1940 U.S. Federal Census of Saline in Cleburne County, Cleburne, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Cleburne County > 1940 Census of Saline in Cleburne County

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderArch Vborn about 1855
AlexanderBruce Mborn about 1860
AllenIone born about 1920
AllisonClara born about 1907
AllisonDessie born about 1894
AllisonIren born about 1924
AllisonJames Cborn about 1888
AllisonJames Jr born about 1933
AllisonJohn Cborn about 1856
AllisonReba Mayborn about 1927
AllisonWayne born about 1924
AllisonWill Tborn about 1890
AllisonWillie Daleborn about 1918

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B Surnames

BaileyDacy Joyceborn about 1936
BaileyExie born about 1916
BaileyJewel born about 1921
BaileyJohn born about 1872
BaileyMilburn born about 1908
BaileyOth born about 1913
BaileyRitta born about 1909
BaileyRoy born about 1911
BaileySallie born about 1880
BaileyVada Roothborn about 1940
BaileyVoy Leeborn about 1938
BarkerBillie born about 1931
BarkerBlanch born about 1927
BarkerFlorene born about 1924
BarkerFloy born about 1901
BarkerHorace Wborn about 1899
BarnamAnn born about 1891
BarnamAtlas Jborn about 1921
BarnamCleo born about 1926
BarnamEsther born about 1929
BarnumAmanda born about 1890
BarnumBoby Fernborn about 1936
BarnumBonnie Fayborn about 1926
BarnumClaudia born about 1914
BarnumDave born about 1920
BarnumFay born about 1923
BarnumFelton born about 1926
BarnumFloyd born about 1917
BarnumHoward Jeneborn about 1933
BarnumJimmie Daleborn about 1939
BarnumLonna born about 1918
BarnumMarrion Gborn about 1884
BarnumMurble born about 1916
BarnumOneta born about 1922
BarnumRoy born about 1920
BarnumThelma born about 1923
BarnumTony Daleborn about 1940
BarnumTroy born about 1916
BarnumVirginia born about 1919
BarnumWayne Aborn about 1915
BatesMarion Oborn about 1907
BatesMary born about 1913
BeckBessie born about 1894
BeckBillie Lorenborn about 1939
BeckCarylon Sborn about 1938
BeckGerldine born about 1926
BeckHazel Iborn about 1919
BeckJessie Mborn about 1909
BeckLoren Tborn about 1915
BeckTinas Dborn about 1912
BeckYvonne born about 1936
BirdsongJim Aborn about 1908
BirdsongJimmie Hborn about 1937
BirdsongOretha born about 1917
BorumGlenn born about 1935
BorumOneta born about 1931
BradfordJo Annborn about 1939
BradfordLa Vern born about 1937
BradfordRuth born about 1922
BrockwayFred Dborn about 1912
BrockwayVelma born about 1916
BrownAnna born about 1910
BrownCarr Earl Aborn about 1908
BrownCharls Edwinborn about
BrownChester born about 1911
BrownConnie born about 1928
BrownElihu Nborn about 1867
BrownFern born about 1934
BrownGrady born about 1937
BrownJohn Fborn about 1878
BrownKenneth Wborn about 1903
BrownNannie born about 1911
BrownOdos born about 1913
BrownPatsey born about 1933
BrownRosa born about 1879
BrownTen born about 1877
BrownTruman born about 1911
BrownTruman Jr born about 1932
BrownUlyss born about 1929
BullardBufford born about 1937
BullardJoe Wborn about 1913
BullardLula Bellborn about 1939
BullardRuby born about 1913
BullardVirgil born about 1935
BurlesonEssie born about 1879
BurlesonLuther Lborn about 1880

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C Surnames

CaldwellAlton born about 1939
CaldwellArt born about 1899
CaldwellBettie born about 1936
CaldwellHerchel born about 1932
CaldwellJ Cborn about 1926
CaldwellMable born about 1900
CaldwellVirlion born about 1934
CarrAlma born about 1904
CarrBillie born about 1930
CarrBymun born about 1918
CarrDelmer Eborn about 1903
CarrGeorge Wborn about 1883
CarrImogene born about 1926
CarrJohn Vborn about 1878
CarrKathleen born about 1915
CarrLuther born about 1891
CarrModena born about 1896
CarrNellie Jeanborn about 1934
CarrOla born about 1916
CarrShada born about 1880
CarrWilburn Eborn about 1914
CartwrightAustin Eborn about 1909
CartwrightBlanche born about 1913
CartwrightEddie born about 1920
CartwrightEdna born about 1920
CartwrightEffie Annborn about 1937
CartwrightHenry born about 1939
CartwrightImogene born about 1929
CartwrightLeonard born about 1918
CartwrightRuth born about 1931
CartwrightZed Hborn about 1886
CauleyHebert Derrelborn about 1939
CauleyLottie born about 1924
CauleyMayme born about 1901
CauleyOlen born about 1907
CauleyPeggy Jeneborn about 1934
ChalkAndrew born about 1883
ChalkAuda born about 1913
ChalkDora born about 1885
ChalkEfton born about 1924
ChalkElmer Lborn about 1907
ChalkSada born about 1894
ChalkSteve Lborn about 1890
ChatanOscar born about 1917
ClowersAlma born about 1932
ClowersEarl born about 1939
ClowersEffie born about 1908
ClowersErma Leeborn about 1935
ClowersLeonard born about 1928
ClowersRalph born about 1930
ClowersWillie Jborn about 1907
ClowersWindel born about 1936
CodyDovie born about 1887
CodyFred born about 1916
CodyTom Cborn about 1880
CorvenClara born about 1920
CorvenEarl born about 1915
CrowAidren born about 1935
CrowAro born about 1910
CrowHarvey Joeborn about 1931
CrowJack born about 1909
CrowTroy Leeborn about 1933
CrowfordAudrie born about 1921
CrowfordDorn born about 1926
CrowfordErnest born about 1930
CrowfordMary Fborn about 1886
CrowfordOdel born about 1923
CullumBetty Joborn about 1933
CullumCoy Jr born about 1927
CullumLouise born about 1935
CullumMarine born about 1931
CullumRosa born about 1909

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E Surnames

EdwardsJone born about 1922
EoffDewayne born about 1939
EoffErma born about 1925
EoffLottie born about 1886
EoffNina born about 1912
EoffPreston born about 1878
EoffSylvia Lborn about 1937
EoffVernon Jborn about 1913
EubanksAlvin born about 1921
EubanksBarber Leeborn about 1938
EubanksBuna Rayborn about 1936
EubanksEdna born about 1897
EubanksImogene born about 1930
EubanksNorman born about 1927
EubanksRebecca Mayborn about 1923
EubanksTelfrar Rborn about 1896

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F Surnames

FarriasElis born about 1912
FergusonAnna born about 1871
FulksBrat Jborn about 1902
FulksGarner born about 1907
FulksJessie born about 1916
FulksWayne born about 1924
FulksZola born about 1907

G Surnames

GadberryAdd born about 1892
GadberryAmanda born about 1882
GadberryBessie born about 1911
GadberryDan born about 1887
GadberryDavid Aborn about 1906
GadberryErma born about 1918
GadberryHenry Wborn about 1911
GadberryHoward Leeborn about 1935
GadberryJimmie born about 1939
GadberryKing Dborn about 1878
GadberryLena Mayborn about 1915
GadberryLenda Sueborn about 1939
GadberryLillian born about 1923
GadberryLois born about 1914
GadberryLuther Kingborn about 1928
GadberryMaggie Eborn about 1873
GadberryRobert Hborn about 1899
GadberryRubel born about 1900
GaddyRay Kborn about 1924
GarlandJames Dborn about 1935
GarlandJames Wborn about 1903
GarlandOrpha born about 1911
GarlandPaul Jeneborn about 1936
GarlandTommey born about 1939
GarlandWilliam born about 1937
GentryDink Aborn about 1877
GentryEmagene born about 1926
GentryMaggie born about 1877
GentryRough Lborn about 1918
GraddyAlice born about 1900
GraddyGuy born about 1897
GraddyHays born about 1923
GraddyRoy born about 1921

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H Surnames

HawkinsBetty Sueborn about 1938
HawkinsClara born about 1908
HawkinsJoe born about 1905
HawkinsMartha Joborn about 1936
HicksAngalee born about 1900
HicksHarrel Hborn about 1920
HicksJuanita born about 1925
HicksMary born about 1922
HicksVirdie Aborn about 1898
HootenTildy born about 1860

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I Surnames

ImmelBonnie Rayborn about 1932
ImmelLousel Dborn about 1909
ImmelVernice born about 1909

K Surnames

KatcherEva Jeaneborn about 1927
KelleyGertie born about 1907
KelleyJoe Mborn about 1922
KelleyLueze born about 1939
KelleyMinnie Leolaborn about 1936
KelleyWilliam Cborn about 1878
KiddRalph Dborn about 1912

L Surnames

LangesterJettie born about 1894
LangesterJewel born about 1905
LangesterKenneth Aborn about 1923
LangesterVirginia born about 1930
LangesterWillie Aborn about 1902
LinnArchie Leeborn about 1935
LinnDaniel born about 1891
LinnGevian born about 1923
LinnJ Dborn about 1931
LinnLizzy born about 1896
LodyGladys born about 1918
LodyHarvey Aborn about 1912
LynnAlma born about 1902
LynnAtheline Rborn about 1926
LynnBilley born about 1929
LynnChristene born about 1932
LynnClarce born about 1897
LynnClifton born about 1898
LynnEmily born about 1869
LynnJ Cborn about 1929
LynnJesse Wborn about 1895
LynnMontine Rborn about 1924
LynnRuby born about 1925

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M Surnames

MattisonBeauton born about 1928
MattisonFrank Bborn about 1892
MattisonHattie born about 1901
MattisonLa Gene born about 1933
MattisonLove Bettieborn about 1930
MattisonSam born about 1896
McChanyDonnie born about 1901
McChanyEarnest born about 1933
McChanyGeorge born about 1904
McChanyLola born about 1912
McChanyMildred born about 1917
McChanyRichard Leeborn about 1938
McEntireJauntia born about 1919
McEntireJennie born about 1882
McEntireJohn Aborn about 1882
MillerLizzie born about 1878
MorgonBryon born about 1927
MorgonByron born about 1917
MorgonGeorge born about 1919
MorgonJohn Dborn about 1880
MorgonLois Geneborn about 1919
MorgonLottie born about 1881
MorgonLucy born about 1905
MorgonLuther Sborn about 1915
MorgonMonro born about 1907
MorgonTeddy Lutherborn about 1939
MorgonValry born about 1922
MortonFlossie born about 1903
MortonMildred born about 1924
MortonNealy Hborn about 1896
MortonPaul Deanborn about 1936
MortonWillie Howardborn about 1926
MullinsJames born about 1890
MullinsMattie born about 1914
MurphreeDoris Jeanborn about 1938
MurphreeGina born about 1915
MurphreeOdare born about 1936
MurphreeOtto born about 1910

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N Surnames

NealBertha born about 1904
NealDoris born about 1927
NealDortha born about 1905
NealFarrel born about 1934
NealFred Tborn about 1901
NealJoyce born about 1929
NealPerry Jborn about 1899
NealRaymond born about 1930
NealRoss born about 1939
NealWilma born about 1926
NelsonAlvin born about 1918
NelsonLayman born about 1925
NelsonSallie born about 1885
NichelsonJimmie born about 1866
NichelsonLillian born about 1911
NichelsonMary Janeborn about 1874
NichelsonRoy born about 1902

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O Surnames

OsbornHorace born about 1885
OsbornNolan born about 1904

P Surnames

PateMary born about 1907
PateTroy born about 1913
PatterBillie born about 1918
PatterJim Tborn about 1875
PatterLilly born about 1882
PatterMarue born about 1925
PikeBessie born about 1897
PikeJames Aborn about 1886
PikeMildred born about 1923
PorterAtless born about 1899
PorterDewey born about 1933
PorterDorce born about 1935
PorterHarrel born about 1930
PorterHoward born about 1930
PorterLester Lborn about 1908
PorterMary born about 1904
PorterMaudia born about 1909
PorterMelvin born about 1922
PorterMintie born about 1904
PorterMitchel Lborn about 1909
PorterOnetia born about 1915
PorterRay born about 1921
PorterUdel born about 1933
PotterBessie born about 1902
PotterEarl Fborn about 1909
PotterF Eborn about 1932
PotterHoward Leeborn about 1931
PotterJack born about 1901
PotterLiddie born about 1904
PotterLizzie born about 1875
PotterMatine born about 1924
PotterMose Dborn about 1876
PresleyBonnie Mborn about 1902
PresleyCalib Eborn about 1881
PresleyClaudia born about 1907
PresleyCordie born about 1910
PresleyJalia born about 1887
PresleyLola Mayborn about 1939
PresleyWesley Fborn about 1911
PresleyWillie Earlborn about 1922
PuckettWilliam Lborn about 1865
PuteIda born about 1879

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R Surnames

RamseyBerniece born about 1939
RamseyBessie born about 1903
RamseyBettie Joeborn about 1938
RamseyFloyed born about 1916
RamseyJoe ?born about 1901
RamseyMyrtie born about 1921
RhodesEdna born about 1916
RollinsBillie Joeborn about 1930
RollinsBoby Darrelborn about 1939
RollinsDefene born about 1934
RollinsHarvey born about 1938
RollinsHoover born about 1929
RollinsJ Aborn about 1932
RollinsJames Aborn about 1899
RollinsJewel born about 1907
RollinsJoe born about 1902
RollinsJoyce Jeanborn about 1932
RollinsLeon born about 1934
RollinsMrriel born about 1927
RollinsNora born about 1873
RollinsPauldine born about 1940
RollinsTroy born about 1936
RollinsViola born about 1905

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S Surnames

SheltonElizabeth born about 1872
SherrodElmer Hborn about 1912
SingletonLula born about 1887
SingletonWilliam Wborn about 1876
SingletonWillie Loreborn about 1920
SneedHarry Aborn about 1910
SneedHarry Allanborn about 1940
SneedIna born about 1913
StaleyLonza Lborn about 1903
StaleyMary Eborn about 1877
StaleyNora Ellenborn about 1937
StaleyPeggy Sueborn about 1940
StaleyRuth Eborn about 1913
StringerLeonard born about 1884
SudburyRobert Hborn about 1883
SweeneyCatherine born about 1933
SweeneyMay born about 1937
SweeneyMiles born about 1935
SweeneyWincie born about 1938

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T Surnames

TackettHarvey Bborn about 1910
TackettHubert born about 1923
TackettLucy Aborn about 1892
TackettMurriel Dborn about 1930
TackettRebecca Aborn about 1871
TackettWiley Bborn about 1871
TackettWillis Eborn about 1920
TarkingtonFlossie born about 1917
TarkingtonHomer Fborn about 1913
TarkingtonLois born about 1935
TarkingtonLouise born about 1937
TarkingtonMarie born about 1921
TarkingtonMettie born about 1887
TarkingtonRex born about 1939
TarkingtonRuby born about 1926
TarkingtonWillie born about 1913
TarkingtonWillie born about 1923
ThompsonSarah born about 1870
TrammalHarrison Rborn about 1888
TrammalMillie born about 1892
TreadawayGlendon born about 1938
TreadawayHazel born about 1919
TreadawayMarlin born about 1917
TurneyAnna Mayborn about 1922
TurneyAtlee born about 1912
TurneyBarbery born about 1935
TurneyCivel born about 1904
TurneyEtta born about 1906
TurneyFloyed Tborn about 1925
TurneyGeorge Wborn about 1886
TurneyGleen born about 1925
TurneyGrey born about 1927
TurneyH Aborn about 1931
TurneyIda born about 1896
TurneyIva born about 1917
TurneyJ Eborn about 1937
TurneyJannella born about 1925
TurneyJean born about 1929
TurneyJesse Eborn about 1907
TurneyJohn Fborn about 1876
TurneyLee Rborn about 1890
TurneyLeofa born about 1932
TurneyLoyad Aborn about 1925
TurneyMarget born about 1886
TurneyMary Loisborn about 1927
TurneyMina born about 1921
TurneyNettie born about 1889
TurneyNormalee born about 1926
TurneyRay born about 1918
TurneyRebecca Jborn about 1860
TurneyReedy born about 1913
TurneyRobert Aborn about 1886
TurneySyble born about 1904
TurneyViola born about 1917
TurneyWilma born about 1913

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V Surnames

VaughtTommy Jeneborn about 1929

W Surnames

WattersElvis born about 1917
WattersJaunita born about 1915
WattersLeonard born about 1920
WattersTruman born about 1912
WattersVirgil born about 1924
WattersWindell born about 1934
WolvertonLetha Alineborn about 1936
WolvertonMary Louiseborn about 1938
WriggleworthAnna Bborn about 1886
WriggleworthWaber born about 1875

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