1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smith in Sebastian County, Sebastian, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Sebastian County > 1940 Census of Smith in Sebastian County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AcordBillie Mborn about 1938
AcordCarlise born about 1934
AcordClyde Aborn about 1931
AcordLennord born about 1903
AcordMary born about 1860
AcordMollie born about 1905
AcordReginold born about 1928
AdamCarl born about 1915
AdamGoldie born about 1915
AdamJoyce Galeborn about 1937
AdamRex Albertborn about 1939
AdamsAlliet born about 1922
AdamsBernice born about 1921
AdamsFrancis born about 1882
AdamsOscar born about 1909
AdrionHaidee born about 1892
AdrionHarold born about 1920
AdrionPaul born about 1894
AdumFrancis born about 1912
AdumJohn born about 1906
AlbrightChester born about 1914
AlbrightDollie born about 1919
AlbrightJames Eborn about 1939
AllenCeclia born about 1928
AllenDorothy born about 1937
AllenElnora born about 1926
AllenEstte born about 1910
AllenEthel Alineborn about 1924
AllenEthel Cborn about 1890
AllenGertude born about 1905
AllenJohn born about 1873
AllenKenneth born about 1928
AllenMaie born about 1933
AllenMyrtle born about 1880
AllenRuby born about 1910
AllenWaren born about 1907
AllenWayne born about 1931
AltesRobert born about 1924
AltesTravis born about 1930
AltonBarbara born about 1939
AltonBell born about 1896
AltonDora Earlborn about 1923
AltonEdward born about 1934
AltonFlosie Pearlborn about 1923
AltonJimmie born about 1931
AltonJohn Henryborn about 1926
AltonLoyd born about 1882
AltonSeota Roxieborn about 1929
AltstattCordia born about 1901
AltstattRuby born about 1901
AltstattShirley Jeanborn about 1936
AltzEarl born about 1881
AltzRoy born about 1922
AlvisEdna born about 1895
Anderson??? born about 1893
AndersonCarlton Eborn about 1939
AndersonHugh Harleyborn about 1940
AndersonJohn born about 1916
AndersonLeo Vborn about 1919
AndersonLinda Sueborn about 1939
AndersonMargery Eborn about 1915
AndersonMarguerette born about 1918
AndersonPreston Gborn about 1913
AndersonSada Maeborn about 1920
AndresonAlice Marieborn about 1939
AndresonBettye Belleborn about 1924
AndresonHarriett born about 1907
AndresonLey born about 1903
AndresonLoy C Jrborn about 1932
AngelBeatrice born about 1938
AngelLoretta born about 1921
AngelXury born about 1917
ArmanCara born about 1869
ArmstrongBeverly Louonborn about 1938
ArmstrongCarol Annborn about 1934
ArmstrongFrancis born about 1925
ArmstrongG Wborn about 1908
ArmstrongGary Donborn about 1938
ArmstrongJohnnie born about 1927
ArmstrongMary Larneborn about 1933
ArmstrongMorie born about 1909
ArmstrongPatsy Louborn about 1931
ArmstrongRosy born about
ArmstrongTheron Wayneborn about 1940
ArnettCore born about 1916
ArnettDorothy born about 1916
AsborneRuth born about 1912
AsborneWilliam Jborn about 1897
AsborneWillie born about 1868
AshberDuncan Bborn about 1858
AshberJenette born about 1857
AsivarThomas Jborn about 1879
AstonHazel born about 1916
AstonJ Bborn about 1907
AstonMyrtle born about 1882
AveryDonald born about 1937
AveryJacquline born about 1933
AveryLillian born about 1912
AveryWilliam born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaertEugene Pborn about 1883
BaertMaude born about 1878
BagbyVera Cborn about 1916
BagbyVivian born about 1915
BagbyWanda Ruthborn about 1925
BaileyAudie born about 1912
BaileyEarl Wborn about 1894
BaileyGrace Lborn about 1901
BaileyHarry born about 1905
BaileyHoward Bborn about 1923
BaileyLillie born about 1895
BaileyRosie Annborn about 1925
BakerAlice born about 1929
BakerBettye Louborn about 1931
BakerBillie born about 1927
BakerBuford born about 1936
BakerCelie born about 1939
BakerClara born about 1911
BakerCris born about 1917
BakerDavid born about 1912
BakerDavid born about 1937
BakerDorman Lborn about 1938
BakerEd born about 1904
BakerEmmit born about 1915
BakerErline born about 1936
BakerFlorence Wborn about 1930
BakerGrace born about 1921
BakerHarold born about 1933
BakerHelen born about 1922
BakerIvy born about 1915
BakerJeraldine born about 1934
BakerJohn Paulborn about 1925
BakerKenith Wayneborn about 1938
BakerKenneth born about 1933
BakerLenard born about 1907
BakerLester born about 1918
BakerLois Mayborn about 1929
BakerLouise born about 1925
BakerM Hborn about 1904
BakerMinnie born about 1889
BakerNorma born about 1939
BakerPeggy Annborn about 1938
BakerPhillis Jborn about 1939
BakerRobbie born about 1939
BakerVelva born about 1910
BakerVesta born about 1904
BakerWayne born about 1928
BamanInez born about 1920
BamanWilliam born about 1919
BamanWilliam Eborn about 1940
BanniterAnne born about 1920
BanniterRoy born about 1912
BardrickBillie Cborn about 1935
BardrickBobbie Joeborn about 1932
BardrickJ E Jrborn about 1929
BardrickLydia born about 1903
BardrickTom born about 1899
BarkerBillie born about 1923
BarlingDaphana born about 1921
BarrellArizona born about 1921
BarterBillie Joeborn about 1932
BarterBobby Joeborn about 1933
BarterGilbert born about 1907
BarterJerry Gborn about 1937
BarterJinnie Doleborn about 1935
BarterLroyle born about 1911
BarterThelma born about 1928
BashamAnie born about 1895
BashamBaline born about 1890
BatemanAnna Fremborn about 1904
BatemanBevely Annborn about 1937
BatemanBillie born about 1928
BatemanBobbie born about 1930
BatemanEtta born about 1899
BatemanGeorge Wborn about 1902
BatemanRichard born about 1923
BatesIva born about 1905
BatesJ Cborn about 1899
BatesJohnnie Mborn about 1923
BatesPatsy born about 1936
BatesRonald born about 1933
BatteCharles R Jrborn about 1903
BatteElizabeth born about 1908
BatteFrank born about 1935
BatteRichard Iii born about 1932
BeckmanBelanche born about 1876
BeckmanFrancis Hborn about 1875
BeckmanJimmie born about 1903
BeckmanPauline born about 1905
BeogleGeorge born about 1886
BeogleMary Ettaborn about 1895
BeogleNina born about 1923
BerelEdna born about 1898
BerelLuthur born about 1917
BerelMary Cborn about 1924
BerelMildred born about 1925
BerelMilton born about 1925
BerelVirgil born about 1889
BerkleyMorthen born about 1914
BernardElla born about 1926
BernardHarvey born about 1921
BernardJ Tborn about 1887
BernardMary born about 1892
BernardMinnie born about 1924
BernardRoy born about 1917
BerritLester born about 1910
BerritLora Leeborn about 1936
BerritOpal born about 1915
BersonWilliam born about 1873
BeverBetty born about 1932
BeverJame born about 1938
BeverJohn born about 1907
BeverJohnnie born about 1930
BeverMary born about 1911
BeverWayne born about 1934
BeverWesley born about 1936
BickerBen born about 1906
BickerDorthy born about 1910
BickerElizabeth born about 1940
BickerJerome born about 1937
BillCatherine born about 1934
BillDertty born about 1930
BillJoe born about 1908
BillJoe Jr born about 1928
BillMargarete born about 1909
BillPhillis born about 1938
BirhapJoe born about 1899
BirnbaumEmma born about 1909
BlakeDayle Fborn about 1908
BlakeDayle F Jrborn about 1935
BlakeLoretta born about 1906
BlakeMary Annborn about 1928
BlerrinsBrown born about 1919
BlerrinsPette born about 1920
BoackEd born about 1906
BoackKathryn born about 1908
BoaneAlise born about 1874
BoaneLela Sueborn about 1938
BoatmanA Cborn about 1889
BoatmanAlex Cborn about 1924
BoatmanBettye Jeanborn about 1928
BoatmanCarrie born about 1890
BoatrightElizabeth born about 1934
BoatrightHugh born about 1908
BoatrightHugh Aborn about 1929
BoatrightSarah born about 1910
BochDirtha born about 1916
BochJohannah born about 1939
BochMarschall born about 1908
BochThomas Cborn about 1938
BolesH Gborn about 1865
BolesLucy Mborn about 1879
BondEarl Geneborn about 1937
BondIrene born about 1919
BondJ Eborn about 1912
BonverAlbert born about 1895
BonverDove born about 1897
BonverForrest born about 1922
BonverHarold Dborn about 1928
BonverTom Loyceborn about 1925
BooneClarance born about 1909
BooneEugene born about 1932
BooneFern born about 1910
BorterBurrell born about 1936
BorterLucille born about 1913
BoshinAnis born about 1915
BoshinRaymond born about 1915
BossettBecky Sueborn about 1938
BossettLunda Louborn about 1939
BossettPollyana born about 1927
BossettRoy born about 1903
BossettWillie born about 1906
BoxAltona born about 1887
BoxEmmie born about 1913
BoxJames Wborn about 1884
BoxLuther born about 1911
BoxRiley born about 1907
BoydAlbert Royborn about 1933
BoydCharles born about 1939
BoydClyde born about 1915
BoydDorothy born about 1922
BoydElmerine born about 1926
BoydFred born about 1886
BoydFred born about 1915
BoydImogene born about 1912
BoydJewell born about 1893
BoydLoyd born about 1864
BoydNorma Jeanborn about 1939
BoydRobert Earlborn about 1928
BoydRoy born about 1931
BoydRuth born about 1920
BoydSharon Leeborn about 1940
BoydShirley Jeanborn about 1937
BoydTroy born about 1931
BradhamJohn born about 1894
BradhamJohnnie born about 1911
BranderburgMaggie born about 1896
BranderburgVirginia born about 1920
BrasuellBessie born about 1899
BrasuellBillie Jeanborn about 1933
BrasuellCharles Dborn about 1935
BrasuellDorthy born about 1924
BrasuellHarold born about 1927
BrasuellJohn Hborn about 1897
BrasuellJohn H Jrborn about 1921
BrasuellMolissie born about 1860
BredfordClyde born about 1900
BredfordHn Inezborn about 1936
BredfordMary Bettyborn about 1928
BredfordNeil born about 1932
BredfordTila born about 1904
BrenerHazel born about 1918
BrenerJames born about 1915
BrenerPhyllis Jeanborn about 1937
BridgesBlossom born about 1893
BridgesDixson born about 1915
BridgesElmer born about 1888
BridgesJoan born about 1935
BridgesLillian born about 1913
BridgesMary Cborn about 1920
BrockLorena born about 1921
BrockSylvia born about 1906
BrockThomas born about 1923
BrooksA Cborn about 1884
BrooksClyne born about 1912
BrooksDon born about 1889
BrooksEthlyn born about 1913
BrooksEugene born about 1915
BrooksHelen Florenceborn about 1912
BrooksHelen Louiseborn about 1935
BrownClara born about 1903
BrownDonna Maeborn about 1935
BrownEston born about
BrownEston born about 1915
BrownFlosie Qborn about 1937
BrownHilda born about 1917
BrownIrene born about 1898
BrownJeff Dborn about 1903
BrownJoe Fborn about 1898
BrownLettie born about 1913
BrownLouise born about 1924
BrownMargaret born about 1856
BrownMaude born about 1904
BrownNellie born about 1894
BrownNicklos born about 1922
BrownRuth Eborn about 1924
BrownSidney Tborn about 1898
BrownSilas born about 1927
BrownStella born about 1888
BrownWade Hborn about 1860
BrownWalsh Sborn about 1938
BrownWalter born about 1885
BrownWilliam born about 1903
BucknerDeloris Annborn about 1932
BucknerIrene born about 1912
BucknerJohn W Jrborn about 1912
BucknerPatsy Ruthborn about 1935
BucknerVera Jeauetteborn about 1939
BullingtonEmma born about 1890
BullingtonSteve born about 1893
BullockAlonza born about 1908
BullockFlosie born about 1917
BullockRochelle born about 1940
BurgersF Mborn about 1901
BurgersSophia born about 1904
BurnettTommie born about 1925
BurtBillie born about 1904
BurtEdwin born about 1925
BurtEugene born about 1924
BurtHarley Gborn about 1896
BurtLucy Maeborn about 1927
BurtMaxine born about 1921
BurtWendell born about 1928
BurtonCharlie born about 1885
BurtonLaura born about 1887
ButterHily born about 1890
ByersAlma Bborn about 1912
ByersCathleen born about 1912
ByersHubert born about 1911
ByersRobert Leeborn about 1939
ByersSarah born about 1875
ByersWilliam born about 1874
ByersWillis born about 1906
ByranZelma born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaigBertie born about 1923
CaigRaymond born about 1920
CambsCharles born about 1912
CambsCharles born about 1937
CambsLois born about 1914
CambsRose Marieborn about 1938
CampbellAllen Aborn about 1906
CampbellBetty Jeneborn about 1935
CampbellBobby Allenborn about 1939
CampbellJesse born about 1913
CampbellMary Bellborn about 1929
CampbellVecil born about 1910
CannonAphelin born about 1918
CannonJohn Cborn about 1878
CannonRobert born about
CantwellCharlie born about 1894
CantwellHubert born about 1918
CantwellJack born about 1929
CantwellPearl born about 1899
CarltonBillie born about 1925
CarltonGertude Aborn about 1897
CarltonRobert born about 1892
CarmackDennis born about 1917
CarmackRuth Lborn about 1917
CarrDoris born about 1918
CarrJimmie Jr born about 1938
CarrJimmie Sr born about 1913
CarsonArthur born about 1899
CarsonArthur Jr born about 1926
CarsonCharles born about 1924
CarsonDora Deanborn about 1930
CarsonErma Jeanborn about 1928
CarsonJohnie Nborn about 1933
CarsonJohnnie Bellborn about 1905
CarterBobbie born about 1924
CarterCharles Hborn about 1887
CarterCharles Mborn about 1929
CarterFlora born about 1907
CarterGeorge Wborn about 1868
CarterJackie Lborn about 1936
CarterJanice born about 1925
CarterJessie born about 1935
CarterOla Maeborn about 1878
CarterWanda Jeanborn about 1933
Cater??? born about 1927
CaterJack born about 1922
CaterJerramiah born about 1924
CaterJohn Sborn about 1888
CaterMatgaret born about 1887
ChambersC Cborn about 1869
ChambersFrancis born about 1912
ChambersJohn born about 1898
ChambersSarah born about 1873
ChanceyKenneth born about 1935
ChanceyL Bborn about 1898
ChanceyMannye born about 1908
ChandlerAnnie born about 1875
ChandlerFred Cborn about 1896
ChapmanArchie born about 1876
ChapmanCliford born about 1899
ChapmanMartha born about 1895
ChaseFrank born about 1890
ChaseJane born about 1860
CheekBoribell born about 1898
CheekIda born about 1869
CheekJack Cborn about 1919
CheekJhonnie born about 1924
CheekSam born about 1905
ChurchArlie born about 1917
ChurchColumbus born about 1884
ChurchDorthy Deanborn about 1938
ChurchErline born about 1921
ChurchMary born about 1885
ChurchOrval born about 1917
ChurchThelma Jeanborn about 1939
CilfordFred born about 1917
CilfordMae Dellaborn about 1922
ClabornIda born about 1868
Clark??? born about 1932
ClarkBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
ClarkBillie Fborn about 1932
ClarkBobbie Heanborn about 1936
ClarkDerthy born about 1928
ClarkElbert born about 1897
ClarkElbert born about 1926
ClarkGertude born about 1902
ClarkJerry Leeborn about 1931
ClarkMarie born about 1929
ClarkMeda born about 1898
ClarkSidney born about 1898
ClarkWilbert Jonesborn about 1918
ClarkeKessie born about 1915
ClarkeMargaret born about 1868
ClarkeRobert born about 1933
ClarkeRuby Catherineborn about 1924
ClineAzz born about 1891
ClineBillie born about 1926
ClineConnie born about 1894
ClineConnie Jr born about 1923
ClineJackie born about 1929
ClineMax born about 1935
ClineOlive born about 1888
ClineRuby born about 1904
ClowsonLucille born about 1917
ClowsonWilliam born about 1917
CloyAnna Bellborn about 1920
CloyGene born about 1925
CloyMatt born about 1897
CloySauamh born about 1895
ClymerCharles born about 1927
ClymerRetta born about 1904
ColdwellBud born about 1908
ColdwellLucille born about 1918
ColdwellMargaret Annborn about 1940
ColdwellRoy Eugeneborn about 1938
ColemanGernnie born about 1913
ColemanJohn Rborn about 1909
ColemanRay Jeaneveborn about 1938
CollettRosie born about 1884
CollettTresa born about 1926
CollinsAlvin born about 1926
CollinsAnna Jborn about 1931
CollinsAnnie born about 1904
CollinsArthur born about 1902
CollinsCharlie born about 1928
CollinsClarence born about 1929
CollinsElla Maeborn about 1916
CollinsFloyd Eborn about 1939
CollinsImogene born about 1933
CollinsJ Lborn about 1905
CollinsJereldene born about 1935
CollinsMary Mborn about 1926
CollinsMinnie born about 1907
CollinsRichard Jborn about 1936
CollinsWater Wborn about 1928
Collyer??? Maeborn about 1925
CollyerBertha born about 1888
CollyerHerbert Wayneborn about 1934
CollyerJohn born about 1938
CollyerLizzie born about 1916
CollyerMarilin born about 1923
CollyerRose born about 1936
CollyerWayne born about 1912
ConditC Pborn about 1872
ConditEffie born about 1876
ConditL Dborn about 1916
ConditPaul Fborn about 1903
CooperSam born about 1872
CopeEunora born about 1873
CopeEverett born about 1904
CopeJune born about 1933
CopeMargery born about 1924
CopeOra born about 1903
CopeRollie Jeanborn about 1927
CoplinAnnie Bborn about 1891
CoplinW Lborn about 1877
CordellClyde born about 1916
CordellLetta born about 1912
CordellThill born about 1913
CorsonArtins Joyborn about 1922
CorsonAustin born about 1903
CorsonBonnie born about 1907
CorsonEdwinna born about 1924
CorsonHattie Lillianborn about 1894
CorsonWinton Zborn about 1932
CoslteherryCharles Richardborn about 1931
CoslteherryFrancis born about 1912
CoslteherryHomer born about 1912
CostleberryJohn born about 1902
CostleberryStella born about 1901
CottonCollery born about 1924
CowardAva born about 1899
CowardLuther born about 1895
CoxCora Hborn about 1874
CoxLilian born about 1890
CoxMildred born about 1922
CoxWilliam Rborn about 1897
CraigClaud born about 1895
CraigDoris born about 1923
CraigElzie born about 1924
CraigHugh born about 1931
CraigLe Roy born about 1929
CraigLucille born about 1926
CraigMamie born about 1901
CramptonBliss born about 1906
CranfieldAlbert born about 1902
CranfieldAllie born about 1903
CranfieldVernon born about 1924
CranfieldWanda Leeborn about 1926
CrispAnna Clayborn about 1931
CrispBobbie born about 1917
CrispGeraldine born about 1921
CrispM Mborn about 1894
CrispMary born about 1897
CrispRosa Maryborn about 1925
CrispWilliam Mborn about 1915
CrookBillie Joeborn about 1932
CrookDaisey born about 1905
CrookDavid Lborn about 1936
CrookJoseph born about 1904
CrookRonald Rborn about 1939
CrossCarmileta born about 1884
CrossGuy born about 1901
CrossHallie born about 1908
CrossJoy Darlurborn about 1940
CrossRobert Rborn about 1882
CrowAllie born about 1888
CrowBetty Jeanborn about 1933
CrowCatherine born about 1931
CrowDane born about 1885
CrowFlorence born about 1919
CrowPilmer Floydborn about 1928
CrowRalph born about 1909
CrowRichard born about 1935
CrowRuby born about 1911
CrowVirgina born about 1922
CrumptonAnnathes born about 1924
CrutcherEdwin born about 1902
CrutcherPauline born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DallyClyde born about 1888
DallyRosco born about 1885
DaltonHelen Mborn about 1920
DaltonWilliam Hborn about 1911
DavilaEdith born about 1890
DavilaL Mborn about 1887
DavilaLeonard born about 1923
DavisCherrybelle born about 1873
DavisMildred born about 1919
DavisSherman born about 1895
DavisSmith born about 1918
DeanEdith born about 1918
DeanThema born about 1912
DecampDonald born about 1936
DecampIla born about 1897
DecampPasty Ruthborn about 1936
DecampRomin born about 1911
DeranusClyde born about 1915
DeranusMyrtle born about 1913
DerhogoLucille born about 1918
DerhogoPatrice born about 1938
DerhogoRobert born about 1918
DiderIra born about 1918
DiderRaymon born about 1916
DigenJim born about 1874
DigenKatie born about 1873
DillionCarrie born about 1901
DillionClyde born about 1922
DillionEd born about 1900
DillionIda Maeborn about 1926
DillionJames born about 1929
DillionJoe Annborn about 1938
DillionWarren born about 1936
DillionWilma born about 1924
DoddClifford born about 1918
DoddMay born about 1894
DoddPete Oborn about 1890
DoddRoy born about 1922
DodsonMaggie born about 1886
DolesLeon Hborn about 1902
DolesNina Jborn about 1902
DomerDella born about 1891
DomerJohn born about 1891
DomerJohn Fborn about 1921
DonnerHilda Dborn about 1902
DonnerIrene Gborn about 1881
DonnerJohn Mborn about 1908
DonnerWilliam born about 1876
Doris??? born about 1914
DorisBarbara born about 1932
DorisCharlotte born about 1914
DorisClarence born about 1906
DorisGlenda born about 1939
DorisJeff born about 1912
DorisLloyd Thomasborn about 1922
DorisNora born about 1906
DorisRichard born about 1934
DorisVaturah born about 1872
DorwinAnna born about 1893
DorwinClarence born about 1928
DorwinFred born about 1886
DorwinMartha Jeanborn about 1925
DouglasGertrude born about 1911
DouglasMable Jeanborn about 1928
DouglasTonnie born about 1908
DoyNancy Lborn about 1939
DoyNetia born about 1917
DoyWilliam Eborn about 1911
DucoinDiona born about 1936
DucoinEretta born about 1909
DucoinRoger Lborn about 1910
DukerJohn Wborn about 1883
DukerMay born about 1885
DullDorthy born about 1916
DullEddie born about 1900
DuncanA Jborn about 1930
DuncanBertha born about 1906
DuncanNodine born about 1925
DuncanWarren Wborn about 1903
DunnBeatrice born about 1914
DunnChester Leeborn about 1933
DunnJerry Royborn about 1937
DunnRoy born about 1908
DunneyClara born about 1927
DunneyEverett born about 1915
DunneyEverett Jr born about 1940
DunneyGrace born about 1862
DunneyMittie born about 1918
DurantCharles born about 1889
DurbinBillie born about 1938
DurbinBobbie Jackborn about 1925
DurbinDarrel born about 1924
DurbinDoris Reyborn about 1926
DurbinEd born about 1920
DurbinFeyle born about 1894
DurbinMathew born about 1888
DyeArce Hborn about 1936
DyeBart born about 1928
DyeCaldin born about 1917
DyeClyde Williamborn about 1937
DyeEleanor born about 1922
DyeGrene born about 1937
DyeJo born about 1926
DyeJo Eborn about 1891
DyeMamie born about 1896
DyeMarcella born about 1918
DyeMartha born about 1865
DyeMary Deanborn about 1933
DyePearl born about 1924
DyeRo born about 1920
DyerJohn Hborn about 1893
DyerLinnie born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EacretBertha born about 1912
EacretJ Tborn about 1911
EacretJames Pborn about 1934
EacretLloyd Cborn about 1914
EacretLloyd Cborn about 1938
EacretLorretta Maeborn about 1932
EacretViolet born about 1914
EdamsCllie born about 1866
EdwardsCharlie Wborn about 1897
EdwardsEdna born about 1900
EdwardsReba born about 1924
EinertArthur born about 1916
EinertErnest born about 1916
EinertLeva Wborn about 1899
EinertSusie born about 1919
EinertW Rborn about 1892
ElkinCatherine born about 1921
ElkinCora born about 1896
ElkinDale born about 1923
ElkinJeff born about 1931
ElkinJim born about 1922
ElkinJoe born about 1894
ElkinVirgina born about 1927
ElkinWade born about 1917
EnglishDaniel Phillipborn about 1858
EnglishEra Marborn about 1898
EnglishJimmie born about 1924
EnglishJoe Allinborn about 1930
EnglishZach born about 1891
ErpDoyle born about 1910
ErpFaye born about 1910
EstesBettye Janeborn about 1931
EstesD Fborn about 1903
EstesLillie Maeborn about 1908
EstesRichard Pborn about 1939
EubanksClarance born about 1902
EubanksGladys born about 1904
EubanksJerry Fredborn about 1929
EubanksMargie Lueborn about 1932
EulittBill born about 1925
EulittEva Marieborn about 1903
EulittHarry Fborn about 1899
EulittRuth Annborn about 1923
EvansCarl born about 1928
EvansEileen born about 1926
EvansLenore born about 1930
EvansRuth born about 1893
EvansRuth born about 1924
EvansThomas born about 1921
EvansThomas Hborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarmerBettye Jeanborn about 1927
FarmerErnest Lborn about 1891
FarmerEugene born about 1921
FarmerMyrtle born about 1896
FenimoreCarl Allenborn about 1895
FenimoreIrene born about 1912
FenimoreLawrence born about 1913
FenimorePatricia born about 1933
FenpilCharles born about 1917
FenpilEula born about 1921
FerrillCurtis born about 1930
FerrillEthel Mborn about 1928
FerrillGertie born about 1906
FerrillMary born about 1927
FerrillRiley Wayneborn about 1935
FieldsJ Oborn about 1859
FieldsRoy born about 1901
FimpelCatherine born about 1916
FimpelGeorge Jr born about 1937
FineOpal born about 1913
FineOrville born about 1906
FinneyLouise born about 1916
FinneyNolan born about 1909
FislerChristine born about 1886
FislerEdward born about 1876
FlowersH Eborn about 1907
FlowersJinnie born about 1933
FlowersLoura Annborn about 1934
FlowersRoyma born about 1915
FortsHenry born about 1884
FortsLena born about 1890
FoxCarl born about 1910
FoxGeorge Mborn about 1908
FoxGloria Sueborn about 1939
FoxJames Wesleyborn about 1939
FoxJosephine born about 1912
FoxLillie born about 1919
FoxSunder Jeanborn about 1940
FranklinFred born about 1908
FranklinTuella born about 1910
FrazierAllie born about 1919
FrazierToy born about 1914
FrazierToy Jr born about 1939
FreaneyGertude born about 1917
FreemanFarmer born about 1855
FreemanJackie Donborn about 1930
FristrieDoris Louiseborn about 1928
FristriePatsy Ruthborn about 1930
FunBerta born about 1913
FunDonald Wayneborn about 1936
FunEdward born about 1908
FunEli born about 1881
FunEstel born about 1913
FunEuln born about 1886
FunHarman born about 1931
FunNellie born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaberryDorothy born about 1924
GaberryElla born about 1901
GaberryJames Fborn about 1930
GaberryRandle born about 1922
GaberryW Hborn about 1896
GalhonyCarl born about 1911
GalhonyGoldie born about 1914
GalhonyWanda Janeborn about 1936
GallagherJohn born about 1897
GallaherBillie born about 1925
GallaherJohn born about 1875
GallaherLouise born about 1882
GallawayBell born about 1875
GallawayDonald born about 1918
GallawayIra Dborn about 1881
GambleCharles born about 1907
GambleClyde Bellieborn about 1931
GambleEdith born about 1897
GambleElizabeth born about 1913
GambleL Pborn about 1898
GambleOweta born about 1928
GambleStanley born about 1924
GambleWyneva born about 1926
GannAmanda born about 1885
GannLucille born about 1920
GarhamHenry Newtonborn about 1920
GarhamLene born about 1895
GarmanJulia Annborn about 1924
GarmonClay Mborn about 1911
GarmonEllen born about 1911
GarmonGeorge born about 1883
GarmonRose born about 1898
GarrettBilie born about 1932
GarrettCharles born about 1914
GarrettChester born about 1917
GarrettHarold born about 1912
GarrettJannie Charlesborn about 1936
GarrettLois born about 1916
GarrettMildred born about 1918
GarrettShirley born about 1935
GarrettShirley Annborn about 1938
GarrettVela Reeborn about 1916
GeeDorothy born about 1922
GeeElma born about 1917
GibbsLagene born about 1930
GilbertAlma born about 1914
GilbertArine born about 1914
GilbertJessie Jborn about 1916
GilbertLonnie Royborn about 1928
GilbertMary Elizabethborn about 1939
GilbertMike born about 1905
GilbertRosamond born about 1906
GilbertRoy born about 1914
GilbertWilimae born about 1926
GilboAddie born about 1904
GilboEd born about 1895
GilboJewell born about 1923
GilboJoyce Annborn about 1934
GoebelFrank born about 1889
GoebelFrank Jborn about
GoebelFred born about 1916
GoebelMary born about 1885
GoebelMelina born about 1914
GoinerAdie born about 1915
GoinerMarlin born about 1914
GoinerPatsy Annborn about 1936
GoinesAndrew born about 1891
GoinesAndrew Jr born about 1923
GoinesGertie born about 1894
GoinesGertrude born about 1926
GolsbyM born about 1900
GomawayJohn born about 1891
GomawayJohn Eborn about 1933
GomawaySara born about 1908
GoodinCharlie born about 1927
GorrettChester born about 1916
GorrettIrene born about 1892
GorrettMary born about 1921
GorrettW Oborn about 1892
GorrettWinford born about 1918
GraceBillie born about 1934
GraceMella Graceborn about 1929
GrahamA born about 1906
GrahamBernice born about 1923
GrahamDoris born about 1932
GrahamDorothy born about 1930
GrahamElsie born about 1881
GrahamKeller born about 1910
GrahamRuth born about 1911
GrahmCecil born about 1914
GrahmDoris born about 1934
GrahmJimmie born about 1936
GrahmTacket born about 1897
GrahmWilliam born about 1932
GreenFredie Jeanborn about 1935
GreenJames born about 1884
GreenMinnie born about 1887
GreenstreetEllen born about 1908
GreenstreetHarry born about 1904
GreenstreetLinde Louborn about 1938
GreenstreetMedford born about 1928
GregoryEssie born about 1920
GregoryEugene born about 1915
GregoryJesse Aborn about 1884
GregoryVina born about 1886
GriffinGeorge born about 1875
GrisselDillman born about 1915
GrisselParks born about 1938
GrisselPerry born about 1939
GrisselPualine born about 1919
GroceD Lborn about 1893
GroceIna born about 1901
GunterJurene born about 1904
GunterLaman born about 1914
GunterMary Opalborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HacklerJane born about 1922
HacklerJessie born about 1885
HacklerJohn born about 1917
HacklerJohn Mborn about 1886
HacklerVirginia Leeborn about 1916
HaganAthan born about 1928
HaleEugene born about 1892
HaleEula born about 1897
HaleJimmie born about 1930
HaleSusie born about 1924
HallArletha born about 1888
HallCharlie born about 1892
HallEustace born about 1883
HallGrace Vborn about 1892
HammckAgnes born about 1908
HammckF Mborn about 1904
HammckFred M Jrborn about 1931
HammckSharon Leighborn about 1939
HamptonAnnie born about 1875
HamptonClaud born about 1876
HamptonDonald born about 1910
HandKate born about 1858
HaneyHoward born about 1938
HaneyJerold Wborn about 1940
HaneyJosephine born about 1930
HaneyMyrtle born about 1912
HaneyTs Eborn about 1902
HannockWalter born about 1920
HardieChloe Aborn about 1931
HardieIva Bborn about 1900
HardieMaggie Margaretborn about 1921
HardieMary Aborn about 1936
HardieRobert Gborn about 1940
HardieStella Cborn about 1923
HardieWallace Pborn about 1892
HardinDonald born about 1912
HardinDonna Fayeborn about 1938
HardinJune born about 1918
HargerJaine Louisborn about 1929
HargerLouis born about 1906
HargerMayne born about 1907
HarmondAlice born about 1865
HarmondBetty born about 1932
HarmondBill born about 1906
HarmondHelen born about 1912
HarrisRichard born about 1919
HarrisSybil born about 1920
HarrisonLeroin born about 1923
HaynieA Bborn about 1915
HaynieConnie Sueborn about 1939
HaynieKatherine born about 1917
HaysBen Pennyborn about 1925
HaysEula born about 1913
HaysMary Francisborn about 1931
HaysPenny born about 1900
HaysWilliam Wayneborn about 1928
HeadAnna born about 1895
HeadDon born about 1892
HeadDon Jr born about 1929
HeadEmma born about 1921
HeadLester born about 1925
HeadRoy Martinborn about 1923
HeadThelma Lborn about 1922
HeadWilliam Aborn about 1912
HeadWilliam Rborn about 1882
HeftonDorothy Annborn about 1927
HeftonEffie born about 1895
HeftonJohn Fborn about 1891
HemittHouston born about 1888
HerdeyA Rborn about 1874
HerdeyJack born about 1923
HewittIda born about 1916
HewittJ Kborn about 1913
HewittLewis born about 1938
HewittPhillip born about 1936
HightowerBillie Joeborn about 1928
HightowerF Cborn about 1894
HightowerRuby born about 1907
HightowerRuby Joyceborn about 1926
HinerErnestine born about 1912
HinerJohn B Jrborn about 1911
HinerMargaret born about 1892
HiverCharles Eborn about 1930
HiverCharlie born about 1912
HiverJoan born about 1932
HiverLatesha born about 1938
HiverModeste born about 1911
HodgesCatherine born about 1897
HodgesMary Louiseborn about 1921
HodgesMike Jr born about 1925
HodgesStephen born about 1930
HoffmanBillie Joeborn about 1935
HoffmanEl?nn born about 1917
HoffmanFloyd Eugeneborn about 1938
HoffmanOpal born about 1918
HogrefeElmer born about 1927
HogrefeFreida born about 1903
HogrefeJulius born about 1902
HolcombLillie Fborn about 1905
HolcombThomas born about 1884
HollEarl Joeborn about 1939
HollEarl Lborn about 1903
HollNettie Edithborn about 1901
HollandBetty Jeanborn about 1925
HollandClara Eborn about 1886
HollandGrover born about 1920
HollandHomer born about 1922
HollandIrene born about 1916
HollandJoe Sborn about 1886
HollandJoe Jr born about 1918
HooperBertie born about 1906
HooperCarl Dborn about 1908
HopeClenton born about 1903
HopeIdd born about 1911
HopeMary Annborn about 1935
HopeWayne born about 1940
HopkinsElsie born about 1903
HopkinsErvin born about 1937
HopkinsGuy born about 1933
HopkinsHenry born about 1925
HopkinsJacob born about 1900
HopkinsLelva born about
HopkinsRancferd* born about 1922
HoriageJohn born about 1866
HoriageLennie born about 1889
HoriageMartha Kathryneborn about 1928
HorumKirby born about 1903
HorumKirby Jr born about 1929
HorumLula born about 1906
HorumPual born about 1930
HotcombChl??n Maeborn about 1940
HotcombHollis born about 1915
HotcombRonald Jeanborn about 1937
HotcombSaleita born about 1917
HotcombShirley Annborn about 1935
HougRoxene born about 1855
HowardBobby born about 1926
HowardMaude born about 1905
HowardRoy Nborn about 1901
HowellEarl born about 1921
HowellElizabeth born about 1888
HowellHattie born about 1893
HowellMikle born about 1892
HudsonBlanch born about 1918
HudsonImogene born about 1934
HudsonMillie born about 1911
HudsonOdell born about 1937
HudsonTrudell born about 1932
HudsonTrueman born about 1904
HuffAnita Louiseborn about 1937
HuffEdith born about 1917
HuffLem born about 1915
HuffRose Maryborn about 1939
HugginsNettie born about 1902
HugginsThermon born about 1888
HunnicuttGenava born about 1929
HunnicuttMebelle born about 1932
HunnicuttMeda born about 1907
HunnicuttThomas Fborn about 1900
HuntVertie born about 1877
HunterMarietta born about 1935
HunterMartha Janeborn about 1852
HunterMildred born about 1916
HunterRoy born about 1914
HurstEmetell Lborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramLee born about 1877

J Surnames

JacksonAlvin born about 1919
JacksonCecil born about 1925
JacksonDon born about 1934
JacksonGeorge born about 1925
JacksonGeorgie born about 1892
JacksonIva born about 1913
JacksonJohn Hborn about 1878
JacksonL??? born about 1929
JacksonLenord born about 1923
JacksonLillie born about 1882
JacksonMajene born about 1923
JacksonR Aborn about 1888
JacksonRobert born about 1912
JacobMary born about 1870
JarmanJerry Davidborn about 1938
JeffenJ Wayneborn about 1912
JeffenJudith Lynneborn about 1936
JeffenMary Nelleborn about 1911
JettonD born about 1873
JettonLucy born about 1870
JohnsLernest born about 1904
JohnsonDarry Dotborn about 1906
JohnsonDorthy born about 1925
JohnsonEarl Jeanborn about 1930
JohnsonEd Wborn about 1901
JohnsonEdwin Elizabethborn about 1914
JohnsonEdwin Rborn about 1880
JohnsonEffie born about 1904
JohnsonElsie born about 1903
JohnsonFreda born about 1935
JohnsonIda born about 1881
JohnsonMary Janeborn about 1860
JohnsonPatricia born about 1919
JohnsonRaymond born about 1929
JohnsonWilliam born about 1927
JohnstonAnnie born about 1864
JohnstonJames born about 1918
JohnstonJulia born about 1919
JonesBetty Sueborn about 1936
JonesClair born about 1901
JonesCurtis Jborn about 1900
JonesEola Jeanborn about 1933
JonesHattie Maeborn about 1926
JonesHelen born about 1924
JonesTommie Jimborn about 1930
JonisAlice born about 1908
JordonBobby Joeborn about 1932
JordonCatherine born about 1921
JordonDorthy born about 1924
JordonEvelyn born about 1922
JordonHugh Robertborn about 1938
JordonJimmie Leeborn about 1927
JordonJohn born about 1895
JordonMary born about 1902
JordonVelma Louborn about 1936
JordonZella Maeborn about 1934
JoshenbergerChester born about 1897
JoshenbergerChester born about 1923
JoshenbergerEva born about 1900
JoshenbergerEva Maeborn about 1926
JoshenbergerHarriete born about 1930
JoshenbergerLillian Leeborn about 1933
JoshenbergerLouise born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KanAtes born about 1915
KanJames born about 1936
KanJoseph Leeborn about 1939
KanMary Louborn about 1937
KanSam born about 1917
KarrantSam Mborn about 1891
KarrantSam Merborn about 1907
KelleyC Hborn about 1900
KelleyJoyce Annborn about 1938
KelleyMorris born about 1915
KelleyPrie born about 1876
KelleySadney born about 1925
KelleyTona born about 1918
KelleyZelma born about 1908
KellyDale born about 1924
KellyDorethna born about 1925
KellyErnest born about 1921
KellyJewell born about 1895
KellyWilliam Tborn about 1897
KilleyHarley Jborn about 1890
KilleyHelen born about 1926
KilleyInis born about 1923
KilleyMay born about 1893
KimberlingMory Dborn about 1877
KimberlingS Eborn about 1874
KingHelen born about 1908
KingHenry born about 1861
KinneeA Mborn about 1892
KinneeMary born about 1884
KinneyJohnie Eborn about 1937
KinneyLottie Maeborn about 1900
KinneyNelson Cborn about 1929
KinneySamuel W Jrborn about 1925
KinneySamuel W Srborn about 1898
KirkLoura born about 1883
KirkM Nborn about 1912
KirkMarvin Jr born about 1938
KirkMinnie Leeborn about 1915
KizziarEmma Gailborn about 1936
KizziarFlorence born about 1916
KizziarGuy born about 1914
KizziarGuy Jr born about 1937
KizziarJimmie Charlesborn about 1938
KnodFred Paulborn about 1904
KnodMaxine born about 1908
KnodMorna Fayeborn about 1936
KnoxBobbie born about 1934
KnoxJuanita born about 1916
KnoxRobert born about 1913
KreugerLeoah born about 1918
KreugerSay born about 1915
KroftBryam born about 1885
KroftEffie born about 1892
KroftEulalie born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LamreyBurl Williamborn about 1928
LamreyCharles born about 1890
LamreyLillie born about 1890
LandersDoyle born about 1921
LandersElsie born about 1920
LandersGeorge born about 1920
LandersMargaret born about 1922
LandersMary born about 1892
LandersVester born about 1918
LandersViola born about 1921
LandersWalter born about 1887
LankfordBillie born about 1916
LankfordHoward born about 1907
Larkin??? Lborn about 1915
LarkinAleta Mborn about 1915
LarkinLinda Lborn about 1939
LasaterFronia born about 1879
LasiterBrinkly born about 1903
LasiterJack born about 1931
LasiterLeona born about 1910
LasiterMary Annborn about 1936
LaudesCharles born about 1913
LaudesMary Louborn about 1935
LaudesMildred born about 1918
LaudesShirley Maeborn about 1939
LeeKenneth born about 1915
LeeQuilla Maeborn about 1939
LeeVandalia born about 1916
LeeperCharlotte Kborn about 1939
LeeperKenneth Donborn about 1934
LeeperMarie born about 1912
LeeperSam born about 1878
LeeperShadie born about 1886
LeeperTed born about 1909
LeeperVelma Deanborn about 1932
LelimanGus born about 1922
LelimanJohn born about 1885
LelimanLouise born about 1927
LelimanPete born about 1931
LelimanSam born about 1924
LelimanSophia born about 1895
LenningtonBabra Louborn about 1934
LenningtonBettie Annborn about 1932
LenningtonCecilia born about 1909
LenningtonCurtis born about 1907
LenningtonJames Curtisborn about 1937
LenningtonSara Sueborn about 1934
LettonMary Louborn about 1922
LettsEarl Thomasborn about 1907
LettsHelen born about 1912
LettsThomas Elmaborn about 1931
LewisLola Maeborn about 1898
LewisM Cborn about 1896
LeynnAnnie born about 1888
LeynnSamuel Dborn about 1880
LinamonA Wborn about 1898
LinamonRena born about 1897
LindsayEmma born about 1937
LindsayFannie born about 1891
LindsayJoyce born about 1933
LindsayLosie Leeborn about 1918
LindsayStella Ruthborn about 1926
LindsayW Bborn about 1882
LindsayWalter Jr born about 1928
LittzE Aborn about 1900
LittzElsie born about 1901
LittzGeroldine born about 1921
LittzHoward born about 1924
LloydFredia born about 1907
LloydGeorge born about 1904
LloydJanelle born about 1933
LloydLouise born about 1928
LloydWanda born about 1930
LobryVivian Aliceborn about 1931
LockJulian born about 1910
LoftinFlora born about 1911
LoftinIva born about 1937
LoftinPresley born about 1914
LoganBelia born about 1901
LoisL Tidwellborn about 1928
LondersArda born about 1913
LondersHoroldeen born about 1935
LondersWilliam born about 1910
LondersWilliam Cborn about 1931
LooperEtta born about 1875
LooperGene born about 1930
LooperHaroldeen born about 1921
LooperHerley Donborn about 1939
LooperHoy born about 1918
LooperNora born about 1902
LooperPeggy born about 1926
LooperRansom born about 1917
LooperVirgil Hborn about 1898
LouxClarence born about 1911
LouxVera born about 1912
LovellAnna born about 1914
LovellColeman born about 1907
LovellConnie Leeborn about 1922
LuceFern born about 1915
LuceJohn Bborn about 1910
LuceJohn Bleckerborn about 1936
LuckBort born about 1888
LuckNancy Mborn about 1858
LuckThomas Eborn about 1892
LudingtonMarrie born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadylandGladys born about 1915
MahaneyCharles born about 1912
MahaneyEula born about 1871
MahaneyGeorge born about 1858
MalloryLawrence born about 1863
ManleyFrank born about 1887
MarguardtA Jborn about 1895
MarguardtGladys Maeieborn about 1927
MarguardtJessie born about 1891
MarlerEwel born about 1873
MarlerJohnie born about 1881
MarlerLillie born about 1917
MarleyCecil Eborn about 1928
MarleyNeda born about 1922
MarshallBettie Louiseborn about 1935
MarshallJohnnie born about 1933
MarshallPaul born about 1925
MarshallRamona born about 1929
MarshallTommie born about 1937
MarshallVera born about 1901
MarshallWilliam born about 1881
MartinBen born about 1909
MartinBillie born about 1929
MartinCarl born about 1908
MartinDana born about 1914
MartinDora born about 1907
MartinEmma born about 1869
MartinJames Aborn about 1935
MartinJames Eborn about 1867
MartinJohn born about 1912
MartinMary Annborn about 1939
MartinPatsy Rborn about 1934
MartinPearl born about 1868
MartinVirginia born about 1917
MartinWilliam Rborn about 1938
MartindaleAlta born about 1866
MartindaleJoaie Mborn about 1900
MartinousBenny Jeanborn about 1930
MasonBessie born about 1897
MasonSherman born about 1895
MasseyDora Eborn about 1884
MasseyEdna Earlborn about 1912
MasseyThomas Aborn about 1883
MassyryerCora born about 1924
MassyryerElizabeth born about 1900
MassyryerNathan born about 1927
MassyryerPerry born about 1905
MassyryerVirginia born about 1920
MathewsJewell born about 1910
MattewsTroy Jeanborn about 1937
MattewsTwy born about 1908
MatthewLouise born about 1929
MattickAlta born about 1908
MattickBetty born about 1931
MattickCatherine born about 1934
MattickHarman born about 1939
MattickSen born about 1901
MaxeyLeonard born about 1915
MaxeyMary Lynnborn about 1939
MaxeyRachel born about 1914
MayCarolyn born about 1895
MayCharles A Jrborn about 1918
MayCherles Aborn about 1897
MayH Gborn about 1923
MayburryAlice Jeaneborn about 1930
MayburryEmma Mborn about 1904
MayburryJ Cborn about 1928
MayburryJohnnie Hborn about 1933
McAlerAsrlene born about 1935
McAlerCharles Sborn about 1904
McAlerEvelyn born about 1931
McAlerEvelyn born about 1932
McAlerLottie born about 1939
McAlerRuby born about 1911
McAllisterDella born about 1888
McAllisterJoe Annborn about 1921
McAllisterRobert born about 1875
McAllisterRoy born about 1918
McAlpineEliza born about 1877
McAlpineW Jborn about 1918
McArthyHarvy born about 1909
McArthyIda born about 1906
McArthyJimmie born about 1925
McArthyMarshell Eborn about 1930
McClainBarbara Annborn about 1931
McClainGloria Fborn about 1938
McClainHazell born about 1890
McClainJerry born about 1936
McClainZed Rborn about 1906
McClunneyLona Eborn about 1902
McClunneyW Eborn about 1893
McCorkleE Nborn about 1884
McCorkleWillie Lborn about 1890
McCormaeEthel born about 1921
McCormaeSidney born about 1914
McCrackenBillie Joeborn about 1934
McCrackenErnest Eborn about 1936
McCrackenLillion born about 1939
McCrackenMargaret born about 1932
McCrearyEva born about 1892
McCrearyJohn born about 1885
McCrokenDelbert born about 1927
McCrokenErnest born about 1902
McCrokenLafoyett born about 1908
McCroskeyMary born about 1863
McCulleyBetty Jameborn about 1925
McCulleyCharles born about 1899
McCulleyMaggie born about 1905
McCulleyMarylyn Rborn about 1931
McGeeHazel born about 1913
McGeeJess born about 1906
McGeeJessie Fayborn about 1938
McGeheeAnna Maeborn about 1912
McGeheeJohn Sborn about 1909
McGrenBillie Joyceborn about 1934
McGrenEdna born about 1918
McGrenElsa Fayborn about 1937
McGrenRobert Russellborn about 1940
McGrenRussell born about 1908
McGrenWade born about 1934
McInfortBessie born about 1884
McInfortTom born about 1878
McInturfCharles born about 1915
McInturfEdna born about 1914
McInturfJoan born about 1936
McKenzieDon born about 1936
McKenzieLoma Royborn about 1938
McKenzieMorgan born about 1914
McKenzieRoland born about 1912
McKinleyJem born about 1919
McKinleyLydia born about 1922
McKinneyCarol Sueborn about 1938
McKinneyDennis born about 1918
McKinneyJ Sborn about 1915
McKinneyLena born about 1918
McKinneyMarleen born about 1937
McKinneyMarlon Mborn about 1908
McKinneyShelba Jeanborn about 1939
McKinneyThelma born about 1920
McKinneyValeria born about 1919
McLellanE Bborn about 1880
McLureArthur born about 1885
McLureCharlie born about 1920
McLureEarl born about 1925
McLureLem born about 1930
McLureLillian born about 1917
McLureNancy born about 1897
MeadowsDyer born about 1906
MeadowsJim Edborn about 1932
MeadowsJoe Bayneborn about 1928
MeadowsMarine born about 1908
MeansDeloris Royborn about 1934
MeansEnid born about 1913
MeansNorris Wayneborn about 1939
MeansRoy born about 1913
MeansVirgil Jborn about 1917
MeansWilda Fborn about 1919
MeierJacob born about 1867
MeierRuby born about 1915
MeierTed born about 1906
MeierWalter Davidborn about 1935
MeisterBerdie Leeborn about 1894
MeisterBeverly Annborn about 1934
MeisterH Wborn about 1897
MeltonEarl Eborn about 1931
MeltonHazel Ireneborn about 1937
MeltonJoe Annborn about 1934
MeltonNora born about 1908
MenleyIola born about 1893
MerrittMozelle born about 1927
MetclafRonnie born about
MetclafRuby Leeborn about 1919
MeyerGeorge born about 1926
MeyerGregory Hborn about 1924
MeyerJerome born about 1929
MeyerJoe Alfordborn about 1932
MeyerJohn born about 1886
MeyerJohn B Jrborn about 1920
MeyerKurnest born about 1920
MeyerMary born about 1892
MeyerRonald Patborn about 1937
MeyerWilliam Hborn about 1918
MichellRoy Jborn about 1898
MichellRoy Jr born about 1938
MichellSusan born about 1856
MichellVerna born about 1911
MilerJosephine Milerborn about 1923
MilesEarl born about 1900
MillerBennie Lborn about 1936
MillerJense Jr born about 1939
MillerJessie born about 1911
MillerLena born about 1890
MillerLucy born about 1922
MillerMay born about 1878
MillerRobbie born about 1918
MillerSammie born about 1929
MillinerH Mborn about 1875
MillinerSarah born about 1880
MillsJoe born about 1920
MilsJulitte born about 1921
MilsWalter born about 1915
MiltonJames Dborn about 1934
MiltonLuther born about 1902
MiltonVera born about 1901
MiltonVera Louborn about 1929
MingardBettye born about 1921
MingardTommie born about 1918
MitchellEthel born about 1908
MitchellJames born about 1882
MizellCarroll born about 1933
MizellEula born about 1914
MizellLloyd born about 1911
MizellMarvel born about 1913
MizellReba born about 1916
MoneIrene born about 1903
MoneThomas born about 1904
MoneWilliam Hborn about 1930
MonettJack born about 1896
MonettJack Jr born about 1928
MonettRoy Glenborn about 1930
MonettVernon born about 1903
MonoganAdell born about 1924
MonoganEudell born about 1929
MonoganHarold born about 1922
MonoganHilda born about 1904
MonoganMargaret born about 1937
MonoganMildred born about 1934
MonoganWarner born about 1932
MonoganWheeler born about 1904
MontoyaEugene born about 1921
MontoyaMargaret born about 1923
MooneyE Lborn about 1889
MooneyMerle born about 1910
MooreFrank born about 1876
MooreMatilda born about 1886
MorrisDorothy born about 1890
MorrisLucille born about 1927
MorrisMable born about 1921
MorrisTellie born about 1890
MorrowMary born about 1878
MulkeyBenjamin born about 1921
MulkeyDaisy born about 1891
MulkeyNewton born about 1915
MulkyKatherine born about 1924
MullenBetty born about 1929
MullenEmma Louborn about 1935
MullenMollie born about 1905
MullenNancy Ettelborn about 1926
MullenReed born about 1898
MullenRuth Annborn about 1933
MullenTheodore born about 1938
MusettCharlie born about 1887
MusettLeo born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NamerLawrence born about 1909
NamerMarguerite born about 1911
NelsonEarl born about 1912
NelsonEarlene born about 1936
NelsonHilda born about 1916
NewlonAlma born about 1888
NewlonDora Maeborn about 1919
NewlonJack born about 1915
NewlonJerry born about 1928
NewlonJoe born about 1924
NewlonMarcia born about 1923
NewlonRoynett born about 1919
NewlonWalter born about 1885
NewmanArthur born about 1907
NewmanJohn born about 1872
NewmanKittie born about 1871
NewmanMary born about 1932
NewmanRosa born about 1912
NicholesDorothy Maeborn about 1914
NicholesJeff born about 1908
NicodenisA Jborn about 1906
NicodenisJoyce born about 1914
NlelonCecil Cborn about 1881
NlelonMarie born about 1884
NortonC Eborn about 1875
NortonEdna born about 1878
NortonMarien born about 1915
NunnDoris born about 1926
NunnHoward born about 1923
NyeLouise born about 1920
NyePaul born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObryanDick Hborn about 1893
ObryanJuanita born about 1893
ObryanMildred born about 1920
OdumCharlotte born about 1935
OdumRoger born about 1937
OldhamBettye Jeanborn about 1929
OldhamErnest born about 1908
OldhamReba born about 1909
OldhamShirley Annborn about 1935
OmensE Rborn about 1899
OmensEstelle born about 1931
OmensFrank Jerryborn about 1934
OmensHelen born about 1929
OmensKay born about 1939
OmensKennieth born about 1924
OmensLeona Jborn about 1909
OmensMarie born about 1936
OmensMary Leonaborn about 1937
OmensRose born about 1936
OnealAlice born about 1882
OnealLucy Maeborn about 1914
OnealOscar born about 1909
OnealRobert Leeborn about 1872
OroarkBetty Louborn about 1922
OroarkJames Lloydborn about 1924
OroarkLloyd Mborn about 1895
OroarkNettie born about 1897
OsburnBetty Leeborn about 1934
OsburnBud born about 1898
OsburnJessie born about 1915
OstreAndrew born about 1889
OstreIla born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceDorothy born about 1918
PaceGary born about 1939
PaceLester born about 1906
PaceMary Larvinborn about 1940
PaddockBen Louisborn about 1939
PaddockLois Annborn about 1928
PaddockLouis born about 1905
PaddockMarie born about 1905
PaddockMarjorie Marieborn about 1929
PalmaLiza born about 1864
ParkerCora Leeborn about 1900
ParkerEarnest born about 1910
ParkerErnestine born about 1937
ParkerH Jborn about 1907
ParkerLee Ellaborn about 1914
ParkerMichell Danborn about 1933
ParkerPearl born about 1903
PasleWallace born about 1913
PateAlton born about 1926
PateEffie born about 1908
PateOtis born about 1909
PatePual born about 1932
PateW Lborn about 1859
PatrickEd born about 1907
PatrickLarry Odayborn about 1933
PatrickRuby born about 1909
PatrickShirley Jeanborn about 1929
PattonCharles born about 1920
PattonJoseph Nborn about 1919
PattonLula born about 1919
PattonPearl born about 1911
PattridgeBell born about 1905
PattridgeJ Cborn about 1925
PattridgeR Bborn about 1928
PattridgeRay born about 1904
PaynerVera born about 1895
PaynorDoris born about 1939
PaynorGladys born about 1918
PaynorJ Wborn about 1911
PeleyCauley C Nborn about 1894
PeleyThincy born about 1861
PellyEsther born about 1903
PendergrassLoretta born about 1914
PendergrassWillard born about 1910
PendletonCaroline born about 1860
PendletonThomas born about 1885
PennyRosie born about 1886
PennyW Fborn about 1889
PerryBernice born about 1920
PerryCharles born about 1927
PerryLula born about 1895
PerryRupert born about 1890
PerryWayne born about 1917
PerryWilma born about 1922
PersunMinnie Lborn about 1885
PetterNellie born about 1904
PhillipJoiyce born about 1925
PicklaDole born about 1933
PicklaIra born about 1910
PicklaLorry born about 1931
PicklaLydia born about 1912
PickleArynor born about 1907
PiggFrank born about 1914
PiggMable born about 1915
PiggNorma Jeanborn about 1937
PinkertonJohn born about 1880
PittengerAlice Nborn about 1922
PittengerArchie born about 1916
PittengerDavid Leeborn about 1926
PlumberEffie born about 1888
PlumberHarold born about 1920
PlumberHorace born about 1923
PlumberM Rborn about 1883
PlunkettArthur Jr born about 1915
PlunkettDavid born about 1939
PlunkettGeorgia born about 1910
PlunkettHarley born about 1911
PlunkettHazel Ireneborn about 1933
PlunkettJulia born about 1916
PlymoleFrancis born about 1891
PlymoleL Dborn about 1883
PlymoleLennard Jr born about 1925
PlymoleWilda Paulineborn about 1918
PoaggemanHerman born about 1863
PolkBerniece born about 1938
PolkCarl Royborn about 1938
PolkErnest born about 1901
PolkEsther born about 1901
PolkOrbille Rborn about 1927
PolkWayne Pborn about 1929
PollockArthur born about 1930
PollockDun born about 1940
PollockGeorge born about 1910
PollockJosephine born about 1934
PollockLouise born about 1932
PollockMartha born about 1911
PomersGeorge Wborn about 1901
PomersHazel Jewellborn about 1910
PomersJames Willieborn about 1936
PowersMattie born about 1876
PreistCecil born about 1913
PrescottDelmer born about 1928
PrescottEugene born about 1922
PrescottJoe born about 1903
PrescottJohn born about 1900
PrescottJohnie born about 1930
PrescottLola Maeborn about 1926
PrescottLorene born about 1922
PrescottOla born about 1905
PrescottPaul born about 1924
PrescottRobert born about 1932
PriceCharles born about 1895
PriceClara born about 1896
PriceClifton born about 1917
PriceGail Annborn about 1939
PriceLala born about 1912
PriceWesley born about 1913
PriseBillie Sueborn about 1922
PriseCharles Tborn about 1899
PriseNola born about 1905
PurcellBarbara Annborn about 1940
PurcellCharlie born about 1907
PurcellLosie born about 1920
PurkapileR Eborn about 1902
PurkapileThelma born about 1906
PutnamFairy born about 1890
PutnamRoy Tborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuonsFrank born about 1872
QuonsGallfied Hermaborn about 1900
QuonsKarl born about 1898
QuonsWilliam Robertborn about 1907

R Surnames

RachelsM Eborn about 1907
RachelsMarie born about 1903
RansonBillie born about 1924
RansonJacob Henryborn about 1877
RansonNera born about 1884
RansonRoger born about 1927
RatnerFred born about 1912
RayJohn Hborn about 1868
ReddickBillie Joe Cennborn about 1933
ReddickBonnie born about 1915
ReddickHarold born about 1911
ReddickPatsie born about 1935
ReedAbbie born about 1906
ReedArch born about 1901
ReedArnold born about 1924
ReedBeulah born about 1895
ReedBeulah born about 1905
ReedCecil born about 1897
ReedDavid born about 1924
ReedDavid Leeborn about 1939
ReedDoris Janeborn about 1932
ReedEnnie born about 1936
ReedEster born about 1937
ReedGerold born about 1930
ReedHelen born about 1905
ReedJ Tborn about 1872
ReedJack Frankieborn about 1934
ReedJess born about 1895
ReedJess Jr born about 1929
ReedLawrence born about 1913
ReedMable Louisborn about 1921
ReedPatsy born about 1936
ReedWilliam Cborn about 1904
ReedWillie born about 1922
ReeseHerschel born about 1923
ReeseL Mborn about 1875
ReeseLester born about 1927
ReeseMartha born about 1894
ReeseMyrtle born about 1925
ReeseNora Jeanborn about 1937
ReeseSamuel Eborn about 1930
RestineLeslie born about 1904
RestineMelanie born about 1904
RiceJessie Mborn about 1917
RiceMary born about 1919
RichBillie Joeborn about 1930
RichClifford Leeborn about 1934
RichElmer born about 1901
RichLem born about 1932
RichLeroy born about 1926
RichMary Lunborn about 1928
RichMinnie born about 1907
RichShirley Maeborn about 1938
RiddleFrank born about 1883
RippyDon born about 1936
RippyHoutene born about 1924
RippyMorie born about 1914
RippyNadine born about 1926
RippyRaymond Eborn about 1911
RithcieAlma born about 1894
RithcieJake born about 1866
RithcieOtis born about 1916
RithcieRonald Geneborn about 1937
RithcieRufus born about 1921
RobersonAlice born about 1913
RobersonHerbert born about 1907
RobersonPeggy Ruthborn about 1935
RobersonPimella born about 1870
RobersonU Wborn about 1868
RobertsJ Warrenborn about 1919
RobertsJohn born about 1891
RobertsMattie Eborn about 1899
RobertsonA Aborn about 1888
RobertsonBillie born about 1921
RobertsonClaude born about 1912
RobertsonClaudette born about 1934
RobertsonErma Lborn about 1897
RobertsonEula Maeborn about 1915
RobertsonFredia born about 1914
RobertsonImogene born about 1918
RobertsonJ Bborn about 1914
RobertsonJ Vborn about 1912
RobertsonJunior born about 1918
RobertsonMartha Annborn about 1937
RobertsonRichard Loyborn about 1939
RobertsonSue born about 1937
RobertsonVerna Maeborn about 1936
RobinsonErnest born about 1891
RobinsonFrank born about 1879
RobinsonJames Aborn about 1912
RobinsonMary born about 1876
RobinsonMary Francisborn about 1922
RobinsonNellie born about 1892
RodgersArtis born about 1924
RodgersBen born about 1891
RodgersHerbert born about 1922
RodgersLela born about 1895
RodgersVelma born about 1928
RogersBillie Jueborn about 1937
RogersEdward F Mborn about 1922
RogersJimmie Royborn about 1933
RogersMay born about 1911
RogersTherman born about 1910
RooneyAlice Jborn about 1862
RothenhoeferBonnie born about 1921
RothenhoeferK Kborn about 1921
RothenhoeferVirginia born about 1939
RozellAlmay born about 1888
RozellWilliam born about 1893
RuffinErma born about 1893
RuffinGuy born about 1885
RunellFred born about 1907
RunellNathan born about 1938
RunellRita Sueborn about 1937
RunellWanda born about 1911
RushArthur born about 1903
RushBonnie born about 1907
RushJuanita born about 1931
RushPaul Marshallborn about 1939
RuthBamma Lborn about 1924
RuthDorothy Mayborn about 1931
RuthElsie born about 1903
RuthWilliam Eborn about 1900
RuthWilliam E Jrborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandsBillie Georgeborn about 1928
SandsGeorge born about 1891
SandsJack born about 1935
SandsJill born about 1935
SandsSula born about 1896
SansoneAnn born about 1889
SansoneJoe born about 1877
SatterfieldAgnes born about 1898
SatterfieldDaniel Bborn about 1896
SatterfieldDolores born about 1930
SatterfieldMary born about 1926
SatterfieldRobert born about 1935
SauterGeorge born about 1862
SchenkEleonor Mborn about 1931
SchenkJoe born about 1902
SchenkKenneth Cborn about 1938
SchenkMargaret born about 1901
SchleiffAbbie born about 1899
SchleiffCatherine born about 1926
SchleiffCharles Hborn about 1886
SchleiffDoris Jeanborn about 1923
SchleiffFrances born about 1932
SchleiffJerry born about 1936
SchleiffWendall born about 1929
SchoeppeyCharles born about 1928
SchoeppeyFrank born about 1892
SchoeppeyFrank Jr born about 1922
SchoeppeyHelen born about 1924
SchoeppeyIrene born about 1920
SchoeppeyLillie born about 1891
SchusterFrank born about 1876
SchusterKate born about 1884
ScottAma born about 1894
ScottMartin born about 1884
ScullyDorothy born about 1918
ScullyJocy Particiaborn about 1940
ScullyJoe born about 1913
SeamanFannie Maeborn about 1884
SeamanIrene born about 1913
SeamanJerald born about 1938
SeamanTommie born about 1908
SeamanTommie Jr born about 1932
SeamanWilliam born about 1877
SebastinArch born about 1903
SebastinBettye Louborn about 1928
SebastinDorothy Maeborn about 1923
SebastinEdith born about 1909
SeligCharles born about 1939
SeligClifton born about 1912
SeligDeloris Annborn about 1937
SeligGladyse born about 1918
SeligJinnie born about 1938
SellerCoon born about 1927
SellerDonald born about 1933
SellerEverett Jborn about 1935
SellerJohn Vborn about 1887
SellerJulia born about 1902
SellerLeon born about 1925
SellerVirgil Lborn about 1924
SeversJohn born about 1874
SeversMory Lborn about 1881
SewellEllen Maeborn about 1933
SewellJames born about 1912
SewellLaura born about 1916
ShaferEdmar born about 1880
ShaferLena born about 1900
ShaferLeo born about 1934
ShaplandHarold born about 1897
SharpLela born about 1884
SharpW Hborn about 1868
SharumAudrey born about 1938
SharumDorthy born about 1933
SharumIrene born about 1915
SharumJoe born about 1906
SharumPeggy born about 1935
SharummichaelJ M born about 1910
SharummichaelJames born about 1934
SharummichaelKathern born about 1908
ShaverCall born about 1914
ShaverDarline born about 1919
ShellCharles Cborn about 1928
ShellPatsy born about 1933
ShellRaymond born about 1931
ShepherdHarold Loydborn about 1933
ShepherdHelen born about 1936
ShepherdPaul born about 1908
ShepherdStella born about 1915
ShockleyAlmond born about 1924
ShockleyEarl born about 1918
ShockleyLavada born about 1889
ShopfnerAndrew born about 1902
ShopfnerLeslie born about 1928
ShopfnerMildred born about 1904
ShopfnerMiles born about 1931
ShotwellAnette born about 1919
ShotwellBillie born about 1929
ShotwellChristine born about 1932
ShotwellClarence born about 1891
ShotwellEthel born about 1921
ShotwellFaye born about 1926
ShotwellRosa born about 1898
ShoverBernice born about 1932
ShoverCharles born about 1935
ShoverD Oborn about 1905
ShoverOtta born about 1908
ShoverWendell born about 1930
SilvaEva born about 1892
SilvaFannie born about 1907
SilvaJ Cborn about 1890
SilvaOllie born about 1921
SilvaWilliam Ruthborn about 1937
SimmonsDoris Annborn about 1934
SimmonsLawrence Jborn about 1936
SimmonsLee born about 1911
SimmonsMarie born about 1908
SimmonsRose Marieborn about 1938
SimpkinsAlta born about 1907
SimpkinsJames born about 1925
SimpkinsJohnnie born about 1905
SimpkinsMargaret born about 1930
SimpsonAddie born about 1890
SimpsonBobby born about 1915
SimpsonDora born about 1860
SisterCarl born about 1902
SisterPatricia born about 1931
SkiltonCora Lborn about 1925
SkiltonEdmond born about 1897
SkiltonEdmond born about 1928
SkiltonLun born about 1902
SloterAnn born about 1895
SloterJohn born about 1890
SlovensMary born about 1904
SlovensTed born about 1897
SlusserMallie born about 1878
SlusserTom Hborn about 1877
SmithA Wborn about 1884
SmithAgnes born about 1925
SmithAlice Marieborn about 1937
SmithArnold Mborn about 1937
SmithBarbara born about 1940
SmithBernita born about 1914
SmithBillie Prestonborn about 1935
SmithBobbie Rayborn about 1934
SmithClyde born about 1898
SmithDoris born about 1928
SmithEdgar Hborn about 1911
SmithErnice born about 1877
SmithGenevia born about 1920
SmithHaskel born about 1911
SmithJ Aborn about 1916
SmithJerry Dborn about 1938
SmithJoeneve born about 1931
SmithJohnnie born about 1903
SmithJohnnie Leonborn about 1939
SmithJuanita born about 1922
SmithKatherine Cborn about 1887
SmithLorane born about 1915
SmithLouise born about 1897
SmithMabel born about 1918
SmithMarie born about 1906
SmithMarion born about 1884
SmithMary Louiseborn about 1919
SmithNancy Eborn about 1887
SmithRichard born about 1928
SmithRichard born about 1935
SmithRobert Lborn about 1905
SmithRoscoe born about 1908
SmithRoscoe Fborn about 1939
SmithRose born about 1904
SmithRupert Eborn about 1933
SmithRussell born about 1902
SmithRuth born about 1917
SmithSotta born about 1866
SmithSue Annborn about 1939
SmithVelma born about 1926
SmithVirginia born about 1926
SmithWalter Wborn about 1913
SmithsonErnest born about 1898
SmithsonErnest Jr born about 1924
SmithsonHelen Merieborn about 1931
SmithsonRuby Gladysborn about 1905
SnoddyEffie born about 1880
SnyderDorchia born about 1916
SnyderJoe born about 1911
SoardArizona born about 1899
SoardElgin born about 1894
SoardLoda born about 1920
SongerT Bborn about 1889
SowderEva born about 1891
SowderTom born about 1890
SpainEligh born about 1872
SpainElla born about 1873
SpenceO Mborn about 1892
SpenceWilma Jeanborn about 1914
SpencerClarence born about 1909
SpencerDayton born about 1935
SpencerDenier Eborn about 1901
SpencerDow born about 1892
SpencerElsie born about 1882
SpencerEugene born about 1926
SpencerEugene born about 1927
SpencerGladys born about 1906
SpencerHelen Iborn about 1929
SpencerJenette born about 1931
SpencerLetha born about 1901
SpencerLette born about 1910
SpencerLewis Tborn about 1873
SpencerMartin Joeborn about 1932
SpencerPauline born about 1920
SpencerRobert born about 1910
SpencerRoberta born about 1930
SpenorAlma Mborn about 1932
SpenorAnna born about 1907
SpenorBobbie Jeanborn about 1939
SpenorWilliam born about 1907
SpenorWilliam Aborn about 1934
SprinkelLovie born about 1879
SprinkelMack born about 1881
SprouseMalville born about 1920
SprouseMattie Louborn about 1921
SpurlockPaul born about 1928
SpurlockPeggy Leeborn about 1929
StampsClara born about 1909
StanfordEunora born about 1915
StanfordL Bborn about 1907
StanfordL B Jrborn about 1939
StatonA Pborn about 1904
StatonLada Louborn about 1935
StatonRosie Maeborn about 1908
StegallMinnie born about 1871
StemEthel born about 1895
StemJames Wborn about 1920
StemLuther born about 1892
StemLuther Jr born about 1932
StenenTalbert born about 1858
StephensAna born about 1904
StephensArthur born about 1920
StephensJ Wborn about 1891
StephensLeedean born about 1923
StewartAnna born about 1893
StewartGladyse born about 1902
StewartJuanita born about 1927
StewartO Rborn about 1902
StewartWanda born about 1924
StoufferAline born about 1920
StoufferCarolyn Annborn about 1931
StoufferDennis born about 1918
StoufferHugh born about 1926
StoufferMartin born about 1922
StoufferMary Eborn about 1891
StoufferMary Eborn about 1916
StoufferMedora born about 1915
StoufferWalter Lborn about 1890
StoufferWalter Jr born about 1924
Stout??? born about 1906
StoutClaud born about 1904
StoutEugene born about 1937
StoutEverett born about 1933
StricklandD Wborn about 1898
StricklandDennis Jr born about 1922
StricklandFannie Maeborn about 1904
StricklandMarilyn born about 1932
StrogerCarser born about 1922
StrogerLillian born about 1890
StrogerW Oborn about 1884
StubbsLoga born about 1893
StubbsS Pborn about 1881
StumpAll Jborn about 1879
StumpAll Jr born about 1901
StumpJene born about 1934
StumpLillie born about 1879
StumpMargaret born about 1915
StumpMary Leeborn about 1935
StutzBessie born about 1909
StutzJoe Lborn about 1906
StutzMaryella born about 1934
SullivanBettie born about 1875
SullivanBettie Louborn about 1929
SullivanCarl born about 1928
SullivanEldun born about 1938
SullivanJimmie born about 1932
SullivanLavene born about 1911
SullivanLois born about 1929
SullivanRoy born about 1911
SullivanRoy born about 1931
SwindellEvie born about 1885
SwindellJerome born about 1921
SwindellLouise born about 1921
SwindellW Hborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TashbookDora born about 1886
TashbookThurman Jborn about 1892
TashbookW Fborn about 1916
TatkinLillian born about 1919
TaylorBurrel born about 1915
TaylorCharles born about 1858
TaylorDonald born about 1936
TaylorErnestine born about 1910
TaylorLeon born about 1909
TaylorLeon Jr born about 1932
TaylorLola born about 1903
TaylorMary Bethborn about 1938
TaylorMarylan Sborn about 1936
TaylorNamai born about 1918
TaylorOscar born about 1901
TedringtonClara Louiseborn about 1935
TedringtonWanda born about 1929
TenkersleyBetty Leeborn about 1934
TenkersleyJohn Roy Jrborn about 1931
TenkersleyJohn Roy Srborn about 1904
TenkersleyMary born about 1917
TenkersleyMinnie born about 1906
ThigpinHatty born about 1920
ThigpinWonferd born about 1923
ThompsonAgnes born about 1917
ThompsonClaud born about 1871
ThompsonDon Bborn about 1890
ThompsonEdith born about 1890
ThompsonEmma born about 1880
ThompsonErma Groceborn about 1921
ThompsonGerturde born about 1896
ThompsonH Lborn about 1887
ThompsonJames Hborn about 1901
ThompsonRobert Joeborn about 1933
ThompsonRuth Ellenborn about 1931
ThompsonVelda born about 1907
ThomtonBobbie Joeborn about 1935
ThomtonElbert born about 1908
ThomtonOuida born about 1908
TidwellMinnie born about 1903
TidwellOscar Dborn about 1893
TiltonBettie Joborn about 1930
TiltonHenry born about 1903
TiltonMary Louborn about 1931
TiltonVera born about 1906
TiltonWilma Sueborn about 1934
TinneyMartha born about 1913
TinneyWalter born about 1906
TinsleyHelen born about 1917
TonyArudia born about 1930
TonyJoe Kennethborn about 1929
TonyMadie born about 1890
ToopeJessie born about 1896
ToopeThomas born about 1892
TravisMaggie born about 1875
TreatSarah Elizabethborn about 1853
TreeceLama Hughborn about 1933
TrenthamDoica born about 1905
TrenthamJack Hborn about 1899
TrislerBillie born about 1924
TrislerE born about 1899
TrislerFloyd born about 1930
TrislerJannie born about 1927
TrislerMary born about 1904
TrislerMary Sueborn about 1936
TrislerRuby Annborn about 1933
TruceAmanda born about 1905
TruceCarolyn born about 1931
TruceH Mborn about 1897
TruceHobert Jr born about 1923
TruceJoy born about 1927
TudorDamon born about 1930
TudorPearl born about 1906
TurnerG Cborn about 1890
TurnerHallie born about 1892
TurnerMary Eborn about 1894
TurnerMinnie born about 1893
TurrLester born about 1917
TurrRuth born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmbargerEmmet born about 1893
UmbargerJoeseph born about 1916
UmbargerLillie born about 1894
UtleyB Lborn about 1882
UtleyFannie born about 1884
UtleyIna Leeborn about 1920

V Surnames

VanhattenElizabeth born about 1903
VanhattenJoe born about 1900
VannorsdallCooddie born about 1877
VanwagnerJohn Dborn about 1931
VanwagoberBonnie born about 1899
VanwagoberJohn born about 1884
VaughnAlma Leeborn about 1926
VaughnElsie born about 1903
VaughnJames Cborn about 1923
VaughnLeslie born about 1900
VaughnMinnie born about 1883
VaughnW Jborn about 1879
VernonJeanette born about 1884
VernonLaretta born about 1920
VernonLecel born about 1920
VernonMaud Tborn about 1884
VernonMory Loucelleborn about 1938
VernonNorma Jeanborn about 1939
VernonPrinces born about 1921
VernonThomas Priceborn about 1925
VertreesClifton Cborn about 1910
VertreesHozel Jborn about 1917
VertreesSusie born about 1889
VertreesWilliam Fborn about 1887
VickBarbara Jeanborn about 1927
VickBetty Louiseborn about 1926
VickDonna Gailborn about 1931
VickEmma born about 1906
VickRoy born about 1899
VilerCarlene born about 1939
VilerGodon born about 1937
VilerMabel born about 1917
VilerMilvin born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeBetty Janeborn about 1927
WadeDolores born about 1929
WaldmanHarvey born about 1919
WaldmanSue born about 1920
WalkerA Bborn about 1906
WalkerAlice born about 1908
WalkerCharles born about 1931
WalkerDonald born about 1934
WalkerLillie born about 1871
WalkerLourence born about 1938
WallAnnie born about 1924
WallBetty Janeborn about 1931
WallErnest born about 1922
WallLayton born about 1928
WallMay born about 1900
WallRobert Leeborn about 1892
WallWanda Ruthborn about 1934
WallaceCarmen born about 1919
WallaceG Jborn about 1915
WallaceJacquline born about 1940
WallsBert born about 1902
WallsElla born about 1871
WallsWary Anneborn about 1907
WamackCecil born about 1925
WamackLurner born about 1896
WamackMyrtle born about 1905
WardBertha born about 1913
WardRoy Leeborn about 1906
WardenBen born about 1873
WardenClaire born about 1909
WardenLouise born about 1910
WardenMyrtle born about 1887
WareHanry born about 1892
WareJulia born about 1902
WassonEula born about 1913
WassonL Dborn about 1872
WassonLaurina born about 1913
WassonLizzie born about 1885
WassonLuther born about 1911
WassonOllie born about 1923
WatkinsCharleene born about 1938
WatkinsCharles Eborn about 1917
WatkinsLusille born about 1918
WeahuntBillie Jeanborn about 1933
WeahuntClifford born about 1923
WeahuntFloy born about 1918
WeahuntJames Hborn about 1893
WeahuntLiny born about 1894
WeeversFrank born about 1912
WeeversLeo born about 1917
WeeversLona born about 1919
WeeversMary born about 1901
WeeversWilliam born about 1875
WegnorAdie born about 1912
WegnorDanil born about 1933
WegnorDorothy born about 1937
WegnorJohnnie born about 1935
WegnorMyrtle born about 1915
WeibergElsie born about 1915
WeibergRay born about 1913
WeibergShirley Annborn about 1933
WeldonFrona born about 1887
WeldonH born about 1907
WeldonHettie Vborn about 1888
WeldonIke born about 1889
WeldonJulina Mborn about 1892
WeldonMyrtle born about 1907
WeldonVelma Leeborn about 1928
WeldonWanda Louborn about 1928
WeldrmAcey Jr born about 1934
WeldrmCatherine born about 1932
WeldrmDorothy Maeborn about 1927
WeldrmGertude born about 1921
WeldrmMaudie born about 1925
WeldrmMinnie born about 1899
WeldrmRacy Sr born about 1891
WeldrmRoynette born about 1939
WeldrmRuby born about 1930
WeldrmWayne born about 1923
WeldrmXury born about 1936
WelshDoris born about 1901
WelshRobert Rborn about 1883
WerleyHardy born about 1921
WerleyPete born about 1893
WerleyRema born about 1895
WerleyVictor born about 1923
WestLarena born about 1863
WestNowell born about 1863
WhatleyAnna Bborn about 1892
WhatleyArthur Aborn about 1887
WhatleyArthur A Jrborn about 1921
WhatleyEllenah Ruthborn about 1914
WhatleyRaymond Jborn about 1924
WhineryCurtis born about 1926
WhineryLeonard born about 1905
WhineryOla Mabelborn about 1928
WhineryRovin born about 1905
WhiteBedford born about 1877
WhiteBobbie born about 1914
WhiteElla born about 1890
WhiteGeorge Robertborn about 1936
WhiteJ Wborn about 1931
WhiteJinwac* born about 1892
WhiteLouy Jborn about 1937
WhiteLucille born about 1920
WhiteMary Annborn about 1933
WhitePaul born about 1915
WhiteRoy born about 1903
WhiteRoy Deanborn about 1928
WhiteW Dborn about 1884
WhiteWanda born about 1917
WhitneyWill born about 1874
WhittleCharlie born about 1905
WhittleJewell born about 1913
WidmerCarl Wborn about 1932
WidmerElizabeth born about 1896
WidmerJames Aborn about 1935
WidmerRaymond Fborn about 1936
WidmerWalter born about 1895
WilcoxEffie born about 1889
WilcoxG Leroyborn about 1883
WilcoxHarold born about 1938
WilcoxLeroy born about 1935
WilcoxRobert Lborn about 1914
WilcoxRonald born about 1940
WilcoxThelma born about 1916
WillettA Lonzoborn about 1909
WillettBessie Bborn about 1910
WillettEnnie Maeborn about 1931
WillfredAlberta born about 1902
WilliamBeatrice born about 1920
WilliamCalvin born about 1916
WilliamCopel born about 1923
WilliamSophie born about 1927
WilliamsClaude born about 1921
WilliamsClinton born about 1932
WilliamsCollie born about 1900
WilliamsCory born about 1913
WilliamsElla born about 1882
WilliamsEstella born about 1907
WilliamsEva Bborn about 1882
WilliamsFannie born about 1895
WilliamsFaye born about 1935
WilliamsFred born about 1884
WilliamsGeorge Wborn about 1879
WilliamsGeorge W Jrborn about 1916
WilliamsHetie born about 1882
WilliamsJ Lborn about 1930
WilliamsJeditha born about 1934
WilliamsJessie Jborn about 1895
WilliamsJimmie Bborn about 1932
WilliamsJohn Rborn about 1890
WilliamsJohn R Jrborn about 1917
WilliamsJohnnie born about 1924
WilliamsJosephine born about 1918
WilliamsLois born about 1929
WilliamsLouiss born about 1921
WilliamsMadflin born about 1922
WilliamsMargaret born about 1926
WilliamsMartah born about 1927
WilliamsMarvin Rborn about 1907
WilliamsOnida born about 1894
WilliamsOnida Lborn about 1922
WilliamsOpal born about 1926
WilliamsPaula Ailinborn about 1938
WilliamsPearl born about 1915
WilliamsRobert Aborn about 1855
WilliamsRoberta born about 1923
WilliamsSherry born about 1939
WilliamsThomas Bborn about 1874
WilliamsW Tborn about 1875
WilliamsWinnie born about 1895
WilliamsZera born about 1909
WilliamsZora born about 1914
WillisGeorgia born about 1909
WillisHarold Wayneborn about 1923
WillisRichard Leeborn about 1910
WinberlyAlice born about 1861
WinberlyJohn Mborn about 1888
WinberlyRosie born about 1895
WintersAnna born about 1880
WintersCharles E Iiiborn about 1927
WintersCharlese Jr born about 1872
WintersEdna born about 1911
WintersEdward Lborn about 1910
WintersSavannah born about 1930
WiseHarold born about 1914
WithersLaura born about 1879
WonashComard born about 1880
WoodAlbert born about 1892
WoodLloyd born about 1928
WoodMarguerite born about 1894
WoodMary born about 1883
WoodWilliam Wborn about 1870
WoodrnffBessie born about 1917
WoodrnffGeorge Albertborn about 1935
WoodrnffJohn born about 1913
WoodruffKara born about 1905
WoodsDan Honborn about 1929
WoodsFannie born about 1905
WoodsGaines born about 1926
WoodsJames born about 1906
WoodsJinnie born about 1927
WoodsJohn Pborn about 1888
WoodsKathryn born about 1926
WoodsLaura born about 1933
WoodsLois born about 1922
WoodsLouis Jborn about 1897
WoodsMable born about 1893
WoodsMannie born about 1924
WoodsMargaret Annborn about 1934
WoodsMildred born about 1932
WoodsPendleton born about 1924
WoodsPowell Johnborn about 1922
WoodsRuby born about 1904
WoodwardBeverly Annborn about 1934
WoodwardBillis Geneborn about 1932
Wooten??? born about 1886
WootenCarl born about 1914
WootenCharlie born about 1928
WootenEduith born about 1924
WootenWill born about 1886
WounchWilliam born about 1891
WrightBuford born about 1898
WrightGrace born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YadenMary born about 1915
YadenMinnie born about 1887
YarbroughDruie Pborn about 1876
YarbroughFrank Pborn about 1869
YoakumHenry born about 1913
YoakumMarrie born about 1915
YoakumSandra Kborn about
YuttermanEddie born about 1897
YuttermanHenry born about 1875
YuttermanJohn Lborn about 1882
YuttermanMartha born about 1916
YuttermanMaud born about 1886
YuttermanNellie born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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