1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sugar Camp, Cleburne, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Cleburne County > 1940 Census of Sugar Camp

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames L Surnames O Surnames P Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BaileyElma Iborn about 1915
BaileyHerbert born about 1914
BerneyLawrence Hborn about 1904
BerneyMay born about 1919
BirdsongJames Vborn about 1904
BirdsongMargie Mborn about 1934
BirdsongMary Aborn about 1935
BirdsongSammie Rborn about 1932
BirdsongShirley Sborn about 1937
BirdsongSusie Mborn about 1914
BittleBlanche born about 1905
BittleBonnie Gborn about 1930
BittleDuene born about 1930
BittleEmory Wborn about 1938
BittleFern born about 1923
BittleGeorge Wborn about 1907
BittleGorgia Rborn about 1933
BittleHenry Gborn about 1903
BittleJame Gborn about 1919
BittleJessie Cborn about 1900
BittleMary Eborn about 1908
BittleMinnie Lborn about 1910
BittleThomas Jborn about 1863
BittleToy Eborn about 1936
BittleVelma Lborn about 1939
BittleVerlan Gborn about 1935
BittleVernice Mborn about 1935
BittleVessie born about 1873
BittleW Gborn about 1931
BittleWandna born about 1929
BittleWillie Hborn about 1927

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C Surnames

CarltonAliebell born about 1925
CarltonBirtha Mborn about 1915
CarltonBobby Jr born about 1930
CarltonIrene born about 1923
CarltonJohn Aborn about 1882
CarltonJulen Dborn about 1921
CarltonMary Lborn about 1936
CarltonMiril Jborn about 1890
CarltonPaul born about 1917
CarltonVernon Tborn about 1925
CartianGeneva Bborn about 1912
CartianJeff born about 1909
CartianStanley born about 1939
ClarkJames Vborn about 1925
ClarkKenneth Bborn about 1935
ClarkLizzy Eborn about 1911
ClarkMarion Tborn about 1903
ClarkMary Vborn about 1928
ClarkRobby Cborn about 1938
ComptonEvelean born about 1921
ComptonJ Rborn about 1937
ComptonLee born about 1916
ComptonWilliam Wborn about 1939

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D Surnames

DallarJames Lborn about 1921
DallarJasop Lborn about 1914
DallarLuther Lborn about 1891
DallarMana Cborn about 1917
DallarMildred Aborn about 1923
DallarMona born about 1900
DallarOpal Mborn about 1922
DallarWalter Cborn about 1926
DallasDavid Sborn about 1884
DallasDelmer Sborn about 1928
DallasIsaac Nborn about 1922
DallasLeneva Mborn about 1925
DallasMartin Eborn about 1862
DallasNomia Lborn about 1894
DallasShirley Rborn about 1926
DallasSusan Aborn about 1871
DallasThelma Eborn about 1931
DallasVelma Aborn about 1933
DallasWilliam Mborn about 1920
DamellMinnie born about 1894
DamellVirgil born about 1902
Darnell?ammer born about 1906
DarnellBilly Dborn about 1936
DarnellDallie born about 1911
DarnellRuth Mborn about 1932
DillowIlbertie born about 1894
DillowKenneth Rborn about 1931
DillowR Tborn about 1889

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E Surnames

EvansWinnie Lborn about 1891
EverettBobby Lborn about 1938
EverettErmadeen born about 1932
EverettGeorge Rborn about 1897
EverettJ Dborn about 1934
EverettJarell Wborn about 1936
EverettJoyce Lborn about 1937
EverettL Cborn about 1912
EverettLeo Vborn about 1902
EverettMartha Aborn about 1871
EverettMirrie born about 1911
EverettRuth born about 1936
EverettSam Dborn about 1930
EverettStanley born about 1933
EverettWilliam Cborn about 1907

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G Surnames

GeigerFred Aborn about 1894

H Surnames

HazlewoodAvis Aborn about 1922
HazlewoodDeah Lborn about 1896
HazlewoodEmmitt Pborn about 1920
HazlewoodI Dborn about 1893
HazlewoodLeah ???born about 1930
HazlewoodMartha Aborn about 1922
HeuettDorothy Mborn about 1935
HeuettJames Eborn about 1908
HeuettVelma Nborn about 1931
HeuettVirgie Eborn about 1908
HinesAudry Mborn about 1928
HinesCallie Eborn about 1909
HinesCecil Wborn about 1933
HinesOsker Jborn about 1905
HippBen Lborn about 1882
HippEffie born about 1888
HippJessie Aborn about 1921
HippJim Lborn about 1914
HippJohn ?born about 1867
HippMarth Gborn about 1872

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L Surnames

LewellonAndrew Jborn about 1871
LewellonDora born about 1870
LockardAddie Gborn about 1904
LockardAgnes Tborn about 1927
LockardArvada born about 1939
LockardAudry Mborn about 1931
LockardClarence Rborn about 1924
LockardDuduy born about 1933
LockardElbert Aborn about 1898
LockardEthie Mborn about 1930
LockardHester born about 1898
LockardJimmie Lborn about 1936
LockardJohn Gborn about 1868
LockardLuie Aborn about 1934
LockardMary Eborn about 1907
LockardNancy born about 1875
LockardPaul Dborn about 1939
LockardSarah Oborn about 1872
LockardSusie Gborn about 1911
LockardT Dborn about 1922
LockardThilda born about 1937
LockardViola born about 1907
LockardWanda Sborn about 1936
LockardWilliam Aborn about 1865

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O Surnames

OdumAmy Bborn about 1875

P Surnames

PhillipsClarnce Lborn about 1929
PhillipsDavid Bborn about 1892
PhillipsDavid Jr born about 1925
PhillipsFrances Rborn about 1931
PhillipsNola born about 1902
PhillipsOwen Rborn about 1926
PhillipsRendell Lborn about 1935
PhillipsThomas Jborn about 1932

S Surnames

SloanDewey Aborn about 1921
SloanHarry Rborn about 1924
SloanWalace Aborn about 1917
SloanWalter Lborn about 1919
SmithArfie Rborn about 1921
SmithArlee born about 1923
SmithBuena Vborn about 1915
SmithCharles Dborn about 1925
SmithDewey Dborn about 1925
SmithElen Mborn about 1904
SmithGevana Mborn about 1927
SmithGladdy Rborn about 1924
SmithIla born about 1910
SmithJames Oborn about 1925
SmithJesse Aborn about 1926
SmithJohn Eborn about 1890
SmithJohn Wborn about 1880
SmithJoie Mborn about 1918
SmithLulise born about 1920
SmithRhoda Rborn about 1883
SmithRosie Lborn about 1914
SmithRuby Pborn about 1927
SmithSina Jborn about 1918
SmithThomas Bborn about 1916
SmithThomas Dborn about 1902
SmithVessie Aborn about 1926
SmithWilliam Aborn about 1923
SmithWillie Malborn about 1929
SproulMary Eborn about 1880
StarksHobert Lborn about 1917
StarksOllie Lborn about 1936
StarksRuby Eborn about 1915
StephensCarl Jr born about 1937
StephensEmogean born about 1928
StephensLuray born about 1926
StephensMary Annaborn about 1930
StephensO Dborn about 1925
StephensOrval Hborn about 1909
StephensRalph Tborn about 1934
StephensRuth Mborn about 1902
StoneBirttie born about 1907
StoneDewey Vborn about 1925
StoneEttie Rborn about 1923
StoneEttie Tborn about 1924
StoneJohn Dborn about 1937
StoneJoyce Gborn about 1932
StoneLanie Hborn about 1904
StoneLoyd born about 1927
StoneMary Eborn about 1931
StoneMillie Mborn about 1917
StoneNettie born about 1893
StoneRura Vborn about 1935
StoneT Jborn about 1927
StoneVerlan born about 1929
StoneWallis Jborn about 1914
StoneWalter Tborn about 1914
StrodeEarl Vborn about 1906
StrodeForest Tborn about 1914
StrodeJosephine Gborn about 1887

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T Surnames

ThomasBilly Bborn about 1927
ThomasBobby Lborn about 1937
ThomasJ Gborn about 1928
ThomasLois Mborn about 1934
ThomasLouis Bborn about 1899
ThomasMary Aborn about 1905
ThomasMary Cborn about 1933
ThomasWanda Mborn about 1931
TumeyE Fborn about 1887
TumeyGirrie Bborn about 1936
TumeyMartha Mborn about 1932
TumeyWilliam Rborn about 1934

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V Surnames

VanlinnEva Lborn about 1917
VanlinnGlan born about 1940
VanlinnRoy born about 1917
VanlinnVelma born about 1938
VannodaCharles Lborn about 1919
VannodaCharlie Dborn about 1881
VannodaLafayette born about 1859
VannodaSusan Rborn about 1885

W Surnames

WillisEdna Dborn about 1935
WillisJames Rborn about 1937
WillisJim Rborn about 1912
WillisMelvin Cborn about 1939
WillisTola Mborn about 1915
Wilson??? Aborn about 1903
WilsonArelee born about 1932
WilsonClarence Oborn about 1901
WilsonCora Aborn about 1902
WilsonCora Mborn about 1938
WilsonEdna Jborn about 1904
WilsonLeona Mborn about 1935
WilsonPaul Tborn about 1930
WilsonRuby Pborn about 1925
WilsonWilliam Lborn about 1927
WilsonWillie Gborn about 1940

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