1940 U.S. Federal Census of River in Grant County, Grant, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Grant County > 1940 Census of River in Grant County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenCarrie born about 1912
AllenGeorge Williamborn about 1939
AllenJohn born about 1900
AllenMary Louborn about 1937
AllenOllie born about 1877
AndersonArlo Jeneborn about 1933
AndersonBillie Normanborn about 1932
AndersonCharles Edwinborn about 1939
AndersonIke born about 1887
AndersonJ Dborn about 1934
AndersonLela born about 1887
AndersonLoyd born about 1936
AndersonRobert Leeborn about 1937
AndersonRuby born about 1911
AndersonVirgie born about 1921
AndersonWillie born about 1910
AshcroftCora born about 1883
AshcroftHattie born about 1877
AshcroftOscar born about 1872
AshleyAlton born about 1924
AshleyClarid born about 1906
AshleyD Dborn about 1891
AshleyOleda born about 1930
AshleyOrville born about 1933
AshleyQaunita born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BallCarrie Leeborn about 1929
BallChristine born about 1910
BallHenryetta born about 1934
BallLee born about 1906
BallMarilyn born about 1931
BarentineChester born about 1929
BarentineLeonard born about 1907
BarentineVirginia born about 1909
BarnesJames Wesleyborn about 1939
BarnesPauline born about 1915
BarnettL Wborn about 1921
BarnettLee born about 1881
BarnettOllie born about 1878
BeckArnold born about 1911
BeckBeatrice born about 1922
BeckBois Jeanborn about 1932
BeckCozy born about 1928
BeckEarle born about 1904
BeckEthel born about 1913
BeckFlorence born about 1893
BeckFloy Leeborn about 1929
BeckFloyd born about 1915
BeckFred born about 1897
BeckHerbie born about 1921
BeckHesley born about 1931
BeckHomer born about 1903
BeckIrene born about 1929
BeckJ Wborn about 1925
BeckJeff born about 1935
BeckModeal born about 1933
BeckN Jborn about 1924
BeckPearl born about 1910
BeckRobert born about 1938
BeckRuby born about 1922
BeckThomas born about 1872
BeckThomas Oscarborn about 1886
BeckTommie born about 1931
BeckW Dborn about 1926
BennettHard born about 1874
BennettMelvina born about 1879
BennettMinnie born about 1922
BennettOder Leeborn about 1918
BenningBettie Joborn about 1933
BenningBillie born about 1929
BenningBob born about 1940
BenningCarrie born about 1928
BenningCora born about 1888
BenningDelmar born about 1910
BenningDelmer Jr born about 1939
BenningDuffie born about 1932
BenningEdgar born about 1902
BenningElwood born about 1939
BenningEmma Leeborn about 1918
BenningFloy Jeanborn about 1922
BenningFrank born about 1885
BenningGilla born about 1908
BenningHerbert born about 1914
BenningIrene Wborn about 1919
BenningJack born about 1930
BenningJames born about 1922
BenningJaunita born about 1933
BenningJoe born about 1896
BenningJohn Henryborn about 1919
BenningKatherine born about 1925
BenningLelan born about 1907
BenningLena born about 1902
BenningLeona born about 1912
BenningMartha Sueborn about 1935
BenningMyrtice born about 1902
BenningNora born about 1913
BenningOven born about 1904
BenningRobert born about 1926
BenningRuby born about 1908
BenningsBillie Leeborn about 1928
BenningsCora born about 1898
BenningsDelbert born about 1883
BesieJim born about 1867
BesieMary born about 1872
BinningLee born about 1861
BinningNancy Janeborn about 1873
BlevinaClasil born about 1910
BlevinaRoma born about 1914
BradfordDorothy Leeborn about 1938
BradfordEunice born about 1915
BradfordGeorge born about 1937
BradfordRhett born about 1939
BryantJames born about 1915
BryantMildred born about 1929
BryantPauline born about 1920
BuieAddie Maeborn about 1925
BuieAlbert born about 1924
BuieAlvern born about 1900
BuieAlvin born about 1920
BuieArreta born about 1924
BuieAugusta born about 1884
BuieBetty Sueborn about 1935
BuieBillie Joeborn about 1940
BuieBirdie born about 1900
BuieCharles born about 1938
BuieCletia born about 1932
BuieDavid born about 1918
BuieEmma born about 1886
BuieHardin born about 1895
BuieJ Oborn about 1892
BuieJames born about 1921
BuieJimmie Raeborn about 1927
BuieJo born about 1922
BuieJohn born about 1926
BuieLucille born about 1912
BuieManch born about 1878
BuieMartha born about 1927
BuieMary Emmaborn about 1922
BuieOdessa born about 1928
BuieParl born about 1901
BuieRobert born about 1932
BuieRobert Charlesborn about 1940
BuieRoy born about 1896
BuieT Mborn about 1889
BuieThomas born about 1935
BunttHerbert born about 1885
BunttLeoner born about 1894

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C Surnames

CarderBertha born about 1890
CarderCharlene born about 1932
CarderEvelyn born about 1921
CarderJack born about 1879
CarderMae born about 1924
CarleyAlbert born about 1895
CarleyArrie born about 1897
CarleyMary born about 1922
CarleyMaurice born about 1932
CarleyMilton born about 1928
CarleyWinnie born about 1937
CarterBen born about 1881
CarterJames Allenborn about 1920
CarterUnity born about 1877
CleggAlberta born about 1921
CleggEstelle born about 1917
CleggFranklin born about 1939
CleggHenry Leeborn about 1938
CleggHerbert born about 1910
CleggIda born about 1898
CleggJim born about 1918
CleggJohn born about 1881
CleggJohn Etherborn about 1923
CleggOlcie born about 1911
CleggOzie born about 1913
CleggWilse born about 1934
ColeC F Drborn about 1869
ColeStella born about 1878
CooperAlbert born about 1897
CooperAlbert Jr born about 1925
CooperAlice born about 1934
CooperAnnie born about 1911
CooperArlandus born about 1925
CooperBeatrice born about 1904
CooperBernice born about 1915
CooperCave born about 1938
CooperCharlie born about 1895
CooperClarence born about 1920
CooperClayton born about 1932
CooperClone Maeborn about 1932
CooperCorthen born about 1935
CooperDorothy born about 1932
CooperFlossie Leeborn about 1930
CooperFlossie Maeborn about 1932
CooperFrank born about 1880
CooperFranklin Rooseveltborn about 1935
CooperGeorge born about 1909
CooperGlenn Leeborn about 1938
CooperGrace born about 1902
CooperHenryetta born about 1929
CooperJames born about 1930
CooperJesse Earlborn about 1937
CooperLaura born about 1874
CooperLeroy born about 1939
CooperLevi born about 1905
CooperLouis Edwinborn about 1934
CooperMaxine born about 1922
CooperMelinda born about 1868
CooperMelinda Arvestaborn about 1934
CooperPalestine born about 1935
CooperPhilistine born about 1915
CooperR Bborn about 1924
CooperRenzo born about 1907
CooperRetha Dellborn about 1935
CooperRobert born about 1897
CooperStella E Loisborn about 1940
CooperSylvester born about 1933
CooperTimothy born about 1900
CooperTimothy Jr born about 1929
CooperW Cborn about 1871
CooperWilliam born about 1866
CooperWilliam born about 1927
CooperWinnie born about 1906
CooperWinnie Maeborn about 1927
CoppockClarence born about 1912
CoppockConrad born about 1934
CoppockErnest born about 1897
CoppockGarland born about 1921
CoppockGleason born about 1926
CoppockGyle born about 1924
CoppockMary born about 1895
CoppockMary Frankborn about 1929
CoppockMerriett born about 1929
CoppockRaymond born about 1920
CoppockRuil born about 1936
CorleyClarice born about 1928
CorleyLawrence born about 1923
CorleyLee born about 1921
CorleyLula born about 1884
CorleyWalter born about 1883
CrowsonAnnie Ruthborn about 1934
CrowsonCarol born about 1935
CrowsonFrances born about 1938
CrowsonLilburn born about 1898
CrowsonMary born about 1910
CrutchfieldAlbert born about 1882
CrutchfieldBillie born about 1932
CrutchfieldClara born about 1895
CrutchfieldJoe born about 1903
CrutchfieldLawrence born about 1890
CrutchfieldLorene born about 1927
CrutchfieldMarie born about 1922
CrutchfieldMarion born about 1930
CrutchfieldMary Loisborn about 1925
CrutchfieldThuarl born about 1928
CrutchfieldW Dborn about 1925

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D Surnames

DannerArvesta born about 1932
DannerCassie born about 1897
DannerEdna born about 1920
DannerFrank born about 1892
DannerFronie born about 1919
DannerGeorge born about 1922
DannerJohn born about 1922
DannerLucille born about 1932
DannerSamuel born about 1925
DannerSevilla born about 1926
DannerWillie born about 1906
DeadmanClyde born about 1939
DobyJ Tborn about 1872
DobyJoe Rufusborn about 1923
DobyRuth born about 1905
DobyThos born about 1925
DouganAlbert born about 1888
DouganBethel born about 1932
DouganBillie born about 1923
DouganColeman born about 1917
DouganDorothy Janeborn about 1931
DouganLewis born about 1928
DouganLillian born about 1925
DouganMack born about 1928
DouganMary born about 1903
DouganRobert born about 1888
DouganUeldean born about 1937
DouganVergie born about 1925

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E Surnames

EarleAudrey born about 1901
EarleCara Leeborn about 1932
EarleG Wborn about 1939
EarleGeorge born about 1899
EarleMadera born about 1923
EarnestEunice born about 1920
EarnestW Aborn about 1916
EarnestWillie Johnborn about 1938
ElrodEvelyn born about 1929
ElrodGearline born about 1926
ElrodGlendyl Fayborn about 1925
ElrodJanette born about 1928
ElrodJewel Deanborn about 1926
ElrodLaster born about 1899
ElrodNina born about 1932
ElrodRoxie born about 1899

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F Surnames

FarleyEtta born about 1888
FarleyHaskell Jborn about 1882
FitzhughCora born about 1879
FitzhughLee born about 1864
FitzhughOla born about 1914
FletcherAgusta born about 1923
FletcherAlma born about 1909
FletcherArchel born about 1935
FletcherAudie Eborn about 1899
FletcherAutry born about 1925
FletcherDella born about 1905
FletcherHenry born about 1931
FletcherJ Cborn about 1930
FletcherJohn Dborn about 1910
FletcherL Jborn about 1938
FletcherRobert born about 1933
FletcherVerneder born about 1927

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G Surnames

GatlinAlf born about 1905
GatlinAlvin born about 1934
GatlinColbert born about 1910
GatlinEva Jeanborn about 1933
GatlinGertrude born about 1914
GatlinJoe Almaborn about 1913
GatlinMarvell born about 1936
GatlinVan born about 1939
GaylorBennie born about 1906
GaylorBertha born about 1901
GilkeysonCora born about 1889
GilkeysonFrank born about 1892
GillB Pborn about 1869
GillBobby Geanborn about 1925
GillCordie born about 1880
GillFrances Jeanborn about 1940
GillMilburn born about 1920
GillReta born about 1919
GillTom born about 1906
GloverLee born about 1879
GloverLucy born about 1882
GreenBeatrice born about 1906
GreenO Dborn about 1938
GreenSam born about 1905
GreenSam Jr born about 1928
GroutFerran born about 1892
GroutMattie Belleborn about 1892
GrubbsBettie born about 1892
GrubbsCarowell born about 1917
GrubbsFloy born about 1927
GrubbsIrene born about 1919
GrubbsVerna born about 1924
GuckerFannie born about 1886
GuckerGene born about 1913

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H Surnames

HalbertBertie born about 1901
HalbertBillie born about 1927
HalbertCarolyn born about 1934
HalbertEllen born about 1900
HalbertElliot born about 1932
HalbertEva born about 1881
HalbertFern born about 1897
HalbertHarvey Retaborn about 1920
HalbertHenry born about 1877
HalbertHerbert born about 1888
HalbertJim born about 1860
HalbertLaura born about 1875
HalbertLoyd Jr born about 1932
HalbertLoys Vborn about 1902
HalbertReginald born about 1929
HalbertRupert born about 1915
HalbertWalter born about 1893
HalbertWillene born about 1930
HalbertWillie Bellborn about 1908
HardingAileen born about 1924
HardingFrances born about 1922
HardingJames Wborn about 1874
HardingLeone born about 1902
HardingOrpha Marieborn about 1926
HardingStella born about 1882
HardingWilliam Tborn about 1900
HarringtonAgnes born about 1917
HarringtonGlen born about 1913
HarringtonJames Fredyborn about 1936
HarringtonJames Levinborn about 1937
HarringtonJohn Williamborn about 1935
HarringtonNaomi born about 1911
HarringtonWillie born about 1899
HarrisArmetha born about 1931
HarrisArthur born about 1929
HarrisElmer born about 1904
HarrisElsie born about 1906
HarrisMildred born about 1926
HarrisRuby born about 1927
HarrisWilliam born about 1925
HarveyFannie born about 1870
HarveyJ Eborn about 1927
HarveyJohn born about 1898
HarveyJoyce Marieborn about 1931
HarveyMildred born about 1905
HensonAlice born about 1897
HensonClark born about 1925
HensonMary Janeborn about 1870
HensonNorma Sueborn about 1932
HolimanAdrie born about 1930
HolimanBen born about 1880
HolimanCora born about 1886
HolimanElla born about 1883
HolimanHenry born about 1920
HolimanHorace born about 1917
HolimanLeon born about 1919
HolimanLester born about 1916
HolimanMary born about 1922
HolimanNora born about 1885
HolimanPowell born about 1876
HolimanRema Geneborn about 1923
HolimanRonald Coleborn about 1940
HolimanVerlon born about 1924
HolimanWonnie Leeborn about 1922
HollingerBurnice born about 1920
HollingerCharlene born about 1934
HollingerCharles born about 1931
HollingerCharlie born about 1911
HollingerDennis born about 1918
HollingerEral born about 1908
HollingerEunice born about 1921
HollingerFloy Maeborn about 1927
HollingerGeneice born about 1937
HollingerHerchel born about 1913
HollingerJoan born about 1935
HollingerLeonard born about 1934
HollingerLois born about 1925
HollingerMaud born about 1910
HollingerMyrtice born about 1911
HollingerNancy born about 1899
HollingerOrene born about 1933
HollingerRalph born about 1937
HollingerRosa Leeborn about 1919
HollingerW Hborn about 1865
HollingerWesley born about 1896
HollowayArnold born about 1926
HollowayFloyd born about 1903
HollowayGeneva born about 1933
HollowayLevie born about 1899
HollowayMinnie born about 1902
HollowayNellie born about 1903
HollowayPaul born about 1928
HollowayWayne born about 1922
HopeA Vborn about 1877
HopeA Vborn about 1932
HopeAda born about 1879
HopeArthur born about 1907
HopeBillie born about 1936
HopeBonnie born about 1925
HopeBoyce born about 1924
HopeClifton born about 1890
HopeEloise born about 1927
HopeFloy born about 1908
HopeGenevieve born about 1932
HopeJohn born about 1910
HopeJoyce Leeborn about 1932
HopeLilburn born about 1883
HopeLilburn Jr born about 1924
HopeMartha born about 1877
HopeMary born about 1910
HopeMaxine born about 1931
HopeMerritt born about 1939
HopeRussell born about 1937
HopeRuth born about 1928
HopeSadie born about 1899
HopeWanda Sueborn about 1930
HopeWelford born about 1908
HopeYvonne born about 1937
HullHorace Jborn about 1899
HullIva born about 1903
HullJohn Henryborn about 1939
HullLovanna born about 1931
HullMarie born about 1926
HumphriesCarrie born about 1919
HumphriesRalph born about 1910
HunterBill born about 1860
HunterElizabeth born about 1875

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I Surnames

IrvinBillie Joshborn about 1922
IrvinCarl born about 1891
IrvinElmo born about 1934
IrvinJamie born about 1898
IrvinPriscilla born about 1924

J Surnames

JanuaryEdward born about 1881
JanuaryNell born about 1887
JanuaryOlga born about 1919
JanuaryPalmer born about 1912
JohnsonBuria born about 1919
JohnsonHarold Deanborn about 1940
JohnsonPat born about 1915

K Surnames

KeedyConly born about 1906
KeedyDale born about 1926
KeedyJimmie Earlborn about 1937
KeedyKirby born about 1917
KeedyMarshal born about 1885
KeedyMaxine born about 1919
KeedyRuth born about 1911
KeeseeArch born about 1887
KeeseeBeulah born about 1912
KeeseeDella born about 1884
KeeseeElbert born about 1884
KeeseeFrank born about 1891
KeeseeHenry Wborn about 1887
KeeseeIro born about 1908
KeeseeJames Warrenborn about 1934
KeeseeJim born about 1938
KeeseeLarry born about 1939
KeeseeLouise born about 1929
KeeseeMaggie born about 1902
KeeseeMiriam born about 1932
KeeseeOphelia born about 1922
KeeseeRuth born about 1891
KeeseeSallie Annborn about 1856
KeeseeSarah Francesborn about 1939
KeeseeTracy born about 1917
KempAileen born about 1938
KempClata born about 1890
KempEleanore born about 1916
KempJane born about 1937
KempJohn born about 1885
KempMarion born about 1934
KempRosa born about 1885
KempTom Lynnborn about 1907
KempTrieber born about 1907
KempWatson born about 1917
KempWill born about 1880
KempWilma born about 1909
KempWilson born about 1917
KuseePack born about 1882
KuseeWillie Maggieborn about 1927
KuseeWinnie born about 1890

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L Surnames

LambertLois born about 1933
LindseyBill born about 1910
LindseyFrances Ruthborn about 1939
LindseyLatt born about 1882
LindseyLillian born about 1936
LindseyMerle born about 1931
LindseyOra born about 1913
LindseyZilpha born about 1882
LiteseyChristine born about 1919
LiteseyMccoy born about 1906
LoveladyClarice born about 1934
LoveladyEdward born about 1925
LoveladyFrank born about 1890
LoveladyFrankie Deanborn about 1931
LoveladyJerry born about 1939
LoveladyLeon born about 1918
LoveladyPauline born about 1920
LoveladyStella born about 1898
LoveladyWaylan born about 1937
LoweKeeling born about 1907
LoweLoys born about 1912

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M Surnames

MathewsCora Leeborn about 1895
MathewsDennie born about 1893
MathewsEmogene born about 1924
McBurnettBonne Leeborn about 1933
McBurnettJ Cborn about 1918
McBurnettLenson born about 1921
McBurnettLuther born about 1926
McBurnettMatie born about 1923
McBurnettViola born about 1930
McBurnettVirgie born about 1930
McCallumAlbert born about 1905
McCallumAlice born about 1882
McCallumArlandus born about 1930
McCallumBenjamin born about 1925
McCallumErnestine born about 1927
McCallumEtta Leeborn about 1922
McCallumFairy born about 1895
McCallumFlora born about 1917
McCallumFred born about 1902
McCallumGladys born about 1925
McCallumJake born about 1883
McCallumJoe Willieborn about 1932
McCallumJohn born about 1922
McCallumJosephine born about 1919
McCallumLela Maeborn about 1934
McCallumLeora born about 1918
McCallumLizzie born about 1895
McCallumMaggie born about 1928
McCallumMartha Lborn about 1932
McCallumNathaneal born about 1934
McCallumQuiney born about 1935
McCallumRobert born about 1918
McCallumSammie born about 1919
McCallumWillie born about 1904
McCoolBarbara born about 1874
McCoolBirdie born about 1896
McCoolCecil born about 1928
McCoolEldon born about 1939
McCoolFrank born about 1902
McCoolReggie born about 1925
McCoolTheo born about 1934
McCoolVerdie born about 1906
McLainWillie born about 1894
MedlinDoyle born about 1919
MedlinElsie born about 1894
MedlinJames born about 1922
MedlinKeniford born about 1927
MitchellAlma born about 1912
MitchellBob born about 1923
MitchellClyde born about 1928
MitchellDoris born about 1925
MitchellDorothy born about 1925
MitchellFrank born about 1915
MitchellHenry born about 1886
MitchellHiram born about 1921
MitchellIrene born about 1916
MitchellJanet born about 1939
MitchellKathryn born about 1933
MitchellL Bborn about 1885
MitchellLorena born about 1892
MitchellMildred born about 1936
MitchellThersa born about 1933
MitchellZula born about 1901
MooneyArlie born about 1888
MooneyAva born about 1902
MooneyBobbie Rayborn about 1934
MooneyBryan born about 1928
MooneyEarl born about 1931
MooneyElma born about 1893
MooneyMary born about 1871
MooneyRalph born about 1939
MooneyRaymond born about 1928
MooneyRodie born about 1903
MooneyShepherd born about 1925
MooneyW Tborn about 1863
MortonBernard born about 1924
MortonEnola born about 1893
MortonSam born about 1880

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N Surnames

NallEmanuel born about 1920
NallEthel born about 1898
NallEthel Maeborn about 1925
NallVergil born about 1889
NanceJames born about 1937
NanceRuby born about 1901
NanceWilliam born about 1899

P Surnames

ParksAnnie born about 1896
ParksDorothy born about 1927
ParksRev W Oborn about 1884
ParksTillman born about 1922
ParriettDorothy born about 1931
ParriettGeorge born about 1900
ParriettJames born about 1896
ParriettJimmy born about 1935
ParriettMary born about 1905
ParriettMyrtle born about 1927
ParriettNora born about 1939
ParriettPearl born about 1929
PattersonCecil Wilburborn about 1939
PattersonGeorge Edgarborn about 1937
PattersonGeorge Wborn about 1904
PattersonRosia born about 1907
PaxtonBenton born about 1875
PaxtonBerta Leaborn about 1912
PaxtonBessie born about 1885
PaxtonBillie Joeborn about 1924
PaxtonCarl born about 1893
PaxtonDee born about 1882
PaxtonDewoody born about 1913
PaxtonEthel born about 1897
PaxtonFred born about 1919
PaxtonGaldys born about 1915
PaxtonIrene born about 1894
PaxtonJames Reyburnborn about 1934
PaxtonJessie born about 1887
PaxtonJimmie Sueborn about 1940
PaxtonKathleen Francesborn about 1939
PaxtonLela Janeborn about 1937
PaxtonLula Mborn about 1878
PaxtonMabel born about 1921
PaxtonMartha Leoneborn about 1936
PaxtonOlene born about 1920
PaxtonReyburn born about 1913
PaxtonRuth Vborn about 1906
PaxtonTheda born about 1928
PaxtonThos born about 1891
PaxtonTom born about 1926
PaxtonVirginia born about 1918
PerryDelara born about 1917
PerryJames Jborn about 1916
PoeBessie born about 1910
PoeJack born about 1908
PoeJoe born about 1911
PoeMack born about 1883
PoeMary Ettaborn about 1867
PoePaula Raeborn about 1916
PoeShirley born about 1935
PoeVernon born about 1934
PumphreyA Mborn about 1900
PumphreyArdell born about 1910
PumphreyBeatrice born about 1916
PumphreyBernice born about 1915
PumphreyBernice born about 1925
PumphreyBlanch born about 1932
PumphreyCarroll born about 1939
PumphreyCora born about 1888
PumphreyDorothy Jeanborn about 1927
PumphreyEdward born about 1922
PumphreyEffie born about 1887
PumphreyEllen born about 1922
PumphreyFrances born about 1933
PumphreyFranklin born about 1937
PumphreyFred born about 1889
PumphreyGessie born about 1904
PumphreyHarlin born about 1887
PumphreyHelen born about 1923
PumphreyHollis born about 1912
PumphreyHorace born about 1885
PumphreyJ Bborn about 1927
PumphreyJoe Donaldborn about 1934
PumphreyJosse born about 1926
PumphreyLela born about 1902
PumphreyLena born about 1902
PumphreyLola born about 1903
PumphreyMarie born about 1907
PumphreyMartha born about 1863
PumphreyMary born about 1873
PumphreyMiller born about 1924
PumphreyNathan born about 1884
PumphreyNathan Leeborn about 1910
PumphreyOllie born about 1892
PumphreyP Cborn about 1873
PumphreyRosa Maeborn about 1927
PumphreyRoy born about 1918
PumphreyScott born about 1935
PumphreySeida Maeborn about 1938
PumphreySherill born about 1918
PumphreySolmadge born about 1896
PumphreyT Jborn about 1929
PumphreyTheodore born about 1908
PumphreyWalter born about 1909
PumphreyZema born about 1892
PurtleAutry born about 1906
PurtleBobbie Thurlborn about 1935
PurtleJames Ernestborn about 1932
PurtleStella born about 1907

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R Surnames

RayAnita born about 1930
RayGarnet born about 1889
RayKay Francesborn about 1935
RayMary born about 1891
RayQuinton born about 1938
RaySarah born about 1912
RayThurman born about 1912
ReynoldsBertie born about 1912
ReynoldsCalvin born about 1858
ReynoldsCoy born about 1911
ReynoldsDixie born about 1933
ReynoldsElla born about 1881
ReynoldsEtta born about 1882
ReynoldsMae born about 1884
ReynoldsMillie Annborn about 1878
ReynoldsRobert born about 1924
RitcheyAgnes born about 1913
RitcheyAnna born about 1920
RitcheyBruce born about 1924
RitcheyCalvin born about 1910
RitcheyCharles born about 1926
RitcheyEmma born about 1892
RitcheyFlorine born about 1934
RitcheyFrank born about 1888
RitcheyHelen Deanborn about 1938
RitcheyJames Calvinborn about 1940
RitcheyLee born about 1885
RitcheyMary born about 1880
RitcheyMyrtle born about 1887
RitcheyPatricia Annborn about 1934
RitcheyRalph born about 1922
RitcheySarah born about 1855
RitcheyVerla Maeborn about 1932
RitcheyWalter born about 1910
RitcheyWillis born about 1937
RitcheyZenia born about 1912
RobertsAlice born about 1896
RobertsBen born about 1893
RobertsBennie Rayborn about 1928
RobertsCalvin born about 1922
RobertsFrank born about 1919
RobertsRobert Leeborn about 1926
RobertsSusan born about 1873
RobinsonGeorge born about 1906
RobinsonGeorge Sr born about 1860
RobinsonLe Vearn born about 1915
RobinsonMary born about 1870
RoyHollis born about 1920
RoyJoe born about 1873
RoyMartha born about 1876

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S Surnames

SanfordDock born about 1853
ScarberHugh born about 1881
ScarberMollie born about 1872
ShepherdJoe born about 1872
ShoptawBerford born about 1932
ShoptawBernard born about 1929
ShoptawBernice born about 1933
ShoptawBonnie born about 1901
ShoptawCeless born about 1907
ShoptawDon born about 1925
ShoptawDoris born about 1928
ShoptawElly born about 1909
ShoptawEvus born about 1936
ShoptawFlobert born about 1899
ShoptawJoan born about 1924
ShoptawLewis born about 1938
ShoptawMaurice born about 1926
ShoptawNathan Leeborn about 1926
ShoptawRay born about 1905
ShoptawRay born about 1928
ShoptawWilliard born about 1902
SidesArnold born about 1897
SidesBillie Jeanborn about 1929
SidesBobbie Louborn about 1933
SidesJames Arnoldborn about 1923
SidesKathryn born about 1936
SidesMay born about 1899
SidesRavenel born about 1921
SidesRuth Annborn about 1931
SidesVaughnese born about 1922
SlighBernard born about 1917
SlighGene Edwinborn about 1938
SlighHelen born about 1921
SlighJohn born about 1912
SlighZena born about 1908
SmithBetty Louborn about 1933
SmithBoyd born about 1908
SmithClem born about 1880
SmithDicie born about 1912
SmithHughie Lborn about 1899
SmithJames Alexborn about 1937
SmithJames Edwardborn about 1935
SmithL Cborn about 1917
SmithLena born about 1905
SmithUthel Leeborn about 1927
StephensAlbert born about 1905
StephensAlbert Michaelborn about 1940
StephensEthel born about 1885
StephensHelen born about 1915
StephensJack born about 1880
StephensJack Jr born about 1924
StuckeyAileen born about 1938
StuckeyArthur born about 1894
StuckeyBennie born about 1888
StuckeyClyde born about 1916
StuckeyCole born about 1918
StuckeyFaynette born about 1931
StuckeyFreda born about 1934
StuckeyHenderson born about 1878
StuckeyHilda born about 1923
StuckeyJ L Jrborn about 1921
StuckeyJohn born about 1894
StuckeyL T Jrborn about 1920
StuckeyLawrence born about 1917
StuckeyLucy born about 1900
StuckeyLuther born about 1882
StuckeyMattie born about 1888
StuckeyMaxell born about 1930
StuckeyMilie born about 1912
StuckeyNoma born about 1927
StuckeyNona born about 1892
StuckeyOttis born about 1923
StuckeyTheda born about 1938
StukeyBeatrice born about 1878
StukeyLonnie born about 1875
SubletteReta born about 1918
SuttonHardy born about 1908
SuttonJ Hborn about 1929
SuttonLucille born about 1913
SuttonWanda Sueborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBeulah born about 1897
TaylorCharles Henryborn about 1927
TaylorDelta born about 1905
TaylorEll born about 1876
TaylorIlamae born about 1922
TaylorLewis born about 1926
TaylorMarjorie born about 1933
TaylorMinnie born about 1878
TaylorOscar born about 1868
TaylorOtis born about 1897
TaylorRoss Eborn about 1903
TaylorSmith born about 1922
TaylorSophia born about 1882
TaylorWilliard born about 1920
ThurmondAlma born about 1872
ThurmondHerbert Kellyborn about 1929
ThurmondJames Williamborn about 1926
ThurmondLee born about 1903
ThurmondNicholas Dborn about 1937
ThurmondRobert Leeborn about 1927
ThurmondWilliam Hborn about 1902
ThurmondWilliam Rborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerCharles born about 1939
WalkerEllen Noraborn about 1881
WalkerFagan born about 1915
WalkerFloy born about 1920
WalkerHershel born about 1903
WalkerPhilip born about 1937
WalkerRobert born about 1878
WestbrooksGuy born about 1908
WhittenAdrin born about 1936
WhittenAndrew born about 1936
WhittenDoyle born about 1927
WhittenIda born about 1860
WhittenLawrence born about 1920
WhittenLynn born about 1897
WhittenOllie born about 1899
WhittenTula born about 1924
WilliamsAnna Geanborn about 1929
WilliamsBetty Sareborn about 1931
WilliamsBobbie born about 1931
WilliamsCharlie born about 1929
WilliamsClarence born about 1893
WilliamsDeca born about 1933
WilliamsElena born about 1897
WilliamsEsther born about 1897
WilliamsEva born about 1892
WilliamsFerd born about 1892
WilliamsGeraldine born about 1920
WilliamsHarlin born about 1898
WilliamsHollis born about 1933
WilliamsHugh born about 1892
WilliamsJames Albertborn about 1922
WilliamsJim Henryborn about 1885
WilliamsJimmy Fayeborn about 1926
WilliamsJoe Howardborn about 1935
WilliamsJohn born about 1920
WilliamsJohn born about 1926
WilliamsMarlie born about 1923
WilliamsMatilda born about 1894
WilliamsMavis born about 1919
WilliamsMellie Leeborn about 1921
WilliamsNancy Annborn about 1938
WilliamsOliver born about 1888
WilliamsPaul born about 1931
WilliamsRalph born about 1925
WilliamsRoy Tborn about 1933
WilliamsSarah born about 1858
WilliamsSerla born about 1918
WilliamsThala born about 1928
WilliamsTola born about 1928
WilliamsTom Lutherborn about 1933
WilliamsVanda born about 1893
WilliamsVaughn born about 1926
WilliamsVirginia born about 1927
WilsonBillie Johnborn about 1939
WilsonClyde born about 1911
WilsonEuna born about 1910
WilsonJackie Wayneborn about 1939
WilsonJimmie Leeborn about 1935
WilsonJoe Lloydborn about 1935
WilsonJoe Tborn about 1914
WilsonLouise born about 1937
WilsonMary born about 1914
WorthenAurelia Aborn about 1875
WorthenAva born about 1921
WorthenEra born about 1897
WorthenMartin born about 1896
WorthenMary Helenborn about 1924
WratherBarbara born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkEdgar born about 1887
YorkHassie born about 1869
YorkJack born about 1918
YorkJamie born about 1918
YorkKenneth Deanborn about 1937
YorkLina born about 1890
YorkMadeline born about 1913

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