1940 U.S. Federal Census of Turrell, Crittenden, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Crittenden County > 1940 Census of Turrell

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBen born about 1894
AdamsJimmie born about 1908
AllenAnna Leeborn about 1911
AllenWalter born about 1903
AndersonFannie born about 1922
AndersonWillie born about 1911
AndersonWillie Jr born about 1939
AndrewsEula born about 1895
AndrewsG Nborn about 1884
AndrewsRobert born about 1918
AndrewsRoy born about 1924
AnthonyMary born about 1906
ArmstrongAbe born about 1924
ArmstrongDave born about 1886
ArmstrongLee born about 1922

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B Surnames

BaerEthyl born about 1920
BaerHerman born about 1918
BaerIsador born about 1916
BaerJacob born about 1924
BaerMaxine born about 1921
BaerNathan born about 1895
BaerRobert born about 1927
BaerRuth born about 1897
BarnerLela born about 1889
BarnerWill born about 1889
BartonElizabeth born about 1899
BellBuster born about 1909
BellDoc born about 1886
BellElnora born about 1915
BellEsther born about 1910
BellHinih Mborn about 1902
BellLorna Leeborn about 1938
BellMartha born about 1889
BlackJohnnie born about 1900
BlackmonBlanche born about 1907
BlantonLora born about 1905
BlantonMarguerite born about 1923
BlantonW born about 1897
BoardmanClara born about 1917
BondsElsie born about 1902
BondsLucille born about 1924
BondsV Aborn about 1901
BoydCharles born about 1908
BoydDeloress born about 1937
BoydLillie born about 1911
BozellHomer born about 1867
BrayW Dborn about 1913
BrownFrank born about 1894
BrownIrene born about 1876
BrownJ Bborn about 1863
BrownJim born about 1890
BrownLilia born about 1870
BruceK Dborn about 1920
BruceN Lborn about 1919
BryantGertrude born about 1939
BurksAnnie born about 1884
BushHenderson born about 1905

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C Surnames

CartWashington born about 1860
CarterCalvin born about 1902
CarterCalvin Jr born about 1936
CarterWillie Maeborn about 1915
ChamblerMorrell born about 1914
ChapmanAbbie born about 1904
ChapmanJames born about 1916
ClarkRichard born about 1850
ClayCalvin born about 1929
ClayDavid born about 1909
ClayFrancis born about 1933
ClayHelen born about 1931
ClayJohn born about 1898
ClayLillian born about 1911
ClayMaimie born about 1908
ColemanCelie born about 1873
CooperBille born about 1922
CriswellBetty born about 1895
CriswellJuanita born about 1925
CriswellLouis born about 1926
CriswellSam born about 1891
CrockettArthur born about 1914
CrockettRoaner born about 1909

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D Surnames

DavidsonMax Jborn about 1909
DavidsonNan born about 1939
DavidsonSue born about 1912
DavisAlberta born about 1910
DavisAlice born about 1886
DavisCoot born about 1892
DavisDora born about 1882
DavisEarnestine born about 1910
DavisElbert born about 1924
DavisEmma born about 1911
DavisJennie born about 1892
DavisJim born about 1865
DavisJohn born about 1882
DavisLank born about 1906
DavisOdel born about 1926
DavisOdie born about 1908
DavisWillie born about 1909
DawkinsAndrew born about 1900
DawkinsSarah born about 1901
DentonTommy born about 1912
DixonEmma Janeborn about 1922
DixonH Iborn about 1900
DixonJane born about 1900
DrewryAnna born about 1894
DrewryGordon born about 1894
DrewryWalter born about 1922
DuncanAlaska born about 1898
DuncanLeona born about 1912
DunnivantHarold born about 1938
DunnivantWilliam born about 1917
DunnivantWinnie born about 1917
DycusOlie born about 1883
DyessGladys born about 1917
DyessHomer Jr born about 1934

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E Surnames

EtterAlbert born about 1908
EtterJohnnie born about 1909
EtterStella born about 1920
EttesLudie born about 1873

F Surnames

FlippoBessie born about 1890
FlippoBilly born about 1930
FlippoKate born about 1888
FlippoTennie born about 1857
FlippoWill Rborn about 1887
FloydJessie born about 1911
FloydT Gborn about 1897
FloydT G Jrborn about 1934
FloydT Jborn about 1868
FowlerMildred born about 1917
FowlerRaymond born about 1914
FreemanArthur born about 1915
FreemanArthur Jr born about 1938
FreemanGertrude born about 1917
FriedburgJoe born about 1896
FriedburgLouis born about 1874
FriedburgPaula born about 1883
FulmerBritt Annaborn about 1885

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G Surnames

GarnerCora born about 1898
GarnerEd born about 1889
GestonFannie born about 1911
GestonJune born about 1897
GibsonErnest born about 1927
GilbertJohn born about 1939
GilbertLillian born about 1923
GilbertOliver born about 1892
GilbertSophia born about 1898
GordonElla born about 1876
GravesD Cborn about 1910
GravesLenry born about 1911
GreenJ Cborn about 1928
GreenVelma born about 1920
GreenW Gborn about 1887
GreenW G Jrborn about 1936
GregoryBetty born about 1932
GregoryMargaret born about 1928
GregorySophia born about 1925
GregoryWillie born about 1898
GriffinOllie born about 1868

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H Surnames

HallAileen born about 1908
HallCharles born about 1926
HallJames Lborn about 1930
HallJohnny born about 1924
HallRobert born about 1893
HalliburtonLouise born about 1913
HalliburtonMillie born about 1894
HardingMamie born about 1888
HardingMelby born about 1907
HarrisBilly born about 1926
HarrisClara born about 1900
HarrisClaudette born about 1937
HarrisEddie born about 1891
HarrisFlossie born about 1912
HarrisJack born about 1928
HarrisW Cborn about 1896
HawkinsBertha born about 1936
HawkinsJessie born about 1934
HayesBruce born about 1870
HayesGeorgia born about 1890
HayesJohnnie born about 1911
HayesMose born about 1910
HayesRobert born about 1926
HayesSam born about 1886
HeongChie born about 1891
HicksVirlece born about 1920
HillMathias born about 1926
HoganCharlie born about 1880
HoganFloyd born about 1899
HoganMagnolia born about 1907
HoganMelvyn born about 1937
HoggWade born about 1882
HolmesHarson born about 1888
HolmesJerry born about 1912
HolmesLuvena born about 1894
HolmesMae born about 1925
HoltA Cborn about 1930
HoltCassie born about 1891
HoltEffie born about 1873
HoltLorriane born about 1926
HoodAstor Leeborn about 1912
HoodFreddie Leeborn about 1928
HoodHelen born about 1934
HoodLee born about 1910
HoodLeona born about 1930
HoodTarqueena born about 1863
HoodTommie born about 1912
HookerCharlotte born about 1870
HooksAmie born about 1871
HouseElbert born about 1937
HouseElmer born about 1910
HouseEthel born about 1934
HouseMildred born about 1915
HowardHattie born about 1873
HurtLuvena born about 1925

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J Surnames

JacksonDee born about 1891
JacksonInez born about 1906
JacksonJames born about 1894
JacksonKatherine born about 1916
JacksonRosie Leeborn about 1894
JenkinsMinnie born about 1905
JenkinsRoy born about 1924
JohnsonAlberta born about 1885
JohnsonCrit born about 1906
JohnsonEmmit born about 1935
JohnsonJohn born about 1871
JohnsonJulia born about 1864
JohnsonMary born about 1871
JohnsonMary born about 1894
JohnsonMollie born about 1900
JohnsonR Sborn about 1913
JonesAnnie Louborn about 1910
JonesArlyda born about 1905
JonesBennie born about 1934
JonesBetty Janeborn about 1940
JonesBobby born about 1937
JonesCeasear born about 1888
JonesCharlie born about 1923
JonesClyde born about 1899
JonesCrittie Maeborn about 1924
JonesEdward born about 1934
JonesErma Jeanborn about 1938
JonesEstella born about 1905
JonesFay born about 1929
JonesJeana born about 1884
JonesJosephine born about 1916
JonesLuvena born about 1870
JonesMamie born about 1922
JonesMyra Bethborn about 1921
JonesNell born about 1911
JonesOdel born about 1896
JonesRobert born about 1902
JonesRobert Jr born about 1927
JonesRonald born about 1910
JonesRuthie Maeborn about 1919
JonesSam born about 1898
JonesSon born about 1912
JonesVirginia born about 1900
JonesWill born about 1877
JonesWillie Bborn about 1901
JonesWillie Leeborn about 1938

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K Surnames

KimmonsMyra born about 1906
KingBertie born about 1903
KingCharles Jr born about 1933
KingCharlie born about 1882
KingCharlie born about 1904
KingClyde born about 1927
KingE Jborn about 1924
KingIra Jeanborn about 1938
KingJames born about 1929
KingLee Andrewborn about 1940
KingMacey Louborn about 1935
KingPearl Leeborn about 1931
KingstonReesie born about 1891

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L Surnames

LambEd born about 1897
LaplantBeulah born about 1914
LaplantClyde born about 1910
LaplantClyde Jr born about 1933
LeeFrank born about 1902
LeeHarry born about 1930
LeeJennie born about 1907
LeeLaura born about 1888
LeeWill born about 1878
LetsonDora born about 1921
LionsWill born about 1926
LockhartD Lborn about 1902
LockhartFlorence born about 1910
LoginsJames born about 1912
LomackJoe born about 1882
LumK born about 1902
LyonMilton born about 1921

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M Surnames

MachanJane born about 1910
MachanJohn born about 1905
MartinMarguerite born about 1917
McClainKatie born about 1882
McCordFrillis born about 1920
McCordMinnie Leeborn about 1881
McCordR Mborn about 1882
McCordleHarry born about 1898
McCordleNona born about 1895
McCoreleA Bborn about 1872
McCoreleMary born about 1872
McCrightLouis born about 1916
McCurryJessie born about 1910
McCurryRichard born about 1880
McGeeRosie born about 1863
McGonagilLeon born about 1916
McGongillBessie born about 1893
McGongillHoward born about 1890
McMorrisAndrew born about 1913
McMorrisVancie Maeborn about 1918
MengarelliDan born about 1907
MengarelliDino born about 1928
MengarelliEddie born about 1905
MengarelliElizabeth born about 1907
MengarelliJohn born about 1876
MengarelliSanta born about 1881
MilamHayes born about 1914
MillerAugusta born about 1923
MillerCarl born about 1912
MillerElizabeth born about 1885
MillerMary born about 1926
MilnerCarolyn born about 1916
MitchellJay born about 1901
MitchellJay Jr born about 1938
MitchellLetha born about 1905
MooreAdam born about 1912
MooreDorothy born about 1934
MooreEdna born about 1916
MooreFreeman born about 1876
MooreHampton born about 1887
MooreJames born about 1915
MooreJoe Willieborn about 1913
MooreLucille born about 1906
MooreMildred born about 1908
MooreNancey born about 1890
MooreNancy born about 1895
MorrisonHelen born about 1918
MortonHenrietta born about 1885
MoselyBessie born about 1896
MoselyRogers born about 1937

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N Surnames

NabersFrank born about 1875
NabersPearl born about 1869
NealAnnie born about 1897
NelleyJim born about 1873
NelleyMillie born about 1888
NewsomIra born about 1892
NewsomMamie born about 1902
NicholsCharles born about 1894
NicholsMaggie born about 1906

O Surnames

OliverArmanda born about 1911
OliverWillie born about 1885
OrrLaura born about 1877

P Surnames

ParterChester born about 1901
ParterChester Jr born about 1929
ParterIrene born about 1902
PerryDave born about 1865
PettisOmie born about 1912
PettisTom born about 1910
PhillipsAnnie born about 1914
PittmanBessie born about 1888
PruittEstela born about 1921
PruittL Qborn about 1916
PuckettBonnie Jeanborn about 1939
PuckettClarence born about 1910
PuckettOpal born about 1909
PughBlanche born about 1925

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R Surnames

RansonDora born about 1914
RansonWillie born about 1904
ReddickMarie born about 1882
ReedFrancis born about 1871
ReedMarie born about 1873
ReedRosie Nborn about 1900
ReismanJerry born about 1911
ReismanSylvia born about 1914
RileyArchie born about 1919
RiseFannie born about 1877
RobinsonWillie born about 1923
RoeAnnie Bborn about 1875
RoeKatherine born about 1935
RooseveltL Rborn about 1884
RossLathaniel born about 1910
RossThelma born about 1917
RossWalter Bborn about 1930
RyderAmie born about 1873

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S Surnames

SandersElnora born about 1907
SandersHenry born about 1895
SandersLouis born about 1926
SandsJoe born about 1873
SandsSusy born about 1874
SanfordEdith born about 1901
SanfordFaye born about 1919
SanfordJames born about 1886
SanfordJean born about 1928
SanfordMelba born about 1923
ScoggsLeona born about 1923
ScottAvent born about 1900
ScottEthyl born about 1900
ScottFoster born about 1894
ScottFrank born about 1927
ScottJerry born about 1936
ScottLois born about 1924
ScottMagnolia born about 1920
ScottMinnie born about 1868
ScottPauline born about 1915
ScottRobert born about 1925
ScottV Hborn about 1912
ScottVivian born about 1937
ScottWillie Maeborn about 1899
ScottWinson born about 1922
SimmonsEmma born about 1884
SimpsonLena born about 1903
SiscoeBetty born about 1920
SiscoeIda born about 1901
SiscoeWalker born about 1901
SledgeLubin born about 1884
SmithBunch born about 1868
SmithCarolyn born about 1896
SmithEarnest born about 1930
SmithElmer Jr born about 1926
SmithFred born about 1892
SmithFred Jr born about 1926
SmithH Cborn about 1931
SmithIrena born about 1870
SmithJ Eborn about 1896
SmithLuella born about 1935
SmithLuvena born about 1935
SmithMattie born about 1937
SmithPauline born about 1924
SmithPearly born about 1922
SmithRichard born about 1936
SmithRobert Leeborn about 1932
SmithRussell born about 1911
SmithVirginia born about 1926
SpearsBilly Sueborn about 1907
SpearsHerman born about 1902
SpiegleLawson born about 1915
StallsDon Hborn about 1893
StallsDon Jr born about 1915
StallsDona born about 1938
StallsIrene born about 1919
SteeleGertrude born about 1912
SteeleMarion Rborn about 1908
StewartBennie born about 1895
StewartLuther born about 1917
StewartViola born about 1897

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T Surnames

ThomasEmma born about 1872
ThomasMose born about 1868
TurnerJim born about 1897
TurnerLoyd born about 1925
TurnerRosie Leeborn about 1914

U Surnames

UpshawE Rborn about 1912
UpshawWillie Maeborn about 1912

V Surnames

VictoryBessie born about 1906
VictoryEverette born about 1933
VictoryIma Jeanborn about 1919
VictoryJames born about 1892
VictoryMary born about 1938
VowersArthur born about 1935
VowersBetty Jborn about 1937
VowersLucille born about 1901
VowersThomas Jr born about 1932

W Surnames

WalkerElla Maeborn about 1912
WalkerGeorge Jr born about 1911
WalkerGeorgia Fayborn about 1940
WalkerLester born about 1936
WalkerOnie Maeborn about 1923
WalkerWill born about 1900
WamplerEvelyn born about 1922
WamplerMary born about 1906
WamplerMary Lborn about 1926
WamplerPatricia born about 1931
WamplerW Jborn about 1901
WardRay Hborn about 1916
WardVirginia born about 1921
WarrenMary Fborn about 1933
WattsMartin born about 1897
WeisbergAlfred born about 1935
WeisbergRose born about 1895
WeisbergSol born about 1891
WestbrokAugusta born about 1921
WestbrokJohn born about 1914
WhiteAnnie born about 1914
WhiteBurt born about 1908
WhiteLizzie born about 1868
WhiteLuke born about 1914
WhiteWillie born about 1905
WhittieCharles born about 1935
WhittieDouglass born about 1901
WhittieHazel born about 1911
WigginsLullar born about 1902
WilkersonAlbert born about 1877
WilkersonMaud born about 1897
WilkersonViola born about 1909
WilksMyrtle born about 1911
WilksWash born about 1908
WilliamsAnnie born about 1913
WilliamsBenny born about 1905
WilliamsBeula born about 1911
WilliamsEdward born about 1920
WilliamsElbert born about 1907
WilliamsFannie born about 1882
WilliamsJ Dborn about 1881
WilliamsJ Wborn about 1894
WilliamsJames born about 1928
WilliamsJohn born about 1901
WilliamsLena born about 1905
WilliamsLucy born about 1875
WilliamsMary born about 1914
WilliamsNannie born about 1877
WilliamsRuth born about 1917
WilliamsWaymon born about 1932
WilliamsWill born about 1872
WrightAnnie born about 1935

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Y Surnames

YoungJollie Leeborn about 1900
YoungJosephine born about 1913
YoungRufus born about 1915
YoungWillie Maeborn about 1901

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