1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bradley, Monterey, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Monterey County > 1940 Census of Bradley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AguiliModesto born about 1888
AlexanderHenry born about 1907
AlexanderLois born about 1911
AlexanderRaymond Rborn about 1899
AlexanderTheresa born about 1903
AraujoA Fernandoborn about 1912
AraujoMary Eborn about 1917
AstinBessie born about 1905
AstinJeno born about 1905
AstinVelma Maeborn about 1934

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B Surnames

BarrettEdgar born about 1915
BashamWalter born about 1917
BaxterDavid born about 1909
BaxterIda born about 1917
BaxterRufus born about 1935
BettsLaura born about 1864
BochamJessie born about 1887
BochamWilliam born about 1879
BonnifieldFrank Wborn about 1883
BonnifieldLawrence born about 1917
BonnifieldMarion born about 1920
BonnifieldMyrtle born about 1890
BonnifieldStanley born about 1921
BordersFinis born about 1902
BowdenAnna Lu??lleborn about 1937
BowdenBenjamin born about 1930
BowdenDoris born about 1925
BowdenEnoch born about 1901
BowdenEugene born about 1933
BowdenHazel born about 1902
BowdenJosephine born about 1924
BowdenRobert born about 1927
BowdenRose Marieborn about 1935
BoylEuclid born about 1902
BranchBettie Lowborn about 1930
BranchJulia Cborn about 1898
BranchKenneth born about 1923
BranchMyrtle born about 1922
BranchRobert born about 1895
BranchWilliam born about 1932
BrayzettHoward born about 1924
BrayzettMartha born about 1893
BrayzettWalter born about 1918
BrownAtwell born about 1914
BrownBarbara born about 1932
BrownClara born about 1912
BrownDorothy born about 1934
BrownRay born about 1913
BrownThomas born about 1910
BrownThomas Leeborn about 1933
BundeHarold born about 1918
BundeRuby born about 1895
BundeWayne born about 1918
BundeWesthey born about 1893
BurdenBernice born about 1924
BurdenCharles Eborn about 1890
BurdenCharles Wborn about 1921
BurdenDolly born about 1901
BurdenLydia born about 1872
BurdenWilliam born about 1862
ButtleCarrie born about 1862

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C Surnames

ClarksAllan born about 1917
ColdwellEthel born about 1888
CollinsErnest Mborn about 1908
CollinsLona born about 1907
CraspayHenry born about 1926
CraspayJohn born about 1922
CraspayMargaret born about 1932
CraspayMarie born about 1901
CredifordHerbert born about 1875
CrisielskiBeatriz born about 1909
CrisielskiBeatriz born about 1933
CrisielskiRichard born about 1938
CrisielskiVladimir born about 1903
CuleAmy born about 1909
CuleBernard Eborn about 1909
CurtisAmy born about 1887
CurtisJohn born about 1921
CurtisKitty Bellborn about 1921
CurtisL Ignatiousborn about 1880

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D Surnames

DavidsonRussell born about 1893
DavisFay born about 1905
DavisLouisa Cborn about 1873
DempseyGeorge born about 1939
DempseyOlive born about 1914
DempseyTheodore born about 1902
DionneAlfred born about 1906
DunlapWilbur born about 1875
DunnFloyd born about 1891

E Surnames

EckerichAdam Jr born about 1917
EckerichAnton born about 1878
EckerichAnton Hborn about 1915
EckerichIda born about 1890
EckerichWilliam Mborn about 1924
EdringtonBetty born about 1923
EdringtonEdgar born about 1881
EdringtonEdgar Jr born about 1930
EdringtonSarah born about 1890

F Surnames

FarrisEmma born about 1875
FerrioBertha born about 1884
FerrioTeo born about 1891
FerrisElla Sborn about 1869
FerrisMurll born about 1897
FerrisWilbur Mborn about 1868
FiranziEdna Jborn about 1895
FiranziPaul Cborn about 1883
FisherJiena born about 1894
FrudenGrace born about 1924
FrudenHarold born about 1918
FrudenLawrence born about 1929
FrudenMarie born about 1891
FrudenMaynard born about 1921
FrudenPeter Hborn about 1892
FultzFloyd born about 1919

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G Surnames

GarelliBattista born about 1881
GarelliEmma born about 1920
GarelliFrances born about 1882
GarelliHenry born about 1886
GiginMargaret born about 1915
GiginNeals born about 1908
GillisCharles born about 1929
GillisGeorge born about 1933
GillisIna born about 1935
GillisLeland Wborn about 1893
GillisLeonard born about 1925
GillisMaurine born about 1899
GillisWarren born about 1925
GlowElaine born about 1903
GlowIrene born about 1924
GlowLois born about 1925
GlowRay born about 1891

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H Surnames

HallDavid born about 1902
HallHatty born about 1893
HanisHarold born about 1901
HanisValerie born about 1910
HarrisEmma Maeborn about 1938
HarrisFlorence Aborn about 1927
HarrisHazel Mborn about 1899
HarrisLewis Earleborn about 1874
HarrisPaul Eborn about 1939
HarrisRichard Louisborn about 1872
HebrandMaggie born about 1879
HeinsenJohn A Jrborn about 1916
HeinsenJohn A Saborn about 1884
HeinsenLorraine born about 1918
HeinsenLouse Jborn about 1890
HenningWilliam born about 1890
HenryJames born about 1938
HenryJohn Rborn about 1940
HenryMarian born about 1913
HernandazAlbert born about 1935
HernandazAngle born about 1901
HernandazCelia born about 1929
HernandazEva born about 1923
HernandazLuis born about 1934
HernandazRose born about 1904
HudemaJohn born about 1932
HudemaRose born about 1912
HudemaWilliam born about 1935
HurlEdwin born about 1922

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K Surnames

KingHamp Georgeborn about 1906
KirbyJoseph Cborn about 1893
KirbyRose born about 1895
KirbyWilliam Lborn about 1918

L Surnames

LabarereJoseph born about 1884
LabarereLouis born about 1887
LabarerePaula born about 1902
LabarereRobert born about 1939
LairdJohn born about 1894
LanhamDavid born about 1864
LaniganMargareta born about 1896
LaniganThomas Jborn about 1889
LattimerJames born about 1888
LavilleBernice born about 1929
LavilleMargurete born about 1900
LavilleRay born about 1926
LavilleWilliam born about 1897
LoweEvelyn born about 1915

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M Surnames

Martinez??? born about 1902
MartinezEspranze born about 1931
MartinezIrene born about 1933
MartinezJulio Jr born about 1934
MartinezLuise Marieborn about 1937
MartinezRose born about 1911
MatthewTheodore born about 1887
MauldinBilly born about 1929
McDonaldAlic Mborn about 1918
McDonaldEthel Pborn about 1919
McDonaldGlenda Eborn about 1939
McEnteeHazel born about 1893
McEnteeJames born about 1897
McKannaCharles born about 1895
McKannaElizabeth born about 1857
McKannaErtha born about 1928
McKannaFrances born about 1930
McKannaGeraldine born about 1934
McKannaJames born about 1889
McKannaLeslie born about 1936
McKannaMary Annaborn about 1900
McKannaSteve born about 1883
McKannaVera born about 1907
MolinasLawrence Lborn about 1896
MontgomeryCharles Lborn about 1879
MontgomeryFrancis born about 1889
MooreBeverly Gborn about 1930
MooreDorothy Pborn about 1906
MooreErvin born about 1893
MooreMarvin Dborn about 1904
MooreShirley Mborn about 1934
MorganLewis born about 1908
MuckAllia born about 1917
MuckGerold born about 1935
MuckJo Annborn about 1937
MuckPaul born about 1909
MuckPauline born about 1936
MurleyWilliam Pborn about 1858

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O Surnames

OkellyMary Aborn about 1899
OkellyRoy born about 1895
OneillBella born about 1888
OneillEdward born about 1895
OneillRaymond born about 1929
OrradreMary born about 1907
OrradreMichel born about 1907
OrradreMichel Jborn about 1938

P Surnames

PeriJoseph born about 1882
PeriJoseph Rborn about 1910
PeriJuanita born about 1904

R Surnames

RayHiram Eborn about 1867
RayLouisa Janeborn about 1868
RegierBeverly Lborn about 1935
RegierHerbert born about 1902
RegierViola born about 1907
RiewertsBroder born about 1901
RiewertsBroder Jr born about 1936
RiewertsEllen born about 1922
RiewertsEthel born about 1908
RiewertsHazel born about 1897
RiewertsIna born about 1923
RiewertsJean born about 1915
RiewertsJoann born about 1934
RiewertsJohn born about 1893
RiggsBilly born about 1927
RiggsBurt Hborn about 1891
RiggsClare Aborn about 1885
RistAlbert Cborn about 1913
RistLawra Mborn about 1917
RoseRobert born about 1891
RoseViolet Mborn about 1913
RoseWilliam born about 1887
RouzertClarence born about 1902
RouzertGladys born about 1925
RouzertLester born about 1926
RouzertMildred born about 1928
RouzertThelma born about 1905

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S Surnames

SanchezGarner born about 1905
SchellinMina born about 1903
SchellinRay born about 1897
SilvaDanny born about 1933
SilvaFrank born about 1914
SilvaGary born about 1935
SilvaVerna born about 1914
SloaneLewis born about 1855
SmithBof born about 1870
SmithDorothy born about 1934
SmithLilly Rborn about 1913
SmithLogan born about 1915
SmithNorman born about 1939
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1903
SohnGeorge born about 1915
SpragueClifferd born about 1907
SpragueFlorence born about 1910
StoksBeverly born about 1936
StoksDelores born about 1934
StoksGeorge Pborn about 1911
StoksRuth born about 1914
StoneBanita Cborn about 1907
StonePaul born about 1897

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T Surnames

TaylorGeroldine born about 1926
TaylorVerna born about 1907
TaylorVinget born about 1902
TiabutElmer born about 1918
TregemboRuth born about 1907
TregemboWilliam born about 1907
TrigueiroGeorge born about 1905
TrigueiroHelen born about 1905

U Surnames

UnderhillCharles born about 1903

V Surnames

VasguezGladys born about 1922
VasguezStanley born about 1917
VenturaJoe born about 1899
VenturaJohn born about 1903
VenturaMary born about 1870
VenturaWilliam born about 1909
VowellLester Wborn about 1896

W Surnames

WallingRose born about 1905
WallingViola born about 1909
WebbArisel born about 1900
WebbRuth born about 1913
WeidermanDeloris born about 1928
WeidermanJere Gborn about 1930
WeidermanRalph born about 1901
WilliamHazel born about 1918
WilliamRay Rborn about 1904
WilliamRichard born about 1939
WilliamsonCatharine born about 1920
WilliamsonEverette born about 1894
WilliamsonRuth born about 1896
WimmerPeter born about 1879
WoodMae born about 1885
WoodWebster born about 1882

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Y Surnames

YoungAlbert Leroyborn about 1937
YoungAlice Marieborn about 1935
YoungCharles Hborn about 1910
YoungLaura Mayborn about 1915
YoungMary Bellborn about 1933
YoungMyrtle Bborn about 1870
YoungPeggy Maeborn about 1940

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