1940 U.S. Federal Census of Catalina, Los Angeles, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Los Angeles County > 1940 Census of Catalina

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsMichael Dborn about 1916
AllenRobert Lborn about 1903
AndersonCharles Gborn about 1882
AndersonFred born about 1880
ArchambaultJoseph Aborn about 1917
ArnoldHerman Gborn about 1917
AshRobert Eborn about 1920
AtkinsonRoy born about 1893

B Surnames

BakerMorgan Eborn about 1922
BaldwinJohn born about 1908
BallardHartwell Wborn about 1915
BanichWalter Jborn about 1898
BartlettHarry Eborn about 1908
BaysTarbin born about 1900
BeatyHarvey Lborn about 1905
BeaverVictor Sborn about 1887
BelaVirginia born about 1913
BoiesJohn born about 1903
BoosingerHarry Rborn about 1901
BorderClyde Aborn about 1902
BorderJames Aborn about 1922
BoyseWilliam Pborn about 1904
BrossmitteAnthony Jborn about 1909
BryarLester Lborn about 1895
BuhnClaude Hborn about 1897
BulterOdis Wborn about 1901
BurkeRay Aborn about 1901
BurtLarkin Jborn about 1912
ByrneHugh Tborn about 1909

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C Surnames

CarrollDewey Sborn about 1898
CasseyWilliam Pborn about 1905
ClarbergJack Gborn about 1915
ClarkJohn Lborn about 1906
CloverEugene Lborn about 1915
ColemanHarry Cborn about 1891
CollierWilliam born about 1914
ColmanGeorge Lborn about 1899
CoppleAlfred Eborn about 1918
CowlesOvando Jborn about 1915
CrosbyGerald Jborn about 1938
CrosbyJames Eborn about 1910
CrosbyNina Jborn about 1917

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D Surnames

DaggettCharles Mborn about 1878
DeanGuy Eborn about 1884
DecandiaThomas born about 1906
DelbridgeLloyd Fborn about 1898
DelguerraGino Rborn about 1919
DemeyerHenry born about 1911
DentonMarion Aborn about 1918
DeruntzJohn Bborn about 1899
DetweilerLois Mborn about 1913
DiazAvilina born about 1886
DiazCalixto Aborn about 1883
DobbieHannah born about 1884
DoddsRay born about 1894
DohertyJohn born about 1901
DovisEverrett Eborn about 1910
DoyleEdward Mborn about 1917
DuelkoRobert born about 1914
DuffyEdward Jborn about 1890
DumasMick Wborn about 1908

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E Surnames

ElwoodClyde Eborn about 1895

F Surnames

FenneganWilliam Fborn about 1901
FinniganGeorge Aborn about 1890
FlynnEstelle born about 1905
FlynnFelica born about 1935
FlynnMyrn Tborn about 1917
FlynnPatrick born about 1934
FlynnStephen born about 1933
FlynnStephen Eborn about 1901
FlynnVincent born about 1939
FrangJohn Aborn about 1888
FreeThomas Aborn about 1891
FroelickMartin Cborn about 1903
FrollickHenry Aborn about 1901
FullertonJames born about 1861

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G Surnames

GalaherFred Eborn about 1921
GalligosLuis Mborn about 1920
GibbsRaymond Lborn about 1920
GilesOscar Fborn about 1903

H Surnames

HagerBart Jborn about 1891
HagerWilliam Jborn about 1908
HallWillis Bborn about 1905
HalphinWilliam Jborn about 1910
HardingWilliam Lborn about 1910
HarperHorace Eborn about 1905
HarrisHerman Gborn about 1907
HarrisJames born about 1901
HawkinsMilton Wborn about 1894
HebbetsArchie Hborn about 1910
HengeFredrick Aborn about 1912
HerbertClyde Jborn about 1899
HermesIsabelle born about 1910
HermesMichael Dborn about 1939
HermesPeter Mborn about 1935
HermesRowland Pborn about 1905
HessFred Cborn about 1910
HillLogan Cborn about 1886
HodgkinsLydon Cborn about 1897
HoffmanCarl Vborn about 1917

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J Surnames

JohnsonEdward Pborn about 1921
JohnsonShelton Mborn about 1893
JohnsonWilliam born about 1907

K Surnames

KeeterClarence Oborn about 1899
KelleyJames Wborn about 1916
KillgoreBarbara Jeanborn about 1924
KillgoreEdward born about 1889
KillgoreElizabeth born about 1895
KillgoreJoyce Rborn about 1931
KillgoreMargaret Eborn about 1928
KillionJoe Cborn about 1904
KinleyAncil Jborn about 1911
KistlerLeray Mborn about 1916
KookenBeatrice Jborn about 1910
KookenRobert Nborn about 1916
KroseBernard Pborn about 1903
KunkelKenneth Bborn about 1916

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L Surnames

LaingLouis Cborn about 1902
LangeLawrence Eborn about 1905
LarreanCarl Aborn about 1903
LeasureRobert Eborn about 1919
LeblancePaul Jborn about 1919
LeeDorothy Bborn about 1895
LeeRuth born about 1892
LeeWalter Gborn about 1913
LeonardCharles Aborn about 1888
LeonardVincent Jborn about 1902
LockmondyHarry born about 1908
LoftinDelbert Eborn about 1895
LowryJames Rborn about 1908

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M Surnames

MachadoFrancisco born about 1924
MachadoFrederico born about 1930
MachadoJone born about 1922
MachadoManuel Valdenborn about 1917
MaclauchlanJames Aborn about 1888
MacmasterBowena Dborn about 1892
MacmasterHarmon Hborn about 1887
MaginnisWilliam Cborn about 1875
ManiorHarold Jborn about 1908
MarquezMariano born about 1910
MarshThomas Cborn about 1890
MatthewsRob Aborn about 1918
MaybergerJohn born about 1893
MaybergerRita born about 1899
MaybergerSharon Annborn about 1938
McCosbyDonald Hborn about 1916
McLoneyBarbara Jeanborn about 1935
McLoneyLillian born about 1912
McLoneyThomas Cborn about 1908
MengesWilliam Hborn about 1909
MeredithRay Eborn about 1881
MikolowskyHenry Aborn about 1914
MillerJim Oborn about 1894
MitkewichGeorge Wborn about 1902
MooreMartin Gborn about 1904
MorrisEdmund Aborn about 1894
MurphyLottie born about 1896
MurphyTheo born about 1894
MurryEugene Rborn about 1894
MyersWerrlynn born about 1930

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N Surnames

NealLawrence Eborn about 1893
NeelRaymond Fborn about 1901
NewellJack Rborn about 1919

O Surnames

OberRodney Sborn about 1920
OldakerWilliam born about 1919
OlipadoteAlbert Jborn about 1921
OneilJames Fborn about 1918
OsburnThomas Lborn about 1883
OwenBessie born about 1911
OwenPaul born about 1914
OwensArtie Pborn about 1917

P Surnames

PageRichard Bborn about 1917
ParkerSterling Eborn about 1915
PattersonClaude born about 1903
PattersonHoward Wborn about 1906
PearsonRobert Bborn about 1930
PearsonWilliam born about 1912
PetersnJames Bborn about 1922
PhillipsJames Wborn about 1917
PrevostGeorge Hborn about 1902
PritchardGeorge Lborn about 1920

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R Surnames

RainsJohn Wborn about 1915
RamsayJames Rborn about 1911
ReineJohn Jborn about 1881
ReneakTruman Mborn about 1912
RennettLinda born about 1894
RennettMildred born about 1918
RennettVernon Pborn about 1921
RennettWalter Eborn about 1894
RickeyEllsworth Aborn about 1900
RidgelyKenwich born about 1904
RobinsonCharles Wborn about 1939
RobinsonElizabeth Pborn about 1906
RobinsonKenneth Hborn about 1907
RogersLeroy born about 1912
RoseEwing Eborn about 1912
RoseWilliam born about 1915
RoySherman born about 1884

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S Surnames

SadlerPhilip born about 1899
SavageBernard Bborn about 1914
SchillingArdath Lborn about 1910
SchillingJoseph Hborn about 1912
SchillingJoseph Rayborn about 1938
SchultzAdolph Cborn about 1875
SchwerdtmarHerbert born about 1898
SennDoffane born about 1914
SextonLouis born about 1891
ShefferLauren Aborn about 1890
SherbertPaul Cborn about 1889
SidneyJoseph Hborn about 1901
SkennClinton Oborn about 1917
SloaneDavid born about 1916
SmithHoward Hborn about 1909
SmithLincoln born about 1899
SmithRichard born about 1889
SmootRoy Aborn about 1902
SncheyRufus Aborn about 1898
SousaBearnard Gborn about 1909
StaigDonald born about 1888
StanphillPaul born about 1918
StarrenByron Gborn about 1921
SteronWilford Eborn about 1917
StormsEdward Tborn about 1913
SullivanArthur Fborn about 1893
SullivanJerrime Tborn about 1906
SwortzJoseph born about 1907

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T Surnames

TaggartJohn Lborn about 1902
TaylorHoward Eborn about 1913
TaylorLionel Tborn about 1910
ThesherEllen Wborn about 1915
ThesherMargaret Wborn about 1939
ThesherSherman Dborn about 1914
ThompsonHenry born about 1911
ThompsonLeslie Hborn about 1911
ThompsonMabel born about 1913
TolisonNorman born about 1902
TurpenArthur born about 1884
TylerJoe Rborn about 1915

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V Surnames

VesperCharles Jborn about 1920
VieoraFrank born about 1900
VosburgKeith born about 1889

W Surnames

WaklerAlice Vborn about 1905
WaklerJohn Eborn about 1929
WaklerJoseph Aborn about 1895
WaklerMargrite Mborn about 1931
WaklerPatricia Aborn about 1932
WaklerRita Jborn about 1934
WaklerWilliam Aborn about 1926
WattsSidney Sborn about 1915
WehrellRobert Lborn about 1919
WertsPearl Dborn about 1894
WheelerCharles Sborn about 1904
WilliamJames Eborn about 1911
WilliamsIda born about 1890
WilliamsWilliam Sborn about 1889
WilsonEdward born about 1917
WilsonGeorge Aborn about 1900
WoodingDoris Sborn about 1901
WoodlandOwens Wborn about 1888
WordenPaul Hborn about 1913
WorshanLeroy Cborn about 1920

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Z Surnames

ZickertRay Fborn about 1899

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