1940 U.S. Federal Census of Washington in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Washington in Independence County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsonCharles born about 1931
AdamsonJ Geraldborn about 1929
AdamsonLeales born about 1909
AdamsonLoyd Aborn about 1905
AdamsonMuril Deanborn about 1933
AdamsonMyra born about 1935
AdamsonNancy born about 1939
AllenAnglee born about 1934
AllenBillie Joeborn about 1933
AllenFranklin born about 1897
AllenGoldia born about 1925
AllenHale Wborn about 1926
AllenJ Claydenborn about 1927
AllenJames born about 1935
AllenJonnie born about 1935
AllenJunior Jborn about 1930
AllenLois born about 1939
AllenMartha Jborn about 1901
AllenMary Marieborn about 1930
AllenMuniva born about 1876
AllenStella born about 1906
AllenVirgia born about 1936
AllenW Dborn about 1933
AllenWilliam Dborn about 1903
AllhandAlonzo Bborn about 1874
AllhandMarey Eborn about 1892
AllhandParry born about 1936
AllhandWillie Jeneborn about 1933
AndersonC Jacksonborn about 1895
AndersonNannie born about 1888
AndersonNoba Leeborn about 1918
AndersonTed born about 1907
AndersonVirgil Louisborn about 1925
AndersonW Elmerborn about 1890
AndersonWinnie born about 1898
ArnoldCarl born about 1919
ArnoldJohn Tborn about 1885
ArnoldSarah born about 1886
AwearyJames Hborn about 1870

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B Surnames

BaileyDessie born about 1897
BaileyMayo born about 1922
BaileyOtto born about 1916
BaileyWilliam Sborn about 1894
BarnesBillie born about 1937
BarnesJack born about 1931
BarnesJessie born about 1904
BarnesJewel born about 1911
BeachampJoush Pborn about 1883
BellCarolyn born about 1936
BellChrist born about 1899
BellGlera Janborn about 1940
BellHollie born about 1908
BellSallie Joeborn about 1934
BiardChloe born about 1927
BiardErma born about 1912
BiardEverlynuline born about 1930
BiardFanny born about 1909
BiardH Earnestborn about 1908
BiardHarold Vborn about 1900
BiardHubert born about 1932
BiardJoe born about 1939
BiardRaymond born about 1934
BiardRedro Faeborn about 1937
BiardWanda Maeborn about 1933
BlevinsE Gatewoodborn about 1914
BlevinsEthel born about 1885
BlevinsRobert Tborn about 1882
BossEva born about 1898
BossHale born about 1923
BossHarrell born about 1921
BossHubert Hborn about 1897
BossJames born about 1925
BoudenMartha Mborn about 1874
BowdenLillie Maeborn about 1876
BowdenOliver born about 1917
BoyerE Jborn about 1881
BoyerE Mborn about 1888
BoyerGerald Cborn about 1912
BoyerGifferd Lborn about 1921
BoyerGordon Lborn about 1933
BoyerMable born about 1912
BracyAlex Fborn about 1908
BracyBobbie Lewisborn about 1928
BracyCharles Wborn about 1894
BracyCharls Mborn about 1873
BracyDottie born about 1934
BracyE Juniorborn about 1930
BracyElmer born about 1913
BracyEula born about 1906
BracyHapple born about 1920
BracyHarold Dborn about 1930
BracyHazle Vborn about 1911
BracyIda Agnasborn about 1936
BracyJessie born about 1920
BracyJonh Hborn about 1904
BracyL Emmittborn about 1905
BracyLewis born about 1906
BracyLewis Jborn about 1865
BracyLuther Cborn about 1907
BracyMaranda Jborn about 1874
BracyMartin born about 1915
BracyNancy Annborn about 1938
BracyNancy Cborn about 1877
BracyOllie born about 1897
BracyPearl born about 1909
BracyRay born about 1927
BracySarah born about 1866
BracyW Richardborn about 1904
BracyZelma born about 1922
BransfieldJohn Wborn about 1874
BransfieldMary born about 1882
BrightwellBillie Neilborn about 1939
BrightwellDapana born about 1915
BrightwellDewell Deanborn about 1922
BrightwellDewey Hborn about 1914
BrightwellIretta born about 1923
BrightwellJas Sborn about 1890
BrightwellJohn Hborn about 1873
BrightwellLeola Sweborn about 1936
BrightwellLizzie born about 1890
BrightwellMamie born about 1893
BrightwellOda born about 1919
BrightwellRaymon Rayborn about 1926
BrightwellRobert born about 1927
BrightwellVernon born about 1922
BrooksClifford born about 1920
BrooksDayle born about 1924
BrooksDeliah born about 1894
BrooksEdna born about 1899
BrooksH Waymonborn about 1900
BrooksHarley Wadeborn about 1928
BrooksJohn Hborn about 1890
BrooksMarie born about 1924
BrooksPaul Jborn about 1916
BrooksTwice born about 1918
BrooksWonda Leeborn about 1933
BroylsRobert Wborn about 1887
BrumleyCalvin born about 1925
BrumleyGeorge born about 1928
BrumleyGus Mborn about 1896
BrushwoodC born about 1888
BurrowElen born about 1928
BurrowElla born about 1905
BurrowHelen born about 1935
BurrowLuther Aborn about 1910
BurrowPauline born about 1926
ButlerDorthie born about 1932
ButlerElma born about 1920
ButlerEugene Bborn about 1896
ButlerGrover born about 1923
ButlerLina born about 1897
ButlerMuriel born about 1918
ButlerPrestin Sborn about 1921
ButlerSammy born about 1938
BylerEdna Aborn about 1909
BylerGale born about 1936
BylerJ Bborn about 1932

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C Surnames

CalawayAda born about 1883
CalawayJay born about 1910
CalawayLester Jborn about 1933
CalawayLester Sborn about 1906
CalawayStevie born about 1863
CalawayTris Mayborn about 1931
CalawayW Laureneborn about 1882
CalawayWill born about 1936
CampbellCarrie born about 1879
CampbellEwell born about 1934
CampbellGeorge Gborn about 1907
CampbellJewell born about 1934
CampbellPaul born about 1875
CampbellRuby born about 1909
CaseEugene born about 1921
CaseHarissen born about 1895
CaseLee born about 1899
CaseRobert born about 1916
CaseSammie born about 1934
CastellLily born about 1911
CastellMarvin born about 1936
CaterlinGeorgia born about 1906
CaterlinHenery Fborn about 1904
CaterlinVernell born about 1928
CookA Covetteborn about 1884
CookEthel born about 1888
CookIroy born about 1917
CopelandFlossie born about 1932
CowdenCalvin born about 1909
CowdenCoy Deanborn about 1935
CowdenDonald born about 1939
CowdenDorr born about 1927
CowdenErmal born about 1930
CowdenEvlyn born about 1925
CowdenLay Dborn about 1901
CowdenLay Juniorborn about 1932
CowdenSylvia born about 1907
CrassEura born about 1894
CrassMaynard born about 1891
CrassNona born about 1924
CrossE Leviborn about 1909
CrossElizabeth born about 1928
CrossIvon born about 1930
CrossPauline born about 1908

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D Surnames

DaffonDella born about 1900
DaffonMaryannis born about 1924
DaffonWilliam Rborn about 1899
DanellEarl born about 1920
DanellFaye born about 1928
DanellLester born about 1925
DanellLuie born about 1892
DanellMarjorie born about 1930
DanellNeal born about 1922
DanellOtis Cborn about 1880
DarnellBobbie Joeborn about 1940
DarnellHubert Joeborn about 1916
DarnellJaunita born about 1921
DarnellLenora born about 1938
DavisAvis born about 1920
DavisBlanch born about 1919
DavisBranson born about 1924
DavisClawde Dborn about 1917
DavisDora born about 1894
DavisHoyt born about 1922
DavisLuray born about 1939
DawsonAlice born about 1904
DawsonAllie Rborn about 1900
DawsonBessie Jborn about 1920
DawsonBillie Johnborn about 1925
DawsonJunior born about 1928
DawsonLucille born about 1923
DebowBelwa born about 1906
DebowRoss Eborn about 1904
DebowRoss Jr born about 1926
DefriesBellie Donborn about 1939
DefriesJoy Francisborn about 1938
DefriesOtis Jborn about 1915
DefriesWinetta born about 1915
DefueseS Aborn about 1877
DilbeckCarrie born about 1915
DilbeckCarrie born about 1917
DilbeckEvie born about 1894
DilbeckJames Cborn about 1879
DilbeckRoylee born about 1924
DilbeckThelma born about 1920
DowelBarabara born about 1937
DowelEthel Mborn about 1918
DowelThurman Wborn about 1909
DowellArch Eborn about 1882
DowellAugusta born about 1921
DowellBeatrice born about 1917
DowellCharlie Fborn about 1919
DowellDaff Wborn about 1885
DowellElvin born about 1922
DowellGeneva born about 1920
DowellGorgia Lborn about 1939
DowellHarley born about 1919
DowellJunius born about 1922
DowellLeon born about 1930
DowellLois Catherineborn about 1938
DowellMary born about 1895
DowellOra born about 1895
DowellRay born about 1913
DowellRophie born about 1923
DowellRoy Wborn about 1912
DriskillBernard born about 1930
DriskillBetty born about 1937
DriskillBurl born about 1935
DriskillClyde Hborn about 1905
DriskillFlo Ellaborn about 1939
DriskillGeneva Tborn about 1939
DriskillGlen born about 1936
DriskillHelen born about 1931
DriskillJames Nborn about 1894
DriskillJerry born about 1939
DriskillJonnie born about 1937
DriskillLizzie born about 1902
DriskillLuin Aborn about 1915
DriskillMargaret born about 1918
DriskillOtho Wborn about 1910
DriskillPleasie born about 1917
DriskillUnalee born about 1922
DriskillVelma born about 1927
DriskillVerdie born about 1908
DriskillWanda born about 1927
DriskillWilliam Tborn about 1925

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E Surnames

EarnheartJoe Wborn about 1874
EarnheartMyrtle born about 1884
EdgeAda born about 1899
EdgeDavid born about 1877
EdgmanAllen born about 1938
EdgmanCarrie born about 1924
EdgmanClinton born about 1935
EdgmanDaisy born about 1899
EdgmanEddie born about 1931
EdgmanFrankland born about 1933
EdgmanHarry born about 1921
EdgmanHarvey born about 1926
EdgmanLuther born about 1899
EdgmanMaxine born about 1930
EdgmanRonald born about 1920
EdwardOma born about 1891
EdwardRex born about 1915
EdwardRobert Lborn about 1877
EstebEsse Eborn about 1890
EstebIroy born about 1916
EstebLena born about 1914
EstebLucille born about 1919
EstebMyrtle born about 1890
EstebNeil born about 1922
EstebPhyliss born about 1936
EstedCicero born about 1913
EstedClarie born about 1917

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F Surnames

FilesEvelyn born about 1933
FilesGarner born about 1927
FilesGeorge born about 1922
FilesJohn Hborn about 1902
FilesMarie born about 1931
FilesMattie born about 1901
FilesVelma born about 1924
FisherCleo born about 1924
FisherHayden born about 1919
FisherHaywood born about 1911
FlowersElvis Bborn about 1916
FlowersMayme born about 1917
FloydBabara Jeneborn about 1932
FloydNellie Eborn about 1906
FoardBarnett born about 1919
FoardElsie born about 1900
ForestLucy Cborn about 1885
ForestW Jborn about 1876
FosterAngelee born about 1935
FosterAnnie born about 1907
FosterBernice born about 1930
FosterChristine born about 1925
FosterJ Cborn about 1933
FosterJ Wborn about 1927
FosterJimmie born about 1937
FosterWillene born about 1924
FosterWillie born about 1900
FrenchBonita born about 1934
FrenchEdna born about 1910
FrenchLillian born about 1932
FrenchOkly born about 1909
FrenchVirginia born about 1926
FulbrightBobbie Leeborn about 1937
FulbrightFreddie Joeborn about 1935
FulbrightJ Earborn about 1913
FulbrightMyrelee born about 1914
FulbrightSallie Tborn about 1868
FulbrightSarah Jborn about 1857

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G Surnames

GarlinAustin born about 1918
GarlinBennie Jeanborn about 1927
GarlinCaroldean born about 1934
GarlinClyde born about 1916
GarlinElizabeth born about 1903
GarlinIda born about 1895
GarlinOris Wborn about 1901
GarlinRandall born about 1923
GarlinRay Rborn about 1921
GarlinRobert Hborn about 1889
GarrettCharls born about 1926
GarrettJ Bborn about 1924
GarrettMaxine born about 1925
GarrettZinnia born about 1903
GatherBeulah Maeborn about 1926
GilbrethBillie born about 1936
GilbrethEdna born about 1939
GilbrethMary born about 1916
GilbrethOllie born about 1909
GilbrethTennie born about 1935
GillAlmalee born about 1930
GillFanny born about 1922
GillHenery Aborn about 1888
GillMaude Eborn about 1888
GillS Adlerborn about 1900
GillThomas Tborn about 1855
GlisbyJ Dborn about 1923
GockeLow born about 1918
GockeMatha born about 1880
GoodmanJae born about 1918
GrayGeorge Wborn about 1873
GrayLulla born about 1876
GriffinB Johnborn about 1888
GriffinVina born about 1895
GrigbsyJohn born about 1886
GrigbsyLula born about 1882
GrigbsyRaymond born about 1920
GrigsbyDoris born about 1933
GrigsbyFlorence born about 1899
GrigsbyH Earnestborn about 1889
GrigsbyNeal born about 1919

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H Surnames

HamesFrances Jborn about 1872
HamesMellie born about 1882
HandbyBillie born about 1935
HandbyLeca born about 1938
HandbyLizzie born about 1915
HarmenElla Fayborn about 1932
HarmenJames Fborn about 1888
HarmenJuanita born about 1928
HarmenMyrtle born about 1903
HarmenO Clawdeborn about 1902
HarmenTabetha born about 1893
HarmonAnna born about 1904
HarmonBoyce born about 1936
HarmonCharlie born about 1923
HarmonClarice born about 1903
HarmonClayton born about 1931
HarmonEmma born about 1876
HarmonFlossie born about 1906
HarmonFrances born about 1854
HarmonHarold born about 1934
HarmonJ Austinborn about 1903
HarmonJames Aborn about 1881
HarmonJames Hborn about 1879
HarmonJoe Sborn about 1909
HarmonLenoa born about 1883
HarmonLeon born about 1926
HarmonMargie born about 1937
HarmonMarry born about 1887
HarmonNeil born about 1931
HarmonNettie born about 1898
HarmonPearl born about 1918
HarmonRhode born about 1911
HarmonRobert Lborn about 1900
HarmonRobert Leeborn about 1927
HarmonSilas born about 1917
HarmonWilliam Aborn about 1879
HarmonWilliam Aborn about 1916
HarveyFonnie Maeborn about 1881
HarveyTamar born about 1906
HarveyWilliam Fborn about 1876
HaskinsAren born about 1903
HaskinsHugh born about 1901
HaskinsJae born about 1928
HaskinsMaudie born about 1921
HeathcoatCassie born about 1870
HeathcoatCollie Hborn about 1908
HeathcoatDortha Sueborn about 1937
HeathcoatEdith born about 1912
HeathcoatJoy born about 1937
HeathcoatLuther Wborn about 1907
HeathcoatMaudie born about 1909
HeathcoatW Lborn about 1929
HensleyBurnell born about 1921
HessJohn Wborn about 1933
HessKate born about 1873
HessSpencer born about 1907
HessW Tomborn about 1873
HessWinnie born about 1907
HesterE Vborn about 1889
HesterFaye born about 1923
HesterSene born about 1891
HickersonCassie born about 1891
HickersonH Blovinsborn about 1911
HickersonJames Jborn about 1898
HickersonJimmy born about 1936
HickersonJoan born about 1939
HickersonJohn Jborn about 1921
HickersonKeatye born about 1896
HickersonNell Royborn about 1914
HillDavid Sborn about 1890
HillJohn Pborn about 1887
HobbsBille Jeanborn about 1931
HobbsHarrison Aborn about 1889
HobbsJeffie born about 1906
HobbsWna Joanborn about 1936
HoltC Wborn about 1921
HoltFrank Mborn about 1885
HoltH Wborn about 1921
HoltJaisey born about 1908
HoltLenoard born about 1930
HoltOdell born about 1924
HoltRophus born about 1939
HoltWillie born about 1917
HorlanManuel Fborn about 1911
HorlanZarah born about 1914
HughesClara born about 1899
HughesFoy born about 1931
HughesHerbert born about 1928
HughesHilton Pborn about 1903
HughesImogene born about 1924
HughesJ Wborn about 1925
HughesJ Woodborn about 1889
HughesLetrude born about 1902
HughesShirley Annborn about 1938
HugheyAgnes born about 1886
HugheyDorra Eborn about 1882
HugheyJohn born about 1853
HugheySidney born about 1884
HughsBillie Rayborn about 1939
HughsEffie born about 1919
HughsWilliam Sborn about 1862
HughsWillie Sborn about 1918
HullAlta born about 1896
HullClaude born about 1923
HullClyde born about 1923
HullFinis Lborn about 1894
HullFloyd Eborn about 1899
HullHenery Pborn about 1866
HullJunius Rayborn about 1924
HullKenneth born about 1932
HullMary born about 1869
HullMary born about 1935
HullMaude born about 1899
HullOma born about 1928
HullRoy born about 1927
HullSarah born about 1871
HumeJoseph Lborn about 1902
HumeRochel born about 1913

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J Surnames

JacksonMinnie born about 1894
JefferyCarrie Sueborn about 1935
JefferyDr Paul Hborn about 1883
JefferyGwenda born about 1940
JefferyPearl born about 1893
JefferyRobert Eborn about 1911
JefferyRuth born about 1918
JonesC Nealborn about 1925
JonesEmogene born about 1938
JonesHomer Eborn about 1889
JonesMarry Fborn about 1878
JonesMonnie born about 1900
JonesRalph Wborn about 1929
JordanCharles born about 1924
JordanClarrie Leeborn about 1922
JordanErnestine born about 1925

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K Surnames

KatesDelie Aborn about 1879
KatesGeorge Rborn about 1874
KatesMildred born about 1924
KatesPaul born about 1922
KellerBernard born about 1930
KellerBert born about 1930
KellerBettie born about 1906
KellerCoy Leeborn about 1933
KellerEllen born about 1866
KellerFred Rborn about 1907
KellerIrene born about 1909
KellerJake Lborn about 1901
KellerJohn Pborn about 1868
KellerMarvin born about 1913
KellerMinola born about 1940
KellerNancy born about 1869
KellerPeggy born about 1936
KellerTip born about 1900
KelleyClotene born about 1933
KelleyDessa born about 1937
KelleyDonnie Hborn about 1910
KelleyDorthey born about 1939
KelleyJohn Hborn about 1858
KelleyLieuticia born about 1915
KelleyPaul born about 1919
KelleySarah born about 1877
KelleySarah Ethelborn about 1935
KimbroughEva born about 1897
KimbroughHansel Rayborn about 1932
KimbroughHarold born about 1922
KimbroughHassel born about 1924
KimbroughImabell born about 1926
KimbroughJames Jborn about 1895
KimbroughJimmie born about 1938
KimbroughOna born about 1928
KimbroughVernie born about 1919
KimbroughWalter born about 1884
KimbroughWillard born about 1917
KimbroughWillis born about 1920
KimmerBeluah born about 1912
KimmerDale born about 1920
KimmerEstella born about 1890
KimmerImogene born about 1925
KimmerMary Annborn about 1939
KimmerMay born about 1932
KimmerNeil born about 1923
KimmerReed born about 1910
KimmerRoy born about 1929
KingJinnie Leeborn about 1940
KingMarie born about 1916
KingRufus born about 1916

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L Surnames

LamanLorene born about 1918
LancasterFrancis born about 1916
LancasterWillie Maeborn about 1915
LangstonM Franklinborn about 1869
LangstonMargaret born about 1871
LangstonRuby born about 1913
LangstonWilliam Sborn about 1907
LassiterAllean born about 1919
LassiterAllie born about 1898
LassiterJunious born about 1930
LassiterRobert Bborn about 1895
LathamEdna born about 1882
LathamJ Aborn about 1883
LenoardAdean born about 1924
LenoardAlphas born about 1919
LenoardCarmel born about 1918
LenoardDella born about 1897
LenoardDorthy Lueborn about 1934
LenoardEmma born about 1914
LenoardFayrene born about 1933
LenoardH Oscarborn about 1878
LenoardJosephine born about 1870
LenoardKathlene born about 1936
LenoardKeith born about 1939
LenoardLeah born about 1910
LenoardLonnie Lborn about 1902
LenoardMaxine born about 1922
LenoardMona Leeborn about 1933
LenoardMyrtle born about 1909
LenoardNona born about 1911
LenoardRalph born about 1910
LenoardRobert born about 1931
LenoardRobert Aborn about 1905
LenoardTroydeam born about 1931
LenoardWinston born about 1926
LeonardNorene born about 1920
LeonardWilliam Eborn about 1861
LoggainBass Cborn about 1909
LoggainPearl born about 1914
LoggainRobert born about 1935
LoggainsElsie born about 1913
LoggainsEula born about 1886
LoggainsJames Aborn about 1890
LoggainsJoyce Marieborn about 1939
LoggainsWilburn Gborn about 1911
LoggainsWonda Leeborn about 1935
LoggiansCamine born about 1914
LoggiansWilliam Hborn about 1911
LongCarel Bborn about 1940
LongCharls born about 1935
LongImela born about 1933
LongImojean born about 1931
LongLillian born about 1902
LongNora born about 1881
LongPaul born about 1923
LongThomas Eborn about 1896
LongVernell born about 1925
LongVirgina born about 1937
LowBarbra Jeanborn about 1935
LowElsie born about 1911
LowEsten Lborn about 1913
LowGayiala born about 1932
LowJessie Tborn about 1907
LowNorine born about 1911
LowTommy born about 1937
LuisSarah born about 1867
LushBobbie born about 1932
LushEster born about 1903
LushG Wborn about 1902
LushJunious born about 1926
LushOvie born about 1925
LushVernen born about 1939
LuskChester Lborn about 1897
LuskRichard born about 1913
LuskVelma born about 1923
LuskZella born about 1899
LusterAllen Wborn about 1884
LusterB Georgeborn about 1910
LusterConway born about 1922
LusterDon born about 1910
LusterDonal Deanborn about 1939
LusterEdge Billieborn about 1931
LusterElizabeth born about 1913
LusterFanny born about 1886
LusterFrancis born about 1928
LusterJames Eborn about 1938
LusterJula born about 1859
LusterLois born about 1922
LusterLudean born about 1926
LusterMarvin born about 1924
LusterMyrel born about 1928
LusterWesley born about 1936
LusterWillie Wborn about 1919
LynchBernice born about 1915
LynchBessie born about 1912
LynchEvans Pborn about 1909
LynchJimmy born about 1935
LynchMrs Fred Dborn about 1870

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M Surnames

ManiceC Eborn about 1861
ManiousNora born about 1909
MarshellAdlia born about 1925
MarshellBrady Lborn about 1922
MarshellCynthia born about 1907
MarshellDorothy born about 1935
MarshellE Earlborn about 1898
MarshellG Fborn about 1901
MarshellHenry Mborn about 1889
MarshellJohn Hborn about 1867
MarshellLizzie born about 1905
MarshellMargey born about 1869
MarshellMarry born about 1898
MarshellMary born about 1901
MarshellOrpha Cborn about 1902
MarshellReed born about 1905
MarshellUlas Dborn about 1896
MarshellWade born about 1916
MartieBillie Joeborn about 1922
MartieElla born about 1883
MartieFitzhugh born about 1920
MartieJas born about 1877
MartinAudrey born about 1927
MartinCharlie Hborn about 1879
MartinDelsie born about 1914
MartinDoris born about 1925
MartinEarl born about 1915
MartinEdmon born about 1929
MartinEstine born about 1888
MartinForrest born about 1917
MartinGeneva born about 1924
MartinGeorge Oborn about 1921
MartinHiram Cborn about 1889
MartinHiram Cborn about 1938
MartinJack born about 1919
MartinJames Hborn about 1906
MartinKermit born about 1938
MartinLeota born about 1938
MartinMelvin born about 1931
MartinMildred born about 1934
MartinNormajean born about 1939
MartinOrpha born about 1935
MartinPaul Cborn about 1917
MartinRochie born about 1896
MartinRuby born about 1916
MartinThomas Jborn about 1883
MartinTray born about 1930
MartinVirginia born about 1920
MartinVirginia born about 1923
MasseyAlice born about 1874
MatlachCarrol Royborn about 1930
MatlachEdgar Dborn about 1906
MatlachJunie born about 1908
MatlackBillie Joeborn about 1939
MatlackJ Ernestborn about 1914
MatlackJune born about 1922
MatlockAddie born about 1893
MatlockFredie born about 1928
MatlockInez born about 1931
McCarrolAlene born about 1922
McCarrolAllen Eborn about 1889
McCarrolBetty Louborn about 1930
McCarrolBill born about 1911
McCarrolCarolyn born about 1939
McCarrolDonald born about 1939
McCarrolEarnestine born about 1922
McCarrolEd born about 1885
McCarrolGladys born about 1928
McCarrolJack born about 1918
McCarrolMable born about 1894
McCarrolMyrtle born about 1887
McCarrolRagene born about 1927
McCarrolRobert born about 1920
McCarrolRuby born about 1914
McCarrolSarah born about 1874
McCarrolVelma Leeborn about 1924
McCarrolVerno born about 1917
McCarrolWilma born about 1910
McDuffeeDeliah Annborn about 1929
McDuffeeLeora Dborn about 1896
McDuffeeLeuke born about 1917
McDuffeeLorene born about 1933
McDuffeeW Jborn about 1928
McDuffeeWillene born about 1933
McDuffeeWillie Jborn about 1890
McSpaddenAlmeda born about 1935
McSpaddenAlvin born about 1920
McSpaddenBaisel Bborn about 1916
McSpaddenBessie born about 1897
McSpaddenBetty Louborn about 1940
McSpaddenBobby Joeborn about 1938
McSpaddenByron Eborn about 1918
McSpaddenCarter Jonesborn about 1940
McSpaddenChattie born about 1888
McSpaddenChester born about 1903
McSpaddenClyde born about 1899
McSpaddenDale born about 1918
McSpaddenDavid Cborn about 1894
McSpaddenDean born about 1924
McSpaddenDelorice born about 1939
McSpaddenDorothy born about 1906
McSpaddenDoyle born about 1936
McSpaddenEarline born about 1929
McSpaddenEarnest Hborn about 1908
McSpaddenEssie born about 1905
McSpaddenEulanda born about 1934
McSpaddenFarel born about 1914
McSpaddenFern born about 1909
McSpaddenGail born about 1908
McSpaddenGeneva born about 1914
McSpaddenGeorge Wborn about 1870
McSpaddenGeorgie born about 1910
McSpaddenHarvey born about 1901
McSpaddenHattie born about 1883
McSpaddenHelen born about 1937
McSpaddenHoffle Jborn about 1912
McSpaddenInez born about 1926
McSpaddenIrene born about 1917
McSpaddenJames Lborn about 1874
McSpaddenJasper born about 1925
McSpaddenJunior born about 1931
McSpaddenLando born about 1897
McSpaddenLeon born about 1926
McSpaddenLewis born about 1927
McSpaddenLizzie born about 1887
McSpaddenLizzie Cborn about 1878
McSpaddenLois born about 1933
McSpaddenLonnie Pborn about 1895
McSpaddenLynna Annborn about 1938
McSpaddenMable born about 1912
McSpaddenMae Nealborn about 1919
McSpaddenMartin Aborn about 1902
McSpaddenMaurine born about 1924
McSpaddenMayneil born about 1929
McSpaddenMinnie born about 1907
McSpaddenMose Gborn about 1878
McSpaddenNadine born about 1922
McSpaddenNoel born about 1928
McSpaddenNorma Leeborn about 1940
McSpaddenOra born about 1901
McSpaddenOzell born about 1931
McSpaddenRay born about 1915
McSpaddenRaynell born about 1923
McSpaddenRoyce Lynnborn about 1937
McSpaddenSarah born about 1875
McSpaddenShelby born about 1928
McSpaddenT Earlborn about 1907
McSpaddenThelma born about 1907
McSpaddenThurl born about 1921
McSpaddenTom Aborn about 1892
McSpaddenTommie born about 1907
McSpaddenUdell born about 1933
McSpaddenVelma born about 1935
McSpaddenVirginia born about 1926
McSpaddenWanda born about 1934
McSpaddenWayne born about 1928
McSpaddenWilliam Wborn about 1858
McSpaddenWillie born about 1918
McSpaddenWretha born about 1904
McSpaddenZelda born about 1928
MedlockAudrey born about 1929
MedlockBobbie born about 1925
MedlockMaudie born about 1915
MedlockMay born about 1892
MedlockNadine born about 1920
MedlockPaul born about 1913
MedlockWalter Iborn about 1888
MerganGeneva born about 1920
MerganPaul born about 1917
MitchellBeraldine born about 1930
MitchellC Pborn about 1865
MitchellCharles Aborn about 1929
MitchellEster born about 1910
MitchellEva Deneborn about 1932
MitchellFrank Bborn about 1894
MitchellStanley Rborn about 1902
MorgamDortha born about 1928
MorgamJamerson born about 1892
MorgamLou born about 1894
MorgamWillma Leeborn about 1926
MorrowAugusta born about 1921
MorrowFreddie born about 1931
MorrowHenry Eborn about 1925
MorrowHester born about 1933
MorrowHubert Bborn about 1923
MorrowInogene born about 1928
MorrowJ Westelborn about 1915
MorrowJames Rborn about 1890
MorrowLeonora born about 1937
MorrowLily Aborn about 1917
MorrowMyrtle born about 1897
MoserAllison born about 1922
MoserEmmitt born about 1919
MoserGoldia born about 1924
MoserMasline born about 1897
MoserOllie born about 1901
MoserRoyce born about 1938
MoserRuth born about 1935
MoserTommie born about 1927
MoserVance born about 1929
MoserWanda Maeborn about 1932
MyresIda born about 1873
MyresMerica born about 1901
MyresRebecca born about 1893
MyresS Nutonborn about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NiederbrachArnold born about 1910
NiederbrachEdith born about 1915
NiederbrachFreddie born about 1937
NiederbrachMargaret born about 1933
NolenAndy Eborn about 1884
NolenBettie born about 1888
NolenChester born about 1924
NolenDonna Maeborn about 1931
NolenLolamae born about 1932
NolenMarie born about 1935
NolenMonnie born about 1914
NolenRichard Mborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdinGeneva born about 1925
OdinHelen born about 1928
OdinIrene born about 1884
OdinJames born about 1922
OdinLucius born about 1883
OnealCharles Wborn about 1900
OnealJuanita born about 1933
OnealMose born about 1863
OnealNeva born about 1900
OnealWilliam born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceBerd born about 1918
PaceBob born about 1892
PaceClara born about 1895
PaceDallas born about 1924
PaceDortha born about 1931
PaceEugen born about 1931
PaceFrank born about 1892
PaceJ Tborn about 1933
PaceLusie born about 1904
PacePearl born about 1900
PaceTanell born about 1930
PesterGrace Mborn about 1900
PesterLois born about 1923
PesterRobert born about 1927
PhilipsAlmamae born about 1934
PhilipsDonald Rayborn about 1936
PhilipsMarie born about 1916
PhilipsVirgile born about 1908
PinkstonBarbia Juneborn about 1937
PinkstonLeon born about 1918
PinkstonMary born about 1879
PinkstonOttaline born about 1913
PinkstonTobe Bborn about 1873
PittsCleo born about 1923
PittsCollie born about 1915
PittsVanna born about 1938
PoolGoldie born about 1903
PoolJohn Dborn about 1903
PorterDerophie born about 1922
PorterDewell Wborn about 1914
PorterFloella born about 1929
PorterIda born about 1895
PorterLillie born about 1912
PorterMarry Rborn about 1861
PorterWilson born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuarryBlanche born about 1899
QuarryHapple born about 1923
QuarryJames born about 1931
QuarryJeanine born about 1932
QuarryKatheryn born about 1928
QuarryMargaret born about 1921
QuarryRobert born about 1925
QuarryWalter Wborn about 1896
QuearryCarrie born about 1876
QuearryWilliam Hborn about 1874
QwearryCarol Wborn about 1896
QwearryHelen born about 1930
QwearryInell born about 1936
QwearryJames born about 1926
QwearryLeena born about 1906
QwearryLowise born about 1939
QwearryMelvin born about 1928
QwearryNettie born about 1934
QwearryVelma Jeanborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RhodesCharlie born about 1922
RichersonAlvnell born about 1938
RichersonClaudie Maeborn about 1932
RichersonDane born about 1936
RichersonDon Aborn about 1898
RichersonLee born about 1917
RichersonNellie born about 1902
RichersonPaul born about 1920
RichersonRalph born about 1926
RichersonRuben born about 1930
RobertsLillie born about 1907
RobertsOzell Vborn about 1934
RobertsVictor Eborn about 1903
RobertsonAddie Eborn about 1893
RobertsonAdler born about 1918
RobertsonAudrey born about 1920
RobertsonBernard born about 1922
RobertsonBobby Raeborn about 1931
RobertsonEtta born about 1895
RobertsonFox Fborn about 1921
RobertsonJae Deanborn about 1924
RobertsonLee Pborn about 1887
RobertsonNelse born about 1925
RobertsonRex born about 1917
RobertsonWilliam Cborn about 1886
RoperGeorge Aborn about 1878
RoperGeorge Eborn about 1921
RowlettEllen born about 1889
RowlettGeorge Wborn about 1872
RowlettHarry born about 1907
RowlettHomer born about 1917
RowlettIrene born about 1924
RowlettLena born about 1913
RowlettPheba born about 1913
RussellWilliam Jborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalterFloyd born about 1938
SalterIda Bellborn about 1920
SalterLoyd born about 1938
SatterleeAnnie born about 1881
SextonBarba Jeanborn about 1932
SextonBuddy Deanborn about 1933
SextonBurnard born about 1936
SextonOpal born about 1912
ShaerBettie born about 1892
ShaerEmma born about 1872
ShawClara born about 1901
ShawGlenna born about 1931
ShawHale born about 1906
ShawJ Alexborn about 1872
ShawMary born about 1881
ShawOwen born about 1903
SilerAnniebeth born about 1939
SilerJames born about 1924
SilerJennie born about 1921
SilerLyda born about 1919
SimmensNellie born about 1915
SimmieGilbert born about 1927
SimmieHerbert born about 1917
SimmieJames Hborn about 1916
SimmieJessie born about 1936
SimmiePearl born about 1924
SimmieRobert born about 1933
SimsBonnie born about 1928
SimsEvelyn born about 1925
SimsGladys born about 1902
SimsGus Tborn about 1896
SimsLowell born about 1923
SmarttCarroll Cborn about 1858
SmithFred Eborn about 1858
SmithJohn Cborn about 1904
SouthardAggie born about 1898
SouthardCharles Eborn about 1897
SouthardCharles Hborn about 1865
SouthardJ Gartonborn about 1916
SouthardMillard Aborn about 1889
SouthardMyrtle born about 1891
SouthardOscar born about 1893
SouthardSibyl born about 1906
StellingsElaine born about 1925
StellingsElla Maeborn about 1919
StellingsJack born about 1922
StewartJames Bborn about 1860
StricklandClifford born about 1926
StricklandDelina born about 1927
StricklandLeuwanda born about 1929
StutlerGeorge born about 1882
SullerDavid born about 1937
SullerDavid Sborn about 1889
SullerJoyce born about 1931
SullerRuth born about 1907
SuttonBillie born about 1928
SuttonHoward born about 1914
SuttonIuana born about 1922
SuttonJennie born about 1898
SuttonLloyd born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TashAgnes born about 1907
TashCleo born about 1926
TashEugene born about 1930
TashGearld born about 1937
TashLoyd born about 1901
TateClaude born about 1930
TateJack born about 1924
TateLizzie born about 1901
TateSam born about 1926
TateTrixie born about 1928
TerellBernadine born about 1925
TerellBobby Joeborn about 1934
TerellCallie born about 1922
TerellHapple born about 1907
TerellJoe Hborn about 1894
TerellKadeal born about 1929
TerellTray Leeborn about 1927
ThomasMartha born about 1880
ThomasWilliam born about 1882
TravisJowatie born about 1937
TravisKatherin born about 1939
TravisLillybell born about 1911
TravisRoma Aborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VolnerAllene born about 1920
VolnerCecil born about 1911
VolnerDewayn born about 1938
VolnerGladyes born about 1939
VolnerJames born about 1921
VolnerMaxine born about 1927
VolnerNorma Jeanborn about 1934
VolnerPatsy born about 1893
VolnerRay Tborn about 1885
VolnerRuth born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallieHarold born about 1925
WallieLevis born about 1879
WallieRichard born about 1923
WallieSusia born about 1893
WallingEarnis born about 1939
WallingJimmie born about 1939
WallingLester Dborn about 1915
WallingLorene born about 1923
WallsAuther Jborn about 1919
WallsCharles Eborn about 1940
WallsJune born about 1922
WallsThomas Mborn about 1882
WansElta Bborn about 1872
WarrenFelix born about 1878
WarrenIda born about 1877
WaughBetty Fernborn about 1936
WaughBoby Louisborn about 1939
WaughG Priceborn about 1906
WaughJames born about 1859
WaughMartha born about 1873
WaughMarvine born about 1927
WaughMaxine born about 1933
WaughRubie born about 1905
WaughThodere born about 1924
WilliamsEarl Waneborn about 1926
WilliamsEula born about 1917
WilliamsJohn Aborn about 1883
WilliamsMathe born about 1892
WilliamsNoble Leeborn about 1918
WilliamsRandolph born about 1920
WilliamsRoger Alanborn about 1939
WilliamsRoss Aborn about 1913
WilliamsonJ Wborn about 1862
WilsonDonna born about 1915
WilsonElouise born about 1921
WilsonEvelyn born about 1925
WilsonGeorge Aborn about 1890
WilsonStella born about 1893
WilsonVawghn born about 1912
WilsonVeneta born about 1917
WinkleBuster born about 1910
WinkleEarl Wborn about 1902
WinkleEthel born about 1913
WinkleGracie born about 1909
WinkleLester born about 1889
WinkleMattie born about 1875
WinkleWillie born about 1935
WollisAustin born about 1907
WollisCarl born about 1936
WollisGenell born about 1934
WollisJanet born about 1940
WollisJoe born about 1938
WollisSarah born about 1910
WootringAlene born about 1922
WootringE Nealborn about 1927
WootringHarvey born about 1899
WootringJames Aborn about 1924
WootringVirgie born about 1902
WrightAlbert Rborn about 1895
WrightAlex Wborn about 1880
WrightCoy born about 1933
WrightD Rayborn about 1912
WrightDelbert Lborn about 1899
WrightDoris born about 1929
WrightGertrude born about 1910
WrightGlenn born about 1931
WrightJames Dborn about 1908
WrightJeane born about 1920
WrightJeff Dborn about 1863
WrightJohn Mborn about 1857
WrightLancel born about 1918
WrightLinda Rayborn about 1939
WrightLonnie Hborn about 1897
WrightLucy born about 1896
WrightMary born about 1869
WrightPearl born about 1897
WrightRay Deneborn about 1922
WrightReta born about 1932
WrightSadie born about 1883
WrightSusan born about 1867
WrightVila born about 1913
WrightWayne born about 1932
WrightWesley born about 1931
WywiasBill born about 1922
WywiasFlorine born about 1937
WywiasGrace born about 1898
WywiasHelen born about 1932
WywiasJohn born about 1927
WywiasLyle born about 1925
WywiasRichard born about 1887
WywiasThelma born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YongBen Fborn about 1887
YongRass born about 1920
YongRuby born about 1912
YongSusie born about 1883

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