1940 U.S. Federal Census of Angels, Calaveras, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Calaveras County > 1940 Census of Angels

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAgnes Gborn about 1901
AdamsRussel born about 1901
AdamsRussel born about 1927
AdamsonHarold Jborn about 1916
AlbiminiBetty Jr born about 1936
AlbiminiHelen Oborn about 1917
AlfordDavid Eborn about 1932
AlfordDorothy Gborn about 1921
AlfordElsworth born about 1894
AlfordRace Eborn about 1898
AlfordRobert Rborn about 1929
AnatoGacimo born about 1870
AndersonAlbert Mborn about 1931
AndersonArdene Yborn about 1937
AndersonBette Yborn about 1919
AndersonCarl Rborn about 1908
AndersonClara Cborn about 1934
AndersonDolores Mborn about 1932
AndersonDonald Nborn about 1929
AndersonMarion Vborn about 1911
AndersonNorma Jborn about 1938
AndersonOrval Nborn about 1900
AngallettaElisa born about 1900
AngallettaFiari born about 1935
AngallettaFlora born about 1925
AngallettaMarie born about 1889
ArildaBeverly Kborn about 1933
ArildaJohn Wborn about 1923
ArildaLowell Aborn about 1926
ArildaMargaret born about 1897
ArildaRobert Mborn about 1936
ArildaTone Mborn about 1894
ArozJuanita born about 1875
ArturJesse Lborn about 1939
ArturJesse Wborn about 1909
ArturZilda Mborn about 1909
AtterDorothy born about 1923
AutneyHarry Wborn about 1889
AutneyLillian Mborn about 1890
AutneyThomas born about 1929

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B Surnames

BacigalupiFrank Aborn about 1866
BacigalupiRose born about 1874
BanPauline born about 1885
BaratonoAlbert born about 1924
BaratonoBernard born about 1895
BaratonoBonnie born about 1901
BaratonoIda born about 1903
BaratonoJoseph born about 1899
BardenHarry Rborn about 1870
BardenLouise born about 1876
BargeFlorence Mborn about 1910
BargeLouise born about 1878
BargeRoland Aborn about 1909
BargeRowland Aborn about 1931
BarrinEdiosed born about 1903
BarriosJesus Nborn about 1877
BarryJames born about 1873
BarryJudith Cborn about 1868
BartosKatherine born about 1931
BartosMarguerite born about 1901
BartosNancy Mborn about 1938
BartosRussell born about 1935
BartosTheodore born about 1904
BastianAlice Gborn about 1879
BaumhoggerMyttie born about 1863
BazinettCatherine born about 1902
BazinettJoseph Aborn about 1901
BeerElla Tborn about 1881
BeerFred Cborn about 1879
BeersGladys Aborn about 1890
BeersHerbert Eborn about 1891
BellairoGarnet Wborn about 1874
BeltramAlbert born about 1907
BeltramCelia born about 1910
BeltramRoberta born about 1937
BeltramSharon born about 1932
BennettJames Eborn about 1914
BennettVirginia Fborn about 1882
BernasconErnest born about 1909
BernasconNancy born about 1939
BernasconPhyllis born about 1919
Bernasconi? born about 1913
BernasconiLucille born about 1918
BernhardVictoria Eborn about 1901
BernhardWaldo Aborn about 1894
BerryStanley Fborn about 1897
BiabeSilly born about 1866
BickeyJohn Gborn about 1877
BickeyKate Lborn about 1882
BirdDavid born about 1939
BirdEva Aborn about 1874
BirdJohn Mborn about 1871
BirdLurline born about 1910
BirdTheodore born about 1909
BishopArden born about 1925
BishopHarvey born about 1902
BishopMarilyn born about 1924
BishopStella born about 1900
BlaciRay born about 1900
BohkyCarran born about 1935
BohkyMyrlte born about 1913
BohkyWilford Eborn about 1910
BollesReginald born about 1905
BoltonEulalia born about 1904
BoltonFenton born about 1895
BoltonFenton Eborn about 1918
BormerHarold Nborn about 1900
BormerJess Hborn about 1930
BormerNancy Dborn about 1927
BormerOlive Mborn about 1924
BormerRobert Cborn about 1934
BormerThoimas Pborn about 1925
BormerWilliam born about 1923
BosslerLeona born about 1920
BowersEnnice Fborn about 1918
BowersGerard Fborn about 1935
BowersJamson Fborn about 1915
BradyLester born about 1906
BrouzickAlexandria born about 1878
BrouzickHanna born about 1908
BrouzickSphiro born about 1905
BrunnerElsie born about 1910
BrunnerGeorge Iborn about 1902
BrunnerLee born about 1935
BrunnerMau born about 1938
BrunnerNettie Aborn about 1882
BryanBenjamin Bborn about 1874
BryanEmma born about 1861
BryanHarry born about 1859
BuchalewLaura born about 1911
BuchalewNancy Lborn about 1940
BuchalewRobert born about 1904
BucklandJohn born about 1901
BumbleIone born about 1924
BurnettCharles Rborn about 1897
BurnettClara Iborn about 1893
BushHarry Eborn about 1881
BushRuth Wborn about 1884
ButhmannHenery Jborn about 1915

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C Surnames

CallaghanMichael Jborn about 1905
CalvinDaisy born about 1916
CalvinGeorge Jborn about 1914
CalvinPatricia born about 1938
CalvinRobert born about 1939
CalzasciaMarie born about 1909
CalzasciaMaurice born about 1911
CapelloD Tonyborn about 1908
CapelloMalry born about 1887
CarleyAlberta born about 1905
CarleyEarl Cborn about 1898
CarleyJoseph Dborn about 1906
CarleyVera Fborn about 1903
CarlosnVera born about 1913
CarlowBen Hborn about 1890
CarlowJean Rborn about 1923
CarlowNorma Gborn about 1893
CarlsonTheodore born about 1905
CassaretteDave born about 1899
CassaretteRose born about 1861
CastleAolberta born about 1933
CastleDorothy Fborn about 1910
CastleGuy Aborn about 1911
CastleHoward born about 1931
CastleJack Guy Tborn about 1935
CastleMary Aborn about 1937
CatlettLily Mborn about 1883
CaverniAndrew born about 1881
CelussSylvia born about 1917
CelussWilliam born about 1913
CelussWilliam born about 1937
CeperickCrinita born about 1882
CeperickNick born about 1910
ChapmanAnetta born about 1885
ChapmanEarl Cborn about 1878
ChetkovickIna born about 1888
ChetkovickMike Nborn about 1916
ChetkovickNick born about 1881
ChrislockDaisy born about 1919
ChrislockMelvin born about 1909
ChurickAngi born about 1877
ChurickNick Jborn about 1888
ChurickPete born about 1866
CliftonElvina Nborn about 1917
CliftonFredrick Dborn about 1916
CollingEvelyn Dborn about 1920
CollingGeorge Vborn about 1918
CooleyClarence Jborn about 1936
CooleyDorence Eborn about 1912
CooleyDorence Eborn about 1935
CooleyJoanne Eborn about 1933
CooleyJohn Fborn about 1938
CooleyWilma Eborn about 1914
CooperCora born about 1881
CooperElizabeth born about 1923
CooperGeorge Pborn about 1880
CooperGeorge Wborn about 1911
CooperRobert born about 1924
CorellAlan born about 1937
CorellCalvin born about 1911
CorellFern born about 1933
CorellShirley born about 1912
Covello born about 1881
CovelloAlphonso born about 1882
CrawfordAtio Eborn about 1907
CrawfordDixie Pborn about 1917
CrawfordGary Lborn about 1935
CrispiAngelo born about 1876
CrispiCharles Cborn about 1900
CrispiMarie born about 1909
CroseDale born about 1936
CroseLeona born about 1911
CroseMerle born about 1908
CroslawEthel Mborn about 1908
CroslawGlen Cborn about 1930
CroslawHarry Fborn about 1905
CroslawJames Rborn about 1934
CumminghsAgnes born about 1889
CumminghsFred Dborn about 1881
CumminghsGladys born about 1922
CumminghsJoan born about 1923
CumminghsRobert born about 1914
CunninghamLee born about 1896
CurtisCatherine Wborn about 1914
CurtisLowell Sborn about 1909
CusbyLouise born about 1923

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D Surnames

DalyDavid Jborn about 1874
DalyMary Aborn about 1862
DanielAlice Eborn about 1916
DanielWilliam Gborn about 1891
DaveyAgnes Mborn about 1881
DaveyThomas Hborn about 1878
DaviesEthel Vborn about 1889
DaviesRhys Lborn about 1897
DavisArthur Eborn about 1902
DavisByron born about 1912
DavisElizabeth born about 1880
DavisGilbert Jborn about 1897
DavisMarian born about 1920
DavisMary born about 1916
DavisMary Pborn about 1859
DebenKennety born about 1903
DefucchiFrank born about 1871
DefucchiJosephine born about 1871
DelatoraeNatalie born about 1857
DeloneyMelba Mborn about 1902
DemartiniEdith Rborn about 1888
DemartiniFred born about 1910
DemartiniJohn Aborn about 1887
DemartiniJovana born about 1878
DemartiniLouise born about 1868
DentonMorris born about 1898
DevoreAnna Lborn about 1894
DevoreCalude Mborn about 1891
DibenardiniJulianne born about 1932
DibenardiniMarie born about 1928
DibenardiniPauline born about 1894
DilaurenteEta born about 1915
DilaurenteLoren born about 1939
DilaurenteLoreta Aborn about 1937
DilaurenteLouie born about 1907
DorchPete born about 1896
DorrahDorothy born about 1890
DorrahHarmon born about 1889
DorrohAlta Sborn about 1888
DorrohElton Wborn about 1908
DorrohHelen born about 1913
DorrohLouis Jborn about 1884
DorrohMichael Wborn about 1937
DoughertyEugene Oborn about 1883
DoughertyEugene Oborn about 1928
DoughertyMary Mborn about 1887
DougohtyEdwin Wborn about 1903
DougohtyPauline Hborn about 1904
DragoneDave Lborn about 1914
DragoneLouise Rborn about 1894
DragoneMadelyn born about 1922
DragonePete born about 1888
DragoneRose Lborn about 1911
DragoneRussel born about 1918
DrcostaSuge born about 1892
DrimbereHarry born about 1917
DrwolfAmelia born about 1889
DuckworthAlvin Kborn about 1929
DuckworthAmber E Wborn about 1903
DuckworthCharlotte born about 1906
DuckworthClara Aborn about 1882
DuckworthHollie Gborn about 1903
DuckworthIrma Jborn about 1939
DuckworthJames Fborn about 1878
DuckworthWesley Hborn about 1908
DuffGertrud born about 1899
DuffJack Aborn about 1893
DuganAndrew born about 1877
DurantJerry born about 1904
DurantOlive Mborn about 1898
DynanRobert Hborn about 1890

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E Surnames

EastmanNora born about 1879
EberhardtCharles Fborn about 1888
EberhardtMarion born about 1931
EberhardtRuth Eborn about 1897
EberhardtWilbur born about 1921
EnrickIra Aborn about 1910
EnrickLillian Jborn about 1908
EnrickVern Fborn about
EricksonAnker Hborn about 1886
EssecartJosephine born about 1919
EssecartMartin Jborn about 1913
EvansJosephine Nborn about 1902
EvansLester Gborn about 1900
EvansYvoinne Kborn about 1925
EvickMike born about 1893

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F Surnames

FansEtta Eborn about 1863
FansFlorence Aborn about 1930
FarellAnna born about 1877
FarellKenneth Aborn about 1900
FaullDonald Rborn about 1925
FaullDorris Lborn about 1903
FaullWilbur Cborn about 1902
FaullWilliam Jborn about 1932
FayAlvin born about 1911
FayLena Aborn about 1914
FayPearl Hborn about 1873
FerrisGeorge Wborn about 1890
FerrisJames born about 1924
FerrisJulia born about 1890
FerrisRss born about 1899
FerrisWilliam Lborn about 1920
FinelloJoe born about 1904
FlaridensRoger Lborn about 1886
FlaridensRuth Rborn about 1890
FletcherDonald Mborn about 1924
FletcherJack Tborn about 1918
FletcherJohn Tborn about 1895
FletcherRose Eborn about 1900
FoppianoBertram Eborn about 1918
FoppianoElma Mborn about 1888
FoppianoNedra Jborn about 1923
FoppianoPeter Aborn about 1877
FoppianoRobert Lborn about 1926
FoppianoShirley Lborn about 1921
FrancisEugene Wborn about 1890
FrancisHarry Cborn about 1923
FrancisHazel born about 1921
FrancisNell Wborn about 1891
FrancisPhyllis born about 1919
FraserBeatrice Aborn about 1884
FullerFlorence born about 1897
FullerWilliam born about 1892
FullerWilliam Sborn about 1921
FusntonErnest Nborn about 1874
FusntonLaura Mborn about 1876

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G Surnames

GabanniLouie born about 1888
GalvagniMary born about 1885
GanongGeorge Wborn about 1900
GanongRuth born about 1910
GarrisonLester born about 1883
GarrisonLyle Wborn about 1918
GarrisonOrpha born about 1886
GarrisonPhobe born about 1922
GazzolaDora Wborn about 1900
GazzolaJohn Lborn about 1887
GeraldoneAdolph Bborn about 1916
GeraldoneBarbara Lborn about 1936
GeraldoneGloria Aborn about 1939
GeraldoneIsabell born about 1917
GermanHarleigh Cborn about 1939
GermanKenneth Cborn about 1917
GermanShirley Vborn about 1921
GichAmelia born about 1896
GichBillie Dborn about 1884
GichBosco born about 1917
GichMiller born about 1919
GichWilco born about 1914
GielloFrank Jborn about 1882
GielloReba Rborn about 1890
GilbertDon born about 1884
GiovenetteSilvio born about 1913
GiovenetteSilvio born about 1938
GiovenetteWilma born about 1921
GirardiJames born about 1878
GirardiTheresa Jborn about 1878
GiustoAnthony born about 1920
GiustoColomba born about 1888
GiustoDominick born about 1885
GoansettoLouis born about 1918
GoansettoMartina born about 1878
GoodloeEdith Mborn about 1852
GoodloeVera born about 1903
GormanFrank born about 1874
GraffinCarrie Cborn about 1868
GraffinWilliam Nborn about 1861
GrantPaul born about 1909
GrantSily born about 1913
GredtonHazel Mborn about 1915
GredtonIda Janeborn about 1882
GredtonRoland Mborn about 1911
GreenEdwin Aborn about 1911
GreeningMargaret born about 1920
GualdoniAnnie born about 1911
GualdoniBiago born about 1886
GualdoniRose born about 1886

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H Surnames

HagarthAlma Lborn about 1900
HagarthAlvin Lborn about 1893
HaleyLurline born about 1905
HaleyWilliam Sborn about 1889
HannaCudis Bborn about 1901
HannaMarcus Nborn about 1900
HanrahanPage born about 1881
HansenBruce Lborn about 1912
HansenDorothy born about 1918
HansenHans Aborn about 1889
HarrisAgnes born about 1884
HarrisHarry Pborn about 1884
HartnettBetty born about 1899
HartnettFrank Jr born about 1898
HaynesCharlotte born about 1882
HaynesGreenleaf born about 1877
HeadAda Cborn about 1893
HellesCarl Fborn about 1932
HellesCaroline born about 1891
HellesFred born about 1881
HellesMarie Jborn about 1929
HendrickWilliam born about 1869
HerndonHerbert born about 1919
HidesEdna Cborn about 1912
HidesWilliam Wborn about 1909
HighnoteMarie born about 1934
HighnoteRobert born about 1932
HillElbeert Aborn about 1924
HillElbert Lborn about 1901
HillElizabeth Jr born about 1928
HillFlorence Iborn about 1903
HockingHarol born about 1924
HockingHoward born about 1930
HockingLeota Mborn about 1902
HockingPatsy born about 1932
HockingSally born about 1935
HockingStewart Tborn about 1898
HogarthHarry Lborn about 1891
HogarthHenery born about 1865
HogarthJane Eborn about 1871
HomesFrank born about 1898
HoppeDeana born about 1939
HoppeHelen Vborn about 1917
HoppeVan A born about 1916
HoppeVan A born about 1939
HuffWarren born about 1910
HustonAlice Lborn about 1872
HustonEliza Jborn about 1870

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I Surnames

InglerLaurel Gborn about 1919
InglerLois Eborn about 1939
InglerLorelis Mborn about 1919
InglerVerl Eborn about 1913

J Surnames

JaveauxMary Hborn about 1866
JermyAlferd born about 1905
JermyMartha born about 1909
JermySandro born about 1936
JohnsonMyron Jborn about 1920
JohnstonBlanche born about 1906
JohnstonJune born about 1929
JohnstonSameul Tborn about 1905
JonesDon Tborn about 1920
JonesEdgar Nborn about 1917
JonesMelvin Cborn about 1871
JonesNor born about 1886
JonesTwila Iborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KaleinAlyce born about 1914
KaleinElmer Gborn about 1910
KaleinGeraldine born about 1934
KathanDelia Rborn about 1905
KathanRoseland born about 1925
KathanWilford born about 1924
KeeferDora Cborn about 1854
KelleyJames born about 1910
KennedyHugh Aborn about 1877
KennedyMillie Rborn about 1886
KernerDonald Gborn about 1936
KernerEdith Cborn about 1901
KernerJoanne Louborn about 1934
KernerLloyd born about 1926
KernerLloyd Lborn about 1900
KernerRichard Wborn about 1931
KernerTed Rborn about 1928
KinneyJohn born about 1857
KinneyWilliam born about 1885
KnezevickPeter born about 1880
KnightThomas born about 1891
KonerickJune born about 1918
KonerickWilliam born about 1922
KuboDora Jborn about 1891
KuboRichard Rborn about 1885
KullGeorge born about 1883
KunsGrace Lborn about 1886
KunsMargaret Lborn about 1929
KunsNorma Aborn about 1922

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L Surnames

LabagnineMary born about 1910
LabagrinoDante born about 1898
LagomaisinoChristine born about 1921
LagomaisinoRaymond born about 1911
LagomarsinoJohn Pborn about 1873
LagomarsinoMae Aborn about 1896
LagomarsinoMerill Sborn about 1907
LagomarsinoRaulin Hborn about 1916
LagomarsinoStanley Pborn about 1910
LagomarsinoTheresa Rborn about 1884
LambBertha Jborn about 1910
LambJohn Tborn about 1900
LambMary Eborn about 1887
LambPhilip Vborn about 1906
LambVictor Jborn about 1936
LeeArthur born about 1895
LeeperEugene born about 1910
LeeperOpal born about 1911
LeeperRichard born about 1932
LemureBarbara Mborn about 1924
LemureJohn Hborn about 1921
LemureJohn Pborn about 1892
LemureRuth Gborn about 1895
LemureYettie Fborn about 1864
LeonAnnie born about 1885
LeonArthur Fborn about 1882
LeonardAnna Wborn about 1895
LeonardEdward Cborn about 1887
LeonardGeorge Mborn about 1934
LeonardRobert Eborn about 1929
LeslieJames Aborn about 1904
LewisAnne Pborn about 1885
LewisEarl born about 1886
LewisEllen born about 1900
LewisHerbert born about 1898
LewisHerbert born about 1921
LewisMargaret born about 1924
LewisRobert born about 1922
LillieCatherine Jborn about 1911
LillieErnest born about 1909
LillieEvert Jborn about 1909
LillieGerge Bborn about 1869
LillieMabel born about 1878
LillieMadine born about 1917
LillieMargaret Mborn about 1931
LillieMarie Rborn about 1877
LillieRaedine born about 1937
LillieRaymond Eborn about 1915
LillieRobert born about 1907
LillieRobert Aborn about 1936
LittieCharles Aborn about 1856
LockhartBruce Sborn about 1905
LockhartJoanne born about 1933
LockhartKathleen born about 1934
LockhartLillie born about 1908
LockhartRobert born about 1931
LockhartRodney born about 1932
LoerFrank Eborn about 1901
LoerMargaret Lborn about 1939
LoerMary Jborn about 1912
LoringMary Eborn about 1870
LostaCarrie born about 1868
LubenkoMitchell born about 1874
LubenkoPauline born about 1870
LubyAugustus Oborn about 1908
LubyMarguerite born about 1918
LucimLouis born about 1915
LucimPaul born about 1884
LugomarsinoGrondlen born about 1926
LugomarsinoLeslie Jborn about 1910
LugomarsinoLouise Mborn about 1885

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M Surnames

MackFrank born about 1868
MadnuriUttili born about 1888
MagudMary born about 1866
MaguireJohn born about 1895
MaleAlberta born about 1923
MaleLeslie born about 1914
MaleMary born about 1895
MalispinaEmma born about 1890
MalispinaJames born about 1883
ManuelEsther born about 1911
ManuelJohn Aborn about 1882
ManuelJohn Aborn about 1907
ManuelNettie born about 1882
MarconAlba born about 1907
MarconMarion born about 1909
MarrotteAgostmer born about 1871
MarrotteWalter born about 1907
MarshalJustine born about 1928
MarshallAnn born about 1915
MarshallFrank born about 1889
MarshallMargaret born about 1890
MarshallRobert born about 1912
MarshallRobert Fborn about 1938
MarshallSamuel Rborn about 1939
MartinCecile Lborn about 1912
MartinCharles Eborn about 1892
MartinCharles Eborn about 1911
MartinEvert Cborn about 1935
MartinFred born about 1922
MartinRobert Jborn about 1938
MassoniGeorge Jborn about 1870
MatherParker Cborn about 1902
MatherRuth born about 1865
MayAugust born about 1873
MayMary born about 1873
MayWallace Gborn about 1914
MayoE Raymondborn about 1929
MayoHildred Eborn about 1908
MayoJesse Mborn about 1904
MayoJessie Mborn about 1931
McBrideJack born about 1917
McCaffreyJosephine born about 1880
McCauleyFlorence Hborn about 1911
McCauleyHazel born about 1906
McDanielEvelyn born about 1924
McDanielRuth born about 1895
McDanielVictor born about 1889
McFallAmelia born about 1867
McLoryLizzie Jborn about 1869
McNallyAnnie born about 1869
McNallyCharles born about 1862
McQuigAlec Mborn about 1878
McQuigNellie born about 1872
McTagueHugh born about 1913
MeehanHenry born about 1887
MentzAlfred Dborn about 1885
MentzJulia Rborn about 1892
MercerLawren Eborn about 1935
MercerRobert Aborn about 1899
MercerThelma Lborn about 1905
MerkelFrank Tborn about 1913
MerkelPatricia Rborn about 1915
MesserIrva Dborn about 1907
MesserWilliam Hborn about 1911
MetrovickJohn Eborn about 1939
MetrovickMark Sborn about 1901
MetrovickMarlene born about 1937
MetrovickThelma Gborn about 1917
MetroviseMary Eborn about 1862
MeyersElmo Lborn about 1908
MeyersSelma born about 1919
MianovickAbren born about 1890
MiladinovickDoris Mborn about 1926
MiladinovickDorothy born about 1903
MiladinovickElane Jborn about 1924
MiladinovickJoanne Dborn about 1935
MiladinovickWilliam Dborn about 1928
MiladinovickWilliam Jborn about 1897
MilecevickRade Jborn about 1881
MilesJoe born about 1886
MillerAdeline Mborn about 1920
MillerCharles Aborn about 1916
MillerDorothy born about 1919
MillerEdith Eborn about 1887
MillerJohn Eborn about 1918
MillerJohn Hborn about 1882
MillerJohn Hborn about 1925
MillerMargaret Lborn about 1923
MillerMonica Iborn about 1927
MillerSadie Eborn about 1921
MillsBeatrice Lborn about 1915
MillsCarl Tborn about 1894
MillsHazel born about 1914
MillsLyle Tborn about 1939
MiloserickKate born about 1852
MinardBert born about 1924
MinardBertram Iborn about 1898
MinardFlorence Lborn about 1904
MinardMary Aborn about 1860
MinardRoy Mborn about 1888
MollerHazel Aborn about 1914
MollerNelse Hborn about 1907
MollerWilma Jborn about 1938
MolyneuxArmona born about 1933
MolyneuxCatherine born about 1940
MolyneuxDoreen born about 1939
MolyneuxJohn born about 1936
MolyneuxLafe born about 1895
MolyneuxLovere born about 1913
MolyneuxRobert born about 1931
MonteverdaEllen born about 1906
MooreGeorge Bborn about 1877
MooreIda born about 1871
MooreJanie born about 1880
MooreJohn Hborn about 1859
MoralesMay Vborn about 1875
MoralesThomas born about 1884
MorehouseFrances Aborn about 1904
MorehouseFrances Aborn about 1927
MorehousePatricia Jborn about 1925
MorehouseRobert Hborn about 1902
MorganJames Eborn about 1880
MorganZella born about 1881
MortonsonNial Rborn about 1923
MosnerErnest born about 1882
MosnerLaura born about 1878
MsithFlorisa born about 1863
MurraySilvaly born about 1869

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N Surnames

NapoleonBarry Mborn about 1937
NapoleonGeorge Aborn about 1939
NapoleonLenard Hborn about 1908
NapoleonPauline Aborn about 1914
NaydenJohn born about 1887
NaydenLucy born about 1894
NaydinMelvin born about 1933
NeffGeorge born about 1906
NellinEsther born about 1907
NelsonLeroy born about 1914
NicholsonMargaret born about 1914
NielsonAnders Kborn about 1893
NielsonGeorge born about 1922
NoetlingLillian Rborn about 1902
NoetlingPaul Rborn about 1901
NolenJanet Sborn about 1936
NolenRannon Jborn about 1910
NolenRuth born about 1916
NowallCarrie Lborn about 1865

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O Surnames

OconnorDiane Hborn about 1938
OconnorElizabeth born about 1918
OconnorEtta Sborn about 1870
OconnorGrace Eborn about 1913
OconnorJ Raymondborn about 1914
OconnorJack Lborn about 1917
OconnorJerome born about 1870
OconnorPatricia Mborn about 1940
OconnorRaymond Eborn about 1937
OnetoJames Pborn about 1922
OnetoJohn born about 1917
OnetoMargaret born about 1897
OrdiaMarie born about 1907
OsbornHearl Bborn about 1907
OsbornHola born about 1910
OsbornLois born about 1937
OsbornOlive Nborn about 1921
OsbornReginald born about 1919
OttunHoward Wborn about 1920
OttunJohn Nborn about 1867
Owen born about 1916
OwenWillis Pborn about 1911

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P Surnames

ParetoFred born about 1876
ParleyElizabeth born about 1866
ParleyJohn Hborn about 1860
PatersonDean Lborn about 1908
PatersonMary Wborn about 1908
PatersonNeal Dborn about 1937
PatersonThomas Dborn about 1940
PatrickDaniel born about 1927
PatrickEvelyn born about 1921
PatrickRobert born about 1915
PeccheninoAlvin Oborn about 1913
PeccheninoAnne Eborn about 1918
PeeblesNancy Aborn about 1932
PeiransMarie born about 1907
PerkinsCharles Wborn about 1888
PerkinsMae born about 1882
PerranoLewis Jborn about 1896
PerranoSusie Tborn about 1903
PeruccaAngeleno born about 1886
PeruccaDominic born about 1922
PeruccaLawrence born about 1920
PeruccaMary born about 1926
PeteroRaymond born about 1901
PeteroSusuie born about 1907
PettitBetty Iborn about 1924
PettitJean Mborn about 1922
PettitThelma Mborn about 1904
PhillipsAudrey Rborn about 1904
PhillipsAudrey Vborn about 1927
PhillipsRoy Eborn about 1878
PhillipsThomas Aborn about 1923
PhillipsonGrace born about 1920
PhillipsonJohn born about 1901
PittitRussell born about 1926
PopenhagenGeraldine born about 1938
PopenhagenJerald born about 1913
PopenhagenOlga born about 1918
PorovickGeorge born about 1915
PorovickGeorge Lborn about 1939
PorovickMyrtle born about 1921
PorvickArchie born about 1880
PorvickElane born about 1920
PorvickMildred born about 1889
PorvickRalph born about 1925
PrasterFrank Wborn about 1908
PrasterRobert Fborn about 1939
PrasterRoma Cborn about 1911
PriceAlice born about 1902
PriceBert Bborn about 1899
PriceJohn Aborn about 1870
PriceRobert born about 1935
PrtheroAlbert born about 1878
PrtheroJosephine born about 1885
PulickKatie born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinlanCarolyn Jborn about 1938
QuinlanGertrud born about 1916
QuinlanHarold Eborn about 1939
QuinlanJoseph Pborn about 1905
QuinnMary born about 1876

R Surnames

RadfodMary Mborn about 1899
RadfodThomas born about 1888
RaggieElfreida born about 1902
RaggioAgnes born about 1906
RaggioAnna Eborn about 1869
RaggioAnnie Mborn about 1868
RaggioBertram born about 1883
RaggioEarle Lborn about 1906
RaggioHenry Vborn about 1895
RaggioJames born about 1929
RaggioLouise born about 1884
RaggioLouise born about 1900
RaggioPaul born about 1932
RaggioPeter born about 1932
RaggioVelma Aborn about 1899
RaggioVincent Mborn about 1896
RaggisAnna born about 1919
RaggisErnest Aborn about 1901
RaggisErnest Rborn about 1940
RaggisIsabelle born about 1909
RaggisJoanne born about 1935
RaggisMary Cborn about 1893
RaggisWilliam Jborn about 1895
RaggisWilliam Jborn about 1923
RalphAlice born about 1881
RamarineAdrien born about 1920
RamarineJohn born about 1910
RamarineLorin born about 1928
RamarineMary born about 1893
RankinCahrline born about 1934
RankinCharles born about 1916
RankinGeraldine born about 1916
RasnaussenHanne Mborn about 1867
RasnaussenRasmus born about 1862
RatkovickEdith Fborn about 1892
RatkovickMarline born about 1939
RatkovickMildred born about 1913
RatkovickNick Vborn about 1899
RatkovickVernon Mborn about 1936
RatkovickWilliam born about 1883
RayAgatha Eborn about 1901
RayClarence Mborn about 1899
RayHelen Eborn about 1926
RayJohn Cborn about 1933
RedmondSam Eborn about 1912
ReidElmer born about 1908
ReidMary born about 1917
RenonErnest Cborn about 1924
RenonKrose Eborn about 1902
RenonPaul Cborn about 1896
RenonPauline Eborn about 1930
ReynoldsDorothy Hborn about 1926
ReynoldsHelen Lborn about 1906
ReynoldsWilliam Mborn about 1891
RichardsonErring Bborn about 1914
RichardsonTheodore Jborn about 1916
RileyChester Rborn about 1891
RileyHelen born about 1925
RileyLilian Eborn about 1895
RileyOwen Dborn about 1923
RobertsE Jborn about 1891
RodionowAndrew Fborn about 1882
RodricickNane born about 1879
RodricickSaro born about 1885
RogeroHenry born about 1890
RolleriAnna born about 1898
RolleriFrank born about 1924
RolleriJack born about 1922
RolleriJames born about 1927
RolleriJohn born about 1892
RolleriVivian born about 1926
RollinBertha born about 1904
RollinRichard born about 1925
RollinRomie born about 1899
RollinTillie born about 1884
RolstonChristine Mborn about 1911
RolstonJames Jborn about 1910
RomaggiJohn Aborn about 1889
RomaggiJoyce born about 1925
RomaggiMinnie born about 1901
RupeFanny born about 1876
RusselCharlotte born about 1890
RusselPaul Bborn about 1895
RydhbergJoseph Aborn about 1911
RydhbergMary Eborn about 1913
RydhbergSue born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SainaghiAdolph born about 1880
SainaghiAlice born about 1886
SalmonRichard born about 1913
SalmonRuth born about 1912
SandersAlbert born about 1887
SargentJacob Jborn about 1897
SbragraRoss born about 1939
SchallenbergerAndre born about 1915
SchenaCatharine born about 1913
SchenaClelia born about 1939
SchenaElda Sborn about 1932
SchenaEleanor born about 1937
SchenaGuisto born about 1906
SchererAnnie Mborn about 1903
SchererJames Rborn about 1932
SchererOscar Jborn about 1903
SchererPaul Rborn about 1939
SchulzWilliam Hborn about 1875
ScottEthel born about 1901
ScottHelen born about 1924
SegaleCharles born about 1926
SegaleGeorge born about 1904
SegaleGeorge born about 1925
SegaleMerle born about 1915
SegaleMerle Aborn about 1939
SegaleMildred born about 1917
SegaleRoe born about 1902
SeverinLois born about 1917
SeverinOtto Aborn about 1914
SgefferDick born about 1933
SgefferEthel born about 1913
SherrillCondiella born about 1917
ShinkleHerman born about 1902
ShinkleMargaret born about 1902
ShuylerMay Cborn about 1885
ShuylerWalter born about 1884
SiegelAlfred Cborn about 1864
SiegelIrma Aborn about 1906
SiegelNellie Mborn about 1864
SiegelWalter Rborn about 1900
SimmonsPearl born about 1883
SimmonsTed Mborn about 1900
SimmonsWilliam born about 1888
SimondetBetty born about 1931
SimondetConrad born about 1898
SimondetMay born about 1900
SippieSylvia born about 1893
SippineattArthur born about 1905
SlaimJohn Cborn about 1919
SlarazzaBatista born about 1876
SlarazzaMae born about 1924
SlarazzaRolly born about 1921
SlarazzaWesley born about 1916
Smith born about 1890
SmithAmelia born about 1870
SmithArthur Lborn about 1934
SmithC Brooksborn about 1905
SmithCharles born about 1857
SmithCharles Bborn about 1928
SmithCharlie Bborn about 1897
SmithJoella born about 1855
SmithJosephine born about 1867
SmithLarry Hborn about 1932
SmithMartell born about 1931
SmithSusan born about 1929
SmithVivian Mborn about 1904
SnowLena born about 1880
SnowWilliam Mborn about 1867
SohnreyGerald Cborn about 1912
SohnreyGeraldine born about 1936
SohnreyKellie Aborn about 1916
SohnreyRobert born about 1938
SohnreyRuby born about 1934
SolaKatharine born about 1898
SolaPete born about 1900
SolariAnnetta born about 1922
SolariWilbar born about 1917
SolavarsaX born about 1901
SonkeDenton born about 1935
SonkeDolora born about 1939
SonkeEdward born about 1910
SonkeJacob born about 1906
SonkeRaymond born about 1912
SoraccoDorothy Hborn about 1909
SoraccoErnerst born about 1903
SoraccoHelen Mborn about 1929
SoraccoLaurence born about 1913
SoraccoLeah born about 1905
SoraccoLouise Tborn about 1871
SoraccoMelvin Sborn about 1909
SoraccoRichard born about 1937
SoraccoRoy born about 1900
SoraccoRoy Jborn about 1934
SoraccoWalter born about 1905
SorberDorothy born about 1919
SorberJohn born about 1910
SpeakmanHelen born about 1938
SpeakmanJames born about 1906
SpeakmanRuth born about 1909
SpenceGeorge Cborn about 1903
SpenceMatilda Nborn about 1906
StaffenClarence born about 1908
StaffenWilliam born about 1907
StarrBetty Aborn about 1933
StarrEta Cborn about 1879
StarrGerald Aborn about 1907
StarrHazel Vborn about 1911
StarrJack Rborn about 1932
StarscavicAlbert born about 1878
StarscavicEva Cborn about 1913
StarscavicMatilda Nborn about 1882
SteffenChristine born about 1911
SteffenJulias born about 1906
StephensAda Aborn about 1896
StephensElizabeth born about 1918
StephensLois Vborn about 1919
StephensLucien Aborn about 1884
StephensonBill Wborn about 1911
StephensonDella born about 1921
StephensonHarvey born about 1869
StephensonIrine born about 1924
StephensonMary Eborn about 1874
StephensonWilliam born about 1939
StumphArthur born about 1917
SuciniClarence born about 1919
SuciniRose born about 1918
SummersRay Rborn about 1916
SummersWanda Nborn about 1919
SundbergMildred born about 1918
SundbergSame? born about 1917
SundbergSharon born about 1938
SwansonCharles born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallendorfAda Lborn about 1904
TallendorfClifford Dborn about 1904
TarbatBarbara born about 1921
TarbatJames Eborn about 1925
TarbatJohn Rborn about 1919
TarbatMary Iborn about 1888
TaylorAlvin born about 1939
TaylorJames born about 1907
TaylorMarvin born about 1913
TaylorMarvin born about 1936
TaylorYolanda born about 1917
TennysonMarguarite born about 1897
TennysonRalph born about 1902
ThomasWes born about 1906
TindellAleda Lborn about 1883
TindellAlvero Lborn about 1897
TruebloodDallas born about 1908
TryonCharles Wborn about 1865
TryonElla born about 1880
TryonGeorge born about 1911
TryonKatharine born about 1878
TwisselmanJohn Cborn about 1882
TwisselmanJosephine born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VakasinovickGeorge born about 1915
VakasinovickJohn born about 1881
ValGiovanna born about 1871
ValJohn born about 1888
ValJoseph born about 1913
ValJosephine born about 1927
ValLeonata born about 1930
ValMarie born about 1896
ValPeter born about 1926
ValentaJames born about 1905
ValentaLouisiana Mborn about 1905
ValenteBarbara Eborn about 1923
ValenteDora Eborn about 1892
ValenteJohn Jborn about 1897
ValleroAlva born about 1923
ValleroDiana born about 1900
ValleroJohn born about 1900
ValleroRita born about 1929
ValleroTeddy born about 1925
VanellaRomona born about 1861
VeraguthHelen Eborn about 1909
VeraguthHenry Mborn about 1904
VeraguthWalter Gborn about 1936
VergaraDolphy born about 1898
VergaraGlen Aborn about 1930
VergaraIda Mborn about 1912
VergaraMarylin Dborn about 1935
VetterArdeth Jborn about 1931
VetterElaine Mborn about 1928
VetterIla Nborn about 1907
VetterJoseph Jborn about 1902
VettorazziIrene born about 1915
VettorazziJoann born about 1935
VettorazziLouis Gborn about 1905
VettorozziJackima Pborn about 1900
VettorozziJustina born about 1863
VicoCynthia born about 1880
VicoElizabeth born about 1907
VignaMary born about 1878
VignaSteve Cborn about 1870
VoinickEllen born about 1870
VoinickNick born about 1871
VoinickPete born about 1906
VonickAnna born about 1877
VonickMartin born about 1913
VonickPaul born about 1869
VonickPete born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerFrank Bborn about 1852
WalshHenrietta born about 1900
WalshJack Bborn about 1922
WalshMelvin Eborn about 1920
WalshRalph Jborn about 1901
WalshRalph Jborn about 1925
WaltherRoberta born about 1927
WarwickOlympia born about 1888
WarwickWilliam Hborn about 1885
WellsBetty Lborn about 1918
WerlyDelia Aborn about 1897
WerlyLawrence Aborn about 1899
WerlyRobert Gborn about 1926
WessonHarry Oborn about 1884
WestClinton born about 1936
WestKoramia Eborn about 1913
WestLeon Mborn about 1915
WestfallDorothy born about 1938
WestfallVida born about 1916
WestfallWilliam born about 1913
WhiteElsie Mborn about 1893
WhiteIra Rborn about 1885
WhiteJack born about 1913
WhitesideElizabeth born about 1866
WhitneyJennie Dborn about 1857
WiedarMike born about 1888
WilderAdile born about 1907
WilderFred Dborn about 1897
WilderJoyce born about 1929
WilkinsonHelen Mborn about 1902
WilkinsonTheodore Wborn about 1894
WilliamsAlvin born about 1914
WilliamsBarbara born about 1938
WilliamsHelen born about 1918
WilliamsJack born about 1918
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1882
WilliamsWilford Hborn about 1889
WillsBetty Jborn about 1927
WillsDonald Kborn about 1929
WillsIda Jborn about 1904
WilmshrorstLouise born about 1910
WilmshrorstRalph born about 1901
WilmshrorstRichard born about 1937
WilmshurstCarolyn born about 1936
WilmshurstHarold born about 1907
WilmshurstMary Bborn about 1907
WilsonAlbert Fborn about 1902
WilsonDonald Rborn about 1932
WilsonEdith Aborn about 1876
WilsonLaura Cborn about 1903
WilsonMildred Rborn about 1904
WilsonSaeren Pborn about 1904
WintersRobert born about 1933
WittmayerFrancis born about 1939
WittmayerFrank born about 1906
WittmayerGlade born about 1929
WittmayerInez born about 1906
WittmayerStanford born about 1927
WittmayerYvonne born about 1930
WolfLeon Aborn about 1882
WolfLois Rborn about 1898
WoodEliza born about 1870
WoodyAudrey Nborn about 1917
WoodyWayne Rborn about 1917
WooleverArtelle born about 1907
WooleverDorothy born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungCharles Rborn about 1939
YoungHarry Eborn about 1911
YoungHarry Eborn about 1937
YoungHazel born about 1912
YoungMarilyn born about 1935
YoungWilliam Eborn about 1940

Z Surnames

ZarcardiAnthony born about 1915
ZarcardiElizabeth born about 1916
ZarcardiShirley Aborn about 1937
ZwingeIla born about 1897
ZwingeMelvin born about 1893

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