1940 U.S. Federal Census of Madeline, Lassen, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Lassen County > 1940 Census of Madeline

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckerRowland born about 1884
AmiasFrank Mborn about 1911
AndersonCharles Iborn about 1891
AndersonGlen Rborn about 1928
AndersonViolet Mborn about 1901
AngellWorden Vborn about 1909
AngeloVolpi born about 1896
AragonBenito Pborn about 1901
ArdansJohn born about 1896
ArmendarezJose born about 1902
ArnezRaymond born about 1879
AsherGrant born about 1935
AsherJames Nborn about 1905
AsherLinda born about 1939
AsherMarion born about 1934
AsherRuth Aborn about 1915
AvilaFrank Aborn about 1899

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B Surnames

BairdChester Cborn about 1913
BairdDudley Jborn about 1911
BallinghamEdna Wborn about 1916
BallinghamHenry Fborn about 1911
BallinghamMarlene Jborn about 1938
BallinghamVirgil Fborn about 1939
BantestaJerus born about 1898
BaptisteHarriet born about 1894
BathAnne born about 1889
BathEma Gborn about 1902
BathFred born about 1934
BathGrace Mborn about 1923
BathHerbert Sborn about 1885
BathJohn Oborn about 1924
BathJohn Tborn about 1898
BathMartha Mborn about 1926
BathRichard Bborn about 1931
BradfordAnna Hborn about 1885
BradfordDwain born about 1911
BradfordJames Gborn about 1883
BrownCharlotte Nborn about 1905
BrownFloyd Nborn about 1913
BrownFrancis Hborn about 1891
BruneFrank born about 1875
BruneJoseph born about 1911
BruneMadge born about 1885
BurksCharles born about 1915
BurksHarvey Gborn about 1905
BurksLawrence Hborn about 1937
BurnsThomas born about 1864

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C Surnames

CampsMiguel born about 1881
CantieClement born about 1929
CantieFlorida born about 1932
CantieLotai born about 1934
CantieNellie born about 1938
CantieRobrt born about 1936
CantieRosy born about 1915
CantieRoy born about 1896
CatrallClifford Rborn about 1925
ChaidesRaymond Sborn about 1901
ChusterMarcus Nborn about 1878
ClainRex Bborn about 1913
ColdrenElenor born about 1895
ColdrenErnest Lborn about 1884
ColdrenOliver Bborn about 1882
ColeRalph Fborn about 1881
ColeRose born about 1900
ColeSamuel Aborn about 1921
CookHarry Wborn about 1893
CordoraCruz Tborn about 1906
CorralGuiplermo born about 1898
CrabtreeCeaserbie born about 1923
CrabtreeGordon born about 1927
CrabtreeHoward born about 1919
CrabtreeJohn born about 1935
CrabtreeLeo born about 1924
CrabtreeLorren born about 1931
CrabtreeNiel born about 1922
CrabtreeRuby Eborn about 1894
CrawfordFanney Aborn about 1867
CrawfordLeo born about 1928
CrawfordLucy Maeborn about 1930
CrawfordNettie Leeborn about 1935
CrawfordOrral born about 1932
CresencianoLorre born about 1907
CtcheciparDominequa born about 1896
CtcheciparJenette born about 1923
CtcheciparJosephine born about 1930
CtcheciparMadeline born about 1927
CtcheciparPete born about 1890

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D Surnames

DavisClaude Nborn about 1881
DavisMinnie Cborn about 1881
DeforestChesley Hborn about 1914
DiemerJames born about 1884
DieterDonna Tborn about 1902
DieterNoel Iborn about 1904
DonnellyElizabeth Mborn about 1883
DrakosJohn born about 1890
DucaneMarjorie Aborn about 1916
DucaneRoder Vborn about 1915
DuncanMary Lborn about 1907

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E Surnames

EchandiaEmelia Sborn about 1907
EchandiaMax born about 1893
EdwardsAmour Sborn about 1887
EdwardsJulia born about 1886
ElesondoGuadelupe born about 1907
EmoenArthur born about 1885
EneboOle Kborn about 1875
EvansChlora born about 1886
EvansRay born about 1911
EvansSnide born about 1883
EveboJunas Kborn about 1879

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F Surnames

FairchildIda Leeborn about 1906
FairchildLerry born about 1929
FairchildRichard Eborn about 1927
FairchildSamuel Pborn about 1900
FallgetterCain Eborn about 1907
FallgetterFrances Mborn about 1909
FallgetterMary Eborn about 1877
FarettoCharles Aborn about 1895
FarettoMargaret born about 1906
FidelCarro born about 1907
FillmanEleanor Mborn about 1900
FillmanSylvester Fborn about 1892
FitzLora Bborn about 1875

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G Surnames

GabrinoMeri born about 1904
GarateFay born about 1921
GarateLinda Mborn about 1939
GarateMarie born about 1883
GarateThomas Jborn about 1907
GarzellaAlfreda born about 1891
GarzellaRosina born about 1884
GemignaniFrank born about 1888
GemignaniMae born about 1885
GlaichJohn born about 1894
GlaichLena born about 1877
GraySera Aborn about 1869
GrovenburgCharley born about 1891

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H Surnames

HaleyCalvin Gborn about 1915
HowardHarvey born about 1897

J Surnames

JohnkeLloyd born about 1919
JonesForest born about 1911

K Surnames

KardasakisPeter Gborn about 1917
KezisSue born about 1910
KunezMaude Nborn about 1880

L Surnames

LavarrJessie born about 1936
LaxaltAdel born about 1918
LaxaltJohn Pborn about 1882
LaxaltLucy born about 1922
LaxaltMary born about 1893
LaxaltPeter born about 1878
LazzarottoJohn born about 1902
LibbitsBillie Dborn about 1939
LibbitsVinita born about 1919
LibbitsWilliam Gborn about 1914
LiffmanLorran Rborn about 1895
LinquistAndrew Jborn about 1877
LinquistSwan Pborn about 1864
LodmanFern born about 1922
LodmanJames Hborn about 1882
LodmanVgine Pborn about 1912
LopezJesus born about 1906
LopezTrinia born about 1918
LostadoJose Aborn about 1910
LuftafsonCharles born about 1921
LuftafsonEdward born about 1934
LuftafsonEmma born about 1902
LuftafsonMary Eborn about 1931
LuftafsonOtto born about 1890
LuftafsonViola born about 1927
LumpkinLowell Jborn about 1922

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M Surnames

MacdonaldDaisy Aborn about 1873
MacdonaldJeanette Aborn about 1928
MacdonaldJohn Aborn about 1915
MaciasJoseph born about 1903
MansfieldHaden born about 1905
MarrBruce Fborn about 1899
MarrHarry Aborn about 1911
MarrJames Lborn about 1901
MarrThomas Rborn about 1906
MartinCarl Bborn about 1887
MartinLeyra born about 1918
MartinezJuan Sborn about 1903
MasonAlbert Aborn about 1881
MayFinis born about 1912
McAndrewVeronica Iborn about 1908
McFeelyAlfred Rborn about 1906
McFeelyCarl Aborn about 1934
McFeelyElizabeth Aborn about 1911
McMurphyDoris born about 1910
McMurphyMarie born about 1925
McMurphyMarvin born about 1902
McMurphyMilton born about 1929
McMurphyRaedean born about 1938
McMurphyRaymond born about 1919
McMurphyRaymond Rborn about 1891
MichaelMelvin Cborn about 1907
MichaelWilliam Eborn about 1891
MitcalfAlbert Iborn about 1912
MitcalfEmma Rborn about 1911
MitcalfFlorence Mborn about 1933
MitcalfRuth Aborn about 1935
MorganGeorge Hborn about 1918
MorganHazel born about 1934
MorganHelen born about 1929
MorganLester Kborn about 1928
MorganThomas Eborn about 1926
MorganViola born about 1891
MorganViola born about 1923
MorganWilliam Lborn about 1880
MorinoAngelo Fborn about 1909
MorrisWilliam Hborn about 1911
MurphyRalph born about 1890

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N Surnames

NelsonJohn Lborn about 1890
NixonFrank Tborn about 1887
NixonMary Eborn about 1888
NixonMary Louborn about 1929
NixonPatrica born about 1926
NoenWilliam Mborn about 1902

O Surnames

OlsenBarbara Dborn about 1928
OlsenCarl Jborn about 1905
OlsenFlora Jborn about 1907
OlsenJohn Wborn about 1937
OlsenLynn Eborn about 1938
OlsenPhillip Jborn about 1931
OlsenShirley Aborn about 1933
OlsenSidney Aborn about 1929
OlsenVera Rborn about 1935

P Surnames

ParolickJack born about 1919
PaulsonOwen born about 1924
PerkinsEltha Aborn about 1891
PerkinsEugene Rborn about 1935
PerkinsGeorge Hborn about 1888
PerkinsWilliam Aborn about 1909
PerkinsWilma born about 1916
PettzHerbert born about 1899
PinningGus Jborn about 1903
PredagneJohn born about 1888
PurirsJane J Wborn about 1921

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R Surnames

RamseyAllen born about 1900
RamseyJeana Leaborn about 1933
RamseyRufena born about 1913
RegerAnton Iborn about 1905
RegerJean born about 1920
RegerLeonge born about 1901
ReinaAlfonso born about 1904
RickGeorge born about 1874

S Surnames

SanchezNellie born about 1898
ScantlonLee Bborn about 1886
SheffieldGeorge Eborn about 1936
SheffieldHarry Eborn about 1897
SheffieldMarion Aborn about 1903
SheffieldMertel Jborn about 1934
SheffieldOpal Pborn about 1935
SheffieldRobert Eborn about 1939
ShermanMartin Sborn about 1916
SmithLeslie Fborn about 1882
SpencerGordon born about 1922
StamplfliWilber Sborn about 1932
StjohnMary Fborn about 1912
StjohnRichard Aborn about 1939
StjohnWilliam Pborn about 1892
StoneCary Sborn about 1879
StoneLloyd Fborn about 1906

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T Surnames

TallottNorman Wborn about 1917
ThomeClarence Aborn about 1901
TomasiAntonio born about 1883

V Surnames

VasquezHerman born about 1912
VaughanJack born about 1887

W Surnames

WilliamsDelbert Bborn about 1918
WilliamsElmer born about 1898
WilliamsFrankie Oborn about 1895
WilliamsGeorge E Iiiborn about 1918
WilliamsGeorge E Iiiborn about 1939
WilliamsGeorge E Jrborn about 1890
WilliamsJohn Hborn about 1884
WilliamsLester Jborn about 1882
WilliamsMertle Eborn about 1888
WilliamsNellie Mborn about 1899
WilliamsOpal Mborn about 1927
WilliamsSibel born about 1919
WillsBetty Jborn about 1929
WillsMarion Lborn about 1899
WistosCharles born about 1910
WistosDorothy Mborn about 1912
WistosGeorge Rborn about 1935
WoodsBill Jborn about 1926
WoodsBob Aborn about 1927
WoodsDarlene born about 1934
WoodsEvelyn born about 1917
WoodsGeorge Tborn about 1889
WoodsGeorge T Jrborn about 1911
WoodsGeorge Jr Hborn about 1938
WoodsLeonard born about 1932
WoodsLita Mborn about 1901
WoodsRose born about 1887

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Y Surnames

YoungRobert born about 1888

Z Surnames

ZerkeAlbert born about 1872
ZerkeMargaret born about 1873
ZerkeWilliam born about 1875

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