1940 U.S. Federal Census of Swayne, Mississippi, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Mississippi County > 1940 Census of Swayne

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamalyIrene born about 1917
AdamalyJ Cborn about 1917
AdamalyLila Gayborn about 1940
AldridgeClarence born about 1894
AldridgeClarence Jr born about 1930
AldridgeErnest Edmondborn about 1931
AldridgeHattie born about 1903
AldridgeJ Cborn about 1926
AldridgeLonisa born about 1933
AldridgeSinclair born about 1923
AlfordDorthy born about 1921
AlfordJames Willieborn about 1937
AlfordJimmie Dborn about 1938
AlfordJohn born about 1915
AlfordJohnnie Maeborn about 1940
AlfordMinnie Louborn about 1935
AlfordRosie Bborn about 1906
AshleyCarl Lesleyborn about 1938
AshleyCharles Edborn about 1934
AshleyClarence born about 1910
AshleyMary born about 1918

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B Surnames

BabynEthel born about 1918
BabynH Gborn about 1895
BabynJames born about 1928
BabynJames born about 1938
BabynJoe born about 1866
BabynJonetta born about
BabynLucille born about 1936
BabynMarion born about 1929
BaileyLillie Bborn about 1898
BaileyLovell born about 1888
BallColleen born about 1916
BallJack born about 1900
BallJames born about 1930
BallingerWilliam Alfredborn about 1883
BardBeatrice born about 1915
BardHenry born about 1911
BardHenry Jr born about 1933
BardMattie Leeborn about 1939
BardMelvin born about 1937
BarenhartA Jborn about 1876
BarenhartA Jborn about 1935
BarenhartJena Virginiaborn about 1908
BarenttBetty Janeborn about 1940
BarenttBurel born about 1918
BarenttDorthy born about 1923
BarleyBooker Tborn about 1936
BarleyCharles Bborn about 1932
BarleyChester born about 1935
BarnerAlline born about 1922
BarnerGertrude Jo Annborn about 1939
BarnerJ Mborn about 1917
BarnesBuster born about 1918
BarnesL Zborn about 1939
BarnesNathaniel born about 1932
BerdesChester born about 1919
BerdesErnestine born about 1923
BlainBessie born about 1923
BlainFrank born about 1914
BledsoeGeorgia Maeborn about 1921
BobaAnna Maeborn about 1918
BobaTonnie born about 1928
BoeverBobbie Louborn about 1918
BoeverJohn Franklinborn about 1919
BoeverMargie Janeborn about 1940
BoeverMary Jeanborn about 1940
BohmanJennie born about 1882
BohmanLeea born about 1888
BonarasteSuy born about 1880
BookerArdie Maeborn about 1929
BookerDavid born about 1936
BookerEstule born about 1922
BookerFanise born about 1929
BookerFannie born about 1914
BookerGladys born about 1923
BookerHenry Jr born about 1934
BookerIvory born about 1920
BookerJ Mborn about 1926
BookerJulie born about 1902
BookerKenneth Rolandborn about 1936
BookerLofton born about 1920
BookerRiken born about 1931
BookerRuthleen born about 1934
BookerTommie born about 1906
BookerWeldon born about 1899
BookerWilbur born about 1937
BookerWilliam Loydborn about 1931
BookerWoodson born about 1924
BoolerAnnie born about 1894
BoolerMary Francesborn about 1935
BoolerOneal born about 1932
BoolerT Eborn about 1890
BosterJohn Henryborn about 1920
BowenFelix born about 1937
BowenHoward born about 1887
BowenNatalie born about 1896
BowenVirginia born about 1929
BradburgWalter born about 1885
BradyAlbert born about 1901
BrannerResley born about 1915
BrannerRichard Otisborn about 1913
BrettErnest born about 1898
BrettR Dborn about 1900
BridEdna Maeborn about 1932
BridGladola born about 1938
BridJames Kennethborn about 1934
BridNovella born about 1930
BridWala born about 1926
BrommerEllen born about 1920
BrommerL Bborn about 1914
BrommerLoyee born about 1939
BronnesJune born about 1892
BronnesSam born about 1883
BrownElais born about 1924
BrownErelyn born about 1926
BrownGeraldine born about 1922
BrownJessie born about 1906
BrownJodie born about 1914
BrownJoyce born about 1928
BrownLois born about 1920
BrownMinnie Ruthborn about 1939
BrownShelton born about 1916
BrownStuart born about 1902
BrownStuart Jr born about 1934
BryantHenry Lee Jrborn about 1939
BryantJoe Henryborn about 1915
BryantLeora born about 1916
BurnsAnnie Leeborn about
BurnsFred born about 1918
BurnsKettie Leeborn about 1916
BushHarvey born about 1920
BussesDennis born about 1880
BussesFrancis born about 1899
ButterEdith born about 1917
ButterR Wborn about 1903

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C Surnames

CagleC Rborn about 1899
CagleEdna born about 1902
CagleJames born about 1923
CampbellEstelle born about 1918
CampbellHerbert born about 1906
CanseyEd born about 1890
CanseyFrances born about 1910
CantlionPauline born about 1925
CarpenterEstelle born about 1922
CarrBertha Maeborn about 1924
CarrHenny born about 1893
CarrKatherine born about 1932
CarrLillian born about 1900
CarrMargaret born about 1930
CarruthersEddie born about 1903
CarruthersLula Maeborn about 1921
CarterClara Maeborn about 1927
CarterEdith born about 1925
CarterGroner born about 1919
CarterLeroy born about 1922
CarterTennie born about 1886
CarterW Fborn about 1873
CastilaIdas born about 1895
CheryAmos born about 1914
CheryFlossie born about 1915
ChildressBernice born about 1926
ClayJermea born about 1907
ClindenonArthur born about 1895
ColeAlic born about 1868
ColeOra born about 1892
CominskyMary Aliceborn about 1939
CominskyS Eborn about 1912
CominskyVada born about 1917
CominskyVada Louiseborn about 1938
CooperBobbie born about 1937
CooperCharles born about 1932
CooperCora born about 1902
CooperE Cborn about 1893
CooperFrances born about 1928
CooperIda born about 1887
CooperJ Iborn about 1882
CooperJohnson born about 1920
CooperMattie born about 1891
CooperN??l?c born about 1930
CooperTommie born about 1935
CooperVirginia born about 1925
CooperW Oborn about 1890
CorklinJimmie born about 1935
CorklinLarraine born about 1915
CorklinRay born about 1918
CorklinVirginia born about 1932
CrookAlbert born about 1925
CrookAnnie Frayborn about 1939
CrookChany Samborn about 1924
CrookClara born about 1895
CrookEd born about 1895
CrookEdeline born about 1910
CrookGertude born about 1921
CrookKatherine born about 1938
CrookOctavia born about 1930
CrookPerline born about 1922
CrookWilliam Henryborn about 1929
CummingaKattie born about 1887
CummingaLuther born about 1887
CummingaReba Maeborn about 1925
CunnighamJohn born about 1910
CunnighamMary Emylynborn about 1936
CunnighamMary Francesborn about 1916

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D Surnames

DauphinSam born about 1875
DavisAndrew Jr born about 1939
DavisClyde born about 1910
DavisCora born about 1921
DavisHubert born about 1911
DavisLevester born about 1937
DearonBetty Franklinborn about 1936
DearonBill born about 1905
DearonLeona born about 1913
DearonMary born about 1933
DearonRobert Jamesborn about 1931
DeunAudie born about 1902
DeunBuford born about 1898
DeunRebecca born about 1927
DillardBirdie born about 1914
DillardMamie Elizabethborn about 1939
DillardShirley Annborn about 1937
DillardWillie born about 1904
DobeseyBill born about 1892
DobeseyMinnie born about 1902
DonWilson born about 1919
DonnellyBennie born about 1931
DonnellyElizabaeth born about 1911
DonnellyThomas born about 1905
DonnellyWilbur born about 1928
DonnellyWillie Maeborn about 1932
DriskillCances born about 1891
DriskillEthel born about 1895
DriskillJames Jr born about 1921
DrunDad born about 1876
DrunJim born about 1890
DrunNora born about 1898

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E Surnames

EarsleyHarry P Jrborn about 1920
EarsleyHarry Printtborn about 1890
EarsleyMargaret Annborn about 1900
ElindersBetty born about 1938
ElindersJohnny born about 1916
ElindersLeroy born about 1939
ElindersVirginia born about 1921
EvansOscar born about 1904

F Surnames

FauilpuerCurtis born about 1915
FerrelMelvin born about 1921
FordMargaret Eborn about 1872
FordSidney born about 1871
FrancisAdalie Louborn about 1912
FrancisAlice Maeborn about 1932
FrancisWillie born about 1909
FranlesCurtis Leeborn about 1934
FrommeAda Medborn about 1939
FrommeL Bborn about 1910
FrommeLeona born about 1918
FrommeSadie Pearlborn about 1939
FrosterCochi born about 1926
FrosterFreddie Maeborn about 1934
FrosterJohnny born about 1921
FrosterMary born about 1895
FrosterOyen born about 1938
FrosterRobert Leeborn about 1932
FrosterShirlene born about 1936
FrosterWash born about 1885
FuncasRobart born about 1909

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G Surnames

GanghanC Mborn about 1883
GarnisMaudie born about 1888
GarnisW Cborn about 1891
GarrettAlan born about 1920
GarrettFlorence born about 1923
GarrettThopson Alanborn about 1939
GillAlbert born about 1890
GillMattie born about 1890
GrayAdar Louisborn about 1932
GrayBarbara Jenyborn about 1937
GrayElla born about 1899
GrayHorace born about 1895
GrayHorace Nadborn about 1928
GrayJamie Leeborn about 1934
GrayJohnnie born about 1923
GrayRosetta born about 1927
GrayWillie Deborahborn about 1921
GreenMargaret born about 1937
GreenPeggy Louborn about 1934

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H Surnames

HaleyNannie born about 1865
HaleyWilliam Jamesborn about 1869
HallieLeon born about 1922
HallieRozella born about 1923
HammackBertie born about 1911
HammackJohn Earlborn about 1924
HammackWilliam Lerryborn about 1932
HammockBuford Lynoborn about 1918
HammockEmma Louborn about 1925
HammockMary born about 1918
HammockOllie Maeborn about 1891
HammockOscar born about 1884
HammockRobert born about 1934
HammockWilliam born about 1921
HandyEd born about 1905
HandyEliza born about 1926
HandyHenry born about 1929
HandyLaretta born about 1940
HandyLizzie born about 1872
HandyNancy born about 1906
HarburMarshall born about 1901
HardawayJohnny born about 1936
HardawayL Ellisborn about 1933
HardawayLouise born about 1917
HardawaySylvestre born about 1913
HarlisHuey born about 1931
HarlisJ Hborn about 1899
HarlisRoberta born about 1925
HarlisRocky born about 1896
HarlisSeray born about 1929
HarlisUtra born about 1920
HarlisVila Maeborn about 1925
HarrisGladys born about 1921
HarrisJames Richardborn about 1937
HarrisRichard born about 1902
HedgeLesley born about 1904
HedgeThelma born about 1909
HellsAlvin born about 1909
HellsJames Franklinborn about 1939
HellsMojic born about 1909
HellsSturley Annborn about 1938
HellsWantha Juneborn about 1935
HightonAlene born about 1915
HightonHenry born about 1928
HightonJulius born about 1935
HightonMelvin born about 1911
HightonWayne born about 1937
HillClyde born about 1906
HillJean born about 1938
HillMary Leeborn about 1922
HillNadine born about 1939
HillWillie born about 1912
HilliardLucie Kateborn about 1922
HilliardSam born about 1912
HollyMiles born about 1908
HoodRuth Maeborn about 1935
HottJohn born about 1828
HottWillie born about 1883
HowardCharles born about 1914
HowardCharles Jr born about 1937
HowardDixie Hazelborn about 1935
HowardEvelyn born about 1915
HullAgusta born about 1924
HullAnnie Pearlborn about 1934
HullCinnie born about 1883
HullEugene born about 1884
HullFlora born about 1937
HullLorraine born about 1933
HullMinnie Leeborn about 1914
HullMyrtle born about 1920
HullSatan born about 1915
HullTurnage born about 1914
HutchinsonCurtis born about 1925
HutchinsonLeland born about 1928
HutchinsonLouise born about 1935
HutchinsonLula Bellborn about 1939
HutchinsonWilliam born about 1931

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J Surnames

JacksonClaude Coleborn about 1879
JacksonElaine born about 1938
JacksonElmer born about 1934
JacksonElvie Jenellborn about 1936
JacksonGale born about 1919
JacksonJessie born about 1920
JacksonJohn Pualborn about 1913
JacksonJohn Williamborn about 1900
JacksonLester Clayborn about 1926
JacksonMargaret born about 1919
JacksonNem born about 1884
JacksonNora born about 1886
JacksonNora Annborn about 1937
JacksonRobert Lborn about 1916
JacksonVirginia born about 1917
JamesEdward born about 1929
JamesEva Maeborn about 1915
JamesHarman born about 1901
JamesJohn born about 1904
JamesMinnie born about 1905
JamesMozella born about 1929
JamesRosie born about 1919
JamesSam born about 1900
JohnsonCarrie born about 1887
JohnsonDavid born about 1927
JohnsonElla born about 1892
JohnsonHenry born about 1891
JohnsonJoe born about 1885
JonesCecil born about 1920
JonesEdith born about 1901
JonesEtta Vellborn about 1923
JonesFlorrie born about 1928
JonesGeorgia Maeborn about 1925
JonesH Gborn about 1890
JonesHenny born about 1877
JonesJames born about 1915
JonesJoe born about 1906
JonesLewis born about 1930
JonesMary Louborn about 1933
JonesRobert born about 1917

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K Surnames

KaligEmmett born about 1921
KendzoraHarry born about 1907
KendzoraOdelle born about 1912
KingBell born about 1907
KingJessie born about 1927
KingLeon born about 1939
KingMelvin born about 1903
KingMildred born about 1933
KingMitchell born about 1936
KnappGeorgia Annborn about 1871
KnappJohn Pborn about 1865
KolomAdkins born about 1883
KolomHeater born about 1887
KooresDree born about 1922
KooresTommie Jborn about 1939
KooresTommie Wborn about 1920

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L Surnames

LacombElizabeth born about 1928
LacombLela born about 1910
LacombMarjorie born about 1932
LacombVaris born about 1906
Landua?a?anols born about 1932
LanduaBert born about 1882
LanduaCora born about 1891
LanduaEldora born about 1925
LanduaMaggie Leeborn about 1930
LanduaMargie born about 1923
LanduaSarah Maeborn about 1927
LansOrabell born about 1919
LansWillie born about 1911
LeeAlbert born about 1874
LeeCharles born about 1938
LeeEarl Leeborn about 1934
LeeElizabeth born about 1934
LeeEugenie born about 1916
LeeFrances born about 1909
LeeGenevie born about 1936
LeeGenis born about 1914
LeeJeanett born about 1937
LeeJerry born about 1939
LeeMary Elizabethborn about 1886
LeePauline born about 1936
LeeRichard born about 1901
LeeRichard Jr born about 1931
LeeWilbur born about 1909
LennisKassie born about 1913
LennisMilton born about 1905
LennisMilton Jr born about 1940
LennisNewton born about 1934
LennisWaddill born about 1938
LettAnnie born about 1879
LettEliar Seniborn about 1874
LiffordFrank born about 1910
LiffordVela born about 1917
LightAddie born about 1877
LightJohn born about 1868
LittlesDedie born about 1937
LittlesEd Leeborn about 1925
LittlesJ Lborn about 1930
LittlesJack born about 1934
LittlesJohn born about 1890
LittlesManisee born about 1893
LittlesVernon born about 1920
LittlesWilliam born about 1928
LoganCharles born about 1904
LoganCharline born about 1939
LoganEdward born about 1937
LoganMinnie Maeborn about 1911
LongCharles born about 1914
LongCira Tonnieborn about 1940
LongHazel born about 1919
LongJack born about 1908
LongLaura Maeborn about 1884
LongLorenned born about 1939
LongLorensie born about 1936
LongPaul Durrettborn about 1923
LongRuby born about 1922
LongT Mborn about 1874
LynchJimmie born about 1896

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M Surnames

MabonRebecca born about 1926
MaladyJoe born about 1879
MantelAshford born about 1920
MantelGenoplra born about 1923
MathewsAnces born about 1924
MathewsDmorr born about 1918
MathewsGenevive born about 1937
MathewsIrine born about 1939
MathewsShirt Ettaborn about 1920
MatsonLiza born about 1889
MatsonY Lborn about 1885
McDonaldCharlene born about 1935
McDonaldClara born about 1928
McDonaldEdward born about 1933
McDonaldEllen born about 1896
McDonaldKathaleen born about 1924
McDonaldLouise born about 1930
McDonaldMarie born about 1928
McDonaldRichard Jamesborn about 1937
McDonaldRobert born about 1884
McDonaldSherman born about 1910
McDonaldViola born about 1922
McLainHowell born about 1874
McLainJess born about 1895
McLainMae born about 1900
McLainMattie born about 1926
McLainMeriel born about 1928
McLaughlinJames born about 1917
McLaughlinJanie born about 1938
McLaughlinMary Francesborn about 1920
MeadorMary born about 1908
MeadorRad born about 1910
MillerBeanton born about 1930
MillieAlma Janeborn about 1935
MillieElmer born about 1910
MillieFrances born about 1919
MillieIrma born about 1936
MitchelAddie Bellborn about 1928
MitchelAnnie born about 1888
MitchelE Lborn about 1883
MitchelHerman born about 1924
MitchelRalph born about 1926
MoodyBetty Jeanborn about 1939
MooreDenton born about 1913
MooreDora born about 1929
MooreElnora born about 1915
MooreGill born about 1906
MooreHarry born about 1921
MooreJ Wborn about 1889
MooreJames born about 1927
MooreL Dborn about 1920
MooreLula born about 1876
MooreMary born about 1888
MooreWilliam born about 1939
MorgunLuvenia born about 1902
MorgunRussell born about 1896
MorriaOzell born about 1924
MorriaPearl born about 1894
MorriaWesley Jr born about 1932
MurphyShuman born about 1913

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N Surnames

NancyJ Dborn about 1876
NicksAlbert born about 1894
NicksFannie born about 1895
NolanThurman born about 1918
NormandArchie born about 1914
NormandHelen Ettaborn about 1937
NormandJames Raynoldborn about 1935
NormandLillian born about 1918

P Surnames

PakerEarl born about 1913
ParmenterElsie Vborn about 1923
ParmenterHarold born about 1926
ParmenterHarvey born about 1896
ParmenterHattie born about 1901
ParmenterHattie born about 1926
ParyRuby born about 1915
ParySam born about 1915
PattersonFearline born about 1910
PattersonFreddie born about 1912
PattersonGeorge Thomasborn about 1939
PattersonHenry Jr born about 1938
PattersonJ Cborn about 1934
PattersonJ Mborn about 1936
PattersonJohn born about 1918
PattersonMartha born about 1927
PattersonMelvin born about 1915
PattersonNancy born about 1925
PattersonOliver born about 1915
PattersonPauline born about 1931
PattersonThelma born about 1914
PattersonVirginia born about 1934
PattersonWillie born about 1909
PattersonWillie Jr born about 1929
PermenterBen born about 1879
PermenterDorothy born about 1927
PermenterEdward born about 1928
PermenterInez born about 1916
PermenterJames born about 1917
PermenterMamie born about 1893
PermenterMamie Louborn about 1931
PermenterMildred born about 1934
PermenterPatricia born about 1939
PermenterRay born about 1910
PermenterWalter born about 1892
PhillppsArthur born about 1881
PhillppsHattie born about 1879
PillarRoss born about 1935
PlidsaeArthur Bborn about 1928
PlidsaeElla born about 1930
PlidsaeLillie Maeborn about 1927
PlidsaePearly born about 1899
PlidsaeRobnert born about 1883
PlidsaeWilliam born about 1917
PrazCharley born about 1903
PrazCharlotte Annborn about 1935
PrazLora Jeanborn about 1933
PrazMyrtle born about 1908
PristFlorence born about 1919
PruitDee born about 1915
PruitHershel born about 1937

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R Surnames

RandolphMary born about 1924
RanieyTonie born about 1922
ReedDexter born about 1921
ReedEd born about 1885
ReedMaggie born about 1906
ReedSylvester born about 1917
ReederJessie Louiseborn about 1922
ReederRoy Andrewsborn about 1940
ReederThurman born about 1913
RenyClayton born about 1904
RenyClayton Boydborn about 1940
RenyEstelle born about 1908
RenyIdul born about 1927
RenyMillie born about 1929
RenyShelly Jeanborn about 1938
RenyShirlene born about 1935
RichardsonBell born about 1875
RichardsonCliff born about 1891
RichardsonEliza born about 1882
RichardsonFrank born about 1887
RichardsonSusie born about 1901
RittersonHomer born about 1925
RittersonMarie born about 1924
RittersonOmer born about 1925
RobinsonCarrie born about 1922
RobinsonCharles born about 1920
RobinsonEva Jeanborn about 1895
RobinsonGeorge born about 1887
RobinsonIrvine born about 1922
RobinsonRachel Leeborn about 1928
RogasArthur born about 1918
RogasArthur Joeborn about 1936
RogasDonnie born about 1918
RogasHarold Edborn about 1931
Rogens??? Jr born about 1923
RogensCharles Evaldborn about 1925
RogensJ Wborn about 1913
RogensLillian born about 1889
RogensM Hborn about 1885
RogensPeggy Annborn about 1931
RolandArgenta born about 1917
RomineIra born about 1903
RomineSadie born about 1907
RozetteMartie born about 1883
RozetteShoemaker born about 1883

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S Surnames

SandersAlice born about 1902
SandersMinnie born about 1920
SandersTaylor born about 1917
SandersTaylor Napoleanborn about 1940
SangesG Aborn about 1892
SangesJ Wborn about 1926
SangesOlenza born about 1922
SayeseLeroy born about 1936
ScallioneDon born about 1875
ScallioneJames Kenethborn about 1940
ScallioneLeon born about 1935
ScallioneMaggie born about 1913
ScallioneOdeel born about 1932
ScallioneVirginia born about 1935
ScallioneWesley born about 1929
ScidmoreBessy born about 1931
ScidmoreJohn Willborn about 1925
ScidmorePaul Vborn about 1921
ScidmoreVirginia born about 1928
ScottEmma born about 1890
ScottJohn born about 1880
ScottJohn Wesleyborn about 1868
ScottNellie born about 1874
SealesCharley born about 1924
SealesEmma born about 1881
SealesJohn born about 1881
SeelersPearl born about 1898
SeelersRobert born about 1911
SeginesH Allenborn about 1919
SeginesMarion born about 1920
SeginesNelson Tborn about 1916
ShanissJohn born about 1876
ShawDelbert born about 1910
ShawDixie Meselborn about 1939
ShawJames Bryantborn about 1937
ShawManris born about 1935
ShawVira born about 1917
SherronW Cborn about 1903
ShillingJ Cborn about 1872
SimAnnie born about 1902
SimBilly born about 1932
SimCarol born about 1927
SimDed born about 1937
SimFred born about 1896
SimFred Jr born about 1929
SimGenevive born about 1920
SimMary Eldenborn about 1925
SimPaul born about 1923
SimRuth born about 1936
SimWoodrow born about 1922
SimpkinsMary Fanborn about 1912
SimpkinsOdell born about 1913
SimpsonVera Leeborn about 1926
SmartAnnie Maeborn about 1902
SmartHattie Leeborn about 1938
SmartLouis born about 1885
SmattWill born about 1875
SmattWillie born about 1895
SmithCharles Edwardborn about 1936
SmithHattie born about 1929
SmithHerman born about 1914
SmithJames born about 1915
SmithJohn Rborn about 1872
SmithJr born about 1933
SmithLouise born about 1919
SmithMac born about 1902
SmithNathanial born about 1918
SpringsAnnie born about 1883
SpringsFred born about 1881
SpringsHenry born about 1876
SpringsPatsy born about 1873
StanfordCarlie born about 1905
StanfordEdward born about 1933
StanfordG Eborn about 1902
StokesLiuben born about 1881
StokesNealie born about 1883
SuttonAlvin born about 1921
SuttonFlorence born about 1912
SuttonJohn Davidborn about 1939
SuttonLarene born about 1931
SuttonLuther born about 1935
SuttonMardie born about 1933
SuttonParl Edwardborn about 1938
SuttonWilliam born about 1912
SwiftMaggie born about 1906
SwiftWillie born about 1909
SybilB Elvenborn about 1918

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T Surnames

TanylrsonMary born about 1915
TanylrsonWilliam born about 1920
ThomasMandy Leeborn about 1893
ThomasWill born about 1890
ThompsonAdele born about 1909
ThompsonBenjamin born about 1935
ThompsonBualah born about 1933
ThompsonDenny Aizborn about 1915
ThompsonField born about 1930
ThompsonH Cborn about 1925
ThompsonJerrold born about 1902
ThompsonJessie born about 1917
ThompsonLillie Bborn about 1922
ThompsonS Cborn about 1927
ThompsonVennie born about 1920
ThonneGertrude born about 1927
ThonneJr born about 1926
ThonneOrphia born about 1913
ThonneR Lborn about 1902
TowlerReta Maeborn about 1936

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V Surnames

VaninghMartha Annborn about 1936
VaninghVirgie born about 1919

W Surnames

WadeJonie born about 1890
WadeLiddie born about 1899
WadeLuzola born about 1926
WadeR Wborn about 1920
WadeSam born about 1899
WadeSemiul born about 1922
WalderBernice born about 1919
WalderPustan Joeborn about 1914
WalkCleo born about 1916
WalkerAnnie born about 1916
WalkerAnnie Margaretborn about 1937
WalkerCarmel born about 1937
WalkerCarnel born about 1907
WalkerFrances born about 1926
WalkerLois born about 1938
WalkerMarrin born about 1914
WalkerMarvin Jr born about 1938
WalkerRay born about 1907
WalkerRay Jr born about 1931
WalkerVernon born about 1929
WallaBirdie born about 1900
WallaLewis born about 1892
WallsJerome born about 1936
WallsJewel Myrlborn about 1916
WallsOlas born about 1920
WarrenCharles Thomasborn about 1932
WatsonAllen born about 1896
WatsonCharles born about 1917
WatsonClarence born about 1923
WatsonImagene born about 1936
WatsonMary Francesborn about 1920
WatsonThomas Tborn about 1924
WatsonWhom Wborn about 1889
Watt?redd born about 1865
WattEugene born about 1920
WattMattie born about 1897
WattVirginia born about 1903
WebbBernice born about 1934
WebbJ Cborn about 1881
WebbLonnie born about 1926
WebbLucie born about 1896
WebbMyrtle born about 1881
WebbOdettie born about 1925
WebbRufus born about 1924
WebbThelma born about 1931
WebbWills born about 1920
WebsterMattie born about 1877
WebsterTom born about 1873
WeddleBirdie born about 1894
WeddleDavid born about 1926
WeddleE Rborn about 1884
WeddleJimmy born about 1930
WeddleLida Leeborn about 1933
WelkerPreston born about 1914
WelkerRosie Bborn about 1916
WelkerRuthie Mayborn about 1938
WellsBird born about 1866
WellsLindsey born about 1905
WellsMinnie born about 1871
WellsOven born about 1929
WetsonPolly born about 1860
WhireOlis born about 1907
White born about 1904
WhiteAnnie Maeborn about 1935
WhiteAsa born about 1910
WhiteCh born about 1894
WhiteEffie born about 1906
WhiteGeraldine born about 1939
WhiteHarold born about 1922
WhiteJames born about 1926
WhiteVanda Fayborn about 1938
WhiteWillie born about 1890
WhiteWillie Jaborn about 1932
WhiteheartMarjie born about 1933
WhiteheartWilliam born about 1935
WhitesaleDorothy Louiseborn about 1935
WhitesaleEthel Maeborn about 1937
WhitesaleEtta Pearlborn about 1936
WhitesaleMattie born about 1914
WhitesaleTenis born about 1911
WhitesaleTommie Louisborn about 1939
WhitesideMarie born about 1916
WhitesideMary born about 1900
WhitesideOryell born about 1912
WhitesideRance born about 1896
WhitesideRance Jr born about 1918
WibbElmer born about 1925
WibbLle born about 1887
WibbOllia born about 1891
WibbVelmer born about 1925
WillardsonElsie born about 1897
WillardsonFloyd Lborn about 1929
WillardsonJohn Henryborn about 1894
WillardsonJohn Lborn about 1936
WillardsonLee Jr born about 1921
WillardsonOllie Dborn about 1924
WilliamsAlbert born about 1924
WilliamsArlley born about 1895
WilliamsBirdie born about 1895
WilliamsBirthe Louborn about 1928
WilliamsCharles born about 1917
WilliamsCharley born about 1877
WilliamsD Lborn about 1883
WilliamsEdna born about 1906
WilliamsEmma born about 1890
WilliamsEsther born about 1924
WilliamsHarmbert born about 1919
WilliamsHattie Maeborn about 1913
WilliamsHelen born about 1931
WilliamsJ Lborn about 1933
WilliamsJames Russaborn about 1927
WilliamsJeff born about 1928
WilliamsMartha born about 1923
WilliamsMutt born about 1934
WilliamsPaul Sborn about 1901
WilliamsRosie born about 1921
WilliamsSarah born about 1927
WilliamsSonny born about 1938
WilliamsTommie born about 1936
WilsonLeona born about 1913
WilsonNorella born about 1933
WilsonRobert Jr born about 1939
WilsonTommie born about 1897
WilsonVirginia born about 1932
WilsonWilliam Dborn about 1937
WoodfinC Eborn about 1890
WoodfinC Mborn about 1879
WoodsEd born about 1884
WrightAda Leeborn about 1884
WrightAnnie born about 1907
WrightBed born about 1904
WrightCecil born about 1939
WrightEdna born about 1926
WrightEugene born about 1926
WrightFranklin born about 1935
WrightH Gborn about 1882
WrightHugh born about 1921
WrightMae born about 1913
WrightNara born about 1922
WrightSherry born about 1939
WrightW Cborn about 1909
WrightW C Jrborn about 1936

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Y Surnames

YatesWill born about 1899

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