1940 U.S. Federal Census of Corte Madera, Marin, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Marin County > 1940 Census of Corte Madera

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsClyde Eborn about 1930
AdamsFlorence Lborn about 1895
AdamsWilliam Lborn about 1888
AdamsWilliam L Jrborn about 1919
AhrensBlanche Vborn about 1905
AhrensLoanda Mborn about 1935
AllenHenry Aborn about 1891
AllenHenry A Jrborn about 1920
AllenLloyd Wborn about 1918
AllenSusan Pborn about 1894
AllmanFred born about 1890
AllmanJoe Cborn about 1863
AllmanMary born about 1891
AndersonKathleen born about 1916
AndersonLouis Herbertborn about 1918
AndersonNoel born about 1914
AndersonRosa Mborn about 1888
AndrichBanaba born about 1926
AndrichDonald born about 1932
AndrichEveyln born about 1898
AndrichFrank Jborn about 1897
AngellAlena born about 1901
AngellEdgar born about 1931
AngellThomas born about 1932
ApplebaumEllen born about 1911
ApplebaumJoann born about 1935
ApplebaumJoseph Jborn about 1910
ApplebaumLynn born about 1939
ArmstrongAllen Sborn about 1932
ArmstrongClarence Tborn about 1895
ArmstrongDorothy Eborn about 1901
ArmstrongLeslie Cborn about 1933
AustinLoretta born about 1885
AzevedoBetty Jborn about 1926
AzevedoEnos Fborn about 1897
AzevedoEnos Fborn about 1929
AzevedoTheodore Fborn about 1906

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B Surnames

BaileyClarence Hborn about 1879
BaileyMona Bborn about 1887
BallaamAlbert Eborn about 1902
BanksElmer Eborn about 1873
BanksHelen born about 1879
BarkerBruce Bborn about 1917
BarkerJoseph born about 1884
BarkerMalinda Aborn about 1883
BarnardVirginia born about 1887
BartlettHelen born about 1890
BartlettHomer born about 1884
BatesGeorge Wborn about 1894
BatesHarold Jborn about 1901
BatesImelda born about 1905
BatesJerome born about 1928
BatesMary Cborn about 1903
BatesPatricia Annborn about 1937
BatesRose Mary Cborn about 1930
BatesRosella born about 1869
BatesSamuel born about 1871
BatesThomas Jborn about 1933
BauerLouis Lborn about 1877
BeachAlva Fborn about 1914
BeachCassie Mborn about 1875
BeckerAlga born about 1880
BeckerErna Kborn about 1898
BeckerErnest born about 1875
BeckerRichard Gborn about 1895
BeersAnna Mborn about 1903
BeersDavid Cborn about 1900
BeersDorothy Juneborn about 1929
BellochiAlexandrine born about 1881
BellochiLouis born about 1883
BelshawRobert born about 1891
BeltramyJohn born about 1876
BennettAnnie Eborn about 1876
BennettBetty born about 1911
BennettEdwin Cborn about 1905
BennettEdwin Jborn about 1867
BennettJohn Dborn about 1913
BennettLillian Mborn about 1917
BertalleThomas Jborn about 1901
BerwertCharles born about 1932
BettegaFrank born about 1871
BevanAlbert Chasborn about 1906
BevanAnita Cborn about 1913
BevanBonita Dieneborn about 1939
BlackettCarolyn Cborn about 1914
BlackettJoseph Sborn about 1907
BlackettJoseph S Jrborn about 1939
BlackettNancy Cborn about 1936
BogdanMark Lborn about 1920
BogdanMark L Jrborn about 1939
BogdanTheresa Gborn about 1917
BolandAlbert Jborn about 1939
BolandAlberta Lborn about 1913
BolandBarbara born about 1935
BolandBeverley Mborn about 1939
BolandJoseph Fborn about 1908
BolandRobert Jborn about 1938
BolandStella Mborn about 1876
BonseggernMary Eborn about 1878
BordanaroAuda Aborn about 1904
BordanaroJanice Aborn about 1926
BordanaroJoann born about 1927
BordanaroJoesph Cborn about 1900
BowmanDavid Jborn about 1922
BowmanHarry Rborn about 1924
BowmanJoan Mborn about 1933
BowmanJoel Pborn about 1913
BowmanJoseph Dborn about 1886
BowmanMargaret Aborn about 1916
BowmanRalph Hborn about 1919
BowmanRibie Lborn about 1889
BowmanRobert Aborn about 1934
BrandtGust born about 1876
BrandtHerman born about 1917
BrandtSonia born about 1881
BrehmerOscar Rborn about 1898
BrehmerVictoria Gborn about 1903
BrehmerVictoria Mborn about 1928
BroadwayJesse Williamborn about 1934
BroadwayJessie Dborn about 1901
BroadwayJohn Mborn about 1892
BroadwayJohn M Jrborn about 1929
BroadwayMary Ellenborn about 1927
BrownAlice Lborn about 1916
BrownAnne Cborn about 1903
BrownAudrey Iborn about 1935
BrownCaryl Nborn about 1914
BrownCharles Fborn about 1869
BrownClifford Dborn about 1889
BrownConstance Lborn about 1925
BrownCornelis born about 1902
BrownDonald Gborn about 1931
BrownElliott born about 1899
BrownHarold Eborn about 1908
BrownIda Lborn about 1896
BrownIda Sborn about 1875
BrownLaverna Mborn about 1925
BrownMarcia Aborn about 1913
BrownMargaret Sborn about 1864
BrownMary Lborn about 1871
BrownMyron Mborn about 1922
BrownRaymond Hborn about 1894
BrownRichard Lborn about 1939
BrownRobart Eborn about 1931
BrownRobert Sborn about 1912
BrownWilliam Wborn about 1909
BuchermanMarie born about 1875
BuckCaroline born about 1873
BuckFred born about 1901
ButteHomer born about 1911
ButteIrma born about 1913
ByrnesEugene Eborn about 1919
ByrnesEugene Fborn about 1920
ByrnesMarcelle Rborn about 1922
ByrnesRobert Cborn about 1924

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C Surnames

CalvertJule Gborn about 1890
CamborisEmanuel born about 1895
CamborisKatherine born about 1933
CamborisMartha born about 1906
CamborisPeter born about 1937
CampbellA Aborn about 1897
CampbellAdele born about 1896
CampbellDaisy born about 1888
CampbellDonald Tborn about 1900
CampbellEugenia Mborn about 1900
CampbellJoseph born about 1895
CampbellMargaret Sborn about 1878
CanepaMartina Mborn about 1900
CanepaPaul Jborn about 1892
CantrellHelen Dborn about 1886
CardinalAugustin Jborn about 1872
CardinalMary Aborn about 1878
CarrEsmond Jamesborn about 1891
CarrFlorence Mborn about 1900
CarryGertrude born about 1903
CarryHoward born about 1931
CarryMichael born about 1903
CavanaghAnita Bborn about 1912
CavanaghMerril born about 1877
CavanaghShirley born about 1909
CawpaznaFrank Jr born about 1915
CawpaznaHille Fborn about 1881
ChadbourneEdwin Wborn about 1875
ChadbourneIsak Hborn about 1884
ChapmanArline born about 1924
ChapmanFlorence born about 1904
ChapmanRichard born about 1898
CheathamEdward Jborn about 1913
CheathamMary Lborn about 1912
CheathamPearl Eborn about 1889
ChewSoo born about 1915
ChristeDorothy Pborn about 1909
ChristieIra born about 1909
ClarkBessie Lborn about 1883
ClarkByron Fborn about 1914
ClarkEdward Fborn about 1885
ClarkNora Mborn about 1864
ClarkWalter Bborn about 1867
ClarksonElla Pborn about 1905
ClarksonRobert Jborn about 1901
ClaybergerAlice Jborn about 1906
ClaybergerLester L Mborn about 1902
CloseHarold Bborn about 1903
CloseHelen Bborn about 1926
CloseHelen Dborn about 1900
CloseLouise Aborn about 1927
CobleMay Aborn about 1883
CobleRobert born about 1880
CochraneMay Pborn about 1891
CochraneRalph Sborn about 1884
ColemanDalmont born about 1880
ColemanMynah Wborn about 1876
ColettiBruno Jborn about 1923
ColettiCarmel born about 1907
ColettiCorinne Jborn about 1927
ColettiDonald Eborn about 1936
CollinsHarriet Jborn about 1880
ConowCharlotte born about 1889
ConowHarriet Iborn about 1921
ConowMary Jborn about 1863
ConowMildred Jborn about 1918
CooneyAlice Dborn about 1895
CooneyJohn Aborn about 1892
CooneyJohn Vborn about 1919
CooneyRobert Josephborn about 1922
CooneyStanley Vincentborn about 1930
CooneyWilliam Fborn about 1920
CopelandMyrtle Dborn about 1879
CoretEmile born about 1881
CoretJennie born about 1870
CornollyCatherine born about 1871
CouchAlbert Jborn about 1891
CraigIsabelle born about 1880
CramerHerman born about 1879
CramerKatherine born about 1896
CraviottoAlice born about 1890
CulpepperArchie Lborn about 1888
CulpepperMabelle Kborn about 1893
CumminghamAndrew Bborn about 1924
CumminghamGeorge Bborn about 1890
CumminghamNellie Gborn about 1892
CumminghamPatricia Hborn about 1922
CuneoAlbert Eborn about 1890
CuneoDonald Eborn about 1931
CuneoJune Nborn about 1926
CuneoMargaret Rborn about 1897
CuneoMyrtle Cborn about 1928
CunninghamAlma Jeanborn about 1933
CunninghamAugusta born about 1901
CunninghamMuriel Annborn about 1931
CunninghamThomas Kborn about 1893
CunninghamThomas Nielborn about 1929
CurtisGrace born about 1874
CurtisLeger born about 1881

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D Surnames

DaarkeeGeorge Aborn about 1894
DaarkeeGeorge Aborn about 1927
DaarkeeMartha Jborn about 1898
DahlmanAnnabelle born about 1910
DahlmanJoseph born about 1939
DahlmanRaymond born about 1908
DaingerfieldDelly born about 1870
DalyJohn Jborn about 1881
DalyMary Vborn about 1890
DalyRobert Wborn about 1913
DalyRobert Williamborn about 1912
DasilvaAlvaro Fborn about 1899
DasilvaAlvaro Hborn about 1938
DasilvaCora Iborn about 1904
DasilvaDolores Mborn about 1934
DeasyFrancis Jborn about 1921
DeasyJames born about 1908
DeasyJames Jborn about 1936
DeasyMary Cborn about 1934
DeasyMary Vborn about 1909
DeasyWilliam Tborn about 1937
DehneBertha born about 1865
DevereuxHelen born about 1902
DevereuxJames Lborn about 1898
DeverneAlfreda born about 1906
DeviblissMargy born about 1917
DeviblissWilbur born about 1915
DinwiddieBurnita Cborn about 1911
DinwiddieJames Kborn about 1911
DinwiddieKendall Lborn about 1938
DolanBeatrice Dborn about 1892
DolanWilliam Kborn about 1869
DonnellyPeter born about 1868
DrainAlfred born about 1880
DrainInez born about 1886
DrumMary Oborn about 1900
DrumWilliam Wborn about 1889
DunnFredrick Rborn about 1892
DunnMerta born about 1894
DunnWylie born about 1912
DurhamFlorence born about 1869

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E Surnames

EastmanMary Mborn about 1862
EastmanWilliam Eborn about 1881
EdgarClaire born about 1921
EdmandsonElizabeth born about 1890
EdmandsonRobert born about 1898
EdwardsAlice Vborn about 1865
EdwardsEmma born about 1863
EllisLeone born about 1890
EllisWilliam Aborn about 1892
EngleKenyon Lborn about 1892
EricksonBessie born about 1861
EricksonLeroy Eborn about 1891
EstbyArie born about 1907
EstbyJoan born about 1937
EstbyMae born about 1913
EstbyShirley born about 1935
EstradaAlbert Wborn about 1906
EstradaJean Marieborn about 1939
EstradaValbo Anneborn about 1938
EstradaValbo Gborn about 1914

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F Surnames

FagotheyDenise born about 1931
FagotheyEugene Jborn about 1890
FagotheyMaud born about 1899
FarrisJerome born about 1920
FaurBenjamin born about 1874
FaurElise Pborn about 1878
FergusonBarbara Joborn about 1939
FergusonGoldie Lborn about 1907
FergusonJoseph Sborn about 1901
FergusonPatricia Lborn about 1934
FergusonWilliam Rborn about 1931
FerreraFalice born about 1884
FischerCharles born about 1897
FischerIrma born about 1898
FischerRobert born about 1924
FischerRuth born about 1928
FisherNella born about 1893
FlemingAlden Fborn about 1921
FlemingAlden Lborn about 1887
FlemingJohn Wborn about 1915
FlemingMae Eborn about 1889
FlemingWilliam Aborn about 1917
FletcherFloyd Dborn about 1905
FletcherRuby Bborn about 1907
FleuryEmile Vborn about 1870
FlinnArnette Tborn about 1870
FootHenry Sborn about 1874
FootParmelia Cborn about 1868
FootVirginia born about 1900
FosterEleonor Cborn about 1900
FosterFredrick born about 1898
FosterFredrick O Jrborn about 1932
FosterRichard Bborn about 1933
FredrickBarabara born about 1924
FredrickCatherine born about 1883
FredrickDorothy born about 1926
FredrickEdward born about 1916
FredrickNichols born about 1874

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G Surnames

GadeChrist Hborn about 1882
GambariniGeorge Jborn about 1889
GambariniIsabella Aborn about 1890
GambariniIsabelle Aborn about 1913
GarberHilda born about 1893
GarberRaymond born about 1890
GarberRussell Cborn about 1915
GarbielDella born about 1887
GarbielEli born about 1885
GarbielLeo born about 1915
GarnettArin Jborn about 1887
GarnettImma Lborn about 1891
GarrowCecil Aborn about 1902
GarrowEthel Mborn about 1900
GiacomazziArminta Lborn about 1912
GiacomazziJame Gborn about 1936
GiacomazziJames Gborn about 1905
GillispieAlice Hborn about 1905
GillispieEd born about 1905
GillispieMarie Aliceborn about 1933
GimbelBetty Lborn about 1900
GimbelGeorge Wborn about 1890
GlennDorothy Cborn about 1921
GlennHelen born about 1902
GodkinClarence Tborn about 1895
GodkinMargaret Kborn about 1895
GodkinThomas Jborn about 1937
GoetzBruce Eborn about 1928
GoetzElizabeth born about 1870
GoetzGeorge Cborn about 1906
GoodenPercy Cborn about 1891
GoodenRuth Mborn about 1897
GoodfellowJohn Cborn about 1904
GoodfellowOlive born about 1904
GoutJoseph Jborn about 1896
GoutMarie born about 1867
GoutVincent born about 1865
GraffEdward born about 1883
GraffLouise born about 1864
GrantCarrie Eborn about 1866
GrantMargaret Eborn about 1875
GrantThomas Aborn about 1932
GranucciAdolph born about 1900
GranucciMario born about 1894
GranucciRichard born about 1930
GranucciSylvia born about 1926
GrayMaud Lborn about 1892
GrayWalter Chsaborn about 1882
GrayWalter Hborn about 1921
GrimmWilliam born about 1882
GrofAntone born about 1883
GrofLena born about 1880

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H Surnames

HalbertAla born about 1911
HalbertOpal born about 1911
HaleEdith Bborn about 1876
HaleRowena Wborn about 1912
HaleTravis Bborn about 1903
HalingPatricia Aborn about 1922
HallAnna Francesborn about 1878
HallAugustine born about 1914
HallElise born about 1925
HallElvina Aborn about 1899
HallFrank Bborn about 1862
HallGeorge Wborn about 1892
HallGeorge W Jrborn about 1933
HallIrving born about 1927
HallIrving Wborn about 1902
HallMercedes born about 1901
HarlanJean Eborn about 1916
HarlanJoseph Mborn about 1912
HarlanStephen Rborn about 1937
HarnaEmma Jborn about 1862
HarrahSarah born about 1864
HarrisonJohn Jborn about 1900
HarrisonMarie Eborn about 1899
HawkinsAlexander Gborn about 1871
HawkinsAlexander Gborn about 1902
HawkinsIda Lborn about 1871
HenrichCharles Fborn about 1872
HenrichMatilda Eborn about 1875
HerbertMargaret Eborn about 1908
HerbertTheodore born about 1904
HerronPearl Eborn about 1905
HerronThomas Mborn about 1879
HewstonEthel Lborn about 1884
HoladayJames Cborn about 1935
HoladayJohn Gborn about 1933
HoladayMartha Mborn about 1907
HoladayMyron Jborn about 1900
HolraydClara Aborn about 1903
HorneAda Mayborn about 1907
HorneLulie Eborn about 1878
HughesAlvin Fborn about 1894
HughesBess born about 1892
HughesHerbert born about 1886
HughesNova Cborn about 1892
HultenMara Eborn about 1918
HultenWilliam Aborn about 1916

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I Surnames

IngersollAlson Eborn about 1883
IngersollEffie Pborn about 1890
IonatiArthur born about 1936
IonatiDesolina Mborn about 1899
IonatiRaffael Rborn about 1896
IonatiRobert born about 1932

J Surnames

JasperEdwin born about 1937
JefferyConstance Lborn about 1927
JefferyErnst Mborn about 1902
JefferyEthelyn Lborn about 1924
JefferyGeorge Hborn about 1921
JefferyInez Mborn about 1901
JefferyMabel Jeanborn about 1925
JewellAmanda born about 1871
JewellSam Gborn about 1868
JewellSam Weirtborn about 1906
JohnsonElsa Clareborn about 1930
JohnsonIlsa born about 1893
JohnsonJoseph Jborn about 1888
JohnsonPhoebe Nellborn about 1921
JudsonHertha Mborn about 1900
JungersVivian Rborn about 1905
JungersWalter Fborn about 1896

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K Surnames

KahnMark Aborn about 1866
KappelBertha Eborn about 1921
KappelCharles Wborn about 1884
KappelCharles W Jrborn about 1917
KappelErvin Edborn about 1919
KappelGrace Aborn about 1894
KapranosGus Wborn about 1896
KapranosIda Mborn about 1896
KapranosMarion Rborn about 1919
KapranosVilliam Lborn about 1920
KeenanLaura Gborn about 1907
KeenanLaura Janeborn about 1933
KeenanThomas born about 1904
KeenanThomas Wborn about 1931
KeeverHazeltine born about 1887
KelleherJohn born about 1898
KelleherThomas born about 1925
KellyThomas Eborn about 1899
KellyVera born about 1905
KennedyCatherine born about 1871
KennedyMartin born about 1866
KennedyWilliam born about 1892
KernGertrude Iborn about 1892
KernJohn Hborn about 1881
KesseyIra Sborn about 1909
KesseyJeane Aborn about 1934
KesseyMarion Mborn about 1914
KesseyPeter Jborn about 1935
KlingerbergMargaret born about 1874
KliniekiJohn Tborn about 1908
KliniekiPatrica Mborn about 1909
KothgassnerEdward born about 1905
KothgassnerEdward Jborn about 1927
KothgassnerVirginia born about 1908
KotlaroffAlexandra born about 1889
KrauseBlanche born about 1912
KrauseHelen Aborn about 1911
KrauseKenneth born about 1905
KrauseWilliam Fborn about 1896
KreuterEthel Bborn about 1913
KreuterEthel Lborn about 1935
KreuterHarry born about 1906
KreuterWilma Bborn about 1936
KyleKato Cborn about 1872

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L Surnames

LabelleFlorence Bborn about 1869
LairdOpal Rborn about 1901
LairdRobert Lborn about 1897
LambAnny Louiseborn about 1903
LambSamuel Tborn about 1887
LangBelle born about 1876
LarimerElizabeth Jborn about 1907
LarimerLee Lborn about 1905
LarsonCarrie born about 1861
LatimerLillian Aborn about 1880
LaugenourAlice Hborn about 1910
LaugenourBeverly Cborn about 1911
LaugenourDenise born about 1939
LavergeAnna Mborn about 1889
LeeHenrietta Cborn about 1873
LeeWilliam Hborn about 1878
LehmanElizabeth Cborn about 1937
LehmanElwyn Cborn about 1904
LehmanGenevive Mborn about 1908
LeonardCecil Eborn about 1896
LeonardRolene Eborn about 1904
LevyMatilda born about 1867
LevyMiram born about 1886
LevySidney born about 1885
LewisEllen Wborn about 1924
LewisFrances Leeborn about 1932
LewisJean Iborn about 1926
LewisLuella Wborn about 1905
LewisMarjorie Sborn about 1896
LewisMary Louborn about 1929
LewisRaymond Fborn about 1897
LewisWilliam Dborn about 1892
LordDonald Iborn about 1917
LuttrellTrottwood born about 1879
LyeAlbert Jamesborn about 1872
LyeJames Williamborn about 1915
LyeWilhelmine Cborn about 1884
LynchAda born about 1900
LynchMartin born about 1889
LynchMartin Jborn about 1924
LyonAgnes born about 1898
LyonWilliam Hborn about 1896

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M Surnames

MacdonaldMary born about 1857
MacgowanCharles Aborn about 1903
MacgowanCharles Fborn about 1938
MacgowanElverna Lborn about 1907
MackMargaret born about 1892
MackallElizabeth born about 1921
MackallHelena born about 1894
MackallHelena born about 1919
MackallMurray Rborn about 1891
MackeyJames Dborn about 1911
MackeyJanet Mborn about 1934
MackeyPhyllis Lborn about 1910
MackeyRobert Wborn about 1933
MaddenClara Eborn about 1883
MaddenEdward born about 1929
MaddenJean Hborn about 1927
MaddenJoseph Aborn about 1913
MahoodAlbert Dborn about 1925
MahoodEdward Dborn about 1882
MahoodEdward Jborn about 1921
MahoodFoster Eborn about 1897
MahoodFoster Rborn about 1929
MahoodGlady Mborn about 1899
MahoodMargaret Mborn about 1930
MahoodMaude Aborn about 1894
MahoodRobert Aborn about 1922
MahoodWalter Eborn about 1925
MakerEdmund Cborn about 1913
MakerNancy Mborn about 1939
MakerRita Iborn about 1915
MalmgremEdgar Jborn about 1861
MalmgremGrace Eborn about 1867
MalmgremHarry born about 1924
MalmgremTheodore Wborn about 1920
MarcFrancis born about 1869
MarcJulia Dborn about 1875
MarchallVirginia born about 1924
MarningJohn Tborn about 1900
MathiesonCatherine born about 1879
McCueRalston born about 1872
McDevittGeorge born about 1900
McDevittMagdalen born about 1901
McGowenHenry Cborn about 1904
McGowenIsabella born about 1915
McGrachElma born about 1910
McGrachJoseph Oborn about 1938
McGrachLeo Jborn about 1904
McGrachMildred born about 1920
McGrachRobert Jborn about 1934
McInerneyHannah born about 1858
McInerneyNell born about 1887
McInerneyTheresa born about 1897
McKennaCatherine born about 1907
McKennaJohn Lborn about 1934
McKenneyBeatrice Hborn about 1906
McKenneyDolores Dborn about 1930
McKenneyPatricia Aborn about 1932
McKenneyThomas Jborn about 1898
MenhardtMartha Lborn about 1894
MenkeGeorge Sborn about 1883
MenkeJames Jborn about 1918
MenkeJohn Fborn about 1920
MenkeMaud born about 1896
MenkeThomas Jborn about 1883
MerrimanEdwin Sborn about 1871
MerrimanLetty Lborn about 1870
MezzettaAnna Cborn about 1914
MezzettaColomba Cborn about 1896
MezzettaJoseph Lborn about 1893
MichalakJeanett born about 1888
MichelRenold born about 1882
MiclalakJohn born about 1924
MillerHelen Aborn about 1880
MillerJohn Eborn about 1888
MillerNora born about 1885
MillsHiram Aborn about 1860
MillsLouie Aborn about 1863
MitschClaire Mborn about 1919
MitschGeraldine Aborn about 1928
MitschJ Robertborn about 1917
MitschPatricia Rborn about 1930
MitschPaul Fborn about 1893
MitschPaul F Jrborn about 1922
MitschWinifred Rborn about 1895
MontagueFred Hborn about 1897
MontagueHelen born about 1895
MontgomeryMyrtle born about 1927
MooreMae Bborn about 1870
MooreMary Katherineborn about 1902
MooreVivian born about 1925
MorrisFredrick born about 1914
MorrisFrieda born about 1878
MorrisLaura Bborn about 1872
MorrisMarcia born about 1911
MorrisTheodora born about 1909
MorseAlvion Hborn about 1879
MorseMaude Lborn about 1890
MuellerBeverly Elsaborn about 1923
MuellerDetlef born about 1915
MuellerEmmy born about 1891
MuellerHelen born about 1929
MuellerHenry Cborn about 1892
MuellerJosephine born about 1875
MuellerRobert born about 1866
MuellerRobert born about 1923

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N Surnames

NelsonAdele born about 1918
NelsonAntone born about 1864
NelsonDione Jborn about 1937
NelsonFrank Lborn about 1916
NelsonHelen Cborn about 1902
NelsonJanet Rborn about 1917
NelsonLois Mborn about 1929
NelsonReudolph born about 1915
NelsonRonald born about 1939
NelsonWilliam Aborn about 1903
NelsonWilliam Jborn about 1925
NewmanRobt Eborn about 1872
NielsenJames Mborn about 1937
NielsenJohn Mborn about 1903
NielsenMarie Dborn about 1912
NingetClifford Mborn about 1902
NingetEarline Eborn about 1934
NingetMary Lborn about 1916
NobleHarry Dborn about 1897
NobleJan Mborn about 1895
NollEdna born about 1900
NugentDorothy Bborn about 1916
NugentJohn Pborn about 1914
NugentJohn P Jrborn about 1938
NugentLynn Iborn about 1939
NunanClarine Hborn about 1926
NunanIsrael Cborn about 1890
NunanJean Kborn about 1925
NunanLillian born about 1889

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O Surnames

ObrienDonald Kborn about 1930
ObrienGenevieve born about 1912
ObrienGerald Rborn about 1936
ObrienJohn Jborn about 1933
OconnorHannah born about 1870
OconnorTheresa born about 1877
OdonnellMary Eborn about 1865
OleeryEleanore Bborn about 1908
OleeryTimothy Jborn about 1892
OleeryTimothy Jborn about 1937
OliverIsabel Hborn about 1899
OliverLouis Jborn about 1855
OliverMirian Iborn about 1923
OliverRalph R Eborn about 1897
OliverShirley born about 1926
OskeHerman born about 1876
OtisMary Aborn about 1862

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P Surnames

PalmieriThomas born about 1887
PaltagJane born about 1882
PaltagLouis born about 1878
PatriGicomo Gborn about 1899
PatriPiero Nborn about 1929
PatriRaymo Nborn about 1932
PatriStella Eborn about 1897
PatriTaito Nborn about 1933
PerryHenry Fborn about 1879
PerryIrene Eborn about 1904
PetersonMary Lborn about 1864
PetersonPeter Jborn about 1867
PfeifferEmma Nborn about 1898
PfeifferFrancis Aborn about 1891
PfleidererVictoria born about 1894
PhilbrookRoger Eborn about 1914
PieriniFlora Bborn about 1884
PieriniThomas Mborn about 1880
PineBarbara Lborn about 1928
PineClarence Aborn about 1908
PineClem Jborn about 1925
PineDonald Lborn about 1931
PineLulu Mborn about 1889
PineMyra Jborn about 1933
PingreeBessie Vborn about 1884
PingreeDorothy Aborn about 1911
PingreeGordon Bborn about 1912
PixleyCarol born about 1918
PixleyEthel Aborn about 1882
PixleyWilliam Jborn about 1869
PlaideauCarmen born about 1894
PlaideauGabriel born about 1891
PlattNathan Dborn about 1875
PlumeridgeHenrey Cborn about 1891
PlumeridgeJack Cborn about 1929
PlumeridgeJanet Nborn about 1898
PlumeridgeWilliam Aborn about 1932
PolanshekAnna born about 1908
PolanshekJoseph born about 1907
PowellCharles Sborn about 1891
PowellColleen Fborn about 1926
PowellFrances Mborn about 1907
PowellLouis Jborn about 1906
PowellNanna Uborn about 1901
PowellRobert born about 1927
PowellRonald Jborn about 1930
PowellVictor Gborn about 1921
PowellViolet born about 1922
PowersDorothy Jborn about 1910
PowersDorothy Joanborn about 1930
PowersMarlene born about 1933
PowersRobert Cborn about 1907
PowersRoberta Jborn about 1937
PowlandElla Lborn about 1876
PriceLina born about 1864
PurdomGeorge Lborn about 1916
PurdomGerderaldine born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnAnna Tborn about 1891
QuinnThomas Jborn about 1889

R Surnames

RaiderJames Wborn about 1916
RaiderPhillip Dborn about 1918
RamisKatherine Lborn about 1911
RamisWilliam born about 1911
RamisWilliam Eborn about 1939
RangellMary born about 1917
ReaJoseph Aborn about 1909
ReaLloyd Aborn about 1905
ReaLouise Aborn about 1876
ReaMarion Cborn about 1906
RedmaynleClara Iborn about 1880
ReedBrian born about
ReedWesten Gborn about 1871
Reinhardt born about 1882
ReinhardtEsther born about 1893
RiceEileen born about 1909
RichardsMabel Aborn about 1883
RichardsRobert Aborn about 1912
RichardsVirginia Lborn about 1922
RiedBrian Jr born about 1933
RiedMarilyn born about 1935
RiedMary Cborn about 1908
RineNellie born about 1906
RineRex born about 1914
RisleyBeverly Annborn about 1938
RisleyFredrick Bborn about 1893
RisleyManfield Jborn about 1895
RiveroCora born about 1873
RiznikLeizer born about 1878
RiznikSarah born about 1890
RobbGiven Gborn about 1917
RobbSidney Eborn about 1938
RobbWendell Eborn about 1916
RobertAlbert Fborn about 1865
RobertLouisa born about 1872
RobertoCharles Hborn about 1881
RobinsonEstelle Mborn about 1898
RobinsonFred born about 1897
RobinsonJoan Mborn about 1929
RobinsonKenneth Bborn about 1898
RobinsonLethel born about 1909
RobsonCatharine Pborn about 1909
RobsonRaymond Rborn about 1894
RombachCamille born about 1881
RombachElma born about 1887
RombachMarcel born about 1927
RombachNadine born about 1922
RosaCharlotte Jborn about 1905
RosaJoseph Sborn about 1899
RothschildArthur Fborn about 1890
RothschildBertha Bborn about 1898
RothschildFredrick Lborn about 1912
RothschildHarry Rborn about 1920
RothschildHelen Lborn about 1922
RothschildRobert Eborn about 1932
RothschildThelma Mborn about 1924
RowanCora born about 1873
RowanFrank born about 1873
RussellBenita born about 1914
RussellCharles Wborn about 1909
RussellGeorge Hborn about 1910
RussellGeorge Wborn about 1936
RussellRita Hborn about 1917
RussellRoger Sborn about 1910
RussellSusie born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SanchezLouis De Veraborn about 1909
SandBeverly Jborn about 1928
SandFerne Sborn about 1907
SandFredrick Hborn about 1931
SandHennan Aborn about 1904
SanfordFred Rborn about 1902
SanfordGertrude Fborn about 1910
SanfordSannie Lborn about 1940
SanfordSarah born about 1875
SchaltzCarl Hborn about 1908
SchaltzMarie Kborn about 1915
SchearerAlvena Mborn about 1869
SchearerEthel born about 1894
SchenoneAlice born about 1919
SchenoneClarinda born about 1915
SchenoneFrank born about 1889
SchenoneHenritta born about 1890
SchenoneMario born about 1914
SchenoneMarjiore born about 1938
SchlobohmEdith Mborn about 1905
SchlobohmStanly Sborn about 1899
SchmidtDavid Gborn about 1907
SchmidtDavid G Jrborn about
SchmidtLois Hborn about 1913
SchneiderCarl Aborn about 1899
SchneiderConrad born about 1868
SeatonDon Lborn about 1939
SeatonGeorge Wborn about 1881
SeatonLeonna Aborn about 1912
SeatonLottie Aborn about 1884
SeatonRichard Gborn about 1910
ShelleyCharles Eborn about 1894
ShelleyRuth Eborn about 1898
SkidmoreAnne Mborn about 1896
SkidmoreClaire Aborn about 1928
SkidmoreDonald Hborn about 1902
SkidmoreJohn Wborn about 1930
SloaneJennette Mborn about 1878
SloaneNettie Mborn about 1852
SlosonHelen Eborn about 1930
SlosonHelen Jborn about 1894
SlosonStuart Aborn about 1886
SmithDorothy Dborn about 1911
SmithFredrick Tborn about 1884
SmithJames Aborn about 1914
SmithJudy Annborn about 1936
SmithOrpha born about 1886
SmithRoscoe Dborn about 1908
SmithSusan Ellenborn about 1938
SnyderMarlene born about 1932
SosaCarlos Julioborn about 1933
SosaDaniel Martinborn about 1932
SosaMary Cborn about 1908
SouleMaude Gborn about 1891
SouleWilliam Dborn about 1888
SouleWilliam D Jrborn about 1917
SoutherlandFrancis born about 1909
SoutherlandHope Hborn about 1909
SoutherlandJohn Gborn about 1933
SpencerFlorine Rborn about 1931
SpencerGladys Gborn about 1909
SpencerHarry Jborn about 1883
SpencerLucy Mborn about 1890
SpencerRaymond Rborn about 1906
SpencerShirley born about 1936
SpragueFrank Iborn about 1862
SpragueRosa born about 1888
SpragueRuth born about 1920
SprugtonCaroline born about 1917
SprugtonCharles Rborn about 1905
SprugtonEarl Wborn about 1939
StahlHedwig Lborn about 1911
StahlHorst Aborn about 1909
StahlHorst Robtborn about 1938
StevensJames Fborn about 1864
StevensMargaret Aborn about 1865
StevensonBetty born about 1927
StevensonGertrude born about 1925
StevensonLouis born about 1883
StoneBetty Sborn about 1919
StoneCheridon born about 1919
StoneDennis born about 1940
StormDavid born about 1932
StormNanetta Vborn about 1900
StormPatricia born about 1925
StormWalter born about 1898
StoudingerJosephine born about 1874
StuartArnette Jborn about 1937
StuartCharles Rborn about
StuartLucille Gborn about 1908
StuartRonald Jborn about 1933
StuartStanley Jborn about 1905
SullivanJames Gborn about 1916
SullivanJames Pborn about 1939
SullivanMyrtle Oborn about 1919
SurmontHelen born about 1897
SurmontLeon Eborn about 1882
SutcliffEileen born about 1925
SweetlandDonna Cborn about 1938
SweetlandDoris Eborn about 1907
SweetlandHarold Wborn about 1909
SylvesterEudora born about 1898
SylvesterJoseph Aborn about 1890
SylvesterMargaret born about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggertCharles Aborn about 1871
TaggertMyrtle Aborn about 1871
TallmadgeRobert Gborn about 1897
TambussaAnthony born about 1893
TambussaJohn born about 1914
TaylorEunice Aborn about 1891
TaylorGeorge Hborn about 1896
TaylorIda Octaviaborn about 1897
TaylorLawrence Bborn about 1898
TaylorMargaret Anneborn about 1924
TaylorMildred Fborn about 1902
TaylorNancy Gborn about 1927
TemplemanCarrie born about 1859
TemplemanHarwood born about 1856
TemplemanLeita born about 1885
ThierbackElsie Sborn about 1892
ThierbackGeorge Wborn about 1893
ThoeleckeCarl Gborn about 1926
ThoeleckeLeonard Gborn about 1920
ThoeleckeLouise Gborn about 1892
ThoeleckeStanley Hborn about 1892
ThomasClyde Lborn about 1886
ThomasHenry Jborn about 1878
ThomasJohn Rborn about 1909
ThomasKathleen Cborn about 1918
ThomasRalph Johnborn about 1937
ThomasRoberta Kborn about 1938
ThompsonHelen born about 1937
ThompsonJames Hborn about 1903
ThompsonOlive Gborn about 1910
ThompsonPeter born about 1939
ThornquistBernard Bborn about 1938
ThornquistCarl Jborn about 1896
ThornquistTheodora Bborn about 1902
TrudrungHarry Jborn about 1892
TrudrungHarry J Jrborn about 1930
TrudrungIna Lborn about 1892
TrudrungMarry Sborn about 1931
TuckerRuby Eborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhlBarney Rborn about 1884
UhlMabel Qborn about 1890
UptonArlan born about 1900
UptonCharles born about 1877
UrusoffAlla Bborn about 1931
UrusoffBoris Jborn about 1903
UrusoffEvdokia Pborn about 1909
UsherClara Mborn about 1883
UsherFrank Jborn about 1877

V Surnames

VanzandtMary born about 1862
VarnBlanche Mborn about 1897
VarnRobert Lborn about 1894
VirziDonald born about 1916
VirziFrances born about 1878
VirziGeliene born about 1864
VirziJohnny born about
VirziPeto born about 1915
VirziVito born about 1923
VivianAnnie born about 1868
VivianThomas born about 1870
VizinauHenry born about 1911
VizinauMuriel Mborn about 1916
VoetsRene Gborn about 1927
VoorhiesGordon Wborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaggonerBlanche Rborn about 1907
WaggonerHenry Wborn about 1901
WaggonerLorain Bborn about 1928
WalkerGladys Eborn about 1911
WalkerJames Jborn about 1908
WalkerJerry Tborn about 1901
WalkerMarie Lborn about 1912
WalkerRose Eborn about 1882
WalkerWilliam born about 1882
WalshEva Dborn about 1902
WaltersAdeline Eborn about 1896
WaltersArthur Cborn about 1896
WaltersMerrill Arthurborn about 1927
WardMara Leeborn about 1933
WarrenCora born about 1884
WatsonMay Sborn about 1909
WatsonPenelope born about 1879
WatsonRobert Lborn about 1906
WaylandLillie Cborn about 1866
WebsterAlvin Oborn about 1935
WebsterEugene Hborn about 1904
WebsterGrace Eborn about 1939
WebsterMarion Dborn about 1913
WeigherAnna Mborn about 1898
WeigherEdward born about 1909
WeilandErma born about 1904
WeilandLawrence born about 1896
WeilandLawrence born about 1938
WelterCarol Lee Fborn about 1937
WelterCaroline Eborn about 1905
WelterEdward Jborn about 1900
WendtRobert Cborn about 1929
WentworthEleanor L Mborn about 1870
WentworthFredd Eborn about 1907
WentworthStanley Jborn about 1918
WentworthThelma Aborn about 1898
WentworthThomas Jborn about 1895
WhiteGeraldyn Wborn about 1893
WhiteJackson Paigeborn about 1896
WhiteJohn Pborn about 1894
WhiteJuanita Vborn about 1922
WhiteMary Hrborn about 1895
WhiteWillian Lborn about 1921
WhiteleyBeatrice Iborn about 1897
WickstromEarle born about 1900
WickstromEarleen born about 1933
WickstromMilched born about 1901
WilkeEsther born about 1901
WilkeLeroy born about 1899
WilkeLeroy born about 1929
WilkeLorine born about 1926
WillockMadge born about 1875
WilmerEva Lborn about 1904
WilmerJean Kborn about 1921
WilmerRay Nborn about 1900
WilmesGrace Eborn about 1894
WilmesWalter Jborn about 1888
WilsonJerry Rborn about 1937
WilsonLa Here born about 1902
WilsonViola born about 1908
WinklerEdw Hborn about 1911
WinklerRonald Eborn about 1939
WinklerRowena Rborn about 1914
WitthoftEthel Mborn about 1890
WitthoftOscar Cborn about 1881
WooYou Woborn about 1885
WrightDolores Lborn about 1931
WrightDora Eborn about 1900
WrightElmer Tborn about 1899
WrightRobert Eborn about 1932
WrightWilbur Cborn about 1933
WyattLottie Rborn about 1874
WyattWilliam Aborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeringtonElsie Hborn about 1868
YoellDoretta Tborn about 1871
YoellIresure Mborn about 1913
YoellLaurence Vborn about 1900
YoellLaurence Vborn about 1938
YoellRichard Mborn about 1939
YoungAlga Zborn about 1898
YoungChris Aborn about 1861
YoungJames Jborn about 1890
YoungJohn Tborn about 1883
YoungLouis Fborn about 1932
YoungPatrica Jeneborn about 1924
YoungWilliam Fborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZakBurleigh Mborn about 1904
ZakErvin Jborn about 1901
ZakMelvin Eborn about 1926
ZakRobert Jborn about 1925
ZimmermanDorothy born about 1933
ZimmermanVirginia born about 1906
ZinnoDiane Lborn about 1935
ZinnoEdward Pborn about 1908
ZinnoLorraine Mborn about 1910
ZinnoMichael Pborn about 1937

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