1940 U.S. Federal Census of Redland in Nevada County, Nevada, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Nevada County > 1940 Census of Redland in Nevada County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdaAdcock born about 1889
AdcockDavis born about 1908
AdcockDorotha born about 1925
AdcockJames Rborn about 1939
AdcockLou born about 1905
AdcockLou Juneborn about 1932
AdcockRuby Leeborn about 1927
AdcockWinnie born about 1929
AlexanderJames Eborn about 1938
AlexanderJene Ireneborn about
AlexanderJohn Lborn about 1936
AlexanderJunius born about 1915
AlexanderMary born about 1919
AndrewsA Lborn about 1890
AndrewsAlta born about 1929
AndrewsAlvin born about 1932
AndrewsAudrey born about 1911
AndrewsBonnie born about 1939
AndrewsC Eborn about 1910
AndrewsCarolin Sueborn about 1937
AndrewsCharles Eborn about 1931
AndrewsDerrell born about 1939
AndrewsDonald Joeborn about 1938
AndrewsElsie born about 1925
AndrewsFaye born about 1914
AndrewsGean born about 1938
AndrewsGilbert born about 1914
AndrewsGladys born about 1903
AndrewsJ Rborn about 1867
AndrewsJ Wborn about 1921
AndrewsJuhel born about 1930
AndrewsKenneth born about 1925
AndrewsL Bborn about 1912
AndrewsMarie born about 1923
AndrewsNola born about 1896
AndrewsRobert Dborn about 1938
AndrewsRose born about 1869
AndrewsSilveyjane born about 1927
AndrewsVermon born about 1923
AndrewsW Mborn about 1898
AshcraftDouglass born about 1939
AshcraftEsther born about 1915
AshcraftFrances born about 1934
AshcraftFranklin Cborn about 1932
AshcraftJ Fborn about 1898
AtkinsCharlie born about 1889
AtkinsHarrit born about 1888
AtkinsJae Lewisborn about 1937
AtkinsLee Marieborn about 1939
AtkinsRetha Belleborn about 1936
AtkinsRuby Jewellborn about 1933
AtkinsRuth Deanborn about 1918
AtkinsVirgil born about 1912

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B Surnames

BabbClarence born about 1924
BabbDirie born about 1903
BabbFrank born about 1902
BabbFrank born about 1925
BabbLenard born about 1921
BabbMagaline born about 1931
BabbNora born about 1902
BabbOdessie born about 1933
BabbQueen Esterborn about 1927
BabbS Jborn about 1939
BabbSelina born about 1932
BabbThelma born about 1928
BabbU Sborn about 1899
BabbV Sborn about 1931
BabbVelma born about 1932
BabbsEpcell born about 1931
BabbsLee born about 1934
BabbsLizzie born about 1876
BabbsMary born about 1935
BabbsMathen born about 1908
BabbsOpal born about 1938
BakerCharlie born about 1877
BallsArlen born about 1935
BallsCharles born about 1938
BallsFred born about 1909
BallsMary Nellborn about 1939
BallsMrs R Jborn about 1884
BallsThelma born about 1916
BanieElma born about 1928
BanksA Rborn about 1890
BanksChester born about 1918
BanksCora born about 1890
BanksCora born about 1909
BanksDaisy Maeborn about 1928
BanksFlorence born about 1926
BanksGate born about 1862
BanksJames born about 1912
BanksLonnie born about 1922
BanksLula born about 1880
BanksMattie Janeborn about 1916
BanksOrlando born about 1912
BanksPauline born about 1916
BanksRichard Leeborn about 1937
BanksSam born about 1906
BarhamCarolyn Sueborn about 1938
BarhamClint born about 1890
BarhamElsie born about 1914
BarhamHannah born about 1888
BarhamHattie born about 1895
BarhamJ Wborn about 1908
BarhamJack born about 1927
BarhamLuther born about 1895
BarhamMrs T Bborn about 1872
BarhamWarren born about 1919
BarlowCarrie born about 1893
BarlowDawson born about 1921
BarlowJ Wborn about 1889
BarlowLeilia born about 1892
BarlowMartha Sueborn about 1923
BarlowPaul born about 1919
BarlowThomas born about 1925
BarlowW Aborn about 1893
BarrA Rborn about 1873
BarrCleo born about 1918
BarrEtta born about 1883
BarrFloyd born about 1914
BarrJack Lborn about 1916
BarrMary Louborn about 1923
BarrMyrtle born about 1901
BarrR Hborn about 1937
BarrRoy born about 1917
BaylessGustave born about 1922
BaylessLee born about 1914
BaylessLee Edwborn about 1939
BeirneCynthia born about 1934
BeirneFerrell Hborn about 1936
BeirneJim Tborn about 1939
BeirneLillie born about 1897
BeirneMarie born about 1912
BeirneT Eborn about 1891
BeirneT Tborn about 1912
BentonHelen born about 1920
BlakeCecil born about 1924
BlakeCharlie born about 1918
BlakeDarris born about 1936
BlakeDennis born about 1927
BlakeEdgar Leeborn about 1930
BlakeHorace born about 1936
BlakeLeon born about 1920
BlakeLewis born about 1926
BlakeNadean born about 1922
BlakeOtis born about 1895
BlakeOtis Jr born about 1934
BlakeRobert Lborn about 1932
BlakeSusie born about 1897
BlakeWilliam born about 1916
BosemanH born about 1868
BosemanViney born about 1886
BouieAlene born about 1923
BouieC Bborn about 1895
BouieC B Jrborn about 1928
BouieElmer born about 1927
BouieLuella born about 1922
BoxBalton born about 1915
BoxBrac born about 1892
BoxBrooksie born about 1913
BoxClemon Bborn about
BoxHattie Leeborn about 1926
BoxHilton born about 1938
BoxHinton Fayborn about 1938
BoxLeon born about 1934
BoxSusie born about 1900
BoxTim Myrtleborn about 1923
BoxWilliam born about 1936
BradfordLewis born about 1904
BradfordOllie born about 1901
BraggAcie born about 1927
BraggAlmer born about 1915
BraggAton born about 1920
BraggDora born about 1896
BraggGeorge born about 1907
BraggLucius born about 1918
BraggRay born about
BraggSam born about 1890
BraggViola Leeborn about 1922
BrewerAlf born about 1928
BrewerAzar born about 1925
BrewerGeorgie born about 1923
BrewerHenry born about 1921
BrewerJosie born about 1932
BriggsBobby Leeborn about
BriggsBurdine born about 1937
BriggsEssie born about 1891
BriggsL Cborn about 1927
BriggsMelvin born about 1931
BriggsMimie born about 1905
BriggsMyrtle born about 1933
BriggsOrville born about 1935
BrownCarl born about 1914
BrownCathrine born about 1931
BrownClaudie born about 1902
BrownDan born about 1928
BrownDelia born about 1916
BrownEddie Royborn about 1938
BrownEugie born about 1923
BrownG Bborn about 1890
BrownGladys born about 1922
BrownGlendene born about 1938
BrownGutheline born about 1928
BrownHerman born about 1927
BrownI Sborn about 1882
BrownIra born about 1932
BrownIrene born about 1932
BrownIvy born about 1929
BrownJadie Belleborn about 1936
BrownJesse born about 1930
BrownJimmy born about 1923
BrownJosie born about 1889
BrownLanzo born about 1934
BrownLavey born about 1902
BrownLenora born about 1908
BrownLuther born about 1918
BrownMozell born about 1924
BrownR D Jrborn about 1940
BrownRosilin born about 1924
BrownRozetta born about 1937
BrownRuth born about 1927
BrownS Bborn about 1901
BrownS B Jrborn about 1927
BrownSam born about 1922
BrownVerman born about 1935
BrownWilma born about 1925
BrysonDouglas born about 1926
BrysonJ Wborn about 1883
BrysonMinnie born about 1885
BrysonThomas born about 1915
BufordDellora born about 1924
BufordJ Cborn about 1898
BufordJake born about 1931
BufordMinnie born about 1905
BufordVirgil born about 1926
BulterBobby Mayborn about 1936
BulterCatherine born about 1930
BulterElice born about 1925
BulterElizabeth born about 1933
BulterHenry born about 1900
BulterPearline born about 1924
BulterWillie Mayborn about 1905
BurleyAline born about 1921
BurleyW Lborn about 1908
ButlerAnnie born about 1892
ButlerCealie born about 1880
ButlerEthel Bborn about 1936
ButlerEthel Mayborn about 1928
ButlerJae Lillieborn about 1939
ButlerLee Ellaborn about 1910
ButlerMattie Belleborn about 1927
ButlerTebo born about 1922
ButlerW Rborn about 1873

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C Surnames

CagleB Jborn about 1880
CagleCarroll born about 1934
CagleFreeman born about 1904
CagleJames Leeborn about 1924
CagleMinnie born about 1886
CagleOra born about 1909
CalbertBarbara Jeoborn about 1939
CalbertIsaac born about 1916
CalbertMae born about 1915
CalbertRose born about 1938
CallierEssa born about 1934
CallierJ Tborn about 1937
CallierJames born about 1938
CallierJesse born about 1940
CallierOpal Leeborn about 1932
CarmonBurton born about 1894
CarmonCarl born about 1913
CarmonCorener born about 1938
CarmonCyntha born about 1920
CarmonL Cborn about 1932
CarmonLinnie born about 1915
ChamleeJesse born about 1895
ChamleeW Jborn about 1871
CharlesAlfonzo born about 1925
CharlesAlice born about 1907
CharlesBably Fborn about 1933
CharlesBookes Tborn about 1911
CharlesBrutas born about 1902
CharlesCelestine born about 1930
CharlesChristone born about 1930
CharlesCora born about 1913
CharlesEddie born about 1901
CharlesEliza born about 1874
CharlesElla Mayborn about 1915
CharlesElzie born about 1926
CharlesEvelin Juneborn about 1939
CharlesHelen born about 1926
CharlesHenry born about 1909
CharlesInez born about 1938
CharlesIsebella born about 1902
CharlesJohnie born about 1938
CharlesLillie Maeborn about 1924
CharlesLoney born about 1882
CharlesLonnie born about 1928
CharlesM Cborn about 1872
CharlesMarguette born about 1932
CharlesMary born about 1873
CharlesMaxine born about 1940
CharlesMonroe born about 1911
CharlesMousisia born about 1872
CharlesP Wborn about 1930
CharlesPeter born about 1880
CharlesRobert born about 1914
CharlesRozetta born about 1936
CharlesSarrah Leeborn about 1928
CharlesSavannah born about 1912
CharlesShermon born about 1898
CharlesShirley Ruthborn about 1939
CharlesThurman born about 1919
CharlesViola born about 1892
CharlesWillie born about 1914
CharlesWm Nborn about 1893
ChristopherJ Cborn about 1925
ChristopherJim born about 1878
ChristopherLaura born about 1896
ChristopherMary born about 1875
ChristopherOttis born about 1931
ChristopherParatee born about 1876
ChristopherSallie born about 1874
ChristopherW Cborn about 1873
ClabornClifton born about 1915
ClabornEdward born about 1938
ClabornTrudie born about 1919
ClabornWillie Maeborn about 1939
ClarkEgra born about 1872
ClarkStella born about 1890
ClayCaroline born about 1939
ClayHattie Maeborn about 1914
ClayT Sborn about 1914
ClayWillie Jeanborn about 1937
CogleBeulah born about 1908
CogleLouise born about 1929
CogleRay Gantborn about 1927
CogleRoy Cborn about 1905
CollierDavid born about 1929
CollierLonnie born about 1927
CookG Wborn about 1887
CookHubert born about 1921
CookRevan born about 1927
CookRoy Leeborn about 1923
CookSusie born about 1902
CottinghamEmma born about 1875
CottinghamFrank born about 1898
CottinghamGrace born about 1907
CottinghamJ Wborn about 1884
CottinghamJames Eborn about 1935
CottinghamRuth born about 1888
CottinghamW Eborn about 1895
CottinghamW Rborn about 1867
CoxBarham born about 1929
CoxCharlie born about 1927
CoxGeorge born about 1925
CoxGeorge Mrs born about 1896
CoxHazel born about 1921
CoxJewell born about 1934
CoxJunior Larkinborn about 1931
CoxMary Jewelborn about 1932
CoxPershing born about 1918
CoxSallie born about 1928
CoxWill Edborn about 1926
CraneClarence born about 1914
CraneEmma born about 1887
CraneW Fborn about 1887
CravenJames born about 1914
CravenKatty Sueborn about 1920
CrowellCarrie born about 1888
CrowellD Mborn about 1880
CrowellHudson born about 1908
CrowellJames born about 1917
CummingHambrac born about 1920
CummingHoyett born about 1922
CummingM Eborn about 1883
CummingSallie born about 1891
CummingsBobby Ruthborn about 1931
CummingsD Wborn about 1903
CummingsEunice born about 1894
CummingsHarley born about 1924
CummingsPauline born about 1920
CummingsR Lborn about 1893
CummingsR L Jrborn about 1922
CummingsRegena born about 1928
CurryChristine born about 1937
CurryJohny born about 1926
CurryMelba Jeanborn about 1933
CurryOliver born about 1907
CurryOliver Jr born about 1934
CurryRoy Leeborn about 1940
CurryTilda born about 1912
CurryTiny Bellborn about 1937
CurryUrllie born about 1938

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D Surnames

DanielAlleene born about 1915
DanielBiddie Herronborn about 1937
DanielBobby born about 1933
DanielClyde born about 1930
DanielDelmer born about 1913
DanielJ Lborn about 1881
DanielJ Wborn about 1895
DanielLenora born about 1938
DanielMattie born about 1890
DanielMay born about 1934
DanielMilton born about 1923
DanielOdessa born about 1902
DanielRoy born about 1925
DansbyBen Jr born about 1938
DansbyEarnest born about 1916
DansbyEstella Maeborn about 1921
DansbyJohn Rufusborn about 1936
DardenJae Nathenborn about 1936
DardenJoe Nborn about 1936
DardenJohn born about 1872
DardenJunior born about 1938
DardenLillie Maeborn about 1921
DardenMadie born about 1916
DardenPearlie born about 1912
DardenRuby Maeborn about 1928
DardenSallie born about 1888
DardenSam born about 1904
DardenSam Jr born about 1938
DardenVera born about 1937
DardenVirgil born about 1916
DardenWalter born about 1912
DavisCora born about 1911
DellingerHomer born about 1905
DewoodyAshley born about 1919
DewoodyBead born about 1905
DewoodyCharlotte born about 1939
DewoodyChristine born about 1920
DewoodyIda born about 1872
DewoodyImogene born about 1920
DewoodyL F Mrsborn about 1882
DewoodyMary Annborn about 1934
DewoodyMrs G Wborn about 1882
DewoodyRuth born about 1905
DewoodySid born about 1912
DewoodyW Tborn about 1870
DunlopCharlie born about 1924
DunlopDavis born about 1922
DunlopMollie born about 1906
DunlopWillie born about 1905

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E Surnames

EasterCathrine born about 1937
EasterEllen born about 1897
EasterJohn born about 1890
EasterMildred born about 1920
EasterWillie born about 1919
ElmoreAda born about 1883
ElmoreArtis Vborn about 1924
ElmoreCarie Leeborn about 1922
ElmoreMonroe born about 1880
ElmorePinkey born about 1911
EmersonFannie born about 1890
EmersonW Dborn about 1884
EshcroftAllen born about 1939
EshcroftBarthena born about 1870
EshcroftE Sborn about 1863
EshcroftIrie born about 1916
EshcroftThimael born about 1912
EvansBettie Sueborn about 1934
EvansEaster born about 1939
EvansEd born about 1930
EvansElijah born about 1939
EvansLidrey born about 1922
EvansLige born about 1874
EvansLou Ellaborn about 1899
EvansLuke born about 1924
EvansOwen Esterborn about 1927

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F Surnames

FarthmanAmos born about 1911
FarthmanBetty born about 1939
FarthmanClark born about 1936
FarthmanEdieh born about 1910
FarthmanGesterly born about 1909
FarthmanOla Mayborn about 1917
FeltsBenjamin born about 1928
FeltsClemintine born about 1901
FeltsMyltra born about 1926
FeltsPaul born about 1929
FeltsSydney born about 1924
FinksClark born about 1860
FinksFannie born about 1872
FlemmingAndrew born about 1900
FlemmingCaldonia born about 1920
FlemmingDaniel born about 1929
FlemmingElla Belleborn about 1923
FlemmingGertine born about 1921
FlemmingIla born about 1932
FlemmingJohnie born about 1910
FlemmingVirene born about 1934
FlemonsC Lborn about 1899
FlemonsDan born about 1860
FlemonsViola born about 1884
FranklinB Wborn about 1869
FranklinFlorence born about 1905
FranklinVirgie born about 1880
FrombyC Fborn about 1900
FrombyCharles Wborn about 1930
FrombyCleo born about 1905
FurgusonJames born about 1922
FylesBertha Maeborn about 1918
FylesJames born about 1918
FylesJames Jr born about 1939

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G Surnames

GarrettElizebeth born about 1912
GarrettEva Nellborn about 1930
GarrettJewell born about 1939
GarrettLee born about 1937
GarrettO Cborn about 1909
GarrettOliver born about 1932
GibsonBetty Leeborn about 1937
GibsonEsther born about 1906
GibsonHughie born about 1933
GibsonJim born about 1901
GibsonLouise born about 1935
GibsonThomas born about 1930
GraysonBobby born about 1934
GraysonFrancis born about 1924
GraysonJack Taylorborn about 1929
GraysonLaura born about 1903
GraysonR Jborn about 1901
GreerEtta born about 1891
GreerFannie born about 1879
GreerGleans born about 1921
GreerJake born about 1925
GreerN Cborn about 1876
GreerS Aborn about 1899
GreerThera born about 1906
GriffinJ Jborn about 1900
GriffinLarine born about 1903
GrishamMrs C born about 1887
GulleyArchie born about 1930
GulleyClaudie born about 1924
GulleyClyde born about 1928
GulleyNepoleon born about 1926
GulleyTinnie born about 1915
GullickAlmeda born about 1870
GullickEtta born about 1884
GullickJ Mborn about 1868
GullickLizzie born about 1876
GullickW Fborn about 1874

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H Surnames

HadnettEnie born about 1858
HadnettRosie born about 1906
HaltAda born about 1889
HaltDoyle born about 1924
HaltTom born about 1887
HannahAda born about 1914
HannahAnnie born about 1906
HannahEula born about 1879
HannahIda born about 1914
HannahScott born about 1913
HannahW Aborn about 1878
HardimanAdele born about 1933
HardimanC Wborn about 1927
HardimanHarriat born about 1905
HardimanJames born about 1930
HardimanLou Oborn about 1868
HardimanLucy born about 1930
HardimanR Lborn about 1925
HardimanR Vborn about 1902
HardimanSanie born about 1932
HardimonO Hborn about 1889
HardimonOwen born about 1927
HardimonSusie born about 1899
HardinD Lborn about 1934
HardinDee born about 1910
HardinEmma born about 1875
HardinEugene born about 1937
HardinEulah born about 1911
HardinJ Tborn about 1938
HardinJennie born about 1871
HardinQueen Esterborn about 1930
HardinRosie Maeborn about 1935
HardinV Tborn about 1933
HardinWander Joyborn about 1939
HardmanBanjamin born about 1939
HardmanEmma born about 1928
HardmanJack born about 1873
HardmanJack Jr born about 1934
HardmanJosephine born about 1937
HardmanLeoma born about 1931
HardmanWillie Maeborn about 1908
HarrisAmanda born about 1915
HarrisBernice born about 1903
HarrisDan Leeborn about
HarrisDon born about 1891
HarrisDortha Jeanborn about 1935
HarrisJohn Lborn about 1890
HarrisLuther born about 1915
HarrisRobert born about 1938
HarrisWaneda born about 1937
HawthornCora born about 1881
HawthornGarner born about 1922
HawthornHattie born about 1915
HawthornHelen born about 1917
HawthornJohn born about 1881
HawthornThula born about 1920
HaynieB Bborn about 1888
HaynieDelta born about 1898
HaynieDouglass born about 1939
HaynieEvelyn Joyborn about 1937
HaynieGeorge Hborn about 1932
HaynieGlendone born about 1917
HaynieH Eborn about 1874
HaynieJames Eborn about 1934
HaynieLorena born about 1879
HaynieT Hborn about 1914
HazzardMrs Susie born about 1873
HeldebrandAlice born about 1881
HeldebrandArl born about 1911
HeldebrandHarold born about 1920
HeldebrandJ Fborn about 1864
HeldebrandMary born about 1923
HerzogC Wborn about 1867
HerzogGladys born about 1906
HildebrandJewell born about 1921
HileryDora born about 1892
HileryEddie Lborn about 1927
HileryGeorgia born about 1923
HileryM Wborn about 1885
HillClara Maeborn about 1934
HillDavid born about 1908
HillDavid Jr born about 1932
HillEarnestine born about 1912
HillGracie Leeborn about 1936
HillHelen Ruthborn about 1939
HillRobert Leeborn about 1928
HillWm Hborn about 1930
HoltElba born about 1901
HoltEliza born about 1868
HoltEllen Marieborn about 1928
HoltLuther born about 1897
HooksAnita Joyceborn about 1932
HooksC Mborn about 1908
HooksGladys born about 1905
HooksJohnie Hborn about 1902
HooksMaud born about 1909
HooksRivo Jeanborn about 1933
HulanClifford born about 1921
HulanDartha born about 1921
HulanH Aborn about 1893
HulanJohn Hborn about 1917
HulanMary born about 1893
HulanWillie born about 1927

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I Surnames

IngramAdell born about 1937
IngramBernice born about 1927
IngramGee born about 1901
IngramGillis born about 1915
IngramIrish born about 1903
IngramJames born about 1931
IngramJohn Jborn about 1935
IngramJosephine born about 1939
IngramMae Amsborn about 1930
IngramMae Roseborn about 1933
IngramMary Dellborn about 1938

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J Surnames

JacksonA Jborn about 1915
JacksonAlberta born about 1928
JacksonAnnar Veraborn about 1936
JacksonElizebeth born about 1918
JacksonGreen born about 1888
JacksonJames born about 1930
JacksonJimmie born about 1939
JacksonJohn born about 1923
JacksonLela born about 1935
JacksonLeon born about 1934
JacksonLewis born about 1937
JacksonMary born about 1900
JacksonMilvina born about 1926
JacksonRayen Francisborn about 1912
JacksonRichard born about 1931
JacksonVerda Leeborn about 1938
JenkinsA born about 1892
JenkinsClara Mayborn about 1925
JenkinsMattie born about 1903
JenkinsMattie Leeborn about 1920
JenkinsNathan born about 1938
JenkinsRamey born about 1896
JenkinsRoyce born about 1939
JenkinsSam born about 1885
JenkinsWillie born about 1930
JohnsonBen Fborn about 1882
JohnsonClaudie born about 1925
JohnsonDavid born about 1920
JohnsonElnora born about 1897
JohnsonLena Mayborn about 1928
JohnsonLenora born about 1898
JohnsonM born about 1890
JohnsonMary Leeborn about 1935
JohnsonPerry born about 1917
JohnsonTom born about 1931
JohnsonV Tborn about 1922
JonesAdiline born about 1900
JonesC Lborn about 1917
JonesChristine born about 1925
JonesEthel Estelborn about 1924
JonesFlorine born about 1927
JonesGerine born about 1935
JonesH Nborn about 1883
JonesHoward born about 1929
JonesJerald born about 1933
JonesLenard born about 1915
JonesMarie born about 1920
JonesN Jborn about 1897
JonesRuth born about 1894

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K Surnames

KilgoreLiza born about 1891
KirbyAngaline born about 1891
KirbyAnnie born about 1902
KirbyC Eborn about 1884
KirbyCarlton born about 1919
KirbyClaudell born about 1928
KirbyE born about 1890
KirbyElla Maeborn about 1933
KirbyEssie Dborn about 1920
KirbyEstella born about 1913
KirbyEurel born about 1927
KirbyHughie Deanborn about 1930
KirbyIla Murlborn about 1928
KirbyJohn Sborn about 1925
KirbyJosephine born about 1923
KirbyL Eborn about 1919
KirbyLawrence born about 1934
KirbyLee born about 1888
KirbyLena born about 1885
KirbyMary born about 1868
KirbyOrean born about 1930
KirbyPaul born about 1935
KirbyRoy born about 1922
KirbySallie born about 1906
KirbySid born about 1895
KirbyThelma born about 1920
KirbyTheodore born about 1921
KirbyTilman born about 1922
KirbyWillard born about 1924
KirkAlmeda born about 1937
KirkDoyle born about 1909
KirkLillian born about 1916
KirkShirley born about 1939

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L Surnames

LandAlice Joyborn about 1938
LandH Sborn about 1904
LandLeslie born about 1927
LandRuby born about 1906
LandVirgie born about 1934
LandisSarrah born about 1920
LandisWillie born about 1919
LaneAdell born about 1901
LaneEssie born about 1895
LaneMartha Loueborn about 1931
LaneOllie born about 1933
LaneWm Gborn about 1938
LattinAlbert Leeborn about 1921
LattinAthaline born about 1924
LattinCharil Wborn about 1930
LattinCharles born about 1890
LattinEvalis born about 1939
LattinGalvestine born about 1916
LattinJ Tborn about 1927
LattinJoyce Eborn about 1934
LattinLyda born about 1914
LattinMary born about 1923
LattinPauline born about 1936
LattinPearl born about 1893
LattinSam born about 1912
LattinTom Edwardborn about 1928
LattinWillie born about 1934
LawrenceEveline born about 1890
LawrenceTim born about 1894
LewisArtie Belleborn about 1910
LewisBernice born about 1937
LewisEllis born about 1937
LewisEugene born about 1917
LewisEula Maeborn about 1920
LewisLetta Maeborn about 1930
LewisPaul born about 1938
LewisVernon born about 1906
LoeBobby born about 1931
LoeMaud born about 1905
LoeO Eborn about 1898
LoeWm Eborn about 1929
LouelC Cborn about 1916
LouelJanice born about 1939
LouelOla Jannetteborn about 1919
LoughMarion born about 1899

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M Surnames

MaloneAnnie Bellborn about 1926
MaloneEffie born about 1905
MaloneElizabeth born about 1924
MaloneGladys born about 1924
MargettGertie born about 1914
MargettMilton born about 1897
MattisonPinkey born about 1890
McCayArchie born about 1934
McCayAthaline born about 1937
McCayBoss born about 1915
McCayFlorence born about 1913
McCayHasie born about 1917
McCayJae born about 1939
McCayJames born about 1936
McCayJim born about 1890
McCayLou Veniaborn about 1891
McClellanEmogene born about 1939
McClellanJohn Mborn about 1938
McClellanMorrison born about 1907
McClellanMrs G Wborn about 1886
McClellanPatsy Roseborn about 1930
McClellanPeggy Annborn about 1933
McClellanT Sborn about 1869
McClellanThais born about 1911
McCoyAlice Maryborn about 1939
McCoyEstell born about 1924
McCoyLuther born about 1918
McCoyOra born about 1933
McCoyVenice born about 1940
McNeelyAgnes born about 1928
McNeelyBuford born about 1903
McNeelyHazel born about 1934
McNeelyIda born about 1903
McNeelyJames born about 1921
McNeelyMae born about 1925
McNeelyRay born about 1922
McNeelyRoy born about 1932
McNeelyTroy born about 1932
MdkinneyTebo born about 1922
MeadarNettie born about 1856
MeadorAnnie Pearlborn about 1938
MeadorEarlie born about 1927
MeadorEdw Jr born about 1933
MeadorElizabeth born about 1910
MeadorElsie Maeborn about 1909
MeadorGeorgie Leeborn about 1925
MeadorJoe Annborn about 1931
MeadorLee born about 1905
MeadorMaggie born about 1884
MeadorR Eborn about 1879
MeadorV Bborn about 1905
MenardCamille born about 1933
MenardJ Bborn about 1872
MenardJimmie born about 1906
MenardNorman born about 1935
MillerHattie born about 1880
MillerM Lborn about 1881
MooreAlbert born about 1914
MooreEthel born about 1917
MooreIsaac born about 1910
MooreLafayette born about 1876
MooreMary born about 1920
MooreSardis born about 1939
MuldrowBertha Maeborn about 1920
MuldrowE Wborn about 1878
MuldrowHermon born about 1918
MuldrowIrene born about 1924
MuldrowLula born about 1915
MuldrowRufus born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealMary Mrs born about 1870
NeeleyMildred born about 1920
NelsonG Iborn about 1882
NelsonJ Hborn about 1878
NelsonMyrtie Nborn about 1892
NelsonNannie born about 1895
NormanLaura born about 1879
NormanRoosevelt born about 1916
NormanWillie born about 1922

P Surnames

ParksEmma Leeborn about 1919
ParksFlorence born about 1939
ParksHenry born about 1890
ParksMarvin born about 1920
PettitFred born about 1910
PettitGrover Lborn about 1930
PettitJame Tborn about 1933
PettitJewell born about 1910
PhillipsIda born about 1875
PierceCharlie born about 1892
PierceMary born about 1900
PrattBonnie born about 1935
PrattMamie born about 1909
PrattSam born about 1891
PringleEdgar born about 1918
PringleJ Fborn about 1879
PringleMattie born about 1888
PurifoyW Lborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuaryD Wborn about 1870
QuaryLizzie born about 1882

R Surnames

RedfearnA Hborn about 1904
RedfearnArtie born about 1903
RedfearnOdis born about 1927
RedicCorine born about 1922
RedicHerbert born about 1915
RedicJewell born about 1928
RedicJohn born about 1880
RedicLuther born about 1884
RedicRachel born about 1890
RedicWidie born about 1888
ReesaEther born about 1929
ReesaJerry born about 1890
ReesaJosie born about 1892
RenkleDanni born about 1906
RenkleElisebeth born about 1936
RenkleFrances born about 1924
RenkleHamley born about 1903
RichardsonChristine born about 1939
RichardsonG Wborn about 1909
RichardsonLee born about 1937
RichardsonOctan born about 1911
RichardsonVernell born about 1934
RidlingFred born about 1904
RidlingJunier born about 1928
RinkleDixie Annborn about 1937
RinkleFannie Maeborn about 1915
RinkleJimmy Allenborn about
RinkleL Mborn about 1915
RinkleSusan born about 1872
RinkleW Cborn about 1868
RinkleWilliam born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SackwellBernice born about 1924
SackwellEva born about 1926
SackwellLee born about 1872
SackwellLee Jr born about 1928
SackwellLela born about 1920
SackwellNadine born about 1922
SackwellOla born about 1889
SadiferBessie born about 1912
SadiferCarter born about 1904
SadiferEffie born about 1931
SadiferJunior born about 1938
SadiferKizzie born about 1932
SadiferMabel born about 1937
SadiferMyrtle born about 1935
SadiferStanley born about 1939
SandiferB Cborn about 1871
SandiferBlandin born about 1924
SandiferJohn born about 1919
SandiferKizzie born about 1887
SandiferL Hborn about 1871
SandiferMollie born about 1887
SanduskyD Rborn about 1892
SanduskyGrace born about 1893
ShermanCharles born about 1938
ShermanGarland born about 1909
ShermanRuby born about 1919
ShermanShirl Deanborn about 1936
SimpsonClara born about 1918
SimpsonHenry born about 1898
SmithA Dborn about 1938
SmithAlf born about 1872
SmithAlice born about 1890
SmithDarsey Maeborn about 1919
SmithEdgar born about 1886
SmithElmer born about 1924
SmithGeorgie Bellborn about
SmithGurthie Jborn about 1936
SmithIda born about 1910
SmithJack born about 1875
SmithJames Eborn about 1939
SmithKatty born about 1916
SmithLevy born about 1910
SmithLilly Maeborn about 1928
SmithLouise born about 1933
SmithMyzel born about 1918
SmithOrene born about 1922
SmithOrene born about 1927
SmithPhelts born about 1926
SmithRachel born about 1907
SmithSylvester born about 1922
SmithVernell born about 1928
SmithWillie born about 1881
SowellElmer born about 1915
SowellT Jborn about 1878
StuartBeatrice born about 1899
StuartLee born about 1893
StuartRay born about 1913
StuartW Cborn about 1902
StudimireLehadee born about 1924
SweeneyFrank born about 1938
SweeneyGladys born about 1936
SweeneyJ Hborn about 1935
SweeneyMabel born about 1912
SweeneyRodell born about

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorActava born about 1905
TaylorAllene born about 1918
TaylorBillie Annborn about 1936
TaylorBobby born about 1937
TaylorClois born about 1935
TaylorFerna born about 1937
TaylorFloyd born about 1914
TaylorGeorge born about 1920
TaylorH Gborn about 1932
TaylorHarvey born about 1933
TaylorLeland born about 1907
TaylorLester born about 1910
TaylorLizzie born about 1872
TaylorLucy born about 1910
TaylorM Jborn about 1882
TaylorMary born about 1875
TaylorMaud born about 1884
TaylorMiles born about 1871
TaylorRalph born about 1931
TaylorVernetted born about 1930
ThranthamBetty Joeborn about 1935
ThranthamGenrva born about 1925
ThranthamJ Aborn about 1902
ThranthamJames born about 1931
ThranthamJerry born about 1933
ThranthamMaurine born about 1928
ThranthamPatsey Jewelborn about 1939
ThranthamShirley born about 1937
ThranthamWillah born about 1903
TidwellBurnell born about 1922
TidwellElla born about 1875
TidwellHezie Leeborn about 1929
TidwellJ Lborn about 1870
TratterD Lborn about 1907
TratterEarline born about 1937
TratterEliza born about 1877
TratterElsie born about 1934
TratterElvie born about 1908
TratterFrank born about 1904
TratterGeorge born about 1900
TratterGeorgie Maeborn about 1935
TratterGwendolyn born about 1939
TratterJohn Lborn about 1924
TratterLula born about 1910
TratterMarshel Tborn about 1938
TratterSarah born about 1908
TratterWillie Loisborn about 1937
TunnellAlvalone born about 1896
TunnellBeulah Dborn about 1926
TunnellJim born about 1931
TunnellLewis born about 1929
TunnellW Bborn about 1885
TunnellWm Bborn about 1918
TurnerChester born about 1918
TurnerDorothy born about 1922
TurnerPeggy Paulineborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanhookArmistice born about 1939
VanhookBobby Rev born about 1939
VanhookChessie born about 1938
VanhookClarance born about 1933
VanhookClarece born about 1936
VanhookClatie born about 1932
VanhookDennis born about 1908
VanhookEgene born about 1937
VanhookEthel born about 1922
VanhookFred born about 1922
VanhookFred born about 1923
VanhookGladys born about 1924
VanhookGrady born about 1939
VanhookHattie born about 1920
VanhookHazel born about 1933
VanhookJohn born about 1915
VanhookLeon born about 1931
VanhookLewis born about 1907
VanhookMary born about 1914
VanhookMildred born about 1925
VanhookMyrtle born about 1911
VanhookRandolph born about 1935
VanhookRayfield born about 1934
VanhookRuby born about 1917
VanhookSallie born about 1920
VanhookSam born about 1879
VanhookSam Jr born about 1917
VanhookShelvy Jeanborn about 1938
VanhookWillie born about 1884
VanhookWillie Sueborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerGeorge Armborn about 1870
WalkerH Wborn about 1902
WalkerLilly born about 1904
WashingtonAlice born about 1910
WashingtonC Vborn about 1934
WashingtonGarnell born about 1937
WashingtonGeorgia Nellborn about
WashingtonLorcas born about 1930
WashingtonLula Maeborn about 1933
WashingtonW Aborn about 1929
WashingtonWillie born about 1909
WellsBetsy born about 1880
WellsSid born about 1880
WesleyJames born about 1923
WesleyViolet born about 1910
WessonEdna born about 1921
WessonGarland born about 1927
WessonJessie born about 1923
WessonLenard born about 1921
WessonSusie born about 1894
WessonWilburn born about 1923
WessonWillie born about 1887
WheatElmer born about 1919
WheatGarland born about 1911
WheatGladys born about 1911
WheatJ Eborn about 1875
WheatJames born about 1935
WheatJim born about 1939
WheatLee born about 1890
WheatMaudie born about 1920
WhiteDenver born about 1896
WhiteDenver Annborn about 1932
WhiteEthel born about 1885
WhiteF Jborn about 1879
WhiteFred Jr born about 1922
WhiteJ Hborn about 1876
WhiteRaymond born about 1925
WhiteRonald born about 1901
WhiteRuth born about 1924
WhiteSusie born about 1906
WhiteT Cborn about 1919
WhiteWinford born about 1927
WilifordEverett born about 1928
WilliamsHenrietta born about 1885
WilliamsLee born about 1868
WilsonJames born about 1935
WilsonJennie born about 1875
WilsonT Dborn about 1906
WilsonTrudie born about 1913
WilsonWillie Jr born about 1933
WingfieldJack born about 1936
WingfieldRogers born about 1936
WingfieldThelma born about 1916
WingfieldWade born about 1939
WingfieldWilburn born about 1910
WoodleyVella Mayborn about 1931
WynnCleo born about 1918
WynnElla born about 1880
WynnG Rborn about 1883
WynnThurman born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbraughElmore born about 1930
YarbraughMildred born about 1924
YarbraughS Lborn about 1889
YarbraughS L Jrborn about 1932
YarbroughArdist born about 1939
YarbroughFlora born about 1901
YarbroughIneta born about 1922
YarbroughTynettie born about 1919
YoungGeorge born about 1920
YoungIsabell born about 1900

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