1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wycough, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Wycough

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AldridgeRay born about 1905
AlfordAndrew born about 1916
AlfordJanette born about 1939
AlfordShirley Jborn about 1937
AlfordWilma born about 1919
ArnoldBarden born about 1910
ArnoldKenneth born about 1935
ArnoldLouise born about 1885
ArnoldRessey born about 1914
AtchisonCharity born about 1872

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B Surnames

BarberKate born about 1890
BarberLuther born about 1888
BarberNolen Rayborn about 1931
BarberPatsy born about 1936
BarberReba born about 1910
BarberRual born about 1870
BarberRuth born about 1933
BolinBoby Nborn about 1935
BolinBuddy Rborn about 1938
BolinDaisy born about 1919
BolinGwendolyn born about 1934
BolinHazel born about 1921
BolinIrene born about 1913
BolinLizzie born about 1891
BolinLou Eborn about 1939
BolinMelvin born about 1914
BolinMerle born about 1928
BolinNina Fborn about 1938
BolinRobbie born about 1923
BolinRobert Dborn about 1887
BolinTerral born about 1925
BottomsJ Aborn about 1890
BottomsLorine born about 1921
BottomsPaul born about 1922
BottomsPearl born about 1884
BottomsVirgie born about 1872
BrightwellLaura born about 1880
BrightwellWilliam born about 1875
BrittenBeulah born about 1904
BrittenErma born about 1934
BrittenHayden born about 1899
BrittenRoyal born about 1923
BrittenVirgie born about 1925
BrooksCarl Dborn about 1931
BrooksDonald Rborn about 1936
BrooksElla Maeborn about 1922
BrooksElma born about 1925
BrooksErnest born about 1915
BrooksEva born about 1903
BrooksGeorge Wborn about 1886
BrooksH Sborn about 1888
BrooksHazel born about 1921
BrooksJ Dborn about 1920
BrooksJames Aborn about 1928
BrooksLena Mborn about 1926
BrooksLillie born about 1891
BrooksLloyd born about 1917
BrooksMammie born about 1930
BrooksMaudie born about 1933
BrooksO Lborn about 1933
BrooksOsmond born about 1924
BrooksPauline born about 1921
BrooksPearlie born about 1921
BrooksTom born about 1893
BrooksVelma born about 1924
BrooksVerlin born about 1929
BrooksZadie born about 1927
BrooksZelda born about 1922
BrownAugutie born about 1884
BrownC Lborn about 1866
BruceChristobel born about 1926
BruceDoris Mborn about 1933
BruceH Lborn about 1934
BruceHerman born about 1901
BruceJames Aborn about 1929
BruceMary Lborn about 1936
BruceNellie born about 1904
BrucePearly born about 1882
BruceWill Tborn about 1872
ByrdErnest born about 1924
ByrdJesse born about 1900
ByrdJunior born about 1934

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C Surnames

CappsErbie born about 1915
CappsEthel born about 1922
CappsLouise born about 1931
CashClifton born about 1924
CashE Fborn about 1875
CashEmma born about 1883
CashFlorence born about 1883
CashSarah born about 1880
ClarkCharlene born about 1933
ClarkCharles born about 1889
ClarkJimmie Leeborn about 1931
ClarkKenneth Rayborn about 1936
ClarkMollie born about 1896
ClarkPaul born about 1921
ClarkWade born about 1924
ClevelandAuthur born about 1920
ClevelandEdgar born about 1896
ClevelandEmogene born about 1928
ClevelandJames Eborn about 1939
ClevelandShirley Annborn about 1936
ClevelandTommie born about 1924
ClevelandWillie born about 1900
CombsRoy born about 1909
CooperAnnaetta born about 1937
CooperJames Wborn about 1933
CooperMedrith Lborn about 1930
CooperReba born about 1909
CooperWilliam Cborn about 1904
CrawfordAlbert born about 1893
CrawfordArland born about 1919
CrawfordElberta born about 1932
CrawfordGarland born about 1918
CrawfordJessie born about 1894
CrawfordLois born about 1928
CrawfordMalcom born about 1929
CrawfordMarland born about 1924

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D Surnames

DawsonDorothy Mborn about 1932
DawsonHenry born about 1886
DawsonHettie Mborn about 1930
DawsonLydia Mborn about 1900
DawsonMargaret born about 1935
DawsonWilliam Lborn about 1927
DollsCharles born about 1919
DriskillRoy born about 1886
DryBeatrice Leeborn about 1935
DryDollie born about 1904
DryEdward Eborn about 1893
DryJoe Edwardborn about 1938
DryLula Mayborn about 1926
DryMary Ruthborn about 1930
DryRuby Tayborn about 1928
DryWillie Rayborn about 1933
DuggerAlthea born about 1890
DuggerCharles born about 1923
DuggerEloise born about 1922

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E Surnames

EavesLiza born about 1905
EavesMark born about 1884
EstesBetty born about 1909
EstesHubert born about 1911

F Surnames

FosterAnna born about 1884
FosterClint born about 1873
FosterLee Gborn about 1875

G Surnames

GardnerAlice born about 1932
GardnerDelphia born about 1899
GardnerGerldine born about 1927
GardnerLorene born about 1925
GardnerLula Belleborn about 1937
GardnerMargie born about 1929
GardnerMary born about 1878
GardnerNeill born about 1937
GardnerNola born about 1915
GardnerOness born about 1912
GardnerPleas born about 1878
GardnerRenvil born about 1922
GardnerStella born about 1933
GardnerWilleen born about 1935
GarnerAnnie born about 1856
GenningsDoyle Rborn about 1936
GenningsKathleen born about 1935
GenningsNora born about 1914
GenningsW Aborn about 1913
GibsonA Kborn about 1873
GibsonBetty Jborn about 1932
GibsonClide born about 1904
GibsonDorthy Jborn about 1930
GibsonFrona born about 1902
GibsonHenry Eborn about 1897
GibsonHettie Jborn about 1932
GibsonLindsey born about 1938
GibsonLucille born about 1916
GibsonLudy born about 1923
GibsonLulua born about 1880
GibsonMae born about 1926
GibsonMary Eborn about 1929
GibsonMary Lborn about 1940
GibsonR Eborn about 1928
GibsonRay born about 1935
GibsonRussel born about 1916
GreenCalvo born about 1914
GreenLaura born about 1923
GreenLela Maeborn about 1939
GreenMary born about 1919
GriffinClyde born about 1891
GriffinErma Leeborn about 1926
GriffinEsther born about 1897
GriffinEsther Leeborn about 1933
GriffinHenry born about 1896
GriffinJack born about 1936
GriffinMabel Vborn about 1895
GriffinMarie born about 1930
GriffinMarion born about 1930
GriffinOran born about 1922
GriffinR Hborn about 1923

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H Surnames

HagerJoe born about 1884
HalcombeAgnes born about 1912
HalcombeBen born about 1918
HalcombeCecil born about 1916
HalcombeLeven Pborn about 1863
HalcombeTeddy Royborn about 1934
HalcombeViola born about 1878
HallDelcie born about 1918
HallHerman born about 1904
HallHerman Jr born about 1939
HallNina Maeborn about 1936
HamiltonBennie born about 1927
HasselJohn born about 1874
HasselMarvin born about 1920
HasselMinnie born about 1916
HasselNancy born about 1913
HasselWillie born about 1890
HixHenry born about 1888
HolcombeCliff born about 1901
HolcombeJames Chiffborn about 1939
HolcombeJessie born about 1904
HolcombeLeo born about 1904
HolcombeWooder born about 1931
HutchisonCornelia born about 1911
HutchisonE Cborn about 1934
HutchisonJunior born about 1938
HutchisonMary Fborn about 1936
HutchisonMyrtle Leeborn about 1929
HutchisonR Eborn about 1930
HutchisonRobert Eborn about 1903
HutchisonRuby Fborn about 1932
HutchisonSam born about 1872
HutchisonW Bborn about 1926

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J Surnames

JohnBoby Joeborn about 1937
JohnCliff Eborn about 1938
JohnClifton born about 1916
JohnMamie born about 1914
JohnVirgil Lborn about 1935
JohnsRay born about 1935

K Surnames

KellerBasil born about 1912
KellerElbert born about 1902
KellerEldrith Fagyborn about 1938
KellerGirtie born about 1909
KellerGlendith Rayeborn about 1940
KellerGrace born about 1890
KellerIda Graceborn about 1939
KellerJohn born about 1886
KellerLillian born about 1910
KingBuddy born about 1931
KingGearldine born about 1938
KingH Lborn about 1929
KingJames born about 1926
KingLarene born about 1922
KingNora born about 1898

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L Surnames

LaneHerman born about 1912
LaneHomer born about 1905
LaneLucy born about 1908
LaneMell born about 1883
LaneWill Lborn about 1878
LawrenceCharles born about 1933
LawrenceEvelyn born about 1912
LawrenceW Lborn about 1905
LawrenceWarren born about 1931
LindseyErnstine born about 1921
LindseyLevis born about 1918
LovejoyBert born about 1925

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M Surnames

MagnessBarbara Aborn about 1937
MagnessEddie Royborn about 1933
MagnessEtta born about 1885
MagnessJoyce born about 1897
MagnessLoyd born about 1917
MagnessMarie born about 1914
MagnessMary Cborn about 1939
MagnessMyrtle born about 1925
MagnessO Wborn about 1888
MagnessPaphael born about 1920
MagnessRalph born about 1904
MagnessWilma Lborn about 1929
MagnessWoods born about 1890
MarshallBoby Rayborn about 1936
MarshallCharles born about 1937
MarshallEula born about 1912
MarshallFloyd born about 1909
MarshallJ Lborn about 1927
MarshallJ Rborn about 1931
MarshallJohn born about 1882
MarshallKathyran born about 1934
MarshallKenneth born about 1934
MarshallMary Eborn about 1930
MarshallNorene born about 1913
MarshallOla born about 1885
MarshallOla Leeborn about 1939
MarshallOnita born about 1925
MayhanBeatrice born about 1924
MayhanDaffney born about 1893
MayhanDillard born about 1920
MayhanEthel born about 1902
MayhanEunice born about 1902
MayhanFrancis born about 1880
MayhanHarry born about 1872
MayhanHarvey born about 1904
MayhanJ Eborn about 1871
MayhanMarie born about 1915
MayhanMaryetta born about 1869
McClainBent born about 1886
McClainCharley born about 1924
McClainClarance born about 1926
McClainDene born about 1928
McClainEdward Leeborn about 1931
McClainEthel born about 1895
McClainJ Rborn about 1922
McClainPatsy Rayborn about 1934
McClainRuth Maeborn about 1927
McDonielB Fborn about 1914
McDonielBarbara born about 1936
McDonielBernerd born about 1920
McDonielDon born about 1918
McDonielFrank born about 1920
McDonielHana born about 1929
McDonielIda Maeborn about 1931
McDonielJimmie born about 1933
McDonielLillie born about 1905
McDonielPaul born about 1927
McDonielR Aborn about 1905
McDonielRobert born about 1938
McDonielSam born about 1875
McDonielT Jborn about 1875
McDonielTom born about 1924
McDonielWillie born about 1882
McLainLina born about 1874
McLainSallie born about 1877
MeriwetherC L Wborn about 1878
MeriwetherElla born about 1880
MeriwetherGeorge Wborn about 1852
MeriwetherH Vborn about 1876
MeriwetherLena born about 1880
MichaelsCarolyn born about 1932
MichaelsFred born about 1918
MichaelsJames born about 1923
MichaelsKell born about 1893
MichaelsLena born about 1927
MichaelsMary Leeborn about 1925
MichaelsRosa born about 1897
MichaelsRuby born about 1935
MichaelsVirginia born about 1929
MoranBarabra born about 1937
MoranCharlene born about 1939
MoranCora born about 1873
MoranHerman born about 1898
MoranKenneth born about 1936
MoranMannie born about 1911
MoranVernon born about 1901
MurphyCarroll born about 1895
MurphyJ Eborn about 1923
MurphyMinnie born about 1897
MurphyNadean born about 1929
MurphyNellie born about 1859

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N Surnames

NorrisBetty Loisborn about 1935
NorrisBilly Rayborn about 1931
NorrisBobby Leeborn about 1933
NorrisDela Maeborn about 1936
NorrisDoris born about 1907
NorrisE Cborn about 1939
NorrisEmma born about 1911
NorrisIssac born about 1906
NorrisMadline born about 1937
NorrisMildred born about 1939
NorrisMinnie born about 1899
NorrisN Nborn about 1870
NorrisRalph born about 1930
NorrisRaymond born about 1903

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P Surnames

ParishBedford born about 1910
ParishLela born about 1915
ParishWilliam Lborn about 1937
ParkerEdith Maeborn about 1928
ParkerJess born about 1896
ParkerNellie born about 1900
ParkerRaymond born about 1922
PearceO Fborn about 1915
PowellEulas born about 1928
PowellHelen born about 1932
PowellJames born about 1926
PowellLillie born about 1893
PowellMary born about 1930
PowellOsre born about 1883
PowellVirgil born about 1915
PowellVulleen born about 1922
PoynorAlbert Sborn about 1862
PoynorCharles Rayborn about 1931
PoynorElmer born about 1903
PoynorEugene born about 1929
PoynorInez born about 1927
PoynorMary born about 1908
PoynorMattie born about 1870
PoynorRudean born about 1924
PoynorWilliam Sborn about 1939
PrinceJim Rborn about 1874
PrinceKendall Leeborn about 1930
PrinceNoel Wborn about 1934
PrinceRilla born about 1894
PrinceRobert born about 1925
PrinceRuben born about 1928

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R Surnames

RackleyEarline born about 1928
RackleyJ Mborn about 1934
ReedJohn born about 1900
RiddleAnnice born about 1906
RiddleUrban born about 1903
RiddlesRobert Lborn about 1906
RiddlesRobert Mborn about 1935
RiddlesVuthanit born about 1908
RobertAlice born about 1890
RobertAndy born about 1918
RobertHenry born about 1891
RobertSarah born about 1894
RohrascheibAllie born about 1907
RohrascheibBillie born about 1936
RohrascheibMary born about 1938
RohrascheibRaymond born about 1940
RohrascheibVersie born about 1916
RohrascheibWillie born about 1909
RollinsCort born about 1893
RollinsMyrtle born about 1895
RutledgeJames Wborn about 1872
RutledgeMillie born about 1875

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S Surnames

ShipmanAlice born about 1882
ShipmanChester born about 1921
ShipmanGeneva born about 1924
ShipmanJames born about 1879
ShipmanRoy born about 1917
SnappMrs C Fborn about 1862
StaffordDaire born about 1924
StaffordDempsey born about 1922
StaffordDorsey born about 1931
StaffordFrank born about 1888
StaffordRoscoe born about 1928
StaffordSarah born about 1896
StaggsBill born about 1909
StaggsDelma born about 1916
SturdivantJohn born about 1908
SturdivantJohn D Jrborn about 1939
SturdivantMary Janeborn about 1938
SturdivantMellie born about 1913
SturdivantOrin Rayborn about 1933

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T Surnames

TandoMary born about 1870
TateLynn born about 1915
TateMattie born about 1875
TateTillman born about 1916
ThompsonAnna Louborn about 1928
ThompsonDina Eloiseborn about 1938
ThompsonLaura born about 1877
ThompsonMinnie Lborn about 1897
ThompsonNina Louiseborn about 1938
ThompsonRufus born about 1927
ThompsonVan B born about 1901
ToryWill Aborn about 1872
TugwellGracie Mborn about 1883
TugwellW Aborn about 1868
TurnerAlma born about 1923
TurnerCharles born about 1915

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V Surnames

VannatterD Cborn about 1924
VannatterDorthy Lborn about 1927
VannatterEugene born about 1930
VannatterKenneth Rborn about 1932
VannatterSallie born about 1890
VannatterWalter born about 1885
VickersAsbery born about 1872
VickersCharles Eborn about 1939
VickersClyde born about 1914
VickersErvin born about 1910
VickersLucille born about 1916
VickersMary Aborn about 1884
VickersWilma Dborn about 1916

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W Surnames

WalkerAia born about 1859
WalkerAlbert born about 1912
WalkerAudrey born about 1916
WalkerBoby Lborn about 1940
WalkerClara born about 1917
WalkerErma born about 1883
WalkerFred Mborn about 1884
WalkerHelen born about 1938
WalkerLois born about 1936
WalkerMaybern born about 1915
WattsHarrison born about 1885
WattsVirgie Maeborn about 1927
WeaverJae born about 1929
WesterfieldHelen born about 1925
WesterfieldLavaughn born about 1930
WesterfieldLeona born about 1889
WesterfieldLucy born about 1930
WesterfieldO Cborn about 1922
WesterfieldOla Maeborn about 1922
WesterfieldRoy born about 1907
WesterfieldRoy Dborn about 1928
WesterfieldVera born about 1904
WhisnantPaul born about 1924
WhiteLee Aborn about 1875
WhiteRay born about 1884
WilkinsBetty born about 1876
WilkinsWilliam born about 1873

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