1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sand Springs in Phillips County, Phillips, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Phillips County > 1940 Census of Sand Springs in Phillips County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AgerAnne Palhborn about 1868
AgerC Cborn about 1868
ArnetteJoe Marionborn about 1917
AslingerJ Arnoldborn about 1913
AslingerRosa Leeborn about 1918

B Surnames

BackCharles Eborn about 1904
BackNaomi born about 1904
BackWatson born about 1914
BackWillie born about 1880
BaneJuaneta Mborn about 1917
BanksCharles Mborn about 1918
BanksNell Mborn about 1892
BaysLula Bborn about 1914
BaysSterling born about 1909
BaysSterling Jr born about 1940
BecknelSusie born about 1870
BeithLillie born about 1869
BeithWilliam Cborn about 1928
BellRederie Mccarleyborn about 1916
BennettLula Aborn about 1865
BennettSamuel Lborn about 1861
BerschJane born about 1911
BlyeDroille Wborn about 1906
BramletBessie Cborn about 1900
BramletBobby born about 1936
BramletEstell Bborn about 1923
BramletHenry Bborn about 1928
BroughtonAlbert Pborn about 1910
BroughtonAlbert P Jrborn about 1935
BroughtonJames born about 1939
BroughtonMildred Kborn about 1914
BruinsHannah born about 1904
ByrdWatson born about 1875

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C Surnames

CarserEula Rborn about 1896
CarserLot Bborn about 1880
CefaluCherrie born about 1907
CefaluMari Kborn about 1923
CefaluRobert Sborn about 1891
CefaluRobert S Jrborn about 1929
CefaluVirginia born about 1934
ChaftonBilly born about 1917
ChaftonJ Kellyborn about 1914
ChastineDoris born about 1923
CheshireErma Jborn about 1892
CheshireRafe Wborn about 1881
CooksJim born about 1910
CooksLuddie Maeborn about 1907
CoolidgeAndrew Pborn about 1912
CoxCharotte Lborn about 1921
CoxFletcher Sborn about 1883
CoxLucy born about 1923
CrawfordArdith born about 1940
CrawfordDorthy born about 1929
CrawfordFrankie born about 1934
CrawfordJohn born about 1900
CrawfordLavetta born about 1906
CrawfordMarjorie born about 1924
CrawfordRobert born about 1926
CrymesAngeline Aborn about 1894
CurleneBertha Vborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DeanMchenry born about 1881
DerochesWilliam born about 1915

E Surnames

ElardoMary born about 1908
ElardoPete born about 1903
ElardoRobert Peteborn about 1940
ElardoZina Marieborn about 1936
ElliottBilly Bobborn about 1930
ElliottIrene born about 1906
ElliottJack born about 1931
EvansH Dborn about 1893
EvansRuth born about 1900

F Surnames

FeldmanClara born about 1883
FeldmanHarry born about 1875
FendleyBarbara Annborn about 1935
FendleyJame Tborn about 1891
FendleyJimmie Louiseborn about 1931
FendleyLouise Bborn about 1904
FordSam Dborn about 1872
FoxDoris Eborn about 1905
FoxRichard Pborn about 1904
FoxRichard P Jrborn about 1931

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G Surnames

GelzerGennie born about 1883
GelzerThomas Lborn about 1880
GilbertLena Mborn about 1884
GoldbergMelvin born about 1910
GoldbergMildred Tborn about 1913
GreenvilleJack born about 1895
GullettEmmer born about 1911
GullettJesse Jborn about 1910

H Surnames

HardenEvelyn Mborn about 1921
HardenFlorence Oborn about 1899
HardenHelen Lborn about 1924
HardenLuther Jborn about 1927
HardenLuther Mborn about 1893
HardinL Ozellborn about 1912
HartHarriet born about 1889
HartJoanne born about 1927
HartJoseph born about 1885
HartKatherine Hborn about 1930
HartMary Eborn about 1923
HarveyBetty Joyceborn about 1934
HarveyCarolyn born about 1907
HarveyHenry Wborn about 1911
HarveyHenry W Jrborn about 1931
HawkinsElsie born about 1913
HollandElizabeth born about 1918
HollandElizabeth Anneborn about 1940
HollandHoyd Jr born about 1919
HollowayEvin Gborn about 1915
HollowayJoyce Anneborn about 1940
HollowayMarie Fborn about 1920

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J Surnames

JacksClaudine born about 1887
JacksEugene Eborn about 1896
JacksT Hborn about 1895
JacksT Mborn about 1864
JarmanAmos born about 1923
JarmanElma born about 1888
JarmanW Lborn about 1884
JarmanWhitley born about 1919
JonesBonnie Jeanborn about 1929
JonesDellie Nborn about 1897
JonesFanniew Mborn about 1921
JonesGeraldine born about 1922
JonesHerbert born about 1930
JonesJane born about 1926
JonesMarlyn Sborn about 1939
JonesMeredith Gborn about 1921
JonesMeredith Hborn about 1885
JonesRobert Cborn about 1924
JosephEugene born about 1935
JosephHelen born about 1926
JosephLaura born about 1923
JosephMariam born about 1863
JosephMary born about 1897
JosephRaymond born about 1927

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K Surnames

KeathleyGerraldine born about 1928
KeathleyJoe Juniorborn about 1930
KeathleyNina Marieborn about 1908
KerbyBilly born about 1940
KerbyErnest born about 1918
KerbyMary Lborn about 1920
KingCharles born about 1934
KingJames Rborn about 1932

L Surnames

LatonCarrie born about 1910
LatonWill born about 1899
LawsonFrances Aborn about 1919
LewisFonda Lborn about 1935
LewisGeorge Mborn about 1912
LewisRuth Lborn about 1914
LindseyEvelyn Vborn about 1910
LindseyHenry Nborn about 1927
LindseyKatherine born about 1929
LockerbyCharles born about 1933
LockerbyElsie born about 1911
LockerbyMaxine born about 1930
LockerbyRachel born about 1932
LohmanGertude born about 1906
LohmanJoseph Hborn about 1903
LukenHelen born about 1940
LukenJohn Jr born about 1919
LukenPattie born about 1918

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M Surnames

MagerBeverly Sueborn about 1936
MagerEverett born about 1912
MagerFloyce born about 1913
MagerHarold born about 1921
MagerMildred born about 1890
MaloneyCharlie born about 1884
MaloneyEllise born about 1919
MaloneyMaggie Tborn about 1889
MarrifeldGodfrey Wborn about 1915
MarrifeldMary Dborn about 1919
MaynerBeatrice born about 1921
McAbeyMinnie Bellborn about 1896
McDanielAndrew born about 1921
McDanielEverrett born about 1910
McDanielHattie Aborn about 1892
McDanielMarion Aborn about 1912
McDanielMarion Oborn about 1937
McDanielMerry Iborn about 1939
McDanielVeniece born about 1919
McDonaldHarriet Bborn about 1907
McDonaldJack born about 1896
McDonaldJack Jr born about 1932
McDonaldPatricia born about 1927
McDonaldTom Bborn about 1934
McGeeAlbert Rborn about 1887
McGeeAlbert R Juniorborn about 1921
McGeeDaughter Anneborn about 1927
McGeeGeorge Sborn about 1925
McGeeMarjorie Leeborn about 1933
McGeeMoline born about 1898
McGeePeggy Jborn about 1930
MilesFrances Barlowborn about 1925
MilesJohn Rborn about 1929
MilesMary E Coolidgeborn about 1902
MillerGloria Jeanborn about 1938
MillerPentleton born about 1913
MillerPentleton Jr born about 1939
MillerRoxie born about 1917
MillerStella Maeborn about 1935
MobleyHammon born about 1921
MobleyRichard Iborn about 1917

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N Surnames

NickolsAlvin born about 1924
NickolsJames born about 1926
NickolsLurra Jeanborn about 1930

O Surnames

ObarrElaine Pborn about 1899
OdgenCliff born about 1903
OenningEdmond Rborn about 1889
OenningFrank born about 1876
OenningLeo born about 1883
OenningMary Pborn about 1922
OldhamHershell born about 1920
OldhamKatie born about 1898
OldhamM Lborn about 1898
OldhamMary Kborn about 1935
OldhamMildred born about 1927
OldhamVirginia born about 1923

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P Surnames

PetersBen born about 1891
PhillipsVera Bborn about 1900
PhillipsWilliam Tborn about 1896
PippinAlton Hborn about 1891
PippinBlanchie Dborn about 1896

R Surnames

RadcliffeMary Eborn about 1902
RansburghAlexander Jborn about 1928
RansburghJune Cborn about 1905
RansburghMyre Fborn about 1906
RansburghRichard Fborn about 1931
ReevesChristine born about 1914
ReevesFloyd Sborn about 1911
ReevesFloyd S Jrborn about 1939
RichardsonJ Hborn about 1876
RichardsonJohn Wborn about 1903
RichardsonJohn W Jrborn about 1925
RichardsonMattie Bborn about 1874
RutledgeEllen Kborn about 1917

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S Surnames

SheffieldJohn Cborn about 1890
SheffieldJohn C Jrborn about 1915
SheffieldPauline Cborn about 1899
SinkeyDelilah born about 1853
SmithDora Bethborn about 1915
SmithFrancis Leeborn about 1928
SmithJ Tborn about 1875
SmithJulia Nborn about 1905
SmithTravis Eborn about 1926
SpeckFrancis Bborn about 1912
SpeckRichard Cborn about 1909
StevenJames Rborn about 1911
StewartWilliam Fborn about 1915
StouttJames Sborn about 1879
StouttMamie Gborn about 1880
StubsJulia born about 1878
SyfrettJohn Wborn about 1878

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T Surnames

TerrellAnnittie born about 1934
TerrellCharles Aborn about 1909
TerrellCharles A Jrborn about 1932
TerrellMae born about 1906
TerrellPeggy Jeanborn about 1938
TerrellRose Marieborn about 1939
TracyJoe born about 1908
TrainerCharles born about 1909
TrainerCharles A Jrborn about 1932
TrainerHattie born about 1911
TumlinWoodrow Wborn about 1914

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V Surnames

VanbrigaleAnne born about 1869
VanbrigaleD born about 1866
VanbrigaleMerill born about 1905
VankanelAlbert Cborn about 1910
VankanelBeatrice born about 1918
VankanelDan born about 1918
VankanelJames Rborn about 1937
VankanelPhylls born about 1939
VermillionBernerd born about 1907
VermillionElia born about 1884
VermillionJoe Bernerd Juniorborn about 1934
VermillionMary Joeborn about 1932
VermillionMary Leeborn about 1909
ViolettIda Sueborn about 1916
ViolettJames born about 1924
ViolettJosephine born about 1920
ViolettRuth born about 1894

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W Surnames

WaldenCharles born about 1917
WaldenNora born about 1884
WaldenWilliam Mborn about 1882
WarmathBufard born about 1934
WarmathClinton Jborn about 1897
WarmathFlora born about 1909
WarmathGeraldine born about 1937
WarmathJack born about 1930
WeaverElbert Aborn about 1914
WeaverLucille born about 1922
WhiteLily born about 1886
WilliamsCleo Dborn about 1933
WilliamsJohn born about 1889
WilliamsJohn Eborn about 1940
WilliamsJohn Hborn about 1913
WilliamsMerce Eborn about 1919
WinesAlice Dborn about 1893
WinesD Cborn about 1889
WinesD C Jrborn about 1920
WootenC Aborn about 1871
WootenCharles A Jrborn about 1916
WootenLouise Lborn about 1884

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Y Surnames

YoungMattie Lborn about 1885

Z Surnames

ZambiaEthel born about 1909
ZambiaGeorge born about 1873
ZambiaHabeb born about 1908
ZambiaNarzira born about 1876
ZambiaNellie born about 1902
ZambiaPearl born about 1905
ZambieAllene born about 1911
ZambieBernice born about 1917
ZambieEdward born about 1913
ZambieEggie born about 1888
ZambieFrancis born about 1919
ZambieJames Aborn about 1909
ZambieJoseph born about 1882
ZambieJoyce Eborn about 1939

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