1940 U.S. Federal Census of Vineyard, Washington, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Washington County > 1940 Census of Vineyard

A SurnamesG SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AudiletAlice born about 1869
AudiletFrank born about 1870

B Surnames

BabbAlma born about 1909
BabbJohn Tborn about 1908
BabbJohn Tborn about 1940
BailiyBitty Lborn about 1928
BailiyDonald born about 1930
BailiyEmma born about 1903
BailiyJay born about 1906
BailiyLloyd born about 1927
BailiyRosalie born about 1934
BakerDarline born about 1922
BakerDauson born about 1929
BakerDonald Eborn about 1920
BakerDouglas Lborn about 1921
BakerLoyd Wborn about 1897
BakerMae Hborn about 1898
BarkerBeatrice born about 1915
BarkerBetty Gborn about 1929
BarkerBoby Jborn about 1931
BarkerBonnie Fborn about 1935
BarkerBuster born about 1919
BarkerClint Gborn about 1911
BarkerDarell born about 1935
BarkerDonnie Rborn about 1935
BarkerDoss Wborn about 1909
BarkerGeorge Gborn about 1875
BarkerHazel born about 1918
BarkerHelen born about 1923
BarkerHenry Hborn about 1895
BarkerJimmie Rborn about 1927
BarkerMarjorie born about 1924
BarkerRilda born about 1879
BellanayB Lucilleborn about 1920
BellanayBrien born about 1916
BellanyCona Mborn about 1891
BellanyEarl born about 1923
BellanyHarrold born about 1929
BellanyMarguerite born about 1913
BoissenetBevely Jborn about 1932
BoissenetEdith Jborn about 1909
BoissenetFloyd Aborn about 1901
BoissenetPaul Aborn about 1931
BowlinAlma born about 1899
BowlinAubrey born about 1926
BowlinBeverly Cborn about 1892
BowlinEugene born about
BowlinLawrence born about 1925
BowlinMary Eborn about 1929
BowlinRay born about 1935
BrewerAron Tborn about 1910
BrewerBeatrice born about 1917
BrewerM ???born about 1937
BrewerWilda Lborn about 1934
BristowJess born about 1883
BristowRose Eborn about 1868
BrockAlva born about 1926
BrockAlva Aborn about 1877
BrockBlossom born about 1930
BrockCrisey born about 1923
BrockJohn born about 1920
BrockMargaret born about 1910
BrockMeely born about 1884
BrockRichard born about 1904
BrockSweleen born about 1928
BrownMilton born about 1894
BrownRita Gborn about 1895
BrumfieldBernard born about 1920
BrumfieldBonnie born about 1931
BrumfieldBulah Mborn about 1895
BrumfieldDelbert born about 1927
BrumfieldErnest born about 1919
BrumfieldLonnie born about 1934
BrumfieldMaggie Eborn about 1924
BrumfieldTommy born about 1923
BrunerAlta born about 1935
BrunerFruda born about 1938
BrunerIna born about 1924
BrunerLinora born about 1916
BrunerPaul Mborn about 1922
BrunerRaymond born about 1921
BrunerRoger born about 1930
BrunerVema born about 1895
BrunerWillard Aborn about 1915
BullingtonEddy Aborn about 1872
BurchardCharley born about 1876
BurchardGrace born about 1887
BurchardM Carolineborn about 1927
BurchardMax Mborn about 1926
BurkhertBud Jborn about 1901
BurkhertFlora born about 1928
BurkhertGilla born about 1910
BushMaude Bborn about 1873
BushWilliam Gborn about
BushWilliam Gborn about 1917

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C Surnames

CartrightF Wayne born about 1924
CartrightJessie born about 1917
CartrightLulu born about 1888
CartrightShird born about 1888
CartrightWinnie born about 1919
CasbyJames Lborn about 1872
CasbySarah Rborn about 1870
CaslyCrawford born about 1885
CaslyG Josieborn about 1881
CaswellEugene born about 1927
CaswellGeneva born about 1931
CaswellJ Leonardborn about 1902
CaswellLeonard Jborn about 1926
CaswellNova born about 1908
ChildersAlma born about 1900
ChildersDick born about 1938
ChildersGeneva born about 1923
ChildersGrug born about 1932
ChildersHoward Gborn about 1896
ChildersJack born about 1925
ChildersWanda born about 1936
CollinsElage Hborn about 1882
CollinsLorene Fborn about 1938
CollinsMartha born about 1920
CollinsOtis born about 1912
CollinsWilliam Hborn about 1940
ColtonAngelina born about 1920
ColtonCharley born about 1923
ColtonCharley Lborn about 1880
ColtonClint born about 1931
ColtonClorina born about 1918
ColtonDavid born about 1938
ColtonDeamna born about 1939
ColtonElda born about 1888
ColtonJ Patborn about 1910
ColtonMarguite born about 1926
ColtonRuby Mborn about 1911
ColtonWalter Lborn about 1929
CoxAlford born about 1937
CoxAnita born about 1930
CoxBert born about 1920
CoxCallie born about 1893
CoxCharles Dborn about 1935
CoxCharley Pborn about 1906
CoxKaty born about 1915
CoxLulla born about 1907
CoxMarada born about 1939
CoxReno Jborn about 1890

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D Surnames

DankinsAnna Mborn about 1896
DankinsE Donaldborn about 1933
DankinsWilliam Gborn about 1884
DavidsonFloy Mborn about 1918
DavidsonHarrige Gborn about 1919
DavidsonWanola Fborn about 1940
DavisIsaac Dborn about 1892
DavisRobi Marieborn about 1931
DavisRoty Lborn about 1890
DavisViriginia Leeborn about 1931
DentonAda born about 1875
DentonCarl Dborn about 1930
DentonClaudia born about 1884
DentonGeorge Eborn about 1866
DentonGeorge Rborn about 1896
DentonGeorge Wborn about 1919
DentonJefferson Dborn about 1906
DentonLillie born about 1922
DentonLina born about 1921
DentonLizzie Eborn about 1876
DentonOlamay born about 1924
DentonRaymond born about 1927
DentonRey born about 1919
DentonRuby born about 1898

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E Surnames

EckherdtGeorge Mborn about 1923
EckherdtH Artieborn about 1900
EckherdtHarold Jborn about 1928
EckherdtMarn Eborn about 1889
EdinsTee born about 1902
EstesDorothy Mborn about 1931
EstesEdward Gborn about 1930
EstesHelen Sborn about 1938
EstesMary born about 1907
EstesRalph born about 1910

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F Surnames

FlinnC Doydborn about 1926
FlinnDella Aborn about 1914
FlinnEdna Gborn about 1892
FlinnRichard Mborn about 1887

G Surnames

GaldmanBert Eborn about 1912
GaldmanShirley Mborn about 1938
GaldmanViolet born about 1922
GilesDorthy Gborn about 1928
GilesFlorence born about 1924
GilesFrank Dborn about 1895
GilesMartha Aborn about 1930
GilesTrine born about 1903
GlennJ Annborn about 1913
GlennJanaba born about 1939
GlennSucille born about 1915
GoldmanBaily Tborn about 1897
GoldmanBarbara born about 1929
GoldmanC Marionborn about 1920
GoldmanCharles Rayborn about 1923
GoldmanCharley Tborn about 1897
GoldmanClayburn Wborn about 1923
GoldmanDaly Rborn about 1925
GoldmanDamon born about 1932
GoldmanDoris Sborn about 1925
GoldmanEthel born about 1901
GoldmanFrances born about 1938
GoldmanGrant born about 1932
GoldmanHildmay born about 1931
GoldmanJack Tborn about 1926
GoldmanJoyce born about 1923
GoldmanLillian Bellborn about 1924
GoldmanM Columbusborn about 1874
GoldmanM Glennborn about 1940
GoldmanMelby Aborn about 1906
GoldmanPock Wborn about 1934
GoldmanR Ireneborn about 1919
GoldmanRay Mborn about 1929
GoldmanRoy Eborn about 1902
GoldmanRuby Jborn about 1913
GoldmanWilliam Jborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HamiltonMalinda born about 1849
HamiltonMinnie born about 1879
HandcockAlmon born about 1938
HandcockJames Tborn about 1936
HandcockPearl born about 1916
HandcockTom born about 1913
HankinsJames Lborn about 1938
HankinsMary born about 1919
HankinsMayre Jborn about 1940
HankinsRobert Eborn about 1918
HankinsRoy Lborn about 1939
HatchattG Willborn about 1875
HatchattJones Rborn about 1856
HatchettBates born about 1916
HatchettLoyd Rborn about 1887
HatchettRuth born about 1894
HatchettVirginia born about 1929
HillAlice born about 1890
HillBetty Lborn about 1928
HillGeorge born about 1924
HillHerbert born about 1877
HillRay born about 1922
HillThomas Eborn about 1871
HindsJames K Pborn about 1889
HindsLodverne born about 1917
HindsMary Rborn about 1886
HodgesClyde born about 1906
HodgesMinnie born about 1877
HodgesWillie Rborn about 1907
HoffmanHarvey Mborn about 1861
HoffmanLina born about 1860
HolcroftLou born about 1882
HollandR Emmaborn about 1862

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K Surnames

KeeferCarl born about 1933
KeeferClyde Lborn about 1900
KeeferDonald born about 1927
KeeferRay born about 1936
KeeferRuth born about 1902
KeegerElmer Dborn about 1895
KeppMarion born about 1902

L Surnames

LeachAmanda born about 1873
LeachBennet Hborn about 1898
LeachDonald Eborn about 1927
LeachGaythel born about 1906
LeachLowell Wborn about 1922
LeachLuther Dborn about 1900
LeachS Heneryborn about 1876
LeachTishie Eborn about 1902
LewisAl Eborn about 1854
LewisMay Mborn about 1884
LewisRobert Mborn about 1916
LongwithJames Mborn about 1901
LongwithJames Wborn about 1929
LongwithJohn Eborn about 1937
LongwithJosie born about 1865
LongwithMillie Aborn about 1908
LongwithSister Jborn about 1930
LongwithTimmie Lborn about 1939

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M Surnames

MalwillC Mackieborn about 1938
MalwillFreda born about 1921
MalwillGalvin born about 1915
MartinJaneta born about 1934
MartinLevi born about 1935
MartinMonie born about 1925
MartinRiley born about 1898
MartinTreacy born about 1898
MattotC Ireneborn about 1909
MattotDarrell Mborn about 1931
MattotHugh Fborn about 1902
MattotPeggy Sue Dborn about 1936
MaxwellCharles Eborn about 1890
MaxwellLois born about 1932
MaxwellO Ethelborn about 1895
MaxwellPaul born about 1922
McCainJack born about 1928
McCainLernelle born about 1925
McCainNorma born about 1930
McCainSylvia born about 1887
McCainVernelle born about 1925
McCainWalter Lborn about 1880
McReynoldsCorim born about 1924
McReynoldsKate born about 1874
McReynoldsRaymond born about 1918
McReynoldsRobert Hborn about 1876
MortonFay born about 1913
MortonGeorge Wborn about 1910
MortonJencie born about 1907
MortonShard born about 1882
MortonTemp born about 1881
MortonW Guyborn about 1903
MortonW Lynnborn about 1925
MortonW Mielborn about 1936

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N Surnames

NelsonCharley Bborn about 1867
NimanCalvin born about 1924
NimanEdna born about 1929
NimanGeorge Hborn about 1882
NimanJosie born about 1891
NimanMarjorie born about 1933
NimanMay born about 1926
NortonDelton born about 1925
NortonG Royborn about 1902
NortonJack born about 1934
NortonStella born about 1902

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P Surnames

PadurBarbara Nborn about 1930
PadurJ Royceborn about 1927
PadurRuby Dborn about 1904
PageBillie Jborn about 1938
PageCoy Cborn about 1908
PageEliza born about 1878
PageGrady born about 1901
PageLorena born about 1915
PageLoutta born about 1935
PageOtis born about 1905
PershallAllen born about 1920
PershallBillie Jborn about 1940
PershallCarrie born about 1901
PershallClara Mborn about 1919
PershallCold born about 1923
PershallFord born about 1926
PershallGammie Jborn about 1918
PershallJohn Wborn about 1893
PershallLucile born about 1930
PershallRichard born about 1932
PhilipsLula born about 1889
PhilipsMelvin born about 1915
PhilipsMillie born about 1924
PhilipsOran born about 1930
PhilipsWilliam Mborn about 1885
PickeringCharles Cborn about 1872
PickeringHuldah Aborn about 1871
PickettAnnie Bborn about 1929
PickettBertha Mborn about 1923
PickettLeroy born about 1920
PickettMargaret born about 1926
PickettR Ernest born about 1889
PickettStella Mborn about 1896

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R Surnames

ReedAmos Hborn about 1882
ReedBethany born about 1893
ReedDaymon born about 1939
ReedE Willineborn about 1938
ReedElla Dborn about 1884
ReedElla Mborn about 1915
ReedGeorge Cborn about 1916
ReedGeraldian born about 1929
ReedGrover Cborn about 1939
ReedMora born about 1903
ReedOpal born about 1922
ReedPauline born about 1926
ReedR Katherineborn about 1916
ReedRaymon Lborn about 1939
ReedRaymond born about 1919
ReedRetha born about 1917
ReedRoy Lborn about 1917
ReedWilliam Dborn about 1914
ReedWillie Dborn about 1901
RiceT Wayneborn about 1891
RoseBoby Gborn about 1936
RoseEzekill born about 1897
RoseIna Jborn about 1938
RoseIrene born about 1911
RoseOllie Eborn about 1897
RoseWillis Aborn about 1935
RoseWillis Eborn about 1899
RossEugene born about 1925
RossFayre Jr born about 1933
RossGeraldine born about 1932
RossGevarine born about 1922
RossGregg born about 1890
RossHenry Eborn about 1928
RossLeroy born about 1930
RossMargorie born about 1935
RossMaud born about 1895
RossMaxine born about 1922
RossVirginia born about 1937
RossWillanet born about 1924

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S Surnames

SarremoreOscar Mborn about 1886
SasnuttCordeler born about 1916
SasnuttFlora Mborn about 1939
SasnuttJoe Wborn about 1912
SmithJeb born about 1888
StamfordJimmie born about 1918
StattsAlice Jborn about 1926
StattsBillie Dborn about 1926
StattsChester Sborn about 1898
StattsSaolie Mborn about 1901
StattsSucille Mborn about 1923
StkinnerBetty born about 1921
SualfordSamuel born about 1929

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T Surnames

ThomasJuanita born about 1929
ThomasSusie born about 1900
ThompsonEsther Aborn about 1883
ThompsonJames Eborn about 1885
ThompsonM Tomborn about 1926

W Surnames

WalkerAlpha born about 1899
WalkerDiltar born about 1889
WallJames Rborn about 1869
WallLaura Bborn about 1879
WarrenEdward Bborn about 1877
WarrenOliver Cborn about 1887
WatsonAllen born about 1882
WatsonAnna born about 1888
WatsonBarbara Aborn about 1940
WatsonCarl Rborn about 1914
WatsonLouise born about 1922
WheneryCharley born about 1881
WhilchilJulia Aborn about 1873
WhilselKenneth born about 1918
WhilselLula Bborn about 1894
WhilselMildred born about 1923
WhilselWilton Hborn about 1892
WhiteGeorge Aborn about 1935
WhiteGoldie born about 1916
WhiteJoe Hborn about 1898
WhiteMary Lborn about 1938
WhittCallie born about 1938
WhittCecil born about 1908
WhittIva born about 1912
WhittPatsy born about 1932
WhittRuby born about 1932
WilliamsAllan born about 1924
WilliamsBilly Gborn about 1937
WilliamsC Leroyborn about 1891
WilliamsDortha born about 1900
WilliamsJean born about 1919
WilliamsMartha born about 1869
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1935
WilliamsOleta born about 1932
WilliamsOpal born about 1923
WilliamsRobert Hborn about 1865
WinstedBrice Wborn about 1921
WinstedW Uniceborn about 1922
WinstralBess Mborn about 1896
WinstralJames Hborn about 1890
WinstralLina Rborn about 1924
WinstralRex Wborn about 1917
WrightAltha Bborn about 1882
WrightDonald born about 1929
WrightLaura Mborn about 1925
WrightLee born about
WrightMary born about 1870
WrightRuth Aborn about 1863
WrightZora born about 1928

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Y Surnames

YorkWillian Cborn about 1904
YoungCharles Hborn about 1891
YoungFannie born about 1934
YoungFlorene born about 1898
YoungJimmie born about 1930
YoungMarvin born about 1929
YoungMonroe born about 1924
YoungSarah Bborn about 1926
YoungSusan Bborn about 1914

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