1940 U.S. Federal Census of Elliot, San Joaquin, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > San Joaquin County > 1940 Census of Elliot

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamBeatrice born about 1931
AbrahamFlorence born about 1934
AbrahamFrancis born about 1934
AbrahamHadge born about 1896
AbrahamHadge Jr born about 1927
AbrahamJames Rborn about 1927
AbrahamLillian Lborn about 1929
AbrahamReva Lborn about 1898
AdamsBetty born about 1933
AdamsCharles born about 1890
AdamsChristopher Nborn about 1877
AdamsEarleen born about 1938
AdamsElizabeth Aborn about 1882
AdamsErnest born about 1913
AdamsGuy Kborn about 1889
AdamsMary Eborn about 1881
AdamsMildred born about 1936
AdamsNorman born about 1913
AdamsOllie Aborn about 1895
AdamsOrra Sborn about 1890
AdamsRalph born about 1891
AdamsRichard born about 1929
AdamsRobert born about 1923
AdamsViolet born about 1903
AdamsWilma born about 1924
AdamsWright Rborn about 1887
AdamsonJohn born about 1908
AdamsonRuby born about 1908
AddingtonAlbert Lborn about 1936
AddingtonMatilda born about 1919
AddingtonT Lloydborn about 1915
AddingtonThomas Hborn about 1937
AffeldtCaroline born about 1913
AffeldtJulius born about 1906
AhartBetty Jborn about 1936
AhartGary Lborn about 1939
AhartGerald Dborn about 1937
AhartGeraldine Kborn about 1934
AhartHarry Gborn about 1919
AhartKatherine Cborn about 1915
AhartLorena born about 1922
AldrichA Josephineborn about 1900
AldrichAndrew born about 1892
AldrichMarvin born about 1928
AldrichNorman born about 1927
AlexanderWilliam born about 1911
AllenErma born about 1913
AllenForrest Rborn about 1940
AllenFred born about 1908
AllenFred Cborn about 1867
AllenOra Vborn about 1876
AllenScott Dborn about 1937
AllenThomas born about 1878
AlliAhmad born about 1892
AlliMinnie born about 1896
AllisonRay born about 1932
AndersonAlma born about 1909
AndersonClifford Aborn about 1906
AndersonClifford A Jrborn about 1936
AndersonCylis Fborn about 1868
AndersonElmer born about 1926
AndersonHoward born about 1913
AndersonLaura Oborn about 1874
AndersonLottie born about 1888
AndersonRosemarie Mborn about 1939
AndersonTheresa Aborn about 1907
AndersonTife born about 1880
AndersonWilliam born about 1900
AokiMiki born about 1934
AokiMistuko born about 1937
AokiShide born about 1914
AokiTakino born about 1906
AokiTakski born about 1932
AokiYoshiko born about 1939
ArmintanoBastlita Jborn about 1900
ArmintanoMary Eborn about 1905
ArnpriesterPatty Jeanborn about 1939
ArnpriesterSam born about 1915
ArnpriesterShirley Jborn about 1935
ArnpriesterTheodore Sborn about 1936
ArnpriesterViolet Mborn about 1933
ArnpriesterWillmina Gborn about 1915
ArudisillDarl Cborn about 1902
ArudisillMartha born about 1905
ArudisillRichard born about 1932
AsividoAnnie born about 1936
AsividoAntony born about 1932
AsividoDorothy born about 1929
AsividoEdwin born about 1923
AsividoElvin born about 1928
AsividoFrank born about 1896
AsividoHellen born about 1904
AsividoLucille born about 1926
AsividoRobert born about 1924
AsquithJohn born about 1922
AstaGregorio born about 1894
AthermFrank born about 1874
AthremEmma born about 1879
AthremWilliam born about 1876
AtkinsAllan born about 1906
AtkinsCarolyn Eborn about 1905
AtkinsDel born about 1902
AtkinsElliott Eborn about 1939
AtkinsLenora born about 1870
AtkinsMabel born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabickAnna born about 1883
BabickMichael born about 1884
BacigalupiEtta Nborn about 1890
BacigalupiJohn Aborn about 1883
BacigalupiMarie Gborn about 1913
BacigalupiValerie Eborn about 1915
BackmanAlbert born about 1878
BackmanBob born about 1937
BackmanHjalmer born about 1907
BackmanIrene born about 1936
BackmanMildred born about 1912
BaconCaroline Eborn about 1897
BaconCharles Aborn about 1869
BaconEthel born about 1877
BaileyHooten Dborn about 1870
BaileyLorena born about 1920
BaileyRose born about 1874
BairdBenjamin born about 1867
BairdLillian born about 1876
BarbourClarebel Aborn about 1909
BarbourNathan Lborn about 1939
BarbourNathan Pborn about 1886
BarbourTomme Jborn about 1937
BarkerGilbert born about 1930
BarkerLee born about 1932
BarkerOmar Jborn about 1908
BarkerWilliam Tborn about 1870
BarnesFannie born about 1879
BarnesHenry Cborn about 1894
BarrettMadeline born about 1908
BarrettStephen born about 1886
BarrisFranklin Eborn about 1908
BarsettiGordo born about 1884
BarsettiHenry born about 1917
BarsettiMary born about 1886
BartonGeorge Henryborn about 1874
BarunMartin born about 1881
BatchelorJohn Leeborn about 1917
BattalionNorman Fborn about 1923
BatzerHerman Rborn about 1868
BatzerLucy Mborn about 1877
BaumbachAlice born about 1937
BaumbachBetty born about 1932
BaumbachC Cborn about 1896
BaumbachEddie born about 1920
BaumbachErvin born about 1918
BaumbachFred born about 1925
BaumbachHarold born about 1916
BaumbachHenry born about 1923
BaumbachLila born about 1927
BaumbachLilly born about 1927
BaumbachMartha born about 1895
BaumbackCathryn born about 1915
BaumbackEdmund born about 1912
BaumbackJoyce Bborn about 1934
BaumbackLoydell Eborn about 1931
BaumgartnerChristina born about 1891
BaumgartnerWill born about 1885
BechtholtEmma born about 1903
BechtholtWilliam born about 1900
BechtholtWilliam Jborn about 1921
BeckClayton born about 1860
BeckElmer Lborn about 1925
BeckEthelee born about 1898
BeckJesse Dborn about 1918
BeckJesse Lborn about 1888
BeckWalter born about 1915
BeckWanda Lborn about 1927
BenderAlvin born about 1922
BenderDonald born about 1936
BenderEdwin born about 1929
BenderEmil born about 1909
BenderHerbert born about 1919
BenderIrene born about 1925
BenderIrvin born about 1927
BenderThomas born about 1938
BenderViola born about 1908
BenndorfAmy born about 1886
BenndorfOtto born about 1880
BenningErve Dborn about 1891
BenningI Janeborn about 1921
BenningStella born about 1895
BerahaTony born about 1886
BerklandGurine born about 1895
BerklandNels born about 1876
BerklandNora born about 1922
BerklandWalter born about 1937
BeshFrank Hborn about 1908
BeshVera born about 1910
BettertonLuelva born about 1873
BiagerWilliam Hborn about 1880
BiaggiAndrew born about 1915
BiceEdna Mborn about 1925
BiceJoseph Hborn about 1858
BiceKay Tborn about 1935
BiceMartha born about 1902
BiceWilliam Eborn about 1896
BiceWilliam Eborn about 1923
BickenbachJoe born about 1909
BililardiAnnie born about 1898
BililardiJohn born about 1897
BingerBarbara Annborn about 1939
BingerBurton born about 1917
BingerEdna born about 1890
BingerEleanor born about 1920
BischelCatherine born about 1916
BischelGloria Annborn about 1937
BischelHenry born about 1915
BittelHenry born about 1875
BittelIngelborg born about 1879
BittnerLe Roy born about 1921
BjorkquistCarl born about 1892
BjorkquistClara born about 1891
BjorkquistLinney born about 1919
BlackBlanche Mborn about 1867
BlackLyle born about 1923
BlairnsCora Bborn about 1899
BlairnsJack born about 1929
BlairnsReed Fborn about 1920
BlakesleyErnest born about 1916
BlandinoSana Tborn about 1918
BlehmEdna born about 1901
BlehmGlenn born about 1925
BlehmHarold born about 1918
BlehmLeola born about 1920
BlehmLeslie born about 1923
BlehmMary born about 1891
BlehmSol born about 1891
BlehmWilliam born about 1891
BlewettCarmen born about 1937
BluckEdwin born about 1884
BluckJames born about 1932
BluckLeamon born about 1898
BluckRuth born about 1897
BolenDelbert born about 1912
BolenElsie born about 1915
BolenOrville born about 1914
BolleaDominick born about 1910
BolleaMarie born about 1910
BonettoBarney born about 1874
BonusIvid born about 1856
BoothAlmo born about 1904
BoothJuanita born about 1940
BoothMargaret born about 1915
BorthAnna born about 1911
BorthDavid Arlenborn about 1940
BorthFred born about 1908
BorthJames born about 1939
BosseClifford Hborn about 1940
BosseHarry born about 1915
BosseMaryette born about 1915
BossiEmil born about 1891
BossiHelen born about 1896
BowenThomas Mborn about 1886
BowmanJessie born about 1898
BowmanJoseph born about 1886
BradleyBarbara born about 1939
BradleyHarland born about 1903
BradleyIrene born about 1912
BradleyJune born about 1936
BradleyMuriel born about 1933
BrandtLena born about 1885
BrandtLouis born about 1886
BrandtLouis Jr born about 1923
BrasshiglioneElda born about 1937
BrasshiglioneEleana born about 1934
BrasshiglioneMaria born about 1900
BrasshiglioneSteve born about 1896
BreitenbuckerCarol born about 1934
BreitenbuckerFlorence born about 1910
BreitenbuckerWarren born about 1905
BreitenbuckerWesley born about 1929
BrockHubert born about 1901
BrockLayola born about 1910
BronsonE Gilbertborn about 1879
BronsonJosephine born about 1884
BrooksJo Annborn about 1934
BrooksJoe Jborn about 1906
BrooksRoy Gborn about 1930
BrooksTroy Dborn about 1926
BrooksViolet Tborn about 1906
BroomfieldCecil born about 1916
BroshnikoffLoyd born about 1918
BrothElizabeth born about 1879
BrothWillie Cborn about 1915
Brown??? Kborn about 1876
BrownAlice born about 1879
BrownDolores born about 1936
BrownEva Gborn about 1853
BrownFloyd Pborn about 1876
BrownGladys E Pborn about 1909
BrownHelen Mborn about 1883
BrownJessie Maeborn about 1920
BrownLewis born about 1904
BrownMelvin Oborn about 1915
BrownMinnie J Cborn about 1893
BrownPearl Jborn about 1930
BrownRobert Rborn about 1929
BrownRodney Aborn about 1901
BrownWanda Mborn about 1932
BrownWilliam Aborn about 1934
BrumleyJuanita born about 1921
BrunerFrank Jborn about 1884
BruntIda Pborn about 1875
BryantWayne Lborn about 1868
BuchannanBilly born about 1932
BuchannanGwendolyn born about 1935
BuchannanLowe born about 1914
BuchannanPearl born about 1915
BundsLouise born about 1898
BunnsWilliam born about 1874
BurgerCarl born about 1933
BurgerCarl Aborn about 1906
BurgerMargaret born about 1907
BurgerMarilla born about 1931
BurgessFrank Jborn about 1898
BurneyBlanche born about 1877
BurneyFrank born about 1878
BurnsCharles Aborn about 1917
BurnsDavid Gborn about 1938
BurnsJames born about 1873
BurnsLa Very born about 1918
BuscagliaAnnie born about 1892
BuscagliaAntonio born about 1888
BuscagliaBonnie born about 1928
BuscagliaDeanna born about 1925
BuscagliaRaymond born about 1926
BushJoseph Cborn about 1914
ByersHenry born about 1882
ByersLizzie born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallowAmy Kborn about 1875
CallowEdwin born about 1914
CallowRobert born about 1879
CamperJess born about 1902
CamperMary born about 1900
CamperMary Eborn about 1934
CardovaJene born about 1907
CarpenterHarold Eborn about 1926
CarpenterWinifred born about 1927
CarverCharles Dborn about 1937
CarverDela Roseborn about 1922
CarverGladys Pborn about 1897
CarverLoren Mborn about 1929
CarverMarilyn Jborn about 1927
CarverMyron Gborn about 1896
ChalfonDillard Cborn about 1876
ChalfonElizabeth born about 1871
ChandlerEldon born about 1915
ChandlerMarlene born about 1939
ChandlerNettie born about 1888
ChandlerPansy Leeborn about 1918
ChrismanGeorge born about 1869
ChrismanGertrude born about 1880
ChristmanHenry born about 1923
ChristmanMary born about 1888
ChristmanPeter born about 1886
ChristmanRay born about 1928
ChristmanWalter born about 1917
ChristyGeorge Jborn about 1869
ChristyJane born about 1877
ClareEdward born about 1868
ClareMabel born about 1876
ClarkMina born about 1895
ClasenPeter Hborn about 1887
ClassenBillie born about 1927
ClassenFred born about 1921
ClassenFredrick Wborn about 1893
ClassenLouis born about 1925
ClassenMary born about 1902
ClassenNathan born about 1928
ClassenNoreen born about 1922
ClemensCharles born about 1920
ClemensClara Dborn about 1906
ClemensClara Lborn about 1928
ClemensClayton born about 1898
ClemensMabel born about 1904
ClemensReuben born about 1893
ClementsGeorge Rborn about 1882
ClementsMargaret born about 1877
ClementsPrudence born about 1882
CliffordBarbara Lborn about 1931
CliffordBernice Wborn about 1898
CliffordCatherine Lborn about 1862
CliffordClaude Lborn about 1888
CockroftManley born about 1889
CogginsLulu Aborn about 1865
CoilEverett born about 1919
CoilH Louanneborn about 1934
CoilJesse Aborn about 1898
CoilLester Aborn about 1910
CoilLucy born about 1873
CoilMarilyn Jborn about 1937
CoilRolland Lborn about 1929
CoilRuth Aborn about 1911
CoilVira Aborn about 1899
CoilVirgil born about 1911
CoilVirginia Lborn about 1925
ComperJames born about 1907
ComperPearl born about 1908
ConessaG born about 1883
ConnorsAllyn born about 1900
ConnorsHattie born about 1885
ConstanyJe born about 1891
CopelandMarion Cborn about 1915
CostaCharles born about 1890
CostaKatherine born about 1892
CourtneyCharles Jborn about 1910
CourtneyJennie born about 1889
CoxDonald born about 1912
CoxDonna Mayborn about
CoxGenevieve Bborn about 1927
CoxHelen Aborn about 1897
CoxHelen Rborn about 1925
CoxJames Eborn about 1895
CoxMildred born about 1913
CoxOscar Hborn about 1919
CoxRobert Dborn about 1923
CoxThomas Jborn about 1929
CoxWoodrow Wborn about 1916
CraggsCarla born about 1933
CraggsCharles born about 1934
CraggsHenrietta born about 1900
CraggsHenry Eborn about 1921
CraggsHenry Wborn about 1891
CraggsJimmie born about 1939
CraggsJohn born about 1927
CraggsMorris born about 1925
CraggsThelma born about 1937
CrawfordJohn Wborn about 1864
CrawfordMorgan Wborn about 1883
CreelyFrances born about 1870
CrumpArchie born about 1880
CrumpMinnie born about 1875
CulbertsonClyde born about 1934
CulbertsonDonald born about 1935
CulbertsonGlenn Cborn about 1909
CulbertsonLillie born about 1915
CulbertsonRobert born about 1932
CulverAlice Eborn about 1910
CulverAnna Mayborn about 1930
CulverEleanor Lborn about 1932
CulverFrancis born about 1900
CulverWilliam Eborn about 1899
CurrekhertAnna born about 1911
CurrekhertJean born about 1907
CzelothFrank born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaetweilerAlbert born about 1890
DaetweilerAlbert Jr born about 1925
DaetweilerAlberta Jborn about 1929
DaetweilerMary born about 1888
DaisBenjamin born about 1931
DaisEmil born about 1918
DaisEsra born about 1927
DaisIda born about 1920
DaisJacob born about 1889
DaisRose born about 1891
DaltonDorothy Lborn about 1897
DaltonJesse Hborn about 1892
DaviesCatherine born about 1922
DaviesFern born about 1918
DaviesMabel Cborn about 1881
DaviesMinnie born about 1887
DaviesNeil born about 1924
DaviesThomas Oborn about 1875
DaviesTom born about 1914
DaviesWilliam born about 1876
DavisDorothy Aborn about 1935
DavisElizabeth born about 1903
DavisLeslie born about 1894
DavisMarshall Eborn about 1893
DavisRose born about 1896
DavisWarren born about 1922
DayClark born about 1936
DayDella born about 1914
DayJanice born about 1934
DayRose Eborn about 1878
DayWoodrow Wborn about 1913
DeanRaymond born about 1925
DeatweilerEdward born about 1888
DeclergNancy born about 1881
DecotoLouis Albertborn about 1879
DelkEmil born about 1905
DelkLydia born about 1910
DelkMarcella born about 1933
DelkRoger born about 1935
DelkVerna born about 1936
DelzerChris born about 1897
DelzerDe Vere born about 1921
DelzerLois born about 1923
DelzerLydia born about 1899
DelzerVernice born about 1922
DemattyFrancis born about 1907
DemattyFred Rborn about 1874
DemattyWilla born about 1879
DenHanna Lborn about 1868
DeveggioAnna Rborn about 1890
DeveggioLouis Aborn about 1885
DezkovskeyConstantion born about 1884
DezkovskeyEdexia born about 1881
DezkovskeyEllen born about 1919
DezkovskeyHelen born about 1913
DietderichElaine born about 1936
DietderichRobert born about 1896
DietderichRobert born about 1925
DietderichVerona born about 1913
DietzAlbert Cborn about 1920
DietzEdward Jborn about 1891
DietzElizabeth born about 1891
DietzLorraine Lborn about 1922
DietzRichard Rborn about 1925
DillElbert Nborn about 1886
DillFrieda born about 1895
DirshLeland born about 1901
DirshLeland J Jrborn about 1936
DirshUna Iborn about 1914
DischBechy born about 1915
DischCalvin born about
DischChester born about 1937
DischNeva born about 1904
DischRobert born about 1930
DischWilfred born about 1897
DobbinsJohn Wborn about 1863
DonellaBina born about 1888
DonellaBruno born about 1903
DooleyEugene Aborn about 1887
DooleyLaten born about 1897
DornanAlfred born about 1910
DornanRobert born about 1895
DornanValera born about 1917
DoughertyFlorene born about 1920
DoughertyLillia Maeborn about 1938
DoughertyTim born about 1914
DouglassRobert Iborn about 1867
DoyleMelville born about 1894
DucasPauline born about 1895
DuckworthBetty Louborn about 1938
DuckworthJames Rborn about 1934
DuckworthNova Mborn about 1932
DuckworthPete born about 1909
DuckworthVilia born about 1913
DuensingCharles born about 1881
DuensingFloyd born about 1921
DuensingLaura born about 1887
DuncanArthur Cborn about 1871
DuncanWalter Hborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonAgnes born about 1895
EatonWalter Eborn about 1895
EcheversiaBenito born about 1895
EdingerElle born about 1928
EdingerEmma born about 1893
EdingerFred born about 1886
EdingerGerald born about 1935
EdingerVirginia born about 1929
EidsonBertha born about 1886
EidsonWilliam born about 1884
EllsburyClarence born about 1901
EllsburyLucinda born about 1901
EllsburyMarcella born about 1926
EllsburyMarvin born about 1927
EllsburyRoss born about 1933
ElthorpeEdna born about 1912
ElthorpeIrving born about 1915
ElthorpeJames born about 1922
ElthorpeMyrtle born about 1887
ElthorpeRoy born about 1887
ElthorpeWillis born about 1919
EnnisAnthony born about 1876
EnnisClifford born about 1919
EnnisEvelyn born about 1892
EnsmingerArthur born about 1925
EnsmingerDeliah born about 1923
EnsmingerEdward born about 1911
EnsmingerEdward Jr born about 1938
EnsmingerEmma born about 1893
EnsmingerEvelyn born about 1915
EnsmingerJohn born about 1883
EnsmingerJohn Gborn about 1913
EnsmingerLileen born about 1938
EnsmingerLorin born about 1939
EnsmingerMatilda born about 1916
EnzmingerClayton Dborn about 1934
EnzmingerDonald Jborn about 1935
EnzmingerFred Aborn about 1937
EnzmingerRachel Cborn about 1911
EricksonMary born about 1907
EricksonRuby born about 1933
EricsonJohn Eborn about 1873
EricsonLena born about 1887
EsmondBertha born about 1881
EsmondJack Cborn about 1872
EsmondLeona born about 1919
EspositoBernard born about 1880

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F Surnames

FaberCharles Fborn about 1881
FaberCharles Jborn about 1915
FaberSusan born about 1882
FabrickWilliam born about 1879
FahrnerChrist born about 1876
FantrichAlvin born about 1928
FantrichArthur born about 1923
FantrichEleanor born about 1927
FantrichFrederika born about 1887
FantrichJohn born about 1879
FantrichJonathan born about 1920
FawcettJesse Lborn about 1873
FawcettLeslie born about 1924
FawcettMinnie Aborn about 1888
FeatherstonFlorence born about 1878
FeatherstonRenick born about 1882
FehlingAlbert born about 1924
FetzerHenry born about 1881
FetzerSophia born about 1890
FiggeClara born about 1898
FiggeFred Jborn about 1895
FiggeGeorge Wborn about 1905
FiggeHelen Lborn about 1911
FiggeJay born about 1931
FiggeVerne born about 1933
FirlotteBessie born about 1890
FirnekasCharles born about 1908
FirnekasClara born about 1911
FirnekasKenneth born about 1937
FirpoFrank Jborn about 1893
FirpoJulia born about 1890
FitzgeraldAndrew born about 1878
FitzgeraldCarrie born about 1877
FitzgeraldClaude Dborn about 1874
FitzgeraldElla Mborn about 1876
FlandersArya Dborn about 1880
FlowersCharles Eborn about 1917
FlowersDarline born about 1939
FlowersEvelyn born about 1914
FoggAgnes Sborn about 1891
FoggMartha Wborn about 1912
FornaroCaesar born about 1879
FowlerGertrude born about 1895
FowlerLawrence born about 1923
FowlerRoland born about 1896
FoxLou Iborn about 1868
FoxWalter Mborn about 1892
FranklinEula born about 1902
FranklinJesse Eborn about 1885
FreyAdam born about 1897
FreyBenjamin born about 1910
FreyKatie born about 1901
FreyLydia born about 1915
FreyPatricia Mborn about 1939
FricherKate born about 1867
FricherWilliam born about 1878
FujiokaFujiye born about 1933
FujiokaFusaye born about 1937
FujiokaHatsuyo born about 1902
FujiokaMiyoko born about 1920
FujiokaShoso born about 1934
FujiokaTad born about 1890
FujiokaTadao born about 1923
FujiokaTadashi born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GalluzziAugust born about 1887
GalluzziCesira born about 1887
GalluzziEnrico born about 1912
GalluzziGenevieve born about 1916
GalluzziGwen Lymerborn about 1939
GansingerChrist born about 1885
GansingerOlga born about 1897
GarberogiloRosina born about 1886
GarberogiloSam born about 1883
GarberoglioMaria born about 1867
GaribaldiEleanor Tborn about 1919
GaribaldiGiovanni Aborn about 1936
GarnerGeorge born about 1904
GarnetteHildred born about 1918
GarnetteLe Roy born about 1938
GarnetteLoyd born about 1915
GartleyWilliam Dborn about 1882
GashillHerbert Sborn about 1882
GashillMamie Aborn about 1885
GeiszlerArt Calvin Jrborn about 1940
GeiszlerChristine born about 1868
GeiszlerChristoph born about 1869
GeiszlerClarann born about 1936
GeiszlerEdward born about 1923
GeiszlerEleanora Aborn about 1934
GeiszlerErma born about 1926
GeiszlerFrances Vborn about 1938
GeiszlerGertrude born about 1920
GeiszlerGottlieb born about 1914
GeiszlerHarold born about 1924
GeiszlerHenry born about 1934
GeiszlerJack born about 1939
GeiszlerJulius Aborn about 1906
GeiszlerLeonard born about 1932
GeiszlerNatalie born about 1901
GeiszlerRichard born about 1921
GeiszlerRosie born about 1909
GeiszlerRudolf born about 1899
GeiszlerRuth born about 1929
GeiszlerStanley Hborn about 1928
GentiliniMarie born about 1887
GentiliniRomeo born about 1879
GersbacherBarre Eborn about 1892
GibsonBessie born about 1886
GibsonClyde born about 1902
GibsonDaniel Cborn about 1871
GibsonDonald born about 1937
GibsonElva born about 1913
GibsonFrank Sborn about 1881
GibsonMarilyn born about 1934
GibsonNora born about 1877
GibsonOlive born about 1920
GillFrances Eborn about 1933
GillJoseph Rborn about 1936
GillMargaret born about 1902
GillMarie Nborn about 1929
GillPatricia Eborn about 1930
GillespieHoward born about 1892
GillespieNellie born about 1886
GilliesSallie born about 1868
GimAlethea born about 1888
GimDaisy born about 1931
GimDaniel born about 1923
GimHoward born about 1930
GimQuong born about 1881
GimWanda born about 1928
GinnDaisy Mborn about 1882
GinnJohn Hborn about 1871
GivensElmer born about 1925
GivensJames born about 1882
GoehringBen born about 1932
GoehringChris born about 1917
GoehringChristina born about 1894
GoehringClifford born about 1930
GoehringDaniel born about 1925
GoehringElmer born about 1923
GoehringElsie born about 1921
GoehringEugene born about 1922
GoehringHarold born about 1925
GoehringHelen born about 1923
GoehringIda born about 1919
GoehringIrene born about 1927
GoehringKatherina born about 1896
GoehringLevy born about 1922
GoehringLoren born about 1939
GoehringLouise born about 1887
GoehringOscar born about 1930
GoehringOtto born about 1928
GoehringPhilip born about 1914
GoehringPhillip Jborn about 1893
GoehringReuben born about 1920
GoehringSam born about 1892
GoehringVictor born about 1927
GoehringWalter born about 1920
GoodmanFlora Aborn about 1888
GoodmanHorace Hborn about 1884
GoodrichE Cborn about 1872
GoodrichEdith Mborn about 1900
GoodrichJack Eborn about 1900
GordonClarence born about 1901
GordonElsie born about 1906
GordonHoward born about 1930
GordonStanley born about 1932
GordonVirginia born about 1933
GordonWalter born about 1939
GottfredDelores born about 1926
GottfredHensel born about 1893
GottfredMagdelena born about 1904
GottfredPearl born about 1931
GottfredWillard born about 1930
GottfriedAmala born about 1892
GottfriedGeorge born about 1926
GottfriedHarvey born about 1930
GottfriedHeinitz born about 1886
GrahamGardner Cborn about 1904
GrahamMarine born about 1907
GrahamRay born about 1897
GranleisEleanor born about 1912
GranleisJack born about 1911
GranleisKaren Mborn about 1937
GrassellEdward born about 1883
GrassellWalton born about 1921
GrassellWilliam Cborn about 1926
GribaudoEleanor born about 1924
GribaudoErnest born about 1920
GribaudoFrieda born about 1910
GribaudoJoe born about 1873
GribaudoJohn born about 1886
GribaudoJohn born about 1898
GribaudoJohn Jborn about 1922
GribaudoJohn Jr born about 1907
GribaudoKarl born about 1918
GribaudoLawrence born about 1910
GribaudoLouis born about 1901
GribaudoLouis Jr born about 1938
GribaudoRena born about 1901
GriffithDonner Lborn about 1883
GrimesJohn Vborn about 1885
GrimesMargaret Eborn about 1891
GronroosCarl born about 1878
GronroosDagmar born about 1879
GronroosHenry born about 1918
GruszieEmil born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaddockGeorge Gborn about 1886
HaddockInez born about 1938
HaddockMabel Vborn about 1890
HaegerIsrael born about 1912
HaegerMary born about 1914
HaleWilliam Eborn about 1918
HammondBart born about 1933
HammondEunice born about 1908
HammondJames born about 1928
HammondJames Aborn about 1895
HancockWesley Eborn about 1891
HandelEmanuel born about 1879
HandelGideon born about 1908
HandelIda Mborn about 1920
HandelKaterina born about 1879
HandelLeon Eborn about 1918
HandelLionell born about 1939
HandelMarlene born about 1935
HandelMaynard born about 1934
HandelViola Bborn about 1923
HanksBetty born about 1930
HanksFrances born about 1928
HanksGertrude born about 1892
HanksWilliam Wborn about 1875
HansenClara born about 1875
HarichOtto born about 1894
HarkovDaniel born about 1923
HarkovHilda born about 1936
HarkovNina born about 1934
HarkovOlga born about 1909
HarkovPhillip born about 1921
HarkovStephen born about 1888
HarperGlenda born about 1910
HarperVernie born about 1898
HarrboldtCalvin born about 1937
HarrboldtMartha born about 1917
HarrboldtRay born about 1913
HarrellClara born about 1868
HarrellFrank Mborn about 1864
HartAlbert born about 1888
HartAlbert Lborn about 1917
HartAlma born about 1885
HartAnna Lborn about 1884
HartDolores born about 1929
HartEdith Gborn about 1867
HartFrancis Wilburborn about 1910
HartHarry Jborn about 1876
HartLauren Vborn about 1913
HartLucy Eborn about 1904
HartShirley born about 1922
HauckJimmie born about 1935
HauckRamona born about 1929
HauffEmanuel born about 1893
HauffJohannah born about 1885
HayhurstArlena born about 1920
HayhurstJames born about 1916
HayhurstJoan born about 1938
HeadAby born about 1895
HeadJacob Aborn about 1892
HeadJacob Mborn about 1915
HeadOdessa born about 1925
HeadOletha born about 1922
HeadRichard born about 1937
HeinJacob born about 1882
HeinMagdalena born about 1894
HeinReuben born about 1923
HendergartCahrlotte born about 1891
HendergartFred born about 1892
HendergartFrederick born about 1914
HendergartRobert born about 1924
HendergartRuth born about 1920
HendergartVictor born about 1917
HendershotWilliam born about 1876
HenningSarah born about 1856
HenselAlethea Mborn about 1929
HenselAlfred born about 1915
HenselConnie Mayborn about 1936
HenselConrad born about 1900
HenselDaniel born about 1874
HenselJustina born about 1885
HenselLe Roy Cborn about 1926
HenselLydia born about 1899
HenselMiriam born about 1920
HenselRoseleyn Pborn about 1928
HenthornCarl born about 1911
HerbertCaroline Mborn about 1870
HercezAmelia born about 1895
HercezAmelia born about 1926
HercezJohn born about 1884
HercezJohn born about 1925
HercezLeona born about 1923
HercezMatt Dborn about 1895
HercezOlivia born about 1922
HerrickRobert Dborn about 1927
HerrickRoberta born about 1899
HeuerElbert born about 1925
HeuerFlorence born about 1931
HeuerJames born about 1887
HeuerMabel born about 1898
HeuerWilliam born about 1890
HiebFred born about 1900
HiebJanet born about 1933
HiebLorraine born about 1925
HiebMartha born about 1902
HiebVelora born about 1931
HillBetty Annborn about 1930
HillChester born about 1895
HillLouis born about 1929
HillSeenia born about 1870
HillSteven Dborn about 1864
HillaryWilliam born about 1840
HinszHilda born about 1921
HinszLeo born about 1916
HintzHenry born about 1887
HirtelChristina born about 1897
HirtelJarcane Rborn about 1926
HirtelJohn born about 1887
HirtelLois Mborn about 1939
HirtelLoren born about 1927
HirtelLorraine born about 1927
HirtelNancy Lborn about 1934
HirtelPatrica Annborn about 1937
HockettLawrence Hborn about 1886
HockhalterArther born about 1914
HockhalterDorothy born about 1878
HockhalterJacob born about 1876
HockhalterJulius born about 1916
HockhalterMargaret born about 1925
HodgesFrank born about 1882
HodgesLorena born about 1883
HoffmanAdam born about 1887
HoffmanArther born about 1910
HoffmanEmanuel born about 1894
HoffmanEugene Fborn about 1923
HoffmanHelen Mborn about 1900
HoffmanKatherine born about 1917
HoffmanLe Roy Eborn about 1936
HoffmanLydia born about 1892
HoffmanWilliam Jborn about 1931
HolmanCordie born about 1893
HolmanEva Aborn about 1919
HolmanJohn born about 1872
HolmanJohn Nborn about 1914
HolmanMargaret born about 1868
HolmanRachel born about 1870
HolmanVelma born about 1920
HolmanVerl born about 1894
HolmesCorrie born about 1918
HolmesNancy born about 1939
HolmesWade born about 1915
HookerGarnett Wborn about 1904
HookerLa Verle born about 1916
HorstEva born about 1888
HorstIrene Eborn about 1922
HorstJacob born about 1885
HorstOrville born about 1925
HoskinsCatharine Mborn about 1871
HoskinsJohn Dborn about 1879
HowardRichard born about 1928
HowlandJohn Fborn about 1855
HowlandNaomi born about 1862
HubbardJohn Wborn about 1902
HubbardLeonard born about 1931
HubbardMarjorie born about 1927
HuesticGerald born about 1922
HuesticRobert born about 1925
HuesticTessie born about 1899
HuirasHilda born about 1922
HuirasWilliam born about 1877
HuirasWilliam Jr born about 1918
HunterAda born about 1868
HunterGeorge born about 1872
HunterGeorge Aborn about 1886
HunterHazel Mborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IbargarayJohn born about 1892
ImmosErnest born about 1939
ImmosFrank born about 1895
ImmosHumsley born about 1937
ImmosMarie born about 1905
ImmosMartin born about 1893
InglemillsOrran born about 1887
InglisAlec born about 1870
InglisEdna born about 1889
InglisHenry born about 1868
InglisJosephine Hborn about 1872
InglisKatherine Eborn about 1876
InglisNorma born about 1927
InoshitaAyako born about 1921
IrionDelbert Wborn about 1920
IrwinBilly Joeborn about 1927
IrwinFern born about 1910
IrwinLucille born about 1933
IrwinRalph born about 1938
IrwinSylvia born about 1931
IrwinThomas born about 1907
IrwinTroy Leeborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonOscar Cborn about 1876
JacovichEdward Sborn about 1910
JacovichMildred born about 1906
JamesAlfred Eborn about 1890
JamesNaomi born about 1894
JamisonFrank Gborn about 1914
JamisonMary born about 1936
JamisonR Allenborn about 1937
JamisonRuth born about 1917
JennerDarleen born about 1928
JennerDina born about 1900
JennerGlenn born about 1924
JennerHarold born about 1922
JennerHelen born about 1903
JennerLester born about 1923
JennerMarjorie born about 1925
JennerRichard born about 1899
JennerWilliam born about 1900
JensenBernhard born about 1890
JensenBernhard Jr born about 1929
JensenInge Mborn about 1932
JensenMinna Lborn about 1892
JohnsonAlbert born about 1876
JohnsonBertha born about 1881
JohnsonDoris Maryborn about 1923
JohnsonGertrude born about 1918
JohnsonJoseph Aborn about 1909
JohnsonOscar Eborn about 1920
JohnsonRichard born about 1918
JohnsonRoland born about 1933
JohnsonSandra Dborn about 1939
JonesAlbert Hborn about 1877
JonesAlice born about 1906
JonesBernard Jborn about 1894
JonesCarol born about 1926
JonesWendell born about 1865
JoryBarbara Jborn about 1934
JoryCarmen born about 1911
JoryDarrell Bborn about 1938
JoryJohn Eborn about 1875
JoryMary born about 1878
JoryRobert born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KagawaGeorge born about 1925
KagawaGrace born about 1922
KagawaKiyoko born about 1902
KagawaKumakichi born about 1890
KagawaWilliam born about 1923
KaulCaroline born about 1906
KaulCristopher born about 1875
KaulDennis Dborn about 1939
KaulEugene Wborn about 1934
KaulFredrika born about 1875
KaulGustave born about 1901
KeenanC Frankborn about 1871
KellerJoe born about 1903
KellerMonica born about 1873
KenefickAdela Eborn about 1911
KenefickEdmund born about 1914
KenefickPatricia born about 1936
KenefickThomas born about 1937
KernerKatherine born about 1923
KernerWilliam born about 1893
KerrElla born about 1881
KillebrewEdgar born about 1895
KillebrewLydia Aborn about 1925
KillebrewMinnie born about 1900
KillebrewStacey Eborn about 1931
KingEttie born about 1899
KingJerry born about 1928
KingLester born about 1899
KingMarylyn born about 1934
KinsingerMarie Ettaborn about 1938
KinsingerPatricia Rborn about 1935
KinsingerRosa born about 1911
KinsingerSamuel born about 1900
KirschenmanMeta born about 1906
KirschenmanTheodore Jborn about 1902
KirschenmannElizabeth born about 1889
KirschenmannEmma born about 1893
KirschenmannFred Tborn about 1893
KirschenmannLeon born about 1919
KirschenmannTheobolt born about 1888
KisselAlphonse born about 1899
KisselJosephine born about 1867
KlingerFred born about 1905
KlingerMalita born about 1910
KlingerReuben born about 1928
KnollAdolph born about 1910
KnollAlbert born about 1906
KnollAlice born about 1923
KnollAnna born about 1918
KnollArnold born about 1932
KnollAugust born about 1902
KnollChristina born about 1872
KnollChristina Wborn about 1895
KnollDelmar born about 1931
KnollDolores born about 1935
KnollEmil born about 1915
KnollEsther born about 1910
KnollIrene born about 1922
KnollJacob born about 1871
KnollLydia born about 1909
KnollMartha born about 1913
KnollMathilda born about 1904
KnollNorman born about 1927
KnollRoy born about 1926
KnudsenCarl born about 1870
KnudsenHelen born about 1869
KoepplinRudolph born about 1915
KohrnJohn Nborn about 1867
KolbAlvina born about 1922
KolbElsie born about 1925
KolbGertrude born about 1895
KolbHenry born about 1890
KooymanAlvin Oborn about 1927
KooymanBernard Gborn about 1924
KooymanBertha born about 1894
KooymanCornelia born about 1920
KooymanFrances born about 1923
KooymanI Thomasborn about 1925
KooymanJacob born about 1887
KooymanJohn born about 1893
KooymanJohn Jr born about 1922
KooymanRonald Lborn about 1933
KooymanWilliam Rborn about 1929
KostolnikLawrence born about 1928
KostolnikLydia born about 1888
KostolnikMike born about 1888
KraaiBetty born about 1930
KraaiJohn born about 1892
KraaiJohn Aborn about 1924
KraaiMargaret Cborn about 1900
KraaiPaul born about 1928
KroenckeDora born about 1906
KroenckeDorla Jeanborn about 1930
KroenckeJohn born about 1933
KroenckePeter born about 1897
KroenckePeter Jr born about 1926
KrollCurtis Eborn about 1908
KrollGordon Rborn about 1913
KrollGottfried born about 1877
KrollHelen born about 1912
KrollMarie born about 1880
KrollMarvin born about 1936
KruegerBlondena born about 1914
KruegerRobert born about 1909
KumeKasumi born about 1923
KumeKinuko born about 1899
KumeTomesabburs born about 1886
KundertHerbert Aborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LadnerHenry born about 1916
LaneAnna Belleborn about 1907
LaneEmma Tborn about 1904
LaneKendra born about 1939
LaneKenneth born about 1909
LangEllen born about 1927
LangJ Claytonborn about 1923
LangJames Hborn about 1901
LangLionel born about 1924
LangLucile born about 1904
LangMaye born about 1929
LangMelvin born about 1921
LawrenceBenjamin Cborn about 1914
LawrenceClara Mborn about 1878
LawrenceEdward Wborn about 1912
LawrenceSamuel born about 1918
LayEva Aborn about 1857
LeaFern born about 1924
LeaMalcolm born about 1900
LeaMarilyn born about 1933
LeaMartha born about 1902
LeaRalph born about 1926
LebaronJames Rborn about 1911
LebaronJames R Jrborn about 1933
LebaronLucile born about 1912
LebaronNancy Jborn about 1937
LehrAnna born about 1880
LehrFred born about 1880
LevoDonald born about 1933
LevoGeorge born about 1893
LevoGeorge Jr born about 1926
LevoMary born about 1899
LinchiedWalter born about 1916
LindauerElvina born about 1902
LindauerGottfried born about 1893
LindauerJohn born about 1898
LinkeWilliam born about 1888
LinkertJacob born about 1860
LinkertRudolph born about 1902
LinleyArchie Jborn about 1892
LinleyBruce born about 1932
LinleyEllwood born about 1927
LinleyGene born about 1929
LinleyMable born about 1897
LinleyRobert born about 1924
LinnAnnie Lborn about 1903
LinnCora Bborn about 1877
LinnGeorge Hborn about 1932
LinnPeter born about 1874
LinnWinfred Wborn about 1896
LippEdward Jborn about 1878
LittkeEmma born about 1910
LittkeRuby Eborn about 1933
LittkeVernon born about 1905
LittkeViolet born about 1929
LivingstonMaud born about 1883
LivingstonRobert born about 1884
LockLucinda born about 1864
LockeAgnes Mborn about 1872
LockeChester born about 1921
LockeDonald born about 1907
LockeEdward Mborn about 1872
LockeEstelle Wborn about 1883
LockeGeorge Hborn about 1878
LockeGrace Aborn about 1930
LockeHoward Cborn about 1894
LockeJune born about 1892
LockeLouis Nborn about 1928
LockeMartha born about 1925
LockeMartin born about 1923
LockeNiel born about 1898
LockeVirginia born about 1902
LoewenLois Lborn about 1909
LoewenWalter Lborn about 1906
LongFlorence born about 1875
LowerbyFred born about 1871
LowerbyLida Bborn about 1872
LowieCharles born about 1932
LowieGeorge Cborn about 1899
LowieHazel born about 1910
LowieRoss born about 1930
LucasAmy born about 1914
LucasAnnie born about 1876
LucasHarvey Hborn about 1898
LucasJennie born about 1876
LucasLeslie born about 1909
LucasMerrill born about 1900
LucasRalph born about 1866
LucasRalph born about 1903
LucasRaymond Bborn about 1938
LucasRuby born about 1915
LucasStanley Hborn about 1939
LumanBetty Louborn about 1936
LumanKarl born about 1916
LumanMary born about 1917
LumanMary Annborn about 1935
LumanNancy Cborn about 1940
LumanOrville Lborn about 1937
LynnGrover born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldCharles Aborn about 1879
MacdonaldCharles A Jrborn about 1919
MacdonaldFlorence born about 1881
MacdonaldKathryn born about 1922
MacheyElizabeth born about 1891
MacheyJohn Hborn about 1895
MacheyWarren born about 1920
MacheyWilliam born about 1891
MaddisonGrace born about 1893
MaddisonWilliam born about 1891
MaestrettiEmlio born about 1863
MaestrettiWesley born about 1905
MageePrice born about 1915
MaitiaBernard born about 1937
MaitiaBetty born about 1927
MaitiaBobby born about 1928
MaitiaGrace born about 1930
MaitiaJohn born about 1901
MaitiaMarie born about 1908
MaitiaRichard born about 1933
MannMelton Aborn about 1916
ManningRobert born about 1926
MarcheseGrace born about 1885
MarcheseJames Lborn about 1904
MarcheseJohn Gborn about 1878
MartellAdam born about 1913
MartellCharlotte born about 1924
MartellEva born about 1884
MartellHerbert born about 1922
MartellSusie born about 1880
MartellTheodore born about 1925
MartellWalter born about 1915
MartinClarence Wborn about 1880
MartinHenry Hborn about 1896
MartinHugh Bborn about 1933
MartinIda born about 1912
MartinJohn Hborn about 1932
MartinKenneth born about 1938
MasonFlora born about 1905
MassoniEverardo born about 1889
MassoniPia born about 1893
MassoniVickie born about 1929
MastelKasmer born about 1875
MastelKatherine born about 1880
MathersBonita Galeborn about 1939
MathersKenneth born about 1915
MathersWilma Hborn about 1921
MathewsLucy Rborn about 1864
MatticeFreeman born about 1866
MatticeLily born about 1871
MattsAnna born about 1888
MattsAugust born about 1932
MattsAugust Eborn about 1887
MattsDorothy born about 1933
MattsEdward born about 1915
MattsElizabeth born about 1909
MattsFred born about 1922
MattsGeorge Hborn about 1911
MattsJohn born about 1907
MattsMaydine born about 1931
MattsRobert born about 1925
MaurerLucy born about 1867
MaxfieldStanley born about 1911
McCormickDonald born about 1926
McCormickGeorge born about 1889
McCormickHelen born about 1894
McCormickRoger born about 1930
McCormickRuth born about 1929
McCoyArlie born about 1912
McCoyArnold born about 1908
McCoyHazel born about 1931
McCoyJanice born about 1939
McCoyTrelhan born about 1934
McCrackerEva Cborn about 1891
McKindleyCecil born about 1920
McKindleyErnest Mborn about 1884
McKindleyJohn Lborn about 1921
McKindleyLester Vborn about 1928
McKindleyMae Iborn about 1892
McKindleyMarilyn Eborn about 1933
McKindleyRay born about 1917
McKindleyRobert Wborn about 1924
McKindleyVincent Lborn about 1936
McKinleyClifford born about 1899
McKinleyClifford Jr born about 1924
McKinleyIris born about 1927
McKinleyRheba born about 1929
McKinleyWilfred born about 1926
McPhersonClarence Bborn about 1883
McPhersonElsie born about 1887
McPhersonGrace born about 1881
McPhersonWilliam born about 1860
McTuckerJames born about 1876
MegerleJessie born about 1884
MegerlePhilip Hborn about 1879
MegerleRobert born about 1883
MehlhaffKenneth born about 1935
MehlhaffMary Annborn about 1939
MehlhaffRegina born about 1912
MehlhaffWalter Eborn about 1908
MehrtenAda Jborn about 1876
MehrtenAngie born about 1864
MehrtenCharles born about 1873
MehrtenDaniel born about 1929
MehrtenJohn born about 1870
MehrtenJoseph born about 1940
MehrtenLester born about 1898
MehrtenMarshall born about 1896
MehrtenMattie born about 1872
MehrtenMinnie born about 1902
MehrtenOtto born about 1900
MehrtenRoger born about 1931
MeierDarlean Eborn about 1935
MeierEdward born about 1913
MeierGeorge born about 1912
MeierGottfried born about 1886
MeierJanice born about 1939
MeierJohanna born about 1887
MeierNaomi Rborn about 1914
MeierRonald born about 1938
MelchertErna Hborn about 1903
MelchertHugo Wborn about 1893
MelchertIrene Fborn about 1935
MelchertOscar born about 1925
MelchertVera born about 1928
MeltonCharles Rborn about 1903
MeltonLena born about 1893
MerrillVirginia born about 1864
MettearJerry born about 1938
MettearLenore born about 1916
MettearLeonard Aborn about 1910
MettlerAgnes born about 1920
MettlerArthur J Fborn about 1902
MettlerAugust Fborn about 1894
MettlerBarbara born about 1886
MettlerCalvin born about 1918
MettlerCaroline born about 1897
MettlerCharles born about 1929
MettlerClarence born about 1926
MettlerDorothy born about 1914
MettlerEmil born about 1912
MettlerErna born about 1891
MettlerEva Mborn about 1901
MettlerFrances born about 1917
MettlerHeinrich Gborn about 1888
MettlerHenry Fborn about 1889
MettlerHubert born about 1916
MettlerIrene born about 1922
MettlerIrvine Cborn about 1915
MettlerLaura born about 1919
MettlerLloyd born about 1931
MettlerLouie born about 1888
MettlerLydia born about 1901
MettlerMaralyn born about 1934
MettlerRaymond Hborn about 1913
MettlerRichard born about 1922
MettlerRosa Leeborn about 1920
MettlerStanley born about 1927
MettlerVernon born about 1920
MettlerViola born about 1925
MeyerAlbert born about 1911
MeyerAlma born about 1906
MeyerElmer born about 1927
MeyerGloria born about 1938
MeyerJeanette born about 1932
MeyerLeo born about 1907
MeyerLloyd born about 1925
MeyerMartha born about 1905
MeyersJames born about 1936
MeyersMary Louborn about 1934
MeyersOlive born about 1915
MeyersRosalie Anneborn about 1939
MeyersWilliam born about 1906
MeyersWilliam Nborn about 1933
MichelsonElizabeth born about 1932
MichelsonHenry born about 1901
MichelsonKatie born about 1903
MichelsonKatie born about 1929
MichelsonLydia born about 1928
MichelsonRosie born about 1935
MillerAlfred born about 1921
MillerAugusta born about 1896
MillerBetty born about 1931
MillerCharles born about 1857
MillerChristian Hborn about 1889
MillerClinton born about 1892
MillerDaniel born about 1908
MillerDave born about 1896
MillerEdward born about 1889
MillerErnstina born about 1902
MillerHarold born about 1923
MillerHiram born about 1892
MillerIsaac Jr born about 1874
MillerJacob Wborn about 1892
MillerLarry born about 1940
MillerLeontina born about 1910
MillerLillie born about 1893
MillerLily born about 1920
MillerLorene Jborn about 1936
MillerMary Eborn about 1856
MillerMay born about 1882
MillerMelvin Rborn about 1931
MillerMorris born about 1924
MillerRaymond born about 1932
MillerRoland Aborn about 1927
MillerStella born about 1891
MillerWilliam born about 1921
MindachOscar born about 1904
MindachPaul born about 1865
MindachWalter born about 1917
MireLeona Nborn about 1915
MireLouis Jborn about 1902
MitchellAdrian Lborn about 1938
MitchellAndrian born about 1916
MitchellBarbara Jborn about 1927
MitchellClaudean born about 1922
MitchellDorothy born about 1922
MitchellEva Fborn about 1887
MitchellGeorge born about 1886
MitchellHerbert Jborn about 1938
MitchellJean Dborn about 1923
MitchellJoe born about 1922
MitchellJoseph born about 1889
MitchellLeonard Lborn about 1881
MitchellLeonard Jr born about 1919
MitchellMaude Eborn about 1888
MitchellNancy born about 1879
MitchellPatricia Iborn about 1925
MitchellRalph Fborn about 1923
MitchellRodney Dborn about
MitzelIrene born about 1923
MntgomeryRosa Mborn about 1861
MohamedAlmed born about 1924
MohamedJosef born about 1928
MohamedMinnie born about 1899
MohamedMose born about 1898
MohamedOmar born about 1938
MohamedSofica born about 1926
MohrmanBarbara born about 1934
MohrmanElmer born about 1901
MohrmanLaverne born about 1929
MohrmanMargaret born about 1908
MohrmanPhilip born about 1930
MohrmannArlene born about 1937
MohrmannCharles Dborn about 1864
MohrmannMarjorie born about 1912
MohrmannMary Jborn about 1867
MohrmannNorman Rborn about 1935
MohrmannOliver born about 1907
MohrmannOliver Rborn about 1931
MohrmannWillard Dborn about 1939
MolinengoAlbert born about 1915
MolinengoFrances born about 1924
MolinengoJohn born about 1885
MolinengoKate born about 1892
MolinengoMarguerite born about 1918
MonsonErnest Tborn about 1880
MontgomeryAlice Eborn about 1895
MontgomeryAlice Evaborn about 1921
MontgomeryChandler Rborn about 1874
MontgomeryHelen Cborn about 1870
MontgomeryLester E Jrborn about 1923
MontgomeryLester Mborn about 1890
MontgomeryMarcie Lborn about 1939
MontgomeryMyrtle Wborn about 1908
MontgomeryParalee born about 1880
MontgomeryRosalyn born about 1939
MontgomeryWinfield S Iiiborn about 1936
MontgomeryWinfield S Jrborn about 1910
MontgomeryWinfield S Srborn about 1862
MooreErnest born about 1875
MooreEugene Rborn about 1916
MooreLouie born about 1908
MooreLouise Jr born about 1935
MooreMartha born about 1917
MorrowJohn Dborn about 1867
MotzGeorge Jborn about 1915
MotzGeorge J Jrborn about 1935
MotzRuth born about 1918
MullenJames born about 1889
MunroDonald born about 1924
MunroDugald born about 1899
MunroVerel born about 1904
MurdockMina born about 1889
MurdockWinfield born about 1888
MurlekNick born about 1888
MurlekVirginia born about 1886
MurphyJames born about 1877
MurphyJames Jr born about 1918
MurphyMaerinthia born about 1881
MustraJulia born about 1920
MustraMinnie born about 1885
MustraTony born about 1883
MyersCelia born about 1908
MyersClyde born about 1917
MyersDavid born about 1937
MyersDayme born about 1883
MyersElwood born about 1901
MyersHoward born about 1873
MyersLilly born about 1876
MyersMary Ellenborn about 1935
MyersPhilip Gborn about 1880
MyersRichard born about 1911
MyersWilliam born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NambaBobby born about 1933
NambaChriko born about 1910
NambaFumika born about 1910
NambaJames born about 1934
NambaJean born about 1932
NambaMay born about 1932
NambaNachiko born about 1935
NambaNancy born about 1937
NambaRaymond born about 1931
NambaSakari born about 1904
NambaYasuko born about 1939
NeerAllen born about 1933
NeerHarlan born about 1925
NeerOlive Mborn about 1894
NeerRichard born about 1928
NeerWilliam Eborn about 1892
NelmesErwin born about 1937
NelmesKatie born about 1910
NelmesVictor Eborn about 1908
NeukerthAugust Bborn about 1900
NevendorfBurton born about 1915
NevinsCharles born about 1930
NevinsGladys born about 1896
NevinsNorma born about 1924
NevinsOren born about 1896
NevinsRalph born about 1921
NevinsRobert born about 1918
NevinsRodger born about 1927
NiesChristian born about 1891
NiesEsther born about 1921
NiesJacob born about 1889
NiesLillian born about 1916
NiesLorene born about 1919
NiesMarie born about 1893
NiesMartha born about 1894
NiesMarvin born about 1924
NiessnerEnna born about 1921
NiessnerIrene born about 1924
NiessnerRobert born about 1920
NiessnerRosalie born about 1888
NiessnerTheodore born about 1883
NormanAlva born about 1916
NortonPaul born about 1916
NottHoward Mborn about 1881
NottLurline Nborn about 1882
NottShirley Aborn about 1920
NudingObit born about 1916
NunesAlice born about 1909
NunesAnival born about 1907
NunesElizabeth born about 1930
NunesEugene born about 1929
NunesRoland born about 1939
NunesWilliam born about 1935
NunezJane born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OcamicaEleasterio born about 1883
OrcuttJoseph Hborn about 1893
OrcuttJoseph H Jrborn about 1925
OrcuttMae born about 1894
OstMinnie born about 1915
OstRay born about 1915
OwensThomas Oborn about 1860

P Surnames

PalmerRaymond born about 1911
PalmerViolet born about 1901
PannGeorge Hborn about 1871
PannMinnie Mborn about 1877
ParkerOssie born about
PattersonAnnie Bborn about 1893
PattersonCarrie born about 1908
PattersonLorraine born about 1930
PattersonVerle born about 1931
PattersonWilliam born about 1900
PattersonWilmer born about 1935
PattonEffie Aborn about 1879
PattonRobert Fborn about 1879
PayneEdward Jborn about 1926
PayneEdward Wborn about 1881
PayneJean born about 1923
PayneMabel Mborn about 1885
PayneRoy Eborn about 1925
PearlFrank Aborn about 1884
PearlIda Mborn about 1900
PearlRobert Cborn about 1926
PerryCharles Aborn about 1904
PerryGrace Aborn about 1904
PerryJack Wborn about 1928
PerryKenneth born about 1937
PerryRay Aborn about 1933
PerryRaymond born about 1910
PerryRaymond Jr born about 1933
PerryVivian born about 1914
PetersonAndrew Bborn about 1874
PetersonHans Cborn about 1868
PetersonMary born about 1871
PettersonWillis Hborn about 1880
PickardDavid born about 1932
PickardMax born about 1909
PickardMuriel born about 1912
PickardSandra born about 1934
PirieAlexander born about 1880
PirieAlexander Sborn about 1914
PirieEdna Sborn about 1881
PirieMiriam Eborn about 1916
PirieRichard Mborn about 1940
PirieVerna Pborn about 1915
PirieWilliam Mborn about 1911
PittJohn Eborn about 1876
PitzerEdward born about 1929
PitzerHazel born about 1898
PitzerMarilyn born about 1931
PlasseLouis Rborn about 1879
PlinesAlbert born about 1921
PlinesLeona born about 1923
PocettaDominick born about 1892
PodestaBetty born about 1920
PodestaFrank born about 1913
PollayElizabeth Sborn about 1858
PorterMary Cborn about 1913
PorterWilliam Hborn about 1877
PotterEmma born about 1899
PotterLois Eborn about 1927
PottsWilliam born about 1878
PowellAlice born about 1896
PowellBlanche born about 1935
PowellClaude Jborn about 1893
PowellEdna born about 1903
PowellEdward born about 1917
PowellElizabeth born about 1936
PowellGeorge born about 1925
PowellGloria born about 1930
PowellGuinievere born about 1927
PowellLaurel born about 1938
PowellLeatha born about 1932
PowellLeo born about 1916
PowellMabel born about 1925
PowellMargaret born about 1929
PowellMary born about 1900
PowellMary Aborn about 1865
PowellRudolph born about 1919
PowellSamuel born about 1892
PowellSamuel Jr born about 1931
PowellSteve born about 1924
PowellTony born about 1920
PrattonDarrell Aborn about 1935
PrattonDon Kborn about 1929
PrattonEdward Pborn about 1938
PrattonElma Aborn about 1907
PrattonOran Rborn about 1927
PrattonRoss Wborn about 1904
PrattonVerne Eborn about 1931
PreszlerAlfred born about 1918
PreszlerEdward born about 1891
PreszlerElla born about 1896
PreszlerLeonard born about 1916
PreszlerLeontina born about 1901
PreszlerMary Louborn about 1932
PreszlerMildred born about 1917
PreszlerNeil born about 1922
PreszlerRaymond born about 1923
PreszlerWilliam born about 1897
PriceEleanor born about 1932
PriceFrosia born about 1898
PriceJames born about 1927
PriceMargie born about 1923
PriceRiley born about 1924
PriceWalter born about 1928
PriebeEmil born about 1904
PriebeRuth born about 1908
ProterkaAnton born about 1884
PrudenKatherine born about 1914
PrudenRobert Rborn about 1913
PulizSteve born about 1900
PullerDonald born about 1922
PullerElvern born about 1920
PullerHannie born about 1893
PulleyArther born about 1877
PutnamEdwin Aborn about 1866
PutnamLawrence Eborn about 1893
PutnamLawrence E Jrborn about 1930
PutnamMarian born about 1900
PutnamMarille born about 1925
PuznoAngelo born about 1913
PuznoJohn born about 1878
PuznoLouisa born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuartonArnold Gborn about 1924
QuartonBueford born about 1926
QuartonCarlton Wborn about 1895
QuartonErma Jeanborn about 1927
QuartonMary Aborn about 1905
QuaschnickHarold born about 1928
QuaschnickLloyd born about 1930
QuestonEdward Jborn about 1921
QuestonGeorge born about 1878
QuestonGeorge Fborn about 1919
QuestonVanilla born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadisevichAntone born about 1861
RaibleCarl born about 1868
RamGanda born about 1881
RathFlorence born about 1922
RathHugo born about 1921
RathLouisa born about 1890
RathLudwig born about 1896
RathbunDale Bborn about 1918
RathbunJean Eborn about 1918
RathbunNancy Jborn about 1939
RauBarbara born about 1930
RauFred Gborn about 1904
RauJane Vborn about 1927
RauJohn Henryborn about 1883
RauJohn Henry Jrborn about 1921
RauKatharina born about 1881
RauLoraine born about 1924
RauMable Pborn about 1908
RausserBruno Eborn about 1920
RausserE Dovyeborn about 1914
RausserElmer Aborn about 1912
RausserGustav born about 1881
RayCharles Eborn about 1920
RayPaul born about 1917
ReasonerClarence Aborn about 1889
ReasonerEthel born about 1894
ReasonerLois Iborn about 1931
ReedCharlotte Hborn about 1890
ReedEdwin Mborn about 1872
ReiswigEdwin Gborn about 1913
ReiswigFrieda born about 1912
ReiswigGerald born about 1939
ReiswigGeraldine born about 1939
ReiswigJack born about 1914
ReiswigMary born about 1881
ReiswigRonald born about 1936
ReiswigSam born about 1883
RheinorAnthony born about 1901
RheinorEstelle Vborn about 1897
RiceDorothy Jborn about 1923
RiceHazel Aborn about 1889
RiceMerle born about 1907
RiceRoy born about 1905
RiceWilliam Cborn about
RichardsArneta born about 1908
RichardsCecil born about 1907
RichardsonShirley born about 1930
RichardsonWilliam Lborn about 1923
RiegerAlice born about 1922
RiegerEarl born about 1931
RiegerGeorge born about 1885
RiegerMagdine born about 1888
RiegerOrville born about 1929
RiegerRoy born about 1924
RiegerSheldon born about 1926
RiegerVernon born about 1921
RileyBertha Mborn about 1884
RinaudoAnnie born about 1894
RinaudoFrank born about 1884
RinaudoJames born about 1923
RinaudoJennie born about 1895
RinaudoPete born about 1889
RobbinsFlorence born about 1900
RobbinsGeorge Hborn about 1894
RobertsJeff born about 1864
RobertsRonie born about 1871
RocqueCharles Eborn about 1897
RocqueDonald Cborn about 1934
RocqueGertrude Eborn about 1900
RocqueLouis Fborn about 1921
RogersBarbara born about 1926
RogersEmil born about 1892
RogersVelma born about 1900
RoseAntonio Gborn about 1904
RosinAnna Mborn about 1926
RosinCaroline born about 1903
RosinErnest Wborn about 1928
RosinFranklin Dborn about 1938
RosinFrieda Cborn about 1930
RosinGottlieb born about 1893
RosinHerman Jborn about 1924
RosinLilly Maeborn about 1939
RossLewis Eborn about 1889
RossMae Vborn about 1889
RossMildred born about 1915
RossRobert Dborn about 1940
RossRobert Eborn about 1916
RossThomas Fborn about 1866
RothEmil born about 1914
RothHelmuth born about 1913
RothIrene born about 1919
RothJacob born about 1895
RothRachel born about 1895
RothThelma born about 1922
RothViolet born about 1928
RozzoniGarmana born about 1897
RozzoniHugo born about 1922
RozzoniLouis born about 1896
RozzoniLouis born about 1927
RozzoniMadelina born about 1873
RozzoniMauro born about 1923
RunAlen born about 1911
RunHilda born about 1912
RunMildred born about 1936
RupertAdam born about 1894
RupertBetty Rborn about 1923
RupertDale Sborn about 1921
RupertEdith born about 1890
RupertLoren Iborn about 1925
RupertRobert Wborn about 1927
RyanCharley Wborn about 1894
RyanDarrall Gborn about 1927
RyanDona Jeanborn about 1924
RyanEllis Wborn about 1906
RyanJosephine Mborn about 1900
RyanKeith Lborn about 1928
RyanKenneth Wborn about 1931
RyanPearl born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaggCorda Mborn about 1895
SaggFrances Jborn about 1930
SaggPatsy Rborn about 1928
SaggPercival Aborn about 1888
SakoiGeorge born about 1890
SakoiGeorge born about 1928
SakoiHaruka born about 1901
SakoiJimmy born about 1930
SakoiToshio born about 1924
SalminaPete born about 1902
SanerEleanor Bborn about 1922
SanerGrace Lborn about 1924
SanerIrene born about 1901
SanerJoseph born about 1894
SartorAngie born about 1922
SartorJohn born about 1891
SartorJohn Jr born about 1920
SartorLouis born about 1923
SasakiClara born about 1924
SasakiJiro born about 1891
SasakiJungi born about 1928
SasakiKonami born about 1903
SasakiMinoru born about 1926
SasakiShoken born about 1932
SattlerChristina born about 1879
SattlerEno born about 1909
SattlerGeorge born about 1880
SattlerJakob born about 1876
SattlerMarvin Lborn about 1921
SattlerMary born about 1883
SattlerMinnie Rborn about 1918
SchaefferBen Dborn about 1905
SchaefferRose born about 1916
SchaferHarry Rborn about 1908
SchaferLydia Aborn about 1918
ScharbroughClarence born about 1915
ScharbroughClarence Ray Jrborn about 1939
ScharbroughDorothy born about 1915
ScharbroughRobert born about 1936
ScharbroughVelma born about 1938
SchlotthauerEsther born about 1918
SchlotthauerJohnnie born about 1914
SchlotthauerMarlene J???born about 1940
SchmidtAndrew born about 1888
SchmidtCarl born about 1937
SchmidtCharles Kborn about 1879
SchmidtDelmar born about 1931
SchmidtDoris born about 1927
SchmidtDorothy born about 1872
SchmidtDorothy born about 1915
SchmidtEdwin Rborn about 1912
SchmidtGust Jborn about 1912
SchmidtHelmuth born about 1906
SchmidtIrma born about 1921
SchmidtJacob born about 1870
SchmidtLeland born about 1940
SchmidtMartha born about 1893
SchmidtMarvin born about 1928
SchmidtPauline Eborn about 1903
SchmidtRalph born about 1935
SchmiererBetty Louborn about 1936
SchmiererDiana born about 1938
SchmiererElsie Rborn about 1911
SchmiererErvin born about 1926
SchmiererFred born about 1915
SchmiererHoward born about 1928
SchmiererIrene born about 1930
SchmiererJacob born about 1878
SchmiererJanet Rborn about 1940
SchmiererJohn born about 1891
SchmiererKatherina born about 1886
SchmiererLeroy born about 1923
SchmiererLoren Eborn about 1936
SchmiererMarion born about 1918
SchmiererMilton born about 1921
SchmiererMinnie born about 1900
SchmiererRaymond born about 1919
SchmiererRobert born about 1932
SchmiererTheodore Hborn about 1908
SchnaidtElizabeth born about 1886
SchnaidtHenry born about 1885
SchneiderAlma Dborn about 1920
SchultzAugust born about 1893
SchultzEdward born about 1889
SchultzEdward Jr born about 1925
SchultzMaxine born about 1929
SchultzOtilia born about 1890
SchultzRobert born about 1927
SchultzWilliam born about 1934
SchwemmerAlan born about 1931
SchwemmerAndrew Rborn about 1899
SchwemmerMartha born about 1901
SchwemmerVerlan born about 1925
ScobertAnnie Hborn about 1878
ScobertLee Aborn about 1872
ScottBen Eborn about 1901
ScottHelen Bborn about 1909
ScottJames Aborn about 1882
ScottMabel born about 1887
ScottVirginia Rborn about 1928
SeavertAnn born about 1923
SeavertWallard born about 1920
SeibelBertha born about 1896
SeibelBetty Eborn about 1933
SeibelCarolina born about 1887
SeibelConrad Lborn about 1883
SeibelDelmar Jborn about 1933
SeibelDoris Eborn about 1930
SeibelDrothy Gborn about 1927
SeibelE Warrenborn about 1918
SeibelEsther born about 1901
SeibelGeorge Hborn about 1894
SeibelHerman Cborn about 1925
SeibelLillian Mborn about 1925
SeibelLudwig Jborn about 1900
SeibelMinnie Sborn about 1923
SeibelRichard Wborn about 1923
SeibelWilma Jborn about 1929
SeifertArnold born about 1929
SeifertElsie born about 1935
SeifertErma born about 1933
SeifertHenry born about 1890
SeifertMartha born about 1939
SeifertMolly born about 1896
SeifertReinhold born about 1934
SelbyAda born about 1871
SelbyLitleton Wborn about 1870
SeminartioFeliaano born about 1875
SheafferAnne born about 1881
SheafferBrady Mborn about 1886
SheafferCarey born about 1916
SheafferRobert born about 1920
ShimminsAvis born about 1905
ShimminsHarold born about 1914
ShimminsHarry Wborn about 1879
ShimminsMay Iborn about 1887
ShirkBlanche born about 1896
ShirkDorothy born about 1929
ShirkHarlow Hborn about 1896
ShirkLawrence born about 1932
ShirkWallace born about 1932
SiemillerAnnadale born about 1905
SiemillerEarl Lborn about 1900
SieversDelores born about 1924
SieversDoyle born about 1929
SieversJay born about 1921
SieversJoan born about 1934
SieversMary Annborn about 1891
SieversPeter Fborn about 1893
SieversRoberta born about 1927
SinghBela born about 1875
SinghBhola born about 1880
SinghBishen born about 1906
SinghBkag born about 1895
SinghDiwan born about 1888
SinghDiwan born about 1890
SinghElranta born about 1888
SinghGanda born about 1890
SinghGurdas born about 1886
SinghHazar born about 1890
SinghJowalla born about 1876
SinghKirpal born about 1904
SinghKishen born about 1885
SinghMunnunski born about 1878
SinghNama born about 1895
SinghPall born about 1880
SinghWaryam born about 1870
SinzLieselotte born about 1923
SinzLucy born about 1883
SinzRudolf born about 1883
SkaggsElla born about 1877
SmartGerald born about 1919
SmartMillard Fborn about 1888
SmartRuth Cborn about 1893
SmithAnnetta born about 1938
SmithAustin Tborn about 1904
SmithCharles Fborn about 1876
SmithEllen born about 1877
SmithEmma born about 1885
SmithGeraldine born about 1931
SmithJames Tborn about 1877
SmithLeva Mborn about 1890
SmithLorraine born about 1933
SmithLouise born about 1929
SmithMarie born about 1926
SmithMartha Eborn about 1867
SmithRobert born about 1873
SmithRobert Jborn about 1858
SmithRuby born about 1904
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1923
SobkowskyBerenice born about 1919
SobkowskyClara born about 1913
SobkowskyEdna born about 1917
SobkowskyLawrence born about 1912
SobkowskyMary born about 1877
SobkowskyMary Joborn about 1938
SobkowskyPaul born about 1877
SobkowskyReta born about 1937
SolloErling born about 1886
SowlesGladys Gborn about 1896
SparksWilliam born about 1912
SpaureCecilia Letitiaborn about 1940
SpaureNick born about 1895
SpaureNickolas born about 1937
SpaureStella born about 1916
StabellLouis Fborn about
StabellPaul Fborn about 1902
StabellViola born about 1897
StacherEdward born about 1938
StacherHenry born about 1872
StacherHenry born about 1900
StacherHenry born about 1931
StacherIsabel born about 1912
StacherNorine born about 1935
StacherVolney born about 1932
StachsMary Jborn about 1860
StacksEmma Lborn about 1893
StacksWillis Wborn about 1884
StaleyLydia born about 1916
StaleyRaymond born about 1912
StamulisEtty Rborn about 1889
StamulisSaterios born about 1886
SteacyArthur Dborn about 1897
SteacyElizabeth born about 1911
SteacyJames born about 1852
SteacyLloyd born about 1906
SteacyMinnie born about 1868
SteeleFredrick born about 1923
SteeleGeorge Fborn about 1863
SteelyBeverly Sborn about 1906
SteelyCharles Aborn about 1888
SteelyJohn born about 1903
SteelyJoseph Eborn about 1885
SteelyMarcus born about 1859
SteelyMary Jborn about 1892
SteelyShirley Aborn about 1905
StefanosJames born about 1883
StelzerDarlene born about 1937
StelzerJake born about 1906
StelzerLillian born about 1913
StevenCalvin born about 1925
StevenLucia born about 1921
StevenOpal born about 1889
StevenRichard born about 1887
StevensLena born about 1880
StevensWillie Wborn about 1880
StickelArmeta born about 1928
StickelAudrey born about 1906
StickelClara born about 1923
StickelHenry born about 1895
StickelJacob born about 1893
StickelLawrence born about 1924
StickelMartha born about 1905
StickelRuby born about 1935
StiehrAugust born about 1919
StiehrBerenice Rborn about 1934
StiehrDaniel born about 1909
StiehrElizabeth born about 1878
StiehrLeonard Cborn about 1880
StiehrLeonard C Jrborn about 1918
StiehrLydia born about 1916
StiehrMary born about 1908
StiehrVernon born about 1939
StohlAnel born about 1870
StolzAnna born about 1910
StolzPeter born about 1905
StoneDorothy Eborn about 1935
StoneLois born about 1906
StoneMark born about 1885
StoneMark Jr born about 1929
StoneRichard Eborn about 1933
StrobridgeMinnie Hborn about 1882
StromAnna born about 1906
StromParelieus Fborn about 1886
StronichaAntonette born about 1883
StronichaEllis born about 1923
StronichaJoe born about 1908
StruckmanJanet born about 1936
StruebmanBerena born about 1881
SuitterArthur born about 1912
SummersJames born about 1881
SuttenfieldEdith born about 1874
SuttenfieldPearl Eborn about 1919
SuttenfieldWilliam born about 1915
SuttenfieldWilliam Jr born about 1939
SwansonCharles born about 1862
SwansonGertrude born about 1877
SwansonRenhold born about 1868
SwettIssac born about 1893
SwettRichard born about 1924
SwettSadie born about 1893
SwingleDavid Aborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorDelbert Eborn about 1919
TaylorEarl L Jrborn about 1929
TaylorEarl Sborn about 1889
TaylorRaymond born about 1910
TempleJesse born about 1874
TempleMonson born about 1873
TestEsther Mborn about 1931
TestMelvin born about 1907
TestMelvin Aborn about 1938
TestNaomi Jborn about 1930
TestZelma born about 1903
ThomasEllen born about 1876
ThomasHarold born about 1920
ThomasJohn born about 1873
ThompsonAnn Eborn about 1871
ThompsonChristina born about 1873
ThompsonEdgar Hborn about 1884
ThompsonFrank born about 1871
ThompsonHester born about 1901
ThompsonLulu Jborn about 1883
ThompsonMerle Cborn about 1894
ThomsenDogmar born about 1929
ThomsenFrederica born about 1936
ThomsenFrigof born about 1919
ThomsenHans born about 1897
ThomsenSigrid born about 1904
ThomsonAaron born about 1903
ThomsonBertha born about 1900
ThomsonBeverley born about 1933
ThomsonIrleen born about 1935
ThomsonIrvin born about 1937
ThomsonRonald born about 1931
ThornePhillip Mborn about 1911
ThorneUna born about 1911
ThorpeJames Eborn about 1879
ThorpeMarcella born about 1915
ThorpeTheresa Lborn about 1880
TkachuckKarpo born about 1881
TokuickiHidemichi born about 1933
TokuickiHirochi born about 1936
TokuickiIskimi born about 1904
TokuickiNoguchi born about 1899
TokuickiTeruo born about 1929
TokuickiTokuo born about 1924
TonnJohn born about 1870
TonnMaria born about 1875
ToopPhime born about 1870
TorpegaardPeter born about 1888
TowersGuy Aborn about 1939
TowersJames Mborn about 1916
TowersLillian Cborn about 1938
TowersViolet Mborn about 1919
TowleHoward born about 1882
TravisEdith born about 1939
TravisFrieda born about 1915
TravisJack born about 1909
TravisJune born about 1935
TrethewayGeorge Fborn about 1886
TrethewayJohn Dborn about 1881
TsubotaAyaka born about 1915
TsubotaGeorge Mborn about 1937
TsubotaIsami born about 1907
TsubotaT Kazuhikoborn about 1936
TurnbowJames Gborn about 1918
TurnerGeorgiana born about 1909
TurnerGratia born about 1892
TurnerHerbert born about 1894
TurnerRussell born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlmerAnabelle born about 1934
UlmerArthur born about 1899
UlmerElsie born about 1905
UlmerErna Maeborn about 1929
UlmerGilbert born about 1925
UlmerLeonard born about 1928
UlrichAnnie born about 1928
UlrichChrist born about 1891
UlrichElizabeth born about 1891
UlrichElsie born about 1926
UlrichKay born about 1938
UlrichMartha born about 1930
UlrichPauline born about 1917
UlrichRudolph born about 1923
UlrichRuth born about 1924
UlsonCharles born about 1885
UlsonEllen born about 1885
UpdikeElta born about 1921
UrtasunJusto born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandykeLawrence Eborn about 1890
VansteenbergeAgnes born about 1922
VansteenbergeJulian born about 1910
VansteenbergeLefanie born about 1886
VansteenbergePaul born about 1925
VansteenbergeSimon born about 1918
VanvrankenRalph born about
VeddnaMike born about 1886
VickreyMary born about 1884
VikovichPeter born about 1880
VixChristian born about 1870
VixChristina born about 1868
VixJack born about 1925
VixJacob born about 1864
VixJohn born about 1891
VixKaterina born about 1865
VixLouise born about 1894
VotawMarjorie born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagemanAlfred born about 1918
WagemanCharlotte born about 1931
WagemanDorothy born about 1921
WagemanEdward born about 1893
WagemanEdward Jr born about 1923
WagemanFred born about 1919
WagemanMinnie born about 1895
WagemanRuth born about 1913
WagemannAlvina born about 1918
WagemannBetty born about 1928
WagemannElaine born about 1931
WagemannElmer born about 1922
WagemannEvelyn born about 1917
WagemannGeorge born about 1915
WagemannJack born about 1892
WagemannJoyce born about 1936
WagemannKatherine born about 1897
WagemannLydia born about 1892
WagemannViolet born about 1925
WakehamDerrick Hborn about 1929
WakehamRuth Iborn about 1931
WakehamWilliam Hborn about 1927
WaldoEdward born about 1916
WaldoEdward Lborn about 1938
WaldoOlive Mborn about 1920
WaldoRichard Iborn about 1939
WalkerBilly born about 1923
WalkerEdith Vborn about 1895
WalkerEvelyn born about 1925
WalkerFelix born about 1927
WalkerFrancis born about 1922
WalkerH Eugeneborn about 1919
WalkerHampton Cborn about 1888
WalkerJames Hborn about 1890
WalkerJimmy born about 1930
WalkerMarion born about 1892
WalkerO Dborn about 1924
WalkerPeggy born about 1933
WalkerRobert born about 1921
WalkerRuby Mborn about 1892
WalkerRudolph born about 1932
WallAlbert born about 1927
WallKatherine born about 1883
WallMary born about 1921
WallMike Wborn about 1880
WallRuth born about 1919
WallTheodore born about 1923
WallViola born about 1928
WallWilliam born about 1925
WallaceAlice Mborn about 1862
WallaceElvine born about 1899
WallaceJean born about 1921
WallaceJune born about 1921
WallaceOliver born about 1890
WallaceWalter Pborn about 1883
WansleyAlbert Oborn about 1917
WansleyIda Jborn about 1927
WansleyJocie Oborn about 1888
WansleyLeslie Rborn about 1882
WardGarnett Vborn about 1900
WardJames Bborn about 1895
WardJames B Jrborn about 1923
WardRobert Lborn about 1923
WardTina born about 1900
WardTyrell Eborn about 1898
WardWilliam Kborn about 1930
WarnerFrancis born about 1936
WarnerGenevieve born about 1940
WeaverElla Mborn about 1874
WebbMartha born about 1865
WeberCharles Oborn about 1880
WeberDorothy born about 1934
WeberEarl Dborn about 1924
WeberEugene born about 1936
WeberLizzie born about 1886
WeberLouisa born about 1863
WeberMaddiline born about 1914
WeberMaryette born about 1885
WeberMelvin Oborn about 1910
WehuntIda Maeborn about 1939
WehuntJess born about 1917
WehuntMillard Gborn about 1910
WehuntOpal born about 1918
WeigandDan born about 1910
WeigumClara Sborn about 1903
WeigumGeorge Jborn about 1901
WeigumMartha born about 1907
WeigumNorma Mborn about 1926
WeigumPatricia born about 1928
WeigumRichard Rborn about 1928
WeigumShirley Aborn about 1935
WeigumTobias born about 1906
WeigumWallace born about 1930
WeisDaniel Dborn about 1880
WeisLydia born about 1880
WenzelburgerChris born about 1870
WenzelburgerFred born about 1893
WenzelburgerMary born about 1876
WenzelburgerOleta born about 1899
WestmeirIda Mborn about 1882
WetmoreAdelbert born about 1903
WetmoreBarbara born about 1930
WetmoreCarol Leeborn about 1936
WetmoreMarlene born about 1933
WetmoreWilma born about 1910
WggemanCharles born about 1916
WggemanLee born about 1940
WggemanRuth born about 1916
WhippleHenry born about 1869
WiedrichGeorge born about 1877
WiedrichIrene born about 1923
WiedrichKatie born about 1880
WiepkingLillian born about 1916
WilburnBessie born about 1916
WilburnBilly born about 1932
WilburnEarnest born about 1914
WilkiePauline Bborn about 1909
WilkieRoland Aborn about 1904
WilkieSandra Lborn about 1940
WilliamsAlice born about 1887
WilliamsElgin Cborn about 1883
WilliamsRobert born about 1911
WilliamsWilliam Sborn about 1884
WilsonBernice Mborn about 1894
WilsonClara born about 1909
WilsonEarleen born about 1936
WilsonEmma born about 1931
WilsonHerbert born about 1904
WilsonJacob Aborn about 1891
WilsonJacob Bborn about 1930
WittmeierElizabeth born about 1891
WittmeierJohn born about 1886
WolfeHans born about 1887
WongKong Annborn about 1892
WoodMartha born about 1885
WoodWilliam Mborn about 1878
WutzkeAmelia born about 1890
WutzkeDan Jborn about 1886
WutzkeDelila Dborn about 1924
WutzkeHerbert born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YakuskijiAsaye born about 1904
YakuskijiAsaye born about 1939
YakuskijiHaruo born about 1927
YakuskijiHideji born about 1899
YakuskijiKaichi born about 1931
YakuskijiShigeko born about 1929
YakuskijiSumiye born about 1934
YakuskijiTeruko born about 1925
YakuskijiYetsuo born about 1933
YolichPete born about 1890
YoungCary Lborn about 1868
YoungHarry Lborn about 1924
YoungJohn born about 1917
YoungKatherine born about 1903
YoungLillian Gborn about 1927
YoungLouis born about

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZehnderAnna Mborn about 1905
ZehnderJoann born about 1935
ZehnderJohn born about 1927
ZehnderLouis born about 1900
ZehnderLouis born about 1929
ZimbelmannBertha born about 1915
ZimbelmannEphraim born about 1909
ZimbelmannLois Annborn about 1939
ZimbelmannRobinette born about 1937
ZimmermanArnold born about 1915
ZimmermanFrances born about 1880
ZimmermanFred born about 1875
ZimmermanJake Jborn about 1904
ZimmermanMetha born about 1909
ZimmermanWinifred born about 1928
ZizioPeter born about 1878
ZubinFred born about 1924
ZubinJohn born about 1927
ZubinMike born about 1917
ZubinS born about 1921
ZubinTony born about 1892
ZuehlkeEmma born about 1895
ZuehlkeWilliam born about 1891
ZuehlkeWilliam Hborn about 1923
ZwingeAlvina born about 1915
ZwingeShirley Jborn about 1938

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