1940 U.S. Federal Census of Westwood Village, Los Angeles, California

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > California > Los Angeles County > 1940 Census of Westwood Village

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlbeeDaisy born about 1913
AlcornJames born about 1895
AlcornJanice born about 1919
AlennEthel Lborn about 1877
AllenEleanor born about 1903
AllenEleanor Strongborn about 1933
AllenEmma Rborn about 1856
AllenThomas born about 1929
AllenWalter Wborn about 1892
AllnessPetra born about 1906
AlmonteManuel born about 1903
AmmannFrederick born about 1912
AnckerAbraham born about 1876
AnckerAnn born about 1877
AndersonBetty Nillborn about 1919
AndersonChreatsne born about 1885
AndersonEdith Lborn about 1930
AndersonJanet Cborn about 1924
AndersonLuther Cborn about 1899
AndersonMeryl Aborn about 1899
ArmerErnest Jborn about 1895
ArmerHanita Fborn about 1895
ArmerJohn Eborn about 1924
ArmerRobert Sborn about 1927
AronsonArthur Jborn about 1897
AronsonBarbara born about 1929
AronsonJoan born about 1934
AronsonRina born about 1901
AskenOlive born about 1892
AxtellStewart born about 1920
AylingHarry born about 1891
AylingHattie Belleborn about 1903
AylingJane Annborn about 1930

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B Surnames

BacharachEdith born about 1910
BaconTena born about 1891
BakerCharles born about 1892
BakerEva born about 1925
BakerMary born about 1892
BakerWilliam born about 1912
BaldwinAdric born about 1897
BaldwinBeecher born about 1927
BaldwinBurn born about 1939
BaldwinCarol born about 1937
BaldwinEthellyn born about 1897
BallBessie Agnesborn about 1880
BanerLucy born about 1903
BanerMarjory born about 1932
BanerPatricia born about 1927
BanerRobert born about 1900
BardtHarry Mborn about 1903
BardtMarguerite born about 1907
BarnesMadolon born about 1899
BarnesRichel Mborn about 1929
BarnettAnn Jborn about 1923
BarnettLelia J Jrborn about 1885
BarnettSamuel Jborn about 1885
BastheimEdmund born about 1884
BastheimIrene born about 1885
BathJean Dborn about 1913
BeaumontJeanette born about 1911
BeaumontJeanette born about 1937
BeaumontMary Jborn about 1933
BeckerMary born about 1905
BegiganMargaret born about 1885
BellAlex Hborn about 1891
BellBeverly Jborn about 1922
BellGertrude born about 1884
BellHazel Eborn about 1891
BellJoyce born about 1909
BellMary Geanborn about 1919
BellPretty born about 1918
BellRobert Oborn about 1885
BellWilliam born about 1912
BenellGeorgia born about 1885
BenellJohn born about 1880
BenellJohn Jr born about 1915
BennettDavid born about 1880
BestHenry Cborn about 1878
BestMay Yborn about 1877
BibberAnn Tborn about 1878
BiedermanDona born about 1926
BiedermanEdna born about 1891
BlackmarBetsy Annborn about 1940
BlackmarBetty Kborn about 1914
BlackmarRobert Cborn about 1912
BonceMary Mborn about 1882
BormanEmily born about 1882
BotkinHarry Pborn about 1908
BotkinLes Eborn about 1939
BotkinPerry L Jrborn about 1933
BotkinVirginia born about 1906
BouteljeBernice born about 1919
BouteljeFay born about 1896
BouteljePhil born about 1896
BowmanR Cborn about 1883
BoydLillian born about 1909
BrecherEve born about 1910
BrecherIra born about 1914
BriggsJulian Rborn about 1903
BriggsMorman born about 1935
BriggsOlive Hborn about 1910
BriggsRichard born about 1937
BronstonSamuel born about 1908
BronstonSarah born about 1911
BronstonWilliam Georgeborn about 1939
BrooksHope born about 1900
BrooksHope born about 1931
BrooksMeredith born about 1938
BrooksMiriam born about 1920
BrooksPalmer born about 1934
BrooksRobert Lborn about 1890
BrooksRobert Mooreborn about 1940
BrooksWhitney born about 1937
BrownMary Eborn about 1907
BryanMary born about 1907
BuchananSarah born about 1907
BufussWilliam born about 1918
BurnettFrances born about 1906
BurnettLawrenn Eborn about 1907
BurnsDavid Gborn about 1931
BurnsElizabeth Aborn about 1921
BurnsGretchen born about 1922
BurnsRush Lborn about 1878
BurnsRuth Gborn about 1884

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C Surnames

CallAllan Cborn about 1934
CallDora Leeborn about 1932
CallEdith born about 1903
CallJoseph Hborn about 1930
CallJoseph Lborn about 1904
CamageninPat Fborn about 1905
CampMargaret born about 1893
CampWalter Jr born about 1892
CampbellReta born about 1896
CampeBetty born about 1903
CampionGertrude Eborn about 1895
CampionHoward Aborn about 1895
CampionJane Marieborn about 1922
CappellJohn Fborn about 1912
CarafotesMary born about 1893
CarenepaMalcoln born about 1875
CarenepaMargaret born about 1888
CarrollGentha Aborn about 1898
CarrollNavey Aborn about 1930
CarrollPatricia Aborn about 1934
CarterDouglas born about 1931
CarterGregory born about 1909
CarterJoan born about 1939
CarterMary born about 1910
CassallMay born about 1898
CazelMargaret born about 1884
CeltEdward born about 1938
CeltFlorence born about 1899
CeltJohn born about 1899
CeltMary born about 1918
ChassAnne Rborn about 1868
CherryOpal Bborn about 1915
ClarkAndrews born about 1909
ClarkClaire Tborn about 1912
ClaybrookHarvey born about 1917
CliffordMargaret born about 1875
CoatesJune born about 1932
CoatesRuth born about 1902
CoatesSandra born about 1934
CoatesWallace Kborn about 1899
CoatesWallace Jr born about 1926
CohenLillian Rborn about 1902
CohenMargaret Jborn about 1898
CohenRichard Sborn about 1935
CohenSandra Aborn about 1936
ColemanDovie born about 1909
ColtFrances Rborn about 1917
CombsGloria born about 1926
CombsHelen born about 1903
CooperBelvy born about 1917
CorekinEdward born about 1926
CorekinPauline born about 1905
CorekinRobert born about 1923
CorekinSamuel born about 1895
CorekinSamuel Jr born about 1937
CowanGrethen Mborn about 1887
CowlanKathleen born about 1914
CowmanFloy born about 1898
CoxLila born about 1922
CrewsRandolph born about 1921
CristStella born about 1920
CrockettJosephine born about 1881
CumminsAdeline born about 1904
CumminsMarcia born about 1932
CumminsOscar Rborn about 1898
CurtinJane born about 1898
CurtinJohn born about 1923
CurtinNicholas born about 1929
CurtinRobert born about 1928
CurtinRobert F Jrborn about 1899

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D Surnames

DanaLillian born about 1915
DanahusAlice Mborn about 1895
DanahusAlma born about 1921
DanahusBarbara born about 1923
DazleyEvelyn born about 1915
DelineAlma born about 1906
DenitzHerbert born about 1903
DenitzMarion born about 1906
DenitzRonald born about 1928
DeofinBarbara Jborn about 1922
DerermyGrace born about 1896
DillariArmeeda born about 1900
DiperatlaFlora born about 1915
DiperatlaFredrick born about 1918
DobrofskyNaomi born about 1920
DobrofskyRuth born about 1920
DodoKiyome born about 1920
DonahueConstance born about 1925
DubinMarane Rborn about 1927
DubinMaxwell Hborn about 1901
DubinRuth born about 1903
DuschausElaine born about 1930
DuschausElsie born about 1894
DuschausGustave Sborn about 1891
DuschausPatricia born about 1928
DusenberryLucile born about 1911
DuttyJohn Hborn about 1918
DuttyRichard Pborn about 1921
DuttySydney Jr born about 1917
DwezatEdward born about 1901
DwezatEdward Jr born about 1924
DwezatRonald born about 1928
DwezatStella born about 1909

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E Surnames

EberleGenevieve born about 1914
EberleMary Virginiaborn about 1919
EckmanGrethen Mborn about 1900
EckmanT born about 1881
EdmundsonFlorence Sborn about 1881
EfinsRose born about 1898
EfinsSam born about 1890
EggeKaren born about 1895
ElisonGita born about 1923
ElmgronVivian Gborn about 1916
EpsteinLeslie born about 1938
EpsteinLillian Eborn about 1911
EpsteinPhilip Gborn about 1910
EpsteinRichard born about 1939
ErikssonFred born about 1924
ErikssonGunnar born about 1897
ErikssonOlive born about 1898
ErikssonYves born about 1927
EvansWillie Macborn about 1920
EverettMary born about 1896

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F Surnames

FalsomMark born about 1913
FantThomas born about 1886
FargherArthur Dborn about 1897
FargherJean born about 1927
FargherJesse Gborn about 1898
FinnnieAgnes born about 1866
FinnnieGeorge born about 1864
FinnnieGeorge Wborn about 1896
FishbainEdna born about 1908
FishbainJack born about 1904
FishbainMarlene born about 1931
FishbainNatalie born about 1936
FiteAlexander Greenborn about 1893
FiteAndre Dborn about 1931
FiteEmile Dborn about 1898
FiteJacquline born about 1927
FleninkenBodil born about 1918
FleninkenBrant born about 1917
FligelmanJoan born about 1924
FligelmanJulius born about 1896
FligelmanMolly born about 1902
FligelmanMona born about 1922
ForsythJean born about 1919
FortDeborah born about 1906
FortJames Fborn about 1936
FortJohn Eborn about 1934
FortWilliam Aborn about 1906
FosterMary Benborn about 1916
FosterVan Bborn about 1895
FrasherMary born about 1912
FreedentlalCarrie born about 1868

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G Surnames

GallespieDoris born about 1904
GalmerBeatrice born about 1912
GalmerRichard Jborn about 1908
GammonCatherine Lborn about 1891
GeigerLarus Mborn about 1921
GibbingE Jborn about 1867
GibbingSophie born about 1867
GlaudeNeoma born about 1904
GlendenMarjorie born about 1906
GlendenRichard Lborn about 1902
GobelJulia Tborn about 1875
GoldAnna born about 1873
GoldringArline born about 1929
GoldringMax born about 1893
GoldringPaul born about 1926
GoldringTillie born about 1901
GoodFrank Bborn about 1934
GoodFrederick Mborn about 1906
GoodFrederick Nborn about 1931
GoodRuth born about 1910
GoodSusan born about 1939
GoydEmma born about 1874
GoydMarie born about 1903
GranskyArthur born about 1921
GranskyIda born about 1895
GranskyIrving born about 1926
GranskyJohanna born about 1914
GranskyMases born about 1933
GranskyOla born about 1917
GranskyRay born about 1887
GrantFrank Aborn about 1885
GrantMiriam born about 1893
GrantMiriam born about 1920
GrantRichard born about 1918
GratzDonald born about 1938
GratzFlora born about 1897
GratzJacob Mborn about 1896
GratzMitchell born about 1931
GreenDorothy Bborn about 1916
GreenbergBernard Aborn about 1931
GreenbergErwin Lborn about 1934
GreenbergFlorence Sborn about 1901
GreenbergHenry Lborn about 1898
GreeneJane Aborn about 1929
GreeneNina Tborn about 1900
GregoryEmily born about 1905
GroneyBertha born about 1914

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H Surnames

HansonClaire born about 1919
HansonClarence Mborn about 1886
HansonHarriet born about 1925
HansonHelen Lborn about 1917
HansonHelen Rborn about 1891
HardyDavid born about 1924
HardyDorothy born about 1892
HardyRex born about 1890
HarrisFrederick born about 1910
HarrisJo Annborn about 1938
HarrisMaxine born about 1915
HeckmanMamie born about 1902
HeinEleanor born about 1909
HerzbergGlaydas born about 1900
HerzbergLouis born about 1898
HirochMartin born about 1883
HodgsonEvelyn born about 1900
HodgsonRobt Wborn about 1893
HoffensteinSamuel born about 1891
HoffmanCharles Hborn about 1912
HoffmanLawrence born about 1939
HoffmanMaxine born about 1911
HoffmanRuth born about 1937
HolmesLuther Rborn about 1883
HolmesNellie Vborn about 1888
HomerBetty Janeborn about 1929
HomerHoward Eborn about 1901
HomerKathryn Lborn about 1902
HomerPadricia Annborn about 1934
HooperFrancis Hborn about 1904
HowardCarolyn born about 1895
HowardClinton born about 1906
HoytMary born about 1864
HumistonOlive Mborn about 1888
HunterWanda Sborn about 1905
HurchHortense born about 1885
HurchJohn Sborn about 1904

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I Surnames

IrvingMillie born about 1912

J Surnames

JacobsonMaria born about 1892
JenkinsGeneva born about 1914
JohnsonClive Wborn about 1898
JohnsonClive W Jrborn about 1931
JohnsonDonn born about 1937
JohnsonLeland Sborn about 1911
JohnsonMargaret born about 1911
JohnsonSandra Leeborn about 1934
JohnsonWendolyn Bborn about 1898
JonesCatherine born about 1902
JonesEdith born about 1870
JonesElsie born about 1892
JonesGeorge born about 1869
JonesMary Eborn about 1886
JonesPercy Hborn about 1892
JonesWilliam Cborn about 1885

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K Surnames

KasserSegrid born about 1909
KaufmanDonald Bborn about 1939
KaufmanIra born about 1905
KaufmanThelma Bborn about 1905
KeagyEvelyn Hborn about 1911
KeagyHilan Fborn about 1908
KeagyRichard Hborn about 1936
KeagySusan born about 1938
KellerLillian born about 1885
KelleyDorothy born about 1893
KenneyFlorence Aborn about 1890
KenneyGrover Jborn about 1888
KenneyRobert Hborn about 1922
KerensMary born about 1923
KerpenGeorgina born about 1894
KironsMary Cborn about 1900
KischelAdelaide born about 1873
KnochelGrace born about 1898
KockCaroline born about 1903
KoonerHelen born about 1907
KramerAllen born about 1913
KroneJulie born about 1939
KroneSylvia born about 1914
KroneVictor born about 1911
KuceraHelen born about 1914

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L Surnames

LabarieCuday born about 1916
LabarieNiley born about 1910
LaneVera born about 1917
LaravaVandis born about 1919
LaughlinHelen born about 1881
LeeBessie born about 1916
LeeElva born about 1897
LeinaValma born about 1905
LieHenry Wborn about 1911
LightHelen born about 1905
LindopDavid born about 1930
LindopEdmund Fborn about 1901
LindopEdmund F Jrborn about 1926
LindopSarah born about 1904
LlodysGeorge born about 1906
LlodysVesta born about 1912
LockermanMagdalina born about 1891
LockermanWilliam Hborn about 1886
LockieClyde Sborn about 1906
LockieHoward Mborn about 1904
LockieLynn born about 1936
LockieToromy born about 1931
LongJames born about 1897
LongMyrtle Dborn about 1875
LongstallKate born about 1891
LongycarEdmund Jborn about 1865
LongycarEdmund Jr born about 1907
LongycarNeveda born about 1868
LurfordLavome Jborn about 1915

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M Surnames

MacgregorK Eborn about 1894
MacgregorWiilshert born about 1932
MackeyJack Aborn about 1912
MackeyJack Bborn about 1932
MackeyKathryn Bborn about 1913
MadarigCharles born about 1904
MadarigCharles Jr born about 1930
MadarigElizabeth born about 1909
MadarigSusan Maeborn about 1933
MahaffeyH Eborn about 1877
MahaffeyMartha Lborn about 1882
MarerAda born about 1894
MarerArthur Aborn about 1894
MarerMerritt born about 1917
MarerRichard born about 1926
MarkerAnne born about 1874
MarshallAndrew Cborn about 1891
MarshallAndrew Sborn about 1930
MarshallEdna Sborn about 1895
MarshallFrederick born about 1936
MarshallJack born about 1921
MarshallMargaret born about 1937
MarshallMargaret Lborn about 1903
MarshallNancy born about 1919
MartinMary born about 1883
MasherEdwin Eborn about 1927
MasherMareha Hborn about 1899
MasserHarry Lborn about 1890
MasserHarry L Jrborn about 1923
MasserMildred born about 1892
MasserRose Gborn about 1924
MayfieldEula born about 1914
McCuneNancy born about 1930
McCuneNancy Gborn about 1906
McCuneRichard Sborn about 1904
McCuneRichard S Jrborn about 1934
McGinley born about 1891
McGinleyFrank Fborn about 1879
McGouraEdward born about 1880
McGouraMary Eborn about 1877
McGuireMary born about 1890
McRacCatherine born about 1893
MellwinIrene Aborn about 1898
MellwinJack born about 1927
MellwinJack Lborn about 1899
MendlisAlbert born about 1918
MetroDorothy Jborn about 1920
MeyerAndrew Dborn about 1930
MeyerAndrew Zborn about 1902
MeyerJane born about 1934
MeyerMadeline born about 1908
MeyersEthel born about 1891
MillerHarry Jborn about 1905
MillerLawrence born about 1932
MillerLucinda born about 1890
MillerMarilynn born about 1916
MillerRalph born about 1889
MillerRoland born about 1912
MillerSandra born about 1935
MillerSidney born about 1905
MillettEdward Mborn about 1931
MillettEdward Jr born about 1907
MillettJanet born about 1907
MillettNancy born about 1935
MinardAlan born about 1920
MinardAnna Lborn about 1885
MinardFrederick Hborn about 1873
MitchellVern Mborn about 1920
MixonVera born about 1902
MolerRuth Dborn about 1918
MonsonAlbert Cborn about 1876
MonsonLena born about 1856
MonsonMary Dborn about 1880
MontgomoryLulu Hborn about 1897
MooreDorthea born about 1860
MooreErnest Cborn about 1871
MooreGeorge Fborn about 1898
MooreGrace Dborn about 1888
MooreJudith Aborn about 1937
MoorePauline Bborn about 1904
MorreseyWilliam born about 1891
MoyseAlberta born about 1903
MoyseGeorge born about 1927
MoyseHolli Jr born about 1930
MoyseHollis born about 1903
MoyseVirginia born about 1932
MullenAlogessie Jborn about 1896
MullenMary Eborn about 1890
MullenMary Eborn about 1921
MullenThomas Hborn about 1926
MurlockEdith born about 1909
MurreyMorris Rborn about 1895

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N Surnames

NanciElizabeth born about 1867
NegroBeatrice born about 1896
NelsonElizabeth born about 1892
NelsonMary Eborn about 1921
NelsonMildred born about 1911
NelsonT Edgarborn about 1909
NordalNelson born about 1900

O Surnames

OaywellMaybelle born about 1912
ObrienMargaret born about 1907
OhlAlfred Fborn about 1899
OhlGerrit born about 1931
OhlHelen born about 1898
OhlLawrence born about 1937
OhlMichael born about 1935
OrnitzEdward Marshallborn about 1929
OrnitzMatilda Aborn about 1900
OsthausCarl born about 1862
OsthausHelen born about 1871

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P Surnames

PalmerAlvan born about 1901
PalmerJoyce born about 1931
PalmerMarilyn born about 1927
PalmerMartha born about 1903
PatlachLeon born about 1917
PearceChas Dborn about 1922
PearceGertrude Sborn about 1898
PenkertonWilliam Hborn about 1865
PilsonAnne born about 1924
PilsonNancy born about 1927
PizarroConstance born about 1925
PizarroGeorge born about 1894
PizarroMarguerite born about 1892
PostErma Dborn about 1883
PostL Fborn about 1873
PowellElizabeth born about 1907
PowellHarold born about 1900
PowellKatherine born about 1929
ProskJerry born about 1917
ProskPhyllis born about 1919
PughEugene Vborn about 1890
PughGertrude Pborn about 1894

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R Surnames

RassenCarol born about 1937
RassenStephen born about 1939
RassenSue born about 1913
ReepertAlex born about 1904
ReepertBetty born about 1906
ReepertJanet born about 1927
ReynoldsEarle born about 1886
RichardsJane born about 1885
RiskeyWilson Cborn about 1926
RiterFrancis born about 1885
RiterWilliam Cborn about 1890
RobertsBeatrice Smity Dborn about 1908
RobertsSusan born about 1877
RobinsonAnna born about 1868
RolappDavid Rborn about 1937
RolappDeanne Pborn about 1900
RolappWalter Hborn about 1899
RoseMinnie born about 1890
RosenbergBetty born about 1900
RosenbergJack born about 1921
RosenbergJerry born about 1933
RosenbergJoyce born about 1926
RosenbergMax born about 1892
RosenbergWilliam born about 1919
RossBlanche born about 1913
RothschildBessie born about 1903
RothschildJudith born about 1940
RothschildLeon born about 1903
RothsteinAnna born about 1895
RothsteinCharles born about 1888
RozzoBarbara born about 1917
RozzoWilliam Rborn about 1914
RussellEmylyn born about 1908

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S Surnames

SallAnna born about 1888
SallMagdalina born about 1870
SandmayerDorothy born about 1903
SandmayerPaul born about 1895
SandmayerStephen born about 1938
SawyerJ Ruthborn about 1899
SawyerMark Aborn about 1899
SawyerStillman born about 1925
SchimanskyHelene born about 1903
SchoenDeane born about 1931
SchoenMuriel born about 1908
SchoenbrunElizabeth born about 1912
SchoenbrunHelen Fborn about 1938
SchoenbrunLeo born about 1905
SchoenbrunRichard Lborn about 1933
ScottLa Verne born about 1919
SeibertDona Aborn about 1882
SeibertRoch Ireneborn about 1876
SetaroAndrea born about 1884
SetaroHelen born about 1886
SharpConstance born about 1895
SharpDaisy Mborn about 1869
ShawGuy J Sborn about 1888
ShawLauracels born about 1888
SheffieldJohn Eborn about 1912
ShidelerBertha Oborn about 1875
ShidelerEdwin Fborn about 1871
ShiellAlan born about 1931
ShiellIrvin born about 1921
ShiellOscar born about 1902
ShiellTina born about 1901
SmithAdelle born about 1908
SmithAnne Fborn about 1875
SmithCaroline born about 1880
SmithEmma born about 1885
SmithJona Jborn about 1921
SmithMargaret born about 1876
SmithMildred born about 1912
SmithNonie Bborn about 1901
SmithRobinson born about 1882
SmithWilliam Vborn about 1929
SniderBeatrice born about 1918
SniderGordon born about 1916
SollAlfred born about 1891
SollFrederick born about 1930
SollMarion born about 1899
SollMarjorie born about 1927
SolomonBernard born about 1902
SolomonDorothy born about 1909
SolomonHerman born about 1938
SpencerEthel born about 1884
StakeMore born about 1895
SteivartMadeline born about 1909
StevensAlma born about 1918
StewertAlice Mborn about 1865
StockmanBlanche born about 1905
StockmanDavid Twogoodborn about 1930
StockmanWm Lorranceborn about 1898
StoneBetty Aliceborn about 1921
StoneHarford Eborn about 1892
StoneMary born about 1896
StoneRobert Kborn about 1924
StonerJames born about 1917
StonerJulia born about 1887
StrahornGrace Aborn about 1868
StraussBarbara Aborn about 1922
StraussJoan Rborn about 1916
StraussRichard Sborn about 1920
StraussTheresa Lborn about 1890
SummersVera born about 1912
SurrelConnie born about 1905
SutterleAnn born about 1916
SutterleEleanor Fborn about 1893
SutterleFrederick Wborn about 1889
SutterleFrederick W Iiiborn about 1914
SutterleLorrest Eborn about 1915

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T Surnames

TaniguchiTomi born about 1914
TeepleEdna born about 1878
TeeplePercy Morganborn about 1880
ThiemeAnn born about 1921
ThiemeFrederick born about 1897
ThiemeMary born about 1872
ThiemeRobert born about 1895
ThiemeRobert Jr born about 1918
ThilsMary Louborn about 1920
ThompsonArthur born about 1905
ThompsonLa Rin born about 1932
ThompsonLucy Eborn about 1910
ThompsonMargaret born about 1905
ThompsonMary Mborn about 1889
TingHelen born about 1888
TingHelen born about 1912
TrosterBarbara born about 1920
TrosterEmily Annborn about 1934
TrosterEmily Kborn about 1897
TrosterJohn Kborn about 1921
TuckerMattie born about 1917
TullarCharlotte born about 1891

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U Surnames

UlmerFrank born about 1896
UtterbackViolet born about 1903

V Surnames

VankeurenIdabel born about 1904
VankeurenLee Annborn about 1931
VankeurenSidney Sborn about 1901
VanvelzanMary born about 1921

W Surnames

WaerbaryW Hborn about 1887
WalderDorothy born about 1890
WalkerPearl born about 1912
WalkersonAddie born about 1913
WallerFrederick born about 1894
WallerGellerte born about 1918
WallerGerard born about 1928
WallerJane born about 1894
WallerLillian born about 1923
WardEverett Aborn about 1896
WardMaggie born about 1909
WardNancy born about 1897
WardPhyllis born about 1920
WaschkeFrances born about 1896
WaschkeH Cborn about 1895
WaterburyCharlott born about 1893
WatrsJ A Cborn about 1892
WeissLewro Aborn about 1893
WeissPatricia Sborn about 1923
WeissSue Cborn about 1899
WelleyCora born about 1879
WelleyGay Aborn about 1879
WelleyWailman Tborn about 1908
WheppleLeora born about 1912
WigginsAnna Bborn about 1867
WilliamSean born about 1916
WilsonJessie Lborn about 1881
WilsonMary Eborn about 1871
WilsonNeoma born about 1907
WimbridgeEleanor Rborn about 1891
WimbridgeHarry Aborn about 1892
WimbridgeMary Aborn about 1925
WinerSylvia born about 1920
WisemanMary Eborn about 1911
WolframMarie born about 1889
WooWalter born about 1926
WordArthur born about 1894
WordCarolyn born about 1909
WrightBarbara born about 1924
WrightHarriet born about 1900
WrightLuke born about 1890
WrightRichard born about 1932

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Y Surnames

YakerDavid Nborn about 1892
YakerMae Meyersborn about 1897

Z Surnames

ZromerMary Aborn about 1887
ZuckerJack born about 1899
ZuckerJerry born about 1927
ZuckerMarcia born about 1930
ZuckerSydell born about 1904

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