1940 U.S. Federal Census of Apishapa, Las Animas, Colorado

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Colorado > Las Animas County > 1940 Census of Apishapa

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonDonald Kborn about 1937
AndersonHarry Aborn about 1889
AndersonLeslie Gborn about 1901
AndersonLloyd Gborn about 1935
AndersonPhyllis Jborn about 1933
AndersonThelma Eborn about 1914
ArchuletaJoe born about 1890

B Surnames

BarnesDavid Mborn about 1929
BarnesForest Oborn about 1898
BayesJohn Lborn about 1924
BayesLoran Eborn about 1897
BayesMaxine Eborn about 1927
BayesOllie Mborn about 1892
BeekArthur born about 1904
BlakesleeGrace born about 1893
BlakesleeSamuel Jborn about 1883
BourneElinor born about 1905
BourneWillis Fborn about 1901
BrownMary Aborn about 1912
BrownNeal born about 1912
BroylesBevie born about 1873
BroylesFannie Cborn about 1880
BroylesRobert Eborn about 1912

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C Surnames

ChavezMargaret Eborn about 1912

D Surnames

DewboPhillip Gborn about 1917
DorseyCharles Eborn about 1864

E Surnames

EdwardsJames Lborn about 1903

F Surnames

FergusonAlbert born about 1937
FergusonJohnnie born about 1934
FergusonLouis Fborn about 1929
FergusonMargaret born about 1912

G Surnames

GuisingerErvin Tborn about 1881
GuisingerHattie Mborn about 1897
GuruleCarlos born about 1886
GuruleFedolia born about 1884
GuruleManuelita born about 1927

H Surnames

HartClaudius Sborn about 1891
HartJanice Lborn about 1931
HartRoberta Aborn about 1924
HeerenCarl born about 1906
HeerenCarl Sborn about 1929
HeerenFrancis Dborn about 1933
HeerenGolda Dborn about 1937
HeerenGolda Mborn about 1910
HeerenKaren Lborn about 1940
HeerenNorma Lborn about 1935
HeerenTucie Eborn about 1931
HickoxThomas Bborn about 1893

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J Surnames

JohnsonRobert born about 1922

L Surnames

LambrechtArlene born about 1938
LambrechtEugene born about 1926
LambrechtFrank Bborn about 1894
LambrechtHarold Fborn about 1922
LambrechtInez born about 1936
LambrechtIrwin Eborn about 1923
LambrechtJulian Cborn about 1933
LambrechtLeslie Lborn about 1925
LambrechtNancy Eborn about 1901
LewisGeneva Lborn about 1915
LewisHoward Nborn about 1913

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M Surnames

MaresAbraham Jborn about 1927
MaresAdolfinia Fborn about 1889
MaresJacob Pborn about 1888
MarquezAlice born about 1930
MarquezAngelina Mborn about 1918
MarquezBennie born about 1926
MarquezDora Aborn about 1921
MarquezEva Eborn about 1917
MarquezHenry Dborn about 1939
MarquezHenry Eborn about 1912
MarquezJohnnie Bborn about 1924
MarquezJoseph Eborn about 1915
MarquezJuan Mborn about 1884
MarquezRebecca born about 1885
McDanielWilliam born about 1923
McDermottGeorge Hborn about 1887
McLainClent born about 1907
MeirhoferJohn born about 1890
MincicCharles born about 1921

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N Surnames

NelsonLouis Jborn about 1895
NelsonMarie born about 1905
NelsonMary Lborn about 1938

O Surnames

OrtizLorenzo born about 1882

P Surnames

PachecoBen born about 1897
PeachAnnie born about 1897
PeachAtta Bborn about 1938
PeachHattie Mborn about 1912
PeachHouston born about 1907
PeachTom Hborn about 1885
PeachTommie born about 1935
PedotAngela born about 1866
PedotAngelo born about 1895
PedotGiuseppe born about 1866
PedotJulian born about 1905
PedronViolet born about 1915
PoulterEdgel Hborn about 1892

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S Surnames

SchreinerIrene born about 1915
SchreinerLincoln Eborn about 1905
SchreinerPatricia born about 1934
SchreinerRoss born about 1937
SchreinerScotty born about 1935
ShupeDan Sborn about 1936
ShupeGuy Rborn about 1897
ShupeJuanita Mborn about 1935
ShupeLeola Lborn about 1917
StollerWilliam born about 1879

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V Surnames

ValdezCelestino born about 1898
ValdezCharles Aborn about 1914
ValdezDora Cborn about 1890
ValdezJames born about 1920
ValdezJose Pborn about 1886
ValdezJuanita born about 1867
ValdezLouisa Mborn about 1918
ValdezMary Jborn about 1924
ValdezPriscilla Mborn about 1931
ValdezProciopio born about 1862
ValdezRose born about 1902
ValdezRuby Gborn about 1927
ValdezSocorro Uborn about 1916

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W Surnames

WalkerWillie Tborn about 1856
WilliamsJ Dborn about 1920
WilliamsNora born about 1902
WilliamsSidney Gborn about 1897

Z Surnames

ZamoraManuel born about 1880

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