoungJeannette born about 1933
YoungJosephine born about 1851
YoungMildred Cborn about 1926
YoungSherman born about 1930
YoungTrixie born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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