1940 U.S. Federal Census of Homes, Mono, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Mono County > 1940 Census of Homes

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames S Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdairChas Lborn about 1900
AdairKathryn Cborn about 1902
AdairLane Cborn about 1935
AdairRoberta Kborn about 1927

B Surnames

BartelsHenry Rborn about 1890
BartelsNellie Fborn about 1890

C Surnames

CassadyAllen Gborn about 1887
ConleyCharles Wborn about 1895

D Surnames

DechambeauDarius Tborn about 1905
DechambeauNorman Dborn about 1930
DechambeauPhyllis Aborn about 1932
DeckerAlbert P Oborn about 1918
DeckerElfleda Lborn about 1923
DeckerYvonne Lborn about 1939
DonnollyWilliam Wborn about 1881

H Surnames

HinesAndrew Fborn about 1906

J Surnames

JamesAndrey born about 1912
JamesJohn Dborn about 1934

K Surnames

KandollAnn Vborn about 1911
KandollClarence Rborn about 1907

L Surnames

LarsonCorinne Oborn about 1907
LarsonJanice Bborn about 1934
LarsonJohn born about 1905
LarsonJohn Mborn about 1929

M Surnames

MairsHelen Mborn about 1907
MairsLeilani Dborn about 1927
MairsMaylo Rborn about 1930
MitchellVera Mborn about 1908
MooreBetty Rborn about 1921
MurpheyBarbara Fborn about 1919
MurpheyJohn Aborn about 1938
MurpheyJohn Lborn about 1915

P Surnames

PinerClarence Pborn about 1888
PridgenAllen Aborn about 1914

S Surnames

SilvesterAlbert born about 1890
SilvesterWilliam Aborn about 1914

W Surnames

WattHarry Kborn about 1893

Y Surnames

YankoEmily born about 1902
YankoJoseph born about 1901
YuenWong Timborn about 1895

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