1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Newton County, Newton, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Newton County > 1940 Census of Union in Newton County

A SurnamesG SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAcy born about 1939
AdamsBernice born about 1932
AdamsBilly Geneborn about 1932
AdamsConrad born about 1917
AdamsDelmer born about 1922
AdamsDenver born about 1919
AdamsDoris born about 1923
AdamsErnie born about 1922
AdamsEtta born about 1900
AdamsFloyd born about 1898
AdamsFrankie born about 1925
AdamsFreeda Maeborn about 1929
AdamsGlenna born about 1937
AdamsGrady born about 1939
AdamsHazel born about 1897
AdamsHearold born about 1920
AdamsHershel born about 1925
AdamsHomer born about 1908
AdamsIrene born about 1924
AdamsJames Bborn about 1936
AdamsJoe Cborn about 1884
AdamsLizzie born about 1914
AdamsLola Maeborn about 1928
AdamsLorene born about 1922
AdamsNannie born about 1898
AdamsOlen born about 1935
AdamsPaul born about 1939
AdamsRobert born about 1930
AdamsRuth born about 1923
AdamsSammie born about 1927
AdamsTennie born about 1886
AdamsTobe born about 1896
AdamsVernie born about 1927
AdamsWalter Fborn about 1891
AdamsWillie born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerLeonard born about 1918
BarberJackie born about 1939
BarberJames born about 1936
BarberMartha born about 1903
BarberModean born about 1934
BarberWillie born about 1905
BennettDelia born about 1866
BoenDelma born about 1926
BoenDelmer born about 1939
BoenDelphia born about 1913
BoenDelphia born about 1924
BoenDennis born about 1935
BoenEarl born about 1910
BoenFlora Belleborn about 1929
BoenFloyd born about 1912
BoenJohn born about 1903
BoenJoy Ruthborn about 1939
BoenLeon born about 1935
BoenLillian born about 1912
BoenLola born about 1933
BoenLouise born about 1932
BoenMaude born about 1907
BohannonCandurs born about 1903
BohannonDora born about 1888
BohannonEd born about 1892
BohannonEmma born about 1888
BohannonEmma Mborn about 1889
BohannonEunice born about 1923
BohannonFate born about 1875
BohannonFrank born about 1898
BohannonGrace born about 1900
BohannonHenry Jborn about 1879
BohannonImogene born about 1928
BohannonIra born about 1915
BohannonKenneth born about 1924
BohannonNeva Gborn about 1927
BohannonOvalean born about 1927
BohannonSilas born about 1895
BohannonWilliam Eborn about 1851
BohannonZola born about 1930
BolingAnna born about 1898
BolingGeorge Wborn about 1888
BolingJ Rborn about 1927
BolingLester born about 1923
BolingThomas born about 1921
BreedloveCarmel born about 1925
BreedloveConrad born about 1921
BreedloveEvelyn born about 1928
BreedloveHarry born about 1895
BreedloveJack born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarltonAileen born about 1927
CarltonAudrey born about 1921
CarltonDoy born about 1898
CarltonEdward born about 1925
CarltonJanis born about 1938
CarltonJohn born about 1932
CarltonNora born about 1902
CarltonOmalene born about 1924
CarltonOra born about 1899
CarltonPles born about 1902
CarltonWilma born about 1928
CaseyAva Nellborn about 1938
CaseyBillie Careborn about 1932
CaseyCaldwell born about 1926
CaseyDuward born about 1921
CaseyG Wborn about 1893
CaseyGladys born about 1912
CaseyGladys Fayborn about 1924
CaseyJohn Jr born about 1928
CaseyJosephine born about 1908
CaseyKermit born about 1910
CaseyNancy born about 1864
CaseyRetta born about 1893
CaseyRoy born about 1904
CaseyRoy Jessborn about 1934
CaseyThad born about 1915
CaseyUriah Rborn about 1858
CaseyWanda Maeborn about 1930
ClaybornEffie born about 1903
ClaybornEslie born about 1935
ClaybornEudolan born about 1940
ClaybornFaye born about 1924
ClaybornFern born about 1931
ClaybornFleecie born about 1907
ClaybornGeorg Albertborn about 1928
ClaybornGeorge born about 1912
ClaybornHerman born about 1939
ClaybornIma Leeborn about 1930
ClaybornInes Ireneborn about 1932
ClaybornJames Wborn about 1901
ClaybornJohn Dborn about 1936
ClaybornJr Fay born about 1926
ClaybornMaggie born about 1936
ClaybornMargie born about 1938
ClaybornNina born about 1926
ClaybornRuby Nadeneborn about 1928
ClaybornSherman born about 1902
ClaybornVera born about 1938
ClaybornWayne born about 1934
ClaybornWillie born about 1919
CurtisArtie born about 1908
CurtisHarriet born about 1863
CurtisJ Dborn about 1937
CurtisJimmy born about 1926
CurtisNadene born about 1931
CurtisVerna Jeanborn about 1929
CurtisVernie born about 1902
CurtisW Rborn about 1935
CurtisWalter Cborn about 1894
CurtisWilliam born about 1894

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D Surnames

DavisAlpha born about 1926
DavisAlta Maeborn about 1935
DavisAva Nellborn about 1939
DavisBeecher born about 1908
DavisBillie born about 1874
DavisCarl Leeborn about 1934
DavisCuster born about 1904
DavisDoyle born about 1937
DavisEffie born about 1917
DavisErmie born about 1905
DavisFaye born about 1913
DavisFlora born about 1909
DavisFrankie born about 1924
DavisGeorge born about 1878
DavisGeorge Nborn about 1881
DavisGladys born about 1911
DavisGleanna born about 1931
DavisGlenna born about 1939
DavisGrady Hborn about 1938
DavisIma Leeborn about 1928
DavisJames Tborn about 1877
DavisJames Wborn about 1932
DavisJohn Paulborn about 1936
DavisJoy born about 1936
DavisJulia born about 1884
DavisL Cborn about 1933
DavisLaura born about 1920
DavisLorenna born about 1934
DavisLouise born about 1930
DavisLynna Geneborn about 1939
DavisMitchell born about 1912
DavisNancy born about 1886
DavisNorma born about 1916
DavisOla Maeborn about 1932
DavisOpal born about 1922
DavisPauline born about 1939
DavisRobert born about 1914
DavisRoy born about 1936
DavisRussell born about 1906
DavisScott born about 1909
DavisSusie born about 1884
DavisSylvietta born about 1935
DavisTruman born about 1923
DavisWillie born about 1921
DavisWillie Maeborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EssexE Beccaborn about 1868

F Surnames

FarmerCalvin born about 1937
FarmerDovie born about 1903
FarmerFlorence born about 1932
FarmerFranklin Dborn about 1934
FarmerOllie born about 1926
FarmerRobert born about 1893
FarmerZelma born about 1935
FreemanA Gborn about 1926
FreemanCharles Dborn about 1937
FreemanClarence born about 1909
FreemanClifford born about 1910
FreemanDonald born about 1922
FreemanElla born about 1919
FreemanEmma born about 1882
FreemanEsther born about 1911
FreemanEudola born about 1917
FreemanFeddie Leeborn about 1938
FreemanFrank born about 1913
FreemanJohn Wborn about 1880
FreemanKirby born about 1914
FreemanLenna born about 1934
FreemanLouis born about 1910
FreemanMattie born about 1885
FreemanMay born about 1912
FreemanMilton born about 1876
FreemanNora born about 1912
FreemanOlin born about 1931
FreemanPaul born about 1920
FreemanRoy born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GibsonBurldean born about 1938
GibsonHazel born about 1925
GibsonJames born about 1897
GibsonKenneth born about 1930
GibsonLeon born about 1922
GibsonLester born about 1933
GibsonRuth born about 1904
GilleanRoyal born about 1892

H Surnames

HassinbflugJohn born about 1842
HicksJames Mborn about 1870
HicksLizzie born about 1875
HullArlie born about 1930
HullFranklin born about 1897
HullIra born about 1925
HullJane born about 1907
HullLorene born about 1923
HullNettie Iborn about 1927
HyattRaymond born about 1918

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlvin born about 1896
JohnsonEffie born about 1897
JohnsonGeneral born about 1921

L Surnames

LaughterAlvin born about 1936
LaughterBelva born about 1938
LaughterIva Jeanborn about 1928
LaughterJoan born about 1933
LaughterMilner born about 1905
LaughterNancy born about 1906
LaughterPaula Deanborn about 1930

M Surnames

MadleyCharles born about 1897
MadleyDela Nellborn about 1938
MadleyIra born about 1912
MadleyObie born about 1914
MadleyPebble Jeanborn about 1933
MadleyRuby born about 1919
MadleySophia Eborn about 1874
MadleyVersal born about 1909
MasonBarbara Jborn about 1938
MasonBetty born about 1932
MasonHoward Rborn about 1908
MasonLeona born about 1911
MasonRobert born about 1935
MasonWilliam Hborn about 1940
MillsapsAndrew born about 1909
MillsapsAva born about 1933
MillsapsClerissa born about 1879
MillsapsIra born about 1899
MillsapsLizzie born about 1927
MillsapsMary born about 1899
MillsapsNettie born about 1919
MillsapsWalter born about 1921
MillsapsWilburn born about 1919
MooneyG Jborn about 1868
MooneyMary Annborn about 1877
MooneyMary Eborn about 1872

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N Surnames

NortonEwell born about 1920
NortonJosiah born about 1887
NortonLiza born about 1888
NortonMary born about 1929
NortonOliver born about 1915
NortonSilas born about 1918

O Surnames

OgdenAlbert born about 1886
OgdenDelia born about 1884
OgdenGlenda born about 1938
OgdenIneva born about 1929
OgdenLaura born about 1868
OgdenNorma born about 1901
OgdenO Mborn about 1901
OgdenOlen born about 1925
OgdenR Eborn about 1863
OwensAdolphus Cborn about 1914
OwensClara born about 1914
OwensRalph born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReevesCarl born about 1931
ReevesJewel born about 1910
ReevesJoyce Leeborn about 1929
ReevesSue Kathrynborn about 1940
ReevesVern born about 1906
ReevesVerna Jeanborn about 1934
RichardsonA Oborn about 1878
RichardsonAgnes born about 1930
RichardsonCelia born about 1890
RichardsonFredrick Nborn about 1850
RichardsonHenry born about 1909
RichardsonMurel born about 1923
RichardsonViola born about 1919
RichardsonZane born about 1874
RobinsonBoyd born about 1913
RobinsonDale born about 1929
RobinsonFay born about 1926
RobinsonHarley Jborn about 1908
RobinsonJohn Pborn about 1878
RobinsonLorene born about 1921
RobinsonMary Eborn about 1859
RobinsonMay born about 1891
RobinsonSarah Eborn about 1880
RobinsonWilliam Jborn about 1903
RocoleAlice born about 1885
RocoleAlta born about 1923
RocoleEva born about 1903
RocoleGoldie Uborn about 1887
RocoleHugh born about 1919
RocoleLeslie born about 1917
RocoleRayma born about 1921
RocoleTed born about 1903

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S Surnames

SamsArdell born about 1924
SamsJames Bborn about 1876
SamsMaggie born about 1886
SamsOlas born about 1926
SelfCora born about 1918
SelfEthel born about 1927
SelfHiriam born about 1921
SelfPle? born about 1916
SelfRosie born about 1889
SelfVernie Leeborn about 1938
ShatswellDelbert born about 1924
ShatswellEmma Loisborn about 1927
ShatswellGeorge born about 1891
ShatswellHerschel born about 1933
ShatswellJ Cborn about 1939
ShatswellJoyce born about 1935
ShatswellMillard born about 1930
ShatswellMinnie born about 1903
ShatswellOdell born about 1922
ShatswellTalmadge born about 1916
SparksEdie born about 1873
StoneCorena born about 1937
StoneCreasey born about 1902
StoneDorothy born about 1925
StoneElsie born about 1928
StoneIrene born about 1912
StoneJoe born about 1931
StoneJohn born about 1933
StoneLorene born about 1934
StoneMattie born about 1893
StoneMitchell born about 1926
StonePreston born about 1908
StoneRuby born about 1931
StoneSquire born about 1877
StoneVernon born about 1922
StoneWalter born about 1901
StoneWilma born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WarrenAnna born about 1893
WarrenFranklin born about 1926
WarrenJohn Otisborn about 1914
WarrenMartin born about 1916
WarrenPearl born about 1919
WarrenScott Fborn about 1891
WestonNoel born about 1921
WileyGertrude born about 1881
WileyJ Aborn about 1867
WileyJoe born about 1884
WilliamsBill born about 1932
WilliamsEddy born about 1912
WilliamsErma born about 1910
WilliamsHearl Dborn about 1938
WilliamsJames born about 1929
WilliamsJohn born about 1912
WilliamsJunior born about 1932
WilliamsLavern born about 1931
WilliamsOpal born about 1937
WilliamsRuby born about 1927
WilliamsThelma born about 1935
WilliamsWiley born about 1900
WilliamsWilma Jeanborn about 1936

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Y Surnames

YoungBelle born about 1886
YoungBuster born about 1925
YoungLuther born about 1880

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