1940 U.S. Federal Census of Murrieta, Riverside, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Riverside County > 1940 Census of Murrieta

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AlexClifford Lborn about 1908
AlexIda Cborn about 1910
AlexThomas Cborn about 1930
AllenAbiline born about 1908
AllenAnn born about 1938
AllenLaurence Jborn about 1939
AllenLaurence Wborn about 1904
AllenPaulette born about 1936
AllenRussel Pborn about 1937
AllenVictoria born about 1913
AllmarazDomingo born about 1891
AllmarazDomingo born about 1929
AllmarazEncarnation born about 1926
AllmarazFedell born about 1924
AllmarazJohn born about 1921
AllmarazJossie Tborn about 1875
AllmarazLone born about 1923
AllmarazMary born about 1903
AllmarazMary born about 1928
AllmarazRichard born about 1933
AllmarazVivian Eborn about 1920
AlmarazAugustinia born about 1940
AlmarazCarmen born about 1929
AlmarazCirilo born about 1916
AlmarazConnie born about 1940
AlmarazEstella born about 1937
AlmarazJohn born about 1912
AlmarazLebriada born about 1919
AlmarazMike born about 1888
AlmarazMike Jr born about 1924
AlmarazTeresa born about 1927
AlmarazWilton born about 1922
AlvaradosAngelo born about 1912
AlvaradosCarmal born about 1888
AlvaradosMary born about 1920
ArthurDic born about 1901
ArthurGeorge Hborn about 1877
ArthurGrace Mborn about 1933
ArthurHerbert Cborn about 1909
ArthurJames Hborn about 1924
ArthurJeanetta born about 1928
ArthurLois Lborn about 1927
ArthurLora Lborn about 1907
ArthurMargaret Lborn about 1911
ArthurMary Lborn about 1930
ArthurRuth Lborn about 1933
ArtigAnthony born about 1932
ArtigFrances born about 1914
ArtigFrank born about 1903
ArtigMarshall born about 1934
ArtigPatrick born about 1933
ArtigRichard born about 1938
ArtigTeabey born about 1937
ArviasAlfred born about 1938
ArviasConseption born about 1915
ArviasFrances born about 1940
ArviasHenry born about 1930
ArviasJames born about 1915
ArviasLloyd born about 1919
ArviasRosarie born about 1919
ArvisoAlfred born about 1911
ArvisoRose born about 1879
ArvisoVentura born about 1884
AshmanAntonio Rborn about 1880
AshmanMary born about 1884
AtverezJulia born about 1927
AubertErnest born about 1889
AubertNoe born about 1880
AuldBarbara Aborn about 1939
AuldBillie Kborn about 1928
AuldEmilie Dborn about 1878
AuldGeorge Hborn about 1905
AuldMable Aborn about 1909
AuldWilliam Hborn about 1856

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B Surnames

BachellerWilliam Jborn about 1922
BallAllie Lborn about 1925
BallDiana Mborn about 1882
BallGraler Wborn about 1871
BallMarjorie Mborn about 1922
BallMorris Lborn about 1927
BarnesFrances Mborn about 1921
Barnett???be Mborn about 1879
BarnettAdrian Bborn about 1880
BarnettBarbarba Lborn about 1933
BarnettDavid Rborn about 1939
BarnettErice Gailborn about 1933
BarnettFrancis Lborn about 1918
BarnettHollis Bborn about 1900
BarnettLeona born about 1904
BarnettLetta Vborn about 1911
BarnettMarcus born about 1876
BarnettMary Aborn about 1909
BarnettMelcolne Rborn about 1934
BarnettRalph Oborn about 1908
BarnettRichard Hborn about 1935
BarnettRichard Jborn about 1909
BarnettRobert Jborn about 1937
BarnettWalter Aborn about 1922
BarriganBetty born about 1938
BarriganFrank Pborn about 1885
BarriganGale born about 1919
BarriganGeorge born about 1919
BarriganLaura born about 1881
BarriganLeonard born about 1915
BarriganLeonard born about 1936
BarriganRaymon born about 1935
BasquezAmelia born about 1926
BasquezArthur born about 1900
BasquezArthur P Jrborn about 1925
BasquezFrancis born about 1899
BasquezFrine born about 1933
BasquezRaymond born about 1936
BasquezTonnie Dborn about 1931
Bastian??? born about 1898
BastianBessie Mborn about 1899
BatronJackie Lborn about 1933
BatronJesse Hborn about 1911
BatronLalais born about 1882
BatronMary Eborn about 1914
BatronNathaniel Pborn about 1877
BatsElfie Lborn about 1885
BatsRalph Rborn about 1889
BaumgartnerHoward born about 1921
BayleyOwen Eborn about 1902
BensonGeorge Fborn about 1914
BergeyCharles L Jrborn about 1917
BergeyPatty Hborn about 1918
BlackLynn Jborn about 1901
BlackMartha Lborn about 1905
BlakeFern Aborn about 1905
BlakeGeorge Eborn about 1906
BoogeIrma Lborn about 1877
BoogeJohn Hborn about 1876
BordenCharlotte born about 1896
BordenWalter Aborn about 1886
BorrelAlexander born about 1862
BorrelAlexander born about 1936
BorrelAlexander Fborn about 1911
BorrelDavid born about 1938
BorrelLouise born about 1912
BorrelRose Leeborn about 1880
BotelloAugela born about 1892
BotteloRito born about 1891
BowesPatrick Jborn about 1878
BrandeisSig born about 1908
BritzellEunice Eborn about 1895
BritzellTheodore born about 1885
BroseAnna Pborn about 1902
BroseArmanda born about 1935
BroseRudolph born about 1893
BrownClara Eborn about 1939
BrownElvaline Jborn about 1921
BrownRobert Eborn about 1914
BrunellAlan Kborn about 1939
BrunellArthur born about 1909
BrunellHazel born about 1906
BrunelleRichard born about 1934
BryantBarbara born about 1932
BryantCharles Hborn about 1903
BryantEdward Wborn about 1908
BryantJohn Lborn about 1875
BryantNora born about 1889
BryantOla Mborn about 1905
BryantPhyllis born about 1936
BryantShirley born about 1939
BubeWalter born about 1889
BuchananD Eborn about 1878
BuchananJames Dborn about 1923
BuchananMaude born about 1901
BuckAlma Eborn about 1917
BuckGail Cborn about 1936
BuckPhillip Gborn about 1916
BullenGeorgia born about 1901
BullenHubert Lborn about 1900
BungerC Lborn about 1891
BungerElla Lborn about 1893
BurchAdele Eborn about 1900
BurchEverett Cborn about 1867
BurchOra Lborn about 1894
BurchVirginia Rborn about 1923
BurnhamElsie born about 1892
BurnhamFrank born about 1892
BurnhamSadie born about 1873

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C Surnames

CacaraEvlyn born about 1929
CacaraFidencia born about 1899
CacaraMay born about 1908
CalhounAlma Fborn about 1917
CalhounDurwood born about 1913
CantariereElvetgi Aborn about 1899
CantariereElvetgi Aborn about 1932
CantariereMyrtle Mborn about 1903
CantariereRodney Lborn about 1934
CarrPauline Rborn about 1903
CarrusMelvin born about 1923
CautarirniDan born about 1898
CautarirniRose born about 1900
CauthNancy Eborn about 1880
CeasAlbert Nborn about 1915
CeasLucy Sborn about 1920
CeasSherelan Iborn about 1938
CharlowAlbert Wborn about 1908
CharnackKatherine born about 1877
CharnackRobert Mborn about 1917
ChawaJoe born about 1890
ChawaLouis born about 1894
ChawaTerry born about 1932
ChoateCallie born about 1886
ChoateSamuel Bborn about 1883
ChurchIra Mborn about 1886
ChurchJennie Iborn about 1909
ChurchWalter Iborn about 1914
ChurchWillis Mborn about 1919
ClogstonCharles Hborn about 1874
ClogstonDonald Bborn about 1918
ClogstonSarah born about 1881
ContrasonJoaquin born about 1866
CookJosephine born about 1879
CooperClara Lborn about 1868
CooperJessie Cborn about 1911
CooperJoan Jborn about 1934
CooperWalter born about 1912
CoraineDella Mborn about 1870
CoraineWilliam Lborn about 1925
CotterNora born about 1891
CoxJimmie Oborn about 1907
CrabtreeBarbara born about 1925
CrabtreeGertrude Eborn about 1898
CrabtreeOris Lborn about 1900
CrewsAnna Bborn about 1924
CrewsDonald Cborn about 1896
CrewsMabel Lborn about 1899
CrewsPaul Lborn about 1923
CumminsPearl born about 1886
CumminsRobert born about 1882
CumminsRobert Dborn about 1923
CurranHale born about 1900
CurranKay Lborn about 1934
CurranMarian Dborn about 1929
CutlipDale Gborn about 1901
CutlipFlah born about 1897

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D Surnames

DarbisonJohn born about 1917
DaschnerClarence born about 1927
DaughertyRussell born about 1905
DavidsonIrene Annaborn about 1898
DelworthDarthula Eborn about 1884
DemeronMary Mborn about 1889
DemeronWilliam Eborn about 1879
DettoriJ Gueppezborn about 1887
DiffyJames Lborn about 1881
DiffyLoretta Sborn about 1882
DilgadoFrank born about 1928
DomenigoniDomenica born about 1899
DrewRay born about 1873
DunhamAlice Sborn about 1877
DunhamJohn Cborn about 1880
DunlapHelen born about 1898
DunlapPhyllis born about 1923
DunlopJesse born about 1898
DunnGeorge Wborn about 1868

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E Surnames

EcallierAlex born about 1892
EcallierBlanche born about 1897
EdmonsAlbert Hborn about 1879
EdwardsJoseph Aborn about 1869
EliersAlvinia Lborn about 1880
EliersHenry Jborn about 1877
EmbryHarold Eborn about 1904
EmbryHazel Pborn about 1912
EmbryJeanette born about 1939
EmbryJohn Cborn about 1931
EmbryJune Mborn about 1928
EscallierElsie born about 1936
EscallierFernando born about 1905
EscallierFrances born about 1873
EscallierGoe born about 1902
EscallierJoan born about 1930
EscallierMarie born about 1898
EscallierNellie born about 1906
EscallierWalter born about 1928
EunisFred Eborn about 1905
EunisMargaret Lborn about 1937
EunisSarah Dborn about 1916
EunisSarah Mborn about 1939

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F Surnames

FaasWalter born about 1880
FaethBridell born about 1889
FarrellEarl Nborn about 1936
FarrellHal Gborn about 1932
FarrellLala Eborn about 1896
FarrellMartha Wborn about 1913
FarrellPatricia Lborn about 1928
FarrellPhil Rborn about 1898
FarrellPhillis Pborn about 1928
FarrellShirley born about 1933
FarrellWilliam Eborn about 1904
FarthingJohn Aborn about 1865
Faulkner Margaret Gborn about 1905
FaulknerGeorge Wborn about 1892
FaulknerSally Annborn about 1934
FerrisElizabeth born about 1870
FillerKarl born about 1884
FillerKarl born about 1887
FizeldDora born about 1907
FloresCaserine born about 1926
FloresErminie born about 1924
FloresFrank born about 1930
FloresIgnacio born about 1922
FloresIsabel born about 1910
FloresIsabell born about 1910
FloresLouis born about 1906
FloresLouis Jr born about 1937
FloresMargaret born about 1927
FloresMarnula born about 1939
FloresMary Bborn about 1916
FloresMiguel born about 1906
FloresPaul born about 1919
FloresVictor born about 1929
FortugaTomy born about 1918
FrankeraEileen Bborn about 1922
FrankhamSamuel born about 1904
FreemanAlice Nborn about 1859
FreemanCharles born about 1919
FreemanCrystal Pborn about 1924
FreemanDonna born about 1931
FreemanDorothy born about 1923
FreemanEdward Mborn about 1894
FreemanEstefana born about 1885
FreemanEthel Fborn about 1931
FreemanFern born about 1912
FreemanFloyd Cborn about 1935
FreemanGeorge Rborn about 1933
FreemanHarvey born about 1913
FreemanJames Dborn about 1882
FreemanJohn Aborn about 1916
FreemanLester Eborn about 1927
FreemanLitha Mborn about 1929
FreemanLoretta Gborn about 1937
FreemanOpal Fborn about 1939
FreemanRalph born about 1925
FreemanThelma Lborn about 1919
FreemanThomas Aborn about 1866
FreemanThomas Aborn about 1899
FreemanVerna Rborn about 1898
FrickKarl Hborn about 1905
FriedemannJessie Eborn about 1893
FriedemannPatricia Aborn about 1917
FriedemannWilliam born about 1888
FriedemannWilliam Rborn about 1917
FrohlickElbert Sborn about 1913

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G Surnames

GandusanEddie born about 1934
GandusanEdith born about 1914
GandusanKendal born about 1913
GaneyCinciona born about 1884
GaneyJose born about 1868
GardnerErle Sborn about 1890
GarliaMarelina born about 1874
GarrisonArline Vborn about 1916
GarrisonVictor Aborn about 1912
GibbonsMamie Mborn about 1881
GibbonsVirgil Tborn about 1878
GodingArcadio born about 1909
GoochJames Tborn about 1882
GoochMary Vborn about 1927
GoochShirley Tborn about 1896
GrayElmer Eborn about 1893
GrayKenneth Kborn about 1925
GrayNannie born about 1895
GrayNellie Jborn about 1932
GrayPaul Eborn about 1927
GrayuneWalter Hborn about 1899
GreenDorthy Mborn about 1916
GreenRena born about 1864
GreenwoodMartha Mborn about 1873
GreenwoodWilliam Rborn about 1880
GriffisGeorge Hborn about 1854
GuntherEllen Mborn about 1917
GuntherFrederick Hugoborn about 1940
GuntherFrederick Nborn about 1912
GunthrieHugo born about 1884
GunthrieRoe born about 1883

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H Surnames

HaakellMarwyn Bborn about 1921
HackenbergDaniel born about 1879
HackenbergNaumie born about 1926
HackenbergThomas born about 1918
HaleDoris Fborn about 1907
HaleGeorge Sborn about 1902
HaleWanda Lborn about 1924
HallBertha born about 1901
HallGeorge born about 1891
HamiltonJack born about 1889
HamiltonLuna born about 1890
HangikerNoah Rborn about 1908
HarrisFraces Nborn about 1920
HarrisFrine born about 1939
HarrisVander Cborn about 1917
HaselwoodHenry Eborn about 1908
HaselwoodHenry E Jrborn about 1930
HaselwoodHerbie Eborn about 1933
HaselwoodJoe Bborn about 1931
HawesBeverly Hborn about 1902
HawesHazel Mborn about 1899
HayneHelen born about 1898
HayneRichard born about 1893
HazlettEthel born about 1889
HeathBarbara Aborn about 1865
HeathClifford Gborn about 1871
HedstromAstrid J Vborn about 1903
HedstromAugston Tborn about 1903
HedstromFlorin Aborn about 1934
HedstromHarriet Aborn about 1937
HelerJohnna born about 1891
HelneLivey Dborn about 1875
HendersonAlice born about 1917
HendersonBarbara born about 1924
HendersonDonald Lborn about 1928
HendersonEmmet Cborn about 1891
HendersonJohn Rborn about 1915
HendersonOlgerile Mborn about 1897
HewieJoseph Aborn about 1886
HeyneHelen born about 1900
HeyneRichard born about 1892
HillRuth Aborn about 1892
HilvieJessie Aborn about 1917
HindHarry Hborn about 1870
HoffmanLorette Mborn about 1888
HoffmanRodney Sborn about 1877
HorsemanEdith born about 1906
HorsemanGerrit Jborn about 1899
HorsemanRosemary born about 1932
HorsemanRoy born about 1926
HumeRex born about 1900
HumeRuth born about 1898
HuntAurora born about 1879
HuntDavid Lborn about 1867
HuntIniz Mborn about 1873

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J Surnames

JacksonMabel born about 1914
JenningsJewel Dborn about 1903
JenningsRobert Eborn about 1925
JenningsWilliam Bborn about 1927
JensonMarion Dborn about 1910
JermainAlice born about 1921
JermainVictor born about 1917
JimenezBonfiro born about 1884
JimenezRafalla born about 1891
JimenezRobert Gborn about 1920
JohnsonBert born about 1907
JohnsonDavid born about 1936
JohnsonHazel born about 1901
JohnsonRay born about 1891
JohnsonRonald born about 1929
JohnsonWilliam born about 1884
JordingA??? Tborn about 1909

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K Surnames

KatzMorris born about 1887
KaufmanHattie born about 1873
KellyBentito Sborn about 1896
KellyJames Pborn about 1890
KerdraonHarry Fborn about 1910
KerdraonHelen born about 1913
KerdraonJames Mborn about 1939
KerdraonRobert Mborn about 1935
KeyesThomas Lborn about 1886
KeyesTula born about 1890
KilenejienMike born about 1892
KingMinnie B Xborn about 1908
KingRollo Wborn about 1903
KnghtJames Wborn about 1869
KnottAlfred born about 1892
KnottAnnie born about 1920
KnottCharles born about 1937
KnottElden born about 1912
KnottEldon Gborn about 1912
KnottFreda born about 1895
KnottGordon born about 1918
KnottLaurel Iborn about 1939
KnottLura born about 1890
KnottThomas Mborn about 1927
KnottTom born about 1882
KnottVera born about 1920
KnottVera Eborn about 1917
KnottVernette born about 1939
KnottVernon born about 1917
KolbDonna Mborn about 1935
KolbJamila Lborn about 1934
KolbJoseph Mborn about 1891
KolbJoseph Mborn about 1932
KolbMargaret born about 1874
KolbWilliam Aborn about 1860
KolbWilliam Eborn about 1930
KoopAgnes born about 1876
KoopJohn Aborn about 1880
KunertMax born about 1877
KuntBurleigh Bborn about 1928
KuntCecil Sborn about 1923
KuntDoanld Dborn about 1932
KuntElmer Eborn about 1921
KuntElmer Hborn about 1897
KuntLouis Mborn about 1904
KuskeAlbert Fborn about 1874

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L Surnames

LakemanMary born about 1850
LaneJohn Pborn about 1932
LarmerBoyd born about 1917
LarsenBarbara Leeborn about 1931
LarsenNaomi born about 1911
LarsenOle Eborn about 1886
LausingJohn Rborn about 1920
LeclareElizabeth born about 1924
LeclareFrancis Jborn about 1889
LeclareGrace born about 1888
LehrBetty Mborn about 1926
LehrFrankin born about 1935
LehrGeorge Lborn about 1931
LehrJohn Cborn about 1892
LehrJohn Jr born about 1928
LehrLosie Hborn about 1907
LeideckerElla Mborn about 1884
LewisRichard Dborn about 1922
LindJack Lborn about 1882
LingGeorgia Ann Mborn about 1880
LingLeonard Rborn about 1881
LitgoAdaline born about 1934
LitgoEvelyn born about 1915
LloydHarold born about 1881
LloydNettie Mborn about 1883
LovettAubrey Jborn about 1912
LovettWinnie Aborn about 1919
LoweryWilliam Gborn about 1896
LowrendRay Lborn about 1916

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M Surnames

MachadoAlice born about 1866
MachadoMacedonio born about 1858
MackowitzSophio born about 1909
MarkeyHerman Aborn about 1908
MarshallRoscoe Jborn about 1882
MartenelloPremo born about 1883
MartinLewis born about 1900
MartinezKathryn born about 1908
MartinezSteve born about 1907
MartinezSylvestor born about 1860
MattesonAlvin Bborn about 1915
MattesonEdwin Wborn about 1938
MattesonGene Aborn about 1937
MattesonMarjorie Aborn about 1920
MattesonOscar Lborn about 1912
MatzLena born about 1868
MauleLillian Lborn about 1903
MauleMike born about 1894
McConvilleCharles Eborn about 1895
McConvilleJane born about 1900
McCoolEvelyn Pborn about 1916
McCoolJames Rborn about 1934
McCoolJohn Wborn about 1917
McCrackenMary Mborn about 1872
McCrakanNewell born about 1910
McDonaldSarah Eborn about 1852
McDougallFrederick born about 1903
McSweenyCharles born about 1936
McSweenyEugene Jborn about 1898
McSweenyEzilda born about 1901
McSweenyJohn born about 1928
McSweenyJohn Gborn about 1894
McSweenyPatrica born about 1914
McSweenyPatrica born about 1929
McVickerCharles born about 1871
MeloservickGeorge born about 1896
MichaelsLeonard born about 1921
MilhollandCrouphin born about 1919
MilhollandThomas Wborn about 1912
MillerGilbert Hborn about 1890
MillerHarry Tborn about 1939
MillerLeah Mborn about 1927
MillerOlive Cborn about 1864
MillerOllie Cborn about 1887
MillerPaul born about 1896
MillerRose born about 1918
MillerThomas Rborn about 1918
MillsAgnes Mborn about 1876
MillsJames Hborn about 1861
MiltonMary Mborn about 1899
MineyEthel Tborn about 1899
MineyLouis born about 1894
MinksCarry born about 1879
MirandaAdolph born about 1882
MirandaBessie born about 1902
MirandaMarcus born about 1916
MirandaMargaret born about 1922
MirandaRose Maryborn about 1925
MooreLeonard Lborn about 1894
MoreAlbert born about 1940
MoreDavid born about 1939
MoreElinore born about 1932
MoreJames born about 1930
MoreLeona born about 1889
MoreLouis born about 1918
MoreLouis born about 1936
MoreMiiguel born about 1934
MoreOliva born about 1921
MorePablo born about 1889
MoreRichard born about 1938
MoreSerleio born about 1929
MuneyDellah born about 1876
MuneyHarvey J Gborn about 1871
MunoaJohn Lborn about 1927
MunoaLena born about 1883
MunyonBarbara Rborn about 1939
MunyonErnest born about 1898
MunyonErnest Leeborn about 1938
MunyonEttie Jborn about 1929
MunyonViolet Mborn about 1903
MurphyDennis born about 1924
MurphyDorthy born about 1925
MurphyGeraldine born about 1928
MurphyJohn Jr born about 1890
MurphyJohnnie born about 1930
MurphyJoseph born about 1926
MurphyMary Annborn about 1933
MurphyPatrick born about 1935
MurphyPauline born about 1932
MurphyRose born about 1901

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N Surnames

NavarroAlexander born about 1902
NavarroAnita born about 1933
NavarroCarmen born about 1939
NavarroMary born about 1934
NavarroRamona born about 1931
NavarroRita born about 1911
NavarroWilhemina born about 1938
NelsonBertha born about 1916
NelsonBonnie born about 1911
NelsonLucill born about 1939
NewportFred Wborn about 1899
NicolasEdward born about 1916
NicolasGeorgia born about 1917
NicolasHelen born about 1926
NicolasJean born about 1917
NicolasJoseph Nborn about 1886
NicolasMarius Wborn about 1896
NicolasMary Aborn about 1895
NicolasNathaline Jborn about 1930
NicolasSarah Pborn about 1891
NormanEdna born about 1930
NormanEugene born about 1932
NormanGertie born about 1911
NormanHerbert born about 1905
NunezAlexander born about 1927
NunezAndrew born about 1924
NunezDoris born about 1928
NunezGabriel born about 1895
NunezJessie born about 1932

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O Surnames

OdonnellThomas Aborn about 1871
OdonnellWinifred born about 1881
OlivarasAnita born about 1930
OlivarasHelen born about 1928
OlivarasJoe Jborn about 1936
OlivarasJoseph born about 1888
OlivarasJosie born about 1903
OlivarasRalph Rborn about 1938
OlivarasSalinda born about 1932
OlivarasTony born about 1934
OliveraVirginia born about 1879
OlmosAlice born about 1922
OlmosConception born about 1928
OlmosHerman born about 1926
OlmosMaria born about 1896
OlmosRamon born about 1923
OlmosVirginia born about 1931
OltoElizabeth born about 1914
OltoVern born about 1919
OttoAlbert Lborn about 1887
OttoChristine Iborn about 1885
OttoEvyln born about 1921

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P Surnames

PatznerCeceilia born about 1884
PatznerJohn born about 1875
PatznerJohn Jborn about 1925
PatznerMargaret born about 1928
PayamanAlestino born about 1897
PayneHugh Cborn about 1878
PayneLousia born about 1884
PhippsPaul Sborn about 1921
PollandElsie Mborn about 1912
PollandHoward Lborn about 1938
PollandVirginia Rborn about 1939
PollandWilliam born about 1912
PourroyCatherine born about 1909
PourroyLouise born about 1937
PourroyMary born about 1869
PourroyPierre born about 1862
PourroyPierre Jr born about 1906
PrattThomas Cborn about 1915
ProvoltMyrtle Aborn about 1880
PruettCharlie born about 1911
PruettEthel born about 1914
PruettMorine born about 1933

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Q Surnames

QuligMerchor born about 1888

R Surnames

RailCarol Eborn about 1931
RailClare born about 1929
RailClarence born about 1929
RailFloyd Wborn about 1910
RailHazel born about 1896
RailHomer Wborn about 1936
RailIsabella born about 1915
RailKathrin born about 1923
RailLeo born about 1901
RailLois Jborn about 1932
RailMarion born about 1908
RailMary Aborn about 1934
RailNaney Aborn about 1935
RailRoss Oborn about 1890
RailVenail Cborn about 1905
RailViola Cborn about 1913
RamirezAlbert born about 1926
RamirezAngel born about 1903
RamirezAngelina born about 1928
RamirezConception born about 1938
RamirezJohn born about 1939
RamirezRachel born about 1936
RamirezRamon born about 1880
RamirezRudolpho born about 1934
RamirezVirginia born about 1909
RandleBertha Nborn about 1900
RandleWilliam Aborn about 1900
RangelSimon born about 1908
RangelSolidad born about 1902
RanureaFrancis born about 1931
RanureaFred Mborn about 1888
RanureaJosephine born about 1905
RanureaMargareta born about 1920
RanureaRosalie born about 1939
RanureaTrinidad Cborn about 1915
RanwayMachuca born about 1865
RanwayMachura born about 1867
RanwayMargaret born about 1921
ReedEva Eborn about 1913
ReedLeonard born about 1914
ReedRoy born about 1908
ReekieEvelyn born about 1910
ReekieKeith Dborn about 1939
ReekieKeith Eborn about 1906
ReuschHerbert born about 1925
RewesArthur born about 1918
ReynoldsArnold Gborn about 1906
ReynoldsOlga Aborn about 1886
RiceBen Bborn about 1883
RicordEdward Cborn about 1904
RicordMadge born about 1904
RiederIda Gborn about 1892
RiederIda Mborn about 1937
RiederKarl born about 1888
RiederR Parl Cborn about 1932
RierBen born about 1905
RiosCatalina born about 1893
RodriguezDavid born about 1870
RodriquesFrank born about 1915
RodriquesJosephine born about 1900
RodriquesMargaret born about 1925
RodriquesRaymore born about 1919
RodriquezAugustinia born about 1918
RodriquezCarrie born about 1901
RodriquezCecil Jr born about 1938
RodriquezFrancisco born about 1865
RodriquezJanate born about 1934
RodriquezJohn Rborn about 1909
RodriquezJose Mborn about 1835
RodriquezJosephine born about 1841
RodriquezJulian born about 1914
RodriquezJulian Jr born about 1939
RodriquezLucy born about 1919
RodriquezManuel born about 1917
RodriquezPhilomena Rborn about 1917
RodriquezRamona born about 1906
RodriquezRemona born about 1937
RodriquezRichard born about 1937
RodriquezSocorro Rborn about 1914
RoripaughBarney born about 1906
RoripaughEleanor born about 1908
RoripaughJohn Eborn about 1885
RoripaughJohn Eborn about 1935
RoripaughJune Dborn about 1936
RoripaughLeo Eborn about 1910
RoripaughLouise born about 1939
RoripaughLous born about 1907
RoripaughMarian Eborn about 1910
RoripaughMarie born about 1911
RoripaughMildred Cborn about 1928
RoripaughNoble Lborn about 1930
RoripaughPearl Aborn about 1906
RoripaughRobert Lborn about 1926
RossHelen Eborn about 1911
RossJames Rborn about 1905
RustBarbara Jborn about 1928
RustBeulah born about 1895
RustRuliff born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalasCatherine born about 1935
SalasFrank born about 1906
SalasLina born about 1937
SalasMay born about 1916
SalasRay born about 1931
SalgadoAdde born about 1935
SalgadoAnnio born about 1901
SalgadoBillie Eborn about 1924
SalgadoEugene born about 1932
SalgadoJoseph born about 1925
SalgadoLe Roy born about 1930
SalgadoMartha born about 1890
SalgadoNiela born about 1928
SamamiegoFrine Rborn about 1924
SamamiegoMary Aborn about 1890
SamamiegoMary Mborn about 1925
SamamiegoVictor Rborn about 1885
SamaniegoJack Rborn about 1939
SamaniegoLola born about 1906
SamaniegoPatrick born about 1889
SamaniegoRamona Gborn about 1934
SawyerLillian born about 1889
SawyerRoy Aborn about 1881
SaxmanWilliam born about 1866
SchuleCecila Dborn about 1926
SchuleCecila Eborn about 1906
SchuleEmil born about 1900
SchuleVirginia Aborn about 1927
SchultzC Wborn about 1912
SeguroMaria Mborn about 1855
SeminegoManuel born about 1939
SeminegoMary Gborn about 1935
SeminegoPatrick born about 1909
SeminegoVera born about 1911
ServelClementine born about 1890
ServelLeon Jborn about 1881
ServesArthur Bborn about 1876
ServesEmma Mborn about 1871
SheldDavid Mborn about 1889
SheldJames Fborn about 1934
SheldLulu Mborn about 1929
SheldLulu Nborn about 1895
SheldMarlin Lborn about 1923
SheldMary Fborn about 1921
SheldMilton born about 1916
SheldPheobe Annborn about 1937
SheldTheodore born about 1922
SheldVirginia Aborn about 1931
SherfieldJannita Cborn about 1921
SherfieldRoy Jborn about 1911
SherfieldRoy J Jrborn about 1939
ShifflerAndrew born about 1882
ShirleyWinton born about 1920
ShupeRose Maeborn about 1874
SilgarIne born about 1909
SimonHenry Pborn about 1878
SmallAlbert Kborn about 1868
SmallEdith Nborn about 1875
SmallEdward Lborn about 1915
SmallEugene Lborn about 1898
SmohlHarry Dborn about 1872
SmohlLeonard Yborn about 1895
SmohlNellie Gborn about 1879
SoltalloArthur born about 1933
SoltalloElsie born about 1928
SoltalloEulgeo born about 1892
SoltalloFreddie born about 1926
SoltalloJessie born about 1907
SoltalloMary born about 1922
SouthardMary Aborn about 1859
SouthardPearl Mborn about 1882
SouthardRoy Wborn about 1890
SoveranoLouis born about 1899
SpigeliaJohn born about 1886
StarusGilbert Bborn about 1910
StarusGilma Eborn about 1909
StearnsJennie Vborn about 1881
SteiveErnest Tborn about 1857
StevensBurt Jborn about 1875
StevensonLeslie born about 1925
StevensonSolida born about 1882
StewartJames Lborn about 1936
StewartMargaret born about 1913
StilloCristal born about 1887
StilloJohn Rborn about 1889
StilloTony born about 1916
StollGeorge born about 1883
StollarCora born about 1895
StoneKatherine Eborn about 1901
StoneMack Wborn about 1907
StonerChlora born about 1886
StonerMaurie Jborn about 1882
StowellBradford born about 1905
StowellEdna Bborn about 1881
StowellSylvia Pborn about 1914
StrangEula Vborn about 1906
StrangJoseph Jborn about 1909
SullivanAnna Sborn about 1890
SullivanMichael born about 1889
SunowskyStanley born about 1923
SwainLottie born about 1880
SwainRex born about 1873
SwanquenCarl Rborn about 1896
SwanquenEdna Cborn about 1898
SwansonSigfred born about 1917
SykesAmos Jborn about 1880
SykesDolie Mborn about 1888
SykesJames Eborn about 1939
SykesJoseph Eborn about 1937
SykesJoyce born about 1909
SykesMargie born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarwaterRose Cborn about 1900
TarwaterUrban Kborn about 1888
TavaglioneLaura born about 1907
TavaglioneLeonard born about 1909
TaylorBob born about 1922
TempleDorothy Rborn about 1915
TempleMerlyn Jborn about 1937
TempleMorris born about 1912
TerminaCatherine born about 1921
TerminaJoe born about 1919
TerminaSam born about 1891
TerminaSarah born about 1892
TerpeningArthur Gborn about 1884
TerpeningBlanche Tborn about 1889
TerpeningFrances Aborn about 1916
Thompson Nellie Tborn about 1900
ThompsonAllie Jborn about 1877
ThompsonBlanche born about 1897
ThompsonClifford Jborn about 1872
ThompsonCurtis Tborn about 1925
ThompsonJanis born about 1929
ThompsonJoseph Vborn about 1873
ThompsonMarrian Jborn about 1923
ThompsonMattie Sborn about 1910
ThompsonMax Bborn about 1907
ThompsonMiles Wborn about 1870
ThompsonMiles Williamborn about 1922
ThompsonNerville born about 1895
ThompsonNilda born about 1922
ThompsonPiggy Mborn about 1937
ThompsonRaymond born about 1923
ThompsonRobert Kborn about 1930
ThompsonSarah Eborn about 1872
ThompsonWillis Aborn about 1900
ThompsonWillis Aborn about 1920
ThorneNina Mborn about 1872
ThorneWilliam Hborn about 1862
ThoseWalter Cborn about 1891
TinboClara born about 1906
TinboPete born about 1897
TortiegaDaniel born about 1875
TownsendClaude Aborn about 1925
TownsendClaudie born about 1901
TownsendGladys born about 1899
TroutFrina Mborn about 1875
TroutHazel Lborn about 1911
TroutMilton Eborn about 1871
TrufillsJannita born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VailArthur Jborn about 1892
VailMary Fborn about 1890
VailRose born about 1884
VandenBertha born about 1890
VandenBurg H Lborn about 1889
VandusenAlfred Hborn about 1894
VandusenAlmeia born about 1894
VasquezElinore born about 1937
VasquezPaulina born about 1919
VasquezRamond born about 1915
VasquezRaymond born about 1939
VoclkerE Wborn about 1893
VogelKarl born about 1892
VogelLudwig born about 1891
VogelOtto born about 1876
VonmoosAlfred born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddellJoan Annborn about 1916
WaddellLawrence Fborn about 1915
WaddellLawrence Mborn about 1889
WaddellLouise born about 1891
WalchThomas born about 1881
WallaceWalter Eborn about 1915
WallisHernan born about 1917
WalteiusMildred born about 1907
WaltersFrankie Nborn about 1940
WaltersHarry born about 1899
WaltersJessie born about 1897
WaltersJohn Hborn about 1916
WaltersLaura Eborn about 1914
WareEthel Bborn about 1896
WarePaul Gborn about 1928
WarePaul Nborn about 1897
WarenAlice born about 1862
WarenDavid Hborn about 1855
WarmboldOtto W Kborn about 1886
WarnerRaymond Eborn about 1894
WatkinsBetty Jborn about 1929
WatkinsDelorm Jborn about 1937
WatkinsJackie Eborn about 1931
WatkinsJames born about 1914
WatkinsMarion Dborn about 1927
WatkinsMartha Eborn about 1925
WatkinsMorris born about 1919
WatkinsPaul Eborn about 1938
WatkinsPauline Jborn about 1926
WatkinsZady Eborn about 1899
WattsEdward Eborn about 1883
WeisenbeckJohn born about 1902
WhiteC Patriciaborn about 1939
WhiteClaude Cborn about 1899
WhiteHilda Mborn about 1904
WhiteWillis Aborn about 1882
WickardMatilda born about 1874
WickardThomas born about 1875
WickerdEllen Jborn about 1933
WickerdHarold born about 1908
WickerdPhronia born about 1912
WilcoxHattie Mborn about 1873
WilcoxJames Tborn about 1879
WilkardLeona born about 1883
WilkinsCurton born about 1893
WilliMargaret Cborn about 1900
WilliSimon born about 1878
WilliamsFlorence born about 1885
WillisCliff born about 1869
WillsErnest Wborn about 1910
WilsonArdell born about 1915
WilsonCarlo born about 1899
WilsonDorothy born about 1911
WilsonShirley born about 1935
WinchesterElnora Aborn about 1899
WingfieldRobert born about 1890
WinterJennie born about 1866
WinterJennie Eborn about 1865
WinterhalterLema Lborn about 1933
WitcherCora Mborn about 1869
WitcherJames born about 1873
WoodillAlfred Fborn about 1868
WoodillMarie Pborn about 1875
WoolhiserFloyd born about 1904
WorleyNorman born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoulourWilliam Fborn about 1918
YoungAlice Eborn about 1902
YoungDaisy Mborn about 1926
YoungDavid Wborn about 1923
YoungEdna Pborn about 1895
YoungElizabeth Mborn about 1921
YoungJerry born about 1899
YoungRichard Aborn about 1924
YoungSidney Aborn about 1912
YoungViolet Mborn about 1890
YoungWalter Lborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZwinggiHerman born about 1893

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