1940 U.S. Federal Census of Salado, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Salado

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenRalph born about 1900
ApplesBilly born about 1933
ApplesClifton born about 1921
ApplesDale born about 1924
ApplesHubert born about 1897
ApplesMae born about 1900

B Surnames

BaterLaura born about 1869
BiggsCharles born about 1929
BiggsDovie born about 1909
BlountOllie Vborn about 1895
BranchcomeAlice Rayborn about 1938
BranchcomeCleo born about 1917
BranchcomeElna born about 1919
BranscumClifford born about 1936
BranscumErnest born about 1929
BranscumLeo born about 1919
BranscumLois born about 1934
BranscumLorene born about 1926
BranscumLucy born about 1900
BranscumMae born about 1931
BranscumNeva born about 1940
BranscumRayder born about 1921
BranscumTroy born about 1924
BranscumWilson born about 1893
BridgesAuthor born about 1939
BridgesOleta born about 1913
BridgesVernon born about 1900
BridgesWilliam born about 1937
BruceBilly born about 1938
BruceDavid born about 1936
BruceEdith born about 1898
BruceEdna Rayborn about 1930
BruceErnestine born about 1915
BruceGlora Sueborn about 1934
BruceJames born about 1893
BruceJames Lborn about 1919
BruceJimmey Wborn about 1932
BrucePierce born about 1909
BruceWilma born about 1922

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C Surnames

CainLucy born about 1915
CarpenterDixie born about 1936
CarpenterGeorge born about 1912
CarpenterJess born about 1914
CarpenterJo Annborn about 1937
CarpenterMary born about 1875
CarpenterOpal born about 1909
CarpenterOpal born about 1910
CarrMarisa born about 1865
ChisomClyde born about 1900
ChisomDenver born about 1925
ChisomFrank born about 1886
ChisomJean born about 1928
ChisomLena Fayborn about 1934
ChisomLoyd born about 1930
ChisomMildred born about 1939
ChisomMyrtle born about 1905
ChisomRay born about 1931
CoffeeLou born about 1902
CoffeeMartin born about 1908

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D Surnames

DanielsRachel born about 1893
DanielsRichard Lborn about 1915
DanielsSherman born about 1919
DanielsWillis born about 1925
DavisAndrew born about 1877
DavisIna born about 1890
DavisLeneva born about 1911
DawsonJohn Wborn about 1908
DawsonRuby born about 1912
DawsonRuby Leeborn about 1938
DefreeseButler born about 1922
DefreeseIrene born about 1891
DefreeseJulia born about 1891
DefreeseMalcolm born about 1921
DefreeseMcgrady born about 1925
DefreeseOrville born about 1910
DefreeseRobert born about 1890
DefreeseRobert Jr born about 1926
DefreeseWalter born about 1886
DennisonMabel born about 1911
DennisonWalter Hborn about 1867
DewittAlice born about 1917
DewittBetty Louborn about 1935
DewittHershell born about 1911
DickersonJames Oborn about 1916
DickersonMary born about 1888
DixonJohn born about 1860
DixonMary born about 1894
DixonVenard born about 1910
DrewBernice born about 1908
DrewDenice born about 1935
DrewDorman born about 1938
DrewEllis Dborn about 1936
DrewLara born about 1909
DriskellEva born about 1892

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E Surnames

EnglesAlice born about 1872
EnglesAllen born about 1884
EnglesAllen Rayborn about 1919
EnglesB Jborn about 1925
EnglesBilley Jeanborn about 1929
EnglesDora Ettaborn about 1919
EnglesJune born about 1898
EnglesThomas born about 1927
EnglesVirgie born about 1905
EnglesWilliam Fborn about 1907

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F Surnames

FulbrightBeatrice born about 1928
FulbrightEverett born about 1918
FulbrightHerbert born about 1915
FulbrightImogine born about 1930
FulbrightJ Dborn about 1931
FulbrightJane born about 1885
FulbrightJohn born about 1885
FulbrightLila Maeborn about 1922
FulbrightWillie born about 1919

G Surnames

GalvinJohn born about 1885
GarettCarolyn born about 1938
GarettCharlie born about 1894
GarettHenry Lborn about 1924
GarettJames Eborn about 1918
GarettJerry born about 1905
GarettLizzy born about 1902
GarettOla Maeborn about 1919
GarettWinnie born about 1908
GharmeyPatsy born about 1889
GharmeyRobert born about 1887
GoffDee born about 1910
GoffErnestine born about 1933
GoffJ Bborn about 1931
GoffJerry born about 1928
GoffLeona born about 1910
GoffWillie Dborn about 1923
GreenKermitt born about 1939
GreenMyrtle born about 1917
GreenTandy born about 1910

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H Surnames

HagermanElsie born about 1897
HagermanEudora born about 1867
HagermanSmith born about 1893
HamleyArthur born about 1910
HamleyGladyce born about 1912
HamleyLola born about 1937
HardgraveMae born about 1910
HardgraveRodger born about 1938
HeadDexter born about 1914
HeadGanell born about 1919
HeadGeorgie Leeborn about 1939
HeadPatsy born about 1937
HeadstreamFelix born about 1894
HeadstreamFelix Bborn about 1922
HeadstreamFloy born about 1921
HeadstreamRobbie born about 1889
HeadstreamRoxie born about 1898
HeadstreamWilliam born about 1890
HeadstreamWilliam Jr born about 1918
HinesCoy born about 1897
HinesLoyd born about 1920
HinesMyrtle born about 1897
HixAleen born about 1910
HixDoris born about 1940
HixEva born about 1913
HixJunior born about 1933
HixThommy born about 1936
HooperBessie born about 1901
HooperDella born about 1874
HooperEmma born about 1908
HooperWilliam born about 1873
HuffJimmy born about 1938
HuffLena Fayborn about 1917
HuffLyda born about 1881
HuffMack born about 1912
HuffMartha born about 1936
HuffMary Annborn about 1915
HuffNeill born about 1924
HuffNewt born about 1884
HuffSyble born about 1919
HuffWarwick born about 1878
HughesJunior born about 1934
HughesMattie born about 1865
HughesMauam born about 1909
HughesRoss born about 1908
HughesSiigel born about 1867
HughesWanda born about 1931
HughesWillie born about 1928

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I Surnames

IngramJarlen born about 1924
IngramJohn born about 1919

J Surnames

JacksonBetty born about 1923
JacksonHaddie born about 1919
JacksonLou Allenborn about 1921
JohnstonBonnie born about 1933
JohnstonEdlie Joeborn about 1939
JohnstonGeraldine born about 1919
JohnstonHeda born about 1936
JohnstonLucy born about 1913
JohnstonRalph born about 1918
JohnstonWaco born about 1907
JonesCaroyln born about 1911
JonesJames Dborn about 1902

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K Surnames

KerseyDempsey born about 1919
KerseyDoris Mborn about 1924
KerseyPaul born about 1915
KerseyRoxie born about 1886
KerseyWalter born about 1880

L Surnames

LangCharlie born about 1938
LangChester born about 1936
LangDavid born about 1919
LangJunior born about 1930
LangLaura born about 1903
LangMack born about 1932
LangMartha born about 1927
LangOwen born about 1899
LawerenceJimmy born about 1922
LawerenceJulia Annborn about 1939
LawerenceJulian born about 1912
LawrenceDaisy born about 1881
LawrenceRobert born about 1876
LenoardBilly Wyaneborn about 1932
LenoardDickie born about 1915
LenoardInez born about 1884
LenoardJimmey Rborn about 1936
LenoardMary Wborn about 1934
LenoardMelba Jborn about 1938
LenoardMyna Sueborn about 1940
LenoardRalph born about 1912
LenoardRupurt born about 1884
LeonardRuth Maeborn about 1922
LeonardShirley Annborn about 1939
LeonardWalbert born about 1914
LewisAlfred born about 1900
LewisAlfred Jr born about 1933
LewisAudrey born about 1903
LewisEmmett born about 1913
LewisFay born about 1928
LewisMargie born about 1916
LewisRobert born about 1937
LoganFelsie born about 1900
LoganNettie born about 1860
LongCal born about 1919
LongCurtis born about 1931
LongDavid Mborn about 1891
LongEmma born about 1925
LongFrank born about 1934
LongGeorge born about 1929
LongIrene born about 1893
LongJannita born about 1933
LongJerald born about 1928
LongLucille born about 1922
LongOllie born about 1895
LongPinkney born about 1915
LongRobert born about 1921
LuskClarence born about 1936
LuskDewey born about 1899
LuskEdna born about 1904
LuskHelen born about 1927
LuskJohn born about 1939
LuskLeroy born about 1923
LuskMildred born about 1933
LuskPerry born about 1920
LuskSarah Annborn about 1925

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M Surnames

ManuellCallie born about 1894
ManuellDelmar born about 1874
ManuellFrances born about 1924
ManuellJohn Wborn about 1873
ManuellWillie born about 1893
MartinElsie born about 1916
MartinGeorge Hborn about 1911
MartinGeorge Lborn about 1933
MartinJohn Lborn about 1935
MayBuford born about 1910
MayClara born about 1917
MayEdward born about 1927
MayEvelyn born about 1923
MayHavel born about 1919
MayLynn born about 1937
MayMildred born about 1918
MayOleta born about 1929
MayOwen born about 1931
MayReba born about 1924
MayRosie born about 1891
MaySilas born about 1884
McNittHager born about 1887
MilesDean born about 1922
MilesJames born about 1877
MilesMaggie born about 1886
MilesVeda Jewellborn about 1924
MooreDorr born about 1913
MooreDorr born about 1940
MooreDuane born about 1927
MooreFeby born about 1871
MooreGrace born about 1899
MooreJames Wborn about 1928
MooreKathrine born about 1923
MooreLois born about 1911
MooreSterling born about 1897
MooreWinnie born about 1900

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O Surnames

OsburnHarold born about 1939
OsburnHarrison born about 1906
OsburnJoyce born about 1937
OsburnJunior born about 1933
OsburnLaverne born about 1935
OsburnNettie born about 1913

P Surnames

PierceBetty born about 1928
PierceBeulah born about 1902
PierceBilly born about 1936
PierceCarl born about 1909
PierceCarl Fborn about 1937
PierceCarol Jusborn about 1939
PierceCleo born about 1914
PierceClyde born about 1915
PierceConway born about 1911
PierceDale born about 1933
PierceDella born about 1873
PierceFanney born about 1877
PierceFred born about 1920
PierceHerny born about 1913
PierceJessie born about 1914
PierceJo Edborn about 1923
PierceLena Maeborn about 1935
PierceMax born about 1934
PierceNorma Leeborn about 1925
PierceNorman born about 1899
PierceOla Oborn about 1909
PierceOlin born about 1927
PiercePatsy Annborn about 1937
PierceTood born about 1864
PierceWayne born about 1931
PierceWilma born about 1930
PlattDorothy born about 1938
PlattMabel born about 1922
PlattTroy born about 1916
PowellErnest Grayborn about 1940
PowellEthel born about 1924
PowellEula born about 1912
PowellHerman born about 1908
PowellHershell born about 1940
PowellIolene born about 1938
PowellOscar born about 1910
PowellSyble born about 1932
PowellVirgil born about 1935
PresleyJosie born about 1877
PresleyL Eliahborn about 1878

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R Surnames

RevesRobert Leeborn about 1882
ReynoldsHerman born about 1911
RichardsonAnna Jeanborn about 1920
RichardsonArlie born about 1921
RichardsonGenevieve born about 1923
RichardsonJoan born about 1940
RichardsonOrville born about 1919
RobertsonCris born about 1892
RobertsonElla Maeborn about 1908
RousleyEarl born about 1918
RousleyMary born about 1916

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S Surnames

ScottDale born about 1934
ScottGracie born about 1911
ScottJames born about 1861
ScottLeone born about 1916
ScottLoyelge born about 1906
ScottMary born about 1876
ScottMary born about 1925
ScottWilliam born about 1916
ScottWilma born about 1922
ShaverJames born about 1882
ShaverLara born about 1906
ShelpmanFloy born about 1882
ShelpmanRobert born about 1883
SherillAlferd Leeborn about 1939
SherillBertha born about 1884
SherillBobbie born about 1934
SherillDean born about 1930
SherillDillard born about 1919
SherillFlora born about 1917
SherillGenevie born about 1924
SherillHazel born about 1938
SherillHenry born about 1874
SherillJo born about 1927
SherillMargie born about 1899
SherillRobert born about 1908
SherillWilliam born about 1895
ShieldsAlice born about 1928
ShieldsAllie born about 1934
ShieldsBertha born about 1891
ShieldsCharlie born about 1930
ShieldsFrank born about 1890
ShieldsHoward born about 1932
SmithHomer born about 1877
SmithLou Bborn about 1885
SmithSylvia born about 1911
SmithWilliam born about 1921
SneedAaron born about 1932
SneedFred born about 1903
SneedJohn born about 1924
SneedNeva born about 1926
SneedRuth born about 1899
SneedWanda born about 1936
SpearsBalma born about 1891
SpearsEllen Aborn about 1916
SpearsEmma Fayborn about 1919
SpearsOscar Aborn about 1891
SpenceAlice born about 1872
StewartDale born about 1923
StewartEmma born about 1884
StroudCleo born about 1922
StroudElman born about 1920
StroudEula Mae Eoserborn about 1906
StroudHouston born about 1924
StroudJoe born about 1890
StroudManuel born about 1932
StroudMargaret born about 1928
StroudMaude born about 1897
StroudPearl born about 1890
StroudThurman born about 1920
SturchNannie born about 1861
SturdivantArtie born about 1871
SturdivantWilliam born about 1858

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T Surnames

TaylorAnna Juneborn about 1937
TaylorBernice born about 1921
TaylorBobby Joborn about 1935
TaylorClyde born about 1914
TaylorDaisy born about 1913
TaylorDarell born about 1937
TaylorEarl born about 1889
TaylorEarl Deanborn about 1924
TaylorElia born about 1920
TaylorErnest born about 1909
TaylorJohn born about 1869
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1918
TaylorLaura born about 1887
TaylorLester born about 1912
TaylorMyrtle born about 1894
TaylorRosie born about 1888
TaylorRoy born about 1915
TaylorVirginia born about 1914
ThompsonAugust Leeborn about 1928
ThompsonDora Dborn about 1938
ThompsonIra Marieborn about 1926
ThompsonJess born about 1888
ThompsonLonnie Rayborn about 1933
ThompsonNora born about 1907
ThompsonRaymond born about 1920
ThompsonTeddy Rborn about 1921

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U Surnames

UhlesByron born about 1904
UhlesLouisa born about 1863

V Surnames

VarnellFrank born about 1871
VarnellGrucie born about 1904
VarnellIda born about 1876
VarnellJames Fborn about 1928
VarnellMarie born about 1927
VarnellVernon born about 1904
VickreyBernice born about 1939
VickreyDoeda born about 1929
VickreyEverette born about 1934
VickreyJ Tborn about 1936
VickreyJaunita born about 1927
VickreyLillie born about 1902
VickreyLoyd born about 1931
VickreyT Rborn about 1924
VickreyThomas born about 1880
VickreyVero born about 1921

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W Surnames

WalterGeorge born about 1902
WalterGeorge Wborn about 1932
WalterRosie born about 1909
WalterThelma born about 1927
WardTimon born about 1903
WatkinsIda born about 1890
WeathermanCharlie born about 1916
WeathermanNora Leeborn about 1915
WheelerBetty born about 1883
WheelerClint born about 1893
WheelerEdgar born about 1910
WheelerEdgar Aborn about 1936
WheelerElizabeth born about 1919
WheelerGeorgia born about 1889
WheelerHerbert born about 1909
WheelerJames born about 1922
WheelerNellie born about 1893
WheelerRobert born about 1881
WheelerRobert born about 1916
WheelerRuth born about 1910
WheelerWinfred born about 1920
WycoughAnnie born about 1888
WycoughCharlie born about 1878
WycoughEdna born about 1895
WycoughErnest Gborn about 1918
WycoughErnestine born about 1939
WycoughFay born about 1921
WycoughJackie born about 1925
WycoughLella born about 1919
WycoughLena born about 1939
WycoughMalcolm born about 1920
WycoughMyrtle Aborn about 1918
WyscaverGeorge Wborn about 1940
WyscaverJaunita born about 1929
WyscaverKathleen born about 1926
WyscaverMayme born about 1903
WyscaverWalter born about 1903
WyscaverWandalee born about 1935
WyscaverWinona born about 1932

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