1940 U.S. Federal Census of Colusa, Colusa, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Colusa County > 1940 Census of Colusa

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbbeArville born about 1914
AbbeHarry born about 1906
AbreauDorthy born about 1921
AbreauElizabeth born about 1897
AbreauJohnney born about 1927
AbreauWilliam born about 1896
AbreauWilliam Jr born about 1919
AdgerAnni born about 1875
AhlfEmma born about 1878
AhlfHerman born about 1866
AileenWomble born about 1910
AldamaAldama born about 1907
AldamaC born about 1900
AldamaConception born about 1935
AldamaEleanor born about 1939
AldamaEsther born about 1938
AldamaLuis born about 1939
AldamaManares Lborn about 1901
AldamaMargaret born about 1912
AldamaT born about 1900
AldrichHerman born about 1862
AlfarroL born about 1894
AliveresFrancisco born about 1895
AllenAramanta* born about 1849
AllenWalter born about 1872
AlvarezJ born about 1886
AlvorezRuben born about 1900
AndersonChas born about 1878
AndersonFrank born about 1871
AnsotequiJoe born about 1898
ApplegateRobert?? born about 1909
ArellaJesse born about 1903
ArellaSavata born about 1900
ArgoEmily Jborn about 1935
ArgoFrank Hborn about 1939
ArgoHarry Wborn about 1914
ArgoMarie born about 1915
ArgoMary Wborn about 1899
ArgoMaude Pborn about 1896
ArgoRobert Nborn about 1893
ArgonAlfanso born about 1895
ArimotoI born about 1878
ArmfieldFrank Rborn about 1893
ArmfieldLena Tborn about 1896
ArmfieldRuth Eborn about 1923
ArmfireldBert Rborn about 1915
ArmfireldCarol born about 1939
ArmfireldEvelyn born about 1918
ArmfireldKenneth born about 1937
ArmisedoJames Vborn about 1910
ArmisedoJoann born about 1915
ArmocidoAggeline born about 1874
ArmocidoDorvinch born about 1866
ArnoldGrace Sborn about 1894
ArnoldHarry Fborn about 1919
ArnoldPhil Bborn about 1879
ArrellanoJ born about 1895
AsevedoAnthony born about 1934
AsevedoFrank born about 1910
AsevedoThelma born about 1914
AsevedoTheodore born about 1939
AshBill Wmborn about 1906
AshElizabeth born about 1927
AshFay born about 1906
AshHelen born about 1924
AshLogan born about 1928
AshRobert born about 1925
AshSadie Vborn about 1879
AthertonElmer born about 1876
AtkinsJ Bborn about 1914
AumontEdward born about 1902
AvalosF born about 1890
AyalaA born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyCorrine Dborn about 1909
BaileyGerold born about 1937
BaileyMaurice born about 1896
BaileyRobert born about 1934
BaileyWilliams born about 1901
BakerDonald born about 1935
BakerElsie born about 1925
BakerEmma born about 1882
BakerErnest born about 1910
BakerHelen born about 1917
BakerJennie born about 1880
BakerOscar born about 1876
BakerSandy born about 1886
BaldwinViola born about 1875
BalenzuelaPedro born about 1880
BallardBessie Mborn about 1896
BallardEdward Mborn about 1936
BallardElsie born about 1924
BallardHanry Paulborn about 1924
BallardHomer born about 1895
BallardIla born about 1903
BallardRobert Hborn about 1889
BallardRobert Hborn about 1921
BalverE born about 1902
BanesV born about 1878
BanningEd born about 1881
BanningZella born about 1890
BaragasPaul born about 1889
BarajasJ born about 1900
BarcaloLoranzo born about 1894
BarkerJohn born about 1922
BarleyChas born about 1871
BarneClaudith born about 1891
BarneGeorge born about 1882
BasgulgA born about 1888
BasquePeter born about 1885
BautistaManuel born about 1888
BeckleyClara Lborn about 1880
BeckleyForrest Eborn about 1916
BeckleyFrank Mborn about 1870
BeckleyLeslie born about 1903
BedfordChauncey born about 1869
BeekleyIrene born about 1905
BellinghAnnie born about 1875
BerkeyBarbara Pborn about 1927
BerkeyBeth Pborn about 1901
BerkeyGeorge Aborn about 1897
BerkeyRobert born about 1884
BerlinJenne born about 1923
BerlinJewel born about 1900
BerlinJimmie born about 1931
BerlinJohnney born about 1939
BerlinLawria* born about 1920
BerlinLouis born about 1888
BerlinLowell born about 1932
BerlinLowis Jr born about 1919
BerlinMary born about 1926
BerlinSarlina born about 1937
BerlinThomas born about 1928
BerryBetty Jborn about 1937
BerryEzekiel born about 1907
BerryMinnie Aborn about 1920
BerryPatricia born about 1939
BettertonCharolotte born about 1906
BettertonElmer Gborn about 1898
BettertonKennith born about 1921
BillEvan born about 1905
BillMallie born about 1853
BiusCharles born about 1926
BiusJack born about 1933
BiusJohn born about 1895
BlancoP born about 1915
BlevinsDonald born about 1915
BlevinsDonald Lborn about 1938
BlevinsRuby Jeanborn about 1936
BlevinsRuby Mborn about 1917
BocasJohn born about 1886
BoggsAnnanda born about 1868
BoggsClarence born about 1924
BoggsDewitt Tborn about 1894
BoggsDewitt Jr born about 1934
BoggsGarvin born about 1936
BoggsGrace Lborn about 1894
BoggsHattie born about 1878
BoggsJoe Pborn about 1883
BoggsLily born about 1875
BoggsStanley born about 1926
BokerAlma born about 1929
BokerHattie Wellborn about 1932
BokerOro born about 1904
BokerStasy born about 1930
Bond born about 1888
BondArchie Lborn about 1916
BondCaroline born about 1938
BondCharles born about 1875
BondEarl Rborn about 1930
BondFrank born about 1918
BondFranke born about 1940
BondJames Dborn about 1927
BondJohn Hborn about 1890
BondLeslie born about 1895
BondLeslie Jr born about 1935
BondM Mborn about 1859
BondMarie born about 1924
BondNettie born about 1871
BondPearl Eborn about 1895
BondPhyllis born about 1939
BondRuby born about 1922
BondThelma Wborn about 1925
BondWanda Wborn about 1932
BondWilliam Jborn about 1923
BondeHerbert Hborn about 1893
BondeMaud Eborn about 1893
BondeVelina Lborn about 1919
BooneSadie born about 1900
BosheElizabeth born about 1873
BosheWilliam born about 1874
BoydGertrude born about 1898
BoydLarunce born about 1899
BoyesAnna Mborn about 1933
BoyesElmerl Jborn about 1890
BoyesEnn born about 1902
BoyesGerald born about 1916
BoyesHarry Gborn about 1881
BoyesJoseph born about 1929
BoyesLila Mborn about 1897
BoyesManuel born about 1935
BoyesMargaret born about 1928
BoyesMary Cborn about 1909
BoyesMary Vborn about 1927
BreenTom born about 1879
BresslerDelbert born about 1938
BresslerEdith born about 1914
BresslerErnest born about 1906
BresslerWayne born about 1936
BrewerMaud Eborn about 1877
BrewerWilliam Hborn about 1872
BrinsRussuell born about 1917
BrittAda Bborn about 1898
BrittHenry G Jrborn about 1922
BrittHenry G Srborn about 1886
BromHomer Hborn about 1890
BrooksWaldo born about 1915
BrowersJohn Lborn about 1886
BrowersMay born about 1900
BrownAlfred born about 1908
BrownAnne Jborn about 1934
BrownBermond born about 1926
BrownCary Ellenborn about 1888
BrownCharles born about 1888
BrownDaniel born about 1938
BrownElla born about 1865
BrownFlorence born about 1912
BrownHazel born about 1894
BrownHelen Vborn about 1915
BrownHoward born about 1912
BrownJohn Mborn about 1936
BrownLa Verne born about 1893
BrownLarma born about 1904
BrownPeter Eborn about 1887
BrownRobert born about 1930
BrownSteve born about 1885
BrownVirginia born about 1922
BrownWilliam born about 1888
BruceAnna Jborn about 1936
BruceEleen born about 1931
BruceGomathy born about 1934
BruceLaurence born about 1932
BruceMyrle born about 1909
BruceRobert Mborn about 1885
BruffettAlfred Lborn about 1935
BruffettAlice Fborn about 1939
BruffettDonald born about 1923
BruffettDorothy Hborn about 1928
BruffettInez Mborn about 1918
BruffettJasse born about 1900
BruffettLeonard Mborn about 1915
BruffettNettie Pborn about 1937
BruffettRuby born about 1925
BruffettSylvia born about 1904
BruggmanAlfred born about 1924
BruggmanArthur born about 1916
BruggmanDaryl born about 1929
BruggmanEmma born about 1891
BruggmanErmal born about 1926
BruggmanGus born about 1882
BruggmanIola born about 1927
BruggmanTherman born about 1920
BruggmanViola born about 1927
BruinRussell born about 1918
BuellEstella born about 1892
BuellHenry born about 1892
BuffunManie born about 1894
BuggCornella born about 1890
BuggWillam Pborn about 1891
BuggsHenretta born about 1876
BuggsWarren born about 1872
BullochFrank born about 1915
BullockLeota born about 1920
BullockMark Oborn about 1912
BurgessAgnes Mborn about 1918
BurgessHelen Lborn about 1939
BurgessIris Lborn about 1936
BurgessJames Wborn about 1910
BurgessJoanne born about 1938
BurtIrwin born about 1926
BurtinsAgnes born about 1902
BurtinsErwin born about 1903
BurtinsPhillis born about 1927
BushGeorge born about 1877
ButlerArvilla born about 1865
ButlerEd born about 1875
ButlerEstella born about 1877
ButlerGeorge Hborn about 1876
ButlerHugh Cborn about 1886
ButlerMaude born about 1878
ButlerMonica Hborn about 1894
ButlerOsa Cborn about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CacoManuel born about 1885
CadyPeter born about 1878
CahillSpot born about 1885
CaldwellBella born about 1885
CaldwellDavid born about 1924
CaldwellEdgar born about 1886
CampbellCharlotte born about 1917
CampbellJ Rborn about 1907
CampbellJane born about 1938
CampbellOrris Cborn about 1876
CapitoHiter Cborn about 1878
CarlsonEarl born about 1902
CarlsonRay Headborn about 1914
CarlsonSuen born about 1918
CarmachoT born about 1913
CarranzaM born about 1904
CarriereEdkmund Jborn about 1930
CarriereIsadore born about 1903
CarriereMary Annborn about 1928
CarriereRachael born about 1910
CarriereRobert Aborn about 1931
CarriereRose Marieborn about 1934
CarrilloRobert born about 1908
CasillasBarbara born about 1922
CasillasLucy born about 1920
CasillasManuel born about 1885
CasillasMary born about 1889
CastanonBenita born about 1934
CastanonBenito born about 1904
CastanonDavid born about 1940
CastanonDelores born about 1938
CastanonDionicia born about 1914
CastanonDomonic born about 1926
CastanonEamelia born about 1908
CastanonHelen born about 1936
CastanonJuanita Munozborn about 1921
CastanonMartin born about 1924
CastanonMary born about 1928
CastanonMary Aborn about 1939
CastanonRalph born about 1930
CastanonRita born about 1935
CastanonRudolph born about 1932
CastanonTeresa born about 1933
CastanonTheodore born about 1909
CastanonVictoria born about 1937
CastanonYolanda born about 1934
CastellanoM born about 1900
CastononInez born about 1888
CesilDiana Oborn about 1889
CesilMary born about 1861
CesilMary Gborn about 1892
CesilSam born about 1886
ChambersWalter born about 1877
ChandleyBerdie Fborn about 1925
ChandleyBert born about 1885
ChandleyBessie born about 1924
ChandleyHanna born about 1932
ChandleyOdell born about 1928
ChandleyTina born about 1886
ChangChas born about 1890
ChavezConsuello born about 1927
ChavezElvira born about 1925
ChavezRaymond born about 1928
ChincyO born about 1909
ChisholmEva born about 1889
ChisholmHarris born about 1889
Chomes??? born about 1915
ChomesBetty Joneborn about 1934
ChomesHelen Lborn about 1939
ChomesJuan Marieborn about 1936
ChristianAdalila born about 1886
ChristianGeorge born about 1876
ChristyEarla Mayborn about 1916
ChristyMichel born about 1912
ClappJ Aborn about 1870
ClarkFred Wborn about 1859
ClarkJame Rborn about 1919
ClarkRay Oborn about 1886
ClementoCharles born about 1923
ClementoEkdon born about 1899
ClementoLillian born about 1897
ClementoMeredith born about 1927
ClesterElmer Bborn about 1888
ClingerGeorge born about 1887
ClingerGeorge Jr born about 1919
ClingerJulia born about 1894
ClippBay born about 1883
ClippMaude born about 1889
CoderAndrew born about 1914
CoderDean born about 1924
CoderNola born about 1890
CoderPauline born about 1927
CoderWilfred born about 1884
CodornizAlice born about 1909
CodornizDorothy born about 1930
CodornizFrancis Dborn about 1938
CodornizFrank born about 1910
CodornizFranklin Lborn about 1940
CodornizJoseph born about 1907
CodornizJuanita born about 1911
CodornizLeanora born about 1896
CodornizManuel born about 1886
CodornizManuel Mborn about 1913
CodornizMildred born about 1932
CodornizRuth Mborn about 1914
CodornizWalter born about 1939
CoffmanAudrey born about 1913
CoffmanEdward born about 1895
CoffmanJoann born about 1937
Coldwell??? Wborn about 1916
ColdwellDorthy Eborn about 1921
ColdwellJames Wborn about
ColemanCalos born about 1916
ColemanCharles born about 1891
ColemanElmer born about 1917
ColemanEva Mayborn about 1893
ColemanMary born about 1888
ColemanRobert born about 1920
ColemanTam born about 1880
ColemanThos Hborn about 1880
Collute??? born about 1893
ColluteErneta born about 1893
ColluteGena born about 1924
ComfordGeorge Wborn about 1880
ComfordMattie born about 1881
ConezJames born about 1874
CookMary Janeborn about 1937
CorbettMattie born about 1897
CorbettRobert born about 1894
CorriganPat born about 1870
CortesS born about 1892
CortezAdolfo born about 1931
CortezAlfred born about 1934
CortezDavid born about
CortezEustolia born about 1928
CortezHenegela* born about 1906
CortezJosephine born about 1936
CortezMary born about 1925
CortezRedra born about 1906
CortezRobert born about
CrabtreeCortney born about 1915
CrabtreeErvin Rborn about 1874
CrabtreeHarold born about 1921
CrabtreeIva born about 1920
CrabtreeJoe born about 1916
CrabtreeLorene born about 1920
CrawshawFloyd born about 1926
CrawshawFrank born about 1925
CrawshawGeorge born about 1916
CrawshawMerle born about 1927
CrayhillM Eborn about 1906
CribariWilliam born about 1894
CroberiAmele born about 1922
CroberiAngeline born about 1929
CroberiElvira born about 1923
CroberiVerginia born about 1925
CurryWilliam born about 1875
CustisDaniel born about 1930
CustisDelores born about 1931
CustisEleanor born about 1938
CustisManuel born about 1936
CustisMillie born about 1913
CustisPhyllis born about 1933
CustisRalph born about 1900
CustisRobert born about 1932
CustisRonald born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlinAlbert born about 1878
DahlinCary born about 1875
DallasLee Fborn about 1891
DanielsEarl born about 1907
DanielsErvica* born about 1909
DanielsMarian born about 1930
DanleyWalter born about 1886
DaviaEdla born about 1875
DaviaHowell Sr born about 1870
DavisBetha born about 1880
DavisDave born about 1888
DavisEdith Fborn about 1888
DavisGeorge born about 1887
DavisHelen born about 1891
DavisJefferson Rborn about 1928
DavisJess born about 1887
DavisJohn Rborn about 1881
DavisMary born about 1860
DavisOline Percyborn about 1877
DawisWilliam born about 1882
DayAda born about 1915
DayHelen born about 1938
DayRaymond born about 1909
DeboltOmner born about 1926
DebulfRetu born about 1888
DelpapaClsica* born about 1892
DelpapaEmil born about 1876
DelpapaJohn born about 1869
DickemanEarl born about 1881
DickensonFrank born about 1917
DickensonRichard born about 1938
DickensonVerna born about 1917
DickersonChester born about 1907
DickersonEstelle Bborn about 1908
DickersonMelvin born about 1930
DickersonMorvin born about 1932
DickersonWalter born about 1933
DicksonBertha Aborn about 1879
DicksonEdward Eborn about 1925
DicksonRay Sborn about 1912
DietrickHenry born about 1877
DiggsAlforne* born about 1909
DiggsAllie Mayborn about 1914
DiggsEnid born about 1939
DiosA?alio born about 1889
DirkJohn born about 1862
DoapGaria born about 1924
DoapVirgil born about 1918
DockHon born about 1872
DockHoward born about 1919
DockMandy born about 1884
DokkinClarence born about 1913
DokkinDorthy born about 1908
DommerDoris born about 1929
DommerElizabeth born about 1911
DommerEugene born about 1938
DommerFrank born about 1910
DommerSherley born about 1936
DonMary Lonborn about 1916
DoopCera born about 1894
DoopFay born about 1931
DoopHattie born about 1921
DoopJae born about 1924
DoopJell born about 1919
DoopLilie born about 1928
DoopLouis born about 1923
DoopPearl born about 1935
DorlingJohn born about 1871
DowdenAlveris* Oborn about 1912
DowdenBuckley born about 1936
DowdenDollie Rborn about 1883
DowdenEmery Gborn about 1907
DowdenJoseph Sborn about 1877
DowdenLillian born about 1933
DowdenLucille born about 1914
DowdenNaomi Cborn about 1920
DowdenNorma Cborn about 1940
DroperDonald born about 1924
DroperE Eborn about 1891
DroperIvy born about 1927
DroperVivian born about 1931
DroperWayne born about 1921
DuenosMayanto born about 1900
DunfieldTom born about 1858
DunhamJennie Cborn about 1881
DunhamThomas Fborn about 1888
DunhamThomas Jr born about 1913
DunhamWilliam Rborn about 1920
DunningCharles born about 1890
DunningFlorien born about 1892
DurgenE born about 1905
DurstEmma born about 1898
DurstFred born about 1929
DurstJohn born about 1885
DurstLloyd born about 1926
DurstNancy born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarmeonAudrey born about 1912
EarmeonBilly born about 1932
EarmeonElsie born about 1934
EarmeonHazel born about 1931
EarmeonJemmie born about 1937
EarmeonJoe born about 1908
EdmondsRuth born about 1911
EdmondsTighel born about 1876
EdwardsAlbert born about 1919
EdwardsChas Nborn about 1910
EdwardsChas Rborn about 1939
EdwardsE Aborn about 1883
EdwardsElizabeth Cborn about 1937
EdwardsMary Nellborn about 1916
EdwardsShirley Gborn about 1935
ElephanteAdam born about 1903
ElephanteEdith born about 1930
ElephanteGene born about 1926
ElephanteLeah born about 1928
ElephanteLillian born about 1904
ElephanteShirley born about 1936
EllingwoodLloyd born about 1922
EllingwoodRichie born about 1897
ElliottLarry born about 1938
ElliottPhyllis Sborn about 1935
ElliottWildurt born about 1904
ElliottWilma born about 1915
Embry??? born about 1904
EmbryTheodore born about 1901
EmmeryBen born about 1891
EmmeryBillie born about 1929
EmmeryDaniel born about 1920
EmmeryJohn born about 1918
EmmeryMartha Aborn about 1933
EmmerySylvia born about 1898
EmmeryWallace born about 1932
EmmrickAxel born about 1876
EnglishAlfred Hborn about 1903
EnglishCathryn born about 1911
EnglishCathryn Aborn about 1932
EnglishJacquiline born about 1935
EnglishNancy born about 1937
Enos??? born about 1862
EnosAnne born about 1865
EnosFrank born about 1922
EriseyJoseph Lborn about 1928
EriseyKatherine born about 1896
EriseyVivian born about 1918
ErnstElla born about 1890
ErnstHarlold Jr born about 1939
ErnstHarold born about 1916
ErnstJess born about 1879
ErnstSylvina born about 1911
EsparsoRas?lla born about 1903
EstrallaP born about 1913
EttlCelia born about 1918
EttlFrances Haborn about 1939
EttlWalter born about 1910
EverettCharles born about 1876
EverettMary born about 1889
EvertsenChris born about 1898
EvertsenEileen born about 1934
EvertsenLene born about 1897
EvertsenRobert born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FRoderigues born about 1888
FabilaN born about 1888
FadluckEdna born about 1905
FadluckJess born about 1922
FadluckJolene born about 1927
FadluckJoseph born about 1899
FadluckMaria born about 1925
FahardoDon born about 1938
FaranswarthBonnie born about 1932
FaranswarthLouis Fborn about 1900
FaranswarthLouis Jr born about 1923
FaranswarthMarie Eborn about 1903
FarthingBerbara Jeanborn about 1931
FarthingGeorge Eborn about 1889
FarthingNellie Mborn about 1893
FarthingWanda born about 1926
FayGee born about 1857
FedrickAlpheous born about 1862
FeeLloyd born about 1909
FendtAdolph Geoborn about 1863
FendtErnestine born about 1868
FendtGeorge Eborn about 1912
FendtHerman Hborn about 1906
FendtMary Eborn about 1906
FendtPatricia born about 1934
FenneyRobert born about 1914
FernandeJohn born about 1922
FernandezA born about 1890
FerreiraMarie born about 1925
FetchElton Cborn about 1894
FetchGordon born about 1929
FetchLandia Hborn about 1919
FetchMarte Cborn about 1896
FetchWanda born about 1921
FettersDonald born about 1939
FettersLaverne born about 1912
FettersNettie born about 1914
FierroA born about 1914
FinkArther Wborn about 1868
FinksEvelyn born about 1901
FitchElsie Mayborn about 1894
FitchFayette born about 1892
FitchJayce born about 1930
FitchLewis Fborn about 1920
FitchLucille born about 1923
FitchRubert Taureborn about 1928
FlanaganEveline born about 1869
FonsecaAlvin born about 1912
FonsecaDaniel born about 1915
FonsecaEmily born about 1919
FonsecaEugene born about 1921
FonsecaGenevieve born about 1939
FonsecaGeorge Bborn about 1904
FonsecaJosephina born about 1921
FonsecaManuel Bborn about 1876
FonsecaTony born about 1905
ForresFrank Sborn about 1907
ForresMary Eborn about 1918
ForresMary Ellenborn about 1939
FraleyErsel born about 1917
FrohCharles Zborn about 1883
FrohMary born about 1920
FrohStella born about 1884
FrohSusor born about 1863
FrokGeraldine born about 1913
FrokTed born about 1909
FrokTed Jr born about 1938
FrontEmely Eborn about 1862
FruchtinechtJacob born about 1852
FruchtinechtMaria born about 1868
FullerCharles Mborn about 1862
FusarioLawsia born about 1876
FusarioRuppa born about 1873
FusaroDavid born about 1937
FusaroFrank born about 1915
FusaroMary born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabrielE born about 1910
GaffneyMary Cborn about 1866
GaffneyNora born about 1889
GaffneyPhillip Hborn about 1890
GaiciaAlbert born about 1935
GaiciaJulia born about 1915
GaiciaMary Lonborn about 1937
GaiciaRamon born about 1932
GaiciaRamon Jborn about 1908
GaiciaRichard born about 1938
GamminoJanet born about 1936
GamminoJoan born about
GamminoLester born about 1913
GamminoLoretta born about 1915
GanehaIre born about 1857
GarberEleanor born about 1923
GarciaAndy born about 1923
GarciaBeatrice born about 1925
GarciaD born about 1905
GarciaFrank born about 1905
GarciaGregory born about 1876
GarciaJ born about 1905
GarciaJ born about 1910
GarciaJony born about 1914
GarciaLouis born about 1910
GarciaSylvia born about 1889
GarofoloCamello born about 1872
GarofoloFrank born about 1914
GarofoloJimmie born about 1916
GarofoloLorence born about 1918
GarofoloRita born about 1923
GarofoloRosa born about 1881
GarofoloTony born about 1919
GarrettConnie born about 1911
GarretteEdwin Cborn about 1895
GarretteEdwinna Mborn about 1933
GarretteInez Iborn about 1908
GarretteSuzanne Eborn about 1938
GashAlice born about 1925
GashBonnie born about 1933
GashFred born about 1938
GashGlenn born about 1923
GashMary born about 1929
GashMelvin Rborn about 1928
GashRosa born about 1898
GashWilliam Fborn about 1892
GattariAezi born about 1914
GattariAyako born about 1922
GattariHiroshi born about 1924
GattariKiyoshi born about 1927
GattariTakaji born about 1887
GattariTakash born about 1919
GattariTara born about 1895
GattariWilliam born about 1936
Gaylon??? born about 1889
GaylonEunice born about 1932
GaylonMarian born about 1886
GaylonWalter born about 1915
GearyHerman born about 1914
GearyJoeph born about 1922
GearySusan born about 1915
GenosoErnest born about 1902
GeriseCaral Jborn about 1932
GeriseDam born about 1908
GeriseDavid born about 1933
GeriseGeorge born about 1938
GeriseLena born about 1911
GibbonsWilliam Eborn about 1891
GilroyWalter born about 1888
GilsonHenry born about 1902
GleeThomas born about 1868
GomesAda Mborn about 1907
GomesAgustine Mborn about 1900
GomesAgustine Tborn about 1930
GomesAlfred Mborn about 1929
GomesComelia born about 1916
GomesDella Mborn about 1934
GomesJoe born about 1896
GomesRichard born about 1935
GomesRobert Aborn about 1933
GomezBessie born about 1932
GomezDiomicia Pborn about 1851
GomezEleanor born about 1936
GomezErnest born about 1929
GomezFelix born about 1909
GomezHenry born about 1919
GomezJessie born about 1932
GomezJessis born about 1910
GomezLoretta born about 1940
GomezMary born about 1912
GomezRichard born about 1934
GonzalesBarbara born about 1925
GonzalesBernard born about 1901
GonzalesBernard born about 1923
GonzalesErnest born about 1935
GonzalesHenry born about 1936
GonzalesJ born about 1886
GonzalesLucy born about 1913
GonzalesManuel born about 1911
GonzalesR born about 1897
GonzalesRaymond born about 1928
GonzalesRaymond born about 1939
GonzalesRichard born about 1937
GonzalesRose Mborn about 1902
GoodrichEdith born about 1884
GordonBenton Cborn about 1891
GordonBenton Cborn about 1915
GordonBeulah born about 1893
GordonBillie born about 1925
GordonEdward born about 1927
GordonEdward Dborn about 1888
GordonEdward Mborn about 1862
GordonGeorge Aborn about 1916
GordonGeorge Hborn about 1885
GordonJewel born about 1892
GordonJewel born about 1919
GordonMartha born about 1924
GordonOlga born about 1894
GordonPhyllis born about 1932
GordonRobert born about 1926
GordonThomas Mborn about 1926
GormanJames Eborn about 1880
GracaJ born about 1907
GrahamGlen Bborn about 1916
GrahamJosephine Aborn about 1919
GrahamKatherine Mborn about 1920
GrahamWinifred Gborn about 1890
GraylnaFrancisco born about 1891
GremieFred born about 1881
GriffinIlaha born about 1910
GriffinJ Gborn about 1904
GriffinJerry born about 1933
GriffinKathrine born about 1869
GriffinLois born about 1936
GriffinSylvester Pborn about 1904
GrimnGrace born about 1900
GrimnLaurence born about 1923
GrimnLeonard born about 1927
GrimnLucille born about 1930
GrimnPeter born about 1857
GrodmanElgin born about 1904
GrodmanHazel born about 1907
GrodmanJacqueline born about 1930
GroffJohn born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HachatrstArmy Aborn about 1901
HachatrstDorthy born about 1933
HachatrstFrancis born about 1930
HachatrstHeney Fborn about 1900
HachatrstJelses* born about 1929
HachatrstMargaret born about 1932
HackermanGeo Mborn about 1876
HagberyEdwin born about 1918
HagberyGlenda Eborn about 1939
HagberyGrace Lborn about 1899
HagberyLila Gborn about 1919
HagemanGlenn born about 1908
HallBetty Jeanborn about 1921
HallDonald born about 1919
HallFred born about 1872
HallGeorge born about 1874
HallMaude born about 1890
HallRobert born about 1923
HallVernie Gborn about 1892
HalmarkClara born about 1890
HamashiLouise born about 1925
HamiltonLloyd born about 1907
HammondBenj born about 1884
HaneyE born about 1905
HannahElizabeth born about 1871
HannyDavid born about 1905
HannyMary born about 1918
HansenBertha born about 1875
HansenJohn born about 1875
HaradaIsami born about 1919
HaradaKazuka born about 1924
HaradaKorchi born about 1888
HaradaMinoru born about 1922
HaradaRga born about 1918
HaradaShizuka born about 1932
HaradaTara born about 1927
HaradaTsuta* born about 1886
HaradaYoshiko born about 1923
HaradaYoshio born about 1920
HarbinsonBessie Mborn about 1891
HarbinsonByron Eborn about 1923
HarbinsonCarl Eborn about 1884
HarbinsonJames Cborn about 1918
HarigonRalph born about 1907
HaroldTheresa born about 1913
HarrisEdward born about 1874
HarrisP born about 1910
HarrisonViola Rborn about 1877
HarrisonWilliam Bborn about 1884
HarveyJohn born about 1884
HastyAma born about 1891
HastyDon Mborn about 1910
HastyDonald born about 1933
HastyOrby born about 1895
HastyOrby Eborn about 1934
HeleCarol Leaborn about 1939
HeleLeah Roeborn about 1937
HeleRuby Eborn about 1914
HeleWilliam Nborn about 1913
HelphenstineAudrey born about 1926
HelphenstineDonald born about 1928
HelphenstineHenry born about 1893
HelphenstineNoel born about 1905
HelphenstineRay born about 1896
HelphenstineRussell born about 1923
HelphenstineVerna born about 1901
HemstreetElmo Lborn about 1889
HemstreetHope Lborn about 1893
HemstreetLucy Jborn about 1866
HemstreetThorella born about 1920
HendersonHugh born about 1890
HendersonJennie born about 1886
HendersonWilliam born about 1887
HenkelsDolores born about 1936
HenkelsEdward born about 1874
HenkelsLorene born about 1915
HenkelsLouis born about 1909
HerdJames born about 1881
HerdOrlean born about 1883
HerdW Wborn about 1865
HernDaniel Jborn about 1884
HernandezA born about 1900
HernandezB born about 1915
HernandezR born about 1911
HernendezH born about 1868
HersonHans born about 1875
HertmanBlanche born about 1881
HertmanHubert born about 1879
HervandezM born about 1883
HeryfordMoreen Lborn about 1917
HeryfordRobert Dborn about 1913
HeryfordRobert Dborn about 1939
HeryfordSherley Anneborn about 1938
HickeyEdna Bborn about 1914
HickeyGeorge Eborn about 1905
HickeyJohn Rborn about 1909
HickeyLillian born about 1909
HicockJulia born about 1881
HicockWalter born about 1871
HietmanAtha born about 1910
HietmanBetty Lonborn about 1939
HietmanEdmund born about 1909
HietmanJanet Lborn about 1936
HighHerbert born about 1902
HighLourdes born about 1904
HighPatricia born about 1931
HighPaul born about 1934
HillFrank Tborn about 1887
HinesLloyd Kborn about 1912
HinesZella Mborn about 1882
HochstratJoe born about 1910
HockettHomer born about 1916
HodzsonClara born about 1873
HodzsonThomas born about 1864
HollandEthel Sborn about 1892
HollandLeslie Rborn about 1885
HollandSydney born about 1928
HollenbeckLaman born about 1888
HomanFern born about 1906
HomanGale born about 1936
HomanJames born about 1935
HomanJames Lborn about 1893
HomptonJackson born about 1888
HomptonLita born about 1888
HooblerBillie Gborn about 1939
HooblerDella Mborn about 1902
HooblerWilliam Hborn about 1890
HoranLawra Mborn about
HoranWilliam born about 1939
HoranWilliam Earlborn about 1917
HoskovecErnest born about 1897
HoskovecFanny born about 1874
HoskovecFrank born about 1863
HoskovecFrank Jborn about 1904
HoskovecLee born about 1899
HouchinsBarbara born about 1918
HouchinsClaude born about 1885
HouchinsHelen born about 1905
HouchinsJessie born about 1887
HouchinsLillian born about 1873
HouchinsMary born about 1922
HowardHarry born about 1886
HowardMaude born about 1885
HowellIzella born about 1895
HowellJames Zborn about 1878
HowellKathryn born about 1885
HubbardEarl born about 1879
HuberEmil born about 1870
HuckerBarbara born about 1932
HuckerDorothy born about 1935
HuckerEarl Jr born about 1939
HuckerSophie Aborn about 1914
HuckerThomas Eborn about 1905
HuffermanJames born about 1874
HunterHarlon born about 1924
HunterHerlene* born about 1914
HunterThomas born about 1923
HurniLena Rborn about 1860
HurniLouis Cborn about 1885
HurniLouvernia born about 1889
HurteroF born about 1909
HuttmanGeorgia born about 1910
HuttmanMildred born about 1932
HuttmanWilliam born about 1938
HuttmanWilliam Mborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IorresBernice born about 1936
IorresEddie Sborn about 1909
IorresSulinda born about 1915
IrwinDonna born about 1939
IrwinKenneth born about 1916
IrwinLenora born about 1920
IrwinMarilyn born about 1936

J Surnames

JVilla born about 1891
JackmanFrank born about 1866
JacksonHenrietta Eborn about 1891
JacksonWilliam Fborn about 1888
JaconetteAngelo born about 1910
JaconetteBerta born about 1936
JaconetteFern born about 1909
JaconetteFrank born about 1932
JaconetteGeorgia born about 1934
JaconetteJewel Mborn about 1914
JaconetteMildred born about 1934
JamiaRose born about 1921
JansenJohn born about 1877
JansonBarbara born about 1922
JansonBryan born about 1920
JansonEdna born about 1898
JansonPeter born about 1895
JeffreysAnne Eborn about 1887
JeffreysWilliam Lborn about 1893
JenconHarold born about
JenconRaymond born about
JensonClara born about 1892
JensonTusluf Mborn about 1891
JohnsonAmil born about 1901
JohnsonEdgar Sborn about 1877
JohnsonJohn born about 1877
JohnsonWilliam born about 1876
JolionsAudrey born about 1934
JolionsDonald born about 1929
JolionsEugne born about 1924
JolionsFrancis born about 1905
JolionsHelen born about 1940
JolionsLawrence born about 1927
JolionsOmes* born about 1901
JonesAlice Aborn about 1894
JonesMargaret born about 1916
JonesMarion Rborn about 1904
JonesMary Gborn about 1870
JonesMelvin born about 1937
JordonArthur born about 1917
JordonLena born about 1923
JuarezJ born about 1888
JufferiesMary born about 1855
JumenezLouis born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KakitaAlica Nborn about 1925
KakitaEdmond Tborn about 1928
KakitaJama Rborn about 1894
KakitaSima born about 1901
KaluaWilliam Aborn about 1881
KaupenkaSam born about 1874
KawachiAlice born about 1919
KawachiJohn Dborn about 1915
KawachiThelma born about 1940
KeeranCarrie born about 1904
KeeranEdna Raeborn about 1934
KeeranH Eborn about 1898
KeeranWilliam Wborn about 1928
KellenKenneth Aborn about 1899
KellenKenneth Aborn about 1925
KellenMary born about 1928
KellenRose Pborn about 1892
KellerLorraine born about 1921
KellerLynn born about 1913
KeolaJoseph born about 1926
KeolaMarion born about 1933
KeolaMay born about 1908
KeolaPaul born about 1936
KeolaPauline born about 1935
KeolaSamuel Pborn about 1905
KilgoreAnginette born about 1930
KilgoreBeyant born about 1927
KilgoreDovie born about 1928
KilgoreDuncan born about 1906
KilgoreEllis Dborn about 1922
KilgoreFrank born about 1933
KilgoreJane born about 1933
KilgoreLeroy Lborn about 1882
KilgoreLuther Eborn about 1900
KilgoreMariam born about 1905
KilgoreRuth Dborn about 1891
KilgoreTruiett born about 1923
KilgoreWilliam born about 1903
KilgoreWilliam Lborn about 1918
KimponielerCharlie born about 1896
KimuraRisaburo born about 1886
KindredE Cborn about 1883
KindredOra born about 1890
KingJae born about 1909
KirtlanArthur born about 1919
KitchinAllan born about 1855
KlazAlber born about 1905
KleweEthyl born about 1880
KleweHarold born about 1938
KleweHarold Fborn about 1910
KleweMarcella born about 1911
KrohnClara born about 1878
KrohnPeter born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacertGrady born about 1921
LacertJack born about 1929
LacertJewelene born about 1931
LacertMary born about 1892
LacertMaudie born about 1934
LacertOscar born about 1893
LacertWilliam Hborn about 1926
Lahisp??? born about 1865
LahispC Jborn about 1861
LairdGrace Rborn about 1905
LairdWilliam Hborn about 1915
LambArthur Rborn about 1927
LambMary born about 1900
LambRadolpha born about 1894
LambVirginia Mborn about 1931
LamphereElaine born about 1932
LamphereFrank born about 1904
LamphereWilliam born about 1934
LamphereWillie Mayborn about 1914
LandisChel born about 1907
LandisFlorence born about 1916
LandisJoan born about 1936
LandonBarbara born about 1924
LaneEdna Mayborn about 1884
LangeAmy Lborn about 1894
LangeEd born about 1892
LangeHelen born about 1927
LangeMary born about 1926
LarsonCoyl born about 1891
LarsonDelillah born about 1901
LarueMargaret Aborn about 1884
LarueWilliam Jborn about 1879
LauppeDorothy born about 1935
LauppeEarl born about 1930
LauppeIda born about 1900
LauppeRaymon born about 1900
LauppeRaymond Jr born about 1925
LauxAdolph Dborn about 1917
LauxCamille Gborn about 1881
LauxDonald born about 1919
LauxDora Eborn about 1883
LauxDorthy Eborn about 1919
LauxGottlieb Aborn about 1882
LauxHarold Hborn about 1918
LauxJessee Bborn about 1897
LauxJohn Justusborn about 1871
LauxLeslie Jborn about 1921
LavalaPeves born about 1907
LawrenceOral F Oborn about 1882
LayMary Janeborn about 1922
LayMaryan born about 1919
LayRoy born about 1909
LayVallitta born about 1919
LeeJim born about 1864
LeeSam born about 1850
LeeWilliam born about 1861
LehmkuhlFred born about 1909
LehmkuhlLortie Bborn about 1879
LehmkuhlLouis born about 1900
LehmkuhlMartha Bborn about 1922
LeungSong born about 1885
LevingstonL Mborn about 1894
LevingstonO Wborn about 1894
LewisArthur Eborn about 1934
LewisDorothy born about 1921
LibbyArnold born about 1920
LibbyLloyd born about
LibbyMary born about 1923
LilygrenRita born about 1868
LimHee born about 1861
LinaClark Iborn about 1905
LinaDorothy born about 1922
LinaMinnie born about 1908
LinkBoyce born about 1927
LinkNell born about 1908
LinkTed Wborn about 1906
Little??? born about 1886
LittleMary Eborn about 1882
LittleRobert born about 1871
LloydScoggins born about 1890
LocvichD born about 1888
LocvichJake born about 1888
LocvichPaul born about 1927
LohmanGeo born about 1893
LomasC born about 1905
LopesDelphine Hborn about 1895
LopesEllsmore born about 1938
LopesGrace born about 1909
LopesJoseph Hborn about 1891
LopezBenigno born about 1906
LopezF born about 1893
LopezJ born about 1904
LopezS born about 1892
LoretaLouis born about 1907
LoronzatoAngeline born about 1891
LoronzatoDominica born about 1888
LoronzatoRaymond born about 1924
LoronzatoRose born about 1920
LovesThomas born about 1842
LoviaJesus born about 1898
LuceAgnes born about 1921
LuceCharles born about 1912
LuceEva born about 1938
LuceGerald born about 1916
LucenoDaniel born about 1921
LuceroClaudie born about 1924
LuceroDaniel born about 1922
LuceroElvira born about 1934
LuceroSammy born about 1928
LuceyCornelius born about 1857
LuechesiDale born about 1901
LuechesiLeone born about 1937
LuechesiMarlyn born about 1934
LuechesiMary born about 1910
LuechesiPhyllis born about 1874
LueersConcha born about 1917
LueersDavid born about 1939
LueersJoseph born about 1937
LueersJoseph Sborn about 1912
LueersRita born about 1935
LunaJ Aborn about 1882
LutmanAlfred Pborn about 1895
LutmanAlfred P Jrborn about 1937
LutmanGeorgie Mborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadenoJae born about 1905
MadronaLouis born about 1910
MadruenoE born about 1908
MagallanezAlbertena Eborn about 1938
MagallanezBeatrice born about 1915
MagallanezDavid born about 1931
MagallanezFrank Cborn about 1940
MagallanezMargarete born about 1918
MagallanezSeferina Fborn about 1937
MalaveJoseph born about 1890
MannJames born about 1881
MapesGeorge born about 1890
MarianiAghuta born about 1893
MarianiAssunta born about 1934
MarianiElubeth Annborn about 1936
MarianiNiebolena born about 1911
MarinDelores born about 1935
MarinJohn born about 1895
MarinLouisa Mborn about 1933
MarinSally Mborn about 1906
MarinoG born about 1918
MarintBetty Gborn about 1922
MarintLuis born about 1896
MarshallBlanche born about 1913
MarshallElizabeth born about 1939
MarshallEva born about 1896
MarshallJoe born about 1903
MarshallJoe Jr born about 1934
MarshallJoyce Aborn about 1936
MarshallRodney born about 1924
MarshallTheobold born about 1921
MartinJanet born about 1913
MartinJesse Mborn about 1895
MartinRichard born about 1915
MartinWilliam Eborn about 1940
MartinesF born about 1903
MasonFrank Eborn about 1875
MasonJack Tborn about 1918
MasonJune Cborn about 1922
MassaAldina born about 1910
MassaAlfred born about 1939
MassaEugene born about 1930
MassaLucille born about 1933
MassaManuel born about 1906
MatchockAlbert born about 1925
MatchockCharles born about 1912
MatchockDonna born about 1938
MatchockFrancis born about 1927
MatchockJimmie born about 1929
MatchockLeona Mborn about
MatchockPeggy born about 1936
MathewsArthur born about 1902
MathewsIma Jeanborn about 1926
MathewsRose born about 1904
MathewsVirginia born about 1928
MatsunakaFusakichi* born about 1887
MatsuokaK born about 1878
MawsonPeter born about 1895
MayersArt born about 1884
MayersBernard born about 1923
MayersBirdals born about 1890
McAuslanBertha Lborn about 1886
McAuslanNorval born about 1878
McAuslanW Dborn about 1886
McCayFlorence Gborn about 1902
McCayHarace Kborn about 1898
McCayJohn Dborn about 1929
McCayNancy Cborn about 1927
McCollumMantan born about 1872
McConnellGeo born about 1880
McDanielGeorge born about 1886
McDanielMarjorie born about 1885
McDarmottI Jborn about 1881
McDonaldArmy born about 1890
McDonaldClarence Lborn about 1888
McDonaldG Rborn about 1890
McDonaldMary born about 1861
McElrayAndrey born about 1927
McElrayE Jborn about 1890
McElrayGillie Jeasborn about 1928
McElrayLeslie born about 1891
McGannL Rborn about 1890
McKassonClarence born about 1909
McKassonD Oborn about 1903
McKassonDavidine born about 1934
McKassonDonald born about 1937
McKassonEthyl born about 1913
McKassonGoldie born about 1931
McKassonLila born about 1939
McKassonRosie born about 1932
McKayLeroy born about 1901
McMahonLeo born about 1888
McQuaidClara born about 1868
McQuaidEarl born about 1890
McQuaidOscar born about 1892
McVayDolly born about 1880
McVayIrwin Mborn about 1879
MegiteLouis born about 1903
MelvinEva born about 1866
MendonsaMarie born about 1880
MendzC born about 1911
MendzDelores born about 1939
MendzStella born about 1922
Merrich??? born about 1902
MerrichMary born about 1877
MerrillLloyd Wborn about 1888
MerrillRuth Mborn about 1895
MerrillWilliam Wborn about 1919
Meyers born about 1916
MeyersAgustus Aborn about 1881
MeyersDelbert born about 1896
MeyersJoseph Hborn about 1884
MeyrsGene born about 1893
MeyrsNurena born about 1896
MicheloAnne born about 1873
MiddlecampGeorge Eborn about 1923
MiddlecampLeonel born about 1890
MiddlecampWinifred born about 1890
MillerBinhe born about 1889
MillerElla born about 1890
MillerHereny born about 1866
MillerLovis Lborn about 1903
MillerMelba born about 1921
MillerNettee born about 1874
MillerRoy born about 1916
MitchellAgnes born about 1933
MitchellAileen born about 1935
MitchellAlbert born about 1896
MitchellAlphonsine born about 1931
MitchellAndrew born about 1891
MitchellBurritt born about 1867
MitchellDavid born about 1930
MitchellEthel born about 1911
MitchellGenevieve born about 1940
MitchellGlakdys Jborn about 1902
MitchellHarold born about 1937
MitchellHerbert born about 1929
MitchellHerbert Hborn about 1905
MitchellJason born about 1909
MitchellJohnnie born about 1875
MitchellKatharine born about 1934
MitchellMabel born about 1918
MitchellMaggie born about 1928
MitchellNancy born about 1865
MitchellNettie born about 1914
MitchellRamona born about 1930
MitchellVerna born about 1923
MitchumDaniel born about 1926
MitchumIda born about 1896
MitchumWilliam born about 1880
MizrakCarl born about 1888
MoldtEdward Jborn about 1914
MoldtGordon Eborn about 1938
MoldtThelma Gborn about 1912
MollerAdmire Dborn about 1899
MollerClara born about 1926
MollerClara Aborn about 1908
MollerClifford born about 1921
MollerRichard born about 1931
MollerVirginia born about 1938
MondonGordine born about 1937
MondonGordon born about 1916
MondonMuriel born about 1916
MondonShirley born about 1935
MondraganJoseph born about 1900
MonesFrank born about 1880
MonguCornelius born about 1862
MonrayRaymond born about 1907
MontanaR born about 1906
MontersGrace born about 1930
MontersJoe born about 1867
MontersLouise born about 1900
MontersLouise born about 1925
MontersManuel born about 1893
MontersRaymond born about 1921
MontersRichard born about 1928
MontesF born about 1923
MontezEmily born about 1928
MontezFernande born about 1924
MontezVirginia born about 1926
MontzAlfed born about 1893
MooneyFrances Mborn about 1914
MooreArlan born about 1938
MooreElizabeth born about 1918
MooreRichard born about 1912
MooreSimon born about 1867
MoranFredrico born about 1904
MorenoVictoriana born about 1887
MorganHelen born about 1913
MorganL Wborn about 1911
MorgiaJohn born about 1906
MorrisCharles born about 1912
MorrisCharles Eborn about 1890
MorrisGleen Eborn about 1916
MorrisKenneth born about 1909
MorrisLawra born about 1876
MorrisLucelle born about 1892
MorrisMildred born about 1917
MorrisNancy born about 1938
MorrisW Lborn about 1875
MorrowClyde Lborn about 1913
MorrowFreda Fborn about 1919
MortonPete born about 1885
MoserHelen Hborn about 1898
MoserJoseph born about 1890
MoserLillie born about 1898
MoserVoris Rborn about 1900
MossGeorge born about 1907
MossLilie born about 1879
MummeDale born about 1893
MummeLila Leeborn about 1931
MummeMarion born about 1908
MundClara born about 1873
MundFrank Georgeborn about 1866
MundeyAlfred born about 1860
MunezLouis born about 1907
MunezVictor born about 1940
MunnallyG Sborn about 1869
MurataK born about 1870
MyersEarl Hborn about 1889
MyersJosephine Mborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NatarreteJ born about 1899
NaulFrank born about 1883
NazelLeo Aborn about 1890
NealCharle Pborn about 1875
NeleonMatt born about 1888
NelsonLe Roy born about 1919
NelsonMary born about 1880
NelsonT born about 1878
NenohachiHarry born about 1912
NenohachiJohn born about 1924
NenohachiM born about 1877
NenohachiTuya born about 1880
NilesBertha born about 1885
NilesJohn born about 1883
NilesJohn Jr born about 1922
NoresR born about 1904
NorthripHenry Gborn about 1878
NortonChester born about 1880
NortonLottie Aborn about 1881
NovotnyOpal born about 1900
NovotnyVencel born about 1884
NunesFrank born about 1892
NunesJ born about 1885
NunesL born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakleyMary Eborn about 1917
OchoaErnest born about 1898
OhanerWilliam born about 1877
OhaverMayme born about 1887
OhaverSam born about 1867
OhaverVern born about 1882
OkikawaKenichiro born about 1882
OkikawaRakumi born about 1897
OkikawaTadato born about 1919
OkikawaTiro born about 1927
OleoryIrene Eborn about 1937
OleoryJack Jborn about
OleoryJames Mborn about 1917
OleoryJerome Jborn about 1914
OlineesEugene born about 1919
OliveresB born about 1909
OlivreaManuel born about 1922
OllmarCharles born about 1858
OragesCarmen born about 1917
OragesD born about 1905
OragesOphelia born about 1939
OraurkAlice born about 1896
OraurkJack born about 1931
OraurkLj Lborn about 1895
OraurkPatey born about 1927
OrcheElda born about 1890
OrdonesF born about 1882
OretegaBedal born about 1910
OrnelasMike born about 1896
Ortaz38 born about 1902
OrtegaBetty born about 1931
OrtegaChristine born about 1934
OrtegaEthyl born about 1909
OrtegaJune born about 1936
OrtegaLeonord born about 1932
OsbornJohn born about 1913
OsbornJohn Bborn about 1939
OsbornRuth Rborn about 1916
OtevensLillian born about 1908
OtevensMaurice Cborn about 1908
OttenwalterLucy born about 1889
OttenwalterRay born about 1916
OttenwalterRoland born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackerClara Cborn about 1876
PackerNettie born about 1906
PaddockWm born about 1890
PainVirginia born about 1881
PanterEdith Aborn about 1939
PanterEdith Mborn about 1914
PanterHarold Eborn about 1910
PanterMarjorie born about 1938
PanterRoberta Lborn about 1937
ParadiseBernice born about 1925
ParadiseEvelyn born about 1920
ParadiseFrank born about 1877
ParadiseJacob born about 1881
ParadiseLorraine born about 1922
ParadisePeter born about 1875
ParkerAlbert born about 1918
ParkerGeorge Wborn about 1865
PartainKathryn born about 1939
PartainMary born about 1918
PartainSteve born about 1914
PartainThery Oborn about 1908
PascualD Mborn about 1903
PatesonLillian born about 1870
PeartAnna born about 1903
PeartWard born about 1905
PeerHarry born about 1888
PembertonAtkins born about 1927
PeraltaM born about 1900
PerezB born about 1903
PerezDominga born about 1908
PerezEdward born about 1932
PerezF born about 1908
PerezGregory born about 1929
PerezJohn born about 1903
PerezLillian born about 1931
PerrisJulian born about 1903
PerryDavid born about 1915
PerryDelbert born about 1939
PerryLester Lborn about 1913
PerryMadge born about 1917
PetermanLes born about 1918
PetermanLloyd born about 1916
PetersDelores born about 1931
PetersGeoge born about 1924
PetersJoseph born about 1890
PetersLorina born about 1928
PetersManuel born about 1921
PetersVirginia born about 1894
PetersVirginia born about 1926
PetersonCarl Lborn about 1889
PettyClara born about 1916
PettyDoris Jborn about 1937
PettyKenneth Rborn about 1910
PhilesDowry* born about 1902
PhillpsR Eborn about 1854
PiasR born about 1892
PinaAlvin born about 1929
PinaArthur born about 1895
PinaChas born about 1908
PinaClara born about 1937
PinaEvylyn born about 1935
PinaJ born about 1876
PinaJessie born about 1881
PinaKatharine born about 1907
PinaManuel born about 1880
PinaMyrtle born about 1927
PlefferJoseph born about 1878
PoageElla Lborn about 1872
PoageW Aborn about 1869
PolanderFrancis Nborn about 1913
PolanderHelen born about 1917
PolanderShirley Hborn about 1938
PomfretAlice born about 1918
PomfretS Aborn about 1911
PonteAntonythe* born about 1922
PonteFrank born about 1897
PopeChester born about 1911
PortelloBetty born about 1924
PortelloDoris born about 1903
PortelloDoris born about 1926
PortelloReginald born about 1899
PortelloRiginald born about 1939
PortelloRobert born about 1922
PorterLawrance born about 1918
PowellFrank Wborn about 1875
PowellJohn born about 1906
PrineBanham born about 1877
PrineCleanor born about 1892
PrineJoseph born about 1919
PrineThomas born about 1921
PropfeAnne Dborn about 1902
PropfeCarl Wborn about 1898
PropfeMatildrilde born about 1875
PropfeWinifred Aborn about 1936
PulshupEsther born about 1895
PulshupHank born about 1880
PulshupRussell born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuacoLouis born about 1869
QuickBetty born about 1927
QuickClara born about 1897
QuickClark Wborn about 1887
QuickJames born about 1921
QuickLayton born about 1929
QuickLouis born about 1925
QuickMilton Eborn about 1918
QuickWalter born about 1923
QuickWilliam Wborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

Raberts??? born about 1915
RabertsGary born about 1936
RadgrsCatheryn born about 1928
RadgrsJohn born about 1885
RaganIrane born about 1878
RaganitGibson born about 1912
RaimeyWilliam born about 1902
RamdallGeorge born about 1854
RamerizJ born about 1888
RamleyAnevy born about 1910
RamleyJara Amilyborn about 1938
RamleyRuella born about 1909
RamosDolores born about 1932
RamosJae born about 1911
RamosJoe born about 1935
RamosJoseph born about 1924
RamosMary Oborn about 1913
RamyJ Eborn about 1874
RamyLucy born about 1884
RantsFrancis born about 1906
RantsLa Van born about 1930
RaposaEdna Mborn about 1918
RaposaEugene Wborn about 1915
RaposaKay Mborn about 1939
RaposaTerence Eborn about 1938
RassJohn born about 1903
RassLeita born about 1916
RathbernAbbert born about 1893
RathbernLeonard born about 1921
RathbernMarion born about 1898
RayersDerk* born about 1902
RayesA born about 1901
RaymondDaniel born about 1877
RaymondEliza born about 1874
ReclusadoAnders born about 1893
RedoDon Aborn about 1906
RedoDonald Fborn about 1928
RedoEmma Mborn about 1907
ReedBeatrice Rborn about 1925
ReedVirgil born about 1922
RegaladoJennie born about 1898
RegoniM born about 1890
ReilandFred Hborn about 1871
ReusserElida born about 1932
ReusserFritz born about 1904
ReusserFritz born about 1934
ReusserMildred born about 1915
RheaJessie born about 1914
RheaPaul born about 1914
RiceMyra Wborn about 1879
RiceThomas G Dborn about 1862
RicheiJohn born about 1886
RivasP born about 1887
RiveraDel born about 1915
RoaAmaro born about 1928
RoaAndy born about 1932
RoaAnita born about 1905
RoaClara born about 1939
RoaFrank born about 1930
RoaIsabel born about 1924
RoaManuel born about 1888
RoaManuel born about 1927
RoaVirginia born about 1938
RobertsAlbert born about 1885
RobertsMarya born about 1864
RobertsonU Lborn about 1886
RobinsonChas born about 1881
RoderiguesA born about 1880
RodersgulsAntone born about 1885
RodgersEstla born about 1893
RodgersGoldie born about 1907
RodgersGrace born about 1898
RodgersJames born about 1932
RodgersJoseph born about 1906
RodgersJoseph born about 1935
RodgersKatharine born about 1939
RodgersMary born about 1937
RodgersMary Mborn about 1893
RodgersRose born about 1918
RodgersRosella born about 1930
RodgersStephen born about 1909
RodgersWilliam born about 1888
RodreguczJohn born about 1904
RodriqueManuel Mborn about 1881
RoeGeorge born about 1938
RoeInfant Nomeborn about 1939
RoeMarjorie born about 1931
RoePard born about 1901
RoePard born about 1932
RoeRosie born about 1903
RoeSallie Aborn about 1938
RogecaBeel Jeasborn about 1925
RogecaBerneta born about 1928
RogecaBibbie Dborn about 1933
RogecaGenonne* born about 1935
RogecaJoe Jborn about 1932
RogecaLorene born about 1907
RogecaShewood born about 1926
RohlfingLouis born about 1880
RojasP born about 1907
RolenGeorge born about 1935
RolenPhillip born about 1914
RolenRuby born about 1916
RollesI born about 1907
RonchettoEdna born about 1915
RonchettoJoe born about 1915
RonchettoLindo born about 1903
RonchettoVirginia born about 1913
RosasA born about 1900
RoundtreeJuanita born about 1938
RoundtreeLewis born about 1892
RoundtreeMartin born about 1926
RoundtreeRochel born about 1893
RoxonCamellia born about 1927
RoxonEudra born about 1896
RoxonEugina born about 1935
RoxonFloyd born about 1934
RoxonFred born about 1922
RoxonFreda born about 1929
RoxonGeorge born about 1890
RoxonGeorgia born about 1930
RoxonJunior born about 1939
RublesAlbert born about 1900
RyanJohn born about 1876
RyanJohn Fborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabalaN born about 1890
SachreiterAnne Kborn about 1868
SachreiterErvie Kborn about 1889
SachreiterJ Eborn about 1867
SachreiterJoan born about 1924
SachreiterLillie Anneborn about 1889
SaensM born about 1901
SagenArthur born about 1905
SagenEvelyn born about 1916
SagenJay born about 1939
SaguiManuel born about 1898
SaitoA Jr born about 1916
SaitoAkira born about 1925
SaitoRosa born about 1928
SaitoShenzi born about 1922
SakamotoAlice born about 1922
SakamotoBetty born about 1925
SakamotoChnis born about 1885
SakamotoDorothy born about 1924
SakamotoIsabeeo born about 1873
SakamotoMarie born about 1921
SalvatoreAlice born about 1927
SalvatoreClarence born about 1923
SalvatoreLucella born about 1933
SalvatoreRose born about 1906
SalvatoreVan born about 1901
SamoraS born about 1899
SampsonMarit born about 1877
SampsonWilliam Henryborn about 1888
SanchezE born about 1886
SanchezE born about 1888
SanchezManuel born about 1881
SarrettSunamy born about 1911
SartainAnna Bborn about 1871
SartainHoward Bborn about 1869
SartainHuden Bborn about 1907
SartainLuther Hborn about 1859
SartoriJune born about 1899
SaucedoJose born about 1909
SaundersBelle born about 1862
SawyerJoe born about 1872
ScarlettA Eborn about 1883
ScarlettMay born about 1883
SchafferBelle born about 1886
SchafferJoseph born about 1878
SchibigAnna born about 1915
SchibigAnna born about 1916
SchibigAnna Oborn about 1888
SchibigCarl born about 1924
SchibigElizabeth born about 1918
SchibigFrances born about 1922
SchibigJoseph born about 1881
SchibigJoseph born about 1914
SchibigLouisa born about 1925
SchibigMartin born about 1916
SchibigMeinrad born about 1880
SchibigTeresa born about 1885
SchibigTeresa born about 1919
SchmethJohn born about 1859
SchmidtAlverta born about 1895
SchmidtElizabeth born about 1873
SchmidtElizabeth born about 1929
SchmidtElse born about 1898
SchmidtHans Fborn about 1892
SchmidtHenery born about 1893
SchmidtLoluis born about 1930
SchnabelRandolph born about 1913
SchnabelShirley born about 1913
SchroederHerma Gborn about 1896
SchroederMargaret born about 1923
SchroederMyrtle Aborn about 1897
ScottChristine born about 1927
ScottClyde Fborn about 1916
ScottE Wborn about 1903
ScottErnest born about 1931
ScottFreda Lborn about 1929
ScottMildred born about 1911
ScottMinnie born about 1917
SeaverCharles Wborn about 1927
SeaverChas Fborn about 1869
SeaverDelores Pborn about 1922
SeaverEmma Fborn about 1871
SeaverHelen Mborn about 1897
SeaverLendell Jborn about 1921
SeaverLloyd Wborn about 1897
SeaverMary Elmaborn about 1929
SellmanLaura Sborn about 1866
SellmanSamiuel Rborn about 1900
SelmaG born about 1907
SeppeC Rborn about 1889
ShannahanJames Sborn about 1876
ShaverCaroline Jborn about 1938
ShaverDaisy Juneborn about 1878
ShaverJerry Cborn about 1939
ShaverPhilip Vborn about 1913
ShaverWilma Jborn about 1919
ShearerVegils born about 1916
SheehanPatrick Jborn about 1882
ShellyThomas born about 1900
Shields??? born about 1904
ShieldsCarl born about 1895
ShieldsJessie born about 1917
ShieldsMark born about 1914
ShimLee born about 1850
ShippyB Fborn about 1891
ShumanAlney born about 1931
ShumanBertie born about 1929
ShumanCary Eborn about 1889
ShumanClyde Hborn about 1910
ShumanElsie born about 1905
ShumanIvan born about 1929
ShumanMenie born about 1935
ShumanWalter born about 1918
ShumanWilliam Fborn about 1879
ShumanWillmon born about 1933
ShumanWilma born about 1922
ShumerErnest born about 1917
ShumerJoan born about 1916
ShurrFred born about 1890
SilveiroyL born about 1897
SimmonsFern born about 1939
SimmonsJames born about 1931
SimmonsLouis born about 1938
SimmonsPhyllis born about 1933
SimmonsRuby born about 1906
SimmonsSylvester born about 1903
SimonJustina born about 1915
SimonLupe born about 1936
SimonRobles born about 1903
SimonSimon born about 1939
SimponEarlen born about 1939
SimponHanry born about 1918
SimponViolet born about 1920
SlaterCharlotte Bborn about 1899
SlaterJack born about 1925
SlaterWalter Eborn about 1897
SlaterWinona born about 1926
SlinnerAmanda born about 1901
SlinnerC Fborn about 1907
SloanManuel born about 1908
SmickAnn born about 1914
SmickPhyllis born about 1939
SmickRuben born about 1913
SmirnowDan Sborn about 1884
SmithBlanche born about 1911
SmithElaine born about 1929
SmithElmer born about 1874
SmithGeo Sborn about 1881
SmithLillian born about 1933
SmithMannie Mborn about 1887
SmithWalter born about 1904
SnellEthel born about 1882
SniderGladys Mborn about 1913
SniderJoan Mborn about 1931
SniderMerle Eborn about 1936
SniderWilliam Eborn about 1907
SoberanesLottie born about 1885
SooresAlma born about 1913
SooresMaurice born about 1909
SouthamBarbara born about 1936
SouthamLuella born about 1907
SouthamLyle born about 1909
SouthamRomaine born about 1905
SouthamSharren born about 1934
SouthamThomas Lborn about 1932
SozaS born about 1920
SpringLura born about 1889
SpringPaul born about 1924
Springson??? born about 1913
Springson??? born about 1915
SpringsonWilliams born about 1892
SpurlockCharles Eborn about 1865
SpurlockJane Eborn about 1875
SquierElyce born about 1921
StaffordA Jborn about 1866
StaffordArthur Aborn about 1883
StaffordEleanor born about 1924
StaffordEva Mborn about 1885
StaffordFlorien born about 1934
StaffordGeoge born about 1873
StaffordGeorgia born about 1925
StaffordHenry Bborn about 1879
StaffordJames born about 1864
StaffordJessie born about 1926
StaffordMinnie born about 1888
StaffordRose born about 1898
StalionsEleck born about 1882
StamGeorge Johnborn about 1868
StamRichard born about 1904
StamRosahel* born about 1871
StappCles born about 1905
StappFrank born about 1900
StappLula born about 1872
StappWinnie born about 1897
StarnaterCharline born about 1931
StarnaterEleana born about 1909
StarnaterSheldon born about 1908
StarnaterSheldon Jr born about 1929
SteeleHarry born about 1864
StegallIsacke born about 1901
StegallJ Dborn about 1913
Stephens??? born about 1916
StephensAlma born about 1906
StephensBernore born about 1939
StephensDonna born about 1929
StephensGerdeline born about 1934
StephensIvann* Jborn about 1905
StephensJerome Pborn about 1900
StephensJohn Nborn about 1868
StephensKathryn born about 1931
StephensLeora born about 1904
StephensLionell Aborn about 1904
StephensVictoria born about 1875
SteuartJohn Oborn about 1887
StevensRichard born about 1912
StewartFrank born about 1872
StihaEd born about 1907
StinchfieldCallian born about 1872
StinchfieldFreda born about 1919
StinchfieldStanley born about 1917
StinchfreedAudrey Jonellborn about 1934
StinchfreedEther born about 1911
StinchfreedHenry Hborn about 1908
StinchfreedVirginia ?born about 1922
StlouisEmil Fborn about 1888
StlouisGeorge Wborn about 1883
StlouisZella Mborn about 1888
StmauriceCharles born about 1872
StmauriceHattie Belleborn about 1872
StrongH Rborn about 1900
StuartChas Lborn about 1866
StuartDallas Bborn about 1906
StuartDorothy Mborn about 1929
StuartDorthy born about 1912
StuartEarl born about 1932
StuartEva born about 1888
StuartFloyd Gborn about 1927
StuartIrvin born about 1917
StuartJere born about 1934
StuartLester born about 1937
StuartMelvin born about 1916
StuartRaymond Cborn about 1892
StuartTheodore born about 1928
SturgisJames Wborn about 1902
Stydlemagea??? born about 1938
StydlemageaAnthony born about 1897
StydlemageaDerles* Rborn about 1904
StydlemageaJohn Pborn about 1939
StydlemageaLauise born about 1915
StydlemageaMary born about 1909
StydlemergerAlice born about 1907
StydlenmergerAntone born about 1861
StydlenmergerFrancis born about 1895
StyllenezeGeorge born about 1906
StyllenezeJeraldine born about 1918
SudesJohn born about 1906
SummyFlorence born about 1910
SummyKenneth Lborn about 1939
SummyWilliam Aborn about 1910
SunadaM born about 1885
SussellSoren born about 1886
SutliffGeo Rborn about 1930
SwiftMeryle born about 1925
SynkCelia born about 1891
SynkClarence born about 1910
SynkDonald born about 1924
SynkGerald born about 1927
SynkGeraldyne born about 1927
SynkWilliam Dborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TadlockAddie Mborn about 1868
TadlockKathelean born about 1900
TadlockKatoleen born about 1923
TadlockLee Royborn about 1892
TaylorCarl born about 1911
TaylorFrancis Lborn about 1891
TaylorHarry Leeborn about 1888
TaylorHenry Fborn about 1883
TaylorJane born about 1888
TaylorJudd Cborn about 1874
Tellerwater??? Jborn about 1854
TellerwaterEmma born about 1875
TenakaT born about 1880
TeneseJohn born about 1914
TenmantEdward Wborn about 1871
TenmantMattie Mayborn about 1873
TennantDella born about 1906
TennantRobert Jborn about 1901
TennantRobert Lborn about 1938
TennontFlorence Hborn about 1908
TerrellGeorge Lborn about 1888
TerrellKatharine born about 1876
TerrellWallace born about 1873
ThayerAchillo* born about 1922
ThayerAmanda born about 1895
ThayerAustin born about 1894
ThayerLawrence born about 1920
ThayerPatricia born about 1924
TheyerAden born about 1904
ThomanClara born about 1907
ThomanMark born about 1901
ThomasClara born about 1898
ThomasHoward born about 1931
ThomasLee Oborn about 1904
ThompsonHelen Mborn about 1891
ThompsonNon born about 1869
ThompsonRoss Mborn about 1888
ThriftJoe Annaborn about 1876
TibaraEdward born about 1932
TibaraGeorge born about 1926
TibaraHerriberto born about 1907
TibaraRobert born about 1929
TibaraSancto born about 1908
TinnantFrances Hborn about 1868
TinnantLewis born about 1913
TinnantTheodore born about 1911
TinnerCharles born about 1925
TinnerLa Vern born about 1928
TinnerLawrence born about 1926
TinnerLloyd born about 1923
TjarksJohn born about 1902
ToddFloyd born about 1907
ToddFloyd Jr born about 1930
ToddStephena born about 1910
TodonBobette born about 1920
TodonBradley born about 1925
TodonGene born about 1895
TodonViolet born about 1895
TomeyJose born about 1902
TompkinsEdith Cborn about 1887
TompkinsG Nborn about 1882
TorciaMeynel born about 1891
TotmanIsaac born about 1875
TotmanLaura born about 1889
TovreaAlbert born about 1929
TovreaAlfred born about 1917
TovreaAmelia born about 1921
TovreaBelen born about 1895
TovreaEsther born about 1919
TovreaGladys born about 1935
TovreaHelen born about 1924
TovreaJae Hborn about 1912
TovreaJose born about 1891
TovreaMary born about 1926
TovreaRaymond born about 1933
TracyMary born about 1869
TuckerBarbra born about 1931
TuckerDelbert born about 1933
TuckerDelores born about 1937
TuckerJames born about 1930
TuckerJoyce born about 1931
TuckerJury born about 1936
TuckerMildred born about 1906
TurleyClyde born about 1903
TurnerJohn born about 1886
TurraAbile born about 1893
TuttleA Darwinborn about 1894
TuttleAnna born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhlandClaude born about 1917
UhlandEdna born about 1883
UhlandLyle born about 1914
UhlandRobert born about 1878
UppJohn born about 1877
UvezJas born about 1893

V Surnames

VBarriga Vborn about 1908
ValdezAntonia born about 1918
ValdezCarmel born about 1936
ValdezCatalina born about 1939
ValdezEdmund born about 1935
ValdezLydia born about 1937
ValdezRamon born about 1905
ValenciaA born about 1893
VandenenterEarl born about 1912
VandenenterEarlene born about 1939
VandenenterJanice born about 1917
VanhoninghamAdy born about 1914
VanhoninghamAlder born about 1888
VarelaJoe born about 1902
VarhaninghamEvelyn born about 1917
VarhaninghamHeleigh born about 1936
VarhaninghamHwardi* born about 1916
VasquezG born about 1900
VedoFrancis Aborn about 1919
VernalChalio born about 1900
VerrillAdela Mborn about 1884
VestClarence born about 1910
VickersJosephine born about 1871
VictorinMinnie born about 1876
VictorinoIda born about 1924
VictorinoM Sborn about 1867
VictorinoMary born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerLewis born about 1871
WalkerOrlan born about 1916
WallaceBahca born about 1921
WallaceKing born about 1881
WallacePauline born about 1884
WallaceRobert Dborn about 1927
WallaceWilliam born about 1923
WallaceWilliam Sborn about 1871
WattFlorence born about 1895
WattJames Aborn about 1887
WattJimmy born about 1934
WattMargaret born about 1927
WattRuth born about 1928
WattThomas Hborn about 1878
WatusLillian born about 1912
WatusLory born about 1937
WeastByron born about 1895
WeastHelen born about 1927
WeastIsaac Hborn about 1905
WeastLillie born about 1901
WeastMuriel born about 1903
WeastRobert Wborn about 1930
WeastThelma Jborn about 1928
WeastWilba born about 1920
WeberFlorence born about 1904
WeberHenry born about 1870
WeberMary born about 1870
WeberWilliam born about 1900
WeberWilliam Jr born about 1928
WeeksEvelyn born about 1921
WeeksW Cedrie Oborn about 1918
WeillGeorge born about 1908
WeisLoren born about 1872
WeizarB born about 1894
WelchBetty Rborn about 1927
WelchBeverly Iborn about 1928
WelchCharlesworth born about 1900
WelchEleanor born about 1901
WelchIndia Pborn about 1908
WelchRaymond born about 1906
WerlanderBurnell born about 1929
WerlanderFern born about 1909
WerlanderKay born about 1906
WescottCresy Sr born about 1874
WescottEllen born about 1874
WestcampBlanche born about 1916
WestcampLloyd born about 1915
WestcampPearl born about 1890
WestcampPhyllis born about 1920
WestcampRaymond born about 1886
WestfallEdith Jborn about 1892
WestfallJohn Fborn about 1922
WestfallLaws born about 1895
WestfallMary Jborn about 1925
WestfallMaurine born about 1904
WestfallPaul Rborn about 1894
WestfallRalph born about 1886
WestfallWinifred Bborn about 1896
Westphul??? born about 1900
WestphulChester born about 1892
WestphulElica born about 1929
WestphulHelen born about 1932
WestphulMarlynn born about 1923
WheelerAlfred born about 1898
WheelerDoris born about 1939
WheelerJackie born about 1925
WheelerOpal born about 1900
WheelerRobert born about 1937
WheldonJane born about 1915
WhippleHarriet born about 1850
WhiteRetta born about 1873
WhitingC Jborn about 1877
WhitingEdyn Bborn about 1884
WileyWm born about 1870
WilkinsonKenneth born about 1917
WilliamsD born about 1905
WilliamsWm H Oborn about 1899
WillisJimmy born about 1933
WillisJuanita born about 1930
WillisThelma born about 1903
WillisThomas Cborn about 1912
WillousemoD born about 1882
WilsonCatherine born about 1878
WilsonSarah born about 1876
WilsonWilliam born about 1874
WingettGalvin born about 1925
WingettJackie born about 1921
WingettLily born about 1889
WingettMaxine born about 1923
WingettOrval Oborn about 1891
WinnFlorence born about 1898
WinnLois Annborn about 1937
WinnMary Ellenborn about 1923
WinnRobert Bborn about 1913
WinnWilliam born about 1884
WohlfromRose born about 1870
WomblesPenny born about 1906
WoodsRoy Eborn about 1873
WooleryDirirol* born about 1928
WooleryEarl born about 1937
WooleryGeorge born about 1939
WooleryGilbert born about 1920
WooleryIda born about 1901
WooleryIral born about 1918
WooleryKenneth born about 1936
WooleryLloyd born about 1916
WooleryMavis born about 1923
WooleryMelda born about 1930
WooleryPhyllis born about 1934
WooleryTed born about 1901
WooleryTeddy born about 1932
WooleryTheodora born about 1923
WooleryWanda born about 1925
WorcottCressy born about 1908
WorcottRogenold born about 1931
WorcottVera Jeanborn about 1935
WorcottViolet born about 1908
WrightBillie Addeborn about 1932
WrightDorothy born about 1919
WrightFay born about 1912
WrightGary born about 1939
WrightJeanene born about 1936
WrightJohn born about 1910
WrightLoren born about 1917
WrightLuster Hborn about 1912
WrightS Dborn about 1915
WrightWilliam born about 1910
WwBrown born about 1864
WwClyde born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YamamotoAkira born about 1909
YamamotoSada born about 1910
YanezCarnalita* born about 1910
YanezFrank born about 1889
YanezJael born about 1935
YanezJesus born about 1910
YanezMargaret born about 1938
YanezVirginia born about 1937
YatesGladys born about 1901
YatesHarold born about 1919
YatesLeo born about 1918
YatesRaymond born about 1926
YbaraFrankie born about 1934
YbaraJoe born about 1938
YbaraJosephine born about 1916
YbaraSabantis born about 1914
YbaraWilliam born about 1936
YbarraJ born about 1888
YerinoNungora born about 1905
YingLim Toyborn about 1875
YnigasJ born about 1894
YongsCarrie Rborn about 1887
YongsWalter born about 1879
YoungClark born about 1915
YoungClifford Fborn about 1910
YoungColan born about 1915
YoungJames born about 1883
YoungJoseph Jborn about 1899
YoungKatharina born about 1876
YoungMarie born about 1887
YoungRobert born about 1883
YoungRoy born about 1922
YungMy born about 1859

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiminBill born about 1904
ZwaldFreda born about 1901
ZwaldFreda born about 1929
ZwaldJ Wborn about 1893
ZwaldJoe born about 1930
ZwaldWaller born about 1932

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