1940 U.S. Federal Census of Red River in Stone County, Stone, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Stone County > 1940 Census of Red River in Stone County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

ArnoldJames Rborn about 1871

B Surnames

BagleyBillie Rayborn about 1931
BagleyCaral born about 1914
BagleyDave born about 1887
BagleyEddich born about 1924
BagleyElbert born about 1919
BagleyErnnie born about 1922
BagleyLizzie born about 1918
BagleyNettie Murielborn about 1928
BagleyPatsy Gailborn about 1937
BagleySintha born about 1889
BaldridgeCharley Hborn about 1893
BaldridgeMandie born about 1897
BaldridgeMary Dellborn about 1925
BaldridgeOscar born about 1924
BaneAncel born about 1922
BaneFrank born about 1892
BaneFrankie born about 1927
BaneHarold born about 1936
BaneHester born about 1900
BaneLeonard Mborn about 1891
BaneMarion born about 1864
BaneMyrtle Aborn about 1905
BaneOla born about 1918
BaneOnvie Sborn about 1918
BaneRonald born about 1938
BaneTfennsie Janeborn about 1867
BaneVernon born about 1929
BaneWreathel born about 1925
BarnettCarlas born about 1919
BarnettEd born about 1927
BarnettEffie born about 1895
BarnettFay born about 1922
BarnettGrady born about 1924
BarnettRuby Mayborn about 1930
BarnettSam born about 1894
BarnettThelma born about 1937
BartonDoma born about 1875
BernettAnna born about 1913
BernettCharlie born about 1923
BernettClayton born about 1927
BernettDene born about 1929
BernettJames Aborn about 1896
BernettJanis Dborn about 1940
BernettLorene born about 1924
BernettMurphy born about 1898
BernettOrbin born about 1935
BernettStella born about 1933
BernettVernia born about 1905
BernettWaundlee born about 1937
BondsAmalee born about 1916
BondsAmanda born about 1885
BondsAndrew born about 1886
BondsBillie born about 1938
BondsBonnie born about 1933
BondsClarence born about 1922
BondsCorbet born about 1932
BondsDonnie born about 1933
BondsEarl born about 1906
BondsElvadine born about 1928
BondsEmogene born about 1930
BondsHarve born about 1914
BondsJack born about 1914
BondsJerry Reeceborn about 1940
BondsJoe born about 1904
BondsJonathan Cborn about 1939
BondsJunise born about 1937
BondsLawrence born about 1924
BondsMairs born about 1936
BondsMurriel born about 1936
BondsMyrtha born about 1905
BondsNormajo born about 1934
BondsRubble born about 1920
BranscumJohn Wborn about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CatesGuy born about 1914
CatesLida born about 1912
ClarkGene born about 1925
ClarkJames Eborn about 1886
ClarkJosephine born about 1888
ClarkLa Bern Adeneborn about 1921
ClarkRay born about 1916
CleaverLon born about 1865
CleaverNaomi born about 1925
CleaverWinona born about 1881
CooleyBulah born about 1921
CooleyGeneva born about 1938
CooleyJohn born about 1916
CrumJames Eborn about 1866
CullumFred Vborn about 1907
CullumFreddie born about 1932
CullumJune born about 1928
CullumOpal born about 1911
CullumRuby born about 1934
CutesEdward Gborn about 1908
CutesJoy born about 1932
CutesLuther born about 1902
CutesPearl Fborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DensleyDavid Aborn about 1858
DouthittOhtie born about 1911
DouthittWalter Rborn about 1903
DouthittWanda born about 1936
DouthittWinferd born about 1932

E Surnames

EnglesHeskell born about 1924
EnglesPete born about 1887

F Surnames

FarnessEugene born about 1933
FarnessGaldia born about 1912
FarnessRay born about 1914
FarnessVervadene born about 1937

G Surnames

GardnerClaudis born about 1927
GardnerInfant born about 1940
GardnerJennie born about 1861
GardnerJewel born about 1908
GardnerKenneth born about 1929
GardnerLorene born about 1933
GardnerOliver born about 1896
GilesAlcdine born about 1883
GilesCharlie Rborn about 1884
GoodmanGeorge Wborn about 1896
GuffeyBill born about 1925
GuffeyGeorge Wborn about 1891
GuffeyLillie born about 1923
GuffeyLincoln born about 1920
GuffeyMaude born about 1896
GuffeySylvia born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HarrisIra born about 1874
HarrisLenard born about 1922
HarrisSusie born about 1884
HindmanGeorge Wborn about 1864
HindmanJewell born about 1911
HindmanMarrion Sborn about 1893
HobbsJames born about 1862

K Surnames

KuykendallBramlet born about 1924

M Surnames

MartinAfton born about 1926
MartinAlbia born about 1923
MartinGarland born about 1919
MartinGlen Rborn about 1921
MartinMary born about 1895
MartinOdell born about 1917
MartinSidney born about 1887
MayGeorge Wborn about 1862
MillwoodMargie born about 1924
MillwoodVirgil Oborn about 1918
MoodyAmanda born about 1893
MoodyBitha born about 1884
MoodyBuster born about 1925
MoodyDayle born about 1916
MoodyDealie born about 1894
MoodyDessa Joeborn about 1925
MoodyDois born about 1931
MoodyDora born about 1889
MoodyFay born about 1923
MoodyHarve born about 1876
MoodyJess born about 1920
MoodyJim Dborn about 1890
MoodyJoseph Brackborn about 1890
MoodyMacie Robertaborn about 1938
MoodyNelson born about 1919
MoodyNoah born about 1924
MoodyOneal born about 1921
MoodyPhil born about 1888
MoodyVeda born about 1927
MoodyVelza born about 1913
MoodyWinnie born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NettlesDonald born about 1935
NettlesJames born about 1939
NettlesJessie born about 1910
NettlesJessie Sborn about 1859
NettlesLoretta born about 1934
NettlesLucille born about 1915
NettlesSynthia born about 1876
NettlesWayne born about 1937

P Surnames

PitzerClara born about 1870
PitzerLyman Hborn about 1864

R Surnames

ReedMartha born about 1867
ReevesAudrey born about 1922
ReevesEtta born about 1877
ReevesHiram born about 1877
ReevesIrene born about 1932
ReevesLeferne born about 1927
ReevesLummie Rborn about 1901
ReevesManda born about 1900
ReevesMartha born about 1879
ReevesYvonne born about 1939
ReynaldsEdna Graceborn about 1910
ReynaldsLloyd Fborn about 1876
ReynaldsOzella born about 1917
ReynaldsRobert born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SanfordWilliam born about 1876
SimmonsAnna Marieborn about 1932
SimmonsBess Edithborn about 1916
SimmonsDaws Aborn about 1920
SimmonsDessie Gladysborn about 1911
SimmonsDoireire born about 1909
SimmonsDora born about 1879
SimmonsGayland Bryanborn about 1939
SimmonsHerschel born about 1919
SimmonsIsaac born about 1878
SimmonsJames Boyborn about 1903
SimmonsLola Janeborn about 1914
SimmonsMary Mborn about 1885
SimmonsVelorn born about 1930
SimmonsWilmont Tborn about 1878
SterlinAlice born about 1887
SterlinHerbert born about 1927
SterlinMildred born about 1930
SterlinNaomi born about 1930
SterlinOliver born about 1919
SterlinRaymon born about 1907
SterlinWillie Fayeborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasClaude Eborn about 1895
ThomasElzie born about 1888
ThomasIvory born about 1924
ThompsonDaniel Bborn about 1923
ThompsonFrancis Cborn about 1881
ThompsonGeorge Dborn about 1899
ThompsonJohn Bborn about 1865
ThompsonLyle born about 1935
ThompsonMagerene born about 1921

W Surnames

WatkinsEmma born about 1908
WatkinsFloyd born about 1909
WatkinsLucille born about 1931
WatkinsWandalee born about 1936
WeeleyBeatrice born about 1924
WeeleyBillie born about 1933
WeeleyCleo born about 1904
WeeleyHowl born about 1929
WeeleyJunior born about 1925
WeeleyLaura born about 1904
WeeleyPauline born about 1927
WillhiteAnis born about 1890
WillhiteJoe born about 1893
WilliamsBen born about 1923
WilliamsGlen born about 1921
WilliamsHope born about 1918
WilliamsJake Gborn about 1914
WilliamsLoreva born about 1936
WilliamsLucille born about 1928
WilliamsMurleen born about 1938
WilliamsNina Ruthborn about 1933
WilliamsRosa Dborn about 1896
WilliamsThomas Jborn about 1892

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