1940 U.S. Federal Census of San Antonio in Monterey County, Monterey, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Monterey County > 1940 Census of San Antonio in Monterey County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbelLouis born about 1881
AdamJohn Rborn about 1883
AdamMary born about 1883
AdamWilliam Aborn about 1873
AdamWilliam Zborn about 1880
AdamsEdith born about 1903
AdamsRichard born about 1879
AkersRose Bborn about 1889
AkhmantiseVictor born about 1904
AlbersAneonien born about 1885
AlbersWid born about 1880
AlivaBen Vborn about 1902
AlivaTneol born about 1895
AllenFrancis Hborn about 1896
AllinikorRaymond born about 1886
AlmAlma Uborn about 1903
AlmBeverly Eborn about 1938
AlmFred Rborn about 1908
AlmFredrick Rborn about 1935
AltonBetty born about 1908
AndersonJohn Aborn about 1909
AndersonRita Mborn about 1912
ArmandoArellames Jborn about 1872
AshcraftRichard born about 1892
AthulGertrude born about 1911
AthulLouise born about 1933
AthulR Parkerborn about 1900
AthulRaymond born about 1927
AuldLester Rborn about 1887
AvilaAugustine born about 1925
AvilaBenito born about 1918
AvilaBernardine born about 1919
AvilaBessie born about 1901
AvilaC Cborn about 1871
AvilaEllen born about 1931
AvilaFernando born about 1921
AvilaFrank Cborn about 1885
AvilaGrace born about 1895
AvilaHenry born about 1890
AvilaHenry Jr born about 1919
AvilaJohnnie born about 1922
AvilaLucia born about 1936
AvilaManeuala born about 1901
AvilaOnita born about 1933
AvilaPatricks born about 1894
AvilaRichard born about 1929
AvilaTheodore born about 1926

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B Surnames

BaeeLester born about 1916
BaeeWesley born about 1916
BaerHarry born about 1887
BaileyGeorge born about 1893
BairdRobert Iborn about 1901
BakerAndrew born about 1900
BakerGeorge Bborn about 1914
BaneRebacca Fborn about 1879
BaneWilliam Wborn about 1876
BarfootHenry born about 1903
BarkFrank born about 1881
BarrierRaymond born about 1916
BarrowGeorge born about 1898
BartonCharles Wborn about 1901
BartonJames born about 1898
BatchelderGeorge Sborn about 1892
BateaWilliam born about 1891
BatearyJohn Bborn about 1886
BattsDorthy Ileenborn about 1907
BattsJacklyn Iborn about 1927
BattsL Hborn about 1892
BattsThomas Eborn about 1934
BawlinsHarry Jborn about 1904
BensonFrank born about 1890
BensonRobert Jborn about 1896
BentonFred Wborn about 1895
BernsCharles born about 1898
BestErnest born about 1917
BishopCharles Lborn about 1886
BlooquistAb Aborn about 1852
BlooquistJohn Lborn about 1863
BoisenHarley born about 1917
BoltonHarry born about 1903
BorondiSantos born about 1892
BorondoAnthony Mborn about 1863
BorondoJoe Mborn about 1872
BorondoLucy born about 1871
BorundaEdward born about 1889
BorundaLoretta born about 1881
BorundaTimothy born about 1900
BosleyArthur born about 1891
BottsEugene born about 1905
BottsJoseph Eborn about 1938
BountRay born about 1900
BradyMachiel born about 1895
BrandbeillaAlbert born about 1894
BrayArthur Cborn about 1894
BrightAnthony Bborn about 1890
BrownClaude Aborn about 1904
BryanRuel Lborn about 1911
BurchellWilliam born about 1885
BurgettMerriel born about 1890
BurkeMartin born about 1898
BurkeRalph born about 1894
BurrellJames born about 1899
BursleyEarl Lborn about 1895
BurtyFredrich Lborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CalarkAlbert born about 1886
CalarkJohn Eborn about 1915
CallowayHenry Jborn about 1890
CampbellColin born about 1896
CampellThomas Fborn about 1906
CaneJohn Pborn about 1905
CanzJohnnie born about 1878
CarciaKenneth born about 1907
CarciaOlive Mborn about 1913
CarciaWesley Kborn about 1931
CarlsonGust born about 1898
CarneyJames Eborn about 1884
CarrNed born about 1905
CarrianJohn born about 1900
CasgniffEugene born about
CasioRosamel born about 1867
CavalliElden born about 1927
CavalliShirley born about 1926
ChismCarl Hborn about 1898
ChristyBryan born about 1892
ChurchillAddison Iborn about 1885
ChurchillStella Mborn about 1887
ChurchillVeryl Jborn about 1925
ClearyCharles Vborn about 1896
CokerCharles Lborn about 1884
ColliusArthur Bborn about
ConleyMichael born about 1881
ContacWilliam Dborn about 1886
ConwayDaniel born about 1887
ConwayEdward Cborn about 1892
CoxCharlotte Mborn about 1877
CoxFrancis Aborn about 1881
CozensRichrds Cborn about 1917
CozziSam born about 1886
CreckettSamuel born about 1897
CroninPatrick born about 1895
CulbersonGutase born about 1890

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D Surnames

DabbsLionel born about 1906
DainskyJoseph Sborn about 1909
DalyEdward Fborn about 1907
DalyJames Josephborn about 1878
DaniellJames born about 1885
DarvoeAlfred Lborn about 1900
DavisErnest Rborn about 1895
DavisGeorge Hborn about 1871
DavisHerbert Gborn about 1898
DavisMyra Aborn about 1936
DavisNora Aborn about 1902
DavisOtis born about 1875
DawellClate born about 1907
DaytonClyde Sborn about 1900
DaytonIda Eborn about 1873
DaytonNewell Cborn about 1923
DaytonSydney Pborn about 1877
DaytonVelma Aborn about 1902
DaytonWilliam Pborn about 1930
DeedsWalter Tborn about 1879
DehnClarence Lborn about 1904
DelamaterFlorence born about 1889
DelancyBernard Gborn about 1880
DelveyAda Hborn about 1904
DelveyDavid Eborn about 1927
DelveyErnest Sborn about 1898
DelveyEvelyn Mborn about 1926
DelveyFloyd Mborn about 1928
DelveyFred Wborn about 1939
DemattiaGuy born about 1908
DeningPhillip Hborn about 1892
DeyleLeo Lborn about 1912
DonaldsonRobert born about
DonnellyGeorge Fborn about 1881
DoolingThomas Gborn about 1889
DrumMajor born about 1882
DunbarBenj Fborn about 1892
DuncombeJosepha born about 1883
DunearJohn Aborn about 1887

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E Surnames

EakinsMorris born about 1936
EarlErnest Wborn about 1910
EarlGertrude born about 1925
EarlJ Oborn about 1872
EdringtonGrace Eborn about 1880
EdringtonPatricia Lborn about 1925
EdringtonWilliam Tborn about 1875
EdwardsCoamo born about 1888
EdwardsZella Lborn about 1895
EgoroffJohn born about 1886
EllisPatrick Eborn about 1873
EllsowrthHarry born about 1888
EmeryAaron Cborn about 1914
EngelJohn Aborn about 1888
EvansEugne Aborn about 1914
EvansEvelyn Mborn about 1888
EvansGeorge Wborn about 1880
EvansHelen Pborn about 1918
EvansJohn Cborn about 1871
EvansLillian Eborn about 1888
EvansMerle born about 1912
EvansThomas Cborn about 1877

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F Surnames

FackuellGeorge Oborn about 1884
FautPerry Aborn about 1883
FavisJoseph born about 1888
FerrariRobert born about 1877
FieldClyde Dborn about 1877
FlahertyJames born about 1899
FlynnJohn Hborn about 1880
ForrestJoseph Gborn about 1889
ForsterWilly Bborn about 1894
FownsendLeon Fborn about 1906
FoxDaniel Pborn about 1909
FrainGeorge born about 1884
FranklinWesly Cborn about 1890
FraserHarvey Iborn about 1883
FrayeDewey born about 1900
FrazeeGeorg Eborn about 1891

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G Surnames

GalceCharle Pborn about 1908
GandnerLeo born about 1904
GarrellWalter Lborn about 1899
GarrnettJohn born about 1915
GarsiaRaymond born about 1931
GarvinJames Lborn about 1904
GeorgeWilliam Fborn about 1897
GerlachAdolph Fborn about 1877
GetzelmanLucile born about 1908
GetzelmanMaurice Max Cborn about 1903
GibsonGeorge Hborn about 1888
GibsonJohn Cborn about 1914
GiffinJohn Aborn about 1903
GillitteEsther Cborn about 1879
GillitteFrank Eborn about 1905
GillomEdward born about 1878
GiseetteJanise Mborn about 1938
GiseetteRachel Mborn about 1915
GiseetteRichard Wborn about 1936
GiseetteWalter Hborn about 1911
GoffinetCarl born about 1887
GoldurosJose born about 1889
GordonHenry Cborn about 1882
GorgonClyde Cborn about 1883
GrasslePaul Cborn about 1902
GraybillJohn Pborn about 1880
GreerChester born about 1907
GriffethsFred Gborn about 1891
GrimesJohn born about 1886
GrimesWilliam Wborn about 1872
GuestRussell born about 1899
GutsonHobart born about 1901

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H Surnames

HallWillie Gborn about 1901
HamiltonEnne Wborn about 1918
HammondDavid born about 1912
HamnaHenry born about 1902
HaoHay born about 1896
HardFred Cborn about 1886
HardwickRichard Gborn about 1888
HaringtonRobert born about 1888
HarisJames born about 1886
HarlanAda Mborn about 1865
HarlanFred Aborn about 1906
HarlanGeorge Hborn about 1894
HarlanLula Mayborn about 1890
HarlanM Esterborn about 1893
HarlanMarian born about 1908
HarlanStanley born about 1923
HarlanWilbur Jborn about 1861
HarrellTroy Lborn about 1914
HarringtonCharles Lborn about 1885
HarrisCallie born about 1864
HarrisJames Rborn about 1908
HarrisTheodore born about 1917
HarveyThomas Dborn about 1893
HaubenschildCharles born about 1886
HawardJohn born about 1889
HayesClyde Aborn about 1881
HeadicehEdwin born about 1913
HeibelRoy Lborn about 1882
HeinsenC Gborn about 1883
HeinsenGeorge Jborn about 1908
HeinsenGeorge Nborn about 1887
HeinsenMarie Cborn about 1887
HeinsenMary Dborn about 1895
HeinsenValance born about 1920
HendersonKelly born about 1908
HendersonSilors born about 1918
HenehanMike Dborn about 1895
HersomEmma born about 1869
HersomJohn Rborn about 1870
HesslerFrank Jborn about 1910
HewittLeland Hborn about 1900
HicklingArther born about 1902
HilbachMartin born about 1888
HildrethElmer born about 1880
HillWayne born about 1895
HiltonVirgil Wborn about 1901
HiruyJohn born about 1888
HoammondHarold Nborn about 1900
HopeJames born about 1886
HordJames born about 1884
HorningCharles born about 1879
HowardJames Lborn about 1892
HowellJessie born about 1915
HunterDonald Bborn about 1929
HunterNadyne Rborn about 1924
HunterWilliam born about 1890
HysellBarbara born about 1937
HysellClarence born about 1902
HysellGeraldine born about 1932
HysellMargaret born about 1911

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J Surnames

JacksonCharles Vborn about 1904
JacksonIda Bborn about 1871
JacksonJohn Jborn about 1906
JamesArthur Jborn about 1892
JohnsonCharles Jborn about 1884
JohnsonChris Oborn about 1890
JohnsonEarl Eborn about 1917
JohnsonHerbert born about 1895
JohnsonTyler Jborn about 1898
JonesRobert Dborn about 1879
JustissWilliam Hborn about 1890

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K Surnames

KachlerEdward born about 1894
KahanutJames born about 1901
KahutJoseph born about 1899
KaniesRaymond born about 1891
KarbenAlbert born about 1892
KearnsHenry born about 1880
KeelyWalter born about 1890
KellyJames Lborn about 1902
KenedyWilliam Wborn about 1895
KerbaughJoseph Oborn about 1891
KerriganJoseph born about 1886
KersadoJames born about 1895
KiddMalcomm born about 1905
KilgoneFerrell Gborn about 1895
KilsdonkAngeline born about 1897
KilsdonkJ Henryborn about 1878
KinderJennie Sborn about 1868
KinderPhilip Jborn about 1910
KinderStewart Mborn about 1895
KingHenry born about 1914
KintRobert Lborn about 1890
KreabelJames Mborn about 1864
KreabelMargaret Cborn about 1874
KuyJohn born about 1875

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L Surnames

LamellaWaurisico Dborn about 1892
LanaganJoseph born about 1890
LaquesDrayton Uborn about 1898
LashewDavid Wborn about 1884
LauyhLin Williard Gborn about 1902
LavayssePaul born about 1908
LaweJohn born about 1879
LeachJohn Pborn about 1905
LeahnamdHenry born about 1888
LearyEdward Dborn about 1900
LeeThomas Pborn about 1887
LemarieMrs Nellieborn about 1862
LeonardEdward born about 1890
LerchWilliam born about 1889
LewisBonny born about 1887
LewisJess Eborn about 1893
LewisThomas Fborn about 1895
LiddleBert Lborn about 1883
LightSromton Hborn about 1880
LilfordMirell born about 1905
LindsayEdward born about 1887
LinnRoy Eborn about 1905
LofredoTony born about 1879
LombardiPat born about 1901
LongmireAlbert Sborn about 1870
LoreVeil Gborn about 1900
LovgrenOtto Wborn about 1903
LuganOren born about 1880
LuganWalter born about
LuomaGeorge Eborn about 1906
LynchRobert Eborn about 1913

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M Surnames

MaggniEmma born about 1913
MaggniJoe born about 1902
MajeskiHenry Dborn about 1894
MallettaEarl Lborn about 1881
MallettaRuby Aborn about 1886
MarisGladys Mborn about 1877
MarisMary Eborn about 1930
MarisNorma Lborn about 1932
MarisRay Dborn about 1905
MarisVelma Fborn about 1928
MarphyMchenry C Abborn about 1864
MarphyVinnie born about 1874
MarstersGeorge Eborn about 1898
MartimezAlbert Bborn about 1906
MartinAmy born about 1915
MartinJoan born about 1939
MartinLewis Mborn about 1937
MartinMozzini born about 1912
MartinThomas born about 1886
MartinWilliam born about 1892
MartinosBerta born about 1935
MartinosHenry born about 1937
MartinosJ Hborn about 1909
MartinosMary born about 1912
MartinosPhillip born about 1891
MartonLewis Gborn about 1878
MarvinFrances Fborn about 1899
MatsGabirela born about 1874
MatsManuel born about 1877
MattenAdolph Gborn about 1886
MaxwellJohn Lborn about 1890
McCallionJohn born about 1891
McCornuckBen born about 1900
McCornuckBernto born about 1934
McCornuckGurtrude born about 1920
McCornuckIrene born about 1930
McCornuckJohnnie born about 1924
McCornuckLaura born about 1922
McCornuckLawrence born about 1938
McCornuckPatricia born about 1930
McCornuckRosie born about 1927
McCornuckSantos born about 1928
McCornuckSusie born about 1904
McCornuckTheodore born about 1936
McCoyJames born about 1906
McDonaldGeorge Pborn about 1884
McGrathGilbert born about 1883
McIntorhHugh Rborn about 1892
McLaughlinJames Pborn about 1883
McMahonJames Eborn about 1895
McMullenJohn Aborn about 1881
McNillenHerbert Lborn about 1883
MeachamGilla Aborn about 1868
MelvilleHenry born about 1882
MerrittDorothy born about 1935
MerrittF Jborn about 1873
MerrittF J Jrborn about 1916
MerrittGearlld born about 1939
MerrittGeorge born about 1939
MerrittJeanette born about 1934
MerrittMargery born about 1938
MerrittMarie born about 1937
MerrittMarlene born about 1935
MerrittMervin Vborn about 1902
MerrittMildred born about 1915
MerrittRoth born about 1906
MerrittShirley born about 1922
MerrittVirginia born about 1916
MerrittWarren Hborn about 1907
MerrittWilliam Eborn about 1909
MerrittWilliam Jr born about 1937
MetunBen Hborn about 1883
MicholasOnar Bborn about 1917
MicholasWillis born about 1915
MickleWilliam born about 1884
MillerGlenn Lborn about 1904
MillsCharles Jborn about 1910
MoenRalph Iborn about 1900
MonagueJanes born about 1894
MoriurityEdward born about 1911
MorrisonFrank Jborn about 1885
MorrtyHerbert born about 1897
MurphyJames Gborn about 1890
MyersAnna born about 1881
MyersCharles born about 1898
MyersGrover Cborn about 1885
MyersHelen born about 1894
MyersJ Wilsonborn about 1883
MyersJohn Lborn about 1877
MyersJohn S Nborn about 1911
MyersLaura Bborn about 1889
MyersLeo born about 1924
MyersMartha born about 1927
MyersRobert born about 1913
MyersRobt Cborn about 1913

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N Surnames

NappoFrancis born about 1886
NealBillie Jborn about 1934
NealEdwin Wborn about 1911
NealEdwin Wborn about 1935
NealEmily Wborn about 1885
NealFern born about 1909
NelsonFrank born about 1891
NottL born about 1892

O Surnames

ObrienMichail Sborn about 1891
OdomFrank born about 1887
OdonLebron Gborn about 1881
OlearyDaniel Jborn about 1870
OmanJoseph Wborn about 1883
OneillHigh Jborn about 1909
OneillPhillip Jborn about 1894
OwensHolland Rborn about 1888

P Surnames

PalmerArthur Bborn about 1880
ParlettBertha born about 1906
ParlettCharles Hborn about 1902
ParlettHelen Vborn about 1927
ParlettMartin Hborn about 1929
PaulsenAnna Lborn about 1864
PaulsenFitz born about 1895
PaulsenIda Lorenaborn about 1895
PaulsenPhilip Wborn about 1923
PaulsenRobert born about 1890
PaulsenSam born about 1894
PaulsenWilliam born about 1886
PaulsonDonna born about 1935
PaulsonInez born about 1916
PaulsonRoberto born about 1938
PaulsonWilbur born about 1916
PawlikowskiMary born about 1885
PembertonWalter born about 1918
PerkenaFrances born about 1908
PerkenaRocho Jaeborn about 1902
PetersonJames Jborn about 1889
PettyGilbert Aborn about 1890
PettyVisa Mborn about 1895
PhillipsBenny born about 1931
PhillipsCoy Mborn about 1911
PhillipsDale born about 1935
PhillipsErva born about 1911
PhillipsGelbert born about 1928
PhillipsKeith born about 1937
PierattI Mborn about 1885
PierattRichard Wborn about 1893
PikarJoseph born about 1894
PlanerVirgil born about 1914
PlaskettCarl born about 1925
PlaskettClifford Kborn about 1920
PlaskettCyril born about 1915
PlaskettDavid born about 1931
PlaskettLawrence born about 1930
PlaskettLawsen Mborn about 1884
PlaskettMargaret born about 1920
PlaskettRobert born about 1925
PorterRonwell Pborn about 1890
PowersAlbert Lborn about 1903
PowersBarbara Lborn about 1924
PowersBorghild born about 1894
PowersDonna Iborn about 1935
PowersFlora Lborn about 1909
PowersPreston Aborn about 1888
PriceRex Pborn about 1901
PudrickCharles born about 1885
PurdeyRoy born about 1892

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R Surnames

RaganPercy born about 1901
RandallWilliam Lborn about 1886
RayDavid Lborn about 1859
RedmondCharses born about 1889
RedmondHarry Gborn about 1881
RedmondSarah born about 1858
RedmondSusan Eborn about 1887
ReeseJessie born about 1919
RehachJohn born about 1910
RenfroFay born about 1920
RenfroGene born about 1939
RenfroOrvil born about 1918
RichardsonPaul Rborn about 1898
RichardsonRobert Fborn about 1892
RicoArthur Mborn about 1886
RigsbyWade Hborn about 1877
RiversOllie Mesborn about 1889
RobertsLaurence born about 1909
RobertsRobert Jborn about 1903
RobinsonEdward Sborn about 1915
RossHarry Dborn about 1900
RossLillian born about 1893
RothAlice born about 1899
RothAlvin Jborn about 1901
RothBetty Fborn about 1930
RothClarence Bborn about 1938
RothClyde Mborn about 1939
RothDorothy Fborn about 1929
RothEllis Tborn about 1935
RothEmma Hborn about 1874
RothEmogene Hborn about 1934
RothFred Mborn about 1898
RothFreddie born about 1928
RothGladys Lborn about 1913
RothHenry born about 1914
RothIrene Pborn about 1936
RothMerle Aborn about 1938
RothMilward Wborn about 1932
RothVirginia Aborn about 1926
RouseCharles born about 1907
RubenDaniel born about 1916
RuckleyJames born about 1910
RuizArchie born about 1912
RuizGrace born about 1918
RuizPatrick born about 1937
RuizSteven born about 1938
RussellEdna Wborn about 1886
RussellGeorge Wborn about 1889
RyanJames Rborn about 1901

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S Surnames

SandsAnita Wborn about 1913
SandsEmma Iborn about 1887
SandsMaynard born about 1908
SaryentOscar Jborn about 1890
SauderCharles Mborn about 1914
SauderFlorence Cborn about 1913
SauderPatricia Aborn about 1937
SauderVernon Jborn about 1938
SaylerCharles Oborn about 1877
SaylerHenretta born about 1916
SaylerMaud Eborn about 1885
SaylorCalverne born about 1936
SaylorClarence Gborn about 1910
SaylorIrma Lborn about 1910
SaylorRobert Gborn about 1938
ScalonWilliam Gborn about 1888
SchortJohn born about 1906
SchultzGeorge Nborn about 1884
ScottPaul Leborn about 1904
ScottRobert born about 1906
ScottRobrt Bborn about 1876
SendersonMarie born about 1901
SendersonThelma born about 1925
ShimnerClifferd Cborn about 1892
ShorbAleen born about 1886
SkowEdward born about 1880
SmithAnna Lborn about 1905
SmithArchie Lborn about 1928
SmithCharlie born about 1891
SmithDonnie Bborn about 1873
SmithDora Tborn about 1856
SmithGeorge born about 1891
SmithJackie Hborn about 1935
SmithJames born about 1890
SmithJames Tborn about 1928
SmithJernio born about 1926
SmithLeland Hborn about 1899
SmithLewis Hborn about 1894
SmithLucilla born about 1908
SmithOtto Iborn about 1915
SmithOtto Rborn about 1901
SmithRay Tborn about 1913
SmithRaymond Rborn about 1897
SmithRoy Bborn about 1912
SmithWilliam Sborn about 1891
SmithWillie Dborn about 1913
SperesFrank born about 1886
StanleyAlva Gborn about 1915
StarrLee Eborn about 1878
StellDavis Eborn about 1907
SternHenry born about 1893
StewartDaniel Aborn about 1904
StewartWilliam born about 1903
StilesClifford born about 1888
StiltsEdward Cborn about 1914
StiltsIla Mborn about 1886
StorneEarnest Eborn about 1900
StoryJohn Cborn about 1878
StricklandHarmond born about 1916
SutfinElden Cborn about 1897
SutfinHelen Cborn about 1939
SutfinRamona Rborn about 1905

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T Surnames

TallandWillian Jborn about 1891
TalleyG Hborn about 1877
TankeslyDarcey born about 1922
TerryRichard Vborn about 1887
ThomasDorman born about 1900
ThomasDorman Gborn about 1923
ThomasHenentta born about 1901
ThomasVern Wborn about 1925
ThrelkeldDeane Aborn about 1895
TimmonsErnest Nborn about 1876
TomlimsonBarbara born about 1931
TomlimsonCarole born about 1919
TomlimsonConstance born about 1898
TomlimsonGlen Wborn about 1899
TooheyDaniel Jborn about 1906
TrigesatrongAlbert born about 1900
TuckerLee born about 1916
TullockDorthy Bborn about 1939
TullockMargaret born about 1914
TullockRobert Jborn about 1911

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U Surnames

UmelSavero Nborn about 1912
UssguezAntonio born about 1885
UssguezGenevieve born about 1907

V Surnames

ValdezGeorge born about 1883
ValdezJoe born about 1872
ValdezMarie born about 1893
ValdezNellie born about 1907
ValdezS Jborn about 1923
VanclarpePhilip born about 1895
VanpeltPeter Jborn about 1890
VardaYean born about 1894
VasquezMildred born about 1920
VasquezRobert born about 1912
VaughnFred Bborn about 1890
VernonLawrence born about 1895

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W Surnames

WalesenJack Fborn about 1889
WalesenLorenz born about 1895
WalesenNeil Lborn about 1939
WalesenOlive Eborn about 1909
WalkerGeorge born about 1901
WalterRobert born about 1921
WardDuand born about 1905
WardWebster born about 1880
WascoeRaymond born about 1902
WataenGeorge born about 1889
WatersEarl Rborn about 1888
WeberRobert born about 1916
WeensJames Pborn about 1886
WeferlingArchie Mborn about 1910
WeferlingDuane born about 1935
WeferlingEdna born about 1913
WeferlingErnest Aborn about 1911
WeferlingFritz Eborn about 1872
WeferlingJoy born about 1924
WeferlingMyrtis born about 1880
WegnerEdward born about 1886
WellsJames Sborn about 1900
WhitmerBurr Aborn about 1887
WhitmoreClarence born about 1883
WhittneyDorene Rborn about 1907
WhittneyHarle Lborn about 1903
WhittneyShirley Lborn about 1930
WilbergNorbert Fborn about 1888
WilcoxHenry born about 1878
WileyClaude born about 1886
WileyMary born about 1896
WileyWilliam Eborn about 1894
WilkersonBobby Jborn about 1930
WilkersonBruce born about 1900
WilkersonDonald born about 1932
WilkersonMerhl born about 1934
WilkersonPearl born about 1910
WilkersonPearl born about 1934
WilliamGeorge Cborn about 1888
WilliamsEdward Wborn about 1883
WilliamsFrank Fborn about 1891
WilsonCharley born about 1880
WoheltonWilliam born about 1898
WolffFred born about 1922
WolffHenry born about 1924
WoodAlfred born about 1917
WoodAlonzo born about 1926
WoodBarbara born about 1889
WoodJoshua born about 1888
WoodLaurel born about 1933
WoodRichard born about 1936
WoodSherron born about 1884
WoodThelma born about 1913
WoodWarren Wborn about 1908
WoodWilliam born about 1895
WoodwardWalter born about 1890
WordKenneth Bborn about 1908

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Y Surnames

YerdrliFrank born about 1900
YoungEdward Wborn about 1891
YoungMontie Rborn about 1930
YoungWatson Bborn about 1886
YoungerRenny Jborn about 1901
YutawskiStanley born about 1897

Z Surnames

ZarrJoseph born about 1893
ZulesdorfRalph born about 1915

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