1940 U.S. Federal Census of Benton, Mono, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Mono County > 1940 Census of Benton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbalozAdeline born about 1912
AbalozGilbert born about 1916
AhquistBndieny? born about 1899
AlexanderThos Aborn about 1869
AlstoneHarry born about 1889
AlstoneMay born about 1896
AlvesA Eborn about 1920
AndersonAlvin born about 1908
AndersonCarleton born about 1936
AndersonGordan born about 1907
AndersonMarjorie born about 1939
AndersonMuriel born about 1915
AndersonStuart Mborn about 1883

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B Surnames

BaileyJack born about 1901
BardRufus born about 1889
BehlingCarl Lorraisa?born about 1940
BehlingFredrick Wborn about 1910
BehlingHelen born about 1916
BehlingShirley Jborn about 1934
BerksJames born about 1873
BeveIra Eborn about 1907
BlackmoreLeslie born about 1914
BlackmorePhylles born about 1914
BlackmoreRichard born about 1936
BlanchatHerman Mborn about 1878
BoggsErwin Nborn about 1911
BonkerBen born about 1888
BramblettMay Balleborn about 1912
BramblettMorvin born about 1931
BramblettWales born about 1906
BramblettWales Wmborn about 1929
BrantonLizzie born about 1875
BrantonWm born about 1856
BrownBetty born about 1931
BrownCarol born about 1933
BrownChester Oborn about 1906
BrownChester O Jrborn about 1926
BrownEdward born about 1935
BrownHarry Mborn about 1868
BrownJimmie born about 1939
BrownMarvin born about 1928
BrownVenda born about 1910
BuchanAlvin born about 1928
BuchanHenry born about 1900
BuchanLizzie born about 1910
BuchanMary born about 1930
BuffingtonArron born about 1879
BuffingtonEarl born about 1900
BuffingtonGeo Planborn about 1938
BuffingtonTrudy born about 1911
BuffingtonWifred Eborn about 1934
BundyDorothy born about 1926
BundyLyle born about 1929
BundyW Mborn about 1901
BundyZoda born about 1897
BurnhartBernice born about 1910
BurnhartGoa Kborn about 1911
BurninghamCorson born about 1930
BurninghamGeo born about 1893
BurninghamGordon born about 1917
BurninghamLuara Pborn about 1895
BurtnamEdith Francisborn about 1896
BurtnamJ Wborn about 1887
BylesArchie born about 1902
BylesBeverly Annborn about 1935
BylesElsie born about 1907
BylesMary Boaegoborn about 1932
ByrdRobert born about 1926

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C Surnames

CaillendmWm Rborn about 1918
CallahanDonald Mborn about 1878
CampbellWilliam born about 1863
CarnettBetty Joanborn about 1920
CarnettChas Fborn about 1931
CarnettDavid Cborn about 1895
CarnettHazel born about 1898
CarnettKathleen Lborn about 1939
CarnettMarylyn Sborn about 1936
CarrickBentro Lborn about 1916
CerioEdward born about 1935
CerioFred born about 1903
CerioHelen Bborn about 1913
ChamberlairEnid born about 1919
ChamberlairJoel born about 1939
ChamberlairNaomi born about 1917
ChamberlairRoberta born about 1938
ChapmanInez born about 1909
ChapmanLe Royborn about 1937
ChapmanLouis born about 1932
ChapmanRoseann born about 1931
ChapmanStanley born about 1906
CharlesTheodore born about 1930
CherootvPearl born about 1915
CherootvPeter Dborn about 1908
ClarksonDonald Rborn about 1932
ClarksonGeo Dborn about 1930
ClarksonGeo Wborn about 1887
ClarksonLouis Aborn about 1885
ClevelandLarry born about 1920
CliffordDennis born about 1894
ComstockHollee born about 1881
ComstockLillie Hborn about 1876
ConwayAclrian born about 1926
ConwayR Pborn about 1896
ConwayThelma born about 1905
CraftsJosephus born about 1862
CrockerDonald Eborn about 1904
CrockerRose Mborn about 1899

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D Surnames

DancyWilliams born about 1876
DavisAnthon born about 1889
DavisArchie born about 1910
DavisBetty born about 1926
DavisGerald born about 1929
DavisLouisa born about 1907
DavisMarlin born about 1931
DavisMaynard Oborn about 1906
DerossG Wborn about 1884
DerrerHomer Aborn about 1904
DerrerMarian Fborn about 1910
DerrerNancy born about 1928
DerrerPatricia born about 1932
DevoeWm born about 1901
DickAlpina born about 1865
DickLizzie born about 1870
DickQueen born about 1857
DonneGeorge born about 1873
DowerAgns Mborn about 1885
DowerChas Cborn about 1879
DuganJohn Mborn about 1878
DwranCarmen born about 1917
DwranRita born about 1939

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E Surnames

EaleyRussel born about 1912
EarlJames Bborn about 1880
EdelmanBert born about 1898
ErcksonP Oborn about 1886
EvansNeva born about 1855

F Surnames

FealkelJ Hborn about 1905
FealkelMargarete born about 1907
FlaxaElisio born about 1908
FlaxaLaura born about 1908
FlaxaLorna born about 1939
FlaxaWilliam born about 1936
FlyW Eborn about 1912

G Surnames

GarciaEdw Georgeborn about 1933
GarciaInez born about 1920
GarciaJohn Gilbertborn about 1935
GarciaMary born about 1895
GarciaPeter Bborn about 1900
GatesArnold born about 1925
GatesClyde born about 1928
GatesJustin born about 1890
GatesTena born about 1894
GeelhoedPeter born about 1890
GeigerEarl Eborn about 1888
GlenaJ Jborn about 1897
GoodnoBellia born about 1882
GoodnoIda born about 1888
GoodnoIrene born about 1925
GoolsbyAllen born about 1908
GoolsbyJulia Kayborn about 1938
GoolsbyVirginia born about 1917
GouletReal Jborn about 1900
GouletRieta Mborn about 1907
GrerrDanies born about 1916
GrerrRobt Mborn about 1916
GreveGeo Cborn about 1897

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H Surnames

HaasenLulu born about 1894
HaasenMartin Cborn about 1894
HagerHarold Lborn about 1887
HagerKathleen born about 1887
HallawayEdgar born about 1926
HallawayF Eborn about 1889
HallawayGeorge born about 1936
HallawayInez born about 1906
HallawayMary born about 1931
HallawayWalter born about 1928
HammelRobert born about 1882
HodgeCharles born about 1912
HumthereyTom born about 1885
HunsingerC Iborn about 1881

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J Surnames

JacksonKatie born about 1865
JohnScotty born about 1904
JohnsonArthur born about 1901
JohnsonLeah born about 1901
JohnsonMay born about 1910
JonesC Wborn about 1881
JonesR Gborn about 1912
JulionE Wborn about 1888

K Surnames

KellerEugene born about 1929
KellerHanry born about 1915
KellerLe Royborn about 1922
KingClifford born about 1931
KingDavid born about 1895
KingDavid Jr born about 1931
KingMary born about 1937
KirkwoodChas Mborn about 1871
KirkwoodPearl born about 1880
KlassKriss born about 1872

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L Surnames

LabasheanCharles born about 1915
LawrenceBortea born about 1882
LeeA Jborn about 1862
LeedsGeraldine born about 1939
LeedsJoan born about 1939
LeedsJulia born about 1921
LenskeAlbert Fborn about 1884
LenskeErnest Eborn about 1879
LewisCorrina born about 1928
LewisTarrie born about 1896
LindeEarnest Sborn about 1884
LofHans born about 1873

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M Surnames

MaierJessie born about 1890
MaierJoe born about 1906
ManleyHerbert born about 1912
ManleyOpal born about 1917
MarkertAlice born about 1865
MarkertJoseph born about 1865
MarshallMichael born about 1910
MathesonSalve Hborn about 1920
MathiewDorothy born about 1916
MathiewFrank born about 1908
MathiewJohn born about 1905
MathiewPete born about 1913
McBrideDuwair born about 1929
McBrideHarold born about 1894
McBrideRuth born about 1904
McConnellDorren born about 1888
McConnellFern born about 1892
McDougalHugh born about 1897
McDougalMory born about 1874
McElhanyAlva R Jrborn about 1910
McElhanyEster Lborn about 1918
McElhanyEva Lorraineborn about 1914
McElhanyLillie born about 1886
McElhanyMarion Oborn about 1914
McGeeJaha born about 1920
McIntoshAlbert born about 1888
MeredithHanry born about 1912
MeredithHoward born about 1912
MeredithMax born about 1875
MeredithSam born about 1880
MerrillM Eborn about 1892
MerrittSam born about 1898
MerrittTeresa born about 1900
MessickCharles born about 1933
MessickElla born about 1908
MessickHoward born about 1896
MessickViolet Eborn about 1900
MessickWalter born about 1894
MilivichGeo born about 1885
MinaberryElaina born about 1914
MinaberryElla born about 1927
MinaberryPeter born about 1890
MinaberryPeter Jr born about 1911
MinaberryRitcher born about 1929
MinaberryTeresa born about 1888
MinaberryTeresa born about 1923
MonteyRoy born about 1915
MooreBertha Mborn about 1890
MooreE Sborn about 1879
MoultonRobt born about 1889
MullerRay born about 1907
MurrayWm Fborn about 1874

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N Surnames

NegaFrank born about 1887
NegaMary Aborn about 1885
NewtonJack born about 1920
NicholsJohn Fborn about 1885
Noble born about 1903
NobleFrank Jborn about 1901
NorrisEarnest Aborn about 1916
NorrisElfreida born about 1920
NorrisRobert Dborn about 1939
NorthupC Hborn about 1902
NorthupCecil Jr born about 1936
NorthupMoris born about 1915
NorthupRobert born about 1937
NorthupWilliam born about 1938

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O Surnames

OklandW Fborn about 1908
OwenMartin born about 1904

P Surnames

ParkinsIra born about 1907
ParsonsKathryn born about 1911
ParsonsWarren Bborn about 1908
PattersonDorcas Bborn about 1911
PattersonJerry born about 1933
PattersonJimmie born about 1933
PattersonWm Aborn about 1910
PearceArchie Hborn about 1912
PearceJanette born about
PearceRoch born about 1919
PedroChas Bborn about 1909
PedroFrank born about 1908
PedroMaggie born about 1871
PetersonMelba born about 1920
PetersonP Eborn about 1899
PetersonPeter Hborn about 1894
PodroClara Mborn about 1921
PodroMartha Jborn about 1939
PodroWm born about 1919
PodroWm Cborn about 1938
PonezSeverine born about 1908
PonterCecil Eborn about 1905
PonterCecil E Jrborn about 1938
PonterEthyl born about 1931
PonterJuanita born about
PonterPaulina born about 1920
PriceAlford born about 1898
PriceAnn born about 1910
PyanaJenov* born about 1896

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R Surnames

RambeauLloyd born about 1918
RawdonEugene born about 1916
ReaWm Mborn about 1874
ReedEdwin Morrisborn about 1932
ReedLouisa born about 1898
RegarKenneth born about 1895
RegarOra born about 1901
RegarShinley born about 1926
RhehkeAlfred born about 1901
RhehkeCharlott Aborn about 1938
RhehkeEvelyn born about 1905
RigersSally born about 1929
RiosEli born about 1895
RoakLorene born about 1912
RoakLouis Jborn about 1914
RoseveareBurl Bborn about 1901
RoseveareCarl born about 1931
RoseveareGeo Hborn about 1902
RothmanDonald born about 1931
RothmanEdgar born about 1905
RothmanElise born about 1938
RothmanGrace born about 1905
RothmanHilton born about 1926
RothmanJoy born about 1933
RothmanOpal born about 1923

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S Surnames

SaulqueGladys born about 1920
SaulqueJoe born about 1873
SaulqueJohn born about 1939
SaulqueJohnny born about 1901
SaulqueMary born about 1871
SaulqueWinifred Mborn about 1936
SchmidtOtto born about 1884
ScottAnnie Louraborn about 1900
ScottCarol born about 1939
ScottCharles born about 1937
ScottChas Wborn about 1883
ScottHarry born about 1900
ScottJimmie born about 1922
ScottJohn born about 1905
ScottRuth born about 1933
ScottShirley born about 1931
ScottTom born about 1928
SholeyJohn born about 1887
ShookWilliam born about 1915
ShowJohn born about 1877
SpraulJames Hborn about 1885
SpringerFred born about 1879
SpringerFred born about 1924
SpringerMabel Wborn about 1881
SpringerMargaret born about 1865
SpringerMelville born about 1923
SpringerPauline born about 1919
SruaclarsI Hborn about 1890
StanfordKelly Mdborn about 1916
StewartA L Jrborn about 1901
StewartAl born about 1915
StewartAlvile born about 1931
StewartArther Mborn about 1921
StewartBetty born about 1934
StewartFyefield born about 1878
StewartInga born about 1907
StowersBill born about 1931
StowersGeo born about 1931
StowersJack born about 1903
StowersJack Jr born about 1929
StowersVera Mayborn about 1925
SymansAudrey born about 1915
SymansRonda born about 1890
SymansWilliam born about 1874
SymansWilliam born about 1916
SymansWilliam Eborn about 1939
SymoreMildred born about 1912
SymoreMily born about 1938
SymoreRobert born about 1910

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T Surnames

TimblairGuy born about 1876
TowellBonnie born about 1904
TowellFred born about 1895
TulandAgnes born about 1910
TulandAlbert born about 1938
TulandBeverly born about 1935
TulandBoyd born about 1905

V Surnames

VanhornClyde born about 1912

W Surnames

WallaceAlice born about 1918
WallaceLucie Mborn about 1920
WallaceMelvin born about 1916
WallaceWade born about 1918
WallandCarl born about 1921
WarnerLena Aborn about 1901
WarnerLeonard born about 1932
WarnerTheodore born about 1924
WarnerWalker Mborn about 1896
WarnerWilma born about 1928
WashingtonFrank born about 1875
WashingtonGeorge born about 1870
WashingtonPerry born about 1912
WashingtonRose born about 1910
WayGuy Sborn about 1887
WayLeal Maryborn about 1883
WilliamsBillie born about 1872
WilliamsE Uborn about 1891
WilliamsElais born about 1901
WilliamsNanie born about 1883
WofsonBertha Mayborn about 1922
WolfsonGloria born about 1929
WolfsonJoan born about 1931
WoodeE Sborn about 1898
WoodeMattis born about 1895

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Z Surnames

ZacharyEdith born about 1919
ZacharyThomas born about 1918
ZacharyWilliam born about 1937

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