1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rosie, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Rosie

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlwhiteAlbert Rayborn about 1931
AlwhiteGlen Paulborn about 1923
AlwhiteJames Louieborn about 1927
AlwhiteOla born about 1903
AlwhiteRobert Leeborn about 1934
AlwhiteSteve born about 1901

B Surnames

BannonOpal born about 1923
BonnonBernice born about 1925
BonnonEdith Maeborn about 1927
BonnonJoe born about 1911
BonnonOna born about 1917
BonnonSonya Annborn about 1940
BrewerMagness born about 1922
BrewerRay born about 1918
BrewerWesley born about 1919
BrittBascom born about 1900
BrittBascom Jr born about 1934
BrittCharles Mborn about 1937
BrittDella born about 1904
BrittHubert born about 1939
BronscumArchie born about 1926
BronscumBettie Howardborn about 1938
BronscumClarence born about 1927
BronscumDortha born about 1935
BronscumEdward born about 1922
BronscumElbert born about 1896
BronscumEtheline born about 1930
BronscumEvelyline born about 1928
BronscumFaye born about 1933
BronscumGlendine born about 1933
BronscumIrene born about 1924
BronscumJohn Eddborn about 1916
BronscumKathlene born about 1930
BronscumLogan born about 1937
BronscumMarcus born about 1938
BronscumMay Elizabethborn about 1940
BronscumMeda born about 1905
BronscumPearl born about 1901
BronscumRichard born about 1934
BronscumThurlan born about 1930
BronscumTom born about 1880
BronscumUlis born about 1906
BronscumWadilee born about 1935
BurchamEvealine born about 1924
BurchamLouise born about 1895
BurchamMelvin born about 1889
BurrowClarene born about 1929
BurrowClaude born about 1904
BurrowJerry born about 1931
BurrowLois born about 1925
BurrowNellie born about 1904
BurrowWayne born about 1927
BurtJames Edwardborn about 1924

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C Surnames

CakesClarence born about 1927
CakesEula born about 1936
CakesHelen born about 1934
CakesOra born about 1910
CakesPauletta born about 1932
CakesVirginia Mayborn about 1939
CakesWalter born about 1901
CakesWalter Jr born about 1929
CallomDarell born about 1934
CallomJohn born about 1902
CallomLyn Rexborn about 1939
CallomMelba born about 1912
CallomRoberta born about 1938
CambellArrie born about 1911
CambellJimmie born about 1935
CambellKale born about 1934
CambellMattie born about 1911
CambellMona born about 1938
CambellOscar born about 1937
CambellTroy born about 1936
CastleLillian born about 1899
CastlePerry Jamesborn about 1893
ChastineClarence born about 1915
ChastineGeorgia born about 1918
ChastineJ Lborn about 1937
ColemanBill born about 1917
ColemanBilly Allenborn about 1937
ColemanDolous born about 1904
ColemanDorman born about 1931
ColemanFloyd born about 1915
ColemanHarold Jborn about 1935
ColemanHelen born about 1927
ColemanJulia born about 1883
ColemanMax Dborn about 1939
ColemanMildred born about 1920
ColemanRondall born about 1938
ColemanSamuel born about 1880
ColemanViola born about 1904
ColemonEthel born about 1918
ColemonHenry born about 1910
ColemonRebecca Joneborn about 1934
ColmEarl born about 1925
CookConway born about 1932
CookGladys born about 1915
CookHerman born about 1906
CooperHomer born about 1912
CooperJames Edwardborn about 1940
CooperJessie Fayeborn about 1920
CooperJohn Thomasborn about 1938
CooperMildred born about 1936
CrutcherAddie Mborn about 1935
CrutcherAneta born about 1939
CrutcherBertie born about 1909
CrutcherDon born about 1925
CrutcherEdward born about 1933
CrutcherIrene born about 1918
CrutcherLouise born about 1937
CrutcherWill born about 1894
CrutcherWilliene born about 1931

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D Surnames

DanielCharles born about 1892
DanielMabel born about 1909
DrwyattEdna born about 1887
DrwyattWilliam born about 1867

E Surnames

EdwardsMac born about 1931
EdwardsPearl born about 1907
EllisFlossie Janeborn about 1936
EllisFranklin Eborn about 1933

F Surnames

FainBonnie Jeanborn about 1935
FainEdna born about 1909
FainHoward Wayneborn about 1938
FainJoe Randallborn about 1936
FainJohn Aborn about 1871
FainMary born about 1873
FainMarylee born about 1919
FainPattie Sueborn about 1940
FainPresley born about 1917
FikeAlberta born about 1885
FikeEllis Cccborn about 1920
FikeElmer born about 1931
FikeEthel born about 1918
FikeHarlen born about 1870
FikeLeslie born about 1891
FikeMattie born about 1888
FikeOwen born about 1925
FikeRoy born about 1922
FinleyBonnie Ruthborn about 1931
FinleyCorene born about 1910
FinleyEthel Raeborn about 1929
FinleyJames born about 1905
FinleyOrbrie born about 1912
FinleyWillie born about 1903
FosterAnnie born about 1928
FosterEvelyn born about 1939
FosterFonnie born about 1867
FosterGrace born about 1896
FosterIra born about 1914
FosterLois born about 1924
FosterWillie born about 1892
FosterWillie Jr born about 1934
FreemasBertha born about 1902
FreemasEarl born about 1926
FreemasErwin born about 1929
FreemasMarlin born about 1938
FreemasWalter Wborn about 1897
FreemasZelma born about 1923
FullerAdaline born about 1931
FullerBoby Leeborn about 1933
FullerEdna born about 1906
FullerGeorge born about 1936
FullerGlynn Gborn about 1940
FullerLoyd born about 1937
FullerLynn Fborn about 1940
FullerMaxine born about 1927
FullerRuby born about 1924
FullerThomas Jborn about 1900

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G Surnames

GarverArthur born about 1906
GarverChastine Ethelborn about 1898
GarverDortha Sueborn about 1937
GarverEdmond born about 1901
GarverJewel born about 1904
GarverJo Carolynborn about 1939
GarverLaura born about 1876
GarverOlon born about 1915
GarverRebecca born about 1880
GreenAlvin born about 1913
GreenBobbie Jeanborn about 1938
GreenDorothy born about 1936
GreenEarl born about 1925
GreenLeneva born about 1940
GreenLeon born about 1916
GreenLizzie born about 1887
GreenMonvell born about 1920
GreenRoma born about 1922

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H Surnames

HallowayBeatrice born about 1937
HallowayBertha Mayborn about 1938
HallowayCarrie born about 1914
HallowayDarrel Jeanborn about 1934
HallowayHoward born about 1933
HallowayJess born about 1911
HammondsAlta born about 1892
HammondsHershel born about 1922
HammondsPaul born about 1928
HammondsWalter born about 1880
HarkleEthel born about 1890
HarkleHellen born about 1921
HarkleJerna born about 1931
HarkleOpal born about 1927
HarkleRood born about 1884
HarperChester born about 1907
HarperFairbanks born about 1931
HarperHarold Donnyborn about 1940
HarperLou Ednaborn about 1933
HarperMattie born about 1909
HarperPat Kendallborn about 1936
HarrissBill born about 1907
HarrissEulah born about 1937
HarrissLois born about 1932
HarrissThelma born about 1915
HensonAirby Bellaborn about 1937
HensonAirlis born about 1935
HensonAlbert born about 1901
HensonHurley born about 1940
HensonLorene born about 1914
HensonWillie born about 1932
HinesMargie born about 1921
HixAlfred born about 1888
HixBertha born about 1891
HixMarcus born about 1913
HixWilson born about 1932
HooperBetty Jeanborn about 1933
HooperDorris Lynnborn about 1935
HooperEdna born about 1885
HooperEloise born about 1923
HooperGladys Amyborn about 1938
HooperHenry born about 1881
HooperJ Mborn about 1914
HooperKenneth born about 1926
HooperMouan Clayborn about 1940
HooperRyxie born about 1914
HouseCharline born about 1924
HouseEnnie born about 1890
HubbordAbner born about 1938
HubbordBonnie born about 1933
HubbordCharles born about 1882
HubbordGlennie Eddborn about 1937
HubbordIna born about 1906
HubbordTedd born about 1904
HubbordVaughn born about 1931
HubbordWoodraw born about 1918
HuffAgnes born about 1909
HuffLoretta born about 1937
HuffMaggie Joborn about 1934
HuffWava born about 1930
HuffWilliam born about 1907
HuffWilliam born about 1939
HyattNancy born about 1872

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J Surnames

JamesAlba born about 1908
JamesElmer Rayborn about 1939
JamesJim born about 1880
JamesJosie born about 1884
JamesJuanita born about 1936
JamesLillie born about 1916
JamesVirgil born about 1914
JamesWalter born about 1912
JenkinsArvie born about 1915
JenkinsEvelyn born about 1919
JenkinsVernell born about 1937
JenkinsVernon Glennborn about 1935
JohnsonA Zborn about 1929
JohnsonArtemas born about 1922
JohnsonArthur born about 1897
JohnsonFaye born about 1925
JohnsonRetha born about 1890
JohnsonS Eborn about 1928

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K Surnames

KirkseyBetty Joborn about 1925
KromerClide born about 1912
KromerCoy born about 1910
KromerDon born about 1933
KromerErnest born about 1911
KromerErnestine born about 1925
KromerGenevieve born about 1915
KromerGeorge born about 1881
KromerGeorge born about 1921
KromerGlenda born about 1939
KromerHazlerig Maryborn about 1890
KromerJ Bborn about 1923
KromerManola born about 1920
KromerMaryetta born about 1928
KromerMildred born about 1919
KromerNelson Rayborn about 1930
KromerOsie born about 1882
KromerPearl born about 1912
KromerSadie born about 1889
KromerTommie born about 1919
KromerWayman born about 1935
KromerWilliam Cborn about 1937

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L Surnames

LeeEmmit born about 1918
LevittBartley born about 1939
LevittBeulah born about 1898
LevittGeorge Fborn about 1922
LevittHarvey born about 1886
LevittKenneth born about 1917
LevittMary born about 1921
LevittMaxine born about 1920
LondrumBetty Louborn about 1938
LondrumCletus born about 1932
LondrumClint born about 1909
LondrumDortha born about 1936
LondrumEssie born about 1911
LondrumZ Lborn about 1931
LongA Jborn about 1931
LongAlbert born about 1897
LongAngola born about 1934
LongBobbie Dborn about 1939
LongCarless born about 1930
LongEulis born about 1924
LongJennie born about 1905
LongJohn born about 1903
LongLillian born about 1913
LongLonnie Mborn about 1939
LongLoyd Rayborn about 1936
LongMay Inesborn about 1933
LongstonMilton born about 1916
LongstonMitchel born about 1940
LongstonOza born about 1923
LucyElsie born about 1908
LucyLois born about 1934
LucyLouise born about 1935
LucyVirgil born about 1907
LucyWillie Royborn about 1930

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M Surnames

MartinAbner born about 1932
MartinAlbert born about 1906
MartinAlbert Donborn about 1939
MartinAlvis born about 1927
MartinAnice born about 1926
MartinArnold born about 1929
MartinBlane born about 1916
MartinClarence born about 1914
MartinCloe born about 1920
MartinCorbet born about 1908
MartinDean born about 1931
MartinDelta born about 1939
MartinDon born about 1922
MartinElla born about 1910
MartinElsie born about 1916
MartinEmma born about 1897
MartinGeneral born about 1919
MartinGeorge born about 1881
MartinH Rborn about 1922
MartinJames Wborn about 1882
MartinJewel born about 1918
MartinLester born about 1922
MartinLois Hborn about 1885
MartinLorell born about 1920
MartinMary Ellenborn about 1935
MartinOscar born about 1897
MartinPatsy Joneborn about 1938
MartinPauline born about 1926
MartinRobert Bborn about 1894
MartinRoland born about 1935
MartinRuth born about 1920
MartinVelia born about 1888
MartinVelma Rayborn about 1933
McBrideAdriene born about 1924
McBrideArchie born about 1920
McBrideAvner born about 1922
McBrideDelva born about 1926
McBrideForest born about 1899
McBrideFurby born about 1924
McBrideGertrude born about 1934
McBrideJohnnie born about 1932
McBrideOran born about 1929
McBrideRuby born about 1922
McBrideShelby Deanborn about 1938
McBrideShirley Geneborn about 1940
McBrideVirgie born about 1903
McKeeMalion born about 1925
MillerDenver born about 1902
MillerElmer Mborn about 1905
MillerEulah born about 1907
MillerFrank born about 1867
MillerIva Mayborn about 1918
MillerIva Mayeborn about 1890
MillerJ N Jrborn about 1925
MillerJohn Wborn about 1878
MillerLottie born about 1902
MillerLoyd Stanleyborn about 1930
MillerPattie Elizabethborn about 1927
MillerPerry Lynnborn about 1934
MillerPetit Jeanborn about 1935
MillerWilliam Thomasborn about 1937
MorganEdgar born about 1898
MorganIvey born about 1900
MorganJimmie Daleborn about 1940
MorganLee born about 1930
MorganPauline born about 1936
MorganRoy born about 1933
MorganRuby born about 1923
MorganRuth born about 1927
MorganThomas born about 1920

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O Surnames

OnealBennie born about 1931
OnealDollie born about 1905
OnealHaden born about 1886
OnealJ Dborn about 1926
OnealJames born about 1927
OnealThomas born about 1935
OwensCarrale born about 1938
OwensHenry born about 1890
OwensJodene born about 1923
OwensKathryn born about 1930
OwensVilla born about 1901

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P Surnames

ParkerHenrietta born about 1879
ParkerPauline born about 1905
ParkerRobert born about 1871
PayneHarlan born about 1914
PayneMary Eborn about 1857
PayneSammie born about 1916
PlattBelle born about 1887
PlattBetty Leeborn about 1937
PlattCay born about 1913
PlattClarence born about 1922
PlattEldred born about 1925
PlattIra born about 1889
PlattJimmie Lynnborn about 1934
PlattLeon born about 1916
PlattPhyllis Jeanborn about 1938
PlattRay born about 1914
PlattVivian born about 1919
PoddockTommie born about 1907
PollardMinnie born about 1880

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R Surnames

RaganCynthia born about 1872
ReevesImel born about 1893
ReevesLorene born about 1919
ReevesWilliam Eborn about 1861
RichardsonCay born about 1933
RichardsonErmon born about 1904
RichardsonIda born about 1910
RichardsonJames born about 1936
RichardsonJuanata born about 1930
RichardsonMary Helenborn about 1927
RichardsonNorma Leeborn about 1929
RichardsonRay Mackborn about 1939
RobbinsBetty Joborn about 1927
RobbinsBetty Opalborn about 1917
RobbinsBeulah born about 1925
RobbinsBilly Geneborn about 1927
RobbinsBonnie born about 1940
RobbinsDale born about 1932
RobbinsEulah born about 1923
RobbinsEverett Royborn about 1938
RobbinsFloyd Rborn about 1938
RobbinsJone born about 1895
RobbinsKenneth born about 1930
RobbinsLonie born about 1921
RobbinsMelburn born about 1920
RobbinsO Dborn about 1929
RobbinsOclas born about 1915
RobbinsOllie born about 1903
RobbinsOscar born about 1911
RobbinsRuth born about 1932
RobbinsSherman born about 1916
RobbinsStella born about 1898
RobbinsWilliam born about 1877
RobertsCarol born about 1910
RobertsGeorge born about 1908
RobertsGeorge Ettaborn about 1930
RobertsPatsy Annborn about 1938
RobertsonAddie born about 1884
RobertsonAlbert born about 1882
RobertsonAlqua Bborn about 1891
RobertsonBetsy Joneborn about 1931
RobertsonFreddie Maeborn about 1923
RobertsonIrma Deanborn about 1924
RobertsonJetta Raeborn about 1926
RobertsonJo Ettaborn about 1939
RobertsonLucy born about 1905
RobertsonMildred born about 1918
RobertsonOpal born about 1921
RobertsonRodney born about 1928
RossCephas born about 1917
RossDollie born about 1919
RossEdna born about 1932
RossEmmet Deanborn about 1936
RossEugene born about 1929
RossGlean Beatriceborn about 1938
RossGrace born about 1890
RossHaldean born about 1929
RossJess born about 1914
RossOtto born about 1922
RossSylvia born about 1924
RudickBonnie Jeanborn about 1935
RudickClaude born about 1909
RudickClaudine born about 1931
RudickEarl born about 1905
RudickEarl Geneborn about 1935
RudickGeorge Flowdborn about 1940
RudickGlarine born about 1904
RudickMargie born about 1903
RudickWilma born about 1927
RussCleo born about 1900

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S Surnames

SlattonLizzie born about 1890
SlattonLottie born about 1927
SlattonWilliam born about 1884
SnelsgroveEdward born about 1919
SnelsgroveGeorge born about 1937
SnelsgroveJo Anneborn about 1928
SnelsgroveMolly born about 1895
SnelsgrovePearl born about 1931
SnelsgroveR Cborn about 1924
SnelsgroveRobert born about 1884
SnelsgroveTom born about 1922
SnelsgroveVernell born about 1934
StamesDollie born about 1904
StamesRaymond born about 1893
StewartKeith born about 1918
StewartSam born about 1868
StewartTom born about 1886
StewartWaldene born about 1928
StjohnEverett born about 1910
StjohnJames Tborn about 1876
StjohnJean born about 1915
StjohnWillie born about 1914
StormElsie born about 1872
StormS Kborn about 1876

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T Surnames

TaylorCora born about 1905
TaylorEthel born about 1908
TaylorJ Bborn about 1925
TaylorJerry Bethborn about 1934
TaylorJohn Eborn about 1894
TaylorJyrl born about 1928
TaylorR Wborn about 1933
TaylorRalph born about 1908
TaylorSylvia Nborn about 1927
TaylorTerell born about 1931
ThomasJohn born about 1892
ThomasWillie born about 1898
ToddAbner born about 1906
ToddArthur born about 1892
ToddBuster born about 1920
ToddClifford born about 1922
ToddCurtis born about 1895
ToddDoyle Geneborn about 1934
ToddEdd born about 1901
ToddGoldia born about 1914
ToddJoyce born about 1937
ToddKenneth born about 1929
ToddLorene born about 1926
ToddLottie born about 1913
ToddLovella born about 1893
ToddMattie Cborn about 1868
ToddNova born about 1905
ToddRobert Lborn about 1891
ToddTerry Geneborn about 1936
TratterEarl born about 1902
TratterGertie born about 1905
TuckerAlpha born about 1910
TuckerDean born about 1928
TuckerDella born about 1887
TuckerGeorge born about 1884
TuckerGoldia born about 1925
TuckerL Jborn about 1922
TuckerOpal born about 1920
TuckerWanda Marieborn about 1932

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V Surnames

VaughnLillie born about 1900
VaughnRose born about 1898

W Surnames

WardJosie born about 1879
WarrenJoe Lborn about 1862
WebbColumbus born about 1909
WebbGerald born about 1933
WebbHarold Mackborn about 1937
WebbNellie born about 1914
WestBrook Paulborn about 1915
WestThelma born about 1915
WheelerAdd born about 1899
WheelerBertie born about 1897
WheelerChristene born about 1924
WheelerDave born about 1895
WheelerEdna born about 1912
WheelerEdwards Deanborn about 1930
WheelerHerbert born about 1909
WheelerImogene born about 1927
WheelerLela born about 1902
WheelerMary born about 1877
WheelerMattie born about 1921
WheelerOrval born about 1917
WheelerOscar born about 1923
WheelerPeggy born about 1936
WheelerStanley born about 1933
WheelerWilliam Jborn about 1876
WheelerWillie Mayborn about 1926
WheelisElta born about 1899
WheelisWilliam born about 1901
WheelisWilma born about 1929
WheelisWonda born about 1934
WilkesCora born about 1898
WilkesHomer born about 1899
WilkesOsborn born about 1922
WilkesVerna Mborn about 1925
WoodFerd born about 1886
WyattAron Kentborn about 1930
WyattBarbra Jeneborn about 1938
WyattBeulah born about 1902
WyattBilly Ruthborn about 1929
WyattCecil born about 1909
WyattDave born about 1870
WyattDean born about 1933
WyattDella born about 1909
WyattDillard born about 1904
WyattDolph born about 1890
WyattDuane born about 1931
WyattElvelyn born about 1909
WyattEmma born about 1869
WyattEthel born about 1902
WyattEtta born about 1891
WyattEulah born about 1890
WyattFaye born about 1904
WyattFred born about 1898
WyattFred Maxborn about 1936
WyattGerald born about 1927
WyattJennie born about 1893
WyattJimmie Rborn about 1939
WyattJoe born about 1925
WyattKarene born about 1930
WyattKelly born about 1901
WyattKromer Wborn about 1926
WyattLutie born about 1879
WyattMary Lynnborn about 1933
WyattMary Ruthborn about 1932
WyattOscar born about 1892
WyattPaula Rayborn about 1931
WyattRalph born about 1909
WyattRoder born about 1901
WyattRoy born about 1905
WyattRuth born about 1908
WyattSybil born about 1928
WyattVlla born about 1906
WyattW Aborn about 1932
WyattWill born about 1895

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Y Surnames

YoungAlfred born about 1916
YoungCharlie born about 1914
YoungEmmogene born about 1931
YoungHelen born about 1918
YoungJessie born about 1926
YoungMaud born about 1899
YoungMaydine born about 1920
YoungOllie born about 1886
YoungOscar Jborn about 1881
YoungOtis born about 1897
YoungWillie born about 1921
YoungWinfred born about 1924

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