1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smackover in Ouachita County, Ouachita, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ouachita County > 1940 Census of Smackover in Ouachita County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdairAlfonzo born about 1925
AdairBetty Louborn about 1938
AdairChristine Mborn about 1916
AdairClarence born about 1938
AdairConnie Lborn about 1934
AdairElnora Jborn about 1907
AdairErma Leeborn about 1928
AdairEvelyn born about 1926
AdairGladys born about 1928
AdairIda Mborn about 1932
AdairIrvie Jeanborn about 1935
AdairIrvin born about 1912
AdairJimmie Lborn about 1905
AdairJulia born about 1932
AdairLemon Sborn about 1912
AdairLucile born about 1930
AdairMarvin born about 1904
AdairMyrtle Dborn about 1939
AdairPearl born about 1888
AdairRance born about 1875
AdairThomas Wborn about 1937
AdairWilliam born about 1909
AdamsDella born about 1895
AkinClifton Jr born about 1938
AkinDessie Mborn about 1940
AkinEarnest born about 1901
AkinEarnestine born about 1926
AkinEvelyne born about 1936
AkinHermon born about 1930
AkinHosie born about 1934
AkinMattie Leonborn about 1932
AkinThenia born about 1903
AkinWillie Leeborn about 1929
AlexanderGeneral born about 1890
AlexanderViola born about 1908
AlfordBerna born about 1901
AlfordHansel born about 1897
AlfordHarold born about 1924
AlfordMelba born about 1922
AllenAlva born about 1892
AllenArtha Maeborn about 1928
AllenBertha born about 1922
AllenEthel born about 1912
AllenHelen born about 1933
AllenMartha born about 1916
AllenPauline born about 1922
AllenRobert Bborn about 1871
AllenRubye born about 1926
AllenShirley born about 1937
AllenVelma born about 1938
AndersonBeulah Wborn about 1879
AndersonIke born about 1878
AndersonInfant born about 1939
AndersonS Lborn about 1913
AndersonWalter born about 1906
AndrewsIsaac Dborn about 1920
AnglinRuth born about 1917
AnglinW Joeborn about 1937
AnkromFannie born about 1888
ArberryIsaphine born about 1885
ArberryLena Bellborn about 1921
ArberryLuther born about 1922
ArnoldAndrew Lborn about 1925
ArnoldCleophas born about 1927
ArnoldFlorence Aborn about 1928
ArnoldGannie born about 1932
ArnoldGracie born about 1924
ArnoldGrady born about 1935
ArnoldHenrietta born about 1866
ArnoldHiawathia born about 1921
ArnoldJ Eborn about 1939
ArnoldJohn born about 1924
ArnoldLudelia Eborn about 1900
ArnoldMargaret born about 1926
ArnoldMary born about 1894
ArnoldThedora born about 1905
ArnoldWillie Rborn about 1938
AsberryJack born about 1856

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyFloyd born about 1912
BaileyTroy born about 1916
BaileyVirginia born about 1918
BakeLeno born about 1930
BakeStella born about 1902
BakeTheodore born about 1929
BanksDella Jborn about 1892
BanksEarlie born about 1917
BanksMilton born about 1880
BanksTimothy born about 1926
BankstonBilly born about 1929
BankstonBobby born about 1930
BankstonGladys born about 1911
BankstonJohn Dborn about 1908
BankstonJohn D Jrborn about 1940
BankstonMarvin born about 1932
BarkerClent Bborn about 1896
BarkerGertrude born about 1922
BarkerMarion born about 1921
BarkerOra born about 1898
BarkheimerAdele born about 1916
BarkheimerCharles Mborn about 1888
BarkheimerNaomi born about 1889
BarkheimerNora Maeborn about 1926
BarkheimerPhilip born about 1912
BarnettCarrie born about 1881
BarnettJim born about 1871
BatesAnnie Beeborn about 1928
BatesAudry born about 1904
BatesCharlie born about 1936
BatesClyne born about 1934
BatesEarnest born about 1902
BatesEarnest Cborn about 1930
BatesEmma Jeanborn about 1926
BatesEthel born about 1937
BatesJohn Dborn about 1931
BatesLola Maeborn about 1925
BatesLorain born about 1939
BayerHarry Dborn about 1890
BayerNellie Rborn about 1893
BeckhamBernie born about 1929
BeckhamBobby Jborn about 1933
BeckhamJack born about 1928
BeckhamKate Wborn about 1910
BeckhamPatsy Rborn about 1930
BeckhamWilliam Dborn about 1902
BentonBeulah born about 1919
BentonElois born about 1931
BentonGeorge Wborn about 1927
BentonSusie Tborn about 1912
BentonVelma born about 1924
BentonWillie born about 1902
BerryBonnie born about 1932
BerryDonnie born about 1934
BerryJackie born about 1937
BerryJames born about 1895
BerryMildred Sborn about 1909
BeurtonBob born about 1929
BeurtonDon born about 1932
BeurtonMarie born about 1898
BeurtonO C Jrborn about 1924
BeurtonOtis born about 1893
BlountAnnie Mborn about 1913
BlountBen Lborn about 1905
BlountBennie Lborn about 1932
BlountBilly born about 1934
BlountNaomi Jborn about 1937
BoggsPearl born about 1884
BondFred Hborn about 1887
BondFred Sborn about 1919
BonnerFlora born about 1905
BonnerJudson born about 1894
BoothLillie Cborn about 1890
BoselyJim born about 1875
BoxJeraldine born about 1926
BoxJessie born about 1893
BoxJunline born about 1928
BoxMary Francisborn about 1929
BoyceElla Bborn about 1873
BoyceThomas Eborn about 1871
BoydGladys Dborn about 1908
BoydThomas Fborn about 1903
BoydThomas F Jrborn about 1933
BranumCoy Lborn about 1902
BranumVelma Kborn about 1906
BrewerA Jackborn about 1883
BrewerLillie Bborn about 1882
BrooksEmily Aborn about 1871
BrownAlma Hborn about 1891
BrownAmanda born about 1875
BrownBuford born about 1911
BrownChardia Maeborn about 1929
BrownDaisy born about 1925
BrownFay Ruthborn about 1926
BrownGeneva born about 1935
BrownGladys born about 1937
BrownHelen born about 1905
BrownHomer born about 1913
BrownIva Sborn about 1913
BrownJames Fborn about 1934
BrownJessie born about 1894
BrownJoe Louisborn about 1938
BrownJohn Wborn about 1890
BrownJuanita born about 1939
BrownLee Royborn about 1917
BrownLester born about 1930
BrownLetha born about 1890
BrownLillie Jborn about 1873
BrownLillie Maeborn about 1935
BrownLouise born about 1919
BrownMargaret born about 1937
BrownMary born about 1872
BrownMary Leeborn about 1932
BrownMyrna Jborn about 1922
BrownPeggy born about 1924
BrownRay born about 1930
BrownRayfeild born about 1928
BrownRobert born about 1923
BrownRuby born about 1927
BrownRuth Hborn about 1916
BrownVernon born about 1931
BrownVirgie Bborn about 1917
BrownWillie Mayborn about 1910
BrownWillie Jr born about 1930
BrowningClarence born about 1910
BrowningJames Mborn about 1900
BrummettBetty Lborn about 1927
BrummettEthel Sborn about 1892
BrummettGerald born about 1940
BrummettJewell Gborn about 1902
BrummettJohn Tborn about 1924
BrummettJohn Wborn about 1871
BrummettNeil Cborn about 1911
BrummettSallie Sborn about 1916
BruvaleyCeleste born about 1921
BruvaleyWilson born about 1919
BryantCarrie born about 1869
BryantIcalina born about 1911
BryantL Tborn about 1928
BryantOdell born about 1895
BryantVick born about 1910
BryantVirgie Mborn about 1917
BuchikBirdie born about 1899
BuchikStanley born about 1935
BuffingtonAbner born about 1882
BuffingtonAlice born about 1884
BuffingtonAlma born about 1917
BuffingtonClarence born about 1931
BuffingtonCleaven born about 1932
BuffingtonEarcilene born about 1923
BuffingtonErma born about 1935
BuffingtonLenton born about 1908
BuffingtonLloyd born about 1926
BuffingtonLumis born about 1897
BuffingtonMattie Bborn about 1898
BuffingtonOdessa born about 1928
BuffingtonTherman born about 1927
BuffingtonVerna born about 1939
BurchfieldCarrie born about 1895
BurchfieldEugene born about 1930
BurchfieldEunice born about 1930
BurchfieldJerry born about 1891
BuriceAnna born about 1898
BuriceCatherine born about 1915
BuriceCurtis born about 1930
BuriceHarvey born about 1922
BuriceJohn Wborn about 1920
BuriceKelley born about 1934
BuriceLeo born about 1922
BuriceLola born about 1929
BuriceOtis born about 1924
BuriceRobert Lborn about 1917
BuriceRosa Lborn about 1927
BuriceSam born about 1891
BurlesonEllen Gustaborn about 1872
BurnettJohn Rborn about 1931
BurrisBeatrice born about 1905
BurrisCecil born about 1931
BurrisDaniel born about 1857
BurrisElbert Leeborn about 1936
BurrisMaggie Hborn about 1877
BurrisOllie Mborn about 1932
BurrisRivers born about 1861
BurrisWilliam born about 1871
BurrisWillie Leeborn about 1935
ButcherFrances born about 1907
ButcherHarrison born about 1897
ButcherHarrison Jr born about 1934
ButcherMarian Joborn about 1940
ButlerAline born about 1932
ButlerClara born about 1903
ButlerCleo Sborn about 1910
ButlerEva Jborn about 1936
ButlerFrankie born about 1931
ButlerHazel born about 1933
ButlerHelen Lborn about 1937
ButlerMerlene born about 1933
ButlerOttis Cborn about 1938
ButlerThomas born about 1898
ButlerWill Tborn about 1940
ByrdDavid Sborn about 1896
ByrdDavid S Jrborn about 1931
ByrdJohn Benborn about 1933
ByrdVivian Sborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CageAllegra born about 1928
CageGeneva born about 1926
CageHenrietta born about 1907
CageRamond born about 1900
CageRamond born about 1926
CageRamond Jr born about 1925
CageSally born about 1872
CaldwellPearl born about 1886
CaldwellR D Jrborn about 1918
CaldwellRoy born about 1892
CampArniece born about 1932
CampAronld born about 1906
CampBessie born about 1913
CampDoyle born about 1904
CampEthel born about 1912
CampFerrel born about 1911
CampGlendon born about 1930
CampSallie born about 1875
CampbellC Hughieborn about 1902
CampbellCharles Wborn about 1927
CampbellEmma Kborn about 1865
CampbellJuanita born about 1928
CampbellMabel Lborn about 1911
CampbellMinnie born about 1887
CampbellTravis born about 1931
CannElmer born about 1925
CannFedory Cborn about 1901
CannJosephine born about 1910
CannLouise born about 1924
CannPennsylvania born about 1907
CannPerry born about 1927
CannRobert born about 1891
CannonGeorge born about 1870
CannonRuth born about 1879
CarpenterJohn Pborn about 1897
CarpenterJohn P Jrborn about 1924
CarpenterMyrtle Mborn about 1897
CarrelKatherine born about 1920
CarrelWill Mborn about 1903
CarterAlma Cborn about 1900
CarterAlma Mborn about 1927
CarterBuck born about 1896
CarterDorothy born about 1934
CarterEdwin born about 1916
CarterElisha Aborn about 1895
CarterGertha Leeborn about 1929
CarterHarrison born about 1892
CarterHelen born about 1933
CarterHurbert born about 1939
CarterLloyd born about 1929
CarterLola born about 1900
CarterLulu Dborn about 1888
CarterMarjorie Fborn about 1925
CarterMarvin born about 1920
CarterMary born about 1910
CarterRobert Leeborn about 1926
CarterRuby Jborn about 1925
CarterSally born about 1891
CarterVivian born about 1913
CarterWill Hborn about 1876
CarterWillie born about 1907
CarterWillie Bborn about 1930
CarterWillie Leeborn about 1923
CastlemanH Clintborn about 1913
CastlemanValdean Rborn about 1922
CharlesCallie born about 1926
CharlesEdward born about 1933
CharlesFannie Wborn about 1901
CharlesJessie born about 1931
CharlesJettie born about 1935
CharlesMark born about 1899
CharlesOdis born about 1924
CharlesWalter born about 1937
ChurchwellTampa Wborn about 1874
ClantonHazel Sborn about 1919
ClantonIsadora Sborn about 1865
ClantonSam born about 1903
ClarkNaomia born about 1875
ClayBetty Cborn about 1938
ClayDell born about 1881
ClayGrady born about 1918
ClayJames born about 1911
ClayLois born about 1914
ClayWill Rborn about 1875
ClemensAnnie born about 1890
ClemensJames Pborn about 1888
ColbornAddie Bborn about 1902
ColbornJack born about 1891
ColeClara Rborn about 1901
ColeElizabeth Hborn about 1872
ColeFred born about 1929
ColeGeorge born about 1901
ColeHerbert Lborn about 1892
ColeHerschell born about 1923
ColeJames Dborn about 1896
ColeJames Fborn about 1866
ColeLola Wborn about 1899
ColeMarie born about 1928
ColeMary Annborn about 1931
ColeMary Claudeborn about 1908
ColeMary Dborn about 1897
ColeMelba born about 1922
ColeRubye born about 1921
ColemanCarrie born about 1877
ColemanIrvin born about 1922
ColemanOrean born about 1930
CollierAnnie born about 1879
ConwayGeorge born about 1919
CookCarlton born about 1908
CookCarolyn Sborn about 1938
CookEmma Hborn about 1876
CookEmma Jborn about 1936
CookJeff born about 1875
CookJohn Rborn about 1872
CookKathleen Lborn about 1919
CookNina born about 1910
CookTom born about 1911
CookcookBeulah born about 1896
CookcookDorothy Mborn about 1928
CookcookEdward born about 1926
CookcookJohnye born about 1921
CookcookMorris born about 1923
CookcookRuby Dborn about 1931
CookcookTed born about 1933
CookcookVirdia born about 1924
CooksCharles Eborn about 1939
CooksCurley born about 1913
CooksGeneva Hborn about 1918
CooksJames Cborn about 1938
CooperEddie Rborn about 1928
CooperFannie born about 1905
CooperJohn born about 1926
CooperMarcell born about 1927
CooperMattie Lborn about 1930
CoxBobbie Corrinneborn about 1932
CoxCarnell Pborn about 1903
CoxEllen born about 1888
CoxHelen born about 1921
CoxJessie Eborn about 1933
CoxLucious Cborn about 1892
CoxMarl born about 1919
CoxMary Nborn about 1939
CoxOthel Eborn about 1902
CoxPearl Mborn about 1892
CoxRuth born about 1929
CoxTravis Rborn about 1928
CoxTruman Dborn about 1920
CoxVera born about 1925
CoxWanda Lborn about 1925
CraigElla born about 1875
CranfordRaymond born about 1922
CravathLewelyn born about 1903
CrinerAlice born about 1874
CrinerBertha born about 1907
CrinerClyde born about 1901
CrinerClyde Jr born about 1925
CrinerDorothy born about 1930
CrinerEd born about 1873
CrinerEmma born about 1874
CrinerFrankie Lborn about 1925
CrinerHerchel born about 1923
CrinerJohn born about 1872
CrinerLois born about 1932
CrinerMary Tborn about 1875
CrinerWillie Mborn about 1927
CrinerWinnie born about 1903
CrocketAlbert born about 1918
CrocketMarjorie born about 1920
CrocketSue born about 1900
CrocketTheron born about 1925
CrossCaloryn born about 1940
CrossDewey born about 1909
CrossEmma born about 1938
CrossJewel Deaneborn about 1938
CrossL Cborn about 1935
CrossMattie Leeborn about 1919
CrossSteve born about 1912
CrossWillie Leeborn about 1912
CrumplerAlbert born about 1920
CrumplerBillie Jborn about 1925
CrumplerCarlton born about 1919
CrumplerDrue Wborn about 1888
CrumplerHoward born about 1923
CrumplerJanett born about 1935
CrumplerJohn Eborn about 1937
CrumplerLillie Mborn about 1921
CrumplerLouie Rborn about 1940
CrumplerMary born about 1915
CrumplerRoy born about 1912
CrumplerWilliam Hborn about 1874
CurryHerbert born about 1883
CurryKate born about 1884
CurryNorma Jeanborn about 1920
CurrySam born about 1909
CurrySybil born about 1914
CurryVivian born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DadeCorinne born about 1934
DadeEdjar born about 1891
DadeElla Maeborn about 1915
DadeFelishia born about 1895
DadeJunius born about 1915
DadeWinda Lborn about 1932
DaltonElridge born about 1926
DaltonHazel born about 1906
DaltonNona Jeanborn about 1933
DanclerMary Lborn about 1939
DangerNancy born about 1922
DanielDrucilla born about 1872
DanielMary Sueborn about 1926
DanielMelba born about 1922
DanielRose born about 1881
DanielStella born about 1885
DanielThad born about 1884
DavisBobby Jborn about 1940
DavisCarlile born about 1921
DavisCharlie born about 1892
DavisChester born about 1921
DavisDon born about 1929
DavisEthel Bborn about 1902
DavisEthel Dborn about 1905
DavisEva Wborn about 1891
DavisFannie born about 1900
DavisFloy Eborn about 1920
DavisFloyd Tborn about 1890
DavisHoyt Bborn about 1901
DavisJames born about 1928
DavisJohnny born about 1935
DavisJuanita born about 1927
DavisL Dborn about 1920
DavisLena Mborn about 1921
DavisLocket H Cborn about 1926
DavisLouie born about 1928
DavisLutie born about 1894
DavisMargaret Tborn about 1891
DavisMargene Eborn about 1926
DavisMarie Tborn about 1920
DavisMarvin Jborn about 1889
DavisMary born about 1933
DavisMary Dborn about 1868
DavisMary Tborn about 1900
DavisMiriam born about 1924
DavisMyrtle Wborn about 1897
DavisNellie Tborn about 1895
DavisNorman born about 1924
DavisPat born about 1935
DavisPhronie Cborn about 1896
DavisRobert born about 1884
DavisRuth born about 1918
DavisShelda born about 1930
DavisSheldon born about 1903
DavisTim born about 1902
DavisWillie Bborn about 1910
DeanCarrie born about 1884
DeanJammie Rborn about 1923
DeanJustine born about 1916
DeanMarilyn born about 1925
DeanMilton born about 1882
DeanNina born about 1911
DennisJames born about 1916
DennisMerle born about 1918
DevisoKatie born about 1892
DevisoTonie born about 1882
DixonElla born about 1887
DixonWilson born about 1881
DonaganBob born about 1871
DosherDixie born about 1931
DosherLinard born about 1888
DosherMartha Jborn about 1928
DosherSada born about 1897
DouthitMinnie born about 1874
DoyleDora Pborn about 1870
DriverLouise born about 1916
DriverZeb born about 1904
DunlapGilbert born about 1891
DunlapNannie Wborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdingtonJennie born about 1882
EdingtonJohn born about 1886
EdwardsBessie born about 1906
EdwardsBetty Jeanborn about 1938
EdwardsCharlie born about 1930
EdwardsFern born about 1905
EdwardsForest born about 1880
EdwardsGloria born about 1920
EdwardsHarry born about 1895
EdwardsJewel born about 1900
EdwardsLeta born about 1882
EdwardsMarcus Lborn about 1858
EdwardsMary born about 1896
EdwardsVelma born about 1932
EdwardsVern born about 1935
ElliottCarrie Lborn about 1927
ElliottClark Sborn about 1925
ElliottEmma Lborn about 1892
ElliottIda Pborn about 1885
ElliottJ Spinxborn about 1875
ElliottJoan born about 1932
ElliottMary Hborn about 1923
ElliottParker Lborn about 1921
ElliottPorter Cborn about 1890
EmersonAnnie Iborn about 1901
EmersonDarlene born about 1938
EmersonJohn born about 1905
EmersonLois born about 1939
EvansAnnie Mborn about 1933
EvansBennie Rborn about 1937
EvansDaisy Sborn about 1912
EvansLee Irvinborn about 1930
EvansLouise born about 1931
EvansMonroe born about 1910

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F Surnames

FarmarBarbara Annborn about 1936
FarmarGladys born about 1916
FarmarJohn Eborn about 1911
FarrarEarnest born about 1914
FawverElza Mborn about 1907
FawverI Marvinborn about 1903
FawverTravis Eborn about 1928
FeldmanWilliam born about 1886
FieldsAlbert born about 1895
FieldsAlbert Jr born about 1929
FieldsCristpher born about 1919
FieldsDesgree born about 1902
FieldsMelvin born about 1922
FieldsNeals Williamborn about 1921
FordBobbie born about 1934
FordDoc born about 1886
FordDoris born about 1931
FordIda born about 1903
FordMajorie born about 1939
FordMarchel born about 1935
FosterAlbert born about 1869
FosterGlen born about 1910
FosterMaude born about 1873
FosterWill born about 1901
FriendAnnie born about 1891
FriendClarence born about 1919
FriendDoris born about 1932
FriendHerbert born about 1929
FriendLee born about 1883
FriendMarjorie born about 1922
FriendNorm Jeanborn about 1937
FriendSandra Annborn about 1939
FritzJunior born about 1862

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G Surnames

GammillDan born about 1909
GammillDella born about 1884
GarnerVirginia born about 1876
GarrettEdward born about 1905
GarrettInez born about 1910
GarrettMary Vborn about 1937
GayMinnie Leeborn about 1900
GilderHulon born about 1902
GilesBenjamin Fborn about 1867
GilesElla Dborn about 1877
GilesGeorge Wborn about 1900
GleasonBenjamin born about 1885
GleasonBessie born about 1922
GleasonD born about 1893
GleasonHattie born about 1885
GleasonOcie Pborn about 1901
GloverAlverta born about 1922
GloverDouglas born about 1880
GloverE Jborn about 1938
GloverElena born about 1939
GloverElnora Sborn about 1913
GloverEuvaughn born about 1935
GloverIris born about 1919
GloverMathel Dborn about 1929
GloverOnie born about 1910
GloverOra Leeborn about 1926
GloverVivian born about 1933
GloverWillie Gborn about 1887
GloverWoodrow born about 1917
GloverYoung born about 1921
GodfreyGreen born about 1874
GodfreyMary Gborn about 1919
GodfreyMattie born about 1874
GordeyGeorge Aborn about
GordeyLeotha Mborn about 1909
GordeyWillie Bborn about 1913
GordonLuthur Dborn about 1922
GordonRufus Cborn about 1888
GordonThomas Kborn about 1857
GosdinLoris Jborn about 1890
GosdinLula born about 1868
GosdinMarsh born about 1899
GossettKella born about 1882
GraysonCarl Wborn about 1880
GraysonClayton born about 1875
GraysonHoward born about 1911
GraysonLena born about 1885
GraysonMargaret born about 1913
GraysonNina Fborn about 1908
GraysonRussell born about 1906
GreenA Dborn about 1931
GreenAlberta Hborn about 1911
GreenAnnie born about 1905
GreenArzree born about 1924
GreenBernice born about 1930
GreenBernice born about 1938
GreenBetty Lborn about 1936
GreenBurnette born about 1940
GreenCaldonia Wborn about 1901
GreenChester born about 1929
GreenClaudia Hborn about 1876
GreenCora born about 1877
GreenCurlie born about 1932
GreenDasie born about 1919
GreenDora born about 1900
GreenE Jborn about 1929
GreenE Walterborn about 1876
GreenElma born about 1902
GreenElnora born about 1925
GreenEsther born about 1912
GreenEsther born about 1936
GreenEtta Lborn about 1893
GreenEtta Maeborn about 1931
GreenFannie Pearlborn about 1922
GreenFrank born about 1907
GreenFred Dborn about 1934
GreenGeneva born about 1931
GreenGenevia born about 1939
GreenGertie Mborn about 1934
GreenGurtha Hborn about 1903
GreenGus Oborn about 1871
GreenGustavia Jborn about 1913
GreenHelen born about 1923
GreenHezzie born about 1906
GreenHiram born about 1932
GreenHorace born about 1907
GreenHosie born about 1927
GreenIke born about 1866
GreenJ Tborn about 1927
GreenJames born about 1936
GreenJames Mborn about 1939
GreenJames Wborn about 1881
GreenJeremiah born about 1894
GreenJerry born about 1933
GreenJessie Lborn about 1934
GreenJohn born about 1870
GreenJohn born about 1911
GreenJohn Eborn about 1937
GreenJohn Eborn about 1939
GreenJohn Hborn about 1927
GreenJohn Lutherborn about 1883
GreenJohnnie born about 1917
GreenJunious born about 1924
GreenL Cborn about 1925
GreenLee Hborn about 1872
GreenLenord Geneborn about 1934
GreenLillian Hborn about 1918
GreenLillie Aborn about 1897
GreenLola born about 1877
GreenLouis born about 1911
GreenLouis born about 1918
GreenLouise born about 1930
GreenLouise born about 1933
GreenLovie Gborn about 1907
GreenLulu born about 1905
GreenLulu Hborn about 1886
GreenLulu Mborn about 1928
GreenMarie born about 1913
GreenMarie born about 1922
GreenMary Eborn about 1936
GreenMary Hborn about 1938
GreenMary Lizaborn about 1904
GreenMattie Lborn about 1933
GreenMelvin born about 1901
GreenMelvin born about 1937
GreenMinerva Eborn about 1880
GreenMinnie born about 1875
GreenMinnie Lborn about 1934
GreenMorris born about 1931
GreenMyron born about 1890
GreenNathan born about 1894
GreenOlean born about 1932
GreenParthena born about 1873
GreenPearlie Wborn about 1914
GreenReader Dborn about 1887
GreenRobert born about 1917
GreenRoy Rborn about 1929
GreenRuth born about 1886
GreenRuth born about 1917
GreenVerna Leeborn about 1930
GreenVictoria born about 1915
GreenVirginia born about 1919
GreenWill Mborn about 1874
GreenWilliam born about 1907
GreenWilliam born about 1922
GreenWillie born about 1930
GreenWillie Mborn about 1939
GriffinAnnie born about 1892
GriffinDudley born about 1893
GriffinFredene born about 1929
GuttryCarrie born about 1875
GuttryFay born about 1915
GuttryIda born about 1878

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H Surnames

HallAnnie born about 1901
HallBertha born about 1881
HallBratton born about 1881
HallCarrie Jeanborn about 1916
HallClayton born about 1924
HallEmma Wborn about 1874
HallEstelle born about 1891
HallFrank born about 1901
HallGeorge born about 1928
HallGrace born about 1915
HallHarry Maeborn about 1886
HallHerman born about 1919
HallHermon born about 1928
HallIrene born about 1888
HallIrene born about 1913
HallJ Dborn about 1920
HallJ Dudneyborn about 1884
HallLearline born about 1926
HallLillian born about 1906
HallMary born about 1875
HallMyrtle born about 1889
HallOla born about 1897
HallRobert born about 1900
HallThermon born about 1928
HallVelma born about 1933
HallWillie born about 1930
HaltomDolores born about 1936
HaltomGary born about 1932
HaltomGirvis born about 1896
HaltomGirvis Jr born about 1923
HaltomJohn born about 1921
HaltomLossie born about 1900
HamiltonAddie born about 1895
HamiltonAddie Leeborn about 1938
HamiltonBertha Dborn about 1913
HamiltonCarl Cborn about 1912
HamiltonClara Gborn about 1908
HamiltonDdie Maeborn about 1930
HamiltonDouglas born about 1916
HamiltonEd Dborn about 1940
HamiltonEddie Maeborn about 1930
HamiltonFred born about 1912
HamiltonGeogie Hborn about 1888
HamiltonJ Bborn about 1919
HamiltonJeffers Aborn about 1939
HamiltonJessie Bborn about 1880
HamiltonLucile born about 1920
HamiltonLuella born about 1924
HamiltonMattie Leeborn about 1937
HamiltonMittie born about 1920
HamiltonNecie born about 1861
HamiltonRosie Maeborn about 1940
HamiltonShirley Tborn about 1936
HamiltonWalter born about 1907
HammocksOtis born about 1925
HammondCarrie born about 1885
HamockWalter born about 1927
HamptonClarine born about 1930
HamptonFrancelle born about 1923
HamptonFreeman born about 1929
HamptonIrene born about 1928
HamptonLeana born about 1890
HamptonMaggie born about 1884
HamptonWade born about 1887
HandyFae Cborn about 1928
HandyMattie born about 1903
HareClifford born about 1914
HareInez born about 1912
HareJames Dborn about 1938
HareJohn born about 1865
HareJohnnie born about 1908
HareMartha born about 1875
HareMary born about 1904
HareNora Maeborn about 1908
HareTom born about 1862
HareWilliam Fborn about 1931
HareWilliam Mborn about 1898
HarperMattie born about 1893
HarperWalter Gborn about 1884
HarrisBrooks born about 1907
HarrisJ Vborn about 1915
HarrisSylvester born about 1935
HartElsie born about 1923
HartEva born about 1878
HartJames born about 1918
HartsfieldIva born about 1910
HartsfieldMary born about 1856
HartsfieldVan born about 1906
HassettJamie born about 1912
HassettRobert Hborn about 1912
HawkinsMary Wborn about 1870
HawkinsMildred born about 1924
HawkinsOcie born about 1916
HawkinsRichard born about 1868
HayDoyle born about 1921
HayEsther born about 1919
HayEthel born about 1888
HayJoel born about 1917
HayViola born about 1926
HayesEmma Cborn about 1897
HayesWill Gborn about 1880
HayneeBertha born about 1933
HaysEmma Cborn about 1857
HeardGeneva born about 1927
HeardOra Leeborn about 1922
HeardWilliam born about 1924
HendersonJohn born about 1925
HendrickLewis born about 1928
HendrickMoudeva born about 1927
HendricksJohn born about 1872
HendricksMary born about 1908
HendricksMatilda born about 1873
HendrixForest Jborn about 1911
HendrixPearlie Cborn about 1916
HerbertMoses born about 1883
HerbertSennie born about 1891
HerndonJoseph born about 1885
HerndonLucy born about 1937
HerndonRubye Uborn about 1920
HesterCleve born about 1917
HesterClifton born about 1921
HesterGirdie Bellborn about 1902
HesterRuth born about 1922
HesterSam born about 1896
HicksAaron born about 1873
HicksAndrew Reeborn about 1935
HicksBryant born about 1910
HicksCorine born about 1937
HicksFred born about 1918
HicksFredie Maeborn about 1910
HicksHettie Cborn about 1897
HicksLee Lborn about 1890
HicksLillie Maeborn about 1920
HicksLola born about 1926
HicksMary Leeborn about 1927
HicksNora Nborn about 1881
HildrethBeulah born about 1922
HildrethBilly Joeborn about 1938
HildrethCharlie born about 1897
HildrethCurtis born about 1902
HildrethHelen Dborn about 1907
HildrethHelen Rborn about 1940
HildrethJoe Lborn about 1937
HildrethThomas Jborn about 1932
HillDan born about 1895
HoggBeatrice Cborn about 1895
HoggBilly born about 1922
HoggHiram Wborn about 1886
HoggLouise born about 1921
HoggMary Nborn about 1933
HoggNellie born about 1901
HoggRiley Jborn about 1898
HoggRuth Eborn about 1924
HoltAlbert Gborn about 1925
HoltBarbara Aborn about 1936
HoltCamilla born about 1923
HoltClara Jborn about 1922
HoltHenry Lborn about 1869
HoltHerschel Dborn about 1917
HoltHyldreth born about 1921
HoltJames Aborn about 1889
HoltJames Rborn about 1927
HoltJoseph Lborn about 1911
HoltLewis Cborn about 1886
HoltLillie Mborn about 1889
HoltLois Sborn about 1900
HoltMartha Eborn about 1919
HoltMary born about 1886
HoltMilton Jborn about 1915
HoltTom Sborn about 1876
HoltTommie born about 1925
HoltVirginia Rborn about 1924
HoltWayne Dborn about 1934
HughesC Hardieborn about 1889
HughesCharlie born about 1896
HughesEdward Lborn about 1917
HughesEmogene born about 1934
HughesGeorge born about 1906
HughesH Wesleyborn about 1921
HughesJames born about 1890
HughesJames Dborn about 1935
HughesJohn Hborn about 1865
HughesKennith born about 1939
HughesMinnie Rborn about 1873
HughesRuby Cborn about 1897
HughesRuby Cborn about 1915
HughesShirley Aborn about 1937
HugheyRobert born about 1926
HulmanFloyd Aborn about 1890
HulmanHowell born about 1925
HulmanMelba born about 1921
HulmanWillie Bborn about 1898
HuntAlma Bborn about 1893
HuntFred born about 1924
HuntJett born about 1888
HuntMarie born about 1918
HuntRoy born about 1928
HuntThelma born about 1922
HunterCharles Hborn about 1929
HunterCozell born about 1931
HunterElvin born about 1925
HunterEvelyn born about 1927
HunterJim Irvinborn about 1931
HunterJoseph Lborn about 1934
HunterLouise born about 1933
HunterRosa Cborn about 1904
HunterSalon born about 1903
HunterSalon Pborn about 1938
HunterWindon born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

ImmelJames born about 1934
ImmelMarvin born about 1913
ImmelMary born about 1916

J Surnames

JacksonAlabama born about 1932
JacksonAlex born about 1882
JacksonAmeche born about 1938
JacksonAnnie Greyborn about 1939
JacksonCecil born about 1905
JacksonDaisey Hborn about 1897
JacksonDoyle born about 1921
JacksonEuradell born about 1935
JacksonEzekiel born about 1913
JacksonFrankie Tborn about 1914
JacksonHarvie Eborn about 1937
JacksonHazel born about 1932
JacksonIsaac born about 1904
JacksonIshmael born about 1940
JacksonIsiah born about 1904
JacksonJames Hborn about 1934
JacksonJimmie Lborn about 1911
JacksonJohnny Pborn about 1940
JacksonLaney Dborn about 1920
JacksonLee Bborn about 1937
JacksonLouise born about 1913
JacksonMary born about 1885
JacksonMaurine born about 1938
JacksonReeonie born about 1927
JacksonRubin born about 1931
JacksonRubye Tborn about 1914
JacksonRuth Mborn about 1938
JacksonSam born about 1885
JacksonSterling born about 1940
JacksonSue Emmaborn about 1904
JamersonCharlie born about 1876
JamesDelie Hborn about 1895
JamesSylvester born about 1875
JarvisRuth born about 1924
JemisonCakneller born about 1912
JemisonEarlylen born about 1927
JemisonFrank born about 1902
JemisonJessie born about 1938
JemisonJohn Cborn about 1935
JemisonLonnie born about 1936
JemisonLulu Mborn about 1933
JemisonMattie Lborn about 1931
JemisonMurray born about 1940
JenkinsFrnak Hborn about 1902
JenkinsHazel born about 1907
JenkinsLouise born about 1936
JeroJ Dborn about 1931
JohnsonAda Gborn about 1892
JohnsonAline born about 1935
JohnsonAlmer born about 1911
JohnsonAnna Maeborn about 1932
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1914
JohnsonBertha Leeborn about 1922
JohnsonBurnell born about 1931
JohnsonCaroline born about 1934
JohnsonCassie born about 1903
JohnsonCorinne born about 1928
JohnsonDelilah Sborn about 1892
JohnsonEarnestine born about 1932
JohnsonElnora born about 1917
JohnsonEthel born about 1897
JohnsonEve?? born about 1876
JohnsonFrank born about 1896
JohnsonFrank Jr born about 1932
JohnsonGlen born about 1900
JohnsonGlen Jr born about 1928
JohnsonGracie born about 1937
JohnsonGrady born about 1937
JohnsonHerman born about 1924
JohnsonHorace born about 1939
JohnsonIdella born about 1927
JohnsonIola born about 1928
JohnsonIva Dailborn about 1926
JohnsonJames born about 1878
JohnsonJoe born about 1874
JohnsonJohnny born about 1920
JohnsonJuanita born about 1933
JohnsonJulia born about 1920
JohnsonL Vborn about 1918
JohnsonLarkin born about 1881
JohnsonLee born about 1907
JohnsonLena born about 1914
JohnsonLillian born about 1915
JohnsonLizzie Gborn about 1880
JohnsonLonnie born about 1918
JohnsonM Aborn about 1926
JohnsonMaggie born about 1917
JohnsonManuel born about 1926
JohnsonMary Lizaborn about 1900
JohnsonMattie born about 1939
JohnsonMattie Leeborn about 1938
JohnsonMerle born about 1923
JohnsonMerzine born about 1936
JohnsonOla Uborn about 1909
JohnsonOtie Maeborn about 1925
JohnsonPearl born about 1926
JohnsonPearl Bborn about 1902
JohnsonPink born about 1885
JohnsonRobert Lborn about 1935
JohnsonRoosevelt born about 1935
JohnsonRufus born about 1906
JohnsonStella born about 1896
JohnsonThomas born about 1920
JohnsonVelma Leeborn about 1927
JohnsonWillie Lborn about 1939
JohnsonWillie Mborn about 1928
JonesAletha Lborn about 1905
JonesBeadie born about 1920
JonesBobby Sborn about 1932
JonesCaesar born about 1893
JonesCarrie Hborn about 1871
JonesCeola born about 1921
JonesCleo born about 1932
JonesClifton born about 1922
JonesCurtis born about 1917
JonesDessie Lborn about 1918
JonesEarl born about 1935
JonesEarnest born about 1931
JonesEary Bborn about 1884
JonesEary Jborn about 1936
JonesEddie born about 1914
JonesEverette born about 1937
JonesGennie Mborn about 1930
JonesGeorgia born about 1932
JonesHarrison born about 1922
JonesHenry born about 1901
JonesLaney born about 1878
JonesLaney Ii born about 1929
JonesLemar born about 1939
JonesLeroy born about 1935
JonesLester born about 1919
JonesMaggie born about 1912
JonesMartha Jeanborn about 1937
JonesMary Pborn about 1920
JonesOdell born about 1933
JonesPearl Cborn about 1896
JonesRachel born about 1886
JonesRance born about 1872
JonesRaymond Cborn about 1924
JonesRhena Bellborn about 1919
JonesRobert Juniousborn about 1928
JonesRoy born about 1905
JonesTaft born about 1915
JonesThelma Lborn about 1935
JonesVirgie Lborn about 1914
JonesWalter born about 1906
JonesWillie Eborn about 1894
JoshuaAlva born about 1929
JoshuaCarrie Dborn about 1900
JoshuaCornelius born about 1927
JoshuaCorrine born about 1919
JoshuaFloyd born about 1925
JoshuaGladys born about 1918
JoshuaGurvis born about 1923
JoshuaHenry born about 1897
JoshuaJames born about 1921
JoshuaMarie born about 1938
JoshuaPearlie born about 1931
JoshuaVivian Jborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeithDaisy born about 1898
KeithWalter born about 1897
KelleyBelva Dborn about 1907
KelleyFred Aborn about 1900
KelleyFred Dborn about 1928
KelleyMary Fborn about 1926
KendrickThomas born about 1921
KimbelfMargaret born about 1920

L Surnames

LaceyCharlie born about 1890
LaceyVergie Louborn about 1937
LaddFlossie born about 1915
LaddHenry born about 1902
LandonAlberta Hborn about 1892
LandonCharles Aborn about 1927
LandonEd Lborn about 1887
LandonEdward born about 1919
LandonGarland born about 1885
LandonGarland Jr born about 1924
LandonSadie Pborn about 1897
LaneCarl born about 1896
LaneEdmond born about 1914
LaneFlorence born about 1902
LaneJuanita born about 1923
LaneMargaree born about 1924
LaneR Arvieborn about 1895
LaneVada Nellborn about 1935
LaneWalter Eborn about 1880
LawlerClyde born about 1880
LawlerEdward Lborn about 1921
LeaKennith Dborn about 1917
LeaksMose born about 1903
LeeLorene born about 1940
LesterAnita Hopeborn about 1933
LesterJoe Kennethborn about 1925
LesterKeith born about 1927
LesterTom Pborn about 1865
LesterWill Jborn about 1892
LesterWill Jr born about 1921
LewisJoe born about 1895
LewisRosanna born about 1926
LewisRuby born about 1900
LinkousCharlie born about 1911
LinkousClyde born about 1912
LinkousDwight Eborn about 1939
LinkousG Rborn about 1938
LinkousGeorge Wborn about 1880
LinkousHelen Rborn about 1913
LinkousJames Fborn about 1936
LinkousJessie born about 1913
LinkousMurphy born about 1921
LinkousTravis Oborn about 1936
LinkousVirginia Mborn about 1876
LomaxLara born about 1900
LomaxWillis Lborn about 1897
LorrenceIrene born about 1909
LoweryAlice born about 1939
LoweryAnnie Maeborn about 1909
LoweryBarbara born about 1933
LoweryEolian born about 1922
LoweryGladys born about 1927
LoweryJo Cborn about 1918
LoweryJohn born about 1902
LoweryPreston born about 1930
LoweryWilda Janeborn about 1935
LuckyOscar born about 1916
LuckyUlar Bborn about 1918
LucusBlanche born about 1904
LucusEddie born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagouyrkMalinda born about 1891
MagouyrkOpal born about 1909
MagouyrkOscar born about 1878
MagouyrkOscar Jr born about 1930
ManleyCoy born about 1906
ManleyE Cborn about 1913
ManleyEd born about 1873
ManleyEdna Wborn about 1915
ManleyEffie Jeanborn about 1938
ManleyLawrence born about 1916
ManleyLewis born about 1934
ManleyMaerean born about 1928
ManleyMary Francisborn about 1931
ManleyMary Janeborn about 1936
ManleyNettie Leeborn about 1912
ManleySyble Jborn about 1937
MarlarDelia Bborn about 1885
MarlarEugene Rborn about 1928
MarlarJim Hborn about 1884
MarshEdward Dborn about 1880
MarshNina Nborn about 1892
MarshTalcolene born about 1937
MarshallBland born about 1925
MarshallCarrie Hborn about 1890
MarshallFrank born about 1921
MarshallJean born about 1926
MartinFred Tborn about 1892
MartinHarold born about 1927
MartinJohn Dborn about 1922
MartinKate Sborn about 1898
MartinMelva born about 1933
MayfieldFred Reedborn about 1926
McAfeeTiney born about 1881
McBrideBertha born about 1876
McBrideFollis born about 1876
McClenaghanJewell born about 1881
McClintonMonroe born about 1928
McClurkinCalvin Dborn about 1935
McClurkinCaroline born about 1924
McClurkinEarnest Wborn about 1888
McClurkinFern born about 1910
McClurkinFred born about 1890
McClurkinHarry born about 1892
McClurkinHerchel born about 1899
McClurkinHope born about 1863
McClurkinLena born about 1913
McClurkinLeo born about 1905
McClurkinLeroy born about 1925
McClurkinRay born about 1892
McClurkinSam Pborn about 1862
McClurkinSula born about 1892
McClurkinWayland born about 1936
McCoyEllis born about 1919
McCraeGus born about 1869
McCraeOphelia born about 1871
McCrayCathrene born about 1911
McCrayHarvey born about 1905
McCrayWilma Jeanborn about 1939
McGaughyEthel born about 1877
McGaughyJames Cborn about 1875
McGheeLeon born about 1926
McGrawEflan born about 1938
McGrawEverlean born about 1939
McGrawGeorge born about 1909
McGrawMollie born about 1878
McGrawPerlia born about 1913
McKamieEster Mborn about 1924
McKamieGeorgia Jborn about 1903
McKamieIsaiah born about 1895
McKimeEmma Leeborn about 1888
McKimeParnell born about 1924
McKissackPartee born about 1923
McKissackTracy born about 1902
McNattMaggie Cborn about 1866
MeadowsClara born about 1937
MeadowsJohn Edwinborn about 1935
MeadowsJohnnie born about 1915
MeadowsMilton born about 1890
MedlockHarvey born about 1883
MedlockHelen born about 1889
MedlockJim born about 1881
MedlockLillian Fborn about 1922
MedlockMartha Jborn about 1853
MerridaClarence born about 1932
MerridaHurlen born about 1937
MerridaJames born about 1925
MerridaMelba born about 1939
MerridaOscar born about 1899
MerridaOscar Jr born about 1927
MerridaRalph born about 1930
MerridaStella born about 1906
MerrittJohn Nborn about 1897
MerrittLena born about 1875
MerrittWill Nborn about 1875
MillerBunyan Jborn about 1874
MillerGolar born about 1894
MillerGovernor born about 1893
MillerMinnie Hborn about 1878
MiltonAnnie born about 1897
MiltonArch Wborn about 1887
MiltonJames born about 1925
MiltonRichard born about 1927
MiltonRuth born about 1923
MooreBetsy born about 1858
MooreCharles born about 1927
MooreClaude born about 1901
MooreEffie born about 1903
MooreElizabeth born about 1853
MooreHarold born about 1905
MooreJoe born about 1910
MooreJoe Bobborn about 1930
MooreJohn Bborn about 1939
MooreLois born about 1936
MooreMabel born about 1882
MooreMaurine born about 1934
MoorePauline born about 1916
MooreShelton born about 1920
MooreWill Hborn about 1882
MorganAlice born about 1928
MorganAnnie Lborn about 1905
MorganBeverly born about 1877
MorganCarroll born about 1936
MorganClara born about 1886
MorganClarence Eborn about 1913
MorganDouglas born about 1914
MorganEarl born about 1879
MorganEdwin born about 1878
MorganElizabeth born about 1929
MorganEmmet Hborn about 1873
MorganFrancis born about 1908
MorganFrank born about 1933
MorganGeorgia Pborn about 1878
MorganGertrude born about 1895
MorganGladys born about 1919
MorganHerman born about 1892
MorganIma born about 1916
MorganJamie Bborn about 1901
MorganJimmie born about 1926
MorganJoe Cborn about 1919
MorganJohn born about 1912
MorganJohn born about 1934
MorganJohn Fborn about 1929
MorganKate born about 1911
MorganLena born about 1881
MorganLou born about 1878
MorganLouis born about 1874
MorganMarcus Wborn about 1908
MorganMaria born about 1891
MorganMary Eborn about 1915
MorganNeil born about 1903
MorganPatricia Annborn about 1940
MorganVern born about 1920
MosesAnthony born about 1905
MosesFrank born about 1908
MosesHazel born about 1933
MosesIsa born about 1870
MosesJasper Lborn about 1898
MosesJewel Leeborn about 1936
MosesLidda born about 1870
MosesLoney born about 1907
MosesMaude Lborn about 1908
MosesRose Ettaborn about 1939
MosesRoy Lborn about 1928
MosesShirley Mborn about 1937
MosesVirgia born about 1916
MossCharlie Rayborn about 1925
MossCorinne born about 1928
MullinsJames Aborn about 1920
MurrayAnnie Tborn about 1933
MurrayClaudia born about 1919
MurrayMaster born about 1920
MyersFred born about 1915
MyersMckinley born about 1897
MyersRebecca born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealIcy born about 1894
NealKinnie born about 1892
NealsMinnie born about 1902
NealsWilliam born about 1902
NeeleyAnn born about 1929
NeeleyBob born about 1933
NeeleyJames born about 1923
NeeleyJames Wborn about 1890
NeeleyMargaret born about 1900
NeelyFrank Hborn about 1901
NorwoodImon born about 1917
NorwoodPearl born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdellFannie Aborn about 1915
OdellIma Jeanborn about 1934
OotseyClarine born about 1915
OotseyHan born about 1937
OotseyMarchel born about 1912
OotseyMarchel Jr born about 1939
OwensEarnest born about 1922
OwensVirginia born about 1940

P Surnames

PaceC Bborn about 1934
PaceChester born about 1905
PaceCora Maeborn about 1939
PaceEdna born about 1928
PaceFannie Gborn about 1907
PaceHarvie born about 1908
PaceJames born about 1929
PaceJanet born about 1933
PaceLee Evaborn about 1930
PaceMalvin born about 1914
PaceMarie born about 1925
PaceMary born about 1887
PaceMary Margaretborn about 1923
PaceMildred born about 1937
PaceMose born about 1890
PaceNorma born about 1911
PaceOnnie Tborn about 1924
PaceOtis born about 1904
PacePauline born about 1912
PaceRussell born about 1906
PaceWill Sborn about 1878
PaceWillie born about 1937
PageWillie born about 1874
PageWillie Helonborn about 1927
ParchiaJoe born about 1915
ParchiaNorma born about 1923
ParteeLara born about 1867
PaschalAlfonsa born about 1922
PaschalAllie Eborn about 1905
PaschalMarjorie born about 1923
PaschalRufus Fborn about 1891
PasswaterBillie born about 1928
PasswaterBobbie born about 1928
PasswaterJesse born about 1897
PasswaterMary Jborn about 1922
PasswaterPansy born about 1898
PatersonAlfred born about 1936
PatersonAlfred Wborn about 1936
PatersonAmie Lborn about 1933
PatersonAnnie Tborn about 1910
PatersonElla Mborn about 1939
PatersonGenia Maeborn about 1932
PatersonGenora born about 1930
PatersonGeorge Sborn about 1928
PatersonInez born about 1932
PatersonJames born about 1877
PatersonJames Lborn about 1930
PatersonJohn Wborn about 1936
PatersonLee born about 1897
PatersonLondon born about 1909
PatersonLouisa born about 1897
PatersonMolly Tborn about 1918
PatersonRosa Mborn about 1937
PatersonRoy Wborn about 1939
PatersonSam born about 1871
PatersonStella born about 1902
PatersonThelma born about 1940
PatersonWilliam born about 1914
PearsonJewel born about 1910
PerryFoster Bborn about 1908
PerryGertha born about 1899
PerryLloyd born about 1890
PerryLora born about 1873
PerryWarren born about 1927
PierceAlverine born about 1900
PierceAnnie born about 1897
PierceLovic Rborn about 1868
PierceThettie born about 1872
PineEarline born about 1933
PineFern born about 1915
PineWalter born about 1907
PineWalter Kborn about 1931
PoindexterBaurna born about 1902
PoindexterBill born about 1877
PoindexterCarl born about 1898
PoindexterCoy born about 1907
PoindexterDavid Mborn about 1865
PoindexterMary Eborn about 1878
PoindexterMaude born about 1880
PoindexterNora Hborn about 1865
PoindexterRay born about 1916
PoindexterRichard born about 1923
PoindexterRoy born about 1918
PoindexterWilliam Dborn about 1927
PolkEthel born about 1902
PolkMary Aborn about 1858
PopeEunice born about 1894
PopeJunious born about 1884
PopePauline born about 1920
PorchiaAlabama Tborn about 1888
PorchiaAlsiah born about 1888
PorchiaAnnie born about 1931
PorchiaAnnie born about 1937
PorchiaArthur born about 1891
PorchiaAsarine Rborn about 1918
PorchiaBobby Geneborn about 1928
PorchiaClayton born about 1895
PorchiaClayton Jr born about 1917
PorchiaColumbus born about 1927
PorchiaCordean born about 1922
PorchiaCurtis born about 1928
PorchiaEllen Jborn about 1896
PorchiaGenette born about 1925
PorchiaGeorge born about 1932
PorchiaGurtha born about 1911
PorchiaHelon born about 1927
PorchiaHerman born about 1921
PorchiaJessie Ruthborn about 1933
PorchiaJohn Aborn about 1926
PorchiaJohn Lborn about 1915
PorchiaJohn Lborn about 1938
PorchiaLeroy born about 1924
PorchiaLinton born about 1937
PorchiaMartha born about 1920
PorchiaMinnie Lborn about 1935
PorchiaRoy Mborn about 1939
PorchiaRubye born about 1932
PorchiaWilliam born about 1929
PrattArthur born about 1892
PrattBuddie born about 1928
PrattFred born about 1918
PrattHenry born about 1927
PrattLeberta born about 1920
PrattLottie Beeborn about 1932
PrattMartha born about 1900
PrattRichard born about 1925
PrattRoxie born about 1917
PrimmBetty Annborn about 1937
PrimmBetty Lborn about 1937
PrimmCarl born about 1927
PrimmDelois born about 1935
PrimmEd Aborn about 1890
PrimmEddie Joborn about 1934
PrimmEdith Lborn about 1916
PrimmLester Wborn about 1908
PrimmMary Sborn about 1899
PrimmMaurice born about 1935
PrimmRichard born about 1930
PrinceEarl born about 1902
PruettJeter born about 1919
PruettKate born about 1885
PruettLee born about 1881
PruettMerle born about 1925
PuckettCallie Hborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandalCorine born about 1935
RandalGrady born about 1907
RandalIrene born about 1938
RandalOdessa born about 1912
RandallsMary born about 1873
RandalsJohn born about 1928
RayfordBetty born about 1931
RayfordBobbie Jeanborn about 1935
RayfordLouise born about 1916
RayfordMabel Sueborn about 1933
ReavesBeatrice born about 1892
ReavesClark born about 1916
ReavesElbert Gborn about 1890
ReavesMartha Fborn about 1925
RecordsRose born about 1930
ReedGeorgia born about 1895
ReveleyCharles born about 1906
ReveleyEffie Gborn about 1910
ReveleyEllen Galeborn about 1938
ReynoldsAllison born about 1888
ReynoldsBlanche born about 1885
ReynoldsClyde born about 1926
ReynoldsJewel born about 1895
ReynoldsNellie born about 1889
RhinehartAndrew born about 1885
RhinehartAndrew Jborn about 1926
RhinehartColumbus born about 1923
RhinehartEdmond born about 1915
RhinehartEva Gborn about 1894
RhinehartGeorge born about 1892
RhinehartJoe Andrew Jborn about 1929
RhinehartLulud Jborn about 1893
RhinehartMarvin born about 1922
RhinehartRoy born about 1919
RhinehartSarah Nborn about 1934
RhinehartWarren Gborn about 1922
RhodesBerth Arborn about 1922
RhodesBertha Mborn about 1939
RhodesJake born about 1893
RhodesLudie born about 1906
RhodesMary Pborn about 1903
RhodesMaudie Mborn about 1931
RhodesMay Dborn about 1939
RhodesRobert born about 1897
RhodesRobrt Leeborn about 1920
RhodesTessie born about 1929
RileyAnn born about 1936
RileyCarolyn born about 1933
RileyElma born about 1920
RileyEthel Hborn about 1899
RileyFred Cborn about 1895
RileyGrace born about 1894
RileyJames Fborn about 1934
RileyLouie born about 1919
RileyMarceal born about 1923
RileyMarcus Lborn about 1886
RileyMary Graceborn about 1924
RileyMerle born about 1921
RileyOra Cborn about 1898
RileyRoy born about 1888
RileyRuby born about 1930
RileyX Wborn about 1922
RobersonAnna born about 1874
RobersonCharlie born about 1885
RobersonCliford born about 1920
RobersonEvelyn born about 1926
RobersonHannah born about 1862
RobersonIrene born about 1920
RobersonJames born about 1926
RobersonJohn Rborn about 1879
RobersonLonie Joborn about 1928
RobersonLonie Sborn about 1885
RobersonMarvin born about 1908
RobersonMaxine born about 1907
RobersonRichard born about 1936
RobersonVerta born about 1909
RobinsonEthel born about 1893
RobinsonFrank born about 1912
RobinsonHenry born about 1896
RogersClaudie born about 1881
RogersJos Pborn about 1876
RogersNannie Jborn about 1857
RolandGloria Jeanborn about 1934
RolandQuincella born about 1932
Ross born about 1898
RossJack Kborn about 1887
RoweElma born about 1918
RoweFears born about 1916
RoweFears Jr born about 1938
RowePrentiss born about 1891
RoweSallie born about 1876
RoweSue born about 1894
RoweWill born about 1862
RussAsrine Wborn about 1921
RussCalvin born about 1899
RussDavid born about 1898
RussDe Lois born about 1929
RussEmma Lborn about 1923
RussHarry born about 1932
RussIda Mborn about 1940
RussIrvin born about 1939
RussIsiah born about 1926
RussJimmie born about 1920
RussJimmie born about 1927
RussLouise born about 1928
RussMary Liza Bborn about 1906
RussMay Helonborn about 1934
RussThelma born about 1937
RussWalter born about 1924
RussWilma born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersA Dborn about 1932
SandersCharles born about 1934
SandersDiala Tborn about 1909
SandersFlorence born about 1922
SandersFrankie Leeborn about 1926
SandersHenry born about 1924
SandersMammie born about 1885
SandersMary Fborn about 1936
SandersMinnie Tborn about 1889
SandersPearl born about 1905
SandersSherman born about 1938
SandersSilas born about 1887
SandersTaft born about 1909
SandersThomas born about 1918
SandersWilliam Hborn about 1939
SawyerDorothy born about 1918
SawyerLillie Wborn about 1879
SawyerLorine born about 1937
SawyerLuther born about 1883
SawyerNathen Tborn about 1862
ScottAddie Sborn about 1903
ScottAubrey born about 1928
ScottBetty Louborn about 1935
ScottBilly Rborn about 1938
ScottBobbie born about 1926
ScottCharlotte Annborn about 1931
ScottDoorthy Jborn about 1931
ScottEstell born about 1905
ScottGeorge born about 1897
ScottJohn Lborn about 1925
ScottLorene born about 1924
ScottManuel Eborn about 1900
ScottMartha born about 1925
ScottMary Rborn about 1934
ScottMary Sueborn about 1935
ScottRoosevelt born about 1930
ShepherdPosy born about 1927
ShepherdSonya born about 1926
SikesRoy born about 1938
SikesSusie born about 1916
SillimanElla born about 1887
SillimanKella born about 1920
SillimanOscar born about 1887
SlaughterJimmie born about 1924
SlaughterMarjorie born about 1926
SlaughterNickles born about 1903
SlaughterRosalie Gborn about 1906
SmartBernard born about 1920
SmartCharlie born about 1893
SmartConley born about 1891
SmartEdward born about 1915
SmartLena born about 1892
SmartLidell born about 1919
SmartMabel born about 1897
SmartMaxine born about 1920
SmartSybil born about 1917
SmelserEdd born about 1900
SmelserLucy born about 1883
SmelserSarah born about 1858
SmelserWill Mborn about 1881
SmithBess Monetteborn about 1929
SmithBessie Pborn about 1896
SmithBillie Jeanborn about 1937
SmithCarl born about 1878
SmithClaude born about 1878
SmithDan born about 1938
SmithDollie Maeborn about 1901
SmithDonal born about 1918
SmithDuke born about 1898
SmithEarl born about 1895
SmithEarl Jr born about 1935
SmithEris born about 1913
SmithEthel Sborn about 1886
SmithFelix Cborn about 1902
SmithFred born about 1889
SmithGeorge born about 1910
SmithGeraldine born about 1938
SmithGordon born about 1906
SmithGuy born about 1895
SmithGuy Jr born about 1927
SmithHarvie born about 1928
SmithHazel born about 1927
SmithHelan born about 1914
SmithHerbert born about 1933
SmithHoke born about 1900
SmithHugh born about 1897
SmithJames born about 1901
SmithJeanne born about 1925
SmithJimmie born about 1925
SmithL Claudborn about 1890
SmithLewis born about 1933
SmithLillie born about 1901
SmithLurline born about 1926
SmithMarvin born about 1905
SmithMary Eborn about 1923
SmithMary Loisborn about 1907
SmithMelba born about 1935
SmithObera Cborn about 1901
SmithOpal born about 1909
SmithSharon born about 1935
SmithStella born about 1897
SmithThalia born about 1917
SmithWillie born about 1897
SmithWillie Royborn about 1939
SmithermanJerry born about 1934
SmithermanLeon born about 1910
SmithermanRoy born about 1935
SmithermanTravis born about 1911
SneedLouise born about 1874
SnyderArgent Pborn about 1887
SnyderBertha Tborn about 1904
SnyderFrank Pborn about 1895
SnyderMarie born about 1906
SnyderMissouri Jborn about 1859
SnyderMont Dborn about 1897
SnyderRomey born about 1894
SpoonerCarmine born about 1929
SpoonerFranklin born about 1938
SpoonerHarry born about 1894
SpoonerHarry Jr born about 1932
SpoonerWillie born about 1905
StaggsBetty born about 1873
StaggsBillie Leeborn about 1937
StaggsBilly born about 1930
StaggsIda Oborn about 1893
StaggsJeff Pborn about 1888
StaggsLee born about 1904
StaggsLila Yborn about 1911
StaggsMarion born about 1932
StaggsMattie Fayborn about 1914
StaggsMildred born about 1936
StaggsRay Eborn about 1906
StaggsWillie born about 1906
StaggsWillie born about 1914
StaggsWilma Jborn about 1934
StanleyWillie born about 1922
StarnesLucy born about 1908
StarnesOtis born about 1909
StarnsEarnest born about 1912
StarnsEarnest Jr born about 1936
StarnsMattie born about 1910
StarnsRoy Jr born about 1937
StarrittHazel born about 1892
StarrittJoe Eborn about 1882
SteedFerris born about 1896
SteedJennie born about 1898
StephensonElbe born about 1901
StephensonJack born about 1925
StephensonLouie born about 1897
StoneMary Mborn about 1867
StoneViola Gborn about 1886
StricklandOra Rborn about 1922
StricklandWillie Dborn about 1921
StricklandWillie Lborn about 1940
StugineRamon born about 1931
StugineRamona born about 1929
SullivanJack born about 1884
SullivanLillie Sborn about 1890
SuttonBennie Jborn about 1921
SuttonCatherine born about 1918
SuttonClarence born about 1908
SuttonClarence Jr born about 1932
SuttonColumbus born about 1928
SuttonDella Tborn about 1894
SuttonEmma born about 1904
SuttonGolden Tborn about 1910
SuttonHattie Bborn about 1934
SuttonHazel Dborn about 1932
SuttonIsiah born about 1872
SuttonJ Mborn about 1934
SuttonJames born about 1919
SuttonJimmie Lborn about 1917
SuttonLillie Bborn about 1924
SuttonLloyd born about 1914
SuttonLucile born about 1937
SuttonLulu Jborn about 1914
SuttonNettie born about 1890
SuttonOctavia born about 1904
SuttonRobert born about 1901
SuttonRobert Lborn about 1925
SuttonRoy born about 1927
SuttonSarah Wborn about 1873
SuttonThelma born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleyJamie born about 1901
TateAndrew Lborn about 1931
TateCharlie born about 1893
TateFannie born about 1935
TateGeneral born about 1938
TateJohn Hborn about 1939
TateLawrence born about 1922
TateMamie born about 1900
TateMary Lborn about 1933
TateMaxine born about 1934
TateNathan born about 1895
TateNathaniel Hborn about 1928
TatePrecilla Jborn about 1912
TateRobert Aborn about 1930
TateRubin born about 1928
TateThomas born about 1926
TateVelma born about 1924
TateZena born about 1919
TaylorBilly born about 1935
TaylorJeter born about 1907
TaylorPauline born about 1906
TaylorViva Jeanborn about 1931
ThomasBob Charlesborn about 1916
ThomasCarlton born about 1906
ThomasCharles born about 1936
ThomasChristine born about 1931
ThomasGeniver born about 1933
ThomasGurale born about 1939
ThomasIvie born about 1907
ThomasJ Dborn about 1936
ThomasLulu Gborn about 1924
ThompsonAlvin born about 1908
ThompsonAlvin Jr born about 1929
ThompsonCamille born about 1920
ThompsonEdith born about 1906
ThompsonGeorge Wborn about 1852
ThompsonGladys born about 1928
ThompsonJacob Sborn about 1858
ThompsonJames Kborn about 1876
ThompsonJane Eborn about 1880
ThompsonJerry Lborn about 1939
ThompsonJohn born about 1905
ThompsonJohn Vborn about 1925
ThompsonJohn Wborn about 1931
ThompsonLexia born about 1912
ThompsonLida Lborn about 1927
ThompsonLlewellyn born about 1910
ThompsonMary Sueborn about 1928
ThompsonRachel born about 1923
ToddAbbie born about 1917
ToddAda born about 1877
ToddAgusta born about 1881
ToddAndrew born about 1882
ToddArthur born about 1875
ToddBill born about 1877
ToddCarrie Jeanborn about 1939
ToddChester born about 1901
ToddChristene born about 1926
ToddClinton born about 1925
ToddCora born about 1880
ToddCorinne born about 1935
ToddDal born about 1882
ToddDella born about 1896
ToddDon Aborn about 1933
ToddEddie born about 1893
ToddEmma Leeborn about 1903
ToddEsterlene born about 1926
ToddEva Lborn about 1898
ToddFrank born about 1925
ToddGeneva born about 1935
ToddGeorge born about 1875
ToddGeorge born about 1906
ToddGeorge Fborn about 1925
ToddGeorgia Hborn about 1900
ToddHattie Wborn about 1884
ToddHelen born about 1907
ToddHowell born about 1875
ToddInez Rborn about 1905
ToddIrene born about 1898
ToddJammie born about 1922
ToddJimmie born about 1911
ToddJoe born about 1921
ToddJuanita born about 1928
ToddLeslie born about 1916
ToddMckinley born about 1900
ToddMitchell born about 1927
ToddMorrow born about 1930
ToddNick born about 1869
ToddNorma Jeanborn about 1937
ToddOree born about 1936
ToddParthenia Tborn about 1903
ToddPercy born about 1914
ToddSara Joborn about 1928
ToddThelma born about 1919
ToddThelma Rborn about 1924
ToddVerler born about 1921
ToddWilliam born about 1907
ToliverLillie Wborn about 1895
ToliverWill born about 1874
TooksHarrison born about 1922
TooksRee Nellborn about 1922
TorrenceAndrew Lborn about 1913
TorrenceAnna Mborn about 1935
TorrenceAnna Tborn about 1921
TorrenceBeatrice born about 1912
TorrenceBetty born about 1935
TorrenceBobby Jborn about 1937
TorrenceCullen born about 1929
TorrenceDortohy Jeanborn about 1938
TorrenceDoylie born about 1921
TorrenceEarl born about 1934
TorrenceEdward born about 1933
TorrenceElizabeth Pborn about 1880
TorrenceEmma Rborn about 1889
TorrenceEthel Mborn about 1922
TorrenceEtterine born about 1916
TorrenceEvalyn Lborn about 1931
TorrenceForest born about 1930
TorrenceFrank born about 1923
TorrenceGathie born about 1895
TorrenceGeorge born about 1870
TorrenceHarice Jr born about 1934
TorrenceHarvey born about 1926
TorrenceHattie Mborn about 1931
TorrenceHazel Lborn about 1931
TorrenceHerman born about 1925
TorrenceIda Lborn about 1915
TorrenceIda Tborn about 1917
TorrenceInfant born about 1940
TorrenceJake born about 1915
TorrenceJamas born about 1912
TorrenceJamas Lborn about 1932
TorrenceJerry born about 1884
TorrenceJessie born about 1877
TorrenceJessie Jborn about 1934
TorrenceJoe Cborn about 1930
TorrenceJohn born about 1892
TorrenceJohn Hborn about 1937
TorrenceJohn No 1born about 1877
TorrenceJohn No 2born about 1891
TorrenceJohnson born about 1865
TorrenceJuanita born about 1932
TorrenceK Dborn about 1925
TorrenceK D Columbusborn about 1939
TorrenceL Cborn about 1936
TorrenceLee born about 1908
TorrenceLee Aborn about 1928
TorrenceLevy born about 1882
TorrenceLloyd born about 1940
TorrenceMamie born about 1900
TorrenceMargene born about 1939
TorrenceMargiree born about 1937
TorrenceMary Eborn about 1928
TorrenceMary Iborn about 1939
TorrenceMillie Fannieborn about 1924
TorrenceMitch born about 1901
TorrenceMorris born about 1910
TorrenceMoses born about 1929
TorrenceNora Annborn about 1940
TorrenceNora Rborn about 1891
TorrenceNorman born about 1918
TorrenceNovella born about 1891
TorrenceOra Tborn about 1912
TorrencePearl born about 1925
TorrencePeter born about 1865
TorrenceR Hborn about 1920
TorrenceRaymon born about 1900
TorrenceRoberta born about 1939
TorrenceRoland born about 1890
TorrenceSally born about 1920
TorrenceTommy born about
TorrenceVirda Lborn about 1911
TorrenceWarren born about 1924
TorrenceWiley Lborn about 1937
TorrenceWilliam born about 1920
TorrenceWillie Pborn about 1914
TorrenceYovonnie born about 1938
TorrenceZack born about 1897
TrammelAleatha born about 1933
TrammelAmie Lborn about 1937
TrammelAnna Lborn about 1935
TrammelAnna Tborn about 1876
TrammelArion born about 1933
TrammelCeola born about 1915
TrammelEffie Gborn about 1940
TrammelEjengia born about 1931
TrammelFloyd born about 1931
TrammelJanie Tborn about 1906
TrammelJeff born about 1904
TrammelJunious born about 1931
TrammelLaion born about 1935
TrammelNathan born about 1862
TrammelOcie Tborn about 1906
TrammelRobert Bborn about 1920
TrammelTail Lborn about 1940
TrammelToil born about 1908
TrammelTurner born about 1913
TrammelWillie Eborn about 1938
TrammelWillie Wborn about 1938
TuenereJunious Tborn about 1923
TurnerA Buckborn about 1898
TurnerAlbert Leeborn about 1940
TurnerAnna Jborn about 1908
TurnerArchie Lborn about 1927
TurnerBennie Jamesborn about 1933
TurnerBernice born about 1921
TurnerBertie Tborn about 1897
TurnerCaroline born about 1913
TurnerCharlie born about 1869
TurnerCoricea born about 1928
TurnerDaisy Mborn about 1936
TurnerDee born about 1908
TurnerDorendia born about 1936
TurnerDoris Aborn about 1939
TurnerDorothy Lborn about 1929
TurnerEarl born about 1910
TurnerEarl born about 1919
TurnerEd born about 1927
TurnerEddie Bborn about 1937
TurnerElree born about 1921
TurnerFletcher Sborn about 1930
TurnerGracie Mborn about 1907
TurnerHenrietta born about 1905
TurnerHenry born about 1907
TurnerJohn Davidborn about 1932
TurnerJohn Hborn about 1927
TurnerJulius Lborn about 1939
TurnerJunious born about 1934
TurnerLee Rborn about 1928
TurnerLeon born about 1900
TurnerLonnie born about 1903
TurnerLoretta born about 1930
TurnerLucious born about 1895
TurnerLucious Cborn about 1940
TurnerMamie born about 1937
TurnerMatilda born about 1873
TurnerMattie Jborn about 1908
TurnerMilrene born about 1932
TurnerNettie Maeborn about 1905
TurnerPearlena born about 1926
TurnerRaymon born about 1935
TurnerS Tborn about 1930
TurnerSelna born about 1934
TurnerSolomon born about 1866
TurnerSulu Dborn about 1882
TurnerThelma born about 1932
TurnerVenecia born about 1934
TurnerVirginia born about 1931
TurnerWalter born about 1875
TurnerWalter Lborn about 1925
TurnerWilliam born about 1907
TurnerWillie born about 1912
TurnnerOdessa born about 1927
TurnnerTessie Maeborn about 1925
TwidwelBasil born about 1930
TwidwelOlive born about 1932
TysonJessie Maeborn about 1899
TysonJulia born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtleyLinda Louborn about 1937
UtseyAline born about 1892
UtseyBob born about 1919
UtsyDoris born about 1940
UtsyMarie born about 1912
UtsyNelson born about 1937

V Surnames

ValentineBishop born about 1890
ValentineDorothy Jborn about 1932
ValentineFannie Bborn about 1893
ValentineJames Nborn about 1926
ValentineSyvilla born about 1924
VandenveenMaxine born about 1916
VansickleGrace Mborn about 1901
VarnerFrances born about 1940
VarnerJessemond born about 1916
VarnerLouise born about 1930
VarnerMabel born about 1894
VarnerRobert Gborn about 1918
VarnerW Jborn about 1928
VarnerWalter Jborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerAlbertha Mborn about 1915
WalkerAlma born about 1926
WalkerAnnette born about 1938
WalkerClara Wborn about 1912
WalkerCora born about 1920
WalkerCosette born about 1936
WalkerDashia Lborn about 1939
WalkerDora Lborn about 1883
WalkerEesow born about 1912
WalkerEllen Tborn about 1898
WalkerElnora born about 1924
WalkerIda born about 1873
WalkerJake born about 1896
WalkerJessie born about 1922
WalkerJohn Dborn about 1936
WalkerJohn Lborn about 1934
WalkerLa Verner born about 1940
WalkerLouis born about 1866
WalkerLouise born about 1936
WalkerLucy Mborn about 1873
WalkerMarine born about 1935
WalkerMarshal Lborn about 1932
WalkerMarvin born about 1930
WalkerMary Fborn about 1924
WalkerMildred born about 1926
WalkerNorman born about 1939
WalkerO Dborn about 1915
WalkerOra born about 1920
WalkerOtis born about 1906
WalkerVern born about 1939
WalkerWade born about 1881
WallsCarl born about 1926
WallsCarra born about 1892
WallsDon born about 1938
WallsMabel born about 1913
WallsRuth born about 1904
WallsWorthen born about 1922
WalnerInez born about 1929
WardFannie Bborn about 1890
WardFred Hborn about 1886
WardJean born about 1932
WarrenCorabell born about 1900
WarrenDorothy Jborn about 1936
WarrenEarnest born about 1894
WatsonAlvern born about 1935
WatsonAmandy born about 1881
WatsonApplen born about 1911
WatsonArtira born about 1926
WatsonBetty born about 1928
WatsonCorinne born about 1924
WatsonDan born about 1904
WatsonDan Jr born about 1936
WatsonDorothy Mborn about 1928
WatsonDosia born about 1890
WatsonEarly Bborn about 1931
WatsonEarly Lborn about 1905
WatsonEarly Jr born about 1932
WatsonElla Wborn about 1908
WatsonFrank born about 1889
WatsonFreddie born about 1918
WatsonHarry born about 1870
WatsonHattie Bborn about 1934
WatsonHazel Leeborn about 1923
WatsonHerman Lborn about 1930
WatsonHoward born about 1938
WatsonJames born about 1925
WatsonJimmy born about 1927
WatsonJocinda born about 1892
WatsonJohn Lborn about 1934
WatsonLee Arthurborn about 1929
WatsonLonnie born about 1920
WatsonMabel born about 1906
WatsonMaxine born about 1932
WatsonMinnie Lborn about 1939
WatsonNorma Jeanborn about 1931
WatsonOdie Maeborn about 1932
WatsonOtha born about 1924
WatsonPatsy Hborn about 1905
WatsonPrecious born about 1927
WatsonRichard born about 1920
WatsonRuby Mborn about 1930
WatsonShirley Fborn about 1938
WatsonSim born about 1896
WatsonSudie born about 1911
WatsonTracy born about 1915
WatsonVinie born about 1892
WatsonViola born about 1868
WatsonWade born about 1862
WatsonWade born about 1926
WatsonWillie born about 1901
WeaverBirley born about 1916
WeaverCob born about 1883
WeaverDan Jr born about 1901
WeaverErnest born about 1929
WeaverEuniceten born about 1925
WeaverFrancis Lborn about 1917
WeaverHattie born about 1905
WeaverHazel Hborn about 1920
WeaverHervis born about 1937
WeaverHester born about 1935
WeaverJohn Wborn about 1856
WeaverLelia Bborn about 1896
WeaverNellie Maeborn about 1927
WeaverOlive born about 1899
WeaverRuth born about 1922
WeaverSam born about 1918
WeaverWalter born about 1934
WebbEdith born about 1921
WebbFred born about 1908
WebbGayle born about 1938
WebbJames Pborn about 1937
WebbMaude born about 1898
WebbNylotis born about 1915
WebbSadie born about 1924
WebbWyla Mborn about 1894
WeelerArthur born about 1902
WeelerEarthleen Gborn about 1908
WeelerHerchel born about 1923
WeelerMary Eborn about 1926
WeelerSamuel born about 1928
WeelerThesola born about 1925
WesleyCaleb born about 1897
WesleyL Vborn about 1939
WesleyMary Bborn about 1896
WessonA Clydeborn about 1873
WessonCharles Mborn about 1884
WessonDallas Sborn about 1885
WessonElla born about 1866
WessonHector Lborn about 1894
WessonHershel born about 1922
WessonHildreth Pborn about 1906
WessonJohn Cborn about 1939
WessonLottie born about 1903
WessonLouise Cborn about 1919
WessonMary Fborn about 1920
WessonNorman born about 1917
WessonPearl born about 1879
WessonRetis Wborn about 1877
WessonRictor born about 1896
WestbrookWillie born about 1923
WhaleyClyde born about 1893
WhaleyClyde Hillborn about 1927
WhaleyHelen born about 1927
WhaleyKathryn born about 1903
WhaleyLaura Fborn about 1932
WhaleyLucile Pborn about 1903
WhaleyPeter Wborn about 1924
WhaleyRuth Eborn about 1928
WheelerJohn born about 1870
WheelerPeggy Wborn about 1877
WhitakerMary Bborn about 1885
WhitakerRobert Dborn about 1877
WhiteChristine born about 1935
WhiteFrances born about 1873
WhiteJames born about 1898
WhiteLola born about 1904
WhiteOpher Deanborn about 1937
WhiteRoosevelt born about 1908
WhiteTheadow born about 1936
WilburnMildred born about 1914
WilkinsCleo born about 1939
WilkinsJames born about 1912
WilkinsVivian born about 1921
WilliamsAddie born about 1899
WilliamsAlcid Lborn about 1938
WilliamsAnnie Wborn about 1898
WilliamsArthur born about 1901
WilliamsArthur born about 1926
WilliamsAubrey born about 1917
WilliamsB Jborn about 1934
WilliamsBernice born about 1935
WilliamsBertha born about 1915
WilliamsBillie born about 1926
WilliamsBluma born about 1895
WilliamsCecil born about 1888
WilliamsCharles born about 1925
WilliamsCharles Cborn about 1885
WilliamsClara Lborn about 1903
WilliamsClarence born about 1914
WilliamsClarence born about 1928
WilliamsColmer born about 1918
WilliamsColumbus born about 1841
WilliamsCorinne born about 1928
WilliamsCuffus Aborn about 1913
WilliamsCurtis born about 1902
WilliamsCurtis Jr born about 1933
WilliamsDan Wborn about 1894
WilliamsDavid born about 1918
WilliamsEllen Lborn about 1934
WilliamsEmerson Eborn about 1859
WilliamsErmergen born about 1928
WilliamsEsther Jborn about 1935
WilliamsEva Pborn about 1919
WilliamsFannie born about 1920
WilliamsFlorine born about 1939
WilliamsFloyd born about 1898
WilliamsFrancis born about 1919
WilliamsFrank born about 1900
WilliamsFrank born about 1931
WilliamsImogene born about 1870
WilliamsIona Bborn about 1912
WilliamsIrby Hborn about 1890
WilliamsIrene born about 1921
WilliamsIrvin born about 1922
WilliamsJack born about 1928
WilliamsJackie Leeborn about 1917
WilliamsJames born about 1920
WilliamsJean born about 1923
WilliamsJimmy born about 1917
WilliamsJimmy born about 1937
WilliamsJohn born about 1899
WilliamsJohnny born about 1928
WilliamsJuanita born about 1927
WilliamsJustine born about 1921
WilliamsKate born about 1896
WilliamsKelly born about 1924
WilliamsL Wborn about 1923
WilliamsLela born about 1912
WilliamsLenord born about 1927
WilliamsLessie Lborn about 1903
WilliamsLittleton born about 1883
WilliamsLola born about 1921
WilliamsLola Hborn about 1886
WilliamsLonnie born about 1932
WilliamsLottie Hborn about 1894
WilliamsLouella born about 1926
WilliamsLouis born about 1923
WilliamsLouise born about 1916
WilliamsLugene Vborn about 1881
WilliamsMaggie born about 1905
WilliamsMargaret born about 1874
WilliamsMargaret born about 1919
WilliamsMarie born about 1919
WilliamsMarine born about 1938
WilliamsMarjorie Fborn about 1931
WilliamsMartha Sborn about 1899
WilliamsMat Pborn about 1889
WilliamsMaxine born about 1927
WilliamsMyrtle born about 1916
WilliamsNellie born about 1925
WilliamsNorma Jborn about 1937
WilliamsOlive born about 1891
WilliamsOnie born about 1897
WilliamsOtice Juniousborn about 1936
WilliamsOtis Dborn about 1888
WilliamsPeggy born about 1930
WilliamsRena born about 1876
WilliamsRosa Mborn about 1934
WilliamsRosetta born about 1883
WilliamsSam born about 1867
WilliamsThurston born about 1940
WilliamsVirginia born about 1936
WilliamsVirginia Lborn about 1930
WilliamsW Lumpborn about 1878
WilliamsWilbur born about 1923
WilliamsWillis born about 1930
WillisObie born about 1915
WillisRubie born about 1914
WilsonBernice born about 1913
WilsonBilly Rayborn about 1930
WilsonBobbie Joborn about 1935
WilsonDavid Eborn about 1880
WilsonDawson born about 1900
WilsonDoris Wellsborn about 1927
WilsonFred born about 1898
WilsonHamp born about 1893
WilsonIrene born about 1894
WilsonJ Lborn about 1929
WilsonLamar born about 1926
WilsonLouise born about 1937
WilsonLudie Eborn about 1884
WilsonMaude born about 1900
WilsonThelma born about 1906
WoodsBeulah Tborn about 1913
WoodsBooker Tborn about 1937
WoodsDoris Cborn about 1936
WoodsPerry born about 1910
WyattAsberry born about 1920
WyattBlonzie Aborn about 1928
WyattEd Eborn about 1892
WyattFrankie Pborn about 1932
WyattJames born about 1925
WyattMayso born about 1921
WyattWillie Jborn about 1900
WyrickA Zborn about 1922
WyrickAdolph born about 1927
WyrickDaisey born about 1905
WyrickEffie Gborn about 1936
WyrickEssie born about 1902
WyrickJack born about 1925
WyrickJoe born about 1910
WyrickJohn born about 1901
WyrickJonah born about 1911
WyrickLouise born about 1930
WyrickSarah born about 1899
WyrickVelma Leeborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbroughEffie born about 1872
YarbroughGeorgia Eborn about 1885
YarbroughJessie born about 1910
YarbroughJessie Leroyborn about 1934
YarbroughNathan Sborn about 1875
YarbroughVero born about 1916
YeagerDelma born about 1896
YeagerJ Albertborn about 1899
YeagerNorma Nanborn about 1926
YoungBeulah born about 1880
YoungEtta born about 1912
YoungJohn born about 1876
YoungMillicent Sueborn about 1936

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