1940 U.S. Federal Census of Junction, Trinity, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Trinity County > 1940 Census of Junction

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdduceP born about 1907
AdkinsCraig Eborn about 1934
AdkinsHarold Hborn about 1899
AdkinsStella Aborn about 1906
AdlerDorothy Mborn about 1924
AdlerNeils Aborn about 1922
AdrianArden Cborn about 1937
AdrianDavid Lborn about 1939
AdrianIra Dborn about 1909
AdrianNorma Jborn about 1916
AgeeCecil Fborn about 1928
AgeeFrank Lborn about 1901
AgeeMelven Lborn about 1926
AgeeRose Mborn about 1908
AguelarLouis born about 1902
AldrichElroy Fborn about 1879
AlgarMay Eborn about 1914
AlgarRobert Cborn about 1915
AllenAndrew Zborn about 1888
AllenJack E Jrborn about 1913
AllenJack E Srborn about 1882
AmmonCharles Tborn about 1934
AmmonChauncey Lborn about 1897
AmmonChauncey L Jrborn about 1930
AmmonJuilius Aborn about 1932
AmmonLesley born about 1926
AmmonPhiliph born about 1937
AmmonRuth Eborn about 1904
AmmonWesliey born about 1926
AnderewsWilliam Bborn about 1885
AndersonJulia Cborn about 1887
AndersonMartin Sborn about 1893
AndersonOscar born about 1882
AndrewsWilbur born about 1908
AngleLouis born about 1891
ArmstrongThomas Rborn about 1878
AshcriftEli Gborn about 1883
AshcriftVinnie Eborn about 1882
AveraHarry Lborn about 1909
AveraMary Aborn about 1938
AveraMina Aborn about 1918
AyeroMark born about 1895

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B Surnames

BadleyEdwin Eborn about 1880
BadleyWalter Hborn about 1889
BaileyBernard Tborn about 1938
BaileyEugene Cborn about 1929
BaileyGeorge Cborn about 1935
BaileyJohn Wborn about 1899
BaileyJohn Wborn about 1936
BaileyViolet born about 1912
BailiffBeverly Jborn about 1931
BailiffNorman Bborn about 1902
BailiffSara Dborn about 1933
BailiffWilmeth Nborn about 1905
BakerAlta Mborn about 1906
BakerEugene Mborn about 1929
BakerJack Kborn about 1906
BakerMarion Oborn about 1896
BakerShirley Lborn about 1934
BarattMax born about 1899
BargerClyde Lborn about 1892
BartonJames born about 1876
BatdridgeAllan born about 1894
BatdridgeEvalyn born about 1895
BeardsleyDonna Lborn about 1934
BeardsleyMolly born about 1910
BeardsleyWilliam Mborn about 1908
BeerbowerArabella Eborn about 1893
BeerbowerCollin Uborn about 1878
BegettBuelah Bborn about 1904
BegettJoseph Lborn about 1894
BegettWilliam Jborn about 1921
BeidlemanDave Sborn about 1903
BekettAnnabell born about 1926
BekettBetty Jr born about 1935
BekettJohn Tborn about 1933
BellRussel born about 1913
BerginElizabeth Mborn about 1872
BerginGeorge Hborn about 1889
BerginJack Wborn about 1919
BlandJoe born about 1917
BlissDorothy Iborn about 1934
BlissEvelyn Mborn about 1912
BlissWesley Eborn about 1917
BoltonDennis born about 1914
BondSam born about 1879
BoydRalph Jborn about 1923
BradburyCharles Eborn about 1884
BradburyEsther Lborn about 1919
BradburyHazel born about 1901
BradfordSteven Wborn about 1914
BrannanJames Eborn about 1898
BrannanLuella Mborn about 1930
BrannanMay Vborn about 1889
BrayHobart born about 1906
BresanoJoe born about 1896
BroderrdekBarbara Aborn about 1939
BroderrdekMerle Lborn about 1912
BroderrdekRobby Mborn about 1909
BrommGeorge Eborn about 1887
BrommMartha born about 1888
BrookEdward born about 1884
BrownFlorence Rborn about 1879
BrownJames Rborn about 1888
BrownNoel born about 1932
BrowninWilliam Aborn about 1890
BrowninWilliam Oborn about 1864
BruceFern Fborn about 1892
BruceHall Mborn about 1889
BuchamanBoyd born about 1910
BulhmanDorothy Mborn about 1922
BulhmanRudolph born about 1913
BunnerOlive Eborn about 1907
BunnerRichard Eborn about 1926
BunnerWillis Hborn about 1907
BuntainBarbra Lborn about 1937
BuntainBenjamin Eborn about 1911
BuntainEugene Bborn about 1934
BuntainIrene Nborn about 1914
BuntainJames Rborn about 1935
BurdleLorayne Eborn about 1922
BurdleRichard Vborn about 1918
BurgerEllen Mborn about 1900
BurgerJohn born about 1888
BurgerMary Eborn about 1877
BurmanClara Cborn about 1878
ButlerJohn Tborn about 1894
ButlerSusan born about 1886

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C Surnames

CachranGuy Mborn about 1886
CacklerVelma Aborn about 1905
CacklerWallace Cborn about 1927
CacklerWallis Cborn about 1902
CadyC Eborn about 1897
CakleyBenjamin Cborn about 1871
CalawayJames Mborn about 1883
CalhounAudrey Bborn about 1929
CalhounElsie Mborn about 1902
CalhounJames Vborn about 1933
CampbellArchie Eborn about 1907
CampbellDonald Nborn about 1877
CampbellSadie Dborn about 1880
CampbellSidney Mborn about 1876
CandallBenjamin born about 1898
CandallLydia Iborn about 1893
CaplanJack born about 1890
CardMervin Eborn about 1900
CarlsonRoy born about 1906
CarpendeeAudria Mborn about 1938
CarpendeeBarbara Jborn about 1939
CarpendeeElmer Bborn about 1900
CarpendeeMary born about 1916
CarpendeeSarah Jborn about 1868
CarpendeeWalter Gborn about 1907
CarpenderArabella Bborn about 1922
CarpenderCharles Wborn about 1924
CarpenderJames Aborn about 1918
CarpenterWalter Gborn about 1940
CarrBertha Mborn about 1895
CarrCatherine Fborn about 1902
CarrCharles Aborn about 1874
CarrFrank Wborn about 1889
CarrJames Mborn about 1892
CarsonThomas Aborn about 1912
CarterEverette Vborn about 1905
CarterMargaret Dborn about 1873
CarterMargaret Rborn about 1934
CastelloMadaleno born about 1912
CastroJohn born about 1886
ChaconJoe born about 1913
ChancellorAnna Bborn about 1902
ChancellorClare Eborn about 1922
ChancellorLawerence Lborn about 1926
ChancellorNorman Eborn about 1932
ChancellorRussel Bborn about 1901
ChandlerEdith Lborn about 1924
ChandlerEthel Wborn about 1888
ChandlerEugene Zborn about 1922
ChandlerIris Eborn about 1928
ChandlerJames Fborn about 1884
ChandlerJohn Tborn about 1927
ChapmanClara Tborn about 1897
ChapmanElrie Mborn about 1926
ChapmanElsie Dborn about 1884
ChapmanFrank Lborn about 1927
ChapmanGeorge Pborn about 1886
ChapmanJohn Mborn about 1914
CharkeMary Lborn about 1932
CharkeShirley Rborn about 1928
ChasmanEarl Pborn about 1913
ChesterGlen Mborn about 1894
ChesterJessie Mborn about 1889
ChoseWillard born about 1915
ClantonJohn Wborn about 1885
ClantonMollig Lborn about 1892
ClarkeVirginia Pborn about 1893
ClarkeWilliam Nborn about 1882
CleasyFrank born about 1886
ClintonWilliam Jborn about 1881
CochranWilliam born about 1889
ColbeyHoward Cborn about 1915
ComefordClaude born about 1891
CondessaJohn born about 1911
CookWilliam Hborn about 1881
CooperMelvin born about 1896
CornowGeorge Cborn about 1879
CorseyLeroy born about 1894
CoskreyShelby Wborn about 1894
CoverlyEdward Cborn about 1901
CoxAgnes Aborn about 1880
CoxBeryl Lborn about 1904
CoxBillie Fborn about 1927
CoxFern Leonborn about 1925
CoxJoan Tborn about 1909
CoxThomas Lborn about 1924
CristensenChris born about 1887
CrumWilliam born about 1897
CummingsLea born about 1908
CummingsMargaret Eborn about 1928
CummingsThomas Mborn about 1889

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D Surnames

DachaiSteve born about 1894
DahlstromRobert Cborn about 1869
DaileyFlorence Mborn about 1932
DailyAurel Hborn about 1919
DailyDwight Lborn about 1918
DailyHermes Wborn about 1908
DailyJean Rborn about 1921
DailyJohn Jborn about 1862
DailyViola Aborn about 1880
DanielsHerbert Tborn about 1884
DannebrickCarli Kborn about 1875
DaughtryThomas Sborn about 1886
DaughtryVirgie born about 1894
DaughtryWilliam Jborn about 1860
DavisCharles Cborn about 1884
DavisJames Aborn about 1888
DawsonEarl Mborn about 1901
DawsonHetty born about 1873
DawsonHilda Mborn about 1898
DayCharlie Rborn about 1910
DayEnoch Bborn about 1876
DedrickJames Jborn about 1893
DeleeAlice Mborn about 1928
DeleeCharles Wborn about 1907
DeleeCharles Wborn about 1931
DeleeMary Aborn about 1910
DeleeMary Eborn about 1928
DepneDon Eborn about 1902
DepneGrace Gborn about 1908
DetroMary Gborn about 1878
DickeyJames Cborn about 1909
DineanRobert born about 1883
DivineNelson Eborn about 1903
DixonJohn Lborn about 1890
DnnisJack Mborn about 1871
DoetschFrancis Cborn about 1916
DonohoBarbra Bborn about 1911
DonohoHarry Cborn about 1887
DonseyRichard Pborn about 1885
DrassenRay Eborn about 1907
DrounDona born about 1926
DrydenJean born about 1920
DrydenPaul Kborn about 1915
DucanAgnes Rborn about 1887
DucanCurtley Cborn about 1925
DucanErnest Eborn about 1892
DucanLarry Rborn about 1932
DucanMerton Eborn about 1927
DucanRodney Eborn about 1923
DucanShirley Eborn about 1931
DunwoodyNel Rborn about 1900
DuvalR Hortonborn about 1918
DyerGeorge born about 1868

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E Surnames

EberspecherEllsey Wborn about 1901
EberspecherLorene Eborn about 1929
EberspecherLyle Eborn about 1924
EberspecherMyra Eborn about 1905
EbersphacherBonnie Bborn about 1919
EbersphacherGeorge Cborn about 1912
EbersphacherJo Anneborn about 1939
EdvantellEd born about 1917
EmosEster Cborn about 1912
EmosGeorge Bborn about 1934
EmosLois Annborn about 1930
EmosMarvin Tborn about 1905
EoneebowskiJohn born about 1888
EscaesentoAlbert born about 1915
Eskinsa??? born about 1876

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F Surnames

FergersonCora Lborn about 1924
FergersonCora Rborn about 1890
FergersonDale born about 1916
FergersonNancy Lborn about 1939
FergersonSam Bborn about 1889
FergersonZelma Rborn about 1919
FergussonJame Rborn about 1895
FergussonMargaret Mborn about 1902
FerrenBenjamine Sborn about 1879
FiskerLe Ray born about 1893
FiskerMary Aborn about 1894
FitzsmansHerbert Sborn about 1905
FitzsmansMarjorie Wborn about 1906
FloreaEddie born about 1913
FoinAlena Eborn about 1903
FoinArthur Lborn about 1894
FoinEdith Eborn about 1924
FoinHazel Mborn about 1926
FoinJune Lborn about 1927
FoinLyle Sborn about 1921
FoinMary Iborn about 1923
FonsecoJoseph Lborn about 1909
FonsecoLois Aborn about 1937
FonsecoRuth Dborn about 1918
FonsecoValencia Aborn about 1936
FosterJack born about 1899
FoxDelbert born about 1884
FoxDelbert Wborn about 1938
FoxG Leonaborn about 1918
FoxIra Eborn about 1918
FoxVeste Mborn about 1890
FradrickDella Mborn about 1888
FragaFrank Kborn about 1905
FrankGius Sborn about 1878
FriedlySidney Jborn about 1880
FrothinghamChester born about 1884
FurbishW Earleborn about 1921
FurmanClyde Cborn about 1895
FurneyW Zborn about 1860

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G Surnames

GarciaBen born about 1900
GarrisonDryl Lborn about 1908
GarrisonJames Aborn about 1890
GarrisonJoseph Lborn about 1925
GarrisonLeola born about 1907
GarrisonLloyd Lborn about 1927
GatesBeryl Eborn about 1895
GatesMercer Hborn about 1895
GiffordEvelyn Eborn about 1906
GiffordFrank Eborn about 1900
GiffordLorrie Jborn about 1924
GilzeanJames Aborn about 1880
GilzeanMarion born about 1880
GilzeanMasee Eborn about 1891
GilzeanWarren Mborn about 1891
GlennLee born about 1888
GloverEleanor Mborn about 1932
GloverEloise Cborn about 1922
GloverFlorence Mborn about 1899
GloverFloyd Hborn about 1889
GoodwinJohn born about 1878
GoodwinWilliam Tborn about 1868
GoveMahlon Gborn about 1907
GoveMahlon Gborn about 1930
GoveMervin Eborn about 1937
GoveWilma Fborn about 1912
GrahamLynn born about 1912
GrayHomer born about 1901
GrayWilliam born about 1874
GreenLincoln Eborn about 1919
GreenOra born about 1885
GreenThelma born about 1926
GreenVerla Iborn about 1924
GregGeorge born about 1886
GregoryLester Hborn about 1893
GribbleAdaline born about 1908
GribbleDavid Tborn about 1932
GribbleElizabeth Mborn about 1935
GribbleEmily Aborn about 1887
GribbleLaura Mborn about 1934
GribbleLeonard Rborn about 1907
GribbleLeonard Jr born about 1938
GribblePatricia Jborn about 1933
GribbleRichard born about 1873
GriffithCary Bborn about 1911
GriffithClaire Lborn about 1932
GriffithJames Cborn about 1933
GriffithLeona Mborn about 1910
GriffithPatricia Mborn about 1937
GriffthBert born about 1877
GristCharlette Eborn about 1918
GristLe Voin born about 1936
GristVernon Cborn about 1913
GutiearesDaniel born about 1901

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H Surnames

HaberkamEdith born about 1902
HaberkamFrank born about 1890
HaberkamFrank Pborn about 1928
HaberkamMaude Aborn about 1929
HacklerLuther Aborn about 1897
HacklerLuthur Eborn about 1924
HacklerMarion Hborn about 1890
HacklerMay Lborn about 1894
HacklerMuriel Wborn about 1898
HaferJohn Wborn about 1866
HailstonePindar born about 1873
HalellingDaisy Dborn about 1900
HalellingWesliey Eborn about 1898
HallRay Hborn about 1917
HamiltonRobert born about 1872
HammackLee born about 1895
HammerKatherine Gborn about 1904
HammerRobert Fborn about 1934
HammerVernon Aborn about 1890
HampelRufas Bborn about 1895
HanckErna Mborn about 1934
HanckRose born about 1905
HandersonCinderella born about 1875
HansenJohn born about 1868
HansenJohn Aborn about 1883
HansenSam born about 1884
HardinByron Gborn about 1886
HardinLorene Dborn about 1898
HarriffRobert Mborn about 1880
HarringtonBetty Jborn about 1934
HarringtonEdmond Wborn about 1910
HarringtonJean Aborn about 1932
HarringtonOllive Hborn about 1908
HartnettArthur Cborn about 1902
HattoxHenry born about 1896
HauckFred Cborn about 1879
HauffmanEugene Eborn about 1929
HauffmanRobert Lborn about 1935
HauffmanVerna Mborn about 1907
HaugenJohn Pborn about 1884
HaugenNels born about 1893
HawkDorsis Mborn about 1938
HawkGertrude Aborn about 1916
HawkHaward Eborn about 1939
HawkHilton Aborn about 1913
HayGreeta Mborn about 1913
HayMarion Fborn about 1908
HayRandall Mborn about 1935
HaysGeorge Sborn about 1863
HaysIsabella born about 1872
HaywardHenrietta Hborn about 1907
HaywardLysander Wborn about 1894
HaywardOscar Hborn about 1881
HelueyJack Vborn about 1878
HendersonCaroline Kborn about 1882
HendersonCharles Lborn about 1925
HendersonEverette born about 1912
HendersonJohn Aborn about 1927
HendersonLeonard Tborn about 1875
HendersonLeonard T Jrborn about 1914
HendersonLester Kborn about 1924
HendersonTheresa Eborn about 1930
HendrickEdna Rborn about 1904
HendrickMilburn Cborn about 1902
HennessyKate born about 1876
HennessyMargaret born about 1896
HennessyMary Aborn about 1865
HennigBobert Eborn about 1898
HerchmanClaro Mayborn about 1933
HerchmanJanie Aborn about 1902
HerchmanLeta Aborn about 1926
HerchmanLuella born about 1939
HerchmanMary Leeborn about 1936
HerchmanNorman Eborn about 1851
HeryfordEvertt Aborn about 1911
HeryfordRuby Cborn about 1910
HicksFrank born about 1871
HillAnna Lborn about 1907
HillDan Dborn about 1933
HillDanil Aborn about 1923
HillJerome Cborn about 1930
HillWarren born about 1921
HillWayne Eborn about 1903
HillWayne Jborn about 1927
HindersonDelbert Dborn about 1917
HindersonVanessa Mborn about 1919
HindesBetty Jborn about 1929
HindesDixie Mborn about 1936
HindesDonna Mborn about 1930
HindesDoris Mborn about 1927
HindesEdith Vborn about 1919
HindesHarlan Gborn about 1915
HindesJames Lborn about 1939
HindesLellia Aborn about 1932
HindesMay Eborn about 1904
HindesRoselia Jborn about 1937
HindesRoy Jborn about 1891
HinkleElevin Fborn about 1910
HoneycherchJohn born about 1895
HopsonClarence Mborn about 1896
HortonEverts Lborn about 1914
HosmanJohn Gborn about 1898
HostetlerEdward Iborn about 1893
HoughesAndy Cborn about 1933
HoughesBillie born about 1922
HoughesCendrella Lborn about 1925
HoughesDora Bborn about 1901
HoughesRomona Bborn about 1926
HoughesVernon Rborn about 1935
HoughesVirgil Rborn about 1894
HoughesVirginia Aborn about 1938
HowardJames Pborn about 1935
HowardMannie Rborn about 1903
HowardRaymond born about 1896
HowardRobert Eborn about 1932
HowardWilliam Fborn about 1929
HoweAnna Mayborn about 1933
HoweEugene Cborn about 1931
HoweLula Lborn about 1912
HoweMelvin Hborn about 1938
HoweMildred Aborn about 1939
HoweVerl born about 1902
HoweWalmer Wborn about 1938
HoweWilliam born about 1871
HowkinsJesse Mborn about 1868
HubbartJohn born about 1891
HudsonAgnes Kborn about 1907
HudsonHobart Mborn about 1932
HudsonLillian Mborn about 1934
HudsonMckinley born about 1897
HuggardThomas Jborn about 1871
HuntJames Wborn about 1914

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I Surnames

IrvingEarl Wborn about 1927
IrvingEllen Wborn about 1896
IrvingHarrison Lborn about 1891
IrvingJames Jborn about 1887
IrvingKatherine Aborn about 1870
IrvingLe Roy Hborn about 1898
IrvingNettie Vborn about 1899
IveyJulea Aborn about 1874

J Surnames

JacbbsonsAndrew born about 1866
JackWilliam born about 1880
JackmanEarl Gborn about 1890
JackmanEdith Eborn about 1895
JackmanHarry Eborn about 1923
JacksonJames born about 1882
JacksonMarian Vborn about 1899
JacksonRichard Tborn about 1926
JacksonThomas Eborn about 1924
JacobsAlice Mborn about 1881
JallegoesLola born about 1911
JanovslyJohn born about 1909
JenkinsLeona born about 1897
JensenMinnie Gborn about 1868
JensenPeter Hborn about 1865
JohnsonBellio Joborn about 1927
JohnsonCarrie Louborn about 1933
JohnsonCharles born about 1881
JohnsonDon Bborn about 1931
JohnsonGrover Uborn about 1929
JohnsonHorace Eborn about 1896
JohnsonLaura Cborn about 1911
JohnstonEathel Cborn about 1888
JohnstonElmar Lborn about 1891
JohnstonRobert born about 1899
JonesJo Ann Bborn about 1933
JonesJohn born about 1907
JonesJohn Wborn about 1878
JonesLee Cborn about 1909
JonesSylvia Aborn about 1908
JurneyLoyd Wborn about 1894

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K Surnames

KaneyAlice born about 1913
KaneyJohn Jborn about 1907
KayFrank Wborn about 1906
KayLeiola Mborn about 1910
KellyJames Rborn about 1882
KellyLeonard Rborn about 1884
KimseyBen born about 1892
KimseyIrene Aborn about 1921
KimseyOlive Aborn about 1895
KimseyOlmer Hborn about 1924
KimseyVera Mborn about 1932
KingRobert born about 1856
KirckCharles Hborn about 1876
KirckWenefred Hborn about 1882
KirkpatricRoso Tborn about 1877
KistnerClaude Lborn about 1913
KistnerGladys Lborn about 1915
KorsburnDorothy Eborn about 1909
KorsburnElton Hborn about 1906
KorsburnGeorgialee Dborn about 1934
KorsburnRolfe Jborn about 1935
KratofilEddie Lborn about 1929
KratofilEdna Mborn about 1895
KratofilFrank Iborn about 1887
KratofilSamie Lborn about 1929
KuhnClarence Hborn about 1896
KuhnHarold Cborn about 1922
KunklerAnita Vborn about 1908
KunklerChester Lborn about 1903
KunklerEarl Dborn about 1927
KunklerHarold Rborn about 1931

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L Surnames

LaddClara Mborn about 1884
LaddGuver Hborn about 1888
LaddWillard Wborn about 1889
LafleurRichard Hborn about 1891
LaneDoc Fborn about 1873
LangworthyGordon Bborn about 1897
LangworthyKenneth born about 1895
LanigonBernice born about 1894
LanigonWilliam Kborn about 1894
LeahyRalph Jborn about 1888
LealVictor Cborn about 1895
LeggettWilliam Pborn about 1905
LewmanGeorge Fborn about 1869
LiepeAnna Bborn about 1905
LindbergFred Mborn about 1904
LindbergJohn Wborn about 1922
LiverfwolWilliam born about 1897
LowderEmil Oborn about 1920
LowderLeona Lborn about 1924
LynchEdmund Jborn about 1917

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M Surnames

MackeyWilliam Wborn about 1881
MadsenDwight Rborn about 1899
MahonajEdna Lborn about 1903
MahonajGeorge Cborn about 1899
MaireLouis Aborn about 1888
MarisonBertha Tborn about 1876
MarkesDebbert Eborn about 1887
MarkesJosephine born about 1888
MartinGeorge Wborn about 1873
MartinThomas Eborn about 1902
MartineJoe born about 1915
MartinezArthur born about 1908
MartinezLauil born about 1908
MasnorsJoe born about 1895
MasonLouie Sborn about 1893
MassaFrank born about 1887
MattsonRoy Eborn about 1899
MaturaJohn born about 1876
MaurirerAlvin Hborn about 1898
MaurirerMary Dborn about 1900
MazurJoseph Sborn about 1915
MazzaettaAngelo Jborn about 1913
MazzaettaEvelyn Bborn about 1915
McCartneyElinor Eborn about 1906
McCartneyGeston Hborn about 1905
McCartneyGreston Eborn about 1933
McCaslinArthur Hborn about 1866
McClarenWilliam Jborn about 1872
McClureWinfred born about 1886
McCulloughClaude born about 1925
McCulloughS Aborn about 1891
McCyadAileen Aborn about 1899
McDanielEmma Aborn about 1893
McDanielGilbert Lborn about 1892
McDanielRobert Eborn about 1916
McDanielsArthur Rborn about 1889
McDonaldJohn Dborn about 1851
McGeanJohn Jborn about 1876
McGimseyGlenn Eborn about 1917
McGowanJoseph Jborn about 1905
McGowanKatherina Rborn about 1902
McKayAlice Hborn about 1907
McKayR Warrenborn about 1926
McKayWarren born about 1896
McKnightElnora Jborn about 1933
McKnightLloyd Lborn about 1896
McKnightThomas Oborn about 1934
McKnightVista Lborn about 1930
McKnightVista Rborn about 1898
McLeeRex Eborn about 1883
McLyadelKathryn born about 1881
McLyadelRichard born about 1901
McLyadelRichard Bborn about 1921
McMillanDaniel born about 1881
McNeilGrover Cborn about 1886
MeadowsW Gborn about 1900
MeckelEdna Mborn about 1884
MeckelFredick born about 1892
MeerittRussell born about 1891
MelloManuel born about 1903
MelvinRachum born about 1893
MessengerOscar Lborn about 1908
MetherFred Rborn about 1869
MillanMichel born about 1886
MillarAlfred Oborn about 1879
MillerArchie Eborn about 1867
MillerDavid Cborn about 1930
MillerDuncan Cborn about 1891
MillerFannie born about 1906
MillerFredrick Eborn about 1856
MillerLais Mborn about 1928
MontroseJames Fborn about 1895
MooreJack Rborn about 1898
MooreLeona born about 1876
MorganJohn Jborn about 1890
MuellerOtto Pborn about 1905
MullansLela Vborn about 1874
MunsellLarry Tborn about 1939
MunsellLester Jborn about 1904
MunsellMary Mborn about 1899
MurphyWilliam Jborn about 1879

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N Surnames

NachandGladys Eborn about 1891
NachandKatherine Aborn about 1924
NachandRay Jborn about 1894
NachandRaymond Aborn about 1919
NarbyEnmanuel born about 1906
NcmarrowDonald Eborn about 1939
NcmarrowDonald Mborn about 1912
NcmarrowMildred Mborn about 1918
NelsonWilliam born about 1908
NewtonHerbert born about 1901
NewtonMarjorie born about 1904
NicholsCecil born about 1901
NicholsJohn born about 1886
NieloenPete Hborn about 1888
NobleAbbert Jborn about 1902
NobleBod Cborn about 1914
NobleDonald Dborn about 1934
NobleErnest Aborn about 1933
NobleIdell born about 1911
NobleJack Cborn about 1915
NobleMavis born about 1917
NobleNada Annborn about 1937
NobleThomas born about 1922
NobleViolet Cborn about 1915
NobleWilliam born about 1868
NobleWilliam Jr born about 1896
NolanJames born about 1880
NonomakerHarry Sborn about 1869
NootnagleCharles Fborn about 1886
NorwoodLetha born about 1890
NuckollsHugh Vborn about 1895
NuckollsLuella born about 1905
NunnIrene Vborn about 1915
NunnLeonard born about 1905
NunnSamelia Iborn about 1937

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O Surnames

OconaroCharles Aborn about 1891
OconaroFrank Aborn about 1926
OconaroJosephine Mborn about 1885
OdannellGeorge Jborn about 1885
OgdenWilliam born about 1894
OlsanJohn Pborn about 1916
OlsanMary Cborn about 1920
OlsenJohn born about 1916
OlsonEmil born about 1884
OlsonJames Aborn about 1862
OnbeyAlma Gborn about 1933
OwensAlice Mborn about 1912
OwensMilton Vborn about 1916
OwensWilliam Cborn about 1937
OwensWilliam Sborn about 1901
OwnbyWilliam Aborn about 1883

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P Surnames

PachecoFrank born about 1911
PadilloFrank Mborn about 1917
PaettEugene Mborn about 1876
PalleyCeceliaa born about 1914
PalleyElizabeth Tborn about 1939
PalleyMalvin Sborn about 1912
PalleyMildred Lborn about 1939
PalmerPearl born about 1888
PaperonickAlex born about 1910
PappasJohn born about 1913
ParkerEdna Pborn about 1887
ParkerGeorge born about 1874
ParkerJames Cborn about 1886
ParkerNorman Lborn about 1921
ParkesWalter Eborn about 1903
ParryLawerence Eborn about 1903
ParryOwen Jborn about 1861
PatrockJames Hborn about 1878
PatrockLouise Aborn about 1878
PattisonAnna Mayborn about 1923
PattisonLloyd Sborn about 1909
PattisonNellie Jborn about 1885
PattisonRegna Iborn about 1906
PattisonWilliam Wborn about 1939
PearlGeorge born about 1882
PetersonE Royborn about 1891
PetersonOla Sborn about 1891
PetranovichGeorge Hborn about 1920
PhelpsAudry Mborn about 1926
PhelpsBarbara Rborn about 1924
PierceJames Eborn about 1883
PierceLillian Mborn about 1884
PitzerShirley Aborn about 1927
PloshinaK Walterborn about 1922
PohlesArthur Mborn about 1901
PrestonMay Gborn about 1904
PrichardHarold born about 1914
PrindleFrancis Mborn about 1894
PrindleFrancis Sborn about 1927
PrindleGeorge Mborn about 1893
PrindleGeorgia Mborn about 1925
ProutLeatrice Mborn about 1925

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Q Surnames

QuganAlfred Tborn about 1914
QuinnGeorge Aborn about 1906
QuinnLaura born about

R Surnames

RaglinHannah Eborn about 1870
RaglinJames Eborn about 1891
RailsGladys Mborn about 1901
RailsLe Roy Vborn about 1921
RailsRay Fborn about 1896
RailsViolet Eborn about 1923
RamstedtFred Wborn about 1882
RamstedtMay Cborn about 1885
RamstedtWillis Cborn about 1921
RankinJoseph Hborn about
ReckersRichard born about 1904
RedmondWilliam Jborn about 1865
ReedClair Cborn about 1871
ReedGeorge born about 1901
ReileyJames Cborn about 1897
RennerFredrick Gborn about 1905
RennerFredrick Gborn about 1934
RennerIda Nborn about 1915
ReynoldsBoneita Mborn about 1909
ReynoldsEdward Jborn about 1901
ReynoldsHarry Sborn about 1932
RhinehartDan Hborn about 1923
RhinehartJeannett born about 1928
RiddickJames Lborn about 1879
RittingerAntone born about 1904
RobensonHenry born about 1916
RoldanJesus born about 1917
RoninsonJohn Hborn about 1925
RoninsonLousia born about 1908
RoothLeslee Eborn about 1899
RoothMilisea Mborn about 1896
RosenbushRoy Tborn about 1888
RothEdwin Hborn about 1882
RourkeCharles Kborn about 1914
RourkeDorothy Cborn about 1918
RoweAlbert Rborn about 1906
RoweEthel Eborn about 1919
RoweRalph Wborn about 1938
RowlandFrancis Aborn about 1885
RowlandRuth Eborn about 1905
RuslerEva Mborn about 1920
RuslerJoseph Mborn about 1918
RuslerPatricia Jo Anneborn about 1939

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S Surnames

SalyerMarshall Cborn about 1889
SalyerTeressa Mborn about 1880
SanchesLeo born about 1911
SanderoFrank born about 1902
SandovaFrinidad born about 1900
SantorsFrank born about 1880
ScaliseRose Pborn about 1913
SchafferArther Aborn about 1888
SchendzielorCharlie born about 1866
SchendzielorSchor Aborn about 1876
ScheniderAnna Tborn about 1880
ScheniderWilliam Fborn about 1879
SchlomerHenry Gborn about 1866
SchlomerLousia Eborn about 1871
SchulateC Carlsborn about 1895
SchultzMelvin Oborn about 1914
SchultzRalph Rborn about 1899
ScribnorGrover Cborn about 1885
ShaddayBeatrice Pborn about 1907
ShaddayJohn Wborn about 1877
ShaddayMary Rborn about 1881
ShaddayRobert Sborn about 1904
SharpBirdie born about 1879
SharpLouis Bborn about 1872
ShaulEdward Rborn about 1916
SherkGeorge Lborn about 1920
ShultsAlbert Jborn about 1895
SimmonsEugene born about 1868
SimpsonMaxine Eborn about 1927
SmartEthel Fborn about 1883
SmartFredrick Cborn about 1888
SmithAnna Cborn about 1889
SmithArthur Aborn about 1902
SmithBettee Louborn about 1929
SmithBradly Fborn about 1927
SmithCharles Rborn about 1889
SmithDale Eborn about 1923
SmithDavie Kborn about 1871
SmithDouglas Nborn about 1919
SmithEdward Gborn about 1901
SmithGeorge Aborn about 1883
SmithGeraldine Mborn about 1927
SmithGordon Kborn about 1939
SmithHarrie Gborn about 1884
SmithHazel Gborn about 1923
SmithHazel Gborn about 1940
SmithHelen Aborn about 1901
SmithJames Iborn about 1925
SmithLila Cborn about 1896
SmithLloyd Jborn about 1892
SmithLoyal Tborn about 1912
SmithMargie born about 1919
SmithRollin Jborn about 1935
SmithSam born about 1887
SmithTony Pborn about 1902
SmithVaughn Wborn about 1881
SmithVera Mborn about 1896
SmithWilliam Jborn about 1872
SpencerDorothy Aborn about 1907
SpencerDorothy Nborn about 1911
SpencerFloyd Hborn about 1906
SpencerMelvin Wborn about 1909
SpencesEthel Mborn about 1917
SpencesGlenn Bborn about 1904
StaceyWilliam Sborn about 1894
StackelHilda Mborn about 1891
StanbaughElmer Hborn about 1899
StephensCharles Hborn about 1862
StephensGeorge Aborn about 1876
StocksHarry Fborn about 1881
StonebergPeta born about 1891
StoryFlorence Mborn about 1900
StoryJames born about 1900
StoryMarian Kborn about 1930
StoweLester Vborn about 1895
StrobridgeJames Rborn about 1884
StrongCharles Pborn about 1923
StrykerCharles Rborn about 1879
StuartAllen Eborn about 1896
StuartBernad Hborn about 1919
StuartEsther Gborn about 1896
StuartJohn Jborn about 1918
StylesAsa Jborn about 1869
Suhr??? Jborn about 1916
SwainAlbert born about 1908
SwansonNels born about 1856
SylvesterGeorge born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaberMargaret Aborn about 1910
TaberRaymond Eborn about 1908
TalliverRichard born about 1888
TareyJoe born about 1885
TaylorAlfred born about 1900
TaylorElmer Sborn about 1910
TaylorJanio Aborn about 1931
TergersonJennett born about 1854
TharpCharles Hborn about 1902
TharpLorraine Lborn about 1914
TharpMinerva Lborn about 1935
ThiemannAlbert Hborn about 1882
ThompsonClair Cborn about 1921
ThompsonWalter born about 1916
TinsleyAugustus Aborn about 1878
TinsleyEliza Jborn about 1880
TosterFern Dborn about 1901
TosterFrank Lborn about 1939
TosterLeaton Gborn about 1902
TozerCharles Mborn about 1872
TozerHelen born about 1882
TrealoarThomas born about 1860
TrosperCoral Annborn about 1937
TrosperEarl Cborn about 1901
TrosperOra Eborn about 1865
TurnerLeland Jborn about 1878
TurnerSarah Jborn about 1879
TyeElsie Mborn about 1891
TyeFred born about 1891
TyeVivian Fborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UphamHarry Eborn about 1911
UphamMary Aborn about 1912
UrquhartBessie Pborn about 1916
UrquhartIvan Jborn about 1916
UzzellElzie Kborn about 1928
UzzellJames Dborn about 1925
UzzellLester Hborn about 1901
UzzellLovie Hborn about 1899

V Surnames

ValenciaRamon born about 1912
VaughanDan Dborn about 1892
VaughanGeorge born about 1886
VaughanGladys Iborn about 1921
VaughanLena Iborn about 1896
VaughanVirgil Eborn about 1916

W Surnames

WalkerEarl Lborn about 1885
WallerBeulah Wborn about 1899
WallerWalace Gborn about 1897
WalleyFate born about 1907
WalshFelex Rborn about 1934
WalshFelix Rborn about 1900
WalshNora Gborn about 1930
WalshOra Pborn about 1907
WandellJohn Wborn about 1903
WandellMervin Lyleborn about 1905
WardBarbara Eborn about 1920
WardBertha Lborn about 1887
WardEllsworth Bborn about 1920
WardFredrick Wborn about 1920
WardJacqueline Annborn about 1939
WardJohn Mborn about 1909
WardM Loisborn about 1891
WardMildred Eborn about 1909
WardRaymond Eborn about 1880
WarnerHorold Wborn about 1904
WeeksDorothy born about 1908
WeeksHarold born about 1907
WeslayE born about 1922
WesterburgOxcil Eborn about 1878
WhartonBenjamin Wborn about 1877
WhartonMary born about 1877
WheelerLoren born about 1873
WheelerMary Eborn about 1880
WheelerRoy Aborn about 1884
WhiteFrancis Wborn about 1901
WhiteIda born about 1887
WhiteJune Jborn about 1893
WhiteMilton born about 1895
WhiteRaymond Sborn about 1892
WhiteWilliam born about 1897
WibelArchie born about 1917
WilliamCharles born about 1885
WilliamsMarjorie Fborn about 1917
WilliamsSamuel Mborn about 1906
WilsonAnita Mborn about 1925
WilsonDrby Bborn about 1909
WilsonElizabeth Mborn about 1928
WilsonGeorge Fborn about 1875
WilsonHarvey Kborn about 1885
WilsonHarvey Lborn about 1930
WilsonInez Mborn about 1875
WilsonJessie Mborn about 1910
WilsonN Wborn about 1883
WilsonRaymond Fborn about 1939
WilsonVelma born about 1901
WinkeyConslanc Wborn about 1928
WisemanAlonso Rborn about 1896
WisemanRaymond Rborn about 1926
WisemanRosalie born about 1907
WixonAugusta Jborn about 1904
WixonBonnie Raeborn about 1933
WixonLois Mborn about 1929
WolfeGlenn Iborn about 1899
WoodcookElizabeth born about 1886
WrightJean Mborn about 1916
WrightShirline Iborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyAlma Mborn about 1904
YanceyAugust Lborn about 1903
YanceyHarlow Aborn about 1928
YeckAlthea Mborn about 1905
YeckBuelah Bborn about 1925
YeckEdward Aborn about 1868
YeckL Vernborn about 1895
YeckLeola Gborn about 1926
YeckVernon Eborn about 1928
YorbaBnj born about 1878
YoungElva Cborn about 1917
YoungKitty Sborn about 1888
YoungLawerence Gborn about 1913
YoungOscar Hborn about 1880

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Z Surnames

ZeeglerCyrus born about 1878
ZeigerHiran Mborn about 1887
ZeiglerCharles Bborn about 1882
ZeiglerMartha born about 1866
ZoellerEarnest Jborn about 1883
ZoellerMarie Tborn about 1883
ZoellerMaude born about 1887
ZoellerRalph Pborn about 1890
ZuellaPeter born about 1854

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