1940 U.S. Federal Census of Summit in Marion County, Marion, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Marion County > 1940 Census of Summit in Marion County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenGrace born about 1900
AllenJackson born about 1875
AllenJames Tborn about 1886
AllenL Hborn about 1930
AllenLucian Jborn about 1929
AllenMarion born about 1900
AllenRuby born about 1928
AllenWm Marionborn about 1939
ArnettC M Jrborn about 1918
ArnettClarence born about 1890
ArnettErnest born about 1923
ArnettMaragret born about 1866

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B Surnames

BargerAnna Maeborn about 1911
BargerK Eborn about 1935
BargerR Eborn about 1937
BargerW Rborn about 1911
BlakeMyrtle Bborn about 1881
BlankinshipConsolue born about 1900
BlankinshipGilley Rueborn about 1930
BlankinshipHomer born about 1896
BlankinshipRalph born about 1922
BondE Tborn about 1897
BondEuga born about 1926
BondKara Sueborn about 1938
BondLorain born about 1931
BondOma born about 1903
BondU Gborn about 1930
BowmanHelen Ruthborn about 1924
BriggsJoyce born about 1910
BriggsThelma born about 1916
BrockwayGertrude born about 1885
BrownAncil born about 1881
BrownBonnie Sueborn about 1934
BrownDerl born about 1935
BrownEugene born about 1927
BrownFloyd born about 1907
BrownFrankie Marieborn about 1938
BrownH Fborn about 1930
BrownHarold Dborn about 1939
BrownHomer born about 1909
BrownLa Vern born about 1938
BrownMalindia born about 1879
BrownMary born about 1902
BrownMary Aliceborn about 1926
BrownRosa Maryborn about 1918
BrownTom born about 1875
BrownWalsie born about 1880
BuntzEmily born about 1888
BuntzGeorge Dborn about 1887
BuntzMildred born about 1925
BurchElla born about 1867

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C Surnames

CalvertDosie born about 1887
CanonD Milanborn about 1924
CanonDorthy born about 1921
CanonJohn born about 1920
CanonRoy born about 1888
CookAndy born about 1873
CookLenard born about 1918
CookLinda born about 1895
CookPearl born about 1924
CorreyEsther Rborn about 1900
CurleyAntoine born about 1870

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D Surnames

DainsDelphia born about 1901
DainsJ Mborn about 1853
DardinDelbert born about 1927
DardinE Jborn about 1933
DardinEva born about 1899
DardinEverett born about 1921
DardinFremont born about 1935
DardinHenery born about 1872
DardinJ Bborn about 1930
DardinJeff born about 1896
DardinJoyce born about 1924
DardinJunior born about 1923
DardinKeydron born about 1904
DardinLeatha born about 1901
DardinLewis born about 1902
DardinLoyce Marieborn about 1929
DardinMary Elaineborn about 1931
DardinMella Joborn about 1929
DardinRoy born about 1899
DardinRoy Rborn about 1940
DardinSam Royborn about 1927
DardinVictor born about 1937
DavisBoyd born about 1885
DavisElla born about 1890
DavisJ Cborn about 1918
DavisJessie Marieborn about 1936
DavisR Hborn about 1921
DavisR Jborn about 1930
DeanGeorge Aborn about 1895
DeanLydia born about 1905
DoshierBetty born about 1931
DoshierBobby born about 1931
DoshierEarl Rborn about 1938
DoshierGeorgia born about 1924
DoshierImogene born about 1927
DoshierIrnene born about 1921
DoshierJ Wborn about 1929
DoshierJessie born about 1902
DoshierJewell Dborn about 1933
DoshierNeville Leeborn about 1922
DoshierPat born about 1897
DoverBob born about 1895
DoverCleo born about 1919
DoverElmer born about 1939
DoverEva Maeborn about 1920
DoverGeorgia Leeborn about 1939
DoverJ Mborn about 1937
DoverJaunita born about 1926
DoverJulia born about 1906
DoverLeo born about 1922
DoverSarah born about 1902
DoverTheda born about 1926
DueBillie born about 1935
DueChristine born about 1927
DueEugene born about 1932
DueJohn born about 1894
DueLilly Bellborn about 1925
DueOra born about 1896
DueWalter born about 1923

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E Surnames

EatenAndy born about 1937
EatenHarvey born about 1890
EatenJanetta Cborn about 1940
EatenNellie Jborn about 1934
EatenRosy born about 1916
EatenRuth Jborn about 1936
EstesEula born about 1909
EstesHarold Lborn about 1939
EstesImogene born about 1929
EstesIva born about 1878
EstesJ Rborn about 1853
EstesJames Cborn about 1932
EstesJoe born about 1911
EstesJoe Annborn about 1936
EstesMarvin born about 1892
EstesMary born about 1915
EstesTibethia* born about 1855
EvansIda Maeborn about 1886
EvansJohn Hborn about 1882
EvansMerl born about 1906

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F Surnames

FreemanMary born about 1872
FreemanMary Rborn about 1939
FreemanMay born about 1916
FreemanNin born about 1918
FreemanRobert born about 1924
FriendBernice born about 1932
FriendBeulah born about 1914
FriendCarl born about 1935
FriendClema born about 1909
FriendE Dborn about 1933
FriendE Jborn about 1939
FriendEdd born about 1909
FriendEffie born about 1892
FriendGladys born about 1931
FriendJessie born about 1904
FriendJim born about 1891
FriendL Dborn about 1935
FriendLaverna born about 1937
FriendMae born about 1937
FurgesonArie born about 1932
FurgesonBertie Leeborn about 1928
FurgesonBobby born about 1936
FurgesonBurl born about 1930
FurgesonClaudio born about 1926
FurgesonDonald born about 1934
FurgesonDurward born about 1925
FurgesonEmma born about 1903
FurgesonFloyd born about 1897
FurgesonMarie born about 1938

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G Surnames

GarrigusJane born about 1922
GarrigusLetha born about 1877
GarrigusMatthis born about 1872
GarrigusRay born about 1920
GilbertDania born about 1882
GourdBernard born about 1922
GourdC Bborn about 1895
GourdCatherine born about 1903
GourdCharles born about 1940
GourdEugene born about 1927
GourdLeon born about 1929
GourdStanley born about 1930
GourdWeldon born about 1932
GrahamBeatrice born about 1934
GrahamBill born about 1877
GrahamJessie born about 1906
GrahamL Loydborn about 1926
GrahamMayo born about 1891
GrahamNellie born about 1928
GrahamRobert Leeborn about 1924
GrahamRoy born about 1897
GrahamRuth Ellenborn about 1931
GrayBenjiman born about 1924
GrayCarl born about 1934
GrayGeorge born about 1928
GrayJimmie born about 1932
GrayJonnie born about 1936
GrayMary born about 1895
GrayRobert Cborn about 1926
GraySarah Bellborn about 1930
GrayWalter born about 1892
GrayWm Walterborn about 1920
GreenhawAda born about 1901
GreenhawAlta born about 1927
GreenhawJ Wborn about 1932
GreenhawJoe born about 1930
GreenhawJohn Hborn about 1896
GreenhawMinnie born about 1929
GreenhawViva born about 1924
GurtheryHerbert born about 1927
GutheryEsther born about 1922
GutheryF Wborn about
GutheryFinis born about 1920

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H Surnames

HamletBetty Louborn about 1927
HamletHenery Annaborn about 1939
HamletJo Annborn about 1935
HamletLeo Hborn about 1933
HamletMae born about 1906
HamletPaul born about 1929
HamletRoy born about 1901
HamptonAlbert born about 1912
HamptonBud born about 1922
HamptonDewey born about 1900
HamptonEmmie born about 1870
HamptonEthel Larueborn about 1939
HamptonFrankie born about 1914
HamptonJ Mborn about 1847
HamptonJack born about 1924
HamptonJohn born about 1913
HamptonJohn born about 1930
HamptonLoyce born about 1910
HamptonMary born about 1923
HamptonOnual born about 1920
HamptonOpal born about 1924
HamptonPearl born about 1901
HamptonReba born about 1926
HamptonRuby born about 1925
HamptonWillie born about 1909
HardmanFrank born about 1902
HardmanViolet born about 1912
HardyLinda born about 1874
HaynesClaude born about 1925
HaynesClyde born about 1926
HaynesJoe born about 1904
HaynesJossie born about 1904
HaynesKatherine born about 1927
HaynesKile Mborn about 1930
HaysTennie born about 1879
HelmsHarish born about 1920
HelmsHugh born about 1882
HelmsJay born about 1923
HelmsLulah born about 1881
HelmsViolet born about 1935
HendersonMinnie born about 1874
HendersonSam born about 1901
HensleyAnnie born about 1897
HensleyElbert born about 1896
HensleyHershel born about 1924
HensleyJackson born about 1921
HensleyMyrtle born about 1926
HigleyFlossy born about 1928
HigleyMarvin born about 1924
HigleyNorman born about 1921
HigleyRhodie born about 1886
HigleyRuby born about 1923
HigleyWilliam Hborn about 1884
HigleyWillie born about 1926
HillEverett born about 1903
HiltonJames born about 1937
HiltonLenard born about 1912
HiltonLou Annborn about 1939
HiltonMildred born about 1918
HollingerLouis born about 1874
HoneycuttAnnie born about 1873
HoneycuttWillis born about 1905
HopsonArnold born about 1906
HopsonOlive born about 1904
HornHenery born about 1878
HornMinnie born about 1881
HoyleGladys born about 1902
HoyleHoward born about 1931
HoyleJohn Jborn about 1862
HoyleJohn Wborn about 1892
HughesElenor born about 1912
HughesMaragret Lborn about 1936
HurstAlva born about 1908
HurstBobby Geneborn about 1937
HurstEssie born about 1889
HurstEula born about 1909
HurstGrace Ellenborn about 1934
HurstHortence born about 1929
HurstJ Cborn about 1922
HurstJ Mborn about 1925
HurstVirginia born about 1924
HurtBeatrice born about 1933
HurtGeorge born about 1907
HurtGeorgia Leeborn about 1935
HurtJohn born about 1888
HurtMandia Dellborn about 1930
HurtMandie born about 1888
HurtNellie born about 1897

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J Surnames

JenkinsAnna born about 1885
JenkinsB born about 1909
JohnsonAlva born about 1907
JohnsonAnna born about 1914
JohnsonAugusta born about 1924
JohnsonBillie Leonborn about 1938
JohnsonBobby Joeborn about 1939
JohnsonBuddy born about 1926
JohnsonCaroline Sueborn about 1938
JohnsonClara born about 1914
JohnsonDe Loise born about 1922
JohnsonErnie born about 1923
JohnsonEugene born about 1883
JohnsonIvon born about 1902
JohnsonJames born about 1915
JohnsonJess born about 1900
JohnsonJessie Aborn about 1938
JohnsonN Jborn about 1932
JohnsonNelson born about 1907
JohnsonO Bborn about 1863
JonesBertie born about 1890
JonesGertrude born about 1908
JonesPhyllis born about 1936
JonesRex born about 1910

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K Surnames

KeeterArthur born about 1894
KeeterAudra Leeborn about 1919
KeeterElsue born about 1893
KeeterGeorge born about 1915
KeeterRobert Jborn about 1874
KeeterTerry Wborn about 1939
KelleumB Bborn about 1901
KelleumB Gborn about 1929
KelleumBetty born about 1931
KelleumBobby born about 1935
KelleumEva born about 1907
KelleumEva Janeborn about 1927
KelleumEvelyn Sueborn about 1939
KingBurl born about 1916
KingBurl Billborn about 1911
KingDan born about 1877
KingDelmar born about 1938
KingHelen born about 1911
KingSue born about 1934
KingVersal born about 1917
KitchenAlbert born about 1926
KitchenBruce born about 1924
KitchenCharlott born about 1933
KitchenGeorge born about 1922
KitchenMary born about 1931
KitchenMary Jborn about 1891
KitchenR Wborn about 1883
KitchenRuth born about 1928
KitchenThomas born about 1915

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L Surnames

LakeBessie born about 1919
LakeW Hborn about 1889
LemonsChester Billborn about 1925
LemonsClaude born about 1916
LemonsEtter born about 1898
LemonsLorain born about 1922
LemonsLoretta born about 1927
LemonsNeville born about 1916
LemonsS Dborn about 1893
LewisCalvin born about 1925
LewisDelna born about 1905
LewisHelen born about 1926
LewisIda born about 1886
LewisLee born about 1885
LewisLoise born about 1890
LewisMaris Joborn about 1936
LewisOliver born about 1877
LewisS Jborn about 1905
LintonEarl born about 1910
LintonHelen Fredaborn about 1934
LintonJunior born about 1925
LintonMabel born about 1887
LintonMaude Bborn about 1939
LintonMaxine born about 1922
LintonRobert Earlborn about 1937
LintonRoy born about 1885
LintonVivian born about 1915
LoseyA Wborn about 1873
LoseyMary born about 1888
LoweryDixie born about 1891
LoweryGeorge Fborn about 1882
LynchHattie born about 1880

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M Surnames

MarlorSarah Xborn about 1839
MartinBobby Joeborn about 1938
MartinCleo born about 1903
MartinDelsue born about 1911
MathisCecil born about 1915
MathisNita born about 1918
MaxeyArvil born about 1920
MaxeyDora born about 1904
MaxeyEthel born about 1923
MaxeyJohn born about 1887
MaxeyWillard born about 1927
McBeeBetty Dellborn about 1931
McBeeBillie Dborn about 1935
McBeeDella born about 1900
McBeeEloise born about 1933
McBeeGene born about 1919
McBeeHal born about 1933
McBeeJ Bborn about 1901
McBeeJaunita born about 1931
McBeeMary Dellborn about 1934
McBeeSterling born about 1930
McBeeUna Mborn about 1912
McBeeWard born about 1929
McBeeWayne born about 1928
McCrackenA Rayborn about 1928
McCrackenClema born about 1908
McCrackenJack Eborn about 1893
McCrackenJackie Deenborn about 1931
McCrackenL Dborn about 1928
McCrackenMyrtle born about 1901
McCrackenNola Fernborn about 1930
McCrackenVirgil born about 1897
McGarityCora born about 1892
McGarityElvin born about 1896
McGarityFrank born about 1927
McGarityRuby Jewelborn about 1932
McKinneyAlben born about 1937
McKinneyGeneva born about 1917
McVeyClark born about 1916
McVeyG W Jrborn about 1919
McVeyGeorge born about 1884
McVeyGrace born about 1891
McVeyGrover born about 1893
McVeyJeffry born about 1914
McVeyJune born about 1924
McVeyMary Neldaborn about 1918
McVeyW D Arthurborn about 1917
McVeyWillie born about 1898
MillsAnna born about 1907
MillsElmer born about 1872
MillsElmer Jr born about 1932
MooreDelta born about 1919
MooreEdna born about 1898
MooreWalter Lborn about 1886
MurphyDavid Dborn about 1901
MurphyDrucilla born about 1872
MurphyJames Wborn about 1874
MyhorwichAnna born about 1911
MyhorwichEdward Gborn about 1938
MyhorwichHarry born about 1911

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N Surnames

NormanJune born about 1929
NormanRuth born about 1926

O Surnames

OsbornHulda born about 1937
OsbornImogene born about 1932
OsbornL Sborn about 1897
OsbornLa Nora born about 1935
OsbornMadge born about 1924
OsbornRansom born about 1929
OsbornSallie born about 1905
OsbornStanley born about 1927
OttElla born about 1887
OttSherman born about 1927
OwensBetty Louborn about 1936
OwensDoris born about 1914
OwensLessie born about 1907
OwensW Hborn about 1897

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P Surnames

PangleArchie born about 1936
PangleEdward born about 1932
PangleFrancis born about 1887
PangleMaggie born about 1906
ParkerBilly Daleborn about 1927
ParkerHazel born about 1925
ParkerIvan born about 1901
ParkerRichard born about 1902
PattersonJeffery born about 1906
PattersonW Jborn about 1876
PaxtonCarol born about 1938
PaxtonFrank born about 1889
PaxtonJimmie born about 1924
PaxtonJonny born about 1937
PaxtonLydia born about 1933
PaxtonMary born about 1930
PaxtonTommy born about 1935
PaxtonVirgue born about 1900
PhillipsEula Geneborn about 1926
PhillipsJames Wborn about 1928
PhillipsJo Annborn about 1924
PhillipsL Bborn about 1879
PhillipsNora born about 1890
PickleAda born about 1890
PickleEwell born about 1913
PickleHerbert born about 1910
PickleHerbert Jr born about 1938
PickleLester Rborn about 1928
PickleLucy Mborn about 1924
PickleMartha born about 1917
PickleNeville born about 1920
PickleY Tborn about 1885
PopeBillie born about 1905
PopeDaniel born about 1912
PopeEthel born about 1918
PopeJ Lborn about 1935
PopeMary born about 1860
PopePatsy Marieborn about
PopePhillip born about 1910

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Q Surnames

QuigleyFreda born about 1937
QuigleyHazel born about 1930
QuigleyHelen born about 1934
QuigleyTheo born about 1904

R Surnames

RandallCharles born about 1879
RandallMinnie born about 1891
RandallWesley born about 1918
ReaB Jborn about 1897
ReaFrank Cborn about 1926
ReaHelen Rborn about 1893
ReedFrancis born about 1880
ReedJohn Wborn about 1857
ReedLaura Aborn about 1868
ReedW Hborn about 1874
RichardsonAnna Leeborn about 1917
RichardsonDrucella born about 1936
RichardsonJohn born about 1897
RichardsonJohn Cborn about 1934
RichardsonJonnie born about 1938
RichardsonMary born about 1875
RichardsonMary Annborn about 1926
RichardsonMary Kborn about 1904
RichardsonR Cborn about 1932
RichardsonReba born about 1917
RichardsonRobert born about 1893
RichardsonRobert Jr born about 1939
RichardsonRoy born about 1909
RichardsonSarah Janeborn about 1937
RichardsonSinna born about 1909
RichardsonWilliam born about 1913
RileyJoe born about 1897
RileyMary born about 1870
RileyRuth born about 1902
RobinsonIrene born about 1917
RobinsonLaura born about 1869
RobinsonMary Aliceborn about 1935
RobinsonSarah born about 1873
RowdenAlyce born about 1862
RowdenElla born about 1890
RowdenO Jborn about 1890

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S Surnames

SageleeAudia born about 1903
SageleeElvin Annborn about 1924
SageleeNita Joyceborn about
SageleeStella born about 1920
SandersBertha Mborn about 1896
SandersC Vborn about 1889
SandersLydia Annborn about 1855
SeayEarl Gborn about 1927
SeayFannie born about 1878
SeayT Jborn about 1870
SetzlerDave Mborn about 1874
SetzlerMarie born about 1874
ShacklefordLyle born about 1930
ShacklefordMarvel born about 1933
ShacklefordMerl born about 1928
ShacklefordTed born about 1909
ShacklefordVera born about 1906
ShearsCharles born about 1912
ShearsGeneva born about 1906
ShearsRaymond born about 1910
SheltonDale born about 1935
SheltonGrace born about 1917
SheltonOrfice born about 1912
SheltonVerl born about 1938
SheppardAlice born about 1862
ShoptawMary Sueborn about 1917
ShoptawThomas born about 1916
SmithDollie Mborn about 1858
SmithHaskell born about 1882
SmithHattie born about 1886
SmithHolland born about 1888
SmithMary Francisborn about 1893
SowellBettie born about 1890
SowellEverett born about 1918
SowellJimmie born about 1928
SowellNorma born about 1923
SowellSam born about 1887
SteeleHelen born about 1913
SteeleHelen Jeanborn about 1934
SteeleLou Alyceborn about 1932
SteeleRobert born about 1910
SteeleRobert Tborn about 1938
SticeCharley born about 1875
SticeHattie born about 1886
SticeJune born about 1927
StricksDonna Maeborn about 1927
StricksIrene born about 1921
StricksJames Tborn about 1936
StricksJessie Jborn about 1894
StricksJessie Rborn about 1926
StricksLewis born about 1931
StricksLorene born about 1918
StricksMabel born about 1901
StricksMary Dellborn about 1929
SulivanVirgie born about 1867
SullivanDella born about 1886
SullivanT Cborn about 1911
SullivanT Wborn about 1883
SummersBilly Johnborn about 1937
SummersLeona born about 1919

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T Surnames

TolliverA Fborn about 1887
TolliverAnna Jeanborn about 1931
TolliverApae born about 1910
TolliverCarrie Eborn about 1897
TolliverChester born about 1926
TolliverEdd born about 1896
TolliverHazel born about 1880
TolliverJ Hborn about 1909
TolliverLa Vern born about 1931
TolliverLester born about 1926
TolliverMary Leeborn about 1940
TolliverMere born about 1928
TolliverTroy Wayneborn about 1932
TolliverWarren Eborn about 1924
TurnerEarl born about 1911
TurnerFrancis Larueborn about 1940
TurnerGeneva born about 1923
TurnerJanie born about 1871
TurnerRuby born about 1920
TurnerTom born about 1885

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V Surnames

VielkiersBetty Fernborn about 1938
VielkiersJim born about 1907
VielkiersLenard born about 1939
VielkiersLouise born about 1917
VielkiersLucian born about 1939
VossGeorge born about 1910
VossGladys born about 1920

W Surnames

WarnerJessie born about 1925
WarnerRoy born about 1914
WhitakerEdwin born about 1916
WhitsonAddie born about 1922
WhitsonClyde born about 1924
WhitsonHenery born about 1891
WhitsonKate born about 1901
WhitsonLavern born about 1933
WhitsonRay born about 1927
WhitsonRoy born about 1920
WhitsonVernon born about 1938
WilliamsEarl Cborn about 1939
WilliamsJim born about 1905
WilliamsOla born about 1916
WillisAuro born about 1935
WillisEdward born about 1927
WillisGeorge born about 1900
WillisMattie born about 1895
WilsonBryan born about 1903
WilsonChristine born about 1921
WilsonEllis born about 1915
WilsonErnest born about 1927
WilsonEsther born about 1915
WilsonFlossy born about 1898
WilsonGeorge born about 1871
WilsonJ Fborn about 1897
WilsonJimmie born about 1925
WilsonJossie born about 1876
WilsonLou Ellaborn about 1893
WilsonMarion born about 1935
WingateBert born about 1901
WingateDoris Leeborn about 1930
WingateLou Annisborn about 1936
WingateMildred born about 1908
WoodAlta born about 1926
WoodBen born about 1923
WoodBillie Sueborn about 1939
WoodDelbert born about 1886
WoodDoyle born about 1926
WoodEdith born about 1921
WoodEllen born about 1909
WoodJinks born about 1902
WoodLelah born about 1903
WoodMary born about 1889
WoodMary Louborn about 1931
WoodR Sborn about 1906
WoodRobert Jborn about 1932
WoodWilliam Eborn about 1930
WoodcockEarline born about 1931
WoodcockGail born about 1936
WoodcockJ Fborn about 1899
WoodcockZane born about 1929
WoodcockZelma born about 1905
WoodcockZerl born about 1934
WoodsNin born about 1909
WoodsRuth born about 1910
WoodsWilma Ruthborn about 1932
WootenClarence born about 1925
WootenDonna born about 1892
WootenG Wborn about 1883
WootenRalph born about 1916

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Y Surnames

YoungClark born about 1878

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