1940 U.S. Federal Census of Downieville, Sierra, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Sierra County > 1940 Census of Downieville

A SurnamesH SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderBela Mborn about 1873
AllenChristina born about 1909
AllenEli Lborn about 1906
AllisonE Mborn about 1882
AmodoAyala born about 1872
AndersonA Lincolnborn about 1883
AndersonGeorge Cborn about 1892
AppoloniEdward born about 1874
ApterLeonard Hborn about 1885
AustinFedrick Hborn about 1895
AustinHenry Cborn about 1866
AustinMary Lborn about 1900

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B Surnames

BachelsAndrew born about 1874
BachelsAndrew Jr born about 1933
BachelsGeorge Pborn about 1914
BachelsIsabel Gborn about 1888
BachelsMary Cborn about 1919
BairdAlah Cborn about 1885
BairdFrank Jborn about 1888
BatisCourtland Aborn about 1894
BealEarl Dborn about 1906
BealMabel Cborn about 1921
BennettHarold Cborn about 1928
BennettHazel Eborn about 1909
BennettPatricia Jborn about 1936
BennettThomas born about 1898
BensonFred W Sborn about 1911
BernardiPeter born about 1878
BernigaudtFred Lborn about 1885
BesslerEloise Jborn about 1887
BesslerLeo Nborn about 1889
BesslerThomas Eborn about 1882
BeydelerPurvis born about 1908
BocbulsJoseph Pborn about 1889
BochelsJene Bborn about 1893
BochelsPaul Jborn about 1886
BoderWinifield born about 1900
BogartyAndrew Jr born about 1916
BollardHenry Aborn about 1911
BollardMarjorie Aborn about 1911
BollardPatricia born about 1934
BollersLarkin born about 1917
BollersMadlyn born about 1921
BoschFerdinand born about 1867
BostonJane born about 1884
BostonWilliam born about 1883
BosworthMaddona Rborn about 1912
BosworthWilliam Rborn about 1937
BosworthWilliam Wborn about 1905
BoughmanGeorge Bborn about 1874
BowesLena born about 1923
BrandleClarence Aborn about 1896
BrandleLillian Oborn about 1899
BrooksJ Lborn about 1907
BrustBriant Bborn about 1927
BrustNoll born about 1931
BryonsMarion born about 1911
BryonsW Gborn about 1911
BuckmillerJohn born about 1898
BurnleyIda Bellborn about 1875
BurnleyRobert Vborn about 1871
BurnsHenry born about 1878
ButyChester Pborn about 1898
ButyElmer Cborn about 1924
ButyMarian Rborn about 1926
ButyMary Lborn about 1899
ButyWilma Jborn about 1931
BynonGeorge Cborn about 1882
BynonViola born about 1888

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C Surnames

CadeA Wborn about 1915
CadeBeverly Lborn about 1938
CadeMarjorie Jborn about 1937
CadeSilvia Iborn about 1916
CandidoCarpio born about 1883
CarlsonHarry Eborn about 1901
CarrollJack born about 1898
CassidyBert Wborn about 1939
CassidyMarjorie Oborn about 1915
CassidyRalph Wborn about 1939
CassidyVictor Aborn about 1915
CheckWilliam Iborn about 1896
ChristensonElmer born about 1904
ChristensonJames Hborn about 1892
ChristopherHenry Dborn about 1868
ClarkErnest Mborn about 1891
ClarkEveylon Aborn about 1904
ClayHenry born about 1890
ClayMary Eborn about 1890
CodyWilliam born about 1886
ColeMargrett Eborn about 1887
ColeRobert Kborn about 1884
ColeWillard Gborn about 1887
CollinsMinnie born about 1888
CollinsOrville Eborn about 1889
ComersonDuncan born about 1890
ComersonNorah Qborn about 1889
ConnorHelen Cborn about 1892
ConwayBenjamin born about 1883
CookAlton Wborn about 1912
CookBetty born about 1898
CookCharles Hborn about 1866
CookCharles H Jrborn about 1915
CookElizabeth born about 1917
CookJack Dborn about 1898
CookMilton Lborn about 1919
CookPauline Eborn about 1919
CookWilliam Aborn about 1882
CorleyJames Jborn about 1898
CosserineArthur born about 1910
CostaAnna Bborn about 1918
CostaAnna Rborn about 1881
CostaAnthony Mborn about 1939
CostaAntonio Jborn about 1870
CostaAugust born about 1868
CostaDorothy Aborn about 1916
CostaJosephine Tborn about 1899
CostaLucille Aborn about 1911
CostaMargaret born about 1862
CostaMarie Sborn about 1870
CostaNettie Bborn about 1879
CostaNorman Lborn about 1904
CostaRalph Aborn about 1913
CostaTony Gborn about 1901
CostoCarol Sborn about 1939
CostoElizabeth Kborn about 1912
CostoGeorge Rborn about 1900
CraigStanley Gborn about 1880
CraneAndy Sborn about 1931
CraneClidy Aborn about 1895
CraneLeola Mborn about 1932
CraneMargarett Jborn about 1937
CraneMay Cborn about 1908
CraneNannette Mborn about 1928
CranePatricia Cborn about 1939
CraneRobert Eborn about 1934
CrawfordCharles Aborn about 1857
CrawfordNeil Rborn about 1904
CrawfordPearl Jborn about 1901
CrevistonCharles Hborn about 1879
CrossCharles Fborn about 1889
CulbertsonMerion Cborn about 1897

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D Surnames

DarlingRichard Dborn about 1891
DavisCyprian Aborn about 1910
DavisDewey Aborn about 1939
DavisJames born about 1901
DavisMary Eborn about 1938
DavisMayme Mborn about 1920
DavisPearl born about 1901
DavisSarah Bborn about 1915
DavisonCharles Lborn about 1893
DavisonClarice Gborn about 1931
DavisonGrace Nborn about 1893
DealEdna Aborn about 1911
DealHarry born about 1892
DealHarry Jr born about 1931
DealJames Eborn about 1873
DealRonald born about 1936
DebreanJean born about 1889
DelaneyFrank Bborn about 1895
DelaneyFrank B Jrborn about 1933
DelaneyMadel born about 1904
DelashmettW Aborn about 1896
DenesiArminia born about 1894
DenesiJulio born about 1923
DenesiRonald born about 1900
DennisePercy Aborn about 1891
DerbwiqueLouise Cborn about 1882
DeuryRuth Tborn about 1897
DeuryWilliam born about 1892
DigeralamoMike born about 1898
DoddJames Pborn about 1890
DoerongEdward Sborn about 1901
DonderoJosephine born about 1885
DonderoSteve Jborn about 1885
DonderoVictor born about 1883
DorseyViola Jborn about 1903
DorseyW Dborn about 1914
DuganJames Hborn about 1886
DuganRebbecca Aborn about 1893

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E Surnames

EgglestonCrystal Mborn about 1917
EgglestonDelois Eborn about 1935
EgglestonRose Mborn about 1939
EgglestonSteve Aborn about 1906
EgglestonVilot Lborn about 1936
ElfahlClof born about 1870
ElisonRodney born about 1894
EllsworthAdde Vborn about 1911
EllsworthJerry Dborn about 1935
EllsworthRussell Lborn about 1932
EllsworthWalter Rborn about 1901
EricsenPaul Eborn about 1919
ErtmanEvan Gborn about 1939
ErtmanEvenlyn Fborn about 1921
ErtmanGeorge Mborn about 1909
EugeneErnest born about 1908
EvansArthur Mborn about 1889

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F Surnames

FairmanLivie Sborn about 1888
FairmanRose Mborn about 1891
FalsoneAnna Mborn about 1915
FalsoneJohn Cborn about 1911
FalsoneJohn Jborn about 1936
FalsoneLois Janeborn about 1934
FaringRoseo Cborn about 1883
FarrClarence M ???born about 1858
FerrellJoseph Pborn about 1888
FiesherElmer Aborn about 1887
FiesherHattie Aborn about 1889
FigueieraLee Jborn about 1908
FisherAlvin born about 1861
FisherDorothy Sborn about 1927
FisherFrank Mborn about 1889
FisherHenry Aborn about 1890
FisherIda Mborn about 1893
FisherMarcella Mborn about 1931
FisherPaul Mborn about 1892
FitzwaterElsie born about 1883
FitzwaterHarry born about 1882
FletcherRoy Eborn about 1922
FortAndrew born about 1865
FortierLouis Cborn about 1862
FosterEarl Aborn about 1891
FosterElizabeth Aborn about 1894
FosterGlenn Aborn about 1914
FosterHomer Aborn about 1891
FosterNeal Hborn about 1924
FosterRena born about 1871
FosterRuth Eborn about 1926
FoustNancy Eborn about 1882
FriendBillie Jborn about 1933
FriendBonnie Lborn about 1928
FriendDonna Rborn about 1937
FriendJoan born about 1936
FriendNelva Eborn about 1912
FriendNoel Mborn about 1910
FriendRichard Lborn about 1939
FriendVeda Aborn about 1935
FriendWanda Jborn about 1931
FugattClaude Eborn about 1882
FugattFrank Mborn about 1886
FuggittJames Rborn about 1887
FurstLester born about 1916
FurstVeronica born about 1919

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G Surnames

GallahonJoseph Pborn about 1882
GardnerFedrick Sborn about 1874
GibborHebert Aborn about 1873
GidleyMeda Bborn about 1880
GlassAmelia Sborn about 1879
GlassFrances born about 1885
GlassJenne born about 1922
GoodartClark born about 1910
GoodartHenry Kborn about 1894
GoodleighEme Hborn about 1903
GoskieeFrank born about 1875
GouldAgnes Jborn about 1875
GouldHomer Jborn about 1877
GrayAbbie born about 1917
GrayAbbie Lorebaborn about 1939
GrayDisk born about 1905
GrayJunning Rborn about 1937
GriffithJohn Mborn about 1906
GustA Jborn about 1888
GustGrace Aborn about 1897
GustThomas Jborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HabishowWatler Sborn about 1888
HalesRobert Tborn about
HalsteadHobert born about 1867
HanaganEva Eborn about 1892
HanaganJames Wborn about 1890
HansonW Rborn about 1882
HansonWilliam Hborn about 1882
HarrisNaum born about 1877
HatfieldDavid Aborn about 1867
HatfieldLola Bborn about 1883
HayterWalter born about 1875
HermansonCarl Aborn about 1890
HermansonEdith Mborn about 1891
HermessMarion Eborn about 1910
HermessMarion Gborn about 1913
HerseraOlivia Mborn about 1931
HerseraRoy Lborn about 1903
HerseraVada Aborn about 1907
HicksJames Hborn about 1868
HigginsJames Eborn about 1889
HigginsLeonard Rborn about 1893
HigginsMartha Gborn about 1887
HilandJoy born about 1898
HillCarrie born about 1880
HillCharles Aborn about 1874
HillHarvey Dborn about 1874
HincherAlonzo Cborn about 1888
HiydeHubert Hborn about 1888
HodgeDorothy Tborn about 1918
HofherrSimond born about 1855
HollywoodRichard Wborn about 1878
HolmbergErnest Wborn about 1918
HolsteadCecil born about 1899
HolsteadQuinnie Gborn about 1895
HoodJoseph born about 1899
HookerEdna born about 1883
HookerWilliam Mborn about 1884
HoyesCarol Gborn about 1907
HullGurtrude Gborn about 1907
HullJoe Wborn about 1905
HumphrayEdith Mborn about 1903
HumphrayLeonard Gborn about 1904
HumphrayPatricia Dborn about 1935
HuntWilliam born about 1897

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J Surnames

JacobsElsie Sborn about 1879
JamesAgnes born about 1907
JamesIda born about 1913
JamesJohn Edwardborn about 1926
JamesSam Pborn about 1902
JarvisDorthy born about 1922
JarvisRobert born about 1923
JarvisWilliam born about 1918
JefferyJames Lborn about 1910
JefferyMable Gborn about 1918
JohnesChas Wborn about 1898
JohnsonAlbert born about 1928
JohnsonAndrew born about 1868
JohnsonBartes Mborn about 1916
JohnsonBeverly born about 1931
JohnsonCharles Jborn about 1878
JohnsonClarence Lborn about 1884
JohnsonClarence Tborn about 1907
JohnsonCornelia born about 1904
JohnsonDewey Wborn about 1899
JohnsonHorace Lborn about 1913
JohnsonJohn Pborn about 1891
JohnsonLaura Mborn about 1904
JohnsonLeo Tborn about 1934
JohnsonMabel E Cborn about 1886
JohnsonMinnie Hborn about 1872
JohnsonOpal Mborn about 1913
JohnsonSwen Lborn about 1877
JohnsonVinnie Mborn about 1938
JohnsonViola Vborn about 1881
JonesNellie Eborn about 1883
JoyAtta Mborn about 1897
JoyErnest Sborn about 1906

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K Surnames

KettlerInga Mborn about 1893
KettlerRalph Aborn about 1890
KiefferJake born about 1867
KiefferPeter born about 1873
KingAnnie Cborn about 1879
KingGeorge Eborn about 1877
KingSteve born about 1915
KitchHarry Eborn about 1893
KleinIvans M Pborn about 1898
KnevlesGeorge Gborn about 1872
KnightAlfred born about 1908
KuiperFred Jborn about 1935
KuiperJay Wborn about 1901
KuiperRora Lborn about 1909

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L Surnames

LageHenry Fborn about 1875
LageNina Rborn about 1892
LagePaul Aborn about 1935
LakeJene born about 1917
LakemanHarry Eborn about 1909
LakemanMarion Lborn about 1914
LambertElaine Mborn about 1893
LambertMargaret Lborn about 1925
LancasterAlbert Hborn about 1911
LancasterAlice Mborn about 1916
LancasterAlice Mborn about 1938
LancasterMildred Fborn about 1937
LanchowneLeonard born about 1909
LangworthMax born about 1905
LantzJoyce Annborn about 1936
LantzLoyde born about 1888
LantzRose born about 1897
LathropElmer Cborn about 1894
LathropRose born about 1891
LattinOrrin Mborn about 1890
LavayZola Peterborn about 1877
LavazzolaAntone born about 1882
LavazzolaBetty Lonborn about 1924
LavazzolaPeter Aborn about 1926
LavazzolaTeresa Mborn about 1883
LavezzolaCarl Jborn about 1933
LavezzolaJerald Fborn about 1938
LavezzolaJoseph born about 1891
LavezzolaKatherine Mborn about 1930
LavezzolaRuby Jborn about 1905
LeonardAlice Mborn about 1886
LeonardJohn Tborn about 1882
LewisDorothy born about 1922
LewisGladys born about 1893
LewisGordon born about 1888
LewisJessie Sborn about 1908
LloydWilliam Eborn about 1913
LloydZelma Mborn about 1896
LoffmarkJanet Wborn about 1902
LoffmarkLeonard Rborn about 1893
LoffmarkWalter born about 1899
LoganThomas Aborn about 1870
LongLouise born about 1921
LongWilliam Lborn about 1916
LottaJohn Kborn about 1898
LottaOrpha Jborn about 1915
LoweryDorthy Mborn about 1914
LoweryGeorge A Jrborn about 1909
LoweryPhilip born about 1938
LuskMarion born about 1888

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M Surnames

MahoffeyJohn Rborn about 1883
MahoffeyMattie Mborn about 1883
MarlotteCharles Eborn about 1893
MarlotteMary Rborn about 1884
MarshallMary Lborn about 1924
MarshallWilliam Hborn about 1886
MartinHenry Gborn about 1873
MartinJames Rborn about 1885
MattiniBetty Lborn about 1924
MattiniGeorgie Mborn about 1926
MattiniJoseph Mborn about 1892
MattiniMarion Iborn about 1901
MattiniNorman Mborn about 1918
MattiniRaymond Fborn about 1920
MattiniWilman Aborn about 1923
MaxwellEthel Mborn about 1895
MaxwellLyman Eborn about 1898
McCalisterDevayne Aborn about 1940
McCalisterDorryl Cborn about 1938
McCalisterJohn Cborn about 1915
McCalisterMary Aborn about 1914
McCallanFlorence born about 1888
McCloskeyJohn Cborn about 1884
McCloskeyMay Aborn about 1882
McCormickFlorence Bborn about 1901
McCormickJane born about 1931
McCormickStanly Sborn about 1895
McDonaldJohn Aborn about 1894
McGregorMorris Eborn about 1880
McIntoshDonnie born about 1928
McIntoshRaymond born about 1887
McIntoshRudy born about 1923
McIntoshTheo born about 1892
McNaughBut Fborn about 1876
McNaughPhyllis Lborn about 1900
McPheeWallace F Jrborn about 1915
MeyersWilliam Cborn about 1913
Mieir?onisie Dborn about 1882
MieirVinton Hborn about 1888
MillerAlice Lborn about 1905
MillerCatleen Aborn about 1938
MillerHobert born about 1905
MillerValerie Jborn about 1936
MillsDwight Wborn about 1900
MinotRiddell Wborn about 1919
MontagueCharles Pborn about 1910
MontagueEunice Mborn about 1886
MontgomeryGrace Jborn about 1911
MontgomeryJoe Dborn about 1912
MooreJames Hborn about 1883
MooreMaud Aborn about 1893
MooreMelvin Aborn about 1873
MorseRobert Wborn about 1866

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N Surnames

NashAleda born about 1875
NashCurtis Hborn about 1872
NesslerLawrence born about 1899
NesslerMary Cborn about 1878
NesslerOtto born about 1865
NewbergPhilip Rborn about 1895
NewisArthur Gborn about 1904
NewisCherlotte Aborn about 1938
NewisEleanor Sborn about 1904
NewisFrances Sborn about 1934
NewisMary Eborn about 1930
NewsombJames Eborn about 1895
NickalosRoy born about 1891
NippJoseph born about 1857
NoeDale Jborn about 1916
NoeelKenneth born about 1893
NoranJohn Hborn about 1894
NorthupHarry Wborn about 1913
NorthupNorene Mborn about 1938
NorthupWilma Wborn about 1918

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P Surnames

PageJoyce born about 1912
PageLouis Mborn about 1906
PageLouis M Jrborn about 1938
PagePatricia Joyceborn about 1940
Palletier??? Aborn about 1897
PalmerArthur Cborn about 1879
PalmerCalvin Mborn about 1921
PalmerCatherine Lborn about 1881
PalmerCora Nborn about 1919
PalmerElmer Gborn about 1919
ParkerWilliam Jborn about 1878
PartridgeFrank Hborn about 1876
PastonDallas born about 1908
PeckwithEva Gborn about 1892
PeckwithWillard Jborn about 1893
PerfieldAnna Bborn about 1876
PezzolaAntone Eborn about 1898
PezzolaEtta Gborn about 1902
PezzolaGeorge born about 1897
PherrillAlvin Rborn about 1910
PherrillSam Jborn about 1876
PhippsAlma born about 1916
PierceBlanch born about 1925
PoggiAngelina born about 1900
PoggiJoseph Pborn about 1901
PoggieMaud Rborn about 1871
PontaAndrew Jborn about 1901
PontaAndrew J Jrborn about 1934
PontaEnrico born about 1870
PontaGiovanni born about 1858
PontaIrma Gborn about 1904
PontaMaloni Jborn about 1930
PontaTeresa born about 1871
PriceAnna Bellborn about 1937
PriceBilly Raymondborn about 1936
PriceClarice Cborn about 1930
PriceEdward Rborn about 1871
PriceZella Mborn about 1904
ProvinceCharles Eborn about 1872
PuctahEdward born about 1872

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Q Surnames

QuinnGenivie Lborn about 1892
QuinnGeoffrey Rborn about 1927
QuinnJoseph Jborn about 1890
QuinnPatricia Tborn about 1924

R Surnames

RaidBertha Bborn about 1908
RaidWilliam Tborn about 1916
RaineerJohn born about 1875
RaymondGuy Cborn about 1866
RaymondHarry Sborn about 1866
RaynoldsJoseph born about 1889
ReddingLora Aborn about 1873
ReedAnna Mborn about 1871
ReedBertha Aborn about 1920
ReedGertrude Mborn about 1895
ReedJohn Aborn about 1872
ReedJoseph Jborn about 1880
ReedMary Vborn about 1922
ReedRobert Fborn about 1919
ReedWilliam T Srborn about 1894
ReingNelson Aborn about 1895
RhoadesAda Mayborn about 1929
RhoadesCyres Lborn about 1931
RhoadesGertrude Hborn about 1936
RhoadesGertrude Vborn about 1907
RhoadesMarjorie Fborn about 1938
RhoadesThadders born about 1905
RhodesMarjorie Jonesborn about 1939
RhodesMarjorie Lborn about 1922
RhodesNelson born about 1914
RibollaAngelo born about 1884
RibollaCatherine born about 1892
RichardEdward born about 1887
RiellyAbbie Fborn about 1863
RileyDavid Eborn about 1922
RippieBruce Rborn about 1929
RixeyFred Tborn about 1914
RixeyGladys born about 1892
RixeyJohn Hborn about 1876
RixeyMay Gborn about 1924
RobbinsCharles Wborn about 1905
RobbinsDeloris Aborn about 1929
RobbinsHelen Nborn about 1906
RobertChristen Jborn about 1918
RobertsFreda Fborn about 1889
RobertsLester Aborn about 1884
RobinsonLois born about 1885
RodgersMay Mborn about 1892
Rorabough??? born about 1885
RoseBasila born about 1888
RoseboughWilliam Hborn about 1885
RosineWilliam Aborn about 1882
RosmusAugusta Hborn about 1916
RosmusGerold Tborn about 1938
RosmusGordon Lborn about 1913
RosmusTheron Lborn about 1936
RossCharles Dborn about 1886
RutlidgePino born about 1883

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S Surnames

ScanlonCharles J 3rdborn about 1922
ScanlonCharles J Jrborn about 1897
ScanlonElanine Eborn about 1924
ScanlonJessie Aborn about 1915
SchofieldBarbara Aborn about 1940
SchofieldCludie Jborn about 1935
SchofieldHenry Jborn about 1901
SchofieldHenry Jr born about 1933
SchofieldMargaret born about 1911
SchofieldMary born about 1877
SchofieldMiles Aborn about 1919
ScottCharles Pborn about 1921
ScottIrene born about 1915
ScottNettie Gborn about 1893
ScottRobert Mborn about 1884
ShawAlice Mborn about 1940
ShawDavid Mborn about 1937
ShawMorris Wborn about 1907
ShawMorris Wborn about 1930
ShawRose Hborn about 1909
ShawRuth Gborn about 1932
SheehanHarvey Hborn about 1909
SheppardEugene Mborn about 1892
ShewmakeAud born about 1892
ShipleyElber Lmborn about 1879
ShipleyEthel born about 1890
ShipplyMajorie Cborn about 1918
ShipplyWerrall Lborn about 1911
ShirleyBan Jborn about 1888
ShirleyDorise Eborn about 1904
ShoobertAnn Sborn about 1894
ShoobertHenry Wborn about 1885
ShupltEugene Lborn about 1885
ShupltMorris born about 1885
ShweitzerPeter Dborn about 1876
SimerixFred born about 1872
SimmonsClarence born about 1884
SimmonsElmo born about 1918
SimmonsMary Iborn about 1895
SimmonsVictor Aborn about 1895
SinnittMichael Jborn about 1863
SmathusEva born about 1917
SmathusMelcon Lborn about 1914
SmathusRex Wborn about 1939
SmithAlfred Aborn about 1875
SmithCatryn Gborn about 1924
SmithEunice Lborn about 1902
SmithFred Lborn about 1892
SmithFreddie Lborn about 1927
SmithJanice born about 1928
SmithMargaret Jborn about 1888
SmithNorma Jborn about 1932
SmithPaul Wborn about 1884
SmithPaul W Jrborn about 1914
SmithPeter Nborn about 1921
SmithStanly Nborn about 1931
SmithThomas Rborn about 1925
SmithWheelock Bborn about 1900
SoleyEdith Cborn about 1888
SoleyJoseph Lborn about 1876
SoutherlandElizabeth Aborn about 1925
SoutherlandJames R Jrborn about 1924
SoutherlandVerna born about 1906
SparmanClara Eborn about 1891
SparmanGilbert Lborn about 1884
SparmanWilliam Lborn about 1926
StackHerman Jborn about 1900
StackMadaline Tborn about 1904
StarrDorris born about 1918
StarrEdgar born about 1894
StarrZella born about 1903
SteeleSidney Aborn about 1870
StewartCharles S ???born about 1886
StewartHilda Sborn about 1892
StewartJohn Fborn about 1885
StewartSam born about 1876
StocksIrene born about 1892
StocksLeland born about 1923
StocksWallace Hborn about 1870
StoutW Bborn about 1886
StrandAuralee born about 1926
StrandEmma Sborn about 1923
StrandNeal Oborn about 1921
StrandOtto Aborn about 1885
StrandSidney Nborn about 1897
StudoboknCloson Fborn about 1909
StudoboknMargaret Cborn about 1911
StudoboknRobert born about 1932
SugginsOro Fborn about 1894
SugginsWillma Fborn about 1897
SulivanAmelia Cborn about 1884
SulivanDaniel Fborn about 1867
SuttinWalter Hborn about 1891
SuttonCarl Cborn about 1891
SuttonFrancis Mborn about 1891

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T Surnames

TablerGayle Nborn about 1926
TablerGuy Cborn about 1876
TablerTheodore Nborn about 1928
TablerTheodore Sborn about 1902
TaylorGeorge Fborn about 1862
TaylorGeorge Jborn about 1918
TaylorMajorie Rborn about 1919
TaylorRose Lborn about 1867
TaylorRoss Fborn about 1891
TaylorRuth Aborn about 1893
ToodLeveta Mayborn about 1939
ToodMarie born about 1920
ToodMary Annborn about 1938
TudhillOlin born about 1902
TurnerEarl Hborn about 1909
TurnerEdward Eborn about 1922
TurnerFrancis Jborn about 1914
TurnerFranklin Hborn about 1870
TurnerHelen Wborn about 1872
TurnerLoyal Gborn about 1885
TurnerLuires* Lborn about 1910
TurnerMarian Bborn about 1913
TuttAlice born about 1908
TuttGerald born about 1932
TuttRichard Eborn about 1904
TuttleDavid Dborn about 1930
TuttleDonald Hborn about 1922
TuttleLillian Hborn about 1903
TuttleVirginia Lborn about 1925
TuttleWallace Hborn about 1921
TuttleWilliam Wborn about 1894
TyrrellJohn Hborn about 1881

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V Surnames

VearcosJames Tborn about 1918
VeckMerritt Mborn about 1920
VisentLawrence born about 1901

W Surnames

WagnerAl Fborn about 1884
WalkerMary Lborn about 1876
WalkerWilliam Wborn about 1872
WatsonJohn born about 1884
WatsonMary Aborn about 1865
WaylandClyde born about 1922
WessellMichael born about 1869
WestcottBetty Mborn about 1926
WestcottBilly Rborn about 1922
WestcottFred Jborn about 1898
WestcottNina Mborn about 1902
WestcottRobert Leeborn about 1930
WeyrickBlanch Eborn about 1905
WeyrickBlanche born about 1905
WeyrickD Geoborn about 1901
WeyrickGeorge Dborn about 1901
WileyCharles Dborn about 1883
WilliamHooves Dborn about 1891
WilliamJohn Gborn about 1891
WilliamsClark born about 1867
WorleyLew born about 1889
WrightEmerson born about 1896

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Y Surnames

YorkConvermo Jborn about 1874
YorkEdward Aborn about 1883
YorkJerome Wborn about 1877
YorkLeonard Wborn about 1884

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