1940 U.S. Federal Census of Peachtree, Monterey, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Monterey County > 1940 Census of Peachtree

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrincoSebino born about 1906
AcroyoAlbert born about 1931
AcroyoRussell born about 1934
AlartoffJoe born about 1877
AlliseonAustin born about 1902
AlliseonElsie born about 1914
AlliseonJames born about 1937
AmoguisSinforoso born about 1905
AnabiaManuel born about 1903
AndradeAlbert born about 1934
AndradeCarol born about 1921
AndradeJohn born about 1919
AndradeManuel born about 1883
AndradeManuel Sborn about 1910
AndradeMarian born about 1889
AndradePeter born about 1923
AndradeTony born about 1916
ApplegateU Sborn about 1867
AranteGeorge born about 1898
ArellanesJophine born about 1921
ArellanesTheresa born about 1893
ArellanesTony born about 1916
ArmerBill born about 1906
ArmerGeff born about 1894
ArmerHalene born about 1916
ArmerRebecca born about 1895
ArmerWilliam born about
AstizMartin Jborn about 1869
AzbellJohn Eborn about 1906
AzbellMargie born about 1906
AzbellMargie Estellborn about 1929
AzbellRaymond Eborn about 1932
AzlioliCatherina born about 1892

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B Surnames

BagayMariano born about 1906
BaileyBot born about 1909
BaileyDoil Leeborn about 1936
BaileyFloretta born about 1933
BaileyKenneth Donborn about 1938
BaileyLula born about 1912
BarboaJoe born about 1885
BarbreeGeraldine born about 1909
BarbreeJames born about 1911
BarbreeJames Jr born about 1933
BarbreeMargaret Aborn about 1934
BarbreeMichael Rborn about 1936
BarbreeWanita born about 1913
BarringtonBurton Jborn about 1939
BarringtonSusie Aborn about 1894
BarringtonWilliam Eborn about 1892
BarringtonWilliam E Jrborn about 1925
BarrisWalter Bborn about 1895
BattilocchiAnita born about 1936
BattilocchiCarlo born about 1932
BattilocchiCaronia born about 1934
BattilocchiEmilio born about 1894
BattilocchiLuige born about 1890
BattilocchiStefanina born about 1905
BattilochiOlimpia born about 1905
BeasleyCharles Tborn about 1863
BeasleyDaisy born about 1870
BengardBarbara Aborn about 1928
BengardDon Jborn about 1926
BengardJoe born about 1897
BengardNadene born about 1895
BettsOscar born about 1880
BianchMallalena born about 1907
BianchMike born about 1896
BianchThelma born about 1932
BibancoFrancisco born about 1902
BlairJames Eborn about 1919
BlairLouise Eborn about 1927
BlairNellie Eborn about 1925
BlairRichard Pborn about 1928
BlairRobert Hborn about 1913
BlairSusie Mborn about 1890
BlairSusie Mborn about 1920
BlairWaohrow Wborn about 1918
BlairWilliam born about 1874
BlairWilliam Wborn about 1914
BolanioFlorenzo born about 1900
BorundaSantos born about 1897
BrayAlbert born about 1882
BrayEileen born about 1917
BrayMary born about 1886
BrownBillie Joeborn about 1936
BrownClifford born about 1917
BrownRudy born about 1915
BrownWinford Leeborn about 1938
BroyEvelyn born about 1910
BroyRoy born about 1910
BrysonPhinnie born about 1905
BunteCarol born about 1904
BunteDonn born about 1930
BunteGrace born about 1880
BunteHazel Lborn about 1902
BunteJane born about 1935
BunteL Sborn about 1902
BunteLoreen Aborn about 1927
BunteNancy born about 1937
BunteS Nborn about 1872

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C Surnames

CalamasaAlfredo born about 1908
CalderaC born about 1902
CapleyAlice born about 1893
CapleyAlice born about 1918
CapleyHoward born about 1922
CapleyPhyllis born about 1917
CapleySamuel born about 1891
CapleyShirley born about 1924
CapleyWayne born about 1920
CarionBernabe born about 1907
CarminatiMax born about 1909
CarpenterGloria born about 1930
CarpenterJoe born about 1910
CarpenterSylvia born about 1908
CarrilloJesus born about 1900
CartezBonita born about 1926
CartezLupe born about 1929
CartezSalud born about 1900
CartezSeferina born about 1904
CartezTommy born about 1932
CartezTony born about 1928
CaseyMarie born about 1907
CaseyWilliam Hborn about 1894
CastaniasEracguis born about 1904
CastilloJose born about 1902
CastosMadeline born about 1886
CastosRobert born about 1883
ChevezTom born about 1916
ChisumBerdina born about 1918
ChisumDarlene born about 1937
ChisumDelma born about 1914
ChisumGeorge Wborn about 1914
ChisumWallace born about 1939
ChrismonGeorge Fborn about 1936
ChrismonWallace born about 1915
ClaudioNemisio born about 1910
ClaytonAnna Jborn about 1899
ClaytonEdward born about 1884
ClaytonFrances Lborn about 1895
ClaytonJame Gborn about 1923
ClaytonRoxana born about 1892
ClaytonSarah Sborn about 1852
ClytonRaymond born about 1931
CoamchoShaznso born about 1901
CokleyEdwin Jborn about 1884
CokleyHelen Eborn about 1927
CokleyRichard Cborn about 1936
CokleySarah born about 1891
ColindioM born about 1897
ConnerEugene born about 1927
ConnerJohn born about 1903
ConnerRuth born about 1906
CopleyC Aborn about 1901
CopleyChester A Jrborn about 1923
CopleyEdwin born about 1932
CopleyElden born about 1924
CopleyEpheloa born about 1904
CopleyIrving born about 1926
CopleyJack born about 1890
CopleyLena born about 1888
CopleyW Cborn about 1882
CreteFerdnand born about 1866
CristobalBalboa born about 1891
CulierrezAgoston Mborn about 1895

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D Surnames

DavisIva born about 1909
DavisKenneth born about 1933
DavisWalter born about 1906
DavisWilliam born about 1916
DelairIvan born about 1914
DiazA born about 1900
DiazAntonio born about 1898
DillsGlenn born about 1919
DixonIda born about 1910
DixonNadine born about 1931
DixonTorg born about 1910
DomengetPedro born about 1905
DomingoReymondo born about 1899
DomingosChristine born about 1904
DomingosEvelyn born about 1921
DomingosJohn born about 1892
DomingosJohn born about 1924
DraghiElvezia born about 1933
DuckworthElizabeth born about 1886
DuckworthMillie born about 1862
DuckworthRuben born about 1899
DuckworthSamuel born about 1887
DughiArnold born about 1894
DughiEdna born about 1925
DughiJoseph born about 1924
DughiMary born about 1897
DuranPlacido born about 1902
DwghiAldea born about 1935

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E Surnames

EadeDorthy Fborn about 1913
EadeEarl born about 1905
EadeElmer born about 1912
EadeHelene born about 1911
EadeIda born about 1904
EadeJensen Frankborn about 1885
EadeK Lborn about 1907
EadePearl born about 1888
EadeWesley Cborn about 1876
EadeWesley Cborn about 1938
EchenizneFrancis born about 1934
EchenizneLucio born about 1890
EchenizneLuis born about 1920
EcheniznePatricia born about 1889
EchenizneRicardo born about 1925
EninalesKate born about 1900
EnosErnest born about 1898
EnosJulia born about 1863
EnosLena Veaborn about 1903
EspinosaDon born about 1885

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F Surnames

FarrieAnna born about 1924
FarrieArnald born about 1888
FarrieErnest born about 1921
FarrieJennie born about 1898
FeldtAileen born about 1930
FeldtAlfred born about 1891
FeldtIna Cborn about 1896
FieldsDelmar born about 1909
FieldsEula born about 1912
FieldsFayetta born about 1936
FieldsRex born about 1934
FieldsRobert born about 1902
FletcherCharles born about 1926
FletcherEdna Eborn about 1937
FletcherFrankie Rborn about 1923
FletcherJessie Lborn about 1934
FletcherJose born about 1901
FloresInezo born about 1900
FoldsEula born about 1922
FoldsGeorge born about 1926
FoldsMarjorie born about 1902
FoldsMarlene born about 1933
FoldsNathan Jborn about 1898
FolksCharles Jborn about 1866
FolksElla Jborn about 1868
FrenesEmma Jeanborn about 1932
FrenesMary Annborn about 1935
FrenesMary Eborn about 1914
FrenesRobert born about 1909
FurgesonRobert Aborn about 1888

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G Surnames

GalbenasVanancio born about 1903
GarciaAndrew born about 1915
GarciaJeane born about 1899
GarciaTom born about 1864
GarlandAlvin born about 1919
GckayanJoan born about 1890
GilLouis born about 1901
GilRefugio born about 1865
GilRubenia born about 1903
GiudiciLeland born about 1931
GiudiciLester born about 1936
GiudiciLillian born about 1904
GiudiciNorma born about 1929
GiudiciS Hborn about 1896
GiudiciStanley born about 1926
GrabElmer Fborn about 1923
GrabErnest Mborn about 1925
GrabIda born about 1888
GrabJohn Nborn about 1920
GrabMeinrad born about 1889
GraveEthel born about 1876
GraveJoe born about 1884
GravePaul born about 1880
GudiccieAllan born about 1930
GudiccieBarbara born about 1927
GudiccieCatheryn born about 1933
GudiccieFrances born about 1901
GudiccieJames born about 1924
GudicciePeter born about 1899
GudiccieSamuel born about 1898
GuillermoGaltargo born about 1900

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H Surnames

HagerLouise Dborn about 1863
HansBartha Jamesborn about 1862
HarboltG Eborn about 1883
HarringtonAlton born about 1915
HarringtonCarol born about 1938
HarringtonNada born about 1916
HartIda born about 1873
HartThomas born about 1872
HendersonGeorge Edwardborn about 1922
HendersonThomas born about 1886
HendersonVerena Eborn about 1902
HertonFern born about 1935
HertonHermelinda born about 1916
HertonMarvin born about 1915
HertonMarvin born about 1936
HilarioLamar born about 1897
HortonAlbert born about 1926
HortonClemtutine born about 1859
HortonGerard Rborn about 1886
HortonMaude born about 1889

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J Surnames

JamesH Gainesborn about 1914
JensenDorthy Aborn about 1910
JensenJ Rborn about 1908
JensenRobert Jborn about 1934
JohnsonCharles Gborn about 1871
JohnsonNels Nelsborn about 1870
JonesJerome born about 1900
JonesJohn born about 1922
JonesRobert born about 1920

K Surnames

KalbKenneth born about 1931
KalbVirginia born about 1926
KalbWalter Pborn about 1893
KalbYvonne born about 1929
KeelingAbner born about 1891
KeelingMargaret born about 1892
KennisonGlenn Eborn about 1895
KennisonHanna Oborn about 1903
KennisonPhillis Lborn about 1922
KingStella born about 1891
KingWalter Eborn about 1886
KolbLa Vaughn born about 1903
KuckerCharles Rborn about 1884
KuckerEthel Hborn about 1885
KuckerKenneth Sborn about 1915
KuckerLucille born about 1918
KuckerRay born about 1921

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L Surnames

LabarerePete born about 1906
LabianoPablo born about 1910
LagrimasFedil born about 1904
LambCharles born about 1880
LarsonJames born about 1938
LarsonMary born about 1918
LarsonMary born about 1939
LayansCatherine born about 1900
LayansJohn born about 1886
LayansJoseph born about 1920
LayansMarcel born about 1917
LayuganMarcelo born about 1898
LayuganRuth born about 1906
LeeRuth born about 1912
LeeRuth Eborn about 1936
LeeVernon born about 1907
LerioFred born about 1895
LopezBenancio born about 1904
LuperHerman born about 1911
LuperLois born about 1918
LynnChristina born about 1863

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M Surnames

MaciasJesns born about 1908
MadsenHenry born about 1888
MadsenHenry Jborn about 1923
MadsenMeta born about 1900
MannEllis born about 1878
ManuelAsion born about 1894
MaraycasJuan born about 1897
MarbachJames born about 1933
MarbachPearl born about 1890
MarbachWilliam Edwardborn about 1922
MarbachXabier born about 1894
MarcusEmily born about 1873
MaresIno born about 1927
MargerinAgustin born about 1904
MarioRossi born about 1901
MartinezAbraham born about 1899
MartinezArthur born about 1930
MartinezFrank born about 1920
MartinezHerculana born about 1921
MartinezMartha born about 1928
MartinezMiguel born about 1910
MartinezRaul born about 1920
MartinezRichard born about 1932
MartinezRoberto born about 1923
MartinezSusana born about 1925
MartinezY born about 1900
MayGeorge Cborn about 1890
MayJohn Jborn about 1886
McCarthyBelle born about 1858
McCayHenry born about 1914
McClureDanna Jborn about 1933
McClureMargurite born about 1909
McClureRoy Gborn about 1908
McGeheeCarletta born about 1936
McGeheeChand born about 1923
McGeheeGilma born about 1934
McGeheeIda born about 1904
McGeheeLouise born about 1909
McGeheeOtto born about 1896
MediaEvangeline born about 1931
MediaJoe born about 1936
MediaMargaret born about 1881
MediaPat born about 1895
MediaPat born about 1935
MertinezTony born about 1906
MorrowMinnie Dborn about 1881
MorrowWilliam Bborn about 1871
MyersBaxter born about 1911
MyersElaine born about 1938
MyersJames Hborn about 1869
MyersJulia born about 1930
MyersRuth born about 1911
MyersVirginia born about

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N Surnames

NelsonCharles born about 1919
NelsonEva Maeborn about 1924
NelsonGordon born about 1916
NelsonMae born about 1897
NelsonRobert born about 1930
NelsonSalomon born about 1886
NevarseJose born about 1871
NorrisLucill Kborn about 1898

O Surnames

OrradrreJae born about 1860

P Surnames

PaduaMariano born about 1905
PakalsoTeodoro born about 1902
PalmerCharles born about 1871
PalmerEthel Vborn about 1911
PalmerGeorge Hborn about 1937
PalmerIrvin Jborn about 1939
PalmerJames born about 1916
PalmerMarlyn Mborn about 1934
PalmerNelson Hborn about 1906
PalmerNelson Tborn about 1936
PalmerWillace Cborn about 1933
PalmisF Deweyborn about 1897
PalmisMarie Cborn about 1903
ParlettleGifford Hborn about 1930
ParlettleRay Henryborn about 1898
ParlettleRoy Ardenborn about 1929
ParlettleVelma born about 1909
PegacianJusto born about 1901
PegacianJusto Jr born about 1935
PegacianRosario born about 1914
PegacianRose Marieborn about 1938
PerezCatherine born about 1914
PerezLucy Vborn about
PerezRito born about 1904
PerezS born about 1911
PetersonGeorge Wborn about 1888
PetersonViola Hborn about 1894
PlackettKermit born about 1919
PlackettVincent born about 1916
PraderRobert Mborn about 1865
PremitinoTheressa born about
PremitinoTorrey born about 1904
PryorLois born about 1921

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R Surnames

RameyHarce born about 1923
RameyNola born about 1892
RameyTommy born about 1926
RamosGacando born about 1891
RamosLaban born about 1905
RaynaVentura Mborn about 1907
ReynoldsArthur born about 1871
ReynoldsBell born about 1872
ReynoldsDonna Mborn about 1936
ReynoldsElmer born about 1877
ReynoldsElmer Jr born about 1912
ReynoldsEthel born about 1891
ReynoldsEthel born about 1921
ReynoldsEugene Wborn about 1934
ReynoldsHarold Eborn about 1901
ReynoldsHelen born about 1913
ReynoldsMary born about 1912
RigneyRobert born about 1912
RinehartJoseph Tborn about 1893
RistBen Sborn about 1880
RistGeorge Wborn about 1893
RistMaxine born about 1924
RistVirginia Bborn about 1889
RoblesAlbert born about 1878
RodarteE born about 1902
RodezuezDaesy born about 1914
RoningCatherine born about 1880
RoningNels born about 1878
RosaJoe Tborn about 1911

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S Surnames

SarensonAda born about 1908
SarensonAdolph born about 1893
SarensonGrolom born about 1936
SargentiA Jborn about 1885
SargentiLillian Pborn about 1887
SarpaJoe born about 1899
ScolesCathelene born about 1932
ScolesHarry born about 1904
ScolesLola Lborn about 1915
ScolesSteven born about 1937
ScolesWymoka born about 1935
SeronHenry born about 1911
SerratoLucino born about 1901
SewalsonRaymond born about 1918
SmithAmagene born about 1930
SmithAndrey born about 1925
SmithHarold Bborn about 1926
SmithJ Bborn about 1879
SmithJames Aborn about 1906
SmithJames Rborn about 1928
SmithLitta born about 1885
SmithMarvin born about 1925
SmithMyrtle born about 1892
SmithNannie Jborn about 1865
SmithTheo born about 1884
SmithWilliam Jborn about 1863
SmithWillie born about 1905
SogaboPolinar born about 1902
SonensonJune born about 1923
SonensonLouise born about 1896
SonensonWalter born about 1891
SonensonWalter born about 1921
SonicksonAndrew born about 1861
StacyDella born about 1908
StacyJoan born about 1931
StacyRalph born about 1934
StacyWillie Leeborn about 1908
StiversonAnita born about 1933
StiversonDavid born about 1927
StiversonMary born about 1883

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T Surnames

TaylorEva born about 1893
TaylorFrank born about 1921
TaylorHarry Mborn about 1881
TaylorHarry Sborn about 1918
TaylorMary born about 1928
TaylorVirginia born about 1925
ThomasLowell born about 1919
TidallDell born about 1885
TisknerLee born about 1890
TompkinsDonald Eborn about 1934
TompkinsHeman born about 1874
TompkinsLaolla born about 1890
TompkinsLeland Hborn about 1935
TompkinsMable Lborn about 1913
TompkinsWillis born about 1908
TompkinsWilma born about 1937
TorresPete born about 1905
TorresRose born about 1904
TorsesonCarl born about 1889
TresconyJulian Eborn about 1930
TresconyJulius Jborn about 1890
TresconyLouis Jr born about 1926
TresconyMarie Gborn about 1892
TresconyMario Rborn about 1928
TubbsJohn Cborn about 1914
TullyHenry born about 1881

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U Surnames

UsquezaLeo born about 1901

V Surnames

VadenJay born about 1901
VadenJim born about 1928
VadenMarie born about 1909
VadenMary born about 1930
VadenRay born about 1931
ValencianoCarlos born about 1900
ValentineMargaret born about 1912
ValerianoMartin born about 1896
ValienteNemisio born about 1904
VanottiJulius born about 1917
VeraMary born about 1931
VillianuevaAntonio born about 1905

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W Surnames

WancheyW Lborn about 1891
WeimerThelma born about 1916
WestphalBetty born about 1931
WestphalEdward born about 1929
WestphalHarold born about 1928
WestphalJohn born about 1933
WestphalMargaret Wborn about 1902
WestphalPeggy born about 1937
WestphalRobert born about 1926
WestphalRose born about 1925
WestphalRudalph born about 1930
WestphalRuth born about 1936
WestphalWilliam born about 1901
WhittmannHilda born about 1915
WhittmannIsabel born about 1877
WhittmannLeonard born about 1909
WhittmannVincent born about 1916
WhittmannWilliam born about 1907
WiggintonRose born about 1891
WilsonCharles Eborn about 1933
WilsonClyde Jr born about 1929
WilsonHattie Leeborn about 1905
WinsteadClyde born about 1906
WinsteadEltra born about 1913
WinsteadJoe born about 1933
WirtFred born about 1917
WolffOtto born about 1860
WrightAlice Lborn about 1880
WrightIrvin born about 1879

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Y Surnames

YonesFred born about 1882
YonesRuby Mborn about 1888

Z Surnames

ZalioliA born about 1884

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