1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cholame in San Luis Obispo County, San Luis Obispo, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > San Luis Obispo County > 1940 Census of Cholame in San Luis Obispo County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlbrightClement born about 1875
AlbrightGeorge born about 1851
AlbrightGeorge Cborn about 1929
AmbroseDanil Fborn about 1885
AmbroseMargrate born about 1884
AmmerBertha Aborn about 1896
AmmerCharles Cborn about 1889
AndersonAnges Mborn about 1905
AndersonBarbara Lborn about 1939
AndersonJames Lborn about 1876
AndersonLeo Fborn about 1906
AndersonVaneta Yborn about 1937
AraujoDavid born about 1914
AraujoRichard Mborn about 1910
ArmstrongElna Lborn about 1883
ArmstrongTruman born about 1884

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B Surnames

BaheCarl Aborn about 1884
BaheLeo Sborn about 1885
BallertGeorge Eborn about 1921
BarberLawrence Hborn about 1870
BaronMichael Jborn about 1891
BarrJohn Tborn about 1906
BarrMary Eborn about 1918
BarrWanda Mborn about 1938
BarrichAllen Jborn about 1928
BarrichBarbara Jborn about 1930
BarrichDewey Lborn about 1899
BarrichKathlyn Aborn about 1924
BarrichPhyllis Lborn about 1923
BarrichZina Oborn about 1899
BasslerGeorge born about 1918
BellGertrude born about 1903
BerminghamAlpha Mborn about 1881
BerminghamCharles Eborn about 1877
BerminghamEdward Gborn about 1917
BerminghamEthel Iborn about 1891
BerminghamEthelyn Rborn about 1915
BerminghamIsabelle Mborn about 1917
BerminghamJames Tborn about 1921
BerminghamJessie Rborn about 1880
BerminghamMorton Aborn about 1918
BerryAnne Nborn about 1921
BerryJohn Rborn about 1893
BerryJoseph Tborn about 1920
BerryOla Bborn about 1899
BlairMae born about 1889
BlanchardJoseph Rborn about 1872
BlanchardMyrle Sborn about 1884
BouchertEdwin Hborn about 1906
BrimhallErnst Lborn about 1902
BrimhallJames Eborn about 1939
BrimhallKeith Cborn about 1932
BrimhallPearl Cborn about 1909
BrimhallVerna Bborn about 1937
BrownBarbara Fborn about 1922
BrownCarol Mborn about 1931
BrownElsie Mborn about 1894
BrownErnald born about 1893
BrownErnest Tborn about 1918
BrownEvan born about 1887
BrownGertrude born about 1892
BrownHelena born about 1862
BrownIda Mborn about 1911
BrownJames Sborn about 1915
BrownLucy born about 1862
BrumleyClinton Jborn about 1894
BrumleyMinnie born about 1893
BuringtonCharles Hborn about 1916
BurnsCaroline Mborn about 1939
BurnsRichard Cborn about 1916
BurnsVirginia Sborn about 1918
BurwichDoris Mborn about 1923
BurwichJudith Aborn about 1940
BurwickJoseph Hborn about 1885
BurwickJosephine born about 1893
BurwickWarren Jborn about 1923
BushLon born about 1895
BushMabel Mborn about 1910
ButtelCecil born about 1915
ButtelEldon Rborn about 1916
ButtelMarie Nborn about 1913

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C Surnames

CampbellCharles Hborn about 1911
CampbellCharles Hborn about 1937
CampbellNadine Pborn about 1934
CampbellPearl Eborn about 1913
CampbellSylvester Lborn about 1939
CarterWilliam Gborn about 1873
CavegliePaul born about 1882
ChaplinCharles born about 1901
ChaplinClarence Lborn about 1924
ChaplinFrancis born about 1900
ChaplinGene Wborn about 1926
ChaplinMarjorie Lborn about 1924
ChaplinNora born about 1873
ChaplinOscar Cborn about 1899
ChaplinViola Mborn about 1929
ChapmanDonald Lborn about 1935
ChapmanEdith Aborn about 1911
ChapmanMarilyn Jborn about 1926
ChapmanMildred Eborn about 1921
ChapmanRobert Eborn about 1892
ChapmanRobert Gborn about 1924
CharlasDallas Bborn about 1932
CharlasDarline Aborn about 1934
CharlasJewel Kborn about 1937
CharlasMethyl Aborn about 1913
CharlasNorman Eborn about 1912
ChowegAnita born about 1938
ChowegArmulfs born about 1888
ChowegArnulfo born about 1935
ChowegBicenta born about 1914
ChowegDavid born about 1931
ChowegDionicoa born about 1929
ChowegErnestina born about 1937
ChowegGuana born about 1854
ChowegHerminio born about 1934
ChowegJenny born about 1930
ChowegJosephine born about 1912
ChowegJulia born about 1921
ChowegLillian born about 1939
ChowegPlutaras born about 1932
ChowegPlutarce born about 1890
ChowegRieareo born about 1936
ChristensenOschar born about 1903
ClarkMary Eborn about 1873
CoburnGrover Fborn about 1915
CoburnGrover Hborn about 1887
CoburnHelen Yborn about 1897
CoburnHoward Lborn about 1928
CoffmanAlice Bborn about 1913
CoffmanEleanore Mborn about 1939
CoffmanIvan Wborn about 1912
CollinsJames Mborn about 1935
CollinsMargrate Aborn about 1930
CollinsMarie Eborn about 1901
CollinsMichael Dborn about 1932
CollinsPatricia Mborn about 1928
CollinsPatrick Jborn about 1888
CookErla Aborn about 1913
CookGeraldine Eborn about 1936
CookHattie Cborn about 1867
CookJean Fborn about 1919
CookJoan Mborn about 1931
CookRussell Eborn about 1910
CookWilliam Mborn about 1906
CooperKenneth Eborn about 1920
CorkMarth Eborn about 1882
CoykendallHazel Eborn about 1915
CoykendallIven Jborn about 1939
CoykendallKenneth Pborn about 1908
CraigLeonard Aborn about 1908
CraigRaymond born about 1915
CraigRuth Lborn about 1917
CrawfordElizabeth born about 1864
CrawfordWilliam born about 1895
CurrierCicle born about 1886

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D Surnames

DanielsAdolph born about 1902
DaviesGilbert Kborn about 1920
DaviesKenneth Hborn about 1892
DaviesLilah Eborn about 1899
DavisVirginia Pborn about 1922
DempsyEdmond Jborn about 1897
DempsyHonora Mborn about 1909
DempsyJohn Bborn about 1896
DempsyLoretta Mborn about 1929
DempsyPatrick Jborn about 1931
DeotterLewis Rborn about 1918
DotyBeth Eborn about 1933
DotyDelbert Mborn about 1937
DotyEvelyn Gborn about 1931
DotyLeland Mborn about 1910
DotyVeryl Aborn about 1912
DowVirgil born about 1912
DowdenAlta born about 1909
DowdenDonna Fborn about 1928
DowdenLena Mborn about 1933
DowdenRay Dborn about 1908
DuncanBeverly Mborn about 1923
DuncanCecile Eborn about 1903
DuncanGilmore Aborn about 1901
DuncanGilmore Juniorborn about 1934
DuncanWinifred Fborn about 1924
DunfordMichael Jborn about 1898

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E Surnames

EdwardsJohn Rborn about 1924
EdwardsSamuel born about 1882
EmileyBetty Dborn about 1921
EmileyDonald born about 1919
EmileyDorothy Jborn about 1924
EmileyGeorge Eborn about 1897
EmileyJenevieve born about 1899
EmileyJoan Dborn about 1932
EngelkeClara born about 1903
EngelkeDora Jborn about 1928
EngelkeElizabeth Jborn about 1933
EngelkeEllen Mborn about 1930
EngelkeHilda Mborn about 1927
EngelkeJohn Hborn about 1895
EricksonChester Lborn about 1925
EricksonDolly Eborn about 1933
EricksonEileen Bborn about 1930
EricksonElizabeth Cborn about 1871
EricksonEllen Mborn about 1900
EricksonEstella Sborn about 1909
EricksonLeo Rborn about 1897
EricksonLucille Mborn about 1927
EricksonMatt Wborn about 1871
EricksonOtto Hborn about 1913
EricksonRichard Hborn about 1940
EricksonWill Jborn about 1910
ErnstAlice Aborn about 1884
ErnstBarbra Aborn about 1854
ErnstJean Mborn about 1918
ErnstMorris Lborn about 1922
ErnstMuriel Aborn about 1916
ErnstRalph Aborn about 1882
ErnstRuth Kborn about 1925
ErnstVirginia Lborn about 1871
ErnstWilliam Aborn about 1899
EscarciaAdelaide Bborn about 1889
EscarciaRichard Oborn about 1893
EschbergerRichard born about 1887
EvensDelmer born about 1920

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F Surnames

FairbanksRoy Eborn about 1912
FarnsworthBeulah Eborn about 1886
FarnsworthRalph Eborn about 1890
FarnsworthRoy Rborn about 1921
FleigDorothy Vborn about 1904
FleigRobert Hborn about 1899
FletcherElmer Eborn about 1909
FletcherGeorge Wborn about 1866
FletcherLena Gborn about 1870
FletcherRuth Aborn about 1913
FoleyColeman born about 1902
FontzMildred born about 1922
FordAnn born about 1922
FordCatherine Aborn about 1890
FordPatrick Jborn about 1888
FoxCharles Lborn about 1938
FoxLela Oborn about 1905
FoxWilliam born about 1880
FrederickCharles Eborn about 1914
FrederickElizabeth Mborn about 1892
FrederickGeorge Eborn about 1893
FrederickHoward Wborn about 1919
FrederickL born about 1925
FrederickLawrence Dborn about 1921
FrederickRuth Nborn about 1918
FrederickThomas Hborn about 1928
FrederickWalter born about 1882
FrederickWilliam Cborn about 1923
FreemanBertha Lborn about 1883
FreemanMollie born about 1892
FreemanRobert Lborn about 1922
FrickeFlorance Gborn about 1901
FrickeJohn Fborn about 1898
FrickeKeith Dborn about 1931
FrickeMargie Nborn about 1921
FrickeRichard Kborn about 1924
FrickeRuth Gborn about 1933
FrickeVirginia Aborn about 1938

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G Surnames

GatesAudrey Hborn about 1922
GatesBarbara Lborn about 1932
GatesElaine Aborn about 1923
GatesEuna Lborn about 1897
GatesJack Eborn about 1925
GatesJohn Hborn about 1892
GatesJune Eborn about 1927
GibsonAl born about 1880
GleasonHarry Wborn about 1884
GleasonIvy born about 1885
GraingerLaura born about 1898
GraingerSadie Eborn about 1865
GrantAdam Lborn about 1882
GrantArchie born about 1891
GrantArchie Jborn about 1919
GrantClara Mborn about 1895
GrantDouglas Eborn about 1930
GrantEllen Aborn about 1926
GrantFred Wborn about 1886
GrantIlla Mborn about 1922
GrantKeith Nborn about 1935
GrantMayble born about 1897
GrantRobert Aborn about 1924
GrayMarian born about 1882
GrayRobert Jborn about 1883
GreenFrank Eborn about 1879
GrenhartElvin Dborn about 1935
GrenhartHulda born about 1904
GrenhartMeredith Eborn about 1934
GrenhartWilliam Lborn about 1904
GrimdstoffClyde born about 1904
GrimdstoffEva Rborn about 1906
GrimdstoffWeldon Rborn about 1932
GroveDora Cborn about 1890
GroveEarl Rborn about 1916
GroveJesse Rborn about 1885
GroveNeal Jborn about 1926

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H Surnames

HagansMayne Kborn about 1887
HagansWalter Aborn about 1889
HagermanAi Pborn about 1869
HagermanJulia Aborn about 1872
HahlErnest Aborn about 1864
HahlErnest Aborn about 1916
HahlRuby Mborn about 1881
HainsAileene Lborn about 1925
HainsHomer Cborn about 1878
HainsLucy Bborn about 1879
HallClarke Lborn about 1914
HallGrace Lborn about 1916
HamboltBertha born about 1924
HamptonClyde Jborn about 1903
HamptonViolet Eborn about 1903
HansenEdgar Mborn about 1901
HansenEdward born about 1888
HansenEllen born about 1934
HansenIver born about 1895
HansenKent Iborn about 1938
HansenMathais born about 1898
HansenMildred Eborn about 1903
HansenNona Vborn about 1904
HansenThomas born about 1886
HardenburghEdward Nborn about 1891
HardenburghMaude born about 1891
HarrisRoy born about 1879
HatchAlice Mborn about 1926
HatchBarbare Eborn about 1924
HatchEverett Cborn about 1891
HatchGrace Wborn about 1899
HatchRaymond Fborn about 1929
HatchWesley Eborn about 1922
HellmannAlma born about 1881
HellmannOtte born about 1881
HermanHeilman born about 1917
HerreraYgnacio born about 1862
HilbrichAgusta Cborn about 1879
HilbrichWalter Eborn about 1905
HiltonElroy Aborn about 1899
HiltonIrene Bborn about 1910
HintzCora Aborn about 1874
HintzGeorge born about 1873
HischlerOttiliea born about 1909
HobbsGilbert born about 1925
HobbsNora born about 1886
HobsonNoel born about 1918
HobsonRichard Nborn about 1918
HodginDorothy born about 1931
HodginGeorgia born about 1902
HoehnHerburt Hborn about 1921
HolbergNels born about 1861
HolzingerAgusta born about 1884
HolzingerAlbert born about 1874
HolzingerAmelia born about 1877
HolzingerEdward Mborn about 1874
HopperDavid Lborn about 1877
HopperDavid Lborn about 1918
HopperElizabeth Lborn about 1922
HopperEverett Aborn about 1882
HopperGeorge Lborn about 1873
HopperJohn Tborn about 1870
HopperKeith Bborn about 1922
HopperLaura Eborn about 1897
HopperMarjorie Aborn about 1925
HopperNorman Wborn about 1919
HopperPaul Eborn about 1932
HopperRhoda Fborn about 1916
HopperSusie Cborn about 1891
HopperTheresa Wborn about 1876
HoppersAnna Mborn about 1903
HoppersAnna Mborn about 1924
HoppersEugene Oborn about 1923
HoppersHazel Aborn about 1926
HoppersJocie Aborn about 1931
HoppersOliver born about 1881
HoppersWilliam Rborn about 1929
HordClifford Tborn about 1906
HordCora Iborn about 1876
HordEva Sborn about 1937
HordPhillip Cborn about 1939
HordRuth Kborn about 1916
HordThoma Tborn about 1880
HuberHerman Hborn about 1895
HumboltLorral Fborn about 1883
HygalGeorge Fborn about 1902

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I Surnames

IllicinoAnna born about 1887
IllicinoArthur Cborn about 1898
IversenArlene Mborn about 1937
IversenHoward Lborn about 1912
IversenMary Ann Lborn about 1939
IversenTheda Mborn about 1917

J Surnames

JantzenElmer Eborn about 1939
JantzenIrvin Dborn about 1938
JantzenOswald Sborn about 1909
JantzenSarah born about 1906
JensenIona Jborn about 1927
JensenJames Pborn about 1892
JensenJames Rborn about 1931
JensenJeno Cborn about 1933
JensenSadie Kborn about 1897
JensenSigne born about 1891
JensenSijner Vborn about 1900
JespersenAllan Gborn about 1904
JespersenLillian born about 1909
JespersenReg Aborn about 1929
JespersenWilliam Aborn about 1936
JohnsonBruce born about 1896
JohnsonIda born about 1893
JohnsonJean Mborn about 1929
JohnsonJeanette born about 1899
JohnsonJennette Eborn about 1914
JohnsonRuth Eborn about 1931
JuchinsHarold born about 1921
JumppGeorge born about 1925
JumppPaul born about 1928

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K Surnames

KaranHubrt Aborn about 1899
KaranMary Eborn about 1912
KaranMary Gborn about 1936
KaranMinnie Mborn about 1874
KaranRosaliel born about 1939
KaranRovaline Iborn about 1939
KauffmanGail Fborn about 1914
KauffmanMarian Eborn about 1917
KauffmanVesta Mborn about 1939
KeayElizabeth born about 1903
KeayWilliam born about 1851
KeedyOphelia born about 1881
KeedyRobert Dborn about 1913
KesterAlden Wborn about 1920
KesterCarol Mborn about 1922
KesterDouglas Nborn about 1934
KesterEmma Bborn about 1896
KesterKenneth Eborn about 1924
KesterLouise born about 1903
KesterMarylin born about 1926
KesterNorman Fborn about 1898
KeyserAugustus born about 1890
KeyserAugustus Dborn about 1922
KeyserDorothy Aborn about 1929
KeyserEarlyn Jborn about 1926
KeyserElza Fborn about 1932
KeyserMaragret Rborn about 1923
KeyserMargaret born about 1901
KingDonald Sborn about 1914
KingMarion Aborn about 1918
KlinthworthFred Gborn about 1894
KlinthworthHenry Jborn about 1888
KlintworthJune born about 1938
KlintworthMarilyn born about 1937
KlintworthWilliam Hborn about 1904
KlintworthZena Cborn about 1914
KrepsArthur Cborn about 1933
KrepsErna Mborn about 1914
KrepsRoy Eborn about 1932
KrepsRoy Fborn about 1909
KuhnleEdith Mborn about 1925
KuhnleFrank born about 1889
KuhnleHazel Fborn about 1918
KuhnleMildred Lborn about 1921
KuhnleRussell Eborn about 1923
KuhnleVera born about 1894

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L Surnames

LandisMabel born about 1909
LandisPhyllis born about 1929
LandisRonald born about 1939
LandisTorrence Eborn about 1888
LangstonGeorge Sborn about 1920
LangstonIva Wborn about 1890
LangstonJack born about 1922
LangstonJohn Lborn about 1885
LanineJosephine Eborn about 1898
LanineRaymond Cborn about 1901
LeaheWalter born about 1918
LeverenzAugust born about 1880
LeverenzLillian Aborn about 1914
LeverenzOrval Wborn about 1910
LeverrettOwen Dborn about 1912
LindwallEdward born about 1865
LockhartWard Dborn about 1880
LockhartWinifred Rborn about 1854
LucyMae born about 1912
LucyWilliam Mborn about 1904
LundEmma Oborn about 1893
LundOscar Eborn about 1877
LundRobert Gborn about 1922

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M Surnames

MahoneyHelen Eborn about 1915
MahoneyJohn Eborn about 1911
MahoneyMichael Eborn about 1938
MajoyHelen Eborn about 1889
MajoyStephen Wborn about 1891
MalmbergEdward Oborn about 1861
MalmberyLena Cborn about 1874
MargettsJosephine born about 1864
MartinCarrol Oborn about 1918
MauleAnthony Dborn about 1929
MauleFrank Lborn about 1891
MauleIola Mborn about 1899
MauleSleven Lborn about 1925
McCalisterRetha born about 1876
McCormackAndrew Eborn about 1922
McCormackCharlotte Mborn about 1928
McCormackDonald Cborn about 1931
McCormackEdith Lborn about 1933
McCormackEdna Eborn about 1891
McCormackEdna Hborn about 1923
McCormackEdwin Rborn about 1884
McCormackElwin Rborn about 1920
McCormackEmily Bborn about 1918
McCormackFrancis Mborn about 1924
McCormackZuda Gborn about 1929
McCuneBarbara Jborn about 1928
McCuneFloyd Wborn about 1894
McCuneHarold Fborn about 1925
McCuneInez Mborn about 1900
McCuneKaye Sborn about 1940
McGovernAnna Mborn about 1889
McKirnFrancis Mborn about 1891
McKirnFrancis Mborn about 1929
McKirnLucille born about 1896
McMillanAlta Mborn about 1902
McMillanBarbara Mborn about 1940
McMillanDon Cborn about 1898
McMillanDonajean born about 1923
McMillanDonald Cborn about 1936
McMillanGertrude Mborn about 1917
McMillanIan Iborn about 1906
McMillanJanet Mborn about 1924
McMillanMerna Mborn about 1933
MecredyElizabeth born about 1917
MengAlbert born about 1866
MerthewMarjorie Sborn about 1917
MitchellLucille born about 1898
MitchellWilbert Wborn about 1890
MoranoJennie born about 1886
MoranoJess Lborn about 1888
MoranoPaul born about 1916
MorreyAlex Rborn about 1926
MorreyAlice Rborn about 1895
MorreyMaynard Lborn about 1888
MorrisEta Lborn about 1866
MunkClifford Aborn about 1931
MunkEsther Wborn about 1894
MunkJeno Aborn about 1893
MurphyMorris Dborn about 1876
MurppiceGorley Aborn about 1912
MurppiceLouise Wborn about 1937
MurppiceMae Eborn about 1918

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N Surnames

NelsonValentine born about 1884
NevenoRoy Eborn about 1906
NewbyCharles Hborn about 1881
NewbyDella Jborn about 1883
NewsonAlice Eborn about 1919
NewsonSally Aborn about 1937
NewtonGrace Fborn about 1882
NielsenChristine Mborn about 1893
NielsenJames Pborn about 1886

O Surnames

OdonovanEliza born about 1878
OdonovanIrene Aborn about 1914
OffermanMabel Bborn about 1887
OffermanPaul Fborn about 1919
OffermanRobert Hborn about 1922
OffermanWilliam Eborn about 1917
OffermanWilliam Hborn about 1886
OkonOle born about 1872
OkonSada born about 1873
OlsenBen born about 1887
OlsenGeorice Eborn about 1884
OrourkeBert born about 1888
OrourkeHelen Mborn about 1905
OrourkeMildred Jborn about 1928
OrputRobert Jborn about 1924
OsbornAda Eborn about 1918
OsbornEugene Cborn about 1925
OsbornFrank Hborn about 1887
OsbornFrank Kborn about 1921
OsbornJohn Jborn about 1916
OsbornLaverna Lborn about 1921
OsbornOllie Mborn about 1897
OsbornRobert Hborn about 1930
OwnsDavid Sborn about 1897

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P Surnames

PallaAlice Eborn about 1870
PalmerFrank Wborn about 1919
PalmerGeorge Dr born about 1938
PalmerGloria Mborn about 1931
PalmerHarry Wborn about 1923
PalmerJennie born about 1896
PalmerMabel Dborn about 1935
PalmerNorma Jborn about 1933
PalmerRuth Iborn about 1925
PalmerStanley Wborn about 1930
PalmerVelma Sborn about 1927
PalmerWilliam Nborn about 1882
PattersonDow born about 1904
PattersonJoseph Dr born about 1865
PattersonMiriam born about 1907
PeillinsJosephine Eborn about 1892
PeillinsPolk born about 1881
PeillinsTiny Jborn about 1935
PeillinsWilliam Pborn about 1937
PerryAndrew born about 1923
PerryDannalo born about 1930
PerryDelvina born about 1925
PerryEdwin born about 1924
PerryJohnnie born about 1919
PerryLawrence born about 1935
PerryLewis born about 1929
PerryManuel Mborn about 1887
PerryMargrate born about 1926
PerryMary born about 1893
PerryTony born about 1922
PetersenEffie Mborn about 1886
PetersenHelen Aborn about 1931
PetersenIda Mayborn about 1919
PetersenJoihnnie Tborn about 1905
PetersenLillian Sborn about 1906
PetersenMartin born about 1886
PetersenWilliam Hborn about 1937
PettyJack born about 1872
PhillipsHoward Eborn about 1926
PhillipsHoward Jborn about 1896
PhillipsRuby born about 1897
PhillipsRuby Mborn about 1927
PhillipsRussel Hborn about 1930
PhippenJames Aborn about 1882
PhippenPryna Aborn about 1882
PickertonWilliam born about 1886
PondIrma Lborn about 1895
PondJohn Jborn about 1914
PondMarie Dborn about 1922

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Q Surnames

QuintanaGeorge Mborn about 1925
QuintanaManuel born about 1882
QuintanaPhilomena Cborn about 1885

R Surnames

RamboEugene born about 1921
RamboMarie Lborn about 1924
RamseyAlta born about 1877
RamseyFay Mborn about 1914
RamseyJessie Wborn about 1875
ReedChancy Oborn about 1892
ReedEarl Aborn about 1929
ReedEthel Nborn about 1924
ReedNellie Bborn about 1896
ReedTed Oborn about 1926
ReedVergil Eborn about 1907
ReeseBlanch Mborn about 1937
ReeseLe Roy Vborn about 1936
ReeseLucille Fborn about 1913
ReeseVerner Lborn about 1913
RhodesEdgar born about 1896
RhodesMarjorie born about 1931
RhodesMartha born about 1905
RichardsonBenjiman born about 1889
RichardsonEtta Mborn about 1891
RichardsonLillian born about 1922
RichardsonMelvin born about 1922
RichardsonTheodore Jborn about 1915
RilesEla Rborn about 1900
RoeBill Mborn about 1908
RoeCharlotte Aborn about 1940
RoeWilliam Bborn about 1907
RommelIrby born about 1916
RommelKathryn born about 1916
RommelRaymond Lborn about 1908
RudeAbbie born about 1904
RudeBarbara Jborn about 1929
RudeLeo Gborn about 1903
RudeLye Bborn about 1935
RudeMarjorie Gborn about 1930
RudeMary Eborn about 1880
RudeWill Hborn about 1878
RussellCharles Dborn about 1940
RussellMilton Mborn about 1908
RussellVedah Jborn about 1920
RuttelKeth Lborn about 1938
RuttelRoy Kborn about 1911
RuttelVera Lborn about 1912
RyanAlice Mborn about 1920
RyanDella Mborn about 1882
RyanDorothea Mborn about 1913
RyanJohn born about 1882
RyanJoseph Mborn about 1915
RyanMary Aborn about 1877

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S Surnames

SandsKenneth Hborn about 1938
SandsRobert Fborn about 1858
SandsVictoria Jborn about 1917
SaunderDavid born about 1919
SchlegelHoward Gborn about 1925
SchlegelJoe born about 1876
SchlegelKate Eborn about 1891
SchollFrank Dborn about 1887
SchollHoward Mborn about 1922
SchollRobert Aborn about 1924
SchollRoena Eborn about 1891
SchranerBerta Mborn about 1889
SchroederLouise Aborn about 1914
ShawCarrie Lborn about 1870
ShawDora born about 1882
SimtonSilas Dborn about 1914
SingletonBertice born about 1887
SingletonGeorge born about 1881
SlachGeorgie Lborn about 1902
SlachJames Lborn about 1931
SlachLuther Tborn about 1883
SlachMary Cborn about 1934
SmileyDavid born about 1934
SmileyJames Jborn about 1932
SmileyJames Sborn about 1907
SmileyPhilip Nborn about 1938
SmileySue Vborn about 1910
SmileySylvia Eborn about 1937
SmithCarrie Eborn about 1898
SmithDonald born about 1913
SmithDonald Wborn about 1924
SmithEdith Lborn about 1910
SmithEdward Lborn about 1881
SmithFrank Gaborn about 1900
SmithGeorgena Bborn about 1879
SmithJane Lborn about 1913
SmithJaneth Jborn about 1939
SmithJoanne Lborn about 1938
SmithJohnnie Hborn about 1909
SmithLen Lborn about 1902
SmithThelma born about 1912
SmithWilliam born about 1888
SonneBillie Wborn about 1934
SonneBobbie Wborn about 1934
SonneEdwin Wborn about 1903
SonneLe Roy Jborn about 1937
SonneLeland Eborn about 1931
SonneLorine Eborn about 1905
SonneMary Lborn about 1938
SouthwellEmmett Fborn about 1907
StahlDavid Hborn about 1922
StahlHarry Zborn about 1917
StahlIda Vborn about 1893
StahlJames Bborn about 1885
StahlMargaret Lborn about 1919
StanlyAddie Mborn about 1884
StanlyCharls Hborn about 1881
StemperEdwin Hborn about 1893
StemperHelen Mborn about 1921
StemperRussell Bborn about 1917
StilesAlice Elizabethborn about 1933
StilesCharles born about 1919
StilesCharles Lborn about 1919
StilesJames Wborn about 1928
StilesLowell Lborn about 1894
StilesNellie Bborn about 1898
StilesRuth Rborn about 1924
StochdaleCharles born about 1908
StrombornAndrew Jborn about 1881
StrombornGerda Eborn about 1889
StrombornIrene Eborn about 1923
SummerWilford Dborn about 1910
SumnerHoward Eborn about 1892
SumnerMarie Lborn about 1894
SwayzeHarbert Mborn about 1884
SwayzeKate born about 1888
SweeneyDorothy born about 1932
SweeneyDwilght born about 1906
SweeneyJean born about 1929
SweeneyLeona born about 1905
SweeneyNorman born about 1930

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T Surnames

TablerEllen Lborn about 1902
TablerElroy Cborn about 1936
TablerJoyce Bborn about 1933
TarrwaterKeith born about 1935
TarrwaterWillis born about 1927
ThomasBertha Iborn about 1938
ThomasEthel Jborn about 1932
ThomasFay Rborn about 1939
ThomasIrena Sborn about 1909
ThomasLeo Hborn about 1931
ThomasSamuel Lborn about 1859
ThomasVelma Dborn about 1935
ThomasWilliam Hborn about 1908
ThompsonMillard born about 1889
TruesdaleAurella Dborn about 1859
TruesdaleDewelle Sborn about 1882
TruesdaleDonald Jamesborn about 1940
TruesdaleDorcas born about 1873
TruesdaleDwelle born about 1912
TruesdaleElmer Lborn about 1916
TruesdaleGeorge born about 1910
TruesdaleHillis Hborn about 1872
TruesdaleJames Cborn about 1868
TruesdaleMargrate Lborn about 1904
TruesdaleMaude born about 1890
TruesdaleNora born about 1875
TruesdaleOrville born about 1855
TruesdaleRobrt Lborn about 1887
TruesdaleWillis born about 1872
TruesdaleZora born about 1875
TuckerAnnie Mborn about 1883
TuckerEdith Eborn about 1922
TuckerEdna born about 1888
TuckerElden Jborn about 1915
TuckerFrancis Rborn about 1912
TuckerFred Jborn about 1869
TuckerLee Eborn about 1916
TuckerMervel Lborn about 1913
TuckerNathalia Dborn about 1917
TuckerUsher Pborn about 1919
TuckerWalsey Lborn about 1884
TurnerElizabeth born about 1899
TurnerJeannette Cborn about 1891
TwisselmannAudrie Rborn about 1935
TwisselmannBetty Mborn about 1930
TwisselmannCarl Fborn about 1912
TwisselmannChristian born about 1880
TwisselmannDarrell Lborn about 1932
TwisselmannDorothy Aborn about 1912
TwisselmannDorothy Mborn about 1921
TwisselmannEleanore Mborn about 1882
TwisselmannEulalie born about 1916
TwisselmannHenry Aborn about 1907
TwisselmannJames Cborn about 1934
TwisselmannKenneth Cborn about 1931
TwisselmannRaymond Dborn about 1927
TwisselmannTheodore Fborn about 1910
TwisselmannTheodore F Jborn about 1934
TwisselmannVerona Lborn about 1907

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V Surnames

VandamDick born about 1874
VenturiniDennis Vborn about 1939
VenturiniDiane Jborn about 1937
VenturiniDorelice Jborn about 1918
VenturiniEnridio born about 1908
VondollenAmelia Mborn about 1923
VondollenBertha Mborn about 1895
VondollenDoris Cborn about 1922
VondollenElla Fborn about 1925
VondollenMorn Eborn about 1880
VondollenRuth Mborn about 1926
VrstolBarbara Mborn about 1927
VrstolDonna Lborn about 1937
VrstolLunard Mborn about 1932
VrstolMargaret Mborn about 1907
VrstolMilton Lborn about 1905
VrstolRaymond Lborn about 1931

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W Surnames

WachsArthur Wborn about 1916
WachsClarance born about 1910
WachsFrances Sborn about 1940
WachsFrances Vborn about 1919
WachsIvy Mborn about 1920
WachsLila Rborn about 1939
WachsSidney Fborn about 1914
WakemanRussell born about 1860
WakemanVera born about 1908
WebsterEsther Jborn about 1939
WebsterJanice Mborn about 1934
WebsterJonathon Vborn about 1911
WebsterMarjory Mborn about 1913
WebsterRosa Eborn about 1872
WellsCharlotte Rborn about 1927
WellsHiram Pborn about 1894
WellsLaura Eborn about 1857
WestcottBeverly Rborn about 1930
WestcottElinor Jborn about 1928
WestcottKathleen Aborn about 1903
WestcottMarian Lborn about 1932
WestcottRalph Mborn about 1854
WhieEleanor Bborn about 1911
WhieGeorge Sborn about 1913
WhiteBonnie Jborn about 1938
WhiteEmelie Zborn about 1880
WhiteGeorge Aborn about 1877
WhiteJean Aborn about 1908
WhiteMarion Dborn about 1916
WhiteRichard Mborn about 1912
WhiteVivian Gborn about 1919
WilkerHarry born about 1880
WilshusenJim born about 1900
WilshusenJimmie Sborn about 1927
WilshusenMartha Mborn about 1921
WilshusenRuth Sborn about 1902
WilsonFranklin Hborn about 1869
WilsonMary Rborn about 1875
WilsonWilbur Fborn about 1872
WoodRex born about 1884
WoodsFox Eborn about 1918
WorelGeorge Wborn about 1858
WorelMary Dborn about 1867
WorfieldTruman Jborn about 1933

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