1940 U.S. Federal Census of Taylor in Nevada County, Nevada, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Nevada County > 1940 Census of Taylor in Nevada County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottCharles born about 1910
AbbottCharles Mborn about 1937
AbbottVeraelsie born about 1914
AddickAmmie born about 1897
AllderCleo born about 1874
AllderDeator born about 1923
AllderDowson born about 1921
AllderEffie born about 1888
AllderEstelle born about 1918
AllderEvlyn born about 1925
AllderJames Grayborn about 1917
AllderJohn Lborn about 1876
AllderLaura Maeborn about 1916
AllderLavelle born about 1913
AllderLee born about 1880
AllderSallie born about 1878
AmmondsJohn born about 1880
AnieJulia born about 1866
AnieTavis Wborn about 1858
AnnoneAaron born about 1911
AnnoneJean born about 1938
AnnoneMurel born about 1911
ArringtonDale born about 1925
ArringtonGolan born about 1906
ArringtonJohn born about 1905
ArringtonJoy born about 1937
ArringtonLee Rueborn about 1935
ArringtonRoy born about 1927
AtkinsAfsie born about 1889
AtkinsDean born about 1927
AtkinsGarland born about 1922
AtkinsGarner born about 1910
AtkinsJ Dborn about 1889
AtkinsJ Rborn about 1895
AtkinsJeneth born about 1939
AtkinsMattie Jeanborn about 1922
AtkinsMildred born about 1912
AtkinsMoosilla born about 1891
AtkinsNina born about 1900
AtkinsThomas born about 1930
AtwoodTom Aborn about 1919
AuccettHearz Dborn about

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaberEvelyn born about 1919
BaberJimmy born about 1936
BackerHelen born about 1924
BaileyA Jborn about 1939
BaileyBlanche born about 1912
BaileyEllis born about 1925
BaileyEstelle born about 1919
BaileyEthel born about 1892
BaileyJ Cborn about 1914
BaileyJames Rborn about 1881
BaileyJessie born about 1931
BaileyJoe Davidborn about 1930
BaileyJohn born about 1888
BaileyKenneth born about 1934
BaileyKenneth born about 1935
BaileyLawrence born about 1928
BaileyLeathia born about 1909
BaileyLoretta born about 1937
BaileyMalonie born about 1891
BaileyMarilyn born about 1939
BaileyMat born about 1909
BaileyPaul born about 1910
BaileyPaul Jr born about 1940
BaileyRoger born about 1933
BaileyWalda born about 1933
BaileyWallace born about 1921
BandyMaylie born about 1888
BarrJoendie born about 1883
BarrJohn Jborn about 1880
BartonCarter born about 1907
BartonGlendolin born about 1906
BartonLinda born about 1934
BartonMargie born about 1903
BearleyBessie born about 1918
BearleyThurston born about 1917
BeasleyAla born about 1907
BeasleyArella born about 1923
BeasleyAyarene born about 1922
BeasleyBertha Maeborn about 1922
BeasleyBeulah born about 1918
BeasleyBird born about 1886
BeasleyDelmay born about 1934
BeasleyDoek born about 1886
BeasleyDorathy born about 1924
BeasleyDorintha born about 1902
BeasleyEarlie born about 1921
BeasleyHattie Bborn about 1924
BeasleyHenry Jborn about 1930
BeasleyJames Eborn about 1929
BeasleyJohn born about 1875
BeasleyJohn born about 1914
BeasleyJohn Leeborn about 1925
BeasleyJulian born about 1871
BeasleyLennie born about 1928
BeasleyLeroy born about 1918
BeasleyLivia born about 1906
BeasleyLizzy born about 1882
BeasleyLucy born about 1888
BeasleyMarie born about 1929
BeasleyMarjorie born about 1919
BeasleyMary born about 1938
BeasleyMattie born about 1923
BeasleyMinnie born about 1886
BeasleyOllie Fayborn about 1934
BeasleyPhoebia born about 1917
BeasleyRobert born about 1925
BeasleyVera born about 1919
BeasleyWade born about 1915
BeasleyWillard born about 1936
BeasleyWilliam born about 1919
BeckerE Hborn about 1892
BestDarrel born about 1872
BestErnestine born about 1917
BestFarrel born about 1921
BestLizzie born about 1881
BestMattie born about
BiddleJean born about 1921
BiddleLuay born about 1910
BlackCharles born about 1919
BlackRoxie Leeborn about 1939
BlackRuby born about 1920
BlackmanAddie Lossborn about 1933
BlackmanClifton born about 1921
BlackmanErnest born about 1894
BlackmanIventon born about 1927
BlackmanMinnie born about 1898
BlackmanMurine born about 1929
BlakeCora born about 1912
BlakeGracie Lborn about
BlakeJames Lborn about 1938
BlakeLawrence born about 1913
BlakeLunes born about 1910
BlakeMandes born about 1933
BlakeRhoda born about 1909
BlakeVirgie born about 1914
BlakelyAddie born about 1914
BlakelyChester Leeborn about 1938
BlakelyInfant born about 1935
BlakelyJoe Otieborn about 1935
BlakelyLinnie born about 1917
BlakelyO Jeanborn about 1937
BlakelyRollie born about 1914
BlakelyRuth Ellenborn about 1935
BlakelyTole born about 1910
BlakelyViola born about 1909
BlakelyVirgil born about 1905
BlakerAutry Maeborn about 1912
BlakerCornellia Dborn about 1934
BlakerCoy born about 1927
BlakerEssie Bellborn about 1938
BlakerFloyd born about 1936
BlakerIsaac born about 1904
BlakerVistwin born about 1931
BlandArtie born about 1926
BlandJ Rborn about 1890
BlandJohn born about 1930
BlandMarilyn born about 1935
BlandMary born about 1896
BlandMaxine born about 1932
BlandPearl born about 1937
BoellsleyAnnie born about 1904
BoellsleyT Jborn about 1922
BoellsleyWiley born about 1900
BoellsleyWindon born about 1930
BoggessRaymond born about 1913
BoogleyAlehman born about 1869
BookesLouise born about 1919
BookesWilson born about 1917
BoswellAnnie Maeborn about 1899
BoswellErman born about 1918
BoswellJ Aborn about 1868
BoswellPearle born about 1916
BoxDorothy born about 1934
BoxLouise born about 1939
BoxVictoria born about 1913
BoxWillie Jamesborn about 1936
BradshawBilly Deanborn about 1930
BradshawGuy Nborn about 1891
BradshawJames born about 1923
BradshawLois born about 1892
BradshawMary Louborn about 1928
BradshawWalter born about 1868
BradshawWoodrow born about 1914
BreverAlice born about 1925
BreverLona born about 1912
BreverRosevelt born about 1913
BrewerBetty Jeanborn about 1935
BrewerCynthia born about 1911
BrewerErlene born about 1940
BrewerInez born about 1889
BrewerLeroy born about 1915
BrewerNominee born about 1922
BrewerPercy born about 1913
BrewerRoy Jr born about 1939
BrewerRufus born about 1877
BrouningAgnes born about 1929
BrouningEnnagene born about 1927
BrouningEtta born about 1881
BrouningRuby born about 1925
BrouningW Gborn about 1879
BrownBenny born about 1915
BrownClarance born about 1936
BrownDorothy born about 1936
BrownHoward born about 1934
BrownJohnnie born about 1939
BrownLouise born about 1939
BrownLovella born about 1924
BrownMae born about 1912
BrownRoxie born about 1867
BryantCiller born about 1919
BryantJoseph born about 1921
BryantLetoria born about 1920
BryantLucious born about 1926
BryantMary born about 1888
BryantMillon born about 1886
BryantMurlene born about 1927
BryantOphelia born about 1912
BryantPercy born about 1923
BryantR Bborn about 1934
BryantRodie born about 1915
BryantRoosevelt born about 1908
BufordAlene born about 1936
BufordCarrol born about 1932
BufordEarl born about 1906
BufordIrene born about 1910
BugtenAlfred born about 1910
BugtenJesse born about 1935
BugtenMartha born about 1939
BugtenRuby born about 1915
BurnsBessie born about 1913
BurnsGerdie born about 1914
BurtinCliston born about 1925
BurtinDalton born about 1922
BurtinEdgar born about 1895
BurtinGirtun born about 1902
BurtinMildred born about 1930
BurusArthur born about 1890
BurusLouiza born about 1891
BustinBetty Louborn about 1936
BustinDora born about 1882
BustinElla born about 1907
BustinTony born about
BustinWalter born about 1909
ButcherAlene born about 1914
ButcherBobby born about 1932
ButcherCharles born about 1939
ButcherClaude born about 1885
ButcherDora born about 1874
ButcherEmma born about 1884
ButcherHarris born about 1911
ButcherMarianna born about 1930
ButcherOma born about 1904
ButcherRobert born about 1905
ButcherRose Dborn about 1913
ButcherShirley born about 1936
ButcherSyble born about 1926
ButlerClara born about 1915
ButlerFrancise born about 1906
ButlerGloria Aborn about 1939
ButlerJ Oborn about 1895
ButlerJimmy born about 1931
ButlerRoland born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalanaRobert born about 1933
CalanaThomas Eborn about 1930
CaldvellFrank born about 1869
CaldvellMary Jborn about 1872
CampDogls born about 1924
CampDollie born about 1919
CampJoe born about 1896
CampOgie born about 1900
CampOllie born about 1921
CampbellA Aborn about 1889
CampbellRitha born about 1898
CaropchAddie born about 1912
CaropchClarence born about 1898
CaropchJack born about 1931
CaropchRichard born about 1932
CarpenterAlice born about 1934
CarpenterBertha born about 1903
CarpenterDenver born about 1932
CarpenterDwight born about 1936
CarpenterIla born about 1911
CarpenterJ Eborn about 1902
CarpenterW Sborn about 1910
ChamleeDessia born about 1907
ChamleeDouglas born about 1928
ChamleeErnest born about 1907
ChamleeSherry Deneicaborn about 1940
ChamleeTwyla born about 1936
ChamleeWava Leeborn about 1926
CharlesGloria born about 1937
CharlesJewel born about 1915
CharlesLeon born about 1939
CharlesWillard born about 1910
CharlesWillard Jr born about 1935
ChearyN Eborn about 1888
ChearyTressie born about 1894
ClarkChristene born about 1918
ClarkDale born about 1922
ClarkGilmer born about 1920
ClarkHarold born about 1932
ClarkHenry born about 1899
ClarkJames born about 1915
ClarkJoyce born about 1928
ClarkLennie born about 1899
ClarkMarjorie born about 1930
ClarkTruman born about 1935
CmKarleen born about 1920
CmLyde born about 1911
CmRogers born about 1873
CollcottBoyd born about 1914
CollcottGobby Joeborn about 1934
CollcottLind Jeanborn about 1928
CollcottOdell born about 1914
CollingsC Tborn about 1907
CollingsJosie born about 1914
CollinsJames Rborn about 1925
CollinsMarshalene born about 1932
CollinsThomas born about 1927
CongerClara born about 1863
CookerLona born about 1927
CooperCathelean born about 1935
CooperChristina born about 1905
CooperDalis born about 1926
CooperEttia born about 1906
CooperJohnie born about 1932
CooperL born about 1902
CooperLeu born about 1873
CooperLizzie Mayborn about 1939
CooperOlivee born about 1937
CooperRichard born about 1902
CornellAubrey born about 1938
CornellErvin Hborn about 1933
CornellMary born about 1911
CornellSam Hborn about 1892
CoxOplia born about 1910
CraytonEthel born about 1931
CraytonFlora born about 1913
CraytonGeorge born about 1903
CraytonGracie born about 1933
CraytonHershal born about 1931
CraytonLaubre born about 1933
CraytonLave born about 1910
CraytonLouie born about 1910
CraytonR Vborn about 1905
CraytonViola born about 1903
CrispHarry born about 1908
CrispHarry Jr born about 1931
CrispJoseph born about 1939
CrispRuth born about 1912
CrossArthur born about 1926
CrossDonald born about 1933
CrossJohn Aborn about 1925
CrossTrudie born about 1892
CrossW Cborn about 1890
CrossW Cborn about 1919
CrossWesley born about 1928
CrudupAlma born about 1900
CrudupFannie Belleborn about 1933
CrudupThomas Oborn about 1899

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D Surnames

DeanElliot born about 1906
DeanGrace born about 1908
DeanJo Andrewborn about 1939
DeanNell Roseborn about 1936
DehelMinnie born about 1900
DennisEarley Dborn about 1935
DennisFred Dborn about 1936
DennisJames born about 1911
DennisOre Aneborn about 1916
DennisOttie born about 1938
DennisRuby born about 1934
DillardAnnie born about 1903
DillardB Hborn about 1902
DillardCarolyn born about 1938
DillardClara Louborn about 1933
DillardDonald born about 1929
DillardDorothy Jeanborn about 1925
DillardHubert born about 1923
DillardTom born about 1859
DillardVonice born about 1931
DixonBetty Sueborn about 1930
DixonEdward born about 1925
DixonKenneth born about 1934
DixonLoyd born about 1904
DixonMyl born about 1908
DixonOtis born about 1900
DixonRonald born about 1931
DixonRuth born about 1906
DossAnne born about 1930
DossCrystal born about 1905
DossHarold born about 1927
DossWilton born about 1902
DouganCecil Beatriceborn about 1918
DouganOscar born about 1905
DouganPennie Franklinborn about 1940
DouganSusie Mayborn about 1938
DraytonFrances born about 1934
DraytonNovia born about 1909
DraytonPorter born about 1880
DunnAlice born about 1896
DunnSon born about 1934
DunnW Hborn about 1883

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E Surnames

EastDoria born about 1877
EastErman born about 1926
EastJames Oborn about 1879
EastLee born about 1900
EcholsGeneva born about 1923
EgellBo???w born about 1931
EgellEmmer born about 1903
EgellTroy born about 1904
ElliotL Bborn about 1935
ElliotLou born about 1933
ElliottBerd born about 1890
ElliottCharlie Rborn about 1940
ElliottEffie born about 1898
ElliottErnnie born about 1899
ElliottFishel born about 1893
ElliottJames born about 1921
ElliottJessie born about 1918
ElliottMarvin born about 1927
ElliottRichard born about 1920
ElliottRoberta born about 1924
ElliottRoy born about 1922
ElliottSusie born about 1920
EllisEd born about 1890
EllisJ Rborn about 1872
EllisMinnie born about 1895
ElmoreA Bborn about 1899
ElmoreA Eborn about 1897
ElmoreAnna Bertborn about 1922
ElmoreEdward born about 1923
ElmoreFrancis born about 1925
ElmoreGeorge born about 1888
ElmoreMarey born about 1892
ElmoreMary born about 1928
ElmoreMary Joeborn about 1927
ElmorePearl ???born about 1928
ElmorePetsy Dearthborn about 1936
ElmoreRachel Rebecaborn about 1924
ElmoreReda born about 1902
ElmoreVerna born about 1897
EpellA Cborn about 1876
EpellElsie born about
EpellOrell born about 1914
EvantAlmer born about 1921
EvantEmmejean born about 1927
EvantHerlie born about
EvantLozeler born about 1928
EvantRuby Nellborn about 1924
EvantT Pborn about 1897
EverettBettie Inezborn about 1937
EverettBonnie born about 1917
EverettSteve born about 1888
EverettSteve Jr born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FillerEthel born about 1893
FillerGeorge born about 1886
FincherBonny Saraborn about 1938
FincherCallie born about 1893
FincherFay Wborn about 1911
FincherLuther born about 1889
FincherPatsy Hborn about 1934
FincherPauline born about 1915
FincherPeggy Eborn about 1936
FinksDoris born about 1935
FinksG Nborn about 1905
FinksGrace born about 1914
FinksLa Wanda born about 1932
FinksLouise born about 1930
FlowersEmma born about 1858
ForrElsie born about 1928
ForrEugean born about 1940
ForrFred born about 1898
ForrHelen born about 1923
ForrHerbert born about 1926
ForrMargaret born about 1904
FranksBilley Downborn about 1938
FranksErkin born about 1910
FranksErlin Leseyborn about 1936
FranksHelen born about 1919
FranksLynn born about 1905
FranksPeggy Aborn about 1934
FranksPollynan born about 1935
FranksSelma born about 1911
FrithDurwood born about 1926

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G Surnames

GalushaCharles born about 1939
GalushaMaurine born about 1913
GalushaRuth Janeborn about 1936
GarrettDaisy born about 1913
GarrettH born about 1912
GarverA Cborn about 1918
GarverCaddie born about 1893
GarverGeorge born about 1921
GarverSam born about 1924
GarverSeth born about 1923
GarverSmiley born about 1919
GarverTyree born about 1925
GarvisonCecil born about 1909
GarvisonEthel born about 1914
GatlinAlice born about 1929
GatlinCleveland born about 1925
GatlinCora born about 1896
GatlinCora Jborn about 1927
GatlinEverja born about 1920
GatlinGeraldine born about 1933
GatlinJames born about 1937
GatlinLilly Maeborn about 1923
GatlinRoosevelt born about 1921
GatlinWill born about 1898
GatlinWillie born about 1931
GifsonAaron born about 1900
GifsonIlean born about 1911
GilesAlvis born about 1914
GilesKathleen born about 1919
GodboltEddie Rborn about 1932
GodboltJohnie born about 1891
GodboltOtis born about 1927
GodboltPinnie born about 1894
GodboltPortie born about 1924
GodboltRoxana born about 1932
GodboltVine Leliaborn about 1930
GodboltWilliam born about 1916
GoodwinAvebery born about 1925
GoodwinFloysar born about 1922
GoodwinGarland born about 1917
GoodwinJunita born about 1927
GoodwinRay Francisborn about
GoodwinRoss born about 1890
GoodwinTom born about 1887
GrantRufus born about 1884
GrantSerena born about 1888
GrantWinnie born about 1900
GrayJuanita born about 1915
GrayR Aborn about 1905
GreerCharles born about 1935
GreerE Hborn about 1914
GreerEarline born about 1915
GreerStanley born about 1938
GreshamGeorge Mborn about 1907
GreshamMildred born about 1910
GreshamRevella born about 1867
GriffisAlbert born about 1923
GriffisBurral born about 1929
GriffisFaidas born about 1926
GriffisGeorge born about 1931
GriffisHerbert born about 1927
GriffisJonie Sueborn about 1937
GriffisMattie Louborn about 1934
GriffisRoy born about 1924
GriffisSallie born about 1903
GriffisW Jborn about 1883
GulleyAlcie born about 1924
GulleyHatty Bellborn about 1928
GulleyJessie born about 1922
GulleyJoe Louisborn about 1937
GulleyKrntha born about 1894
GulleyLetha born about 1900
GulleyMabel born about 1910
GulleyMarry Leeborn about 1935
GulleyRosa Leeborn about 1935
GulleyTroy Leeborn about 1924
GulleyWiley born about 1890
GullieAugusta born about 1920
GullieCharles born about 1937
GullieLeathia born about 1881
GullieMarie born about 1939
GullieMary born about 1933
GullieNeda Maeborn about 1935
GullieWily born about 1882
GullieyGeorge born about 1928

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H Surnames

HadnettCarl born about 1911
HadnettMaurine born about 1913
HaltonDorthy Maeborn about 1928
HaltonLeta born about 1909
HaltonLyle born about 1906
HambriceDonald born about 1938
HambriceElfrida born about 1899
HambriceGeorge born about 1895
HambriceHarold born about 1924
HambriceMarion born about 1928
HardimanAnna born about 1914
HardimanJim born about 1934
HardimanMattie born about 1937
HardimanNathaniel born about 1935
HardimanTimothy born about 1901
HawleyFlorence born about 1914
HayesJ Eborn about 1910
HaynesBillie Jeanborn about 1931
HaynesGrady born about 1902
HaynesHattie born about 1878
HaynesMildred born about 1906
HaynesWilma born about 1912
HaynieGuy born about 1907
HaysAddie born about 1902
HaysLucius born about 1901
HendersonCharline born about 1939
HendersonFaye born about 1934
HendersonGladys born about 1904
HendersonGladys born about 1930
HendersonHazel born about 1924
HendersonMae born about 1926
HendersonTom born about 1894
HenryAnna born about 1931
HenryBettie Mayborn about 1918
HenryCharlie born about 1877
HenryE Hborn about 1939
HenryEarlen born about 1929
HenryEdward born about 1927
HenryElijah born about 1906
HenryElla born about 1888
HenryElmer born about 1911
HenryElvie born about 1905
HenryEmma Deanborn about 1935
HenryEmory born about 1929
HenryGeorge born about 1893
HenryJ Jborn about 1886
HenryJessie Maeborn about 1928
HenryJim born about 1887
HenryL Pborn about 1877
HenryLena born about 1913
HenryLenora born about 1923
HenryLizzie born about 1902
HenryLizzie born about 1910
HenryMarie born about 1921
HenryMary born about 1923
HenryMattie born about 1895
HenryMattie born about 1931
HenryOtiha Leeborn about 1937
HenryRaymond born about 1926
HenryRichard born about 1926
HenryRobert born about 1885
HenryRose Annaborn about 1918
HenryRoy born about 1928
HenryV Ferborn about 1920
HeringDrucilla born about 1929
HeringGeorge born about 1933
HeringHerbert born about 1897
HeringMandey born about 1877
HeringMarcella born about 1924
HeringMargarette born about 1927
HeringMason born about 1922
HeringRoy born about 1892
HeringRuth born about 1925
HerringHelen born about 1922
HerringLynn born about 1918
HerringM Oborn about 1902
HerringRethie born about 1902
HicksArdel born about 1921
HicksBernice born about 1932
HicksIshman born about 1901
HicksLourice born about 1927
HicksMary born about 1904
HicksOlen born about 1923
HicksSam born about 1937
HicksTrudel born about 1925
HodnettJewel born about 1901
HodnettLavonne born about 1939
HodnettPerlah born about 1903
HodnettVivian born about 1922
HogdeJ Aborn about 1888
HollowayE Lborn about 1884
HollowayEdward born about 1924
HollowayMartha born about 1887
HollowayMrs R W Tborn about 1867
HollowayW Wborn about 1897
HoneCarolyn born about 1935
HoneClifton born about 1905
HoneLois born about 1911
HoneaAmos born about 1910
HoneaCorra born about 1906
HoneaEvette born about 1912
HoneaFern born about 1928
HoneaHazel born about 1934
HoneaHeriam born about 1901
HoneaMary Joyceborn about 1934
HoneaNathell born about 1925
HoneaPaul born about 1936
HoneaRothy Leeborn about 1930
HoneaVirginia born about 1931
HoneaWanda Ruthborn about 1940
HonesJ Wborn about 1918
HonesLeonard born about 1921
HonesLona born about 1879
HonesS born about 1866
HoneycuttJ Cborn about 1909
HoneycuttJ Wborn about 1859
HoneycuttJohn Rogerborn about 1939
HoneycuttLydie born about 1875
HoneycuttOra born about 1911
HouseFlave born about 1905
HouseNellie Sueborn about 1937
HouseOla born about 1907
HousePaul born about 1934
HouseTivila born about 1939
HowellFloy born about 1904
HowellSandra born about 1885
HowellT Lborn about 1884
HuffmanHalajona born about 1913
HuffmanVirginia born about 1936
HuffmanW Hborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IndermallJe Danielborn about 1885
IndermallMary Francesborn about 1937
IndermallNafoleon born about 1932
IndermallNathaniel born about 1936
IndermallNyatt born about 1885
IndermallOxhelia born about 1907
IndermallPecola born about 1932
IrbyVela Bellborn about 1926
IvoryGeorge born about 1911
IvoryVerdie born about 1914

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J Surnames

JacksonA Bborn about 1873
JacksonAda born about 1884
JacksonCharles Dborn about 1930
JacksonClarance born about 1927
JacksonDorie born about 1905
JacksonGail born about 1922
JacksonH Bborn about 1901
JacksonHaynie born about 1921
JacksonIda born about 1898
JacksonJ Tborn about 1929
JacksonJohn Hborn about 1905
JacksonLizzie Bethborn about 1924
JacksonMarshall born about 1917
JacksonMary born about 1919
JacksonRobert Dborn about 1932
JacksonRobt Dborn about 1935
JacksonRobta born about 1909
JacksonRosa born about 1877
JacksonRosa born about 1897
JacksonS Cborn about 1874
JacksonThurston born about 1937
JacksonTom Jr born about 1926
JacksonTommie born about 1896
JacksonVirgil born about 1923
JamisonAlner born about 1888
JamisonGeorge born about 1892
JamisonOzie Maeborn about 1922
JamisonRosie born about 1919
JarvisBillie Ruthborn about 1935
JarvisTomie Lewborn about 1915
JarvisWayne born about 1912
JobeBarbadeen born about 1937
JohneGeorge born about 1861
JohnesArtie born about 1914
JohnesDonald born about 1937
JohnesKatherine born about 1939
JohnesKay born about 1913
JohnesOlivia born about
JohnesPaul born about 1934
JohnesW Cborn about 1935
JohnsonAloge born about 1884
JohnsonAlvinhale born about 1938
JohnsonAria born about 1922
JohnsonB Hborn about 1878
JohnsonCarl born about 1892
JohnsonElnora born about 1933
JohnsonHaider born about
JohnsonLeona born about 1893
JohnsonLeona born about 1930
JohnsonMaurice born about 1921
JohnsonMaxine born about 1918
JohnsonMerline born about 1910
JohnsonMrs W Jborn about 1861
JohnsonNelson born about 1937
JohnsonNormajean born about 1936
JohnsonParry born about 1890
JohnsonRobert born about 1918
JohnsonRonald born about 1939
JohnsonSarah born about 1918
JohnsonWilfred born about 1920
JonesCharlie Bborn about 1907
JonesErnest born about 1909
JonesGladys born about 1930
JonesIllan born about 1933
JonesJesse Bborn about 1938
JonesPerdies born about 1909
JonesTroy born about 1929
JoneyTroy born about 1932
JoneyWilliam born about 1924
JonnyLula Maeborn about 1929

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K Surnames

KellaggsE Sborn about
KellaggsEffie born about 1890
KellaggsNadina born about 1930
KellyAnna born about 1936
KellyBobby born about 1934
KellyBryan born about 1905
KellyEllen born about 1939
KellyHarold born about 1919
KellyHarry born about 1933
KellyHesterly born about 1912
KellyLucille born about 1920
KendricksFloyde Jr born about
KennedyMary born about 1913
KingCora Maeborn about 1891
KingHazel born about 1927
KingHenry born about 1935
KingHudson born about 1894
KingLumie born about 1920
KingNora born about 1891
KingThelma born about 1918
KingThurston born about 1929
KingWalter born about 1917

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L Surnames

LaaneBetty Louborn about 1935
LaaneClyde born about 1903
LaaneItey Maeborn about
LaudermilkA Zborn about 1928
LaudermilkBetty Jeanborn about 1935
LaudermilkCurtis born about 1918
LaudermilkHenrettie born about 1903
LaudermilkJames born about 1932
LaudermilkJohnny born about 1901
LaudermilkOllie Vborn about 1930
LaudermilkOtis born about 1922
LawryCarol Annborn about 1937
LawryClifton born about 1896
LawryLorraine born about 1924
LawryMarion born about 1930
LawryNadine born about 1935
LawryNorman born about 1922
LawryRuby born about 1898
LawryRuby Janeborn about 1932
LawryWanda born about 1928
LearbsReuben born about 1875
LeeCatherine born about 1931
LeeMamie born about 1892
LeeWill born about 1884
LeichtyElladee born about 1912
LeichtyW Jborn about 1903
LewisBetty Jeanborn about 1931
LewisBeulah born about 1900
LittonMary born about 1913
LoneDella born about 1925
LoneElma born about 1921
LoneEnlena born about 1906
LoneGladin Maeborn about 1939
LoneJannet born about 1906
LoneOtha Leeborn about 1919
LoneSam Jborn about 1928
LoneVersia born about 1923
LoudermilkOtis born about 1925
LowryJulia Maeborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadisonCorrine born about 1920
MadisonDorothy born about 1938
MadisonElrica born about 1912
MadisonFrank born about 1910
MadisonFred born about 1918
MadisonJ Cborn about 1937
MadisonJames born about 1921
MadisonJames born about 1939
MadisonJoe born about 1929
MadisonJoe Tborn about 1929
MadisonJohn born about 1930
MadisonJohn Tborn about 1931
MadisonJohn Wborn about 1929
MadisonJoseph born about 1937
MadisonLenory born about 1935
MadisonLetroy born about 1933
MadisonLillie Maeborn about 1927
MadisonLiza born about 1882
MadisonOcie Maeborn about 1925
MadisonOlie born about 1930
MadisonOllie born about 1917
MadisonR Jborn about 1934
MadisonThomas born about 1922
MadisonTina born about 1897
MadisonTom born about 1892
MadisonTomie Leeborn about 1913
MadisonUnice Bellborn about 1916
MageeEdith born about 1916
MageeHattie Leeborn about 1922
MageeJowell born about 1899
MageeT Aborn about 1888
MaloneGlen born about 1908
MaloneJ Jborn about 1886
MaloneJewell born about 1889
MaloneLoger born about 1936
MaloneMartha born about 1899
MaloneMary born about 1914
MaloneMerlene born about 1922
MaloneVelma born about 1915
MalverRoyce born about 1926
MarlarAlfred born about 1897
MarlarCharles born about 1937
MarlarDenton born about 1900
MarlarEthel born about 1921
MarlarFrancis born about 1897
MarlarFrancis born about 1929
MarlarHerbert born about 1906
MarlarHilton born about 1921
MarlarHoyks born about 1912
MarlarJennie Tborn about 1908
MarlarJohn born about 1939
MarlarMartha born about 1872
MarlarPansy born about 1933
MarlarPatricia born about 1939
MarlarSelma born about 1908
MarlarThurman born about 1900
MarlarTillman born about 1924
MarlarVinna born about 1901
MarlasNora born about 1917
MarshBobbie born about 1937
MarshDoris born about 1932
MarshIlean born about 1934
MarshLenora born about 1914
MarshTheo born about 1908
MartarD Fborn about 1865
MartarSusan born about 1869
MartinAddie born about 1902
MartinAgnes born about 1906
MartinAkon born about 1936
MartinAlfred born about 1928
MartinAllie born about 1864
MartinAllie born about 1926
MartinAranell born about 1937
MartinArthur born about 1924
MartinArtia Bellborn about 1904
MartinAudrick born about 1932
MartinAzelle born about 1930
MartinBack Jr born about 1929
MartinBettie Louborn about 1929
MartinBetty Joeborn about 1935
MartinBloomar born about 1901
MartinBluford born about 1906
MartinBrice born about 1904
MartinBuddie born about 1899
MartinC Mborn about 1892
MartinC Wborn about 1933
MartinCarl Belaineborn about 1937
MartinCarlie born about 1932
MartinCharles born about 1900
MartinCharles born about 1934
MartinChester born about 1908
MartinChester born about 1922
MartinChester Kborn about 1936
MartinCleo born about 1922
MartinCleve born about 1904
MartinCooter born about 1927
MartinCora born about 1900
MartinCorine born about 1924
MartinCurlin Jr born about 1927
MartinDairus born about 1926
MartinDan born about 1893
MartinDaniel born about 1935
MartinDean born about 1929
MartinDella born about 1892
MartinDenver born about 1932
MartinDorothy born about 1919
MartinE Sborn about 1903
MartinEffie born about 1893
MartinElija born about
MartinElsie born about 1926
MartinEmaline born about 1925
MartinEmma ???born about 1939
MartinEmoree born about 1922
MartinEstelle born about 1892
MartinEthel born about 1939
MartinFannie born about 1885
MartinFay born about 1933
MartinFloise born about 1925
MartinFrank born about 1935
MartinGeorge Eborn about 1937
MartinGeorgiana born about 1920
MartinGlayds born about 1904
MartinGustova born about 1927
MartinGuy born about 1921
MartinH Cborn about 1903
MartinHelena born about 1887
MartinHershel born about 1915
MartinHershel born about 1929
MartinHoward born about 1939
MartinIda Veeborn about 1932
MartinInfant born about
MartinJ born about 1918
MartinJ Hborn about 1904
MartinJames born about 1925
MartinJaone Edwardborn about 1928
MartinJeeleen born about 1932
MartinJimmie Lborn about 1939
MartinJoe born about 1885
MartinJoe born about 1930
MartinJoe Allenborn about 1931
MartinJunita born about 1922
MartinLakma born about 1932
MartinLem born about 1910
MartinLema born about 1918
MartinLeona born about 1916
MartinLid born about 1906
MartinLou born about 1861
MartinLula born about 1936
MartinMaggie born about 1924
MartinMamie born about 1906
MartinMarthada born about 1930
MartinMath born about 1887
MartinMerlena born about 1925
MartinMirth born about 1908
MartinNadine born about 1934
MartinOllie born about 1905
MartinOllie born about 1906
MartinOtis born about 1924
MartinOtis born about 1927
MartinR Lborn about 1933
MartinRiley Jborn about 1925
MartinRoy born about 1889
MartinRuby born about 1908
MartinRuby born about 1913
MartinRural born about 1936
MartinSallye born about 1909
MartinSam Lborn about 1895
MartinSelma born about 1931
MartinSue born about 1934
MartinSussie born about 1928
MartinTem born about 1895
MartinTerrell born about 1933
MartinTerry born about 1934
MartinThomas born about 1925
MartinTuell born about 1927
MartinTula born about 1899
MartinVera born about 1910
MartinVinia born about 1902
MartinW Sborn about 1875
MartinWalter born about 1931
MartinWatson born about 1923
MartinWilhelmina born about 1935
MartinWilma born about 1906
MartinWilson born about 1884
MarvinLouis born about 1893
MarvinStella born about 1916
MayAustie born about 1936
MayC Aborn about 1909
MayCleo born about 1912
MayDarol born about 1938
MayDarwin born about 1939
MayElmer born about 1908
MayImogene born about 1931
MayMelva born about 1913
MayPatsy born about 1933
MayRueline born about 1933
MaytonBertha born about 1912
MaytonEssie born about 1914
MaytonJames Hborn about 1934
McCannAnnie born about 1911
McCannCarolyn born about 1939
McCannGeorge born about 1935
McCannThomas Bborn about 1910
McDanielHarvey born about 1930
McKenleyR Bborn about 1904
McKenleySudie born about 1908
McKenneyJim Edborn about 1874
McKenneyLillian born about 1892
McKennieEnby born about 1927
McKingDock born about 1913
McKingGeorge born about 1938
McKingGrady born about 1933
McKingJames born about 1933
McKingMallie born about 1917
McKingO Dborn about 1932
McKingOctavia born about 1939
McKingOra Leeborn about 1935
McKingVessie Leeborn about 1929
McKinneyA Eborn about 1900
McKinneyAda born about 1911
McKinneyAlex born about 1909
McKinneyAlex Jr born about 1935
McKinneyAlvin born about 1902
McKinneyAnthony born about 1938
McKinneyBernice born about 1925
McKinneyCorleana born about 1902
McKinneyCorrine born about 1922
McKinneyDock born about 1879
McKinneyE Lborn about 1937
McKinneyEarl born about 1927
McKinneyEarlie born about 1901
McKinneyElla Maeborn about 1920
McKinneyEna born about 1935
McKinneyEsra born about 1928
McKinneyEthel born about 1896
McKinneyFerena born about 1937
McKinneyFrancis born about 1882
McKinneyGirteen born about 1926
McKinneyIsaac born about 1932
McKinneyJames Olenborn about 1935
McKinneyJula born about 1939
McKinneyLizzy born about 1902
McKinneyMartha born about 1877
McKinneyMary Sueborn about 1930
McKinneyMattie Fayborn about 1939
McKinneyMattie Oraborn about 1930
McKinneyMaude born about 1921
McKinneyMelvarda born about 1932
McKinneyOcie born about 1938
McKinneyOdell born about 1927
McKinneyOlen born about 1919
McKinneyOllie born about 1925
McKinneyOllie Jr born about 1939
McKinneyOpal Geanborn about 1935
McKinneyOrelbary born about 1929
McKinneyOrine born about 1923
McKinneyOther born about 1914
McKinneyOtis born about 1927
McKinneyOwen born about 1920
McKinneyRaymond born about 1932
McKinneyRither born about 1910
McKinneyRoosevelt born about 1900
McKinneyRosie born about 1906
McKinneyS Dborn about 1872
McKinneySara born about 1920
McKinneySlayds born about 1930
McKinneySusie born about 1891
McKinneyThemothy born about 1933
McKinneyTom Wborn about 1931
McKinneyTommie born about 1935
McKinneyVera born about 1939
McKinneyVerline born about 1934
McKinneyVernon born about 1924
McKinneyVirgil Lueborn about 1937
McKinneyW Mborn about 1929
McKinneyWilma born about 1925
McKinnieFloyd born about 1910
McKinnieOcie born about 1914
McKinnieRobbie born about 1939
McKinnieRosie born about 1938
McKinnleyDelia born about 1878
McKinnleyGrace born about 1898
McKinnleyR Cborn about 1856
McKinnyAddie Maeborn about 1931
McKinnyAlice born about 1879
McKinnyAll born about 1868
McKinnyClaudia born about 1934
McKinnyHerbert born about 1906
McKinnyOttis born about 1928
McKinnyPinky born about 1905
McKissackDoris Nellborn about 1928
McKissackGarland born about 1907
McKissackIlene born about 1909
McKissackJimmy born about 1937
McKissackVon born about 1935
McLainJ Aborn about 1872
McLainJames born about 1924
McLainLillie born about 1892
McLainMarjorie born about 1926
McRayElrea born about 1926
McRayHester born about 1924
McRayLou born about 1900
McRayM Cborn about 1929
McRayMack born about 1892
MillageEffie born about 1915
MillageJoe born about 1898
MillerDelmer born about 1913
MillerElma born about 1903
MillerHarry Oborn about 1905
MillerJ Dborn about 1939
MillerLucie Leeborn about 1939
MillerMarie Annborn about 1937
MillerMyra born about 1936
MillerRuby born about 1917
MinahElsie born about 1910
MinahHugh born about 1904
MinahJammie ???born about 1934
MitchelAlford born about 1899
MitchelAlrie born about 1934
MitchelAnna born about 1929
MitchelEmma born about 1907
MitchelFred born about 1932
MitchelJames born about 1937
MitchelLeo born about 1939
MitchelPearl born about 1935
MitchelSuler Maeborn about 1931
MitcheleBobbie Jeanborn about 1932
MitcheleCharles born about 1939
MitcheleClio born about 1909
MitcheleLera born about 1912
MitcheleMargie born about 1928
MitcheleOtia born about 1930
MitcheleShirley Annborn about 1937
MitcheleWillie Landonborn about 1935
MitchellAlice born about 1892
MitchellBen born about 1875
MitchellBen Jr born about 1921
MitchellDorthy born about 1924
MitchellEdgar born about 1908
MitchellF Tborn about 1915
MitchellIra Gborn about 1896
MitchellJ Eborn about 1894
MitchellJoyce born about 1916
MitchellJuanita born about 1932
MitchellL Aborn about 1881
MitchellLucile born about 1918
MitchellLucteria born about 1934
MitchellMary born about 1929
MitchellMattie born about 1914
MitchellNinelln born about 1929
MitchellNoris born about 1928
MitchellOra born about 1894
MitchellRay born about 1905
MitchellSusan born about 1856
MitchellW Eborn about 1890
MixonAdell born about 1935
MixonAlberta born about 1935
MixonAlton born about 1933
MixonAlvin born about 1923
MixonClara born about 1915
MixonD Cborn about 1924
MixonDeet born about 1885
MixonEarlie Dborn about 1936
MixonEarsieran born about 1934
MixonFloyd Jr born about 1936
MixonGenava Dborn about 1932
MixonHattie born about 1892
MixonJames born about 1927
MixonJaunda born about 1929
MixonJim born about 1916
MixonJunius born about 1937
MixonL Cborn about 1931
MixonManda Dborn about 1929
MixonMary born about 1923
MixonMary Leeborn about 1940
MixonNathanile born about 1914
MixonO Cborn about 1927
MixonVerdie born about 1902
MixonWiley born about 1900
MixonZeola born about 1918
MkinneyBattie Sueborn about 1932
MkinneyCath Leeborn about 1924
MkinneyDessie born about 1917
MkinneyElzadie born about 1918
MkinneyFranie born about 1896
MkinneyJesse Mayborn about 1923
MkinneyJunior born about 1938
MkinneyLenard born about 1875
MkinneyMary Leeborn about 1932
MkinneyMuss born about 1939
MkinneyWillia Mayborn about 1921
MkinneyWilmer born about 1920
MoleteJ Wborn about 1916
MoleteLouise born about 1923
MontgomeryMary born about 1880
MorelandCarol born about 1923
MorelandTebe born about 1864
MorrisAlbert born about 1919
MorrisAlie born about 1898
MorrisAllene born about 1922
MorrisGeorge born about 1919
MorrisJessie born about 1900
MorrisSusan born about 1924
MossAlvine born about 1910
MossB born about 1902
MossChester born about 1925
MossDaniel born about 1932
MossDelma born about 1921
MossDexter born about 1924
MossEarl born about 1932
MossEmoree born about 1937
MossEsther born about 1934
MossFreeman born about 1927
MossGladys born about 1927
MossHerbert born about 1909
MossJessie Maeborn about 1919
MossJohnnie born about 1912
MossLeone born about 1924
MossLudie born about 1908
MossLuther born about 1930
MossLuther born about 1932
MossLuther Sborn about 1940
MossMary born about 1893
MossMary born about 1914
MossMelvin born about 1910
MossMittie born about 1933
MossNathaniel born about 1933
MossObell born about 1921
MossOllie born about 1928
MossPearl born about 1892
MossQueen Esterborn about 1910
MossRuben born about 1887
MossRuby born about 1938
MossSnook born about 1934
MossWillie born about 1904
MossWillie born about 1917
MuldronEra born about 1912
MuldronJ born about 1869
MuldronMyrtle born about 1912
MuldronNora Maeborn about 1935
MuldronWarrline born about 1938
MunnCarl born about 1882
MunnImogene born about 1925
MunnOllie born about 1890
MurryLavisa born about 1901
MurryMarvin born about 1930
MurryRoland born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NormanEla born about 1924
NormanFay born about 1902
NormanJ Bborn about 1900

O Surnames

OdellAlbert born about 1916
OdellAlton born about 1914
OdellDorothy born about 1929
OdellJessie born about 1872
OdellLola born about 1916
OheyeDorthy born about 1922
OheyePetter born about 1891
OheyeR Dborn about 1926
OheyeRobert born about 1888
OllisonAndrew born about 1920
OllisonBelton born about 1905
OllisonBernell born about 1939
OllisonBollon Jr born about 1938
OllisonChristine born about 1917
OllisonEugene born about 1933
OllisonFrances born about 1934
OllisonGladis born about 1914
OllisonIrma born about 1911
OllisonLonnie born about 1936
OllisonLuther born about 1935
OllisonMattie born about 1884
OllisonMildred Leeborn about 1924
OllisonPauline born about 1930
OrentonHartis born about 1917
OswaltBessie born about 1915
OswaltBilly Joeborn about 1928
OswaltBobbie Jeanborn about 1933
OswaltC Dborn about 1904
OswaltKathleen born about 1928
OswaltRuby born about 1911
OswaltW Hborn about 1899
OtwellBettie Loueborn about 1935
OtwellCharlie born about 1926
OtwellEdith born about 1930
OtwellGeorge Nborn about 1921
OtwellHelen born about 1923
OtwellLarson born about 1919
OtwellMay born about 1894
OtwellMinnie Leeborn about 1928
OtwellMollie Eborn about 1880
OtwellNellie Maeborn about 1932
OtwellPenny Pborn about 1881
OtwellWalter Gborn about 1878
OvertonArlis born about 1937
OvertonHelen born about 1927
OvertonJ Mborn about 1889
OvertonTempie born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaddenHarvey born about 1921
PadenDelius born about 1936
PadenJohn born about 1908
PadenLouise born about 1939
PadenSallie born about 1909
PageAlvin born about 1927
PageCatherine born about 1925
PageCatherine born about 1932
PageCurtis born about 1925
PageDonald born about 1931
PageEdgar born about 1914
PageElbert born about 1904
PageEllich born about
PageEllie Leeborn about 1914
PageErnestine born about 1916
PageEstella born about 1909
PageGerrie born about 1935
PageGilbert born about 1885
PageHubert born about 1907
PageJames born about 1929
PageJanie born about 1937
PageJinie Leeborn about 1939
PageLauren Eborn about 1916
PageLorine born about 1937
PageMagdoline born about 1930
PageMary born about 1903
PageMary Atlon*born about
PageMyrtle born about 1917
PagePercilla born about 1887
PageRic born about 1932
PageSam born about 1910
PageTalitha born about 1870
PageThomas born about 1923
PageTroy D Eborn about 1921
PageViola born about 1908
PageWillie Willieborn about 1927
PaytonA Jborn about 1906
PaytonAdodall born about 1931
PaytonBobby born about 1937
PaytonC born about 1904
PaytonFannie born about 1913
PaytonGeneva born about 1929
PaytonGerald born about 1935
PaytonGracie born about 1933
PaytonHarris born about 1902
PaytonHenry Dborn about 1907
PaytonLenard born about 1926
PaytonLorene born about 1938
PaytonMary born about 1911
PaytonMildred born about 1938
PaytonPearlie born about 1908
PaytonSusie born about 1933
PaytonTom born about 1929
PergersonAlvin born about 1921
PergersonChristine born about 1926
PergersonCostella born about 1929
PergersonEdna born about 1896
PergersonLonnie born about 1919
PergersonLorene born about 1935
PergersonS Dborn about 1923
PergersonWalter born about 1893
PerrySarah born about 1861
PhillipsArnold born about 1924
PhillipsArthur born about 1900
PhillipsBeatrice born about 1916
PhillipsBilly Wayneborn about 1929
PhillipsBobby born about 1934
PhillipsG W Jrborn about 1933
PhillipsGary Rayborn about 1939
PhillipsGeorge born about 1886
PhillipsGeorge born about 1915
PhillipsGeorgeher born about 1935
PhillipsGeraldine born about 1931
PhillipsGwendolen born about 1936
PhillipsHerlan born about 1927
PhillipsHomard born about 1924
PhillipsHoyt born about 1926
PhillipsIm born about 1898
PhillipsLaura born about 1861
PhillipsMarvin born about 1914
PhillipsMattie born about 1896
PhillipsMay born about 1892
PhillipsOtis born about 1905
PhillipsOvita born about 1907
PhillipsPink Tborn about
PhillipsR Eborn about 1893
PhillipsRescie born about 1889
PhillipsRoy Jr born about 1926
PhillipsThelma born about 1923
PhillipsTom Mborn about 1890
PhilphsJ Wborn about
PichetForest born about 1901
PichetHaroldine born about 1931
PichetMamie born about 1901
PichettBenlah born about 1908
PichettBettie Joeborn about 1935
PichettJames born about 1931
PichettSamanth born about 1868
PichettTilly Maeborn about 1902
PichettW Gborn about 1895
PickensAlice born about 1932
PickensBen born about 1878
PickensBen Jr born about 1935
PickensClaudia born about 1902
PickensElvalene born about 1930
PickensJack born about 1934
PickensJames born about 1928
PickensSue Annborn about 1938
PierceCharlie born about 1916
PierceFlora born about 1917
PiercesonT Cborn about 1927
PinkertonDoyle born about 1910
PinkertonJ Cborn about 1903
PinkertonJ C Jrborn about 1933
PinkertonTravis born about 1934
PinkertonVashtie born about 1910
PinkertonVelma born about 1920
PipkinAnna Bellborn about 1896
PipkinBernice born about 1916
PipkinCharles born about 1935
PipkinClarance born about 1922
PipkinCleo born about 1916
PipkinDonald born about
PipkinEd born about 1884
PipkinGlynn born about 1908
PipkinHenry born about 1887
PipkinIrene born about 1920
PipkinJohn born about 1912
PipkinJoyce born about 1938
PipkinMartha born about 1872
PipkinMarvin born about 1924
PipkinNorman born about 1937
PipkinWatson born about 1918
PowellBirtirlee born about 1905
PowellCaroline born about 1935
PowellCorrine born about 1909
PowellMaryland born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadenChester Leeborn about 1932
RadenDaisy Nellborn about 1934
RadenGilbert born about 1900
RadenMartha born about 1910
RadenVester born about 1925
RantonFrancis born about 1864
RayDonald born about 1917
RayHelen born about 1919
RayhornNora Leeborn about 1932
RayhornRay born about 1908
RayhornRuby born about 1915
RedeleyI Jborn about 1937
RedeleyIra born about 1906
RedeleyMattie born about 1908
ReedDora born about 1917
ReedJerry born about 1910
ReedJessie born about 1938
RheaAndrew born about 1880
RheaBessie born about 1885
RheaBirdie born about 1889
RheaDorothy born about 1922
RheaDouglas born about
RheaGarland born about 1902
RheaHugh Nellborn about 1925
RheaJemmie born about 1890
RheaMclajean born about 1931
RheaRachel born about 1856
RhinehartC Cborn about
RhinehartHelen born about 1883
RichardsonDennis born about 1929
RichardsonHenry born about 1907
RichardsonIris born about 1915
RichardsonJack born about 1933
RichardsonLeha born about 1910
RichardsonMartha Janeborn about 1940
RichardsonStanley born about 1910
RiddlingClarence born about 1924
RiddlingEmiley Joeborn about 1932
RiddlingJettes born about 1899
RiddlingLouise born about 1926
RiddlingMagdaline born about 1922
RiddlingMary Gborn about 1928
RiddlingOlive born about 1910
RobertsRosie born about 1876
RobertsonBillie born about 1934
RobertsonCarrie born about 1890
RobertsonDorman born about 1909
RobertsonFay born about 1913
RobertsonGene born about 1931
RobertsonJohn born about 1923
RobertsonSammy born about 1921
RobertsonWill born about 1891
RobinsonBuddy born about 1939
RobinsonCurlon born about 1938
RobinsonCurtis born about 1936
RobinsonElbiolia born about 1914
RobinsonJerry born about 1917
RobisonAllie Mayborn about 1934
RobisonArlmardene born about 1931
RobisonArzolia born about 1916
RobisonBessie born about 1928
RobisonCardsella born about 1934
RobisonCarlie born about 1932
RobisonDora born about 1889
RobisonEdwin born about 1940
RobisonEmogene born about 1936
RobisonEva born about 1939
RobisonFlord born about 1923
RobisonG Tborn about 1938
RobisonJim born about 1894
RobisonJohn Hborn about 1924
RobisonL Cborn about 1937
RobisonLearliana born about 1914
RobisonLula born about 1928
RobisonMary born about 1913
RobisonMozella born about 1924
RobisonOscar born about 1909
RobisonRoy born about 1926
RobisonWillis born about 1933
RodgersBonnie Sueborn about 1923
RodgersEva born about 1897
RodgersL Mborn about 1890
RodgersLawrence born about 1918
RodgersRudolph born about 1921
RogeosDale born about 1909
RogeosLucile born about 1913
RogeosRalph born about 1938
RogersBessie born about 1921
RogersCharles Dborn about 1935
RogersChester born about 1906
RogersChristena born about 1908
RogersCorina born about 1917
RogersCyril born about 1926
RogersDelbert born about 1909
RogersDewey Tborn about 1934
RogersDocia born about 1891
RogersDorothy born about 1933
RogersE born about 1903
RogersHattie born about 1909
RogersJame Rborn about 1875
RogersJames Aborn about 1914
RogersJames Mborn about 1931
RogersJewel born about 1903
RogersJohnny born about 1910
RogersLouis Dborn about 1937
RogersMartha born about 1922
RogersMay Wborn about 1912
RogersMelva born about 1920
RogersMimie born about 1912
RogersNexie Maeborn about 1930
RogersNora Leeborn about 1939
RogersObie born about 1932
RogersOpal born about 1907
RogersPaul born about 1931
RogersRolley Nealborn about 1917
RogersRosa Leeborn about 1916
RogersRoy born about 1904
RogersThomas born about 1909
RogersThurman born about 1916
RogersWalter born about 1890
RogersWille born about 1931
RogersWillie born about 1927
RogersWillie Maeborn about 1885
RollingsB Bborn about 1895
RollingsBurton Jr born about 1928
RollingsMartha born about 1902
RowdenShady born about 1927
RoweClassie born about 1894
RoweEmma born about 1922
RoweJohnie Bborn about 1924
RoweOttie born about 1928
RoweVirgil born about 1890
RowtonGirlie born about 1900
RowtonMary born about 1931
RowtonWillie born about 1896
RoyCelia born about 1900
RoyCleo born about 1919
RoyJaunita born about 1939
RoyOra Deanborn about 1936
RoyRoss born about 1910
RunyanMat born about 1880
RunyanMatt born about 1880
RunyanNorbelle born about 1882
RunyanNormalt born about 1889
RunyanPearl born about 1921
RunyanPearl born about 1922
RunyanVersie Maeborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersCharles born about 1939
SandersCleo born about 1917
SandersElcena born about 1927
SandersFreeman born about 1925
SandersHarman born about 1930
SandersLe Roy born about 1933
SandersLela born about 1921
SandersLillie Maeborn about 1907
SandersLiza born about 1870
SandersLouis born about 1904
SandersMerlene born about 1939
SandersThurston born about 1916
SandersWarn Jr born about 1937
SandersYoung born about 1906
SandersZell born about 1932
SarrettHomer Jborn about 1917
SavageIla Verneborn about 1914
SavageJ Wborn about 1913
SavageSara Elizabethborn about 1939
ScalsIsarene born about
ScalsIva born about 1918
ScalsJames Eborn about 1935
ScalsNorvell born about 1920
SealdBenny Gborn about 1936
SealdClaudine born about 1934
SealdClemasic born about 1902
SealdEd born about 1890
SewellAlma born about 1918
SewellEver born about 1886
SewellFlorence born about 1921
SewellGeraldine born about 1923
SewellHughford born about 1925
SewellJoe Cborn about 1858
SewellJohnie born about 1922
SewellLou Eliseborn about 1914
SewellMollie born about 1893
SewellTom Mborn about 1885
SewellWillard born about 1916
ShackelfordCecele born about 1927
ShackelfordEssa born about 1904
ShackelfordJim born about 1928
ShackelfordJosie born about 1898
ShackelfordLouis Earlborn about 1925
ShackelfordOscar born about 1935
ShackelfordThomas born about 1925
ShackelfordTillie born about 1894
ShackelfordTom born about 1930
SilleyAileene born about 1923
SilleyAllie born about 1885
SilleyJ Willborn about 1878
SilleyMary Joeborn about 1931
SilleyRay born about 1920
SilsonBettie Jeanborn about 1933
SimpsonBertha born about 1879
SimpsonBeulah born about 1904
SimpsonElvern born about 1929
SimpsonEugene born about 1876
SimpsonFred Nborn about 1933
SimpsonGeorgie born about 1894
SimpsonGlenn Daleborn about 1932
SimpsonJewel born about 1921
SimpsonK Tborn about 1888
SimpsonLindel born about 1916
SimpsonNorna born about 1924
SimpsonPalcol born about 1911
SimpsonRoyce Deanborn about 1939
SimpsonSelma born about 1918
SimpsonTroy born about 1925
SimpsonVenoy born about 1937
SlauchDobie born about 1907
Smith born about 1925
SmithAlgustia born about 1937
SmithAmelia born about 1909
SmithAnne born about 1935
SmithAnnie born about 1932
SmithBessie born about 1907
SmithBirthesa born about
SmithC Lborn about 1936
SmithCarlton born about 1898
SmithCatherine born about 1866
SmithCharles born about 1920
SmithClifton born about 1933
SmithCora born about 1906
SmithDaisy born about 1938
SmithDan born about 1937
SmithDelvin born about 1925
SmithDennis born about 1927
SmithDole Marieborn about 1934
SmithEd Jborn about 1896
SmithEdward born about 1921
SmithEdward born about 1929
SmithElvin born about 1925
SmithEster born about 1939
SmithFrancella born about 1928
SmithFred Douglasborn about 1934
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1939
SmithGertrude born about 1924
SmithHattie born about 1902
SmithHattie born about 1908
SmithHiral born about 1922
SmithHorace born about 1909
SmithImes born about 1903
SmithIshman born about 1895
SmithJ Wborn about 1939
SmithJack born about 1887
SmithJames born about 1921
SmithJames Rayborn about 1926
SmithJames Tborn about 1937
SmithJennie born about 1929
SmithJim born about 1899
SmithJohn Hborn about 1886
SmithJudith born about 1937
SmithKate born about 1901
SmithLonnie born about 1928
SmithLula Bellborn about 1940
SmithMargorie born about 1940
SmithMarion born about 1930
SmithMary born about 1926
SmithMattie Eborn about 1902
SmithMay Bettyborn about 1935
SmithMildred born about 1922
SmithMinnie born about 1898
SmithNorwood born about 1934
SmithOlena born about 1935
SmithOttis born about 1906
SmithR Cborn about 1932
SmithRay born about 1937
SmithRichard born about 1934
SmithRobert Lborn about 1867
SmithRoger Nborn about 1908
SmithRosie Leeborn about 1914
SmithRutha born about 1894
SmithShelton born about 1928
SmithShirley born about 1939
SmithStant born about 1892
SmithStant Jr born about 1933
SmithSuevada born about 1936
SmithTennie born about 1885
SmithTheodore born about 1920
SmithThomas born about 1928
SmithTrene born about 1932
SmithVester born about 1925
SmithWillie Jborn about 1898
SmithWillie Johnsonborn about 1896
SmithWillie Jr born about 1923
SmithWilton born about 1930
SmithWily born about 1901
SmithWinnie born about 1908
SniderClaree born about 1925
SniderHolbert born about 1927
SniderIrene born about 1923
SniderRebeckah born about 1884
SniderWesley born about 1875
SnyderGladys born about 1939
SnyderMamie born about 1918
SnyderRollie born about 1936
SnyderRollin born about 1913
StarrettErvil born about 1910
StarrettMarle born about 1924
Steward A Mborn about
StewartCarlton born about 1921
StewartEdison born about 1891
StewartHelma born about 1896
StewartHorace born about 1931
StewartLorine born about 1928
StewartViera born about 1926
StocksGeorgia born about 1876
StocksJ Tborn about 1877
StoneA Bborn about 1936
StoneGollie Joeborn about 1933
StoneJessie born about 1912
StoneKerman Leeborn about 1931
StoneThomas born about 1927
StringerBillie Dborn about 1936
StringerDale born about 1895
StringerFay born about 1903
StringerLorita born about 1927
StringerStinson born about 1932
StroopeHazel born about 1923
StroopeHovars born about 1930
StroopeImogene born about 1928
StroopeJ Fborn about 1884
StroopeLouie born about 1925
StroopePhillie born about 1893
StroopeSidne Deanborn about 1928
SwellIsaac Iborn about 1873
SwellMary Eborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThaterdCornelia born about 1859
ThaterdT Gborn about 1886
ThompsonArron born about 1916
ThompsonE Eborn about 1880
ThompsonEthel born about 1892
ThompsonFord born about 1919
ThompsonJo born about 1881
ThompsonLeona born about 1876
ThompsonLossie born about 1890
ThompsonVicie born about 1922
ThomsonClandis born about 1859
ThraillailtD Cborn about 1896
ThraillailtJames Cborn about 1939
ThraillailtLora Fayeborn about 1932
ThraillailtOpal born about 1911
ThraillailtTheodore born about 1937
ThraillailtVirginia Bborn about 1934
TomlinAnsie born about 1905
TomlinCharles born about 1936
TomlinJohnnie born about 1908
TomlinMartha born about 1939
TomlinRuby Nellborn about 1935
TomlinThelma born about 1915
TomlinVera born about 1916
ToneyAgnes born about 1916
ToneyBernice born about 1939
ToneyBosher Tborn about 1939
ToneyChester Rborn about 1936
ToneyClyde born about 1918
ToneyJohn Lborn about 1906
ToneyJohn Mborn about 1934
ToneyMarvin born about 1910
ToneyMary Ottaborn about 1923
ToneySallie born about 1917
ToneyTela born about 1904
TonyJ Lborn about 1935
TonyJohn born about 1875
TonyMattie born about 1900
TrachRobert Wborn about 1919
TramleyNathana born about 1932
TramleyVamana born about 1930
TranhMana born about 1900
TranhRobt born about 1899
TranhW Sborn about 1921
TranhWatson born about 1925
TucherErnest born about 1936
TucherInek born about 1905
TucherJeumch born about 1897
TucherLiman Cborn about 1939
TucherLucila born about 1933
TucherQueen Estherborn about 1918
TucherTheodre born about 1920
TuiggBessie born about 1880
TuiggEdward born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanpeltA Tborn about 1906
VanpeltBette born about 1937
VanpeltElizabeth born about 1911
VanpeltGrenet born about 1935
VickLois born about 1928
VickOra Maeborn about 1925
VickRobert born about 1931
VossHenry born about 1911
VossOla born about 1922

W Surnames

WalkerDaniel born about 1935
WalkerHelen born about 1937
WalkerLelia born about 1912
WalkerMatthew born about 1932
WallisArthur born about 1913
WallisDock born about 1882
WallisJames born about 1939
WallisJessie Maeborn about 1918
WallisJohn born about 1901
WallisOdessa born about 1905
WallisOscar born about 1914
WallisQueen born about 1924
WallisSuler born about 1881
WantEdger born about 1888
WantFordon born about 1884
WardCurtis born about 1916
WardEverett born about 1924
WardHenry ???born about 1939
WardHerbert Gborn about 1934
WardImon Gborn about 1931
WardJosie Mborn about 1923
WardLee born about 1896
WardLeta born about 1927
WardMargaret born about 1930
WardMary born about 1898
WardMary born about 1899
WardMyrtis born about 1921
WardNettie born about 1876
WardS Rborn about 1897
WardVirgie Leeborn about 1925
WardWiley Eborn about 1920
WareInez born about 1909
WareJose Hborn about 1898
WareMargie born about 1928
WareRansy born about 1925
WarmachAlbert born about 1936
WarmachBoyd born about 1902
WarmachC Hborn about 1894
WarmachLynwood born about 1926
WarmarkBilly Joeborn about 1935
WarmarkEsther born about 1912
WarmarkEthel born about 1885
WarmarkJenlle born about 1932
WarmarkMarion born about 1930
WarmarkMaxin born about 1910
WarmarkP Rborn about 1883
WarmarkSara born about 1930
WarmarkShirley Maxborn about 1937
WarrenCarin born about 1914
WarrenChester born about 1928
WarrenJames born about 1892
WarrenJames Wborn about 1938
WarrenLucy Annborn about 1896
WarrenMarion born about 1916
WarrenMarthann born about 1937
WarrenPearly Mayborn about
WarrenR Aborn about 1878
WastinCarrie born about 1918
WastinMilton born about 1911
WastinRuby born about 1934
WatersBobby Jeanborn about 1929
WatersChester born about 1906
WatersDaisy born about 1921
WatersDaniel born about 1935
WatersDora born about 1871
WatersDorie born about 1895
WatersDorthy Geneborn about 1925
WatersEthel born about 1900
WatersFinley born about 1914
WatersGaylon born about 1934
WatersH Lborn about 1887
WatersJack Jr born about 1924
WatersJohn Aborn about 1884
WatersLaura born about 1873
WatersLee born about 1901
WatersLee Terrellborn about 1928
WatersLeta born about 1905
WatersMarion born about 1922
WatersNora born about 1886
WatersNorbell born about 1932
WatersOgla born about 1913
WatersPatsy Louborn about 1939
WatersPearl born about 1887
WatersRachel born about 1900
WatersRoy born about 1912
WatersRoy Jr born about 1933
WatersRuby born about 1925
WatersSam Lborn about 1874
WatersSammy Joeborn about 1937
WatersT Cborn about 1897
WatersT Pborn about 1928
WatersTruett born about 1938
WatersW Jaenborn about 1883
WatersWinston born about 1936
WatkinsByron born about 1922
WatkinsDewey born about 1899
WatkinsH Iborn about 1920
WatkinsJanice Sueborn about 1927
WatkinsKattie born about 1899
WatkinsPatsy Ruthborn about 1938
WatkinsRoxie born about 1912
WatkinsThurman born about 1918
WatsonAilene born about 1936
WatsonBobby born about 1938
WatsonC Bborn about 1917
WatsonCarrie born about 1920
WatsonJa born about 1890
WatsonJohn born about 1914
WatsonL Cborn about 1937
WatsonMadeline born about 1887
WattsBarba Jeanborn about 1940
WattsCallie born about 1923
WattsDaisy born about 1934
WattsDavid born about 1919
WattsLeola born about 1918
WattsMarvin born about 1932
WattsMay Ruthborn about 1939
WattsMeyda born about 1894
WattsOllie born about 1921
WattsRayfield born about 1925
WattsSterling born about 1893
WattsTannia born about 1927
WattsTillman born about 1930
WeakerFatsy born about 1933
WeakerLuther Pborn about 1900
WeakerVida born about 1908
WeaverClyde born about 1923
WeaverDale born about 1924
WeaverEffie born about 1903
WeaverJae Burticeborn about 1931
WeemaAma born about 1910
WeemaIra born about 1907
WeemsBeatrice born about 1924
WeemsEdna Leeborn about 1922
WeemsIrene born about 1918
WeemsLewis born about 1917
WeemsMinnie born about 1900
WeemsSidney born about 1918
WesleyCarrie born about 1897
WesleyD Dborn about 1892
WesleyFrancis born about 1924
WesleyGeorgia born about 1932
WesleyJessie born about 1921
WesleyMargie Nillborn about 1929
WesleyMildred born about 1936
WesleyWade born about 1917
WestAdell born about 1892
WestArthur born about 1889
WestArthurine born about 1932
WestBillie born about 1926
WestBoyd born about 1907
WestCarl born about 1913
WestCarl Maxwellborn about 1940
WestDexter born about 1922
WestElsie born about 1889
WestFerne born about 1925
WestFlora Maeborn about 1924
WestGeorge Aborn about 1881
WestH Dborn about 1930
WestHarold born about 1918
WestHattie Maeborn about 1910
WestIren Aborn about 1911
WestJohn born about 1898
WestLike born about 1909
WestMargie Fayborn about
WestMary Nellborn about 1929
WestMaydine born about 1934
WestWilber born about 1929
WestenFettie Lborn about 1917
WestenJ Tborn about 1915
WhasDale born about 1937
WhasE Faughnborn about 1939
WhasFay Nallborn about 1934
WhasGeorgie Leeborn about 1933
WhasGreen born about 1922
WhasJohn born about 1900
WhasJohnie born about 1928
WhasPaton Oliveborn about 1931
WhasRethia born about 1904
WhasWindell born about 1927
WhiteBessie born about 1904
WhiteD born about 1913
WhiteErnest born about 1900
WhiteHubert born about 1930
WhiteHulan born about 1926
WhiteRobert born about 1934
WhiteThelma born about 1916
WicherAlmer born about 1931
WicherColherta born about 1915
WicherMildred born about 1925
WicherRuena born about 1923
WilcherEmma born about 1930
WilcherJohn born about 1898
WilcherLizzy born about 1901
WilcherVesta Leeborn about 1929
WilliamBessie born about 1884
WilliamE L Jrborn about 1927
WilliamElbert born about 1866
Williams??? born about 1922
WilliamsArlis born about 1900
WilliamsCarrie born about 1906
WilliamsDelmer born about 1934
WilliamsDicky born about 1940
WilliamsEdward born about 1928
WilliamsGaylon born about 1939
WilliamsHenry born about 1874
WilliamsIulia born about 1888
WilliamsJoe Arthurborn about 1937
WilliamsJoeann born about 1938
WilliamsJohn Lborn about 1930
WilliamsLynwood born about 1935
WilliamsMelba Jeanborn about 1932
WilliamsRuby born about 1906
WilliamsShina born about 1922
WilliamsWillie born about 1923
WilliamsonAlice born about 1901
WilliamsonAthene born about 1933
WilliamsonBobby Dborn about 1936
WilliamsonElijah born about 1890
WilliamsonEmma Jeanborn about 1939
WilliamsonHershel born about 1937
WilliamsonLeearthur born about 1931
WilliamsonRoy born about 1929
WilsonClimmie born about 1926
WilsonJosie born about 1889
WinberryBen Gborn about 1894
WinberrySophina born about 1892
WincherClassey born about 1877
WincherEsso Mayborn about 1933
WincherFannie born about 1935
WincherGeorge born about 1928
WincherJ Wborn about 1931
WincherJessie born about 1900
WincherJosie born about 1910
WincherJosie born about 1911
WincherLon born about 1874
WincherLonnie born about 1893
WincherLonnie born about 1918
WincherMarion born about 1925
WincherMarion born about 1938
WincherMartha born about 1908
WincherMary born about 1936
WincherMary Sueborn about 1926
WincherNathaniel born about 1903
WincherRosa born about 1934
WincherSallie born about 1929
WindberryClara Mborn about 1913
WindberryJim born about 1874
WindberryLiza born about 1874
WiseEarl born about 1913
WitchelLena Maeborn about 1928
WitcherBrass born about 1885
WitcherCatherine born about 1931
WitcherDassie born about 1917
WitcherEaster born about 1906
WitcherGeorgina born about 1923
WitcherHarbell born about 1918
WitcherHovel born about 1927
WitcherJoe born about 1916
WitcherJohn Lborn about 1939
WitcherLalu born about 1934
WitcherLaurence born about
WitcherLee Etherborn about 1929
WitcherLillian born about 1891
WitcherLujettie born about 1922
WitcherLuther born about 1914
WitcherLuther Kborn about 1893
WitcherMarie born about 1921
WitcherMarie born about 1929
WitcherMarnie born about 1897
WitcherMarvel born about 1933
WitcherMary Lueborn about 1930
WitcherOlevone born about 1925
WitcherSam born about 1918
WitcherTom born about 1927
WoldsewArthur born about 1891
WoldsewJ Eborn about 1868
WoldsewOneva born about 1925
WonenBecker born about 1918
WonenStella born about 1918
WoodandRaymond Thomasborn about 1940
WoodardAddie born about 1897
WoodardFay born about 1934
WoodardFrancis born about 1936
WoodardGladys born about 1915
WoodardIshmael born about 1920
WoodardJimmie Dborn about 1935
WoodardMark born about 1887
WoodardMartin born about 1930
WoodardOdell born about 1937
WoodardOla born about 1925
WoodardOzie born about 1894
WoodardRaymond born about 1937
WoodardRonnie born about 1932
WoodardRuby born about 1927
WoodardS Lborn about 1893
WoodardVinson born about 1910
WoodardVivian born about 1918
WoodleyJohn born about 1905
WoodruffAltha born about 1907
WoodruffJackie born about 1929
WoodruffLes born about 1895
WormithCadie born about 1893
WormithDonald born about 1927
WormithOcta born about 1895
WreyfordAllice born about 1875
WreyfordBessie born about 1896
WreyfordCleo born about 1904
WreyfordEula born about 1901
WreyfordJ Tborn about 1867
WreyfordLeanard born about 1925
WreyfordLorrin born about 1933
WreyfordLoyd born about 1939
WreyfordMary born about 1861
WreyfordMildred born about 1917
WreyfordR Wborn about 1901
WreyfordVera born about 1913
WreyfordW Lborn about 1882
WrightEvlee born about 1916
WrightPearl born about
WrightTellies born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbaroughLizzie born about 1865
YoungAlene born about 1923
YoungAmanda born about 1875
YoungArnold born about 1928
YoungE Lborn about 1906
YoungEra born about 1911
YoungGerald born about 1929
YoungGuy born about 1923
YoungH Pborn about 1907
YoungHazel born about 1911
YoungJo born about 1876
YoungLouise born about 1928
YoungLouise Iborn about 1898
YoungMary born about 1935
YoungMurine born about 1931
YoungRobert born about 1896
YoungRufus born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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