1940 U.S. Federal Census of Douglas, San Joaquin, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > San Joaquin County > 1940 Census of Douglas

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbotCharles born about 1867
AbbotIda born about 1878
AbernathyCharles born about 1918
AbernathyIrene born about 1918
AbernathyMelberta born about 1939
AckerAlfred born about 1913
AckeretGerald Mborn about 1940
AckeretLeonard Gborn about 1908
AckeretMyrtle Eborn about 1913
AdamsH born about 1885
AgugaranayBartolome born about 1937
AlbrittonCecil Lborn about 1930
AlbrittonEdgar Dborn about 1908
AlbrittonElbert Jborn about 1928
AlbrittonGoldie Vborn about 1911
AldersArlen born about 1915
AldersBeede born about 1889
AldersCharles born about 1883
AldricciArthur born about 1907
AllenArthur Lborn about 1877
AllenBernard Eborn about 1901
AllenBernard Lborn about 1923
AllenBertie Mborn about 1905
AllenBertie Wborn about 1879
AllenBonnie Lborn about 1933
AllenFrancis born about 1902
AllenHerbert born about 1868
AllenJoann Vborn about 1940
AllenJohn Hborn about 1884
AllenMary Sborn about 1935
AllenWinnie Vborn about 1901
AllingKatie Aborn about 1871
AllisonEugene Fborn about 1914
AlvarezJesus born about 1881
AmorizaEva born about 1929
AmorizaHelen born about 1932
AmorizaJohn born about 1930
AmorizaLaurence born about 1926
AmorizaLola born about 1923
AmorizaMary born about 1927
AmorizaThomas born about 1898
AmorizaThomas Jr born about 1924
AndersonAda Wborn about 1907
AndersonAlbert born about 1899
AndersonArlo Mborn about 1899
AndersonBernice born about 1902
AndersonBill Mborn about 1914
AndersonBillie L Vborn about 1934
AndersonCarroll Rborn about 1922
AndersonChester Hborn about 1894
AndersonClarence Cborn about 1890
AndersonDonald Vborn about 1935
AndersonDonnie Gborn about 1938
AndersonEmil born about 1874
AndersonEthel Mborn about 1893
AndersonGeorge Vborn about 1889
AndersonGerald born about 1928
AndersonJames Hborn about 1927
AndersonJames Rborn about 1895
AndersonJoan born about 1932
AndersonJoyce Eborn about 1930
AndersonLucy Mborn about 1896
AndersonMae Mborn about 1913
AndersonW Charlesborn about 1896
AndersonWilliam Cborn about 1923
AntoniniJoseph born about 1902
AntoniniLouise born about 1876
AntoniniMary born about 1900
AntoniniMike born about 1907
ArcherBrumit Pborn about 1909
ArcherEunice Mborn about 1914
ArcherKenneth Rborn about 1933
ArcherL Cborn about 1937
ArcherRheba Gborn about 1932
ArmaninoElsie Jborn about 1908
ArmaninoJohn born about 1888
ArmaninoJoseph born about 1899
ArmaninoNatalina born about 1910
ArrigoneCatherine Mborn about 1919
ArrigoneLeo Sborn about 1916
ArzagaMariano born about 1902
AtkinsAlice Sborn about 1863
AtkinsDorothy L Vborn about 1926
AtkinsGeorge Wborn about 1884
AtkinsIrma Aborn about 1923
AtkinsJames Nborn about 1890
AtkinsJames Wborn about 1930
AtkinsNatopha Gborn about 1852
AtkinsNettie born about 1889
AtkinsRichard Nborn about 1892
AurelioPeter born about 1903
AustinDerrel born about 1918
AustinDurward born about 1913
AustinGrace born about 1920
AustinHarold born about 1938
AustinJewel born about 1919
AvansinoAlice Fborn about 1884
AvansinoEthel Fborn about 1915
AvansinoGiaccomo born about 1875
AvansinoJames Rborn about 1937
AvansinoJohn Eborn about 1909
AvicoDaniele born about 1894
AviliClyde Jborn about 1911
AviliLaura Pborn about 1916
AyresAlfred Cborn about 1874
AyresLizzie Mborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BacciJiambrun born about 1886
BacigalupiAngela Mborn about 1916
BacigalupiJohn Lborn about 1906
BaconBursey Sborn about 1892
BaconEleanor Eborn about 1904
BaconFannie born about 1860
BaficoKaterina born about 1875
BaficoLaurence born about 1898
BaficoLouisa born about 1908
BaficoRemo born about 1937
BallardEverett Hborn about 1907
BallardMyrtie Lborn about 1909
BandieraSisto born about 1890
BaraleEmelio born about 1899
BarasoFrank born about 1899
BarbageletaAngelo born about 1895
BarbageletaGiaccomo born about 1888
BarbageletaJohn born about 1937
BarbageletaJohn Pborn about 1939
BarbageletaLouis Aborn about 1939
BarbageletaMary Lborn about 1911
BarbageletaVera born about 1936
BarbageletaVictoria born about 1910
BarberAlexander born about 1897
BarberGertrude born about 1894
BarlingFrank Dborn about 1876
BarlingLena Mborn about 1881
BarlingNorval Lborn about 1905
BarnesDaniel born about 1910
BarnesHarry born about 1936
BarnesMary born about 1916
BarnettElsie Rborn about 1897
BarnettFrederick Lborn about 1931
BarnettLynne Eborn about 1892
BarnettMildred born about 1919
BarnettMuriel Lborn about 1923
BarossoStephanie Eborn about 1940
BarossoStephen Jborn about 1906
BarossoTheresa Aborn about 1908
BarreraEmilio born about 1894
BarreraMarcella born about 1905
BarryEdward Mborn about 1862
BarryKay born about 1918
BasaltoAntonio born about 1893
BasaltoFred Aborn about 1931
BasaltoJohn Cborn about 1933
BasaltoLena Jborn about 1908
BavaHenry Jborn about 1916
BavaHilda born about 1920
BeachAlbert born about 1903
BeachDonna born about 1937
BeachJohnnie born about 1936
BeachJulia born about 1939
BeachRegina born about 1917
BeachRosalind born about 1940
BeckIdabell born about 1921
BeckKenneth born about 1939
BeckLeonard born about 1919
BeckWesley born about 1919
BeckerArline born about 1923
BeckerFredrick born about 1891
BeckerHannah born about 1897
BeesleyAda Mborn about 1915
BeesleyDonald Hborn about 1937
BeesleyEdith Lborn about 1932
BeesleyEugene Rborn about 1935
BeesleyHerbert Lborn about 1901
BeesleyHerbert Jr born about 1931
BeishIda born about 1872
BeishJohn born about 1872
BelliGialio born about 1900
BelliIda born about 1914
BelliJohn born about 1935
BeltranP born about 1905
BenfitJoseph born about 1880
BenjaminEdna born about 1877
BenjaminFred born about 1873
BergFred born about 1879
BerryBarbara Aborn about 1922
BerryBessie Mborn about 1886
BerryGeorge Hborn about 1881
BerrySarah Pborn about 1880
BerryThomas Aborn about 1878
BettisAlsinda born about 1894
BettisHayes born about 1873
BiasoCarlo born about 1882
BiasoLouis born about 1907
BidwelLida Sborn about 1871
BilligmeirLarry born about 1938
BilligmeirRuby born about 1910
BilligmeirWalter born about 1907
BinghamJohn born about 1871
BinnckinottiPaul born about 1881
BishopJanet Wborn about 1897
BishopLois born about 1911
BishopMelda Lborn about 1940
BishopRalph Tborn about 1901
BishopWillie Gborn about 1908
BlaggCatherine born about 1904
BlaggDarrell born about 1930
BlaggEdwarda born about 1923
BlaggFaustine born about 1927
BlaggGeneva born about 1925
BlaggJohn born about 1905
BlaggMarcella born about 1939
BoardAdelina Eborn about 1887
BoardJames Mborn about 1860
BoggianoBeverley Aborn about 1938
BoggianoJohn Rborn about 1916
BoggianoRita Mborn about 1917
BohisonM born about 1887
BollaQuirino born about 1902
BonhamAndy Lborn about 1863
BonhamAra Jborn about 1867
BonhamHelen Jborn about 1921
BonimoLuisa born about 1892
BonimoM born about 1886
BonomoR born about 1885
BorigsayBeny born about 1905
BowdenGibson born about 1914
BowdenMamie born about 1917
BoxFrank Dborn about 1894
BoxGertrude Dborn about 1894
BoyceAmelia born about 1861
BoyceArthur born about 1885
BoyceGrace born about 1892
BoydJames Eborn about 1938
BoydOpal born about 1914
BoydRobert Eborn about 1911
BoykeBertha born about 1895
BoykeJohn born about 1893
BradshawChristina born about 1891
BradshawElvin born about 1889
BradyThomas born about 1881
BranchiniBarbara born about 1925
BranchiniDoris born about 1936
BranchiniEdwin born about 1919
BranchiniJoseph born about 1896
BranchiniJoseph Jr born about 1931
BranchiniLillian born about 1901
BranchiniMarilyn born about 1929
BrandtWilliam Jborn about 1900
BranomFred Lborn about 1912
BranomThelma Jborn about 1913
BrashearsJack born about 1920
BreitenbucherCharles Aborn about 1861
BreitenbucherElisabeth born about 1878
BreitenbucherFritz Eborn about 1914
BressoCarolina born about 1890
BressoGiovanne born about 1885
BriggsDonald born about 1939
BriggsDrwyn born about 1936
BriggsHarry born about 1900
BriggsJemina born about 1860
BriggsMargret born about 1911
BringelsonGeorge Pborn about 1896
BringelsonLois Aborn about 1939
BringelsonMabel Fborn about 1905
BrittLouis born about 1918
BrooksDelbert born about 1925
BrooksElla born about 1907
BrooksFrances born about 1927
BrooksGearle born about 1901
BrooksKenneth born about 1934
BrooksLovicy born about 1931
BrooksVelma born about 1937
BrownMargaret Iborn about 1885
BrownPercy Fborn about 1907
BrownWilliam born about 1865
BrownWillie born about 1910
BrownleeCleo born about 1911
BrownleeFrances born about 1940
BrownleeJames born about 1910
BrownleeLaura born about 1932
BrownleeRichard born about 1937
BruceHilve born about 1905
BruceRufus born about 1901
BrunnerDonald Jborn about 1917
BrunnerEsther Cborn about 1921
BrunnerJames Dborn about 1939
BryanJosephine born about 1902
BryanMarshal born about 1907
BryanRosalie born about 1896
BryanSarah Rborn about 1878
BryanWilliam Jborn about 1891
BucheckerHugo born about 1890
BucheckerTheresa born about 1884
BuckmanMartha born about 1871
BufferAlma Jborn about 1937
BufferDillon Jborn about 1935
BufferJohn Hborn about 1915
BufferOren Bborn about 1915
BufferRuth Aborn about 1917
BurhansRobert born about 1902
BurkCatherine born about 1868
BurkMatthew Tborn about 1865
BurlandoAngelo Jborn about 1923
BurlandoFlorence Mborn about 1925
BurlandoJack born about 1891
BurlandoMargaret Dborn about 1938
BurlandoMary Lborn about 1907
BurtonEliza Fborn about 1869
BurtonGertrude Dborn about 1895
BurtonJacklyn Mborn about 1922
BurtonJohn Hborn about 1896
BushnellKathryn born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabebeJulia born about 1914
CabebeMaximia born about 1939
CabebeVienvinido born about 1938
CabebeVincent born about 1908
CabelezaGloria born about 1935
CabotageNicomedes born about 1909
CabuenaIsidroc born about 1880
CadematoriArden Fborn about 1937
CadematoriCharlotte born about 1886
CadematoriFrank born about 1907
CadematoriLouis Aborn about 1917
CadematoriLouise Lborn about 1912
CadyCharles born about 1872
CadyClara Iborn about 1878
CadyDorothy born about 1903
CadyElmer born about 1902
CalossoAlfreda Sborn about 1920
CalossoElsie Sborn about 1915
CalossoFrank Jborn about 1914
CalossoJennie Eborn about 1897
CalossoLouis born about 1918
CalossoMary born about 1856
CalossoMason Lborn about 1887
CamargoTobias Aborn about 1882
CaminataAlice Jborn about 1930
CaminataDorothy Mborn about 1924
CaminataIrene Aborn about 1927
CaminataJohn born about 1895
CaminataPalmyra born about 1902
CaminataWilliam Jborn about 1922
CaminettaAngelina born about 1928
CaminettaCatherine born about 1929
CaminettaFrancisco born about 1894
CaminettaJames born about 1934
CaminettaNorma born about 1931
CaminettaPasqualina born about 1900
CammicaJohn born about 1874
CampbellAlbert born about 1865
CampbellMarvin born about 1935
CampbellMinerva born about 1929
CampbellMinnie born about 1877
CampionGeorgia Aborn about 1885
CampionJesse Wborn about 1882
CampionJoann born about 1929
CancliniAnnie born about 1887
CancliniGloria born about 1928
CancliniJames born about 1889
CancliniJames Jr born about 1926
CancliniLuke born about 1916
CancliniRose born about 1916
CandidoPedro born about 1899
CanepaAngie born about 1895
CanepaCatherine Lborn about 1904
CanepaCelio born about 1922
CanepaDave Jborn about 1897
CanepaDena Lborn about 1935
CanepaF born about 1885
CanepaTheresa Lborn about 1932
CapurroJohn born about 1883
CarrollMay Aborn about 1885
CarrollWilliam Hborn about 1885
CaseyClarence born about 1873
CasinelliAlfred Aborn about 1931
CasinelliAssunta born about 1904
CastellanosEvangeline born about 1928
CastellanosLouis born about 1926
CastellanosMary born about 1918
CastellanosPeter born about 1922
CastellanosRaymond born about 1924
CastellanosTony born about 1916
CastellanosTony Jr born about 1939
CastellanosYolanda born about 1940
CavadegniEislia born about 1865
CavalliCirillo born about 1874
CavalliElisabeth born about 1910
CavalliJames born about 1917
CavalliLydia born about 1911
CavalliMaria born about 1885
CaveAnnie born about 1874
CaveDale born about 1915
CaveMelville born about 1872
CaveMelville born about 1925
CawthornHolman Hborn about 1880
CawthornWilliam Oborn about 1893
ChaseClarence Dborn about 1900
ChaseClarence Mborn about 1871
ChaseDaisy Dborn about 1873
ChaseEugene Mborn about 1928
ChaseMildred Wborn about 1905
ChaseRobert Dborn about 1930
CherrinoJohn born about 1883
CherrinoMary born about 1886
CherrinoPhillip born about 1916
ChristensenCharles Eborn about 1875
ChristensenElsie Rborn about 1880
ChristensenRobert Rborn about 1917
CilindroLouie born about 1890
ClaxtonAmelia born about 1861
CodyCharles born about 1915
CodyDouglas Lborn about 1895
CodyMaria born about 1901
CodyMary born about 1874
CodyMuriel born about 1915
CodyPeggy Joborn about 1936
CoehloAnthony born about 1882
CoffeyGerald Eborn about 1904
CoffeyMaida Mborn about 1901
CoffrinCarl born about 1917
ColeByron born about 1878
ColeRobert Rborn about 1925
CollinsElwood born about 1901
CompianoCesar born about 1891
CompianoE born about 1875
CompianoEnes born about 1915
CompianoLaura Jeanborn about 1932
CompianoLinda Carrolborn about 1939
CompianoMabel born about 1913
CompianoMaria born about 1884
CompianoOrlie born about 1909
ConasaCindedo born about 1881
ConnersEdward Lborn about 1939
ConnersElmer Eborn about 1915
ConnersMary Vborn about 1923
ConwayArnold born about 1919
ConwayChester born about 1886
ConwayElwood born about 1926
ConwayMary born about 1895
ConwayNorma born about 1924
CookArden born about 1927
CookElmo born about 1925
CookEugene born about 1937
CookFayne born about 1924
CookHelton born about 1919
CookLula born about 1902
CookNolan born about 1898
CookNolan Jr born about 1936
CookNorene born about 1920
CookNorma born about 1922
CookVondell born about 1931
CookWanda born about 1934
CooperCharles born about 1899
CooperDonald born about 1937
CooperHorace born about 1912
CooperIrene born about 1898
CooperPatricia born about 1931
CopelloLouise born about 1910
CorsigiliaAndrew born about 1886
CorsigiliaAngelina born about 1910
CorsigiliaJack born about 1888
CorsigiliaLouis born about 1928
CorsigiliaLouise born about 1930
CostaAnnie Lborn about 1917
CostaDominic born about 1891
CostaGiovanna born about 1894
CostaHelen Lborn about 1922
CostaIrene Aborn about 1918
CostaJohn born about 1881
CostaJohn Pborn about 1907
CostaLillian Dborn about 1927
CostaLouis Jborn about 1909
CostaVictoria born about 1886
CoveyJoseph born about 1926
CowardJohn Wborn about 1913
CowardLena born about 1923
CoxCharles born about 1864
CoxFred Aborn about 1880
CoxGrace born about 1922
CoxHazel born about 1900
CoxJames born about 1887
CoxMaime Eborn about 1883
CoxMarie born about 1888
CoxMollie Jborn about 1864
CoxPerry Hborn about 1900
CoxWesley Bborn about 1908
CozbyElizabeth born about 1878
CozbyWarren born about 1922
CozbyWilliam born about 1870
CraigCecil born about 1912
CrearyCarrie Eborn about 1869
CrearyDonald Wborn about 1908
CrewdsonCecil Nborn about 1894
CrewdsonDonald born about 1927
CruzArcadio born about 1908
CuccoFrank Jborn about 1930
CuccoMario born about 1895
CuneoAndrew Lborn about 1905
CuneoGuiseppe born about 1878
CuneoMargaret Fborn about 1900
CuneoRosie born about 1882
CuramingAlex born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DalportoAlbert born about 1927
DalportoFelice born about 1893
DalportoFelix born about 1929
DalportoJosephine born about 1907
DanielsAvie born about 1920
DanielsDean Lborn about 1940
DanielsLloyd born about 1919
DassoAlbert Bborn about 1889
DassoModdie Aborn about 1888
DauthAlbert born about 1922
DauthEmma born about 1890
DavidsonAddie Vborn about 1904
DavidsonElmer Fborn about 1902
DavisRobert Fborn about 1887
DayEvan born about 1920
DayLola born about 1878
DebenedettiFrank born about 1869
DebenedettiFred born about 1914
DebenedettiGeraldine Bborn about 1939
DebenedettiMarguerite Lborn about 1914
DebenedettiPauline Vborn about 1918
DebenedettiWilliam Aborn about 1918
DelucchiAndrew born about 1898
DelucchiAndrew Jr born about 1930
DelucchiAngelo born about 1898
DelucchiDolores born about 1932
DelucchiDoris born about 1928
DelucchiEldine born about 1926
DelucchiFrank born about 1900
DelucchiGerald born about 1925
DelucchiJulia born about 1904
DelucchiVirginia born about 1908
DeluchiFrank born about 1904
DemartiniAngela born about 1895
DemartiniCaesar born about 1888
DemartiniCarmelina Dborn about 1892
DemartiniDelsie Eborn about 1921
DemartiniJohn born about 1932
DemartiniJohn Aborn about 1908
DemartiniJoseph born about 1889
DemartiniJosephine born about 1934
DemartiniLouise Mborn about 1912
DemartiniMarie Sborn about 1916
DemartiniMary born about 1904
DemartiniNick born about 1890
DementBill born about 1926
DementFannie born about 1862
DementWilliam born about 1852
DemergasiCarlo born about 1882
DentoniJohn born about 1884
DentoniMary born about 1895
DevencenziAugust born about 1885
DevencenziMelvin born about 1918
DevencenziPalymra born about 1888
DevincenziDonald Lborn about 1934
DevincenziJohn born about 1939
DevincenziJulia Hborn about 1905
DevincenziLaurence Mborn about 1899
DevincenziMae Lcborn about 1926
DevincenziRobert Gborn about 1936
DevincenziVernon Jborn about 1927
DevotoJoseph born about 1896
DevotoLouisa born about 1897
DevriesAlbertus born about 1888
DevriesBerty born about 1887
DevriesElsie Mborn about 1926
DeyoungMartin born about 1889
DicarloGeorge born about 1900
DicarloJoseph Sborn about 1935
DicarloMary Vborn about 1912
DillDorothy born about 1939
DillFrank born about 1903
DillGrace born about 1929
DillLelia born about 1911
DillThomas born about 1934
DillWanda born about 1932
Dondero born about 1884
DonderoAnne born about 1915
DonderoBernice born about 1939
DonderoCelesta born about 1919
DonderoElvina born about 1916
DonderoEnrico born about 1908
DonderoF born about 1881
DonderoFrancis born about 1935
DonderoFrank born about 1914
DonderoFred born about 1916
DonderoJohn born about 1911
DonderoJohn Jr born about 1940
DonderoLouis born about 1918
DonderoMary born about 1908
DonderoMary born about 1926
DonderoMatilda born about 1879
DonderoPeter born about 1876
DonderoSteve born about 1917
DoscherHazel Fborn about 1893
DoscherWilliam Hborn about 1891
DoyleEdward born about 1882
DraceDaniel Cborn about 1939
DraceJames Aborn about 1911
DraceJames Mborn about 1936
DraceLaurence Cborn about 1938
DraceMaxine Aborn about 1911
DraftonJaunita born about 1932
DraftonLaunuda born about 1904
DraftonLloyd born about 1922
DraftonPete born about 1928
DraftonTommy born about 1930
DraisLucy born about 1879
DraisMyrtle born about 1879
DraisThomas born about 1875
DrunsfieldCharles born about 1898
DrunsfieldEleanor Eborn about 1919
DrunsfieldGeorge born about 1890
DrunsfieldJames born about 1895
DrunsfieldJane born about 1860
DrunsfieldMinna Lborn about 1892
DuckettJames Eborn about 1914
DunawayJesse born about 1892
DunawayRuth born about 1898
DunawayWilma born about 1926
DuncanDonna born about 1928
DuncanEdgar born about 1891
DuncanEthel born about 1891
DunkinClifton Fborn about 1888
DunkinFrancis Rborn about 1935
DunkinMaude Bborn about 1906

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E Surnames

EckstromIsadore Eborn about 1896
EckstromOscar Wborn about 1886
EckstromZelda Mborn about 1925
EclarisGeorge born about 1911
EdgarDorothy born about 1917
EdgarGeorge born about 1899
EdgarSandra born about 1934
EdgeJoseph born about 1867
EdwardsBobbie Leeborn about 1929
EdwardsClarissa born about 1868
EdwardsRobert born about 1868
EilersCarl born about 1879
EilersCharlotte Aborn about 1937
EilersElaine Eborn about 1916
EilersGustave born about 1886
EilersWilhelm Cborn about 1910
ElenaLouis born about 1885
ErbaSantina born about 1884
ErrotabakPeter born about 1905
EsparzaFidel born about 1895
EtcheverryOpal Mborn about 1917
EtcheverryPeter born about 1910
EtcheveryBernard born about 1875
EtcheveryBernard Jr born about 1921
EtcheveryCatherine born about 1888
EtcheveryEtiemette born about 1912

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F Surnames

FalstreanHarley born about 1903
FalstreanSarah born about 1881
FaraudoBert born about 1894
FawlongBetty born about 1931
FawlongFrank born about 1900
FawlongIrene born about 1938
FawlongJean born about 1933
FearheileyErnest Wborn about 1909
FearheileyLaura Bborn about 1907
FederanFlorentino born about 1903
FelkinsCarl Aborn about 1915
FelkinsCarl Gborn about 1939
FelkinsLoretta born about 1921
FentonArthur born about 1897
FernerAnna born about 1878
FernerJoseph born about 1878
FerriJoe born about 1895
FerrillArlyn born about 1920
FerrillJohn born about 1878
FerrillSarah born about 1879
FickertAlbert Gborn about 1921
FieldCatherine Fborn about 1911
FieldCharles Wborn about 1901
FieldsAlida born about 1936
FieldsAlonzo born about 1895
FieldsBerta born about 1862
FieldsGeorge born about 1935
FieldsHope born about 1903
FieldsJames born about 1898
FilipelliAngela born about 1912
FilipelliEmiline born about 1913
FilipelliJennie born about 1879
FilipelliJohnnie born about 1905
FilipelliLawrence born about 1916
FilipelliLillian born about 1911
FilipelliLorraine born about 1936
FilipelliTony born about 1914
FilipponeEmma born about 1918
FilipponeGuieseppe born about 1887
FilipponeIlda born about 1922
FilipponeMaria Rborn about 1891
FilipponeSilvio born about 1924
FineLena Aborn about 1880
FinnTom born about 1884
FisherJennie Fborn about 1861
FisherMarjean Wborn about 1924
FisherMarshall Wborn about 1884
FisherMartha Wborn about 1895
FisherWeber Gborn about 1922
FlanaganJuanita born about 1938
FlanaganMarion born about 1919
FlanaganMelvi born about 1939
FlanaganRay born about 1913
FlanaryAlma born about 1924
FlanaryEzra born about 1930
FlanaryFrona born about 1926
FlanaryHays born about 1923
FlanaryHorn born about 1887
FlanaryHorn Jr born about 1935
FlanaryJessie born about 1919
FlanaryJewel born about 1938
FlanaryMarla born about 1932
FlanaryMickey born about 1900
FlanaryRay born about 1921
FlanniganCarrol Oborn about 1917
FlanniganCharles Mborn about 1883
FlanniganMattie Fborn about 1887
FlorAlbert born about 1935
FlorAmelia born about 1913
FlorAngelo born about 1901
FlorDina born about 1930
FlorDino born about 1932
FlorMary born about 1905
FlorPio born about 1898
FloresTony born about 1913
FolleyHerman Tborn about 1898
FolleyMargie Rborn about 1923
FolleyMary Nborn about 1929
FolleyMurry Rborn about 1925
FolleyWinnie born about 1897
FonaccaHubert Jborn about 1922
FonaccaLaura Lborn about 1927
FonaccaManuel Mborn about 1883
FonaccaSara Mborn about 1888
FontesMary Fborn about 1889
FonziSam Fborn about 1922
FooteCyril Mborn about 1913
FooteElsie Vborn about 1894
FooteFrank Jborn about 1893
FooteLaura Wborn about 1921
FooteNettie Vborn about 1886
FooteRalph Mborn about 1883
FoppianoAngelo born about 1888
FoppianoTessie born about 1890
FordMary born about 1884
FordWilliam born about 1882
FossatiGiaccomo born about 1883
FossatiSanto born about 1878
FraneschettiAlfred born about 1912
FrazierJohn Eborn about 1858
FrazierLulu Eborn about 1864
FreemanWalter born about 1874
FrenchEmma born about 1877
FrenchFred Mborn about 1873
FreshourEloise born about 1933
FreshourEva born about 1937
FreshourEverett born about 1898
FreshourJohn born about 1920
FreshourLolita born about 1929
FreshourMinnie born about 1901
FreshourSidney born about 1931
FruzeJack born about 1876

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G Surnames

GalgianaAttilo born about 1883
GandolfoAnthony Jborn about 1933
GandolfoErminia Lborn about 1908
GandolfoJohn Bborn about 1893
GandolfoMelvin Aborn about 1937
GaravanoGuiseppe born about 1884
GaravanoTheresa born about 1894
GaravensAlma born about 1925
GaravensMary born about 1907
GarrisonCecil born about 1921
GarsinoAnna born about 1897
GarsinoBattista born about 1894
GarsinoCelesina born about 1932
GarsinoJoseph born about 1927
GasparGarces born about 1913
GatesAlice Bborn about 1921
GatesMarguerite born about 1922
GatesWalling Tborn about 1918
GatzmanFrank born about 1895
GatzmanMartha born about 1907
GenettiMargaret Mborn about 1930
GenettiNicholas Jr born about 1935
GenettiNick born about 1896
GenettiTheresa Wborn about 1904
GiannecchiniAngelina Wborn about 1893
GiannecchiniEdward Fborn about 1933
GiannecchiniEugene Nborn about 1932
GiannecchiniFabio born about 1893
GiannecchiniFaustino born about 1929
GiannecchiniFrank Fborn about 1929
GilchristEdwin Jborn about 1909
GilchristEllen Mborn about 1915
GilchristHarold Gborn about 1938
GilchristLaurence Eborn about 1936
GillispieBonnie Jborn about 1939
GillispieIrene born about 1914
GillispieNancy Leeborn about 1938
GillispieWilbur Hborn about 1913
GilmoreDaniel born about 1872
GilmoreElsie born about 1896
GioteniniEugene born about 1903
GiovanniDorio born about 1889
GoertzRichard Cborn about 1878
GoetzAugust born about 1870
GognaAngelina born about 1907
GognaDoris Rborn about 1928
GognaEnes Rborn about 1926
GognaFrances Mborn about 1892
GognaFrank born about 1887
GognaIsadore born about 1898
GognaLena Mborn about 1936
GognaMarino born about 1913
GognaVernon Gborn about 1934
GoochFred Lborn about 1900
GoochFred L Jrborn about 1928
GoochHattie Gborn about 1904
GoochHorace Hborn about 1931
GoochJohn Jborn about 1876
GoochJoseph Fborn about 1909
GoochLola Eborn about 1885
GoodeWesley born about 1898
GordonCharles born about 1928
GordonWilliam born about 1900
GorhamElla born about 1890
GorhamEllen born about 1922
GorhamHarry born about 1916
GorhamLillian born about 1924
GorhamNelson born about 1884
GorhamWanda born about 1926
GorospeLeo born about 1898
GorospeRoy born about 1890
GorospeSabrina born about 1894
GorospeSam born about 1902
GorospeTito born about 1914
GrabeWilkins born about 1883
GraybillLandis born about 1903
GraybillWalter born about 1907
GregoriaThedoro born about 1897
GrieveBilly born about 1932
GrieveJerry born about 1935
GrieveJulia born about 1909
GrieveKeith born about 1933
GrievePatricia born about 1929
GrieveWilliam born about 1908
GrohEdith Mborn about 1893
GrohFrank born about 1892
GroverAileen born about 1912
GroverBertha born about 1884
GroverGeraldine born about 1917
GroverJames born about 1874
GroverRosa born about 1881
GroverRuth born about 1924
GroverVirgil born about 1908
GruellJohn born about 1899
GruellLyle born about 1905
GruellMary born about 1867
GruellRobert born about 1863
GrupeBernice born about 1912
GrupeBruce Aborn about 1932
GrupeDarlene born about 1938
GrupeEugene born about 1900
GrupeFlora born about 1863
GrupeFlorence born about 1894
GrupeFrances born about 1918
GrupeFrancis born about 1912
GrupeG Henryborn about 1861
GrupeJohn Cborn about 1862
GrupeKarl born about 1915
GrupeMaude born about 1876
GuadagnoloBiagio born about 1898
GuadagnoloBilly born about 1938
GuadagnoloJosephine born about 1902
GuadagnoloRaymond born about 1920
GuernseyFred Aborn about 1855
GuernseyHomer Sborn about 1899
GuernseyJane Eborn about 1927
GuernseyMary Eborn about 1903
GuernseyMary Jborn about 1870
GuernseySusan Bborn about 1932
GundersonGunder born about 1889
GunterCharles born about 1917
GunterManie born about 1880
GunterParlee born about 1848
GunterRobert born about 1877
GuyClifford born about 1915
GuyEula Rborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HahtHarry born about 1905
HahtLeona born about 1911
HahtRonald born about 1933
HainesBetty Lborn about 1927
HainesLoyd Eborn about 1906
HainesMary Jborn about 1938
HainesOlive Mborn about 1908
HainesRuby Oborn about 1924
HaleJoseph Sborn about 1863
HamiltonGertrude born about 1900
HamiltonGrace born about 1901
HamiltonJesse born about 1885
HamiltonPorter born about 1900
HamiltonWilliam Bborn about 1861
HamptonDoyle Fborn about 1901
HanadaChijome born about 1918
HanadaShingi born about 1903
HanadaTsutomi born about 1937
HaneyDoris born about 1933
HaneyEsther born about 1912
HaneyLeland born about 1910
HaneyRodney born about 1936
HanifinJohn born about 1915
HanifinJohn Mborn about 1940
HanifinLois Lborn about 1918
HanlonGeorge Mborn about 1938
HanlonGertrude Jborn about 1908
HanlonHelen Gborn about 1928
HanlonJack Pborn about 1904
HanlonJacquelyn Eborn about 1929
HanlonJames Eborn about 1936
HanlonJohn Pborn about 1936
HanlonOlive Rborn about 1931
HanlonThelma Rborn about 1933
HannonEvelyn Oborn about 1911
HannonShirley Jborn about 1932
HannonVirginia Lborn about 1934
HannonWilliam Fborn about 1910
HansenAlys Mborn about 1914
HansenAnnie born about 1911
HansenCharles Oborn about 1909
HansenGeorge Fborn about 1906
HansenKarl Nborn about 1906
HansenM Louiseborn about 1916
HansenMargaret Lborn about 1877
HarmonGeraldine born about 1936
HarrisAubrey Vborn about 1915
HarrisSylvia Jborn about 1918
HarrisonAmber born about 1877
HarrisonEthyl born about 1910
HarrisonFrank Pborn about 1895
HarrisonJames born about 1928
HarrisonJoseph born about 1907
HarrisonLily Mborn about 1873
HarrisonMaude Mborn about 1895
HastieJames born about 1892
HathawayEmma born about 1876
HathawayLorenzo born about 1880
HayesEdward born about 1919
HayesLelia Lborn about 1940
HayesLetha Jborn about 1907
HayesT Jborn about 1895
HeathFredrick born about 1876
HeltcelClyde born about 1893
HeltcelElmer born about 1895
HeltcelHelen born about 1924
HeltcelLucille born about 1896
HeltcelLucy born about 1927
HeltzelChester born about 1887
HeltzelMillie born about 1920
HendersonCalvin born about 1921
HendersonCecil born about 1923
HendersonCleata born about 1924
HendersonClifford born about 1918
HendersonHarlin born about 1920
HendersonJimmy born about 1934
HendersonOda born about 1894
HendersonWiley born about 1928
HensenAlice born about 1914
HensenGeorge born about 1906
HensleyBillie Fborn about 1938
HensleyBlanche Mborn about 1922
HensleyHorace born about 1895
HensleyJulie Fborn about 1938
HensleyKatherine born about 1897
HensleyOdis Hborn about 1916
HensleyVerlon Jborn about 1924
HensleyVernie Jborn about 1920
HerbertMary Janeborn about 1928
HerbertNed born about 1923
HerbertRuth born about 1894
HerbertStanley born about 1880
HerrJanice Vborn about 1939
HerrJoshua born about 1912
HerrMartha born about 1914
HerrTheodore born about 1918
HewardJohn born about 1872
HickoxEdward Eborn about 1864
HigashiA born about 1915
HigashiJ born about 1939
HigashiS born about 1905
HigashiY born about 1937
HightHerbert Sborn about 1902
HightowerEldon born about 1925
HightowerEna Iborn about 1927
HightowerJohn Wborn about 1923
HightowerLillie Vborn about 1902
HightowerW Edgarborn about 1899
HirataGrace born about 1932
HirataHenry born about 1937
HirataRay born about 1905
HirataRuth born about 1936
HirataToshiye born about 1911
HockstetterGus born about 1893
HogerClara born about 1867
HogerHugo born about 1887
HollandClaude Oborn about 1926
HollandCliff Jborn about 1906
HollandJohn Wborn about 1859
HollenbeckJohn born about 1875
HollidayLewis born about 1887
HolmanBoyd born about 1882
HolmanLavinia born about 1874
HolmesWalter born about 1900
HolquistJohn born about 1866
HolzreiterAdelaide born about 1929
HolzreiterBeverly born about 1931
HolzreiterFelix born about 1899
HolzreiterIda born about 1932
HolzreiterNorma born about 1910
HorvathJoseph born about 1887
HoustonEmily Gborn about 1900
HoustonRalph Gborn about 1890
HuddlestonAlpha Rborn about 1927
HuddlestonHelen Lborn about 1930
HuddlestonOscar Wborn about 1923
HuddlestonZora Aborn about 1892
HughesCharles born about 1898
HughesEdward Jborn about 1852
HughesIrene born about 1904
HughesMargaret Tborn about 1858
HumphreyDenver born about 1919
HumphreyFrank born about 1884
HunterJennie born about 1870
HurtadoCharles born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IkedaFrances born about 1922
IkedaIwami born about 1900
IkedaTetauzo born about 1884
IkedaYoneka born about 1925
IsraelAnna Aborn about 1872

J Surnames

JohnsonA Lborn about 1878
JohnsonAubrey born about 1907
JohnsonDorothy born about 1898
JohnsonElisabeth Cborn about 1869
JohnsonFabian born about 1915
JohnsonJames born about 1876
JohnsonJohn Eborn about 1864
JohnsonLavonne Jborn about 1926
JohnsonMartin Tborn about 1918
JohnsonMaryclyde born about 1924
JohnsonNoval Fborn about 1903
JohnsonRobert born about 1927
JohnsonWillie Wborn about 1914
JohnsonWinifred Hborn about 1901
JonesElla born about 1882
JonesH Cherryborn about 1877
JonesJoe born about 1880
JonesPaul Wborn about 1898
JonesRosella born about 1915
JonesSarah born about 1859
JudsonCarol born about 1939
JudsonElwood born about 1917
JudsonEvelyn born about 1920
JudsonRonald born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaiserErnest Jborn about 1907
KaiserErnest Sborn about 1932
KaiserMildred Rborn about 1908
KaiserPhyllis Sborn about 1939
KaiserRonald Eborn about 1935
KaneishiC born about 1925
KaneishiE born about 1922
KaneishiK born about 1900
KaneishiS born about 1888
KaneishiS born about 1923
KerigeFlorience born about 1891
KimberlingAnn Oborn about 1934
KimberlingBenjamin Cborn about 1936
KimberlingLoren Oborn about 1915
KimberlingOlive Bborn about 1911
KingDaniel born about 1884
KingHarry born about 1863
KittleAda Fborn about 1861
KittleEvelyn Fborn about 1910
KittleMark Vborn about 1890
KleenCharlotte born about 1936
KleenMarion born about 1909
KleenR Gborn about 1909
KleenWillard born about 1935
KosahHenry born about 1902
KrebsAugust born about 1897
KrebsDoris born about 1936
KrebsEva born about 1911
KrebsFrank born about 1895
KrebsHelen born about 1934
KrenzFrederick Wborn about 1875
KromannAlma Tborn about 1902
KromannLorraine born about 1920
KromannOluf born about 1898
KuboIsatu born about 1881
KuboMasaree born about 1922
KuboSatoru born about 1922
KuboSumie born about 1928
KuboYoshie born about 1924
KuboYuki born about 1895
KuboYuki born about 1923
KuchBernice born about 1924
KuchEthel born about 1887
KuchPeter born about 1887
KyddsonJean Eborn about 1905
KyddsonThomas Wborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaddEdwin Hborn about 1889
LagomarsinoAnna born about 1914
LagomarsinoAugust born about 1904
LagomarsinoJohn born about 1867
LagomarsinoJoseph born about 1906
LagomarsinoLouis born about 1914
LagomarsinsAngelo born about 1868
LagorioAlba born about 1916
LagorioAldo born about 1927
LagorioAlvin born about 1931
LagorioAnna born about 1939
LagorioAnnie born about 1905
LagorioJacqueline born about 1924
LagorioJohn born about 1894
LagorioJohn Lborn about 1898
LagorioJohn Jr born about 1932
LagorioLorene born about 1936
LagorioLouis born about 1898
LagorioMarie born about 1892
LagorioMinnie born about 1912
LagorioNona Leeborn about 1937
LagorioNorma born about 1910
LagorioNorman born about 1934
LagorioRay born about 1903
LagorioRomildo born about 1909
LagorioVenere born about 1935
LandoniGuiseppe born about 1898
LaportaRose born about 1879
LarraldeAugustine born about 1896
LarsonJohn born about 1881
LarsonMyrtle born about 1889
LasaBernardo born about 1897
LaskeyMarie Cborn about 1913
LaskeyWilliam Jborn about 1908
LattoEffie Rborn about 1906
LattoSamuel Gborn about 1890
LawleyAnnabelle born about 1914
LawleyClyde born about 1920
LawleyDonald Rborn about 1936
LawleyGranvel Lborn about 1910
LawleyJohn born about 1914
LawleyRodney Mborn about 1931
LaymonDaniel born about 1915
LaymonJohnathan born about 1917
LehmanWilliam Hborn about 1918
LeipeltFlorence Nborn about 1898
LeipeltHerman Bborn about 1901
LemasterBuda Eborn about 1915
LemasterDe Witt Rborn about 1914
LemasterIva Cborn about 1896
LemasterZondra Mborn about 1939
LenfestyAnnie Lborn about 1872
LeonardiniAnthony born about 1925
LeonardiniArmando born about 1916
LeonardiniGuiditta born about 1887
LeonardiniJames Wborn about 1900
LeonardiniJohn born about 1893
LeonardiniJohn born about 1910
LeonardiniJohn Jborn about 1893
LeonardiniLeona born about 1928
LeonardiniMargaret born about 1930
LeonardiniMaria born about 1870
LeonardiniPeter Lborn about 1891
LeonardiniPeter Wborn about 1877
LesterAubrey born about 1925
LevalleyJames Wborn about 1882
LewallenMarjorie born about 1916
LewallenRobert born about 1901
LewallenSally born about 1938
LewallenYvonne born about 1936
LewisDaisy born about 1876
LewisEllen Iborn about 1878
LewisHoward Cborn about 1919
LewisSamuel born about 1862
LeyBarbara Vborn about 1923
LeyEarleen Mborn about 1918
LeyGerald Mborn about 1921
LeyMartin Aborn about 1887
LeyMarvin Aborn about 1926
LeyMary Eborn about 1900
LeyMary Mborn about 1926
LillieGerald Mborn about 1915
LillieGlendora Rborn about 1925
LillieMabel Lborn about 1887
LillieMilton Eborn about 1886
LimasManuel born about 1855
LindFred born about 1874
LittleJack born about 1910
LongstreetJoseph born about 1931
LoyHuey born about 1912
LucchettiAngelina born about 1895
LucchettiCatherine born about 1929
LucchettiDelsie born about 1925
LucchettiRay born about 1923
LundAndrew born about 1861
LuraDonald born about 1928
LuraEdward born about 1925
LuraEdward born about 1926
LuraEllen born about 1903
LuraEster born about 1924
LuraThomas born about 1887
LutzWhilhemina born about 1909
LynchFlora born about 1888
LynchHarriet born about 1911
LynchHarry born about 1887
LynchLorraine born about 1914
LynchNannie Lborn about 1877
LynchSamuel born about 1874
LynchWillis Eborn about 1906
LyonsAdalaide Fborn about 1888
LyonsCharla born about 1929
LyonsCharles born about 1900
LyonsEunice born about 1899
LyonsJack Mborn about 1919
LyonsJames Rborn about 1921
LyonsJohn Jborn about 1887
LyonsMartin born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachadoAngelina born about 1885
MachadoBill born about 1926
MachadoGeorge born about 1892
MachadoTony born about 1911
MacomberFrank Hborn about 1879
MacomberMyrtle Mborn about 1870
MaduenaManuel born about 1926
MaffeoGaitano born about 1881
MaffeoSabina born about 1891
MahrleanHerman born about 1876
MaisterrinoJulian born about 1880
MakawataseM born about 1910
MalJennie born about 1886
MalasigAnon born about 1906
MalspinaBarbara born about 1906
MalspinaBarbara born about 1938
MalspinaJoan born about 1939
MalspinaRealto born about 1891
MandroccioAmelia born about 1897
MandroccioJohn born about 1896
MangiliAndrew born about 1925
MangiliAnna born about 1898
MangiliErminio born about 1921
MangiliFrances born about 1933
MangiliHenry born about 1919
MangiliLodvicis born about 1890
MantwoaLouis born about 1902
MapesAlida Dborn about 1908
MapesClarence Wborn about 1900
MaraglianoNat born about 1906
MarcianoAlvina born about 1914
MarcianoErnest born about 1910
MarcianoJaqueline Fborn about 1914
MarcianoJoan Dborn about 1935
MarcianoVernon Jborn about 1912
MarcianoVernon Rborn about 1933
MargialanoEdward born about 1885
MargialanoEdward Jr born about 1926
MargialanoFred born about 1933
MargialanoLena Rborn about 1931
MargialanoLinda born about 1897
MarguardtJacob born about 1872
MarguardtLucy born about 1886
MarsianoAmelia Jborn about 1911
MarsianoDave born about 1922
MarsianoSilvio Jborn about 1908
MarsianoSilvio J Jrborn about 1930
MartelloJoseph born about 1883
MartinAlvin Gborn about 1924
MartinElvin Wborn about 1924
MartinIrma Cborn about 1908
MartinJame Oborn about 1923
MartinNelma Eborn about 1929
MartinPearl Cborn about 1878
MartinRoy born about 1917
MartinezLorenzo born about 1871
MartiniBernice born about 1916
MartiniElena born about 1885
MartiniGuiseppe born about 1880
MartiniLino born about 1920
MartiniLouis born about 1887
MartiniMary born about 1889
MatsunotoKataro born about 1900
MatsuokaA born about 1899
MatsuokaE born about 1921
MatsuokaH born about 1920
MatsuokaH born about 1926
MatsuokaJ born about 1922
MatsuokaK born about 1887
MatsuokaK born about 1924
MattesichHarriet born about 1924
MattesichJohn born about 1884
MattesichJohn Jr born about 1914
MattesichMabel born about 1892
MaulAnn born about 1917
MaulGeorge born about 1916
MaxwellMary born about 1860
MaynJohn born about 1875
MazellanBernice Mborn about 1904
MazellanGuy Jborn about 1898
McAlmaAlice born about 1928
McAlmaJoe born about 1912
McAlmaViolet born about 1926
McElroyLula born about 1903
McElroyRichard born about 1937
McElroyRobert born about 1903
McElroyWauldine born about 1924
McElroyWilma born about 1926
McGiheeSilas born about 1901
McGowenAlfred born about 1907
McGowenAnna born about 1917
McGowenBabe born about 1910
McGowenEloise born about 1936
McGowenJoe Leeborn about 1936
McGowenJohn born about 1935
McGowenOpal born about 1915
McIntireArthur born about 1884
McPhersonAlice Mborn about 1922
McPhersonGeorge born about 1916
McPhersonJames Aborn about 1914
McPhersonLeta Vborn about 1921
McPhersonMabel born about 1887
MeadowsBernice Lborn about 1921
MeadowsOdis born about 1913
MeaghersLois Dborn about 1937
MeaghersOpal born about 1919
MeaghersWilfred born about 1916
MeekDotson born about 1900
MeekEthel Eborn about 1912
MeeksBernice Wborn about 1903
MeeksCecil Mborn about 1913
MessickEdwin Fborn about 1881
MessickJames Eborn about 1923
MessickNorman Rborn about 1934
MessickRobert Rborn about 1932
MessickRosie Eborn about 1892
MessickWilliam Fborn about 1924
MetcalfeEdgar Aborn about 1871
MetcalfeEthel Jborn about 1873
MetzlerAdalaide Hborn about 1901
MetzlerAlbert Eborn about 1903
MetzlerCharles Mborn about 1930
MetzlerEleanor Iborn about 1935
MetzlerGenevieve Lborn about 1928
MetzlerHelene born about 1863
MetzlerHenry Lborn about 1931
MetzlerHenry Wborn about 1893
MetzlerLeona Mborn about 1893
MetzlerMargaret Lborn about 1927
MetzlerMartha Jborn about 1938
MeucciAlex born about 1911
MeucciChristina born about 1883
MeucciFlorence born about 1922
MeucciFrances born about 1925
MeucciPeter born about 1877
MeucciSavina born about 1912
MeyerAlbert born about 1868
MeyerBeverly Eborn about 1921
MeyerCassandra born about 1874
MeyerCecil Kborn about 1895
MeyerEileen Cborn about 1927
MeyerHazel Mborn about 1901
MeyerHenry Cborn about 1869
MeyersBlanche born about 1883
MeyersJohn born about 1889
MeyersMorris born about 1916
MierFrank Lborn about 1868
MillerCharles Fborn about 1883
MillerCharles Hborn about 1884
MillerDavid Wborn about 1909
MillerDavid Wborn about 1933
MillerFlorence Bborn about 1896
MillerFlorence Cborn about 1883
MillerFrank born about 1903
MillerRaymond Wborn about 1895
MillerRichard Bborn about 1939
MillerRobert Wborn about 1929
MillerRuth Gborn about 1922
MillerRuth Lborn about 1917
MillsAlfred born about 1878
MinatelAntoinette born about 1938
MinatelEnrico born about 1904
MinatelMatilda born about 1914
MininiErnest born about 1884
MinkJoseph born about 1879
MitchellHelen born about 1921
MiyamotoI born about 1877
MobleyDorothy born about 1917
MobleyRichard born about 1940
MobleyWilliam born about 1911
MobleyWilliam Jr born about 1938
MohanFrank born about 1869
MolattEtta Mborn about 1882
MolattGeorge Wborn about 1886
MonkJacob born about 1892
MontanelliCaesar born about 1874
MontanelliGenevieve born about 1890
MontanelliJoseph born about 1910
MontanelliLouise born about 1911
MooreBernadine born about 1921
MooreDoris Bborn about 1928
MooreEleanor Mborn about 1925
MooreGwyneth born about 1920
MooreMary Aborn about 1924
MoorePhyllis Lborn about 1930
MooreRuth Eborn about 1920
MooreRuth Mborn about 1893
MooreSheldon Gborn about 1932
MooreVera Jborn about 1922
MorandaAllie born about 1868
MorandaB born about 1868
MorguedaAgustine born about 1906
MoriAlfred born about 1903
MorrillAmy Kborn about 1916
MorrillArthur Wborn about 1913
MorrillCarolyn Mborn about 1892
MorrillEarl Aborn about 1885
MorrillJanice Vborn about 1938
MorrillJennie Pborn about 1887
MorrillJoan born about 1935
MorrillMary born about 1910
MorrillMary Jeanborn about 1931
MorrillRalph Bborn about 1880
MorrillStephen Aborn about 1939
MorrillSusie born about 1937
MorrillWilbur born about 1902
MorrisBillie Joeborn about 1932
MorrisLe Roy Wborn about 1934
MorrisLeila Fborn about 1939
MorrisMinnie Bborn about 1911
MorrisRoy Wborn about 1905
MosquitoMarcelino born about 1899
MosquitoSimplicio born about 1910
MossJames born about 1910
MotoikeA born about 1910
MotoikeA born about 1930
MotoikeB born about 1928
MotoikeJ born about 1895
MotoikeL born about 1934
MotoikeM born about 1926
MotoikeM born about 1934
MotoikeR born about 1928
MotoikeS born about 1888
MotoikeS born about 1924
MotoikeS born about 1940
MotoikeY born about 1907
MoznettCyril Fborn about 1900
MoznettFrank Wborn about 1869
MoznettOpha born about 1869
MuellerChristine born about 1878
MuellerDale born about 1934
MuellerDavid born about 1931
MuellerDonald born about 1933
MuellerJean born about 1905
MuellerRudolf born about 1905
MullinsAlvin Eborn about 1914
MullinsEdith Lborn about 1917
MullinsHarold Eborn about 1939
MullinsPaul Eborn about 1935
MuratoreAngela born about 1875
MuratoreFrank born about 1865
MurphyBennit born about 1902
MurphyChester born about 1889
MurphyElla born about 1894
MurphyJames Pborn about 1933
MurphyLucille born about 1921
MurphyMabel Rborn about 1910
MurphyRoland born about 1923
MurphyWilliam Gborn about 1929
MurphyWilliam Pborn about 1904
MurrayAlbert born about 1931
MurrayCharles born about 1927
MurrayDavid born about 1934
MurrayForrest born about 1924
MurrayMelba born about 1933
MurrayMinta born about 1895
MurrayPerry born about 1929
MurrayRobert born about 1897
MusgrobeFloyd Wborn about 1907
MusgrobeFloyd W Jrborn about 1932
MusgrobeRuby Eborn about 1910
MussoEleanor born about 1909
MussoEleanor born about 1930
MussoGeorge born about 1906
MussoLorraine born about 1929
MyersHarry Mborn about 1900
MyersHenrietta Lborn about 1912
MyersJanice Mborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagleBertha Eborn about 1905
NagleHappy born about 1921
NagleL Lborn about 1878
NaranjoCarmen born about 1904
NaranjoEsporanza born about 1928
NaranjoJoun born about 1924
NaranjoLupe born about 1927
NaranjoPrudencia born about 1906
NauaroRody born about 1908
NearyJames Tborn about 1901
NeedhamClyde born about 1927
NegroAllasandro born about 1885
NeidermannLaurence born about 1921
NeidermannMatilda born about 1878
NelsonWard born about 1900
NevensJames born about 1887
NewtonErnest born about 1917
NewtonLeslie born about 1919
NicholsBernice born about 1936
NicholsBuford born about 1939
NicholsCallie born about 1881
NicholsTreva born about 1914
NicholsWayne born about 1937
NicholsWilliam born about 1910
NolanThomas born about 1883
NorgardElmer born about 1894
NorgardGordon born about 1924
NorgardLoral born about 1921
NorgardLuther born about 1915
NorgardMayme born about 1890
NudhamHarold Bborn about 1910
NudhamLaura Leeborn about 1933
NudhamMargaret born about 1911
NudingBenjamin born about 1918
NudingBetty born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OconnorJoseph born about 1894
OlguinCarlos born about 1921
OlguinDaniel born about 1888
OlguinEstafanita born about 1896
OlguinMarshall Tborn about 1897
OlivereriAmelia Mborn about 1906
OlivereriGuido Pborn about 1939
OlivereriLucia Kborn about 1940
OlivereriNick born about 1886
OlsonAlthea born about 1880
OlsonCecil born about 1923
OlsonElmer born about 1874
OlsonElsie born about 1915
OlsonGeorge born about 1877
OlsonWarren born about 1912
OnetoMaurice born about 1897
OrrEllis born about 1909
OrrKatherine born about 1914
OsbornCharles Jr born about 1915
OsbornPhyllis born about 1916
OwenLouis born about 1898
OwnbuyDorothy born about 1928
OwnbuyFay born about 1908
OwnbuyGeorge born about 1904
OwningLee born about 1883
OwningLee Jr born about 1934
OwningMary born about 1907
OwningRaymond born about 1937
OyeA born about 1915
OyeA born about 1920
OyeS born about 1886
OyeT born about 1930
OyeY born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PachecoRuby born about 1920
PaciniIda born about 1882
PaciniJoseph Gborn about 1886
PackArlie born about 1921
PackFloyd born about 1901
PackHerbert Oborn about 1916
PackIrene Lborn about 1922
PackJohn Hborn about 1939
PackLois Cborn about 1917
PackLorneva born about 1930
PackMarvin Jborn about 1914
PackMarvin Lborn about 1937
PackOma born about 1901
PackWilliam Bborn about 1919
PageCarolyn born about 1870
PageClaude born about 1903
PageGertie Mborn about 1915
PageJohn Wborn about 1911
PageWilliam born about 1861
PanizzaChrist born about 1891
PaolettiCamillo born about 1886
PaolettiDina born about 1927
PaolettiDominco born about 1892
PaolettiEnas born about 1895
PaolettiJames born about 1927
PaolettiJessie born about 1923
PaolettiJulia born about 1900
PaolettiMary born about 1901
PaolettiOlga Lborn about 1923
PaolettiPasquale born about 1890
PaolettiRaymond born about 1921
PaolettiRenaldo Dborn about 1924
PaolettiTheresa born about 1932
ParellaCharles born about 1895
ParellaFrances born about 1902
ParellaJohn born about 1923
ParksJosephine Cborn about 1869
ParksSamuel Tborn about 1876
PascuaBecente born about 1878
PatricaGrace born about 1870
PatricaJoseph born about 1865
PattersonAlberta born about 1874
PattersonAlta Eborn about 1885
PattersonCarroll born about 1899
PattersonClifford born about 1902
PattersonDavid Wborn about 1938
PattersonEllen Lborn about 1935
PattersonJoan born about 1937
PattersonLillian born about 1909
PattersonRobert born about 1871
PattersonRonald born about 1929
PattersonWilliam Hborn about 1872
PaytonGrace born about 1916
PaytonPaul born about 1905
PearsonTheodore born about 1899
PedersonPeder born about 1892
PerryErnest Jborn about 1921
PetersonBetty Jborn about 1934
PetersonCaroline Lborn about 1927
PetersonDonald Eborn about 1932
PetersonEarl Rborn about 1924
PetersonKenneth Lborn about 1937
PetersonMary Eborn about 1903
PetersonPeter born about 1888
PetersonPeter Eborn about 1935
PetersonRobert Lborn about 1928
PhilipeManuelo born about 1912
PhillipeAlbert Bborn about 1884
PhillipsJoseph Wborn about 1914
PhillipsJosephine Sborn about 1914
PiccardoEvelyn Cborn about 1901
PiccardoJack Rborn about 1923
PiccardoPeter Jborn about 1896
PiccardoPeter J Jrborn about 1928
PickleMattie Sborn about 1874
PierceRoy born about 1915
PimentelClara born about 1914
PimentelGeorge born about 1924
PimentelGladys born about 1913
PimentelJoseph born about 1909
PimentelMarie born about 1918
PinneyEdward born about 1938
PinneyGeorge born about 1910
PinneyLois born about 1911
PinneyPatsy born about 1939
PinneyRobert born about 1936
PinneySilas born about 1868
PipherLouis born about 1885
PipherNannie born about 1893
PizziGeorge Jborn about 1918
PizziRose Eborn about 1921
PlotzBertha born about 1913
PlotzJohn born about 1920
PlotzTheresie Mborn about 1875
PodestaAngela born about 1912
PodestaFrank born about 1913
PodestaGiacomo born about 1885
PodestaIrene born about 1904
PodestaJack born about 1905
PodestaJames born about 1910
PodestaJohn born about 1895
PodestaJosephine born about 1924
PodestaTony born about 1895
PodestaVictoria born about 1886
PodestoEda Rborn about 1916
PodestoFrederick Fborn about 1937
PodestoGiacomo born about 1881
PodestoLouisa Cborn about 1886
PodestoMario Aborn about 1926
PoggioAugust Lborn about 1894
PoggioCatherine Lborn about 1926
PoggioJohn born about 1887
PoggioJohn born about 1888
PoggioJohn Hborn about 1889
PoggioMarie Rborn about 1923
PoggioStella Aborn about 1898
PorterGeorge Iborn about 1924
PorterMerle Mborn about 1905
PorterOrrin Gborn about 1895
PorterPhyllis Aborn about 1928
PorterRichard Lborn about 1926
PotterBernice Pborn about 1900
PotterEdith Kborn about 1937
PotterJanice Jborn about 1927
PotterLloyd Aborn about 1883
PotterLloyd Kborn about 1925
PratherEva Lborn about 1869
PratoAttilio born about 1903
PratoEnrichetta born about 1914
PratoPalmyra born about 1933
PrendoFrank born about 1881
PriceClaude Hborn about 1897
PriceDonald born about 1927
PriceHazel Wborn about 1899
PriceRobert Lborn about 1920
PritchettDoris born about 1922
PritchettJ Cborn about 1918
PrudenFrancis Iborn about 1905
PrudenIrvin Fborn about 1934
PrudenRichard Eborn about 1931
PrudenRuth born about 1910
PrudenThelma Jborn about 1937
PrudenWilma Jborn about 1937
PuntaGiaccomo born about 1884
PuntaLouise Cborn about 1896
PuntaRaymond Lborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnCelia born about 1901
QuinnFred born about 1924
QuinnFredrick born about 1891
QuinnJoseph born about 1927
QuinnRobert born about 1922
QuinnWilliam born about 1925

R Surnames

RachesGeorge born about 1892
RamLahori born about 1902
RamLal born about 1908
RamMunski born about 1879
RamonsSinporein born about 1904
RapodasFred born about 1911
RattoAlice born about 1895
RattoDominico born about 1902
RattoGiabotta born about 1893
RattoGloria born about 1923
RattoJohnnie born about 1925
RattoMary born about 1905
ReGiacomo born about 1888
ReddingEdgar Mborn about 1920
ReddingJulia Aborn about 1921
ReefWilliam born about 1861
RefuerzoRichard Fborn about 1910
ReichAlbert Lborn about 1912
ReichJulia Mborn about 1914
ReichStanley Eborn about 1939
RemyOrie born about 1913
RetinaNancy born about 1910
RhynesAubrey born about 1934
RhynesDaymond born about 1914
RhynesJewell born about 1913
RhynesJustine born about 1937
RiaboFrancesco born about 1899
RibaSantina born about 1885
RibaVincent born about 1881
RichardsonAnnie born about 1873
RichardsonSilas born about 1869
RicheyRudo born about 1907
RileyEdward born about 1886
RileyMary born about 1892
RissoCharles Jborn about 1905
RissoEmanuelle born about 1878
RissoGiuseppe born about 1878
RissoLouise Gborn about 1916
RissoRalph Mborn about 1925
RissoRosa Mborn about 1880
RobbinsEugene born about 1868
RobbinsGertrude born about 1876
RobbinsIlleana Mborn about 1928
RobersonJames Mborn about 1859
RobersonRetha Cborn about 1907
RobersonTheodore Bborn about 1893
RobinsonElmer born about 1914
RobinsonEunice born about 1918
RobinsonTommy born about 1935
RodgersClara Lborn about 1922
RodgersLodell born about 1912
RogersFlorita born about 1934
RogersFrancis born about 1916
RogersGoldie born about 1936
RogersRaymond born about 1933
RogersSteve born about 1888
RogersViola born about 1938
RoisJohn born about 1897
RopocMerito born about 1895
RosaAntonio Sborn about 1874
RosaAntonio Jr born about 1928
RosaEmelia born about 1919
RosaEmelia born about 1922
RosaRosa Fborn about 1897
RoseFranklin born about 1902
RoseGeneva born about 1939
RoseLola born about 1913
RoseMyra born about 1940
RossEwell Wborn about 1913
RossJoseph born about 1873
RossThomas born about 1893
RossiNick born about 1892
RovegnoGeorge born about 1877
RudderChester Tborn about 1906
RusherBessie born about 1930
RusherBetty Joborn about 1929
RusherC Lborn about 1905
RusherFlora Cborn about 1903
RusherGeneva born about 1932
RusherIsaah Wborn about 1901
RusherJoy Rborn about 1935
RusherLeland Lborn about 1926
RusherOla born about 1903
RusherWilliam Aborn about 1925
RussellClarence born about 1890
RussellEtta Mborn about 1899
RussellGeorge born about 1877
RyburnBradley born about 1901
RyburnEstella born about 1902
RyburnLaura Bborn about 1867
RyburnMaude born about 1900
RyburnRobert born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SainAlfred born about 1931
SainBobbie Joeborn about 1938
SainJames born about 1924
SainJessie born about 1921
SainJohn born about 1920
SainNoah born about 1876
SainRema born about 1920
SainRuby born about 1927
SainViola born about 1895
SalindoI Vborn about 1899
SalladayFanny born about 1898
SalladayFern born about 1931
SalladayMary Jeanborn about 1928
SalladayVada born about 1909
SalladayWalter born about 1902
SalvaressaIsabel born about 1917
SalvaressaJohn born about 1886
SalvaressaTheresa born about 1895
SalyerFrances born about 1893
SalyerHerbert born about 1885
SandersCharnock Wborn about 1882
SandersEthelyn Mborn about 1919
SandersJanice Fborn about 1922
SandersLeila Aborn about 1917
SandersMargaret Eborn about 1893
SandersMarie Cborn about 1915
SandovalFlorenco born about 1885
SandrockNora born about 1900
SandrockWarren born about 1898
SanguinettiA Bborn about 1878
SanguinettiAndrew Aborn about 1906
SanguinettiAndrew Fborn about 1930
SanguinettiAnna born about 1900
SanguinettiCharles born about 1898
SanguinettiElvira born about 1904
SanguinettiFrank born about 1905
SanguinettiGeorge born about 1885
SanguinettiGladys born about 1906
SanguinettiIrene born about 1937
SanguinettiJimmie born about 1926
SanguinettiJohn born about 1927
SanguinettiJoseph born about 1903
SanguinettiJoseph born about 1919
SanguinettiLouis born about 1938
SanguinettiLouise born about 1885
SanguinettiMargaret born about 1910
SanguinettiMary born about 1905
SanguinettiRicketta born about 1882
SanguinettiStephen born about 1872
SanguinettiStephen Jr born about 1905
SanguinettiTheodore born about 1909
SanguinettiTheresa born about 1871
SanjulianBenito born about 1877
SanjulianFloyd born about 1915
SanjulianJosephine born about 1927
SanjulianJulia born about 1885
SanjulianKatie born about 1923
SanjulianLaurence born about 1928
SanjulianMaye Janeborn about 1919
SanjulianPeter born about 1921
SanjulianStephine born about 1919
SanquinettiD born about 1875
SanquinettiMarie born about 1878
SanquinettiPete born about 1865
SanquinettiRay born about 1900
SantosEulalia born about 1928
SantosJoseph born about 1881
SantosJoseph Jr born about 1917
SantosMary born about 1894
SantosMary born about 1926
SaroiberryJohn born about 1888
SartineIngard born about 1912
SartineJo Annborn about 1937
SartineJoseph born about 1906
SaylesAlbert Lborn about 1912
SaylesDoris Bborn about 1916
SaylesJudith Eborn about 1940
SchaessensThomas born about 1863
ScheffelArchie born about 1901
ScheffelArchie Jr born about 1928
ScheffelElizabeth born about 1902
ScheffelLouis born about 1897
ScheffelRuth born about 1933
ScheffelWilliam born about 1924
SchneiderMarlene Rborn about 1940
SchneiderNelson Fborn about 1913
SchneiderRichard Nborn about 1936
SchneiderRose Pborn about 1914
SchonoeJoseph born about 1897
SciaroniIssac born about 1877
ScottEdna born about 1918
ScottJohn born about 1915
SegaleLa Verne born about 1922
SegaleLewis born about 1920
SeidnerClyde Dborn about 1900
ServentiDominika born about 1886
ServentiEleanor born about 1911
ServentiElsie born about 1921
ServentiJohn born about 1929
ServentiLouis born about 1878
SewardCharles born about 1881
SewardCharles Jr born about 1919
SewardDorothy born about 1925
SewardLena born about 1886
SeymourCharles Wborn about 1880
SeymourCharles Wborn about 1923
SeymourMyrtle Mborn about 1889
ShawFrank born about 1908
ShellyOliver born about 1890
ShellyRobert born about 1926
ShellyRuth born about 1893
ShermantineAlta born about 1900
ShermantineAnnie born about 1879
ShermantineBarbara born about 1931
ShermantineHarry born about 1937
ShermantineHenry born about 1936
ShermantineRobert born about 1905
ShermantineRobert Jr born about 1933
ShermantineWesley born about 1940
ShialEllen born about 1870
ShimdryashiAiko born about 1930
ShimdryashiChiyko born about 1895
ShimdryashiJohn Kborn about 1921
ShimdryashiMary Kborn about 1925
ShimdryashiShoji born about 1927
SilvaJoaquin born about 1873
SilvaMary born about 1874
SimpsonCharlotte born about 1935
SimpsonDorothy born about 1899
SimpsonGlenn born about 1900
SimpsonLloyd born about 1937
SimsBenton born about 1931
SimsDovice born about 1933
SimsEva born about 1907
SimsOmer born about 1899
SinghArjan born about 1890
SinghBola born about 1886
SinghDan born about 1890
SinghHarry born about 1886
SinghIrene Pborn about 1901
SinghKarm born about 1885
SinghPritam born about 1905
SinghSher born about 1875
SinghTahil born about 1895
SmithAllan born about 1938
SmithCatherine born about 1923
SmithCathyrn born about 1899
SmithClarence born about 1916
SmithClarence Jr born about 1939
SmithDora born about 1923
SmithEdward born about 1925
SmithEsther born about 1870
SmithJaunita born about 1919
SmithJess born about 1885
SmithWalter born about 1917
SmitheeEmma born about 1912
SmitheeLoyal born about 1933
SmitheeNorma born about 1937
SmitheeOliver born about 1902
SmytheCaroline born about 1865
SmytheHelen Aborn about 1873
SmytheHerbert Jborn about 1869
SnellAnnie born about 1893
SnellCharles born about 1924
SnellEddie Jborn about 1931
SnellEutah born about 1915
SnellFranklin Dborn about 1934
SnellJoseph Wborn about 1879
SnellLenorah Mborn about 1928
SnowDoris born about 1932
SnowGeneva Iborn about 1935
SnowHarvey Hborn about 1901
SnowHenry Hborn about 1939
SnowJ Rborn about 1923
SnowJack Tborn about 1905
SnowJames Hborn about 1908
SnowJewel born about 1925
SnowLillie Lborn about 1904
SnowMildred Mborn about 1937
SnowNellie Gborn about 1916
SnowRose Zborn about 1914
SnowWalter Bborn about 1888
SnyderCharles Vborn about 1930
SnyderDora born about 1901
SnyderEarl Lborn about 1900
SnyderElla Gborn about 1906
SnyderElmer Cborn about 1902
SnyderKenneth born about 1934
SolaAndrew born about 1886
SolaAnna born about 1903
SolariAlice born about 1904
SolariCharles born about 1931
SolariClara born about 1888
SolariDoris born about 1920
SolariEda born about 1940
SolariEvelyn Lborn about 1931
SolariFlorence Lborn about 1921
SolariFrank Cborn about 1895
SolariFrank Jr born about 1927
SolariFred born about 1927
SolariGeorge born about 1894
SolariGeorge born about 1926
SolariJames born about 1896
SolariJohn born about 1924
SolariLena born about 1905
SolariLouis born about 1887
SolariLouise born about 1866
SolariLouise born about 1916
SolariLouise born about 1922
SolariLouise born about 1937
SolariMary born about 1902
SolariRaymond born about 1928
SolariRobert born about 1935
SolariRoger born about 1933
SolariStephen Wborn about 1908
SolariThelma Mborn about 1926
SolariVictor Jr born about 1930
SolariYolanda Hborn about 1924
SoperAlvin born about 1917
SpicerBetty Rborn about 1932
SpicerHobart Jborn about 1897
SpicerHobart Jr born about 1930
SpicerRevella Lborn about 1905
SpicerRobert Jborn about 1931
SpringerCharles born about 1892
SpurginBilly born about 1926
SpurginChristine born about 1928
SpurginEldridge born about 1921
SpurginEllo born about 1889
SpurginGene born about 1923
SpurginLeota born about 1934
SpurginMay born about 1903
SpurginRay born about 1931
StacyGeorge Rborn about 1903
StacyHelen Dborn about 1909
StacyJoan Mborn about 1930
StacySharon Sborn about 1932
StagnaroAntonio Pborn about 1890
StagnaroB Eborn about 1897
StagnaroBerto born about 1939
StagnaroClotilda born about 1908
StagnaroDelcia born about 1938
StagnaroGuidetta born about 1902
StagnaroJoy Mborn about 1937
StagnaroMary Pborn about 1936
StagnaroOlga Lborn about 1938
StaleyLillian born about 1891
StanleyAlbert born about 1883
StanleyAnn Belleborn about 1925
StanleyAntoinette born about 1897
StanleyBilly Dborn about 1925
StanleyEmma born about 1883
StanleyGeorge Fborn about 1879
StanleyJ Haroldborn about 1903
StanleyLewis Mborn about 1880
StanleyMary born about 1891
StanleyRobert Lborn about 1928
StaplesAlma born about 1894
StaplesRichard born about 1903
StaplesRichard born about 1932
StarrClara Aborn about 1888
StarrIra Jborn about 1886
StevensonRobert Lborn about 1875
StewartAnita born about 1927
StewartDonald born about 1924
StewartLester born about 1897
StewartMildred born about 1899
StokesJoaquin born about 1896
StrongFred Lborn about 1888
StrongJean Eborn about 1919
StrongNellie Bborn about 1889
SumalbongL born about 1883
SutliffByron born about 1868
SutliffLottie born about 1874
SuzukiRoy born about 1916
SwankAmon born about 1872
SwankMargaret Eborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaclibonC born about 1908
TagliettiniVictor born about 1895
TannerJoy born about 1914
TannerMarylin born about 1939
TannerTed born about 1912
TarditaAngelina born about 1935
TarditaAngelo born about 1894
TarditaMary born about 1894
TarditaOlga born about 1926
TarditaRudolph born about 1928
TaylorAlice Nborn about 1938
TaylorHuston Lborn about 1939
TaylorInez Eborn about 1935
TaylorIvory Mborn about 1908
TaylorJerome born about 1880
TaylorJohn Pborn about 1910
TaylorLillie Lmborn about 1914
TaylorRobert Dborn about 1932
TaylorRobert Eborn about 1934
TaylorTroy Jborn about 1907
ThompsonBarbara Rborn about 1932
ThompsonBillye Kborn about 1925
ThompsonElsie Mborn about 1891
ThompsonRalph Wborn about 1920
ThompsonWarren Hborn about 1886
ThompsonWeyleth born about 1893
ThozaEdward born about 1914
ThozaFrancis born about 1917
ThozaManuel born about 1882
ThurstonClyde born about 1891
ThurstonLeta Lborn about 1908
TibbsRoy born about 1890
TilleyDon born about 1937
TilleyLee born about 1891
TilleyRalph born about 1926
TilleyRoxy born about 1895
TinerEverett Wborn about 1914
TobaccoPeter born about 1874
TodaJeff born about 1891
TodaLewis born about 1884
TodaLois born about 1890
TodaPauline born about 1890
TodaRobert born about 1916
TreatIsabel Mborn about 1877
TreatJames Fborn about 1873
TreatWalter Dborn about 1891
TsushimaHatsuyo born about 1903
TsushimaHiroshi born about 1936
TsushimaJiro born about 1926
TsushimaKennosuke born about 1892
TsushimaMay born about 1939
TsushimaMitsuo born about 1926
TsushimaMiyo born about 1881
TsushimaTakichi born about 1935
TsushimaTomiye born about 1930
TsushimaUmeko born about 1931
TuckerBertha born about 1887
TuckerCharles born about 1907
TuckerDoris born about 1926
TuckerHaver born about 1878
TuckerPaul born about 1923
TurnerBilly Edborn about 1929
TurnerRuth born about 1907
TurnerThomas born about 1904
TylerEffie born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderhillReese Aborn about 1915
UnderhillVera Iborn about 1922
UrrutiaEstefania Mborn about 1929
UrrutiaJean Gborn about 1931
UrrutiaJosephine Mborn about 1909
UrrutiaMarie Jborn about 1933
UrrutiaPedro Mborn about 1898
UrrutiaPeter Jborn about 1932

V Surnames

VaccarezzaGiabatta born about 1900
VaccarezzaGiulio born about 1928
VaccarezzaJohn Aborn about 1937
VaccarezzaLouis born about 1896
VaccarezzaMary Aborn about 1909
VaccarezzaSilvio born about 1930
VaccarezzaYoland born about 1910
VanceAlvah born about 1894
VanceFlorence Lborn about 1927
VanceJaanita born about 1922
VanceMae Hborn about 1900
VandervortEdward Wborn about 1909
VaughnDonna born about 1929
VaughnFrank born about 1901
VaughnGlenn born about 1926
VaughnJames born about 1924
VaughnMarvin born about 1936
VaughnPatricia born about 1931
VaughnWinona born about 1908
VeltriJoseph born about 1886
VeregnoAugust born about 1912
VernengoEdward Jborn about 1919
VernengoErnest Aborn about 1916
VernengoGildo born about 1879
VernengoLena Aborn about 1919
VernengoMario born about 1884
VignaJack born about 1900
VizelichLloyd Cborn about 1898
VizelichMarguerite Cborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerFlorence Iborn about 1915
WalkerGenevieve Mborn about 1919
WalkerMarguerite Jborn about 1921
WalkerMelvin Jborn about 1927
WalkerSidney Eborn about 1888
WalshCarter Eborn about 1892
WalshEarl Eborn about 1922
WalshElisabeth born about 1896
WalshEugene Cborn about 1925
WalshNadine Eborn about 1927
WalshRobert Hborn about 1931
WaltersGonde Cborn about 1888
WaltersNettie born about 1893
WardenDonald Vborn about 1919
WashburnHarley born about 1907
WashburnNylene born about 1935
WashburnThelma born about 1913
WatersCharles born about 1903
WatkinsGeorge Gborn about 1915
WatkinsHazel born about 1939
WatkinsLucille Bborn about 1920
WatkinsMarybeth born about 1914
WatkinsMaude born about 1875
WatkinsTed born about 1913
WatsonFrank Bborn about 1860
WatsonMattie Mborn about 1863
WeareAtlanta Mborn about 1905
WeareThomas Zborn about 1894
WeathingtonCatherine Pborn about 1921
WeathingtonJames Wborn about 1908
WebbBessie born about 1872
WebbChester born about 1890
WebbEsther born about 1904
WebbJames born about 1897
WebbJanet born about 1933
WebbJesse born about 1888
WebbKathleen born about 1936
WebbMurrel born about 1901
WebbRoger born about 1931
WeberElisabeth born about 1884
WeberJacob born about 1883
WeidemanArnold born about 1879
WelshEdward Aborn about 1878
WelshMatthew Aborn about 1882
WelshMollie Gborn about 1870
WestingHenry born about 1909
WestingMerriel Mborn about 1914
WhitcombCora Aborn about 1857
WhiteCharlotte Lborn about 1939
WhiteEverett born about 1910
WhiteGrace Bborn about 1914
WhiteJames born about 1880
WhiteLola born about 1923
WhiteMiltie born about 1880
WhiteMuriel born about 1920
WhitelyErnest Aborn about 1896
WhitesideFrances born about 1920
WhittlePatricia born about 1927
WifflerJoe born about 1876
WilliamsAlbert Gborn about 1940
WilliamsArby Mborn about 1892
WilliamsBernice born about 1904
WilliamsDon Eborn about 1934
WilliamsElisabeth Aborn about 1914
WilliamsFloyd Jborn about 1909
WilliamsRobert Hborn about 1912
WilliamsRuth Lborn about 1911
WilliamsonJames Oborn about 1891
WimerC Giftonborn about 1917
WimerJacob Dborn about 1872
WiwhiteEarl born about 1935
WiwhiteHenry Gborn about 1904
WiwhiteJ Cborn about 1929
WiwhiteKatherine Mborn about 1933
WiwhiteOla Hborn about 1932
WiwhiteOpal born about 1927
WiwhiteRichard born about 1937
WiwhiteViola born about 1904
WoodBarbara born about 1934
WoodBetty Lborn about 1939
WoodDelmar Sborn about 1918
WoodIrene born about 1928
WoodRoland born about 1901
WoodRoland born about 1931
WoodVelma Sborn about 1920
WoodVelva born about 1906
WoodsJ Bborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YamawakiY born about 1882
YaterBetty Annborn about 1929
YaterRoscoe born about 1901
YaterRoscoe Jr born about 1926
YaterRuth born about 1900
YocumEllen born about 1925
YocumMaurice born about 1890
YocumMinnie born about 1897
YorgasonJohn born about 1878
YorgasonJohn born about 1924
YorgasonMartha born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZarraBernard born about 1905
ZolezziLaurence Aborn about 1906
ZolezziLinda Mborn about 1908
ZolezziMarvin Vborn about 1934
ZolezziRichard Jborn about 1936

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