Nevada City Genealogy (in Nevada County, CA)

USA (1,380,571) > California (36,137) > Nevada County (474) > Nevada City (108)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Nevada City are also found through the Nevada County and California pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Nevada City Birth Records

Nevada County, California, index to birth records, 1873-1984 FamilySearch Library

Nevada City Cemetery Records

City Cemetery (included in California, Mortuary and Cemetery Records, 1801-193) Ancestry online

Deer Creek Cemetery Find a Grave online

Forest View Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Forest View Cemetery Find a Grave online

Historic Nevada County Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nevada City County Hospital Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nevada City Jewish Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nevada City Old Odd Fellows & Masonic Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Nevada Co., cemetery census & death records, 1922-1983 FamilySearch Library

Old Cemetery (included in California, Mortuary and Cemetery Records, 1801-193) Ancestry online

Pine Grove Cemetery Billion Graves online

Pine Grove Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Pine Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pine Grove Cemetery Woodmen of the World Burials Interment online

Pine Grove Cemetery Woodmen of the World Burials Interment online

Pioneer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pioneer Cemetery Billion Graves online

Pioneer Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Pioneer Cemetery, Nevada City US Gen Web Archives online

Pioneer Grove Billion Graves online

Saint Canice Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Canice Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Canice Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Sierra Memorial Lawn Billion Graves online

Sierra Memorial Lawn Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stockdale Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waite Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nevada City City Directories

Filter By Year:

Brown & Dallison's Nevada, Grass Valley and Rough and Ready directory for the year commencing January 1st, 1856 : including the first history of Nevada (city & county, California) FamilySearch Library

Grass Valley - Nevada City (Nevada County, Calif.) directory FamilySearch Library

Nevada City (California) city directories FamilySearch Library

Nevada City, CA 1856 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Nevada City, California, City Directory, 1861 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Sacramento, Amador, Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Solano, Sutter, Yolo & Yuba Telephone Directory 1931 Golden Nugget Library online

Sacramento, Amador, Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, & Yuba and part of Sierra and Solano Telephone Directory 1941 Golden Nugget Library online

Sacramento, Amador, Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, & Yuba and part of Sierra and Solano Telephone Directory 1944 Golden Nugget Library online

Sacramento, Amador, Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, & Yuba and part of Sierra and Solano Telephone Directory 1946 Golden Nugget Library online

Nevada City Death Records

Nevada Co., cemetery census & death records, 1922-1983 FamilySearch Library

Nevada City Histories and Genealogies

A tale of two cities and a train : history of the Nevada County narrow-gauge railroad, 1874-1942 FamilySearch Library

After the gold rush : society in Grass Valley and Nevada City, California, 1849-1870 FamilySearch Library

Brown & Dallison's Nevada, Grass Valley and Rough and Ready directory for the year commencing January 1st, 1856 : including the first history of Nevada (city & county, California) FamilySearch Library

I.O.O.F. miscellaneous name index : names taken from Register of Initiatory Degree FamilySearch Library

Nevada City's pine street bridge FamilySearch Library

Nevada City Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Nevada City, Nevada County, California, 1912 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Neveda City, Neveda County, California, January 1891 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Neveda City, Neveda County, California, July 1885 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Neveda City, Neveda County, California, October 1898 Library of Congress online

Nevada City Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Daily Miner-Transcript 1904-1907 online

Daily National Gazette 02/23/1871 to 11/18/1871 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Transcript 1885-1889 online

Morning Transcript 1860-1863 online

Nevada City Daily Transcript 1893-1904 online

Nevada City Democrat, 1856-1862 Newspaper Archive online

Nevada City Journal, 1851-1863 Newspaper Archive online

Nevada City Nugget (Nevada City, California) : Special Mining Number, Friday, May 10, 1929 FamilySearch Library

Nevada City Nugget 1928-1946 online

Nevada City Nugget 1950-1950 online

Nevada City-Grass Valley Nugget 1946-1950 online

Nevada County Nugget 1960-1984 online

Nevada County Nugget and Nevada City-Grass Valley Nugget and Tri -County News 1959-1960 online

Nevada Daily Transcript 01/08/1874 to 10/04/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Nevada Daily Transcript 1863-1885 online

Nevada Daily Transcript 1889-1893 online

Nevada Democrat (Nevada City, 1856-1862) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Nevada Democrat (Nevada, Calif.) (from Aug. 20, 1856 to Sept. 27, 1862) MyHeritage online

Nevada Democrat 08/20/1856 to 09/27/1862 Genealogy Bank online

Nevada Democrat 1856-1862 online

Nevada Journal (Nevada City, 1851-1863) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Nevada Journal 10/11/1851 to 11/04/1863 Genealogy Bank online

Nevada Journal 1851-1863 online

Nevada journal (Nevada City, Calif.) (from April 19, 1851 to Nov. 4, 1863) MyHeritage online

Nugget Shopper 1947-1948 online

The Nevada Democrat. (Nevada, Calif.) (from Aug. 20, 1856 to Sept. 27, 1862) Chronicling America online

The Nevada journal. (Nevada City, Calif.) (from April 19, 1851 to Nov. 4, 1863) Chronicling America online

Weekly National Gazette 06/04/1870 to 06/25/1870 Genealogy Bank online

Offline Newspapers for Nevada City

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Daily Miner-Transcript. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1904-1908

Daily Transcript. (Nevada City, Cal.) 1885-1889

Independent. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1971-1981

Morning Transcript. (Nevada [Nevada City] Calif.) 1860-1863

Mountain Messenger and the Independent. ([Nevada City] Nevada County, Calif.) 1982-1983

Mountain Messenger. (Nevada City, Ca.) 1979-1980

Nevada City Daily Transcript. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1893-1904

Nevada City Independent. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1969-1970

Nevada City Independent. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1981-1982

Nevada City News. (Nevada City [Calif.]) 1990-1990s

Nevada City Nugget. (Nevada City, Nev. County, Calif.) 1950-1952

Nevada City Nugget. (Nevada City, Nevada County, Calif.) 1920s-1946

Nevada City-Grass Valley Nugget. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1946-1950

Nevada City-Grass Valley Nugget. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1952-1957

Nevada County Citizen. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1959-1960

Nevada County Daily Morning Miner. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1903-1904

Nevada County Independent Messenger. (Nevada City, Nev. County, Calif.) 1984-Current

Nevada County Independent. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1970-1971

Nevada County Nugget and Nevada City-Grass Valley Nugget and Tri -County News. (Nevada City, Nev. County, Calif.) 1957-1960

Nevada County Nugget. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1960-1984

Nevada Daily Gazette. (Nevada [I.E. Nevada City], Calif.) 1864-1870

Nevada Daily Transcript. (Nevada City, Cal.) 1889-1893

Nevada Daily Transcript. (Nevada [Nevada City] Calif.) 1863-1885

Nevada Democrat. (Nevada, Calif.) 1854-1863

Nevada Tri-Weekly Herald. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1878-1886

Nevada Weekly Gazette. (Nevada, Calif.) 1867-1870

Sierra Life. (Nevada City, Ca.) 1978-1979

Western Slopes Connection. (Nevada City, Calif.) 1975-1979

Young America. (Nevada, Calif.) 1853-1854

Nevada City School Records

Nevada City High School - Quill Yearbook (Nevada City, CA), 1934 E Yearbook online

Nevada City High School yearbook, 1934 Classmates online

Nevada City High School yearbook, 1934 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Nevada City High School yearbook, 1934 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

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