1940 U.S. Federal Census of River in Ouachita County, Ouachita, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ouachita County > 1940 Census of River in Ouachita County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

ArioilLizzie born about 1888
ArioilVictor born about 1868
ArnoldEugeinia born about 1924
ArnoldFrances born about 1901
ArnoldGeneral born about 1878
ArnoldGeneral Jr born about 1930
ArnoldIsia born about 1934
ArnoldJames born about 1926
ArnoldJanie born about 1932
ArnoldLemar born about 1936

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B Surnames

BanksIlonia born about 1922
BanksJames born about 1912
BanksMary Louborn about 1940
BatesArfie Leeborn about 1934
BatesArlie Veeborn about 1939
BatesEarl born about 1902
BatesJohn Louisborn about 1937
BatesLucille born about 1908
BatesWallice born about 1933
BeasleyLudy born about 1875
BedfordJohnnie Leeborn about 1940
BellNancy born about 1874
BernsRobert born about 1935
BraggHattie born about 1899
BraggIsabell born about 1909
BraggJoe born about 1873
BraggNed born about 1928
BraggSadie born about 1926
BraggSig born about 1890
BraggWilliebe born about 1925
BrownJames Walterborn about 1938
BrownWalter born about 1909
BrownYussiema born about 1918
BurnsLizzie born about 1865
BurseyCharlie Jr born about 1940
BurseyDavada Jnoborn about 1928
BurseyEarnest born about 1881
BurseyGeorge born about 1927
BurseyIsom born about 1938
BurseyLettie born about 1884
BurseyRobert born about 1922

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C Surnames

CarterBobby Leeborn about 1935
CarterCora born about 1907
CarterEssie Leeborn about 1927
CarterFrances born about 1894
CarterGeorge born about 1917
CarterGrady Juniusborn about
CarterHarvey born about 1902
CarterJocie born about 1896
CarterLoceine born about 1938
CarterLurene born about 1936
CarterMabel born about 1906
CarterMinnie Maeborn about 1925
CarterNancy Maeborn about 1922
CarterNathanill born about 1929
CarterOdessa born about 1921
ClayTommie born about 1906
ClayWilson born about 1879
ColemanBenjamin born about 1893
ColemanBlemish born about 1922
ColemanDeorie born about 1915
ColemanMiles born about 1935
CouchNoil born about 1902
CouchRussell born about 1885
CrainAlberta born about 1907
CrainJohnson Rettaborn about 1870
CrainLonnie born about 1897
CrainMaggie Jeanborn about 1939
CrainMary Leeborn about 1930
CrainNaisie born about 1896
CrainWilliam Mborn about 1861
CrinerJoseph born about 1910
CrinerSeathel born about 1908
CurryFlossie Maeborn about 1922
CurryJames born about 1891
CurryJoseph born about 1920
CurryNettie born about 1897

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D Surnames

DickersonJohn born about 1874
DickersonM Sborn about 1929
DownsAaron born about 1865
DownsBeatrice born about 1926
DownsBlanche born about 1927
DownsCharlie born about 1890
DownsElnora born about
DownsLeberta born about 1928
DunnDorthy Louborn about 1938
DunnGracie born about 1899
DunnJames Lutherborn about 1926
DunnLueas born about 1892

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F Surnames

FlorsHenry born about 1910
FlorsRoberta born about 1912

G Surnames

GraceGertie Bellborn about 1937
GrayE Lborn about 1925
GrayEffie born about 1905
GrayJames Elbertborn about 1920
GrayJerline born about 1924
GrayJessy born about 1903
GrayMayar born about 1901
GrayMirnia Maeborn about 1930
GrayNomai born about 1927
GrayOdessa born about 1910

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H Surnames

HarperJames born about 1910
HarperOpal Leeborn about 1922
HarrisEmma Leeborn about 1924
HarrisIzena born about 1885
HarrisJohnnie born about 1881
HarrisNettie born about 1927
HempstedEarline born about 1936
HendersonJohn Svborn about 1917
HentonJohn born about 1912
HintonLinda born about 1922
HintonLoueise born about 1924
HoganElla Vborn about 1924
HoganErma Leeborn about 1928
HoganJohn Hborn about 1927
HunterAdolph born about 1925
HunterAlbert born about 1929
HunterCarrie Bellborn about 1927
HunterChester born about 1905
HunterEmma born about 1872
HunterFranklin born about 1936
HunterGeorge born about 1930
HunterJoe born about 1875
HunterLee Idaborn about 1922
HunterMelner born about 1935
HunterMonroe born about 1917
HunterNora born about 1919
HunterRubin born about 1937
HunterThelma born about 1923
HunterVelma born about 1907
HunterZetoro born about 1878

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J Surnames

JacksonElbert born about 1931
JacksonLorena born about 1895
JacksonMackray born about 1915
JohnsonKittie born about 1863
JohnsonMary Janeborn about 1928
JohnsonMattie born about 1885
JonesRosie born about 1892
JonesWiley born about 1880

K Surnames

KelleyArthur born about 1910
KelleyLeberta born about 1936
KelleyLee Arthurborn about 1933
KelleyOctavia born about 1911
KellyCarrie born about 1874
KellyWyliy born about 1870
KnightJohn W Jrborn about 1921
KnightVirgelene born about 1924

L Surnames

LillyAnnie Maeborn about 1928
LillyBlanche born about 1928
LillyBobby Joneborn about 1935
LillyBuck born about 1900
LillyCatherine born about 1936
LillyClaudie Maeborn about 1937
LillyConzatty born about 1934
LillyDiley born about 1911
LillyEleven born about 1928
LillyEliza born about 1924
LillyEsav born about 1893
LillyEvalene born about 1931
LillyEvelene born about 1932
LillyGracey born about 1905
LillyIrene born about 1931
LillyIsom born about 1893
LillyJohn born about 1893
LillyJohn Henryborn about 1887
LillyJohnnie Maeborn about 1930
LillyJosephene born about 1893
LillyJunius born about 1930
LillyLuvenia born about 1918
LillyMary Jeanborn about 1939
LillyMoses born about 1923
LillyNorman born about 1919
LillyRoosevelt born about 1933
LillyRosetta born about 1927
LillySalena born about 1918
LomackAnnie born about 1902
LomackCarl born about 1888
LomackHuey Pborn about 1937
LomockJohn Henryborn about 1934
LoydBuddie born about 1925
LoydLottie born about 1923

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M Surnames

MayElsie born about 1910
MayVerline born about 1937
McCoyAnnie born about 1890
McCoyJ Rborn about 1922
McCoyNettie born about 1880
McCoyWill born about 1875
MesseyAlbert born about 1882
MesseyAlbert Jr born about 1935
MesseyNettie Maeborn about 1901
MesseyThomas born about 1922
MilesCreighton born about 1903
MilesJohn born about 1866
MilesLizzie born about 1907
MilesSultenia born about 1920
MooreCleoma born about 1920
MooreIda Maeborn about 1939
MooreLee Andrewborn about 1937
MooreLenord born about 1918
MosesB Jborn about 1932
MosesJunior born about 1931
MosesNathanill born about 1927
MuphyMargerette born about 1923
MurphyJ Tborn about 1924
MurphyJames born about 1889
MurryAugusta born about 1926
MurryBeozie born about 1901
MurryDave born about 1890
MurryGrover Cborn about 1929
MurryMayer born about 1932
MurryOphelia born about 1930
MurryRoleon born about 1927
MyersHenryetta born about 1905

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N Surnames

NolenEva born about 1921
NolenFrank born about 1885
NolenKitty born about 1900

P Surnames

PonderAnnie born about 1935
PonderBeulah born about 1903
PonderBradley born about 1896
PonderCarl born about 1924
PonderCharles born about 1937
PonderClifton born about 1900
PonderClifton J Rborn about 1927
PonderEarnest born about 1926
PonderEmmergene born about 1933
PonderEugene born about 1922
PonderGeorge born about 1918
PonderJohnnie Royborn about 1936
PonderKatie Leeborn about 1930
PonderLenord born about 1928
PonderLouise born about 1925
PonderMattie born about 1896
PonderMelvin born about 1923
PonderMyrtle born about 1931
PonderPaul born about 1925
PonderStella born about 1890
PonderVoncile born about 1939
PonderWilton born about 1892
PoschalHenryetta born about 1868
PoschalMayar born about 1867
PowellPearline born about 1933
PurifoyKatie born about 1897
PurifoyMarthia born about 1925
PurifoyRoy born about 1920

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R Surnames

RansomJohn born about 1888
RhymerClaudie born about 1908
RhymerEd Willieborn about 1927
RhymerLeroy born about 1910
RhymesEliza born about 1916
RhymesMoses born about 1920
RhymesWhitfield born about 1876
RichardsonAlfred Goodwinborn about 1933
RichardsonBobby Drewborn about 1935
RichardsonCarolyn born about 1939
RichardsonDrew born about 1873
RichardsonFred born about 1931
RichardsonJoice born about 1937
RichardsonLillian born about 1920
RichardsonMamie born about 1909
RichardsonWillard born about 1917
RuddArtis born about 1895
RuddAveola born about 1917

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S Surnames

SaterwhiteAsberry born about 1882
ScottHershell born about 1939
ScottIsiac born about 1938
ScottJimmie born about 1927
ScottMacy Leeborn about 1915
ScottRoy Leeborn about 1936
ScottRoylen born about 1936
ScottSpencer born about 1911
ScottThelma born about 1933
ScottWilbert born about 1932
SmithCal born about 1927
SmithCarson born about 1880
SmithDon born about 1875
SmithGeorgie born about 1885
SmithJohnnie Leeborn about 1930
SmithJoshua born about 1876
SmithLee Vborn about 1906
SmithLethia born about 1874
SmithMary born about 1873
SmithSutillo born about 1911
SmithWill born about 1886
StaffWillie born about 1883
StevesonBertha born about 1912
StevesonGlen born about 1905
StoryBenny Leeborn about 1938
SubettWilliam Jborn about 1900

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T Surnames

TatumAlma born about 1929
TatumCharles born about 1939
TatumJerry born about 1870
TeagueDenzle born about 1912
TeagueKathryn born about 1917
TeagueLowell born about 1910
ThomasBen born about 1892
ThomasGracie born about 1911
ThomasLoretta born about 1938
ThomasRobert Leeborn about 1939
TrammelBobby Jeanborn about 1934
TrammelDave born about 1907
TrammelFlorade born about 1926
TrammelFlossie Maeborn about 1927
TrammelJennete born about 1911
TrammelLennon born about 1928
TrammelLottie born about 1873
TrammelMary Jeanborn about 1936
TrammelPearline born about 1933
TrammelSilvester born about 1931

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W Surnames

WallisBeaulah born about 1908
WallisClarence born about 1906
WallisCorylon born about 1939
WallisGordon born about 1927
WelchCharlie Willieborn about 1923
WelchEdward Leeborn about 1934
WelchElla born about 1888
WelchLee Arthurborn about 1936
WelchMinnie Maeborn about 1921
WelchTom born about 1881
WelchTom Edwardborn about 1920
WickerGlaydis born about 1917
WickerJeff born about 1902
WiliamsEssie born about 1905
WiliamsGarland born about 1902
WiliamsMiranda born about 1875
WilliamsBernice born about 1937
WilliamsBetty Anneborn about 1940
WilliamsBirdia Maeborn about 1919
WilliamsEmma born about 1881
WilliamsGentry born about 1878
WilliamsGeoreld Leeborn about 1930
WilliamsGloria born about 1933
WilliamsIrene born about 1908
WilliamsJeanne born about 1937
WilliamsLee born about 1909
WilliamsMae Bellborn about 1926
WilliamsO Dborn about 1938
WilliamsVictoria born about 1887
WilliamsYoung born about 1910
WilsionEmma born about 1923
WilsionWilliam born about 1920
WilsonAlberta born about 1913
WilsonCorrene born about 1920
WilsonDora born about 1893
WilsonElmore born about 1939
WilsonEthel Mayborn about 1895
WilsonFrank born about 1902
WilsonFrankie Maeborn about 1924
WilsonFrankie Maeborn about 1927
WilsonHerbert born about 1939
WilsonHoward born about 1937
WilsonIra born about 1899
WilsonIsiah born about 1928
WilsonJeff born about 1882
WilsonKing born about 1913
WilsonLeroy born about 1929
WilsonMadell born about 1922
WilsonMary born about 1932
WilsonOciemae born about 1938
WilsonSam born about 1926
WilsonTommie Lborn about 1907
WilsonTommy born about 1913
WinfreyCalvin born about 1894
WinfreyIda born about 1894

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