USA (1,380,571) > California (36,137) > Santa Barbara County (706) > Santa Ynez (16)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Santa Ynez are also found through the Santa Barbara County and California pages.
Capuchin Cemetery Find a Grave
Capuchin Cemetery, also known as San Lorenzo Seminary Cemetery Billion Graves
Burial records of gente de razn 1811-1917 (Catholic Church. Mission Santa Ins (Santa Ynez, California)) FamilySearch Library
Extracts of church records, 1805-1917 (Catholic Church. Mission Santa Ins (Santa Ynez, California)) FamilySearch Library
Extracts of church records, 1805-1917, Part 2. Catholic Church Genealogy Gophers
Santa Ynez, California, City Directory, 1945 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Santa Ynez, California, City Directory, 1947 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
White Pages and Yellow Pages, Santa Ynez, January 1942 thru July 1955 Library of Congress
White Pages and Yellow Pages, Santa Ynez, July 1956 thru January 1962 Library of Congress
Where the light turns gold : the story of Santa Ynez Valley FamilySearch Library
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara County, California, 1909 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara County, California, June 1895 Library of Congress
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School - Pirate Revue Yearbook (Santa Ynez, CA), 1959, 1978, 1979, 1980 E Yearbook
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