1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jenny Lind, Calaveras, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Calaveras County > 1940 Census of Jenny Lind

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottClair born about 1901
AbbottHerbeert Lborn about 1895
AdairC Dborn about 1876
AdamsIda born about 1881
AdamsWalter born about 1883
AdamsWilliam Pborn about 1919
AirsonDonald born about 1923
AirsonEvelyn born about 1931
AirsonJean born about 1928
AirsonRobert born about 1900
AlbertiniArchie born about 1898
AlbertiniClarice born about 1922
AlbertiniInez born about 1902
AlbertiniInez born about 1930
AllenBetty born about 1924
AllisonEdna Eborn about 1926
AllisonGeorge Sborn about 1922
AllisonHomer born about 1893
AllisonIva born about 1890
AmadorDaniel born about 1926
AndersonCarl born about 1897
AndersonDianne born about 1912
AndersonLois born about 1907
AndersonPaul Kborn about 1897
AndersonRobert born about 1914
ApostolicAndrew born about 1895
ArataApolio born about 1885
ArataFrancis born about 1884
ArataRuby born about 1899
ArcuriLawrence born about 1918
ArcuriLoraine born about 1921
AriffinEd Eborn about 1885
ArosA born about 1867
ArosCelestine born about 1878
ArosEilene born about 1939
ArosFrancis Lborn about 1937
ArosFrank born about 1897
ArosMelvin born about 1940
ArosThelma born about 1912
AshbacherFred born about 1880
AshbacherOtto born about 1919

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B Surnames

BakerDorothy born about 1925
BakerEva Royborn about 1936
BakerLouise born about 1894
BakerRalph Lborn about 1891
BakerRita born about 1921
BalwodBilly born about 1927
BalwodDonald born about 1937
BalwodHazel born about 1906
BalwodJane born about 1934
BalwodRobert born about 1930
BalwodWilmer born about 1900
BancroftEdwin Lborn about 1883
BannanoSam born about 1914
BarbeeLoraine born about 1925
BarbeeMargaret born about 1927
BarbeePauline born about 1901
BarkmanRalph born about 1902
BarriosLupie born about 1881
BaylesRobert born about 1919
BeardHarold born about 1915
BechaitAlfred born about 1891
BechaitEtta born about 1880
BergFranklin Oborn about 1860
BerryClarence Aborn about 1869
BerrySusan born about 1876
BerryTheodor born about 1913
BertieEllen Mborn about 1901
BertieWilliam born about 1880
BertieWilliam Sr born about 1928
BestorEllen born about 1862
BevittRaymond born about 1911
BevittRose born about 1911
BeyserLouis born about 1876
BickleyArmon born about 1914
BingerCarl born about 1883
BittermanAlbert Jborn about 1917
BlakeleyGertrud born about 1912
BlakeleyMargaret born about 1933
BlakeleyRobert born about 1937
BlakeleyWilliam born about 1911
BoastBilly born about 1929
BoettingerFred born about 1887
BoettingerWilliam born about 1883
BonzagniDorothea born about 1892
BonzagniLouis Jborn about 1887
BormanFloyd born about 1910
BormanViolet born about 1914
BougiovanniColombo born about 1893
BougiovanniJoe born about 1882
BrakckmanGrace born about 1898
BrakckmanRalph born about 1897
BronsonBen born about 1902
BronsonBetty born about 1931
BronsonDe Franca born about 1909
BronsonDonald born about 1937
BronsonOlene born about 1939
BronsonShirley born about 1935
BrooksClyde born about 1913
BrooksDorthea born about 1932
BrooksFrankie born about 1927
BrooksFred born about 1882
BrooksFreddie born about 1926
BrooksLouis born about 1916
BrooksLouise born about 1935
BrooksZilphia born about 1891
BrownArthur Bborn about 1897
BrownDenzil Lborn about 1937
BrownFrancis Mborn about 1899
BrownGrace born about 1896
BrownJ Oborn about 1881
BrownLizzie Bborn about 1886
BrownMaurice born about 1911
BrownNorma Jborn about 1938
BrownRose born about 1917
BrownShirley Aborn about 1935
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1880
BuckElinor born about 1919
BuckGeraldine born about 1939
BuckRobert born about 1915
BuckRobert Sr born about 1939
BuckaleirBell born about 1865
BuckaleirCathryn born about 1892
BuckaleirCharles born about 1889
BuckridgeOtis born about 1910
BunnellDonald born about 1909
BunnellDonald Jr born about 1939
BunnellMary Eborn about 1914
BunnellPatricia born about 1938
BuorisvitaJohn born about 1891
BusiEthel born about 1894
BusiMattea born about 1894
ButlerAnna Pborn about 1888
ButlerFred born about 1893

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C Surnames

CaldwellDella born about 1918
CaldwellWilliam born about 1915
Callahan born about 1865
CallahanEdward Fborn about 1886
CallahanGeorge born about 1869
CallahanNellie born about 1873
CamenaAdela born about 1895
CamenaMervin Jborn about 1895
CaneKenneth born about 1939
CanePauline born about 1912
CaneRaymond born about 1903
CanlesJoseph born about 1868
CaofferAda born about 1882
CaofferEthel born about 1921
CaofferJames born about 1869
CaprinEnrico born about 1896
CardNellie born about 1890
CarsonChester born about 1894
CarsonDelmer born about 1934
CarsonDonald born about 1928
CarsonGladys born about 1906
CaseyAlex Jborn about 1909
CaseyRose born about 1883
CaseyWilliam Cborn about 1911
CauchFlorence born about 1939
CauchGertrude born about 1912
CauchJohn Pborn about 1912
CauchWilliam born about 1934
CavagaieroBobette born about 1908
CavagaieroH Louisborn about 1910
CavagnaroAnnie born about 1864
CavagnaroEdith born about 1908
CavagnaroJohn born about 1906
CavagnaroMarlene born about 1936
CavagnaroRaymond born about 1938
CavagneroEdwin born about 1921
CavagneroEugene born about 1880
CavagneroHenry Aborn about 1872
CavagneroHenry Bborn about 1873
CavagneroMadeline born about 1909
CavagneroNettie born about 1877
CavagneroTheresa born about 1875
CaveAnnabell born about 1936
CaveBilliedean born about 1934
CavePerry Mborn about 1906
CaveVera Mborn about 1912
CelayaNativo born about 1867
ChapinEmma born about 1868
ChenowethEarl Eborn about 1887
ChenowethPearl Pborn about 1892
ClampittHarvey born about 1875
ClarkHobert born about 1904
ClarkWilliam born about 1866
CliervieuClarivell born about 1910
CliervieuErnest born about 1904
CliervieuErnest Jr born about 1929
ClineCharles Cborn about 1877
ClineEda born about 1890
ClineGeorge Lborn about 1922
CloseLawrence born about 1918
CoakMark born about 1864
CockDoris born about 1921
CockRaymond born about 1939
CockWoodrow born about 1914
CofferAnna born about 1914
CofferClara Bborn about 1934
CofferEarl born about 1935
CofferGuy Eborn about 1908
CofferStanley born about 1937
CollinsClaude born about 1883
ConklinJ Hborn about 1909
CookAnnie born about 1880
CookCyril Hborn about 1919
CookJohn Eborn about 1887
CookJoseph Wborn about 1892
CookPat born about 1873
CornolaPete born about 1894
CorpelandGeorge born about 1876
CoryAaron born about 1915
CoryDixie born about 1922
CrainElmer born about 1924
CreightonHattie born about 1866
CummingsAlice born about 1908
CummingsPaul born about 1904
CurrierFred born about 1907
CurrierJ Bborn about 1870
CurrierRose Nborn about 1873
CursonGeorge born about 1856
Curtis??? born about 1924
CurtisAaron Fborn about 1915
CurtisBertha born about 1894
CurtisCloyd born about 1920
CurtisPink born about 1885
CurtisVirgil born about 1929
CurtisWandabell born about 1936

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D Surnames

DaughertyClaude born about 1893
DaughertyMuriel born about 1902
DavisCharles Wborn about 1937
DavisClaris born about 1916
DavisRobert born about 1939
DavisWilliam born about 1912
DawsonAnnie born about 1886
DawsonJohn born about 1918
DawsonRobert born about 1924
DawsonThomas born about 1885
DawsonWilliard born about 1919
DazaJoseph born about 1862
DazaJoseph born about 1896
DazaVictor born about 1868
DemartineClement born about 1852
DemartineLouis born about 1877
DemartinePete born about 1871
DeneviLaura Rborn about 1896
DeneviLouis Aborn about 1895
DerrickBeverly born about 1933
DerrickGrant born about 1903
DerrickMarguerite born about 1906
DesmondBasil born about 1908
DesmondDorothy born about 1931
DesmondLaura born about 1910
DevoneBradford born about 1886
DialEd born about 1903
DinesBert born about 1899
DinesDeanna born about 1938
DinesLucy born about 1903
DinesYolanda born about 1923
DolanViola born about 1887
DonnerHerman Hborn about 1867
DonnerHerman Lborn about 1891
DoreRay born about 1900
DornattiWm born about 1909
DorramChester born about 1892
DorramLeona born about 1895
DouglasBarbara Mborn about 1931
DouglasCalud born about 1896
DouglasClaud Jr born about 1928
DouglasFlorence born about 1905
DouglasKathryn Eborn about 1911
DouglasMilton Sborn about 1904
DrexelElizabeth born about 1901
DruryHarry born about 1879
DruryJuliette born about 1899
DueringAdolph born about 1889
DukeDonald born about 1931
DukeEmma born about 1903
DukeFrances born about 1929
DukeThomas born about 1926
DuncanCathryn born about 1916
DuncanRobert born about 1915
DunnMary Annborn about 1887
DunningGeorge born about 1919
DunningHomer born about 1895

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E Surnames

EastJimmey born about 1930
EckwallCleo born about 1914
EckwallGuy born about 1894
EckwallGuy Jr born about 1920
EckwallRobert born about 1927
EdalgoLila born about 1894
EdwardsBenjamin born about 1885
EllidgeSelwyn born about 1892
EricksonBlanche born about 1939
EricksonCharles born about 1886
EricksonPatricia born about 1935
EricksonRoy born about 1925
EricksonSigue born about 1927
EricksonUrsuline born about 1903
ErmatingerJulia born about 1900
ErmatingerLeon born about 1902
EveryMarshall born about 1881

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F Surnames

FehlingFlorence born about 1932
FehlingGertrude born about 1911
FehlingHerbert born about 1913
FeldmanCharles born about 1878
FieldsFred born about 1892
FinclairLeroy born about 1921
FinclairMarion Pborn about 1923
FinclairPaul Fborn about 1897
FinclairRobert Hborn about 1930
FinclairRuby Vborn about 1899
FinclairVirginia Lborn about 1927
FoleyBetty born about 1935
FoleyDorothy born about 1913
FoleyDorothy Annborn about 1939
FoleyEdward born about 1908
FoleyEthel born about 1931
FoleyJeanette born about 1933
FoleyThomas born about 1936
FosterWalter born about 1882
FowlerHelen born about 1909
FowlerHelen Leeborn about 1938
FowlerJames Aborn about 1904
FowlerLily born about 1873
FraderJane Nadineborn about 1939
FraderLoren born about 1909
FraderNorna born about 1913
FranklinDorothy born about 1915
FranklinJacquelin born about 1937
FranklinJohn born about 1911
FranklinJohn Jr born about 1939
FranklinThayer born about 1934
FrazierEthel Aborn about 1911
FrazierGail Annborn about 1939
FrazierKenneth born about 1937
FrazierLinda born about 1938
FrazierNorman Fborn about 1915
FrinksDorothy born about 1901
FrinksMax born about 1895
FugittEmma born about 1888

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G Surnames

GambiniAlexander born about 1922
GambiniDaniel born about 1891
GambiniDanny born about 1927
GambiniMary born about 1898
GambiniRose Marieborn about 1925
GameCharles born about 1881
GameFrancis born about 1886
GammieJacob born about 1882
GammieMyrtle born about 1893
GammieRobert born about 1926
GangerRobert born about 1911
GarciaLucia Juanborn about 1892
GatesJ Pborn about 1874
GatesLena born about 1903
GatesMartha born about 1935
GatesMinton born about 1907
GatesViola born about 1879
GatesWilliam born about 1939
GavrilkoArthur born about 1939
GavrilkoFrancis born about 1918
GavrilkoNick born about 1916
GavrilkoNickie born about 1936
GemarCatheryn born about 1900
GemarGladys born about 1927
GemarTheo Aborn about 1899
GemarWayne born about 1931
GeneilsonMagnus born about 1882
GeneilsonNorma born about 1891
GenochioJohn born about 1917
GenochioLoraine born about 1897
GerberdingLawrence born about 1928
GerberdingWilliam born about 1896
GerkeGrace born about 1910
GerkeRobert born about 1904
GerlackWilliam born about 1887
GilbertAlbert born about 1899
GilbertGeorge born about 1911
GilbertMay born about 1893
GilbertRaymond born about 1921
GillickElizabeth Annborn about 1939
GillickEva born about 1871
GillickGordon born about 1901
GillickGordon Jr born about 1930
GillickGuilda born about 1927
GillickHellen born about 1902
GillickMargery born about 1924
GillickOwen born about 1869
GinnDaisy born about 1882
GinnJohn Hborn about 1871
GoodingElizabeth born about 1888
GoodingElmer Jborn about 1889
GoshellArthur Aborn about 1889
GoshellElvira Mborn about 1887
GoshellRosemary Vborn about 1924
GouzenneChristine born about 1882
GouzenneEtienne born about 1866
GouzenneOnezeph born about 1890
GrajczykEffie born about 1920
GrajczykJary born about 1938
GrajczykJoan born about 1940
GrajczykJoe born about 1910
GranadasAddie born about 1875
GranadasAlfred born about 1868
GranadasAlfred born about 1905
GranadasLeuz born about 1897
GranadosPhil born about 1876
GranadosPhil born about 1877
GregoriniHazel born about 1922
GregoriniHenrietta Oborn about 1907
GregoriniLouis born about 1895
GregoriniLouis Jr born about 1930
GregoriniViole born about 1926
GuerraMarcus born about 1911
GuerraRomelie born about 1881
GuiraloJoseph born about 1936
GummArthur born about 1906
GummKathryn born about 1909
GurneyElizabeth born about 1918
GurneyJames born about 1885
GurneyJames Jr born about 1920
GurneyJean born about 1927
GurneyJessie born about 1886
GwinupBillie born about 1878
GwinupDan Jborn about 1940
GwinupEthel born about 1910
GwinupNorman born about 1900
GwinupRheajean born about 1933
GwinupVan Lee born about 1937

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H Surnames

HaldemanRobert Mborn about 1918
HamiltonIrene born about 1899
HamiltonMart born about 1890
HamrickBertha born about 1913
HamrickCarol born about 1937
HamrickCeil Cborn about 1874
HamrickEdna Mayborn about 1881
HamrickJary born about 1935
HamrickMyron born about 1906
HaquistHelen born about 1917
HarnessWilma born about 1886
HarsenGeorge born about 1902
HartAnnie born about 1869
HartHarry born about 1893
HartJoseph born about 1866
HartRuth born about 1897
HartSuzanne born about 1934
Hatler born about 1896
HatlerDorotea born about 1907
HatlerEarl born about 1900
HatlerElbert Vborn about 1865
HatlerHoward born about 1917
HatlerSter Lborn about 1894
HauptMary Aborn about 1866
HayesEdwin born about 1925
HayesFrances born about 1922
HayesJohn Kborn about 1878
HayesJohn Sborn about 1923
HayesJulianne born about 1919
HayesNeva born about 1891
HaynesCharles born about 1865
HefflerAda born about 1901
HefflerErnest Hborn about 1933
HenryHelen Hborn about 1913
HenzallAnnie born about 1885
HenzallEdward born about 1883
HerbertEthel born about 1900
HerbertHerman born about 1895
HerbertRichard born about 1921
HerbertRobert born about 1930
HerbertWilliam born about 1926
HerronNeva born about 1874
HerzerLouella born about 1898
HerzerVernon born about 1925
HigginbothamLulu born about 1856
HillNorman born about 1914
HillRichard born about 1938
HillVelma born about 1916
HinkleyPaul born about 1882
HodleyEstelle born about 1872
HodleyLuther born about 1872
HoganCarolyn born about 1925
HollamJ Fborn about 1886
HolleyHarold Cborn about 1911
HolleyRoberta born about 1914
HoodAnnie Lborn about 1865
HoodFrank born about 1893
HoodJohn Fborn about 1862
HoodVerna born about 1896
HoquistCarl born about 1890
HoquistDorotheann born about 1926
HoquistEsther born about 1896
HoquistPauline born about 1922
HoskinsonRobert born about 1861
HowardRobert born about 1880
HowellChester born about 1923
HowellE Aborn about 1888
HowellEmma born about 1925
HowellMinnie born about 1887
HudsonCharles born about 1929
HudsonEmmalie born about 1925
HudsonFloyd born about 1931
HudsonKatie born about 1900
HudsonLoyd born about 1931
HudsonRuby born about 1921
HudsonWilliam Eborn about 1885
HuffJ Fborn about 1900
HuntAnita born about 1899
HuntElmer Lborn about 1893
HuntLeland born about 1923
HuntNancy Annborn about 1930
HurleyDavid born about 1898
HurleyEdward born about 1931
HurleyElizabeth Mborn about 1902
HurleyMargaret born about 1885
HurleyMary born about 1933
HustonGrace born about 1922
HustonJennie Vborn about 1902
HustonJohn born about 1928
HustonJohn Dborn about 1901
HustonNathan born about 1928
HustonRoy born about 1924

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J Surnames

JacquementGeorge born about 1905
JacquementLorna born about 1907
JamesonDan born about 1904
JenochisFrank born about 1888
JenochisFrank Jr born about 1923
JenochisMariel born about 1888
JohnsonAda Eborn about 1885
JohnsonFrank born about 1910
JohnsonGeorge born about 1879
JohnsonLandon born about 1874
JohnsonReese born about 1876
JohnsonTheodore born about 1915
JohnstonJohn born about 1895
JonesAdlai born about 1892
JonesEarl Eborn about 1914
JonesElizabeth born about 1890
JonesJessie born about 1911

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K Surnames

KalerC Wborn about 1886
KalerMarie born about 1902
KangerLillian born about 1889
KangerSam born about 1889
KeirDonald born about 1924
KellerBarbara born about 1936
KellerErcell born about 1914
KellerHersley born about 1903
KelleyMargaret born about 1910
KelleyMyron born about 1911
KennerlyDella born about 1882
KerriWilliam born about 1862
KilerBenjamin born about 1892
KimberlinaCapp born about 1875
KimberlinaDaisy born about 1883
KirkOlive born about 1920
KirkWilliam Uborn about 1910
KluperJohn born about 1866
KnollDorine born about 1938
KnollJames born about 1906
KnollKay Sueborn about 1934
KnollVivienne born about 1912
KockRay born about 1905
KraftPhillip born about 1930
KutsonCorrine born about 1903
KutsonJack Jborn about 1899
KyriosJohn born about 1898

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L Surnames

LacatelliMatteo born about 1894
LaddElmer born about 1906
LakeGary born about 1935
LakeJean born about 1938
LakeLoraine born about 1928
LakeMaurice born about 1904
LakeThelma born about 1905
LanducciColombo born about 1890
LaneVictor born about 1906
LangAlfred born about 1912
LangBertha born about 1914
LangBob born about 1914
LangJimmie born about 1932
LangTommie born about 1934
LangbenCharles born about 1880
LangfordFrank born about 1881
LangfordIdella born about 1859
LangfordThomas born about 1888
LawfordDorothy born about 1925
LawfordJack born about 1922
LawfordJohn Hborn about 1891
LawfordRuth born about 1898
LearC Jborn about 1911
LeeAmos born about 1927
LeeCora born about 1872
LeonhardtBetty Annborn about 1931
LeonhardtHoward born about 1910
LeonhardtRead born about 1930
LeonhardtSara Nellborn about 1911
LesonsBert born about 1885
LesonsFrank born about 1895
LesonsJussie born about 1890
LeveyFrancis born about 1890
LeveyFred born about 1888
LewisEd born about 1888
LiembackAnna born about 1939
LiembackErnst Aborn about 1904
LiembackRuth born about 1913
LiversedgeDorotha born about 1933
LoachSofia born about 1869
LongshorePaul born about 1929
LopezGilbert born about 1883
LuberickAntonio born about 1890
LundGeorge Fborn about 1915
LundMarjorie born about 1916
LundMerlyn born about 1939
LundMonte born about 1937
LynchFrank born about 1908

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M Surnames

MacgillJohn born about 1866
MadonadoAnton born about 1916
MadonadoJoan born about 1939
MadonadoPhoebe born about 1917
MadriagoJohn born about 1872
MadsenDorothy Aborn about 1897
MadsenEddie Eborn about 1885
MahlEarnest born about 1928
MakerMary Fborn about 1865
MaldonadoAnton Jr born about 1938
ManleyEd born about 1881
MarchLeah Jborn about 1886
MarchLester born about 1888
MareshLawrence born about 1913
MarkwoodGenevieve born about 1900
MarkwoodMartin born about 1905
MarrayBarbara born about 1933
MarsleGeorge born about 1861
MartinEmory born about 1886
MartinJack born about 1927
MartinLela born about 1903
MasonMargaret born about 1907
MasonRobert born about 1932
MasonWilliam born about 1894
MauserBarbara Lborn about 1927
MauserHoward born about 1920
McCabeO born about 1883
McChellandEvelyn born about 1912
McChellandGwendolyn born about 1935
McClenahanJefferson born about 1863
McCordFlorence born about 1890
McCordJ Dborn about 1886
McCoyCharlene born about 1934
McCoyMaisie born about 1909
McCoyThomas born about 1917
McDonaldAnne Vborn about 1906
McDonaldE H Srborn about 1924
McDonaldE Lborn about 1895
McDonaldFlorence born about 1890
McDonaldVirginia born about 1929
McLeodArnold born about 1897
McManusAlvin born about 1910
McManusBonnie born about 1920
McManusCarla Mayborn about 1939
McManusCharles born about 1888
McManusTeda born about 1894
McMillenAlfred born about 1894
McMillenJames born about 1923
McMillenRae born about 1895
McMillenWayne born about 1921
MelendyMagdalina born about 1916
MentznerClyde born about 1882
MentznerGeorge born about 1923
MentznerNellie born about 1893
MerletteRussell born about 1912
MessengerClarence born about 1897
MessengerEdna born about 1894
MessengerJames born about 1930
MessengerJean born about 1927
MessengerLois born about 1926
MessengerMarvin born about 1924
MeyerAdeline born about 1920
MeyerJohn born about 1872
MeyerNilson Jborn about 1889
MeyerRaymond born about 1917
MillerDaisy born about 1910
MillerEda born about 1890
MillerHazel born about 1923
MillerJohn Wborn about 1882
MillerLester born about 1892
MillerMargaret born about 1864
MillerMarie Tborn about 1893
MillisMinnie Lborn about 1877
MoellerFitzhugh born about 1870
MollerCarol born about 1939
MollerCord born about 1910
MollerCord Jr born about 1938
MollerWillmee born about 1916
MontagueAlexandar born about 1898
MontagueBeverley born about 1936
MontagueEsther born about 1900
MontagueJune born about 1927
MontigoRamona born about 1858
MooreCharles Cborn about 1890
MooreOrlie born about 1899
MorrilAlice born about 1939
MorrilClarence born about 1869
MorrilGuy Lborn about 1912
MorrilLeonard born about 1937
MorrilLily born about 1912
MorrilSusie born about 1891
MorrisonCatherine born about 1908
MorrisonGeorge Eborn about 1904
MorrisonRaymond born about 1903
MorrowEdward Jborn about 1888
MorrowElain born about 1925
MorrowGeorge born about 1895
MorrowLavern born about 1929
MorrowViolet born about 1900
MottsrosBettina born about 1927
MottsrosDorraine born about 1924
MottsrosEdith born about 1889
MottsrosGeorge born about 1878
MottsrosLouis born about 1920
MunoyPablo born about 1897
MurphyDoris born about 1923
MurphyRoy born about 1914
MurphySophie born about 1890

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N Surnames

NattaleTori born about 1897
NaylorAnna Lborn about 1885
NaylorDavid Mborn about 1887
NelsonGus born about 1914
NelsonUels born about 1891
NesbittEarl born about 1905
NesbittKenneth born about 1932
NewinDonner born about 1926
NewinGlen born about 1924
NewinKeith born about 1916
NewlenAlfred born about 1873
NewlenLulu Jborn about 1877
NewmanMarie born about 1896
NichollsAnna born about 1869
NichollsThomas born about 1861
NixJean born about 1938
NixJerry born about 1938
NixLillie born about 1907
NixSpense born about 1905
NormanF Bborn about 1888
NunezJoe born about 1888
NurrisonAudry born about 1933
NurrisonEllen born about 1913
NurrisonGeorge born about 1935
NurrisonJoann born about 1937
NurrisonNorma born about 1939
NurrisonVernon born about 1902
NurrisonVernon Jr born about 1931

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O Surnames

OrmesJohn Wborn about 1888
OrmesLotta born about 1887
OrtmanAnnie Lborn about 1875
OrtmanHerman born about 1871
OsHteodore born about 1867
OsbornOmar born about 1884
OspitalGenevieve born about 1922
OspitalJack born about 1915
OspitalPety born about 1914
OstermanHenry Jborn about 1890
OstermanJohn born about 1892
OstermanMarjorie born about 1924
OstermanMyra born about 1896
OstermanTheodore born about 1902
OxleyAllan born about 1914

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P Surnames

PachecoSmile born about 1886
PacheroArchye born about 1900
PalomaJohn born about 1877
PatteeFrank born about 1876
PatteeMarie born about 1902
PattersonVera born about 1931
PayneJohn born about 1885
PayneMary Eborn about 1897
PeakeHarry Jborn about 1882
PeakeHazel Denisborn about 1886
PedroliPhilip Jborn about 1864
PennyJohn born about 1892
PerpickMathew born about 1916
PerrieroAngel born about 1893
PerrieroMabel born about 1912
PerrieroRamona born about 1932
PerrinAudrey born about 1919
PerrinLeo Sborn about 1894
PerrinLeo Jr born about 1923
PerrinOlive born about 1897
PerrinOpal born about 1921
PerryClarence born about 1917
PerryIrene born about 1920
PetersenAnn Mborn about 1851
PetersonAgnes born about 1894
PetersonAllan born about 1914
PetersonBernard born about 1895
PetersonBetty Juneborn about 1934
PetersonBud Leeborn about 1926
PetersonLois born about 1908
PetersonWayne born about 1922
PettingerBen Hborn about 1879
PhillipsBert born about 1927
PhillipsEarl born about 1923
PhillipsElla born about 1891
PhillipsWalter born about 1882
PhillipsWillard born about 1876
PicardAlda born about 1923
PicardJack born about 1917
PicardJean born about 1919
PicardJune born about 1923
PicardLeon born about 1893
PicardShirley born about 1896
PickardDella born about 1866
PickardFrancis born about 1859
PitoBarbara born about 1928
PitoBetty born about 1929
PitoFrank born about 1902
PitoFrank Jr born about 1924
PitoLoretta born about 1903
PitoLouis born about 1926
PlilerBonnie born about 1921
PlilerLawrence born about 1919
PlumbClarence born about 1895
PlummerEverett born about 1894
PlummerRose Hborn about 1897
PlummerViolet born about 1874
PodestaDane born about 1911
PodestaEda born about 1887
PodestaG Bborn about 1882
PodestaWalter born about 1916
PonzettoPete born about 1903
PooreMary born about 1881
ProwseAlvin born about 1894
ProwseDonald born about 1924
ProwseIrene born about 1895
ProwseJohn Aborn about 1922
PrudhalGabrial born about 1901
PrudhalJewel born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuitaniJohn born about 1918
QuitaniRuby born about 1922

R Surnames

RafteryHazel born about 1900
RafteryWilliam born about 1894
ReadMary born about 1893
ReadRobert Aborn about 1887
ReinkingFred born about 1882
ReinkingGrace born about 1892
ReinkingLizzie born about 1852
ReinkingOscar born about 1890
ReinkingWillard born about 1923
RekbehnFrank born about 1876
RekbehnGrace born about 1878
RivasWilliam born about 1895
RobartsDorothy born about 1920
RobartsGeorge born about 1911
RobartsMaude born about 1894
RobartsWilliam born about 1890
RobieClarence born about 1907
RobieEdna born about 1905
RobieFrances born about 1922
RobieJohn born about 1938
RobieMaggie born about 1877
RobieRothwell born about 1891
RoblesGilbert born about 1907
RoddenWaynell born about 1875
RodgersonWilliam born about 1879
RogersRandall born about 1879
RossF Tborn about 1891
RossTillie Kborn about 1894
RossettEugene born about 1922
RossettJanet born about 1935
RossettNorene born about 1931
RossettiRinoo born about 1910
RossettiSiliro born about 1897
RueseckerFrank born about 1896
RueseckerOpal born about 1901
RueseckerRichard born about 1929
RustAlbertino born about 1924
RustAltlia born about 1895
RustHerman Wborn about 1864
RyanRufus born about 1883
RynoGeorge Wborn about 1863
RynoLiza born about 1874
RynoShirley Eborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalaunAlice born about 1890
SalaunF Hborn about 1886
SammisArthur born about 1908
SammisL Bborn about 1880
SammisMerriam born about 1882
SanbarnDaniel born about 1906
SanchiettoDonald born about 1937
SanchiettoFrank born about 1912
SanchiettoFrank Jr born about 1935
SanchiettoPalmera born about 1913
SandorVictoria born about 1876
SannAlma born about 1889
SannWilliam born about 1875
SantibanasFrank born about 1891
SantibanesCharles born about 1895
SatorioAlberts born about 1917
SatorioRico born about 1904
SchmutlerLulu born about 1874
SchmutzlerAlice born about 1920
SchmutzlerDianne born about 1939
SchmutzlerJerald born about 1916
SchroebelElla born about 1878
SchrumJames Eborn about 1906
SchwarzMary born about 1880
SchwarzWilliam born about 1881
ScottAlice Mborn about 1897
ScottRussell born about 1902
SeabrightAmy born about 1886
SeabrightJohn Rborn about 1901
SeebergHarold Wborn about 1909
SharpFrancis born about 1913
SharpnackJoseph born about 1873
SheebergCarol born about 1934
SheebergMelbo born about 1911
SheebergMirna born about 1933
SheebergRoy born about 1906
ShullDaniel born about 1920
SiegelConnie born about 1935
SiegelErnest born about 1931
SiegelJosephine born about 1930
SiegelKathryn born about 1928
SiegelRichard born about 1933
SilvaAnthony born about 1889
SilvaJohn born about 1882
SilveriaMary born about 1869
SilveriaTom born about 1876
SinclairLeona born about 1904
SinclairWilliam born about 1903
SirreskPete born about 1885
SissoreCarl born about 1895
SissoreEva Lborn about 1898
SissoreNeil born about 1929
SissoreRichard born about 1923
SissoreWalter born about 1926
SkinnerAyril born about 1899
SkinnerWilella born about 1902
SmithBert born about 1894
SmithElizabeth born about 1913
SmithEmma born about 1863
SmithFrank born about 1870
SmithFrank born about 1910
SmithJessie Jborn about 1893
SmithJohn Tborn about 1867
SmithMilton Stanleyborn about 1926
SmithRichard Wborn about 1917
SmithWilliam born about 1873
SmithWilliam born about 1886
SnyderAnnie born about 1865
SoldOscar born about 1882
SouthworthBertha born about 1875
SouthworthJennie born about 1883
SouthworthRoy born about 1876
SpenceMatilda born about 1912
SprosonSusie born about 1866
StallsmithLizzie born about 1866
StanawayNellie Eborn about 1872
StanawayWilliam born about 1871
StandridgeArleta born about 1930
StandridgeArthur born about 1901
StandridgeDonald born about 1935
StandridgeDovie born about 1910
StanleyBenjamin born about 1875
StarDarrell born about 1932
StarkLe Roy born about 1920
StegmarJuan born about 1927
StegmarMary born about 1884
StegmarWilliam Jr born about 1925
StegmarWilliam Sr born about 1894
StevensonElla born about 1896
StevensonKenneth born about 1904
StevensonRobert born about 1933
StewartCharles born about 1903
StewartLaura born about 1872
StoneGeorge Eborn about 1872
StoneKenneth born about 1933
StoneMizpale born about 1914
StraitAlbert born about 1918
StraitElva born about 1927
StraitGertrude born about 1900
StraitIvond born about 1924
StraitJewel born about 1934
StraitJohn born about 1931
StraitMary born about 1921
StraitRaymond born about 1897
StraitStacey born about 1920
StringerJoseph born about 1863
StroudPeter born about 1873
StullAlbert Eborn about 1871
StullAlbert Jr born about 1920
StullEunice born about 1887
SuiclairWilliam Fborn about 1919
SuttonTeresa born about 1900
SuttonTom born about 1900
SwayneLaeiza born about 1928
SwayneLaura born about 1858
SwayneLillian born about 1894
SwayneWilliam born about 1886
SwezerDavid born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalbotGus born about 1890
TarltonBert born about 1888
TaylorFrank born about 1909
TaylorJody Allanborn about 1936
TaylorMildred born about 1916
TaylorWilliam Aborn about 1908
TennesseeHayes born about 1919
ThomasCharlie born about 1912
ThomasIda born about 1912
ThomasonMelvin born about 1918
ThompsonArthur born about 1929
ThompsonEllen born about 1926
ThompsonGertrud born about 1904
ThompsonHelen born about 1914
ThompsonHomer born about 1874
ThomsonMinnie born about 1874
ThruskAmanda born about 1892
ThruskMildred born about 1922
ThruskWarren born about 1881
TooleEmma born about 1883
TooleFrank born about 1880
TooleWarden born about 1905
TorgersonEleanor born about 1902
TorgersonJacklen born about 1901
TorrantDella born about
TorrantOben Mborn about 1915
TorrantOben Jr born about 1938
TorrantOlivine born about 1920
TowerAgnes born about 1879
TowerFoster born about 1905
TowerHoward born about 1924
TowerLaura born about 1888
TracySamuel born about 1893
TrethewayJohn Mborn about 1910
TrethewayVietta born about 1910
TrincaAmelia born about 1921
TrincaDominic born about 1893
TrincaFrank born about 1922
TrincaMaria born about 1893
TrincaNereo born about 1928
TrincaTarcisio born about 1926
TriplettAlfred born about 1926
TriplettInman born about 1921
TriplettInmen born about 1893
TriplettMarvin born about 1929
TriplettMyrtle born about 1901
TryonDorothy born about 1898
TryonGeorge born about 1896
TubtoBetty born about 1926
TuggelCora born about 1874
TuggelOtto born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanschaickAlice born about 1917
VanschaickBessie born about 1880
VanschaickClareen born about 1931
VanschaickClarion born about 1908
VanschaickDale born about 1936
VanschaickFrank born about 1877
VanschaickFrank born about 1917
VanschaickKenneth born about 1914
VanschaickMarlys born about 1935
VanschaickMyrtle born about 1910
VerdugoGeorge born about 1870
VerserKate born about 1889
VilligasBilly born about 1926
VilligasDolly born about 1899
VilligasLeonard born about 1919
VilligasVictor born about 1918
VogelgesangGus born about 1867
VogelgesangKate born about 1875
VondiEdwin Cborn about 1893
VondiRay Hborn about 1898
VossGeorge born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeMarian born about 1885
WalkerCharles born about 1880
WalkerCraig Cborn about 1936
WalkerElmer born about 1905
WalkerG Mborn about 1903
WalkerGlen M Jrborn about 1929
WalkerJackie born about 1938
WalkerLela born about 1913
WalkerMary Lborn about 1872
WalkerMaudie born about 1907
WalkerPatrick born about 1931
WalkerRobert born about 1932
WalkerSydney Sborn about 1907
WalkerViola born about 1935
WalkerViolet Lborn about 1914
WalkerWilliam born about 1848
WardChristine born about 1879
WardElizabeth born about 1915
WardJames Hborn about 1873
WardMurice born about 1914
WardPatricia born about 1936
WarnerLow Oborn about 1875
WarnerMary Lborn about 1898
WarnersAlic born about 1871
WarnessMargaret born about 1938
WarnessMatha born about 1914
WarnessRay born about 1936
WarrenAlbert born about 1908
WarrenCarallee born about 1932
WarrenCarleton born about 1932
WarrenJulie Annborn about 1940
WarrenRoy born about 1930
WarrenShirley born about 1933
WarrenSteven born about 1934
WarrenVeda born about 1908
WatkinsJohn Gborn about 1886
WatkinsMatilda Gborn about 1901
WattsViola born about 1873
WeekesAudrey born about 1920
WeekesBobbie born about 1939
WeekesKenneth born about 1915
WeirWade Rborn about 1893
WelchDarold born about 1938
WelchJames born about 1913
WelchLillie born about 1919
WelelJohn born about 1920
WelelOscar born about 1892
WestmorelandKen born about 1857
WhitemanMamie born about 1867
WilburnLeo born about 1913
WilliamsAnn born about 1902
WilliamsAnnie born about 1903
WilliamsHeland Gborn about 1936
WilliamsWilliam born about 1896
WillisAlbert born about 1891
WillisRaymond Oborn about 1913
WillisWilliam Gborn about 1877
WillitsAbbey born about 1862
WillitsCynthia born about 1900
WillitsJune born about 1923
WillitsWalker born about 1894
WillsLeona born about 1916
WilmhurstJoseph born about 1871
WilmhurstLela born about 1880
WiseRose born about 1870
WongBen born about 1888
WoodcockAnita born about 1918
WrightLily born about 1878
WrightLois born about 1923
WrightWillis Jborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YbrightFredrick born about 1940
YbrightJames born about 1931
YbrightLuise born about 1910
YbrightNorman born about 1907
YbrightRobert born about 1936
YoungLouise born about 1880
YousonAaron born about 1880
YoutseyPhillis born about 1936

Z Surnames

ZacharyCharles born about 1883
ZimmermanEugene born about 1877

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